static function buildNewProductsFeedData($items, $account_id, $profile, $append_feed = false)
     if (!$profile || !$profile->id) {
         WPLA()->logger->info('no profile found, falling back to ListingLoader (Offer)');
         return self::buildListingLoaderFeedData($items, $account_id, $append_feed);
     $template = new WPLA_AmazonFeedTemplate($profile->tpl_id);
     if (!$template || !$template->id) {
         WPLA()->logger->info('no template, falling back to ListingLoader (Offer) - tpl_id: ' . $profile->tpl_id);
         return self::buildListingLoaderFeedData($items, $account_id, $append_feed);
     $columns = $template->getFieldNames();
     $profile_fields = maybe_unserialize($profile->fields);
     // echo "<pre>";print_r($items);echo"</pre>";#die();
     // echo "<pre>";print_r($template);echo"</pre>";#die();
     // echo "<pre>";print_r($profile);echo"</pre>";#die();
     // echo "<pre>";print_r($columns);echo"</pre>";#die();
     // echo "<pre>";print_r($profile_fields);echo"</pre>";#die();
     if (!$columns) {
         WPLA()->logger->error('no columns found in template - tpl_id: ' . $profile->tpl_id);
         WPLA()->logger->info('profile: ' . print_r($profile, 1));
         WPLA()->logger->info('template: ' . print_r($template, 1));
         WPLA()->logger->info('columns: ' . print_r($columns, 1));
         WPLA()->logger->info('items: ' . print_r($items, 1));
         return '';
     // add variation columns
     // (not really needed - if the template doesn't already have them, variations are probably not allowed or the template is outdated)
     if ($template->name != 'Offer') {
         // $profile_details = maybe_unserialize( $profile->details );
         // $variations_mode = isset( $profile_details['variations_mode'] ) ? $profile_details['variations_mode'] : 'default';
         // if ( $variations_mode != 'flat' ) {
         // 	$columns[] = 'parent-sku';
         // 	$columns[] = 'parentage';
         // 	$columns[] = 'relationship-type';
         // 	$columns[] = 'variation-theme';
         // }
     // header
     $csv_header = 'TemplateType=' . $template->name . "\t" . 'Version=' . $template->version . str_repeat("\t", sizeof($columns) - 2) . "\n";
     $csv_header .= join("\t", $columns) . "\n";
     if ($template->name != 'Offer') {
         $csv_header .= join("\t", $columns) . "\n";
     $csv_body = '';
     // loop products
     foreach ($items as $item) {
         // get WooCommerce product data
         $product_id = $item['post_id'];
         $product = get_product($product_id);
         if (!$product) {
         if (!$item['sku']) {
         WPLA()->logger->debug('processing item ' . $item['sku'] . ' - ID ' . $product_id);
         // reset row cache
         // process product
         foreach ($columns as $col) {
             $value = self::parseProductColumn($col, $item, $product, $profile);
             $value = apply_filters('wpla_filter_listing_feed_column', $value, $col, $item, $product, $profile, $template->name);
             $value = str_replace(array("\t", "\n", "\r"), ' ', $value);
             // make sure there are no tabs or line breaks in any field
             $csv_body .= $value . "\t";
             WPLA()->memcache->setColumnValue($product->sku, $col, $value);
         $csv_body .= "\n";
     // check if any rows were created
     if (!$csv_body) {
         return self::return_csv_object();
     // only return body when appending feed
     if ($append_feed) {
         return self::return_csv_object($csv_body, '', $template->name);
     // return csv object
     return self::return_csv_object($csv_body, $csv_header, $template->name);