protected function display_front() { global $DATA, $this_page; if (get_http_var('type') == 'wrans') { return parent::display_front(); } $data = array(); $args = array('months' => 1); $WRANSLIST = new \WRANSLIST(); $wrans = array(); $wrans['data'] = $WRANSLIST->display('recent_wrans', array('days' => 7, 'num' => 5), 'none'); $wrans['calendar'] = $WRANSLIST->display('calendar', $args, 'none'); $WMSLIST = new \WMSLIST(); $wms = array(); $wms['data'] = $WMSLIST->display('recent_wms', array('days' => 7, 'num' => 20), 'none'); $wms['calendar'] = $WMSLIST->display('calendar', $args, 'none'); $wms['rssurl'] = $DATA->page_metadata('wmsfront', 'rss'); $data['wrans'] = $wrans; $data['wms'] = $wms; $data['template'] = 'section/wrans_index'; return $data; }
function comment_on_recent_bullet_point() { global $hansardmajors; ?> <li><p><strong>Read and comment on:</strong></p> <?php $DEBATELIST = new DEBATELIST(); $data[1] = $DEBATELIST->most_recent_day(); $WRANSLIST = new WRANSLIST(); $data[3] = $WRANSLIST->most_recent_day(); $WHALLLIST = new WHALLLIST(); $data[2] = $WHALLLIST->most_recent_day(); $WMSLIST = new WMSLIST(); $data[4] = $WMSLIST->most_recent_day(); $LORDSDEBATELIST = new LORDSDEBATELIST(); $data[101] = $LORDSDEBATELIST->most_recent_day(); $NILIST = new NILIST(); $data[5] = $NILIST->most_recent_day(); foreach (array_keys($hansardmajors) as $major) { if (array_key_exists($major, $data)) { unset($data[$major]['listurl']); if (count($data[$major]) == 0) { unset($data[$major]); } } } major_summary($data); ?> </li> <?php }
$DEBATELIST = new DEBATELIST(); $LORDSDEBATELIST = new LORDSDEBATELIST(); $last_dates = array(); // holds the most recent data there is data for, indexed by type $last_dates[1] = $DEBATELIST->most_recent_day(); $last_dates[101] = $LORDSDEBATELIST->most_recent_day(); //get html $latest_html = major_summary($last_dates, false); echo $latest_html; ?> </div> <div> <?php //Latest activity (column 2) $WHALLLIST = new WHALLLIST(); $WMSLIST = new WMSLIST(); $last_dates = array(); $last_dates[4] = $WMSLIST->most_recent_day(); $last_dates[2] = $WHALLLIST->most_recent_day(); //get html $latest_html = major_summary($last_dates, false); echo $latest_html; ?> </div> <div> <?php //Latest activity (column 3) $WRANSLIST = new WRANSLIST(); $last_dates = array(); $last_dates[3] = $WRANSLIST->most_recent_day(); /*
$WRANSLIST = new WRANSLIST(); $WRANSLIST->display('recent_wrans', array('days' => 7, 'num' => 5)); $PAGE->stripe_end(array(array('type' => 'html', 'content' => ' <div class="block"> <h4>Search written answers and statements</h4> <div class="blockbody"> <form action="/search/" method="get"> <p><input type="text" name="s" value="" size="40"> <input type="submit" value="Go"> <br><input type="checkbox" name="section[]" value="wrans" checked id="section_wrans"> <label for="section_wrans">Written answers</label> <input type="checkbox" name="section[]" value="wms" checked id="section_wms"> <label for="section_wms">Written ministerial statements</label> </p> </form> </div> </div> '), array('type' => 'nextprev'), array('type' => 'include', 'content' => 'calendar_wrans'), array('type' => 'include', 'content' => "wrans"))); echo '</div>'; echo '<div id="written-statements">'; $PAGE->stripe_start(); echo '<h2>Some recent written ministerial statements</h2>'; $WMSLIST = new WMSLIST(); $WMSLIST->display('recent_wms', array('days' => 7, 'num' => 20)); $rssurl = $DATA->page_metadata($this_page, 'rss'); $PAGE->stripe_end(array(array('type' => 'nextprev'), array('type' => 'include', 'content' => 'calendar_wms'), array('type' => 'include', 'content' => "wms"), array('type' => 'html', 'content' => '<div class="block"> <h4>RSS feed</h4> <p><a href="' . WEBPATH . $rssurl . '"><img border="0" alt="RSS feed" align="middle" src=""></a> <a href="' . WEBPATH . $rssurl . '">RSS feed of recent statements</a></p> </div>'))); echo '</div>'; $PAGE->page_end();
$this_page = "home"; include_once '../includes/easyparliament/init.php'; include_once INCLUDESPATH . "easyparliament/member.php"; $PAGE->page_start(); $PAGE->stripe_start(); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SEARCH AND RECENT HANSARD // Get the dates, timestamps and links for the most recent debates and wrans. $DEBATELIST = new DEBATELIST(); $debatesdata = $DEBATELIST->most_recent_day(); $WRANSLIST = new WRANSLIST(); $wransdata = $WRANSLIST->most_recent_day(); $WHALLLIST = new WHALLLIST(); $whalldata = $WHALLLIST->most_recent_day(); $WMSLIST = new WMSLIST(); $wmsdata = $WMSLIST->most_recent_day(); if (count($debatesdata) > 0 && count($wransdata) > 0 && count($whalldata) > 0 && count($wmsdata) > 0) { // Links to Debates and Wrans. $debatestext = '<a href="' . $debatesdata['listurl'] . '">Debates</a>'; $wranstext = '<a href="' . $wransdata['listurl'] . '">Written Answers</a>'; $whalltext = '<a href="' . $whalldata['listurl'] . '">Westminster Hall debates</a>'; $wmstext = '<a href="' . $wmsdata['listurl'] . '">Written Ministerial Statements</a>'; // Now we work out whether the debates/wrans are from yesterday or another day... // And create the appropriate text ($daytext) to display accordingly. $todaystime = gmmktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d'), date('Y')); if ($debatesdata['hdate'] == $wransdata['hdate'] && $debatesdata['hdate'] == $whalldata['hdate'] && $debatesdata['hdate'] == $wmsdata['hdate']) { // They're on the same day, which is nice, and most common. if ($todaystime - $debatesdata['timestamp'] == 86400) { $daytext = "yesterday's"; } elseif ($todaystime - $debatesdata['timestamp'] <= 6 * 86400) {
<?php global $PAGE; // The calendar that appears in sidebars linking to debates. // There is a separate one for wrans (so we can have both on the same page). // Contents varies depending on the page we're on... if ($this_page == 'wmsday') { $date = get_http_var('d'); if (preg_match('#^(\\d\\d\\d\\d)-(\\d\\d)-(\\d\\d)$#', $date, $m)) { $year = $m[1]; $month = $m[2]; $day = $m[3]; $args = array('year' => $year, 'month' => $month, 'onday' => $date); $title = 'Written Ministerial Statements this month'; } else { $args = array('months' => 1); $title = 'Recent Written Ministerial Statements'; } } else { $args = array('months' => 1); $title = 'Recent Written Ministerial Statements'; } $PAGE->block_start(array('title' => $title)); $LIST = new WMSLIST(); $LIST->display('calendar', $args); $PAGE->block_end();
<?php include_once "../includes/easyparliament/init.php"; //set page name (selects relevant bottom menu item) $this_page = 'overview'; $PAGE->page_start(); $PAGE->supress_heading = true; $PAGE->stripe_start("full"); $last_dates = array(); // holds the most recent data there is data for, indexed by type $DEBATELIST = new DEBATELIST(); $LORDSDEBATELIST = new LORDSDEBATELIST(); $WHALLLIST = new WHALLLIST(); $WMSLIST = new WMSLIST(); $WRANSLIST = new WRANSLIST(); $COMMITTEE = new StandingCommittee(); $last_dates[1] = $DEBATELIST->most_recent_day(); $last_dates[101] = $LORDSDEBATELIST->most_recent_day(); $last_dates[4] = $WMSLIST->most_recent_day(); $last_dates[2] = $WHALLLIST->most_recent_day(); $last_dates[3] = $WRANSLIST->most_recent_day(); $last_dates[6] = $COMMITTEE->most_recent_day(); ?> <div class="welcome_col1"> <!-- Actions --> <div id="welcome_uk" class="welcome_actions"> <div> <h2>Your representative</h2>