Exemplo n.º 1
 static function on_load()
     if (defined('WPLIB_RUNMODE')) {
         $runmode = strtoupper(WPLIB_RUNMODE);
         if (is_string($runmode) && defined("self::{$runmode}")) {
             $runmode = intval(self::get_constant(strtoupper($runmode)));
         if (is_int($runmode) && self::DEVELOPMENT <= $runmode && self::PRODUCTION >= $runmode) {
     } else {
     spl_autoload_register(array(__CLASS__, '_autoloader'));
     self::register_module('posts', 0);
     self::register_module('terms', 0);
     self::register_module('users', 0);
     self::register_module('post-type-post', 0);
     self::register_module('post-type-page', 0);
     self::register_module('taxonomy-categories', 0);
     self::register_module('taxonomy-post-tags', 0);
     self::register_module('helpers-html', 0);
     self::register_module('helpers-wp', 0);
     self::register_module('theme', 0);
      * Register default User Roles
     self::register_module('user-role-administrator', 4);
     self::register_module('user-role-contributor', 4);
     self::register_module('user-role-subscriber', 4);
     self::register_module('user-role-editor', 4);
     self::register_module('user-role-author', 4);
     self::add_class_action('init', 9);
     self::add_class_action('plugins_loaded', 11);
     self::add_class_action('after_setup_theme', 11);
      * Set a marker to ignore classes declared before this class.
     self::$_non_app_class_count = count(get_declared_classes()) - 1;
Exemplo n.º 2
 static function on_load()
      * @var bool Flag to ensure this method is only ever called once.
     static $done_once = false;
     if (!$done_once) {
         $done_once = true;
     } else {
         $err_msg = __('The %s::on_load() method should not call its parent class, e.g. remove parent::on_load(). Report generated ', 'wplib');
         self::trigger_error(sprintf($err_msg, get_called_class()), E_USER_ERROR);
     if (!class_exists('WPLib_Enum', false)) {
          *  defines.php can be included in local-config.php, but if
          *  not then we need to include it here.
         require __DIR__ . '/defines.php';
     if (!defined('WPLIB_STABILITY')) {
          * WPLib follows the convention of Node.js in having a Stability Index.
          * Every class, property, method, constant, etc. will have a Stability value,
          * except for those that do not (yet.)
          * The stability will be specified by an @stability PHPDoc comment with one
          * of the following values:
          *    Stability:  0 - Deprecated
          *    Stability:  1 - Experimental
          *    Stability:  2 - Stable
          *    Stability:  3 - Locked
          * The default stability is 2 - Stable. However you can set the stability
          * you want in your wp-local-config.php file using the WPLIB_STABILITY constant.
          * You can check (for example) for EXPERIMENTAL stability in a method using:
          *      self::stability()->check_method( __METHOD__, WPLib::EXPERIMENTAL );
          * Internal methods -- ones with a leading underscore -- will not be marked with
          * a stability level.
          * To read more about the concept of stability:
          * @see https://nodejs.org/api/documentation.html#documentation_stability_index
         define('WPLIB_STABILITY', is_null(self::stability()) ? WPLib_Stability::__default : self::stability()->get_value());
     if (is_null(self::stability())) {
         self::set_stability(new WPLib_Stability(WPLIB_STABILITY));
     if (!defined('WPLIB_RUNMODE')) {
         define('WPLIB_RUNMODE', is_null(self::runmode()) ? WPLib_Runmode::__default : self::runmode()->get_value());
     if (is_null(self::runmode())) {
         self::set_runmode(new WPLib_Runmode(WPLIB_RUNMODE));
     spl_autoload_register(array(__CLASS__, '_autoloader'), true, true);
      * Set a marker to ignore classes declared before this class.
     self::$_non_app_class_count = count(get_declared_classes()) - 1;
     self::register_module('posts', 0);
     self::register_module('terms', 0);
     self::register_module('roles', 0);
     self::register_module('users', 0);
     self::register_module('post-type-post', 0);
     self::register_module('post-type-page', 0);
     self::register_module('taxonomy-categories', 0);
     self::register_module('taxonomy-post-tags', 0);
     self::register_module('helpers-html', 0);
     self::register_module('helpers-wp', 0);
     self::register_module('theme', 0);
     self::register_module('commit-reviser', 0);
      * Register default User Roles
     self::register_module('role-administrator', 4);
     self::register_module('role-contributor', 4);
     self::register_module('role-subscriber', 4);
     self::register_module('role-editor', 4);
     self::register_module('role-author', 4);
     self::add_class_action('init', 9);
     self::add_class_action('plugins_loaded', 11);
     self::add_class_action('after_setup_theme', 11);