  * A loop that syncs files to the Google Drive
  * @since 1.0
 public function db_sync()
     //if( ! isset( $_REQUEST['wpbgdc_nonce'] ) ) return;
     // nonces are always attached to a user
     // therefore nonces will not work because there is no user that can have a nonce
     //if( ! wp_verify_nonce( $_REQUEST['wpbgdc_nonce'], 'wpbgdc_sync_nonce' ) ) return;
     global $wpdb;
     if (!$wpdb instanceof wpdb) {
     // starting sync
     update_option('wpbgdc_currently_syncing', time());
     // delete old caching entries if any
     // @see http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/wp_upload_dir
     //$upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();
     //$content_url = trailingslashit( $upload_dir['baseurl'] ); // this is wp-content/uploads/
     $content_url = trailingslashit(content_url());
     // this is wp-content/
     //$upload_dir  = trailingslashit( $upload_dir['basedir'] );
     $content_dir = trailingslashit(WP_CONTENT_DIR);
     $service_helper = new WPB_Google_Drive_Cdn_Service_Helper($this);
      * If the "Upload new files only" option is set, the plugin will not check if the file has changed on Google Drive
      * Instead it just uploads the files that have not yet been uploaded
     $options = get_option('wpbgdc');
     if (!isset($options['upload_new_files_only'])) {
         $options['upload_new_files_only'] = 0;
     $upload_only = (bool) $options['upload_new_files_only'];
     if ($upload_only) {
         $db_files = $wpdb->get_results('SELECT * FROM `' . $wpdb->prefix . 'wpbgdc_files` WHERE `file_synced` = "0" AND `file_drive_id` = ""', OBJECT);
     } else {
         $db_files = $wpdb->get_results('SELECT * FROM `' . $wpdb->prefix . 'wpbgdc_files` WHERE `file_synced` = "0"', OBJECT);
      * check if the script should sleep after a file upload
     $sleeping_time = WPB_Google_Drive_Cdn_Settings::get_setting('sleep_time');
     $sleeping_time = intval($sleeping_time);
     $sleeping_time = max(0, $sleeping_time);
     foreach ($db_files as $db_file) {
         $url = $db_file->file_live_url;
         $is_content_url = false !== strpos($url, $content_url) ? true : false;
          * Workaround for SSL-Sites
          * This sets the $content_url to a new value when the file could not be found on https:// but on http
          * or the other way around
         if (!$is_content_url) {
             // are we on ssl?
             if (false !== strpos($content_url, 'https://')) {
                 // yes, we are on SSL
                 // check if the file was found on non ssl-url
                 $is_content_url = false !== stripos($url, str_replace('https://', 'http://', $content_url)) ? true : false;
                 if ($is_content_url) {
                     $content_url = str_replace('https://', 'http://', $content_url);
             } else {
                 // no, we are not on SSL
                 $is_content_url = false !== stripos($url, str_replace('http://', 'https://', $content_url)) ? true : false;
                 if ($is_content_url) {
                     $content_url = str_replace('http://', 'https://', $content_url);
         if (!$is_content_url) {
             // set a flag in the db entry to prevent doing the same operation again
             $wpdb->update($wpdb->prefix . 'wpbgdc_files', array('file_synced' => 1), array('file_id' => $db_file->file_id));
         // get the path to the file
         $file = str_replace($content_url, $content_dir, $url);
         // if the file does not exist on the server, return the url = stop here
         if (!is_file($file)) {
             // set a flag in the db entry to prevent doing the same operation again
             $wpdb->update($wpdb->prefix . 'wpbgdc_files', array('file_synced' => 1), array('file_id' => $db_file->file_id));
         // count file uploads. set to 0 if not yet set
         if (!isset($this->file_upload_count)) {
             $this->file_upload_count = 0;
         // stop if 3 files have been uploaded because otherwise it's too much for the webserver
         if ($this->file_upload_count >= 3) {
             // redirect will not work here because this was invoked by wp_remote_post and this function does not follow redirects to an unlimited length
             // wp_redirect( admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ) . '?action=wpbgdc_db_sync&wpbgdc_stop_ping=1&wpbgdc_nonce=' . wp_create_nonce( 'wpbgdc_sync_nonce' ), 301 );
             // so we start doing another ping, but at first we have to stop the current sync process to restart it later (in the ping_sync() function)
             update_option('wpbgdc_currently_syncing', 0);
             if (isset($_REQUEST['wpbgdc_stop_ping'])) {
             // then die
         // upload the file and update the database entry
         $service_helper->file_upload($file, $url);
         // only count if a file has been uploaded
         if ($service_helper->_file_uploaded) {
         // mark as synced anyway (it doesn't really matter if the file has been uploaded or not
         // the only thing that matters if there has been the approach to upload it
         $wpdb->update($wpdb->prefix . 'wpbgdc_files', array('file_synced' => 1), array('file_id' => $db_file->file_id));
     // stop syncing
     update_option('wpbgdc_currently_syncing', 0);
     // reset the synced flag within all database entries
     $wpdb->query('UPDATE `' . $wpdb->prefix . 'wpbgdc_files` SET `file_synced`= 0');