Exemplo n.º 1
	 * Turns a comma-separated string or array of terms into an array of Term objects
	 * @param mixed $terms A comma-separated string or array of string terms
	 * @param string $term_class The class of the Term object type to create from each string
	 * @param Vocabulary $vocabulary An instance of the Vocabulary that might hold the terms.  
	 * 	 Use existing term object data if found in the specified vocabulary.   	 
	 * @return Terms An instance of Terms contianing the specified Term objects
	public static function parse( $terms, $term_class = 'Term', $vocabulary = null )
		if ( is_string( $terms ) ) {
			if ( '' === $terms ) {
				return new Terms();
			$terms = trim( MultiByte::str_replace( '"', '"', $terms ) );
			// dirrty ;)
			$rez = array( '\\"'=>':__unlikely_quote__:', '\\\''=>':__unlikely_apos__:' );
			$zer = array( ':__unlikely_quote__:'=>'"', ':__unlikely_apos__:'=>"'" );
			// escape
			$tagstr = str_replace( array_keys( $rez ), $rez, $terms );
			// match-o-matic
			preg_match_all( '/((("|((?<= )|^)\')\\S([^\\3]*?)\\3((?=[\\W])|$))|[^,])+/u', $tagstr, $matches );
			// cleanup
			$terms = array_map( 'trim', $matches[0] );
			$terms = preg_replace( array_fill( 0, count( $terms ), '/^(["\'])(((?!").)+)(\\1)$/' ), '$2', $terms );
			// unescape
			$terms = str_replace( array_keys( $zer ), $zer, $terms );
			// hooray
		if ( is_array( $terms ) ) {
			if ( $vocabulary instanceof Vocabulary ) {
				foreach ( $terms as $k => $term ) {
					if ( $saved_term = $vocabulary->get_term( $term, $term_class ) ) {
						$terms[$k] = $saved_term;
					else {
						$terms[$k] = new $term_class( $term );
			else {
				array_walk( $terms, create_function( '&$tag', '$tag = new ' . $term_class . '($tag);' ) );
			return new Terms( $terms );
		return new Terms();