public function queryBasedConstruct($query, $queryParams = array(), $wdtParameters = array(), $init_read = false)
     global $wdt_var1, $wdt_var2, $wdt_var3, $wpdb;
     // Sanitizing query
     $query = wpdatatables_sanitize_query($query);
     $query = str_replace('`', '', $query);
     // Placeholders
     if (strpos($query, '%CURRENT_USER_ID%') !== false) {
         $wdt_cur_user_id = isset($_POST['current_user_placeholder']) ? $_POST['current_user_placeholder'] : get_current_user_id();
         $query = str_replace('%CURRENT_USER_ID%', $wdt_cur_user_id, $query);
     if (strpos($query, '%WPDB%') !== false) {
         $query = str_replace('%WPDB%', $wpdb->prefix, $query);
     // Shortcode VAR1
     if (strpos($query, '%VAR1%') !== false) {
         $query = str_replace('%VAR1%', $wdt_var1, $query);
     // Shortcode VAR2
     if (strpos($query, '%VAR2%') !== false) {
         $query = str_replace('%VAR2%', $wdt_var2, $query);
     // Shortcode VAR3
     if (strpos($query, '%VAR3%') !== false) {
         $query = str_replace('%VAR3%', $wdt_var3, $query);
     // Adding limits if necessary
     if (!empty($wdtParameters['limit']) && strpos(strtolower($query), 'limit') === false) {
         $query .= ' LIMIT ' . $wdtParameters['limit'];
     // Server-side requests
     if ($this->serverSide()) {
         $query = apply_filters('wpdatatables_filter_query_before_limit', $query, $this->getWpId());
         if (!isset($_GET['sEcho'])) {
             $query .= ' LIMIT ' . $this->getDisplayLength();
         } else {
             // Server-side params
             $limit = '';
             $orderby = '';
             $search = '';
             $aColumns = array_keys($wdtParameters['column_titles']);
             if (isset($_GET['iDisplayStart']) && $_GET['iDisplayLength'] != '-1') {
                 $limit = "LIMIT " . addslashes($_GET['iDisplayStart']) . ", " . addslashes($_GET['iDisplayLength']);
             // Adding sort parameters for AJAX if necessary
             if (isset($_GET['iSortCol_0'])) {
                 $orderby = "ORDER BY  ";
                 for ($i = 0; $i < intval($_GET['iSortingCols']); $i++) {
                     if ($_GET['bSortable_' . intval($_GET['iSortCol_' . $i])] == "true") {
                         $orderby .= '`' . $aColumns[intval($_GET['iSortCol_' . $i])] . "`\n                                    " . addslashes($_GET['sSortDir_' . $i]) . ", ";
                 $orderby = substr_replace($orderby, "", -2);
                 if ($orderby == "ORDER BY") {
                     $orderby = "";
             // filtering
             if ($_GET['sSearch'] != "") {
                 $search = " (";
                 for ($i = 0; $i < count($aColumns); $i++) {
                     $search .= '`' . $aColumns[$i] . "` LIKE '%" . addslashes($_GET['sSearch']) . "%' OR ";
                 $search = substr_replace($search, "", -3);
                 $search .= ')';
             /* Individual column filtering */
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($aColumns); $i++) {
                 if ($_GET['bSearchable_' . $i] == "true" && $_GET['sSearch_' . $i] != '' && $_GET['sSearch_' . $i] != '~') {
                     if (!empty($search)) {
                         $search .= ' AND ';
                     switch ($wdtParameters['filter_types'][$aColumns[$i]]) {
                         case 'number':
                             $search .= '`' . $aColumns[$i] . "` = " . $_GET['sSearch_' . $i] . " ";
                         case 'number-range':
                             list($left, $right) = explode('~', $_GET['sSearch_' . $i]);
                             if ($left !== '') {
                                 $left = (double) $left;
                                 $search .= '`' . $aColumns[$i] . "` >= {$left} ";
                             if ($right !== '') {
                                 $right = (double) $right;
                                 if (!empty($search) && $left !== '') {
                                     $search .= ' AND ';
                                 $search .= '`' . $aColumns[$i] . "` <= {$right} ";
                         case 'date-range':
                             list($left, $right) = explode('~', $_GET['sSearch_' . $i]);
                             $date_format = str_replace('m', '%m', get_option('wdtDateFormat'));
                             $date_format = str_replace('M', '%M', $date_format);
                             $date_format = str_replace('Y', '%Y', $date_format);
                             $date_format = str_replace('y', '%y', $date_format);
                             $date_format = str_replace('d', '%d', $date_format);
                             if ($left && $right) {
                                 $search .= '`' . $aColumns[$i] . "` BETWEEN STR_TO_DATE('{$left}', '{$date_format}') AND STR_TO_DATE('{$right}', '{$date_format}') ";
                             } elseif ($left) {
                                 $search .= '`' . $aColumns[$i] . "` >= STR_TO_DATE('{$left}', '{$date_format}') ";
                             } elseif ($right) {
                                 $search .= '`' . $aColumns[$i] . "` <= STR_TO_DATE('{$right}', '{$date_format}') ";
                         case 'select':
                             $search .= '`' . $aColumns[$i] . "` = '" . addslashes($_GET['sSearch_' . $i]) . "' ";
                         case 'checkbox':
                             $checkboxSearches = explode('|', $_GET['sSearch_' . $i]);
                             $j = 0;
                             $search .= " (";
                             foreach ($checkboxSearches as $checkboxSearch) {
                                 // Trim regex parts
                                 $checkboxSearch = substr($checkboxSearch, 1, -1);
                                 if ($j > 0) {
                                     $search .= " OR ";
                                 $search .= '`' . $aColumns[$i] . "` = '" . addslashes($checkboxSearch) . "' ";
                             $search .= ") ";
                         case 'text':
                             $search .= '`' . $aColumns[$i] . "` LIKE '%" . addslashes($_GET['sSearch_' . $i]) . "%' ";
     // Add the filtering by user ID column, if requested
     if ($this->_onlyOwnRows) {
         $userIdColumnCondition = '`' . $this->_userIdColumn . '` = ' . get_current_user_id();
         $whereInsertIndex = count($query);
         // Detect where to insert the string
         if (false !== stripos($query, 'WHERE')) {
             // If WHERE is already present in the query
             $query = substr_replace($query, ' ' . $userIdColumnCondition . ' AND', stripos($query, 'WHERE') + 5, 0);
         } else {
             // If WHERE is not present
             if (false !== stripos($query, 'LIMIT')) {
                 // If LIMIT is present
                 $query = substr_replace($query, ' WHERE ' . $userIdColumnCondition . ' ', stripos($query, 'LIMIT'), 0);
             } else {
                 $query .= " WHERE " . $userIdColumnCondition;
     // The serverside return scenario
     if (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'get_wdtable') {
          * 1. Forming the query
         $query = preg_replace('/SELECT /i', 'SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS ', $query, 1);
         if ($search) {
             if (stripos($query, 'WHERE')) {
                 $query = substr_replace($query, ' ' . $search . ' AND', stripos($query, 'WHERE') + 5, 0);
             } else {
                 $query .= ' WHERE ' . $search;
         $query .= ' ' . $orderby;
         $query .= ' ' . $limit;
         $query = apply_filters('wpdatatables_filter_mysql_query', $query, $this->getWpId());
          * 2. Executing the queries
         // The main query
         // Prepare query - replace all duplicated spaces, newlines, etc.
         $query = preg_replace('!\\s+!', ' ', $query);
         if (get_option('wdtUseSeparateCon')) {
             $main_res_dataRows = $this->_db->getAssoc($query, $queryParams);
         } else {
             // querying using the WP driver otherwise
             $main_res_dataRows = $wpdb->get_results($query, ARRAY_A);
         // result length after filtering
         if (get_option('wdtUseSeparateCon')) {
             $res_length = $this->_db->getField('SELECT FOUND_ROWS()');
         } else {
             // querying using the WP driver otherwise
             $res_length = $wpdb->get_row('SELECT FOUND_ROWS()', ARRAY_A);
             $res_length = $res_length['FOUND_ROWS()'];
         // total data length
         // get the table name
         $table_title = substr($query, strpos(strtolower($query), 'from') + 5);
         $table_title = substr($table_title, 0, strpos($table_title, ' '));
         $table_title = trim($table_title);
         if (get_option('wdtUseSeparateCon')) {
             $total_length_query = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . $table_title;
             // If "Only own rows" options is defined, do not count other user's rows
             if (isset($userIdColumnCondition)) {
                 $total_length_query .= ' WHERE ' . $userIdColumnCondition;
             $total_length = $this->_db->getField($total_length_query);
         } else {
             // querying using the WP driver otherwise
             $total_length_query = 'SELECT COUNT(*) as cnt_total FROM ' . $table_title;
             // If "Only own rows" options is defined, do not count other user's rows
             if (isset($userIdColumnCondition)) {
                 $total_length_query .= ' WHERE ' . $userIdColumnCondition;
             $total_length = $wpdb->get_row($total_length_query, ARRAY_A);
             $total_length = $total_length['cnt_total'];
          * 3. Forming the output
         // base array
         $output = array("sEcho" => intval($_GET['sEcho']), "iTotalRecords" => $total_length, "iTotalDisplayRecords" => $res_length, "aaData" => array());
         // create the supplementary array of column objects
         // which we will use for formatting
         $col_objs = array();
         foreach ($wdtParameters['data_types'] as $dataColumn_key => $dataColumn_type) {
             $col_objs[$dataColumn_key] = WDTColumn::generateColumn($dataColumn_type, array('title' => $wdtParameters['column_titles'][$dataColumn_key]));
         // reformat output array and reorder as user wanted
         if (!empty($main_res_dataRows)) {
             foreach ($main_res_dataRows as $res_row) {
                 $row = array();
                 foreach ($wdtParameters['column_order'] as $dataColumn_key) {
                     $row[] = $col_objs[$dataColumn_key]->returnCellValue($res_row[$dataColumn_key]);
                 $output['aaData'][] = $row;
          * 4. Returning the result
         return json_encode($output);
     } else {
         // Getting the query result
         // getting by own SQL driver if the user wanted a separate connection
         if (get_option('wdtUseSeparateCon')) {
             $query = apply_filters('wpdatatables_filter_mysql_query', $query, $this->getWpId());
             $res_dataRows = $this->_db->getAssoc($query, $queryParams);
             $mysql_error = $this->_db->getLastError();
         } else {
             // querying using the WP driver otherwise
             $query = apply_filters('wpdatatables_filter_mysql_query', $query, $this->getWpId());
             $res_dataRows = $wpdb->get_results($query, ARRAY_A);
             $mysql_error = $wpdb->last_error;
         // If this is the table initialization from WP-admin, and no data is returned, throw an exception
         if ($init_read && empty($res_dataRows)) {
             $msg = __('No data fetched! ', 'wpdatatables');
             $msg .= '<br/>' . __('Rendered query: ', 'wpdatatables') . '<strong>' . $query . '</strong><br/>';
             if (!empty($mysql_error)) {
                 $msg .= __(' MySQL said: ', 'wpdatatables') . $mysql_error;
             throw new Exception($msg);
         // Sending the array to arrayBasedConstruct
         return $this->arrayBasedConstruct($res_dataRows, $wdtParameters);
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function queryBasedConstruct($query, $queryParams = array(), $wdtParameters = array())
     // checking if the table is existing in cache
     // and setting the flag if it does
     if (self::$mc) {
         $this->_cacheHash = 'bbq_' . md5($query);
         if (@self::$mc->get($this->_cacheHash)) {
             $this->_fromCache = $this->_cacheHash;
             return true;
     // Sanitizing query
     $query = wpdatatables_sanitize_query($query);
     // Placeholders
     if (strpos($query, '%CURRENT_USER_ID%') !== false) {
         $query = str_replace('%CURRENT_USER_ID%', get_current_user_id(), $query);
     // Shortcode VAR1
     if (strpos($query, '%VAR1%') !== false) {
         $query = str_replace('%VAR1%', $wdt_var1, $query);
     // Shortcode VAR2
     if (strpos($query, '%VAR2%') !== false) {
         $query = str_replace('%VAR2%', $wdt_var2, $query);
     // Shortcode VAR3
     if (strpos($query, '%VAR3%') !== false) {
         $query = str_replace('%VAR3%', $wdt_var3, $query);
     // Adding limits if necessary
     if (!empty($wdtParameters['limit']) && strpos(strtolower($query), 'limit') === false) {
         $query .= ' LIMIT ' . $wdtParameters['limit'];
     // Server-side requests
     if ($this->serverSide()) {
         if (!isset($_GET['sEcho'])) {
             $query .= ' LIMIT ' . $this->getDisplayLength();
         } else {
             // Server-side params
             $limit = '';
             $orderby = '';
             $search = '';
             $aColumns = array_keys($wdtParameters['column_titles']);
             if (isset($_GET['iDisplayStart']) && $_GET['iDisplayLength'] != '-1') {
                 $limit = "LIMIT " . addslashes($_GET['iDisplayStart']) . ", " . addslashes($_GET['iDisplayLength']);
             // Adding sort parameters for AJAX if necessary
             if (isset($_GET['iSortCol_0'])) {
                 $orderby = "ORDER BY  ";
                 for ($i = 0; $i < intval($_GET['iSortingCols']); $i++) {
                     if ($_GET['bSortable_' . intval($_GET['iSortCol_' . $i])] == "true") {
                         $orderby .= $aColumns[intval($_GET['iSortCol_' . $i])] . "\n                                    " . addslashes($_GET['sSortDir_' . $i]) . ", ";
                 $orderby = substr_replace($orderby, "", -2);
                 if ($orderby == "ORDER BY") {
                     $orderby = "";
             // filtering
             if ($_GET['sSearch'] != "") {
                 $search = " (";
                 for ($i = 0; $i < count($aColumns); $i++) {
                     $search .= '`' . $aColumns[$i] . "` LIKE '%" . addslashes($_GET['sSearch']) . "%' OR ";
                 $search = substr_replace($search, "", -3);
                 $search .= ')';
             /* Individual column filtering */
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($aColumns); $i++) {
                 if ($_GET['bSearchable_' . $i] == "true" && $_GET['sSearch_' . $i] != '' && $_GET['sSearch_' . $i] != '~') {
                     if (!empty($search)) {
                         $search .= ' AND ';
                     switch ($wdtParameters['filter_types'][$aColumns[$i]]) {
                         case 'number':
                             $search .= $aColumns[$i] . " = " . $_GET['sSearch_' . $i] . " ";
                         case 'number-range':
                             list($left, $right) = explode('~', $_GET['sSearch_' . $i]);
                             if ($left) {
                                 $search .= $aColumns[$i] . " >= {$left} ";
                             if ($right) {
                                 if (!empty($search)) {
                                     $search .= ' AND ';
                                 $search .= $aColumns[$i] . " <= {$right} ";
                         case 'date-range':
                             list($left, $right) = explode('~', $_GET['sSearch_' . $i]);
                             $date_format = str_replace('m', '%m', get_option('wdtDateFormat'));
                             $date_format = str_replace('Y', '%Y', $date_format);
                             $date_format = str_replace('y', '%y', $date_format);
                             $date_format = str_replace('d', '%d', $date_format);
                             if ($left && $right) {
                                 $search .= $aColumns[$i] . " BETWEEN STR_TO_DATE('{$left}', '{$date_format}') AND STR_TO_DATE('{$right}', '{$date_format}') ";
                             } elseif ($left) {
                                 $search .= $aColumns[$i] . " >= STR_TO_DATE('{$left}', '{$date_format}') ";
                             } elseif ($right) {
                                 $search .= $aColumns[$i] . " <= STR_TO_DATE('{$right}', '{$date_format}') ";
                         case 'select':
                             $search .= $aColumns[$i] . " = '" . addslashes($_GET['sSearch_' . $i]) . "' ";
                         case 'checkbox':
                             $checkboxSearches = explode('|', $_GET['sSearch_' . $i]);
                             $j = 0;
                             $search .= " (";
                             foreach ($checkboxSearches as $checkboxSearch) {
                                 if ($j > 0) {
                                     $search .= " OR ";
                                 $search .= $aColumns[$i] . " LIKE '%" . addslashes($checkboxSearch) . "%' ";
                             $search .= ") ";
                         case 'text':
                             $search .= $aColumns[$i] . " LIKE '%" . addslashes($_GET['sSearch_' . $i]) . "%' ";
     // The serverside return scenario
     if (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'get_wdtable') {
          * 1. Forming the query
         $query = str_ireplace('SELECT ', 'SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS ', $query);
         if ($search) {
             if (strpos($query, 'WHERE')) {
                 $query .= ' AND ' . $search;
             } else {
                 $query .= ' WHERE ' . $search;
         $query .= ' ' . $orderby;
         $query .= ' ' . $limit;
         $query = apply_filters('wpdatatables_filter_mysql_query', $query, $this->getWpId());
          * 2. Executing the queries
         // The main query
         if (get_option('wdtUseSeparateCon')) {
             $main_res_dataRows = $this->_db->getAssoc($query, $queryParams);
         } else {
             global $wpdb;
             // querying using the WP driver otherwise
             $main_res_dataRows = $wpdb->get_results($query, ARRAY_A);
         // result length after filtering
         if (get_option('wdtUseSeparateCon')) {
             $res_length = $this->_db->getField('SELECT FOUND_ROWS()');
         } else {
             global $wpdb;
             // querying using the WP driver otherwise
             $res_length = $wpdb->get_row('SELECT FOUND_ROWS()', ARRAY_A);
             $res_length = $res_length['FOUND_ROWS()'];
         // total data length
         // get the table name
         $table_title = substr($query, strpos(strtolower($query), 'from') + 5);
         $table_title = substr($table_title, 0, strpos($table_title, ' '));
         $table_title = trim($table_title);
         if (get_option('wdtUseSeparateCon')) {
             $total_length = $this->_db->getField('SELECT COUNT(' . $aColumns[0] . ') FROM ' . $table_title);
         } else {
             global $wpdb;
             // querying using the WP driver otherwise
             $total_length = $wpdb->get_row('SELECT COUNT(' . $aColumns[0] . ') as cnt_total FROM ' . $table_title, ARRAY_A);
             $total_length = $total_length['cnt_total'];
          * 3. Forming the output
         // base array
         $output = array("sEcho" => intval($_GET['sEcho']), "iTotalRecords" => $total_length, "iTotalDisplayRecords" => $res_length, "aaData" => array());
         // create the supplementary array of column objects
         // which we will use for formatting
         $col_objs = array();
         foreach ($wdtParameters['data_types'] as $dataColumn_key => $dataColumn_type) {
             $col_objs[$dataColumn_key] = WDTColumn::generateColumn($dataColumn_type, array('title' => $wdtParameters['column_titles'][$dataColumn_key]));
         // reformat output array and reorder as user wanted
         if (!empty($main_res_dataRows)) {
             foreach ($main_res_dataRows as $res_row) {
                 $row = array();
                 foreach ($wdtParameters['column_order'] as $dataColumn_key) {
                     $row[] = $col_objs[$dataColumn_key]->returnCellValue($res_row[$dataColumn_key]);
                 $output['aaData'][] = $row;
          * 4. Returning the result
         return json_encode($output);
     } else {
         // Getting the query result
         // getting by own SQL driver if the user wanted a separate connection
         if (get_option('wdtUseSeparateCon')) {
             $query = apply_filters('wpdatatables_filter_mysql_query', $query, $this->getWpId());
             $res_dataRows = $this->_db->getAssoc($query, $queryParams);
         } else {
             global $wpdb;
             // querying using the WP driver otherwise
             $query = apply_filters('wpdatatables_filter_mysql_query', $query, $this->getWpId());
             $res_dataRows = $wpdb->get_results($query, ARRAY_A);
         // Sending the array to arrayBasedConstruct
         return $this->arrayBasedConstruct($res_dataRows, $wdtParameters);