Exemplo n.º 1
function _parse_attributes($string)
    return is_array($string) ? $string : WPOTools::stringToArray($string);
  * Uninstalls
 function uninstall()
     global $wpdb;
     foreach ($this->db as $table) {
         $wpdb->query("DROP TABLE {$table} ");
     // Delete options
     WPOTools::deleteOptions(array('wpo_log', 'wpo_log_stdout', 'wpo_unixcron', 'wpo_croncode', 'wpo_cacheimages', 'wpo_cachepath'));
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Called when autoreader plugin is first activated
 public function activate($h, $force_install = false)
     // only re-install if there is new version or plugin has been uninstalled
     if ($force_install || !$h->getPluginVersion() || $h->getPluginVersion() != $this->version) {
         # autoreader_campaign
         $exists = $h->db->table_exists(str_replace(DB_PREFIX, "", $this->db['campaign']));
         if (!$exists) {
             $h->db->query("CREATE TABLE " . $this->db['campaign'] . " (\n                                id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,\n                                title varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',\n                                active tinyint(1) default '1',\n                                slug varchar(250) default '',\n                                template MEDIUMTEXT default '',\n                                frequency int(5) default '180',\n                                feeddate tinyint(1) default '0',\n                                cacheimages tinyint(1) default '1',\n                                posttype enum('new','pending','top') NOT NULL default 'pending',\n                                authorid int(11) default NULL,\n                                comment_status enum('open','closed','registered_only') NOT NULL default 'open',\n                                allowpings tinyint(1) default '1',\n                                dopingbacks tinyint(1) default '1',\n                                max smallint(3) default '10',\n                                linktosource tinyint(1) default '0',\n                                count int(11) default '0',\n                                lastactive datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',\n                                created_on datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',\n                                PRIMARY KEY (id)\n                           ) ENGINE=" . DB_ENGINE . " DEFAULT CHARSET=" . DB_CHARSET . " COLLATE=" . DB_COLLATE . " COMMENT='autoreader campaign'; ");
         } else {
             //update for 0.1 versions
             $sql = "ALTER TABLE " . $this->db['campaign'] . " MODIFY COLUMN posttype enum('new','pending','top') NOT NULL default 'pending'";
         # autoreader_campaign_category
         $exists = $h->db->table_exists(str_replace(DB_PREFIX, "", $this->db['campaign_category']));
         if (!$exists) {
             $h->db->query("CREATE TABLE " . $this->db['campaign_category'] . " (\n  \t\t\t\t\t\t    id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,\n  \t\t\t\t\t\t\t  category_id int(11) NOT NULL,\n  \t\t\t\t\t\t\t  campaign_id int(11) NOT NULL,\n  \t\t\t\t\t\t\t  PRIMARY KEY  (id)\n  \t\t\t\t\t\t ) ENGINE=" . DB_ENGINE . " DEFAULT CHARSET=" . DB_CHARSET . " COLLATE=" . DB_COLLATE . " COMMENT='autoreader campaign category'; ");
         # autoreader_campaign_feed
         $exists = $h->db->table_exists(str_replace(DB_PREFIX, "", $this->db['campaign_feed']));
         if (!$exists) {
             $h->db->query("CREATE TABLE " . $this->db['campaign_feed'] . " (\n                                id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,\n                                  campaign_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0',\n                                  url varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',\n                                  type varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',\n                                  title varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',\n                                  description varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',\n                                  logo varchar(255) default '',\n                                  count int(11) default '0',\n                                  hash varchar(255) default '',\n                                  lastactive datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',\n                                  PRIMARY KEY  (id)\n                             ) ENGINE=" . DB_ENGINE . " DEFAULT CHARSET=" . DB_CHARSET . " COLLATE=" . DB_COLLATE . " COMMENT='autoreader campaign feed'; ");
         # autoreader_campaign_post
         $exists = $h->db->table_exists(str_replace(DB_PREFIX, "", $this->db['campaign_post']));
         if (!$exists) {
             $h->db->query("CREATE TABLE " . $this->db['campaign_post'] . " (\n                            id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,\n                              campaign_id int(11) NOT NULL,\n                              feed_id int(11) NOT NULL,\n                              post_id int(11) NOT NULL,\n                                hash varchar(255) default '',\n                              PRIMARY KEY  (id)\n                          ) ENGINE=" . DB_ENGINE . " DEFAULT CHARSET=" . DB_CHARSET . " COLLATE=" . DB_COLLATE . " COMMENT='autoreader campaign post'; ");
         # autoreader_campaign_word
         $exists = $h->db->table_exists(str_replace(DB_PREFIX, "", $this->db['campaign_word']));
         if (!$exists) {
             $h->db->query("CREATE TABLE " . $this->db['campaign_word'] . " (\n                                id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,\n                                  campaign_id int(11) NOT NULL,\n                                  word varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',\n                                  regex tinyint(1) default '0',\n                                  rewrite tinyint(1) default '1',\n                                  rewrite_to varchar(255) default '',\n                                  relink varchar(255) default '',\n                                  PRIMARY KEY  (id)\n                              ) ENGINE=" . DB_ENGINE . " DEFAULT CHARSET=" . DB_CHARSET . " COLLATE=" . DB_COLLATE . " COMMENT='autoreader campaign word'; ");
         # autoreader_log
         $exists = $h->db->table_exists(str_replace(DB_PREFIX, "", $this->db['log']));
         if (!$exists) {
             $h->db->query("CREATE TABLE " . $this->db['log'] . " (\n                                id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,\n                                  message mediumtext NOT NULL default '',\n                                  created_on datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',\n                                  PRIMARY KEY  (id)\n                              ) ENGINE=" . DB_ENGINE . " DEFAULT CHARSET=" . DB_CHARSET . " COLLATE=" . DB_COLLATE . " COMMENT='autoreader log'; ");
         # Options
         WPOTools::addMissingOptions(array('wpo_log' => array(1, 'Log WP-o-Matic actions'), 'wpo_log_stdout' => array(0, 'Output logs to browser while a campaign is being processed'), 'wpo_unixcron' => array(WPOTools::isUnix(), 'Use unix-style cron'), 'wpo_croncode' => array(substr(md5(time()), 0, 8), 'Cron job password.'), 'wpo_cacheimages' => array(0, 'Cache all images. Overrides campaign options'), 'wpo_cachepath' => array('cache', 'Cache path relative to wpomatic directory')));
         $this->installed = true;
Exemplo n.º 4
 function adminUpdateCampaignPosts($id, $properties)
     global $wpdb;
     $posts = $this->getCampaignPosts($id);
     foreach ($posts as $post) {
         $wpdb->query(WPOTools::updateQuery($wpdb->posts, $properties, "ID = {$post->id}"));
Exemplo n.º 5
 Displaying <?php 
echo $total;
 log entries
if ($logs) {
    <ul id="logs">
    foreach ($logs as $log) {
        echo WPOTools::timezoneMysql('F j, g:i:s a', $log->created_on);
 - <?php 
        echo $log->message;
} else {
    _e('No logs to show', 'wpomatic');
Exemplo n.º 6
 function stringToArray($string)
   \\s*(\\w+)              # key                               \\1
   \\s*=\\s*               # =
   (\'|")?               # values may be included in \' or " \\2
   (.*?)                 # value                             \\3
   (?(2) \\2)            # matching \' or " if needed        \\4
     (?=\\w+\\s*=) | \\s*$  # followed by another key= or the end of the string
 /x', $string, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
     $attributes = array();
     foreach ($matches as $val) {
         $attributes[$val[1]] = WPOTools::literalize($val[3]);
     return $attributes;
Exemplo n.º 7
    _e('If you need to edit existing posts, you can do so by using the options under the Tools tab', 'wpomatic');

$f = _data_value($data['main'], 'frequency');
if ($f) {
    $frequency = WPOTools::calcTime($f);
} else {
    $frequency = array();

          <table class="form-table">
              <th><label for="campaign_templatechk"><?php 
_e('Custom post template', 'wpomatic');
</label> </th>
echo checkbox_tag('campaign_templatechk', 1, _data_value($data['main'], 'template'));
if (count($lastcampaigns) == 0) {
      <p class="none"><?php 
    _e('No campaigns to display', 'wpomatic');
} else {
        <ol class="campaignlist">
    foreach ($lastcampaigns as $campaign) {
            <span class="details"><?php 
        echo WPOTools::timezoneMysql('F j, g:i a', $campaign->lastactive);
            <a href="<?php 
        echo $this->adminurl;
        echo $campaign->id;
        echo attribute_escape($campaign->title);
Exemplo n.º 9
function action_add($h, $arObj, $data = null, $action = 'add')
    $arObj = new Autoreader($h);
    $autoreader_settings = $arObj->getOptionSettings($h);
    <form id="edit_campaign" action="" method="post" accept-charset="utf-8">
    if ($action == 'edit') {
        $id = $data['main']['id'];
        echo input_hidden_tag('campaign_edit', $id);
    } else {
        echo input_hidden_tag('campaign_add', 1);
        $data = $arObj->campaign_structure;

      <ul id="edit_buttons" class="submit">
    if ($autoreader_settings['wpo_help']) {
                <li><a href="help.php?item=campaigns" class="help_link">Help</a></li>
        <li><input type="submit" name="edit_submit" value="Save" id="edit_submit" /></li>
        <div id="error_message"></div>
      <div id="admin_plugin_tabs">
      <ul class="tabs">
        <li class="current"><a href="#section_basic" id="tab_basic">Basic</a></li>
        <li><a href="#section_feeds" id="tab_feeds">Feeds</a></li>
        <li><a href="#section_categories" id="tab_categories">Categories</a></li>
        <li><a href="#section_rewrite" id="tab_rewrite">Rewrite</a></li>
        <li><a href="#section_options" id="tab_options">Options</a></li>
    if ($action == 'edit') {
            <li><a href="#section_tools" id="tab_tools">Tools</a></li>

      <div id="edit_sections">
        <!-- Basic section -->
        <div class="section current" id="section_basic">
          <div class="longtext required">
    echo label_for('campaign_title', 'Title');
    echo input_tag('campaign_title', _data_value($data['main'], 'title'));
            <p class="note">Tip: pick a name that describes the collection of this campaign's feeds (eg: Basketball)</p>

          <div class="checkbox required">
    echo label_for('campaign_active', 'Active?');
    echo checkbox_tag('campaign_active', 1, _data_value($data['main'], 'active', true));
            <p class="note">If inactive, the parser will ignore these feeds</p>

          <div class="text">
    echo label_for('campaign_slug', 'Campaign slug');
    echo input_tag('campaign_slug', _data_value($data['main'], 'slug'));
            <p class="note">Optionally, you can set an identifier for this campaign. Useful for detailed track of your ad-revenue.</p>

        <!-- Feeds section -->
        <div class="section" id="section_feeds">
          <p>Please fill in at least one feed. If you are not sure about the exact feed url, just type in the domain name, and the feed will be autodetected</p>

          <div id="edit_feed">
    if (isset($data['feeds']['edit'])) {
        foreach ($data['feeds']['edit'] as $id => $feed) {
              <div class="inlinetext required">
            echo label_for('campaign_feed_edit_' . $id, 'Feed URL');
            echo input_tag('campaign_feed[edit][' . $id . ']', $feed, 'disabled=disabled class=input_text id=campaign_feed_edit_' . $id);
            echo checkbox_tag('campaign_feed[delete][' . $id . ']', 1, isset($data['feeds']['delete']) && _data_value($data['feeds']['delete'], $id), 'id=campaign_feed_delete_' . $id);
 <label for="campaign_feed_delete_<?php 
            echo $id;
" class="delete_label">Delete ?</label>

    if (isset($data['feeds']['new'])) {
        foreach ($data['feeds']['new'] as $i => $feed) {
              <div class="inlinetext required">
            echo label_for('campaign_feed_new_' . $i, 'Feed URL');
            echo input_tag('campaign_feed[new][' . $i . ']', $feed, 'class=input_text id=campaign_feed_new_' . $i);
    } else {
        for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) {
              <div class="inlinetext required">
            echo label_for('campaign_feed_new_' . $i, 'Feed URL');
            echo input_tag('campaign_feed[new][]', null, 'class=input_text id=campaign_feed_new_' . $i);
    if ($autoreader_settings['wpo_premium']) {
            <a href="#add_feed" id="add_feed">Add more</a> | <a href="#" id="test_feeds">Check all</a>

        <!-- Categories section -->
        <div class="section" id="section_categories">
          <p>These are the categories where the posts will be created once they are fetched from the feeds.</p>
          <p>Please select one.</p>

          <ul id="categories">
    $arObj->adminEditCategories($h, $data);

    if (isset($data['categories']['new'])) {
        foreach ($data['categories']['new'] as $i => $catname) {
            echo checkbox_tag('campaign_newcat[]', 1, true, 'id=campaign_newcat_' . $i);
            echo input_tag('campaign_newcatname[]', $catname, 'class=input_text id=campaign_newcatname_' . $i);

    if ($autoreader_settings['wpo_premium']) {
                <a href="#quick_add" id="quick_add">Quick add</a>

        <!-- Rewrite section -->
        <div class="section" id="section_rewrite">
    if ($autoreader_settings['wpo_help']) {
          <p>Want to transform a word into another? Or link a specific word to some website?
        // echo '<a href=' . $arObj->helpurl . '" class="help_link">Read more</a>'

          <ul id="edit_words">
        if (isset($data['rewrites']) && count($data['rewrites'])) {
            foreach ($data['rewrites'] as $i => $rewrite) {
                <li class="word">
                  <div class="origin textarea">
                echo label_for('campaign_word_origin_' . $i, 'Origin');
                echo textarea_tag('campaign_word_origin[' . $i . ']', $rewrite['origin']['search'], 'id=campaign_word_origin_' . $rewrite->id);
                    <label class="regex">
                echo checkbox_tag('campaign_word_option_regex[' . $i . ']', 1, $rewrite['origin']['regex']);
                _e('RegEx', 'wpomatic');

                  <div class="rewrite textarea">
                echo checkbox_tag('campaign_word_option_rewrite[' . $i . ']', 1, isset($rewrite['rewrite']));
                      <span>Rewrite to:</span>
                echo textarea_tag('campaign_word_rewrite[' . $i . ']', _data_value($rewrite, 'rewrite'));

                  <div class="relink textarea">
                echo checkbox_tag('campaign_word_option_relink[' . $i . ']', 1, isset($rewrite['relink']));
                      <span>Relink to:</span>
                echo textarea_tag('campaign_word_relink[' . $i . ']', _data_value($rewrite, 'relink'));
        } else {
            <li class="word">
              <div class="origin textarea">
                <label for="campaign_word_origin_new1">Origin</label>
                <textarea name="campaign_word_origin[new1]" id="campaign_word_origin_new1"></textarea>
                <label class="regex"><input type="checkbox" name="campaign_word_option_regex[new1]" /> <span>RegEx</span></label>
              <div class="rewrite textarea">
                <label><input type="checkbox" value="1" name="campaign_word_option_rewrite[new1]" /> <span>Rewrite to:</span></label>
                <textarea name="campaign_word_rewrite[new1]"></textarea>
              <div class="relink textarea">
                <label><input type="checkbox" value="1" name="campaign_word_option_relink[new1]" /> <span>Relink to:</span></label>
                <textarea name="campaign_word_relink[new1]"></textarea>

                <a href="#add_word" id="add_word">Add more</a>
    } else {
        echo "This section is being worked on and will be added in a future release of this plugin.";

        <!-- Options -->
        <div class="section" id="section_options">
    if (isset($campaign_edit)) {
          <div class="section_warn">
            <img src="<?php 
        echo $arObj->tplpath;
/images/icon_alert.gif" alt="Warning" class="icon" />
            <p>Changing these options only affects the creation of posts after the next time feeds are parsed.</p>
            <p>If you need to edit existing posts, you can do so by using the options under the Tools tab</p>

    if ($autoreader_settings['wpo_premium']) {
                  <div class="checkbox">
                    <label for="campaign_templatechk">Custom post template</label>
        echo checkbox_tag('campaign_templatechk', 1, _data_value($data['main'], 'template'));

                    <div id="post_template" class="textarea <?php 
        if (_data_value($data['main'], 'template', '{content}') !== '{content}') {
            echo 'current';
        echo textarea_tag('campaign_template', _data_value($data['main'], 'template', '{content}'));
                      <a href="#" id="enlarge_link">Enlarge</a>

                      <p class="note" id="tags_note">
                        'Valid tags:
                      <p id="tags_list">
                        <span class="tag">{content}</span>, <span class="tag">{title}</span>, <span class="tag">{permalink}</span>, <span class="tag">{feedurl}</span>, <span class="tag">{feedtitle}</span>, <span class="tag">{feedlogo}</span>,<br /> <span class="tag">{campaigntitle}</span>, <span class="tag">{campaignid}</span>, <span class="tag">{campaignslug}</span>

                    <p class="note">Read about <a href="<?php 
        echo $arObj->helpurl;
" class="help_link">post templates</a>, or check some <a href="<?php 
        echo $arObj->helpurl;
" class="help_link">examples</a> ?></p>
          <div class="multipletext">
    $f = _data_value($data['main'], 'frequency');
    if ($f) {
        $frequency = WPOTools::calcTime($f);
    } else {
        $frequency = array();


    if ($autoreader_settings['wpo_premium']) {
        echo input_tag('campaign_frequency_d', _data_value($frequency, 'days', 1), 'size=2 maxlength=3');

        echo input_tag('campaign_frequency_h', _data_value($frequency, 'hours', 5), 'size=2 maxlength=2');

        echo input_tag('campaign_frequency_m', _data_value($frequency, 'minutes', 0), 'size=2 maxlength=2');

    echo select_tag('campaign_frequency_h', options_for_select(array('3600' => 'hourly', '43200' => 'twice daily', '86400' => 'daily', '302400' => 'weekly'), _data_value($data['main'], 'frequency', '1')));

            <p class="note">How often should this feed be checked? </p>

    if ($autoreader_settings['wpo_premium']) {
              <div class="checkbox">
        echo label_for('campaign_cacheimages', 'Cache images');
        // need to install timthumb folder to get the following working
        echo checkbox_tag('campaign_cacheimages', 1, _data_value($data['main'], 'cacheimages', is_writable($autoreader_settings['wpo_cachepath'])));
                <p class="note">Images will be stored in your server, instead of hotlinking from the original site.
        if ($autoreader_settings['wpo_help']) {
<a href="helpurl image_caching" class="help_link">More</a><?php 

          <div class="checkbox">
    echo label_for('campaign_feeddate', 'Use feed date');
    echo checkbox_tag('campaign_feeddate', 1, _data_value($data['main'], 'feeddate', false));
            <p class="note">Use the original date from the post instead of the time the post is created by this plugin.

    if ($autoreader_settings['wpo_premium']) {
              <div class="checkbox">
        echo label_for('campaign_dopingbacks', 'Perform pingbacks');
        echo checkbox_tag('campaign_dopingbacks', 1, _data_value($data['main'], 'dopingbacks', false));

          <div class="radio">
            <label class="main">Type of post to create</label>

    echo radiobutton_tag('campaign_posttype', 'new', !isset($data['main']['posttype']) || _data_value($data['main'], 'posttype') == 'new', 'id=type_new');
    echo label_for('type_new', 'Published (New)');

    echo radiobutton_tag('campaign_posttype', 'top', !isset($data['main']['posttype']) || _data_value($data['main'], 'posttype') == 'top', 'id=type_top');
    echo label_for('type_top', 'Published (Top)');

    echo radiobutton_tag('campaign_posttype', 'pending', _data_value($data['main'], 'posttype') == 'pending', 'id=type_pending');
    echo label_for('type_pending', 'Pending');

          <div class="text">
    echo label_for('campaign_author', 'Author:');
    echo input_tag('campaign_author', _data_value($data['main'], 'author'));
    // echo select_tag('campaign_author', options_for_select($author_usernames, _data_value($data['main'], 'author', 'admin')))
            <p class="note">If blank, the created posts will be assigned to the current user.</p>

          <div class="text required">
    echo label_for('campaign_max', 'Max items to create on each fetch');
    echo input_tag('campaign_max', _data_value($data['main'], 'max', '10'), 'size=2 maxlength=3');
            <p class="note">Set it to 0 for unlimited. If set to a value, only the last X items will be selected, ignoring the older ones.</p>

    if ($autoreader_settings['wpo_premium']) {
              <div class="checkbox">
        echo label_for('campaign_linktosource', 'Post title links to source?');
        echo checkbox_tag('campaign_linktosource', 1, _data_value($data['main'], 'linktosource', false));

    if ($autoreader_settings['wpo_premium']) {
              <div class="radio">
                <label class="main">Discussion options:</label>

        echo select_tag('campaign_commentstatus', options_for_select(array('open' => 'Open', 'closed' => 'Closed', 'registered_only' => 'Registered only'), _data_value($data['main'], 'comment_status', 'open')));

        echo checkbox_tag('campaign_allowpings', 1, _data_value($data['main'], 'allowpings', true));
        echo label_for('campaign_allowpings', 'Allow pings');

    if ($action == 'edit') {
        <!-- Tools -->
        <div class="section" id="section_tools">
        if (!$autoreader_settings['wpo_premium']) {
          <div class="buttons">
            <h3>Posts action</h3>
            <p class="note">The selected action applies to all the posts created by this campaign</p>
                 <div class="text">
                    Check hotaru Cron to confirm running of this campaign. <a href="/admin_index.php?page=plugin_settings&plugin=cron">check now</a>
                <label class="main">Delete posts for this campaign:</label>
                <div class="btn">
                  <input type="submit" name="tool_removeall" value="Remove all posts" id="tool_removeall"/>
                <div class="radio">
                  <label class="main">Change status to:</label>
                  <input type="radio" name="campaign_tool_changetype" value="new" id="changetype_new" checked="checked" /> <label for="changetype_new">Published (New)</label>
		    <input type="radio" name="campaign_tool_changetype" value="top" id="changetype_top" checked="checked" /> <label for="changetype_top">Published (Top)</label>
                  <input type="radio" name="campaign_tool_changetype" value="pending" id="changetype_pending" /> <label for="changetype_pending">Pending</label>
                 <input type="submit" name="tool_changetype" value="Change" id="tool_changetype" />
                <div class="text">
            echo label_for('campaign_tool_changeauthor', 'Change author username to:');
            echo input_tag('campaign_tool_changeauthor', _data_value($data['main'], 'author'));
                  <input type="submit" name="tool_changeauthor" value="Change" id="tool_changeauthor" />
                  <p class="note">If blank, the created posts will be assigned to the current user.</p>

          <div class="btn">
            <label>Test all feeds</label>
            <input type="button" name="campaign_tool_testall_btn" value="Test" />
            <p class="note">This option creates one draft from each feed you added.</p>


Exemplo n.º 10
if (!$logs) {
                <p class="none"><?php 
    echo _e('No actions to display', 'wpomatic');
} else {
                <ul id="logs">
    foreach ($logs as $log) {
        echo WPOTools::timezoneMysql('F j, g:i a', $log->created_on) . ' &mdash; <strong>' . attribute_escape($log->message);

                <!-- <p id="log_status"><?php 
_e(sprintf('Logging is currently <strong>%s</strong>', __($logging ? 'enabled' : 'disabled')), 'wpomatic');
 (<a title="<?php 
        echo attribute_escape($campaign->title);
            <td style="text-align: center"><?php 
        echo _e($campaign->active ? 'Yes' : 'No', 'wpomatic');
            <td style="text-align: center"><?php 
        echo $campaign->count;
        echo $campaign->lastactive != '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ? WPOTools::timezoneMysql('F j, g:i a', $campaign->lastactive) : __('Never', 'wpomatic');
            <td><a href="<?php 
        echo $this->adminurl;
        echo $campaign->id;
" class='edit'>Edit</a></td> 
        echo "<a href='" . wp_nonce_url($this->adminurl . '&amp;s=forcefetch&amp;id=' . $campaign->id, 'forcefetch-campaign_' . $campaign->id) . "' class='edit' onclick=\"return confirm('" . __('Are you sure you want to process all feeds from this campaign?', 'wpomatic') . "')\">" . __('Fetch', 'wpomatic') . "</a>";
        echo "<a href='" . wp_nonce_url($this->adminurl . '&amp;s=reset&amp;id=' . $campaign->id, 'reset-campaign_' . $campaign->id) . "' class='delete' onclick=\"return confirm('" . __('Are you sure you want to reset this campaign? Resetting does not affect already created wp posts.', 'wpomatic') . "')\">" . __('Reset', 'wpomatic') . "</a>";