function __construct() { $model = new Market(); //header("Content-type:text/xml"); View::$layout = 'empty'; View::render('market/list', $model->getList()); }
function forgot() { if ($_POST) { DB::escapePost(); $sql = ' SELECT * FROM {{users}} WHERE login=\'' . $_POST['login'] . '\' '; $return = DB::getRow($sql); if ($return) { $pass = Funcs::generate_password(8); $sql = ' UPDATE {{users}} SET pass=MD5(\'' . $pass . '\') WHERE login=\'' . $_POST['login'] . '\' '; DB::exec($sql); $text = ' Здравствуйте, ' . $return["login"] . '.<br /> Ваш новый пароль ' . $pass . '.<br /> Сменить пароль Вы можете в личном кабинете. '; $mail = new Email(); $mail->To($return['email']); $mail->Subject('Восстановление пароля на сайте www.' . str_replace("www.", "", $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"])); $mail->Text($text); $mail->Send(); } $this->redirect('/'); } else { View::$layout = 'empty'; View::render('site/forgot'); } }
private function home() { $data = array(); $data['title'] = "View demo"; View::layout('master'); View::render('home.view.php', $data); }
function __construct() { if (News::tryDelSubscribers()) { News::delSubscribers(); View::$layout = 'empty'; View::render('site/redirect', array('text' => 'Вы успешно отписаны от рассылки', 'href' => '/')); } }
public static function debugAndLayout() { if (!self::hasDebug()) { return; } Core::$debug = true; View::$layout = true; }
public function getsearch() { if (trim($_POST['q'])) { $model = new Tree(); $tree = $model->getSearch(); View::$layout = 'empty'; View::render('tree/search', array('tree' => $tree)); } }
public function upload() { if ($_SESSION['iuser']['id']) { if ($_POST['act'] == 'step1') { $model = new Upload(); $model->step1(); $this->redirect('/fotobook/upload/step2/'); } elseif ($_POST['act'] == 'step2') { $model = new Upload(); $model->step2(); $this->redirect('/fotobook/upload/step3/'); } elseif ($_POST['act'] == 'step3') { $model = new Upload(); $model->step3(); View::$layout = 'empty'; View::render('fotobook/upload/step3done'); } elseif ($_POST['act'] == 'step3return') { $model = new Upload(); $model->step3return(); //$this->redirect('/fotobook/upload/step4/'); } elseif ($_POST['act'] == 'step4') { $model = new Upload(); $data = $model->step4(); $this->redirect('/fotobook/upload/thanks/', $data); } elseif (Funcs::$uri[2] == '') { $this->redirect('/fotobook/upload/step1/'); } elseif (Funcs::$uri[2] == 'step1') { $tree = Tree::getTreeByUrl('wide'); Funcs::setMeta($tree); View::render('fotobook/upload/step1', $tree); } elseif (Funcs::$uri[2] == 'step2') { $tree = Tree::getTreeByUrl('wide'); Funcs::setMeta($tree); View::render('fotobook/upload/step2', $tree); } elseif (Funcs::$uri[2] == 'step3') { $tree = Tree::getTreeByUrl('wide'); Funcs::setMeta($tree); View::render('fotobook/upload/step3', $tree); } elseif (Funcs::$uri[2] == 'step3show') { View::$layout = 'empty'; View::render('fotobook/upload/step3show'); } elseif (Funcs::$uri[2] == 'step4') { $tree = Tree::getTreeByUrl('wide'); Funcs::setMeta($tree); View::render('fotobook/upload/step4', $tree); } elseif (Funcs::$uri[2] == 'thanks') { $tree = Tree::getTreeByUrl('wide'); Funcs::setMeta($tree); View::render('fotobook/upload/thanks', $tree); } } else { $tree = Tree::getTreeByUrl('wide'); Funcs::setMeta($tree); View::render('fotobook/upload/page', $tree); } }
static function relyFile() { $styles_arr = array('', 'core.Bracket.bootstrap#min', 'core.Bracket.bootstrap-override', '', 'core.Bracket.animate#delay', 'core.Bracket.select2', 'core.Bracket.toggles', 'core.Bracket.animate#min', 'core.Bracket.lato', 'core.Bracket.roboto', 'core.Bracket.jquery-ui-1#10#3', 'core.Bracket.font-awesome#min', ''); // core.Bracket. $scripts_arr = array('core.Bracket.jquery-1#11#1#min', 'core.Bracket.jquery-migrate-1#2#1#min', 'core.Bracket.jquery-ui-1#10#3#min', 'core.Bracket.jquery#cookies', 'core.Bracket.bootstrap#min', 'core.Bracket.modernizr#min', 'core.Bracket.jquery#sparkline#min', 'core.Bracket.toggles#min', 'core.Bracket.retina#min', 'core.Bracket.custom', '', 'core.Bracket.message'); View::assign('scriptTml', '<script>jQuery(document).ready(function (){%s})</script>'); View::l_assign('styles', $styles_arr, 1); View::assign('scripts', $scripts_arr, 1); return View::layout('core.Html5.baseRelyFile'); }
public function getOne($id) { if ($_POST) { if (Spage::send($id)) { View::$layout = 'empty'; View::render('site/redirect', array('href' => '/vacancy/', 'text' => 'Заявка принята!\\nМы свяжемся с Вами в ближайшее время')); } } $field = Fields::getFieldsByTree($id, 'wide'); return $field; }
public function basket() { $model = new Orders(); if (isset($_POST['q'])) { View::$layout = 'empty'; View::plugin('basketgoods', array('items' => Orders::getBasket(), 'id' => $_POST['id'])); } else { View::$layout = 'empty'; View::plugin('basket'); } }
public static function sendAllOrder($id) { $data = Orders::getOrderById($id); View::$layout = 'empty'; $text = View::getRenderFullEmpty('email/order', $data); $mail = new Email(); $mail->mailTo($data['email']); $mail->Subject('Статус заказа №' . (str_repeat('0', 6 - strlen($id)) . $id) . ' на сайте ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . ' изменен'); $mail->From('robot@' . str_replace('www.', '', $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"])); $mail->Text($text); $mail->Send(); }
function run() { $id = 1; if (is_numeric(Funcs::$uri[2])) { $id = Funcs::$uri[2]; } elseif (is_numeric($_GET['parent'])) { $id = $_GET['parent']; } elseif (is_numeric($_GET['id'])) { $sql = 'SELECT parent FROM {{tree}} WHERE id=' . $_GET['id']; $id = DB::getOne($sql); } View::$layout = 'empty'; View::render('tree/tree', array('tree' => TreeWidget::getTree($id))); }
public function sendMailback() { DB::escapePost(); $text .= '<b>Имя:</b> ' . $_POST['name'] . '<br />'; $text .= '<b>Телефон:</b> ' . $_POST['phone'] . '<br />'; $text .= '<b>Email:</b> ' . $_POST['email'] . '<br />'; $text .= '<b>Сообщение:</b> ' . nl2br($_POST['message']) . '<br />'; View::$layout = 'empty'; $text = View::getRender('email/callback', array('text' => $text)); $mail = new Email(); $mail->mailTo(Funcs::$conf['email']['callback']); $mail->Subject('Обратная связь на сайте ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); $mail->Text($text); $mail->Send(); }
/** * Runs the context. * * @param render If true the context will print the output to php://stdout and exit. Defaults to true. * * @returns A string of data. Dig it? */ public function execute() { $document = new Document(); $controller = Request::$controller . '_Controller'; $controller = new $controller($document); // See if this is a valid context for this controller $valid_context = in_array('*', $controller->context_availability); if (in_array(Request::$context, $controller->context_availability)) { $valid_context = true; } else { if (array_key_exists(Request::$method, $controller->context_availability) and (in_array(Request::$context, $controller->context_availability[Request::$method]) or in_array('*', $controller->context_availability[Request::$method]))) { $valid_context = true; } } // Check exclusion list... if (array_key_exists(Request::$method, $controller->context_exclusion) and (in_array(Request::$context, $controller->context_exclusion[Request::$method]) or in_array('*', $controller->context_exclusion[Request::$method]))) { $valid_context = false; } if (!$valid_context) { die("Invalid Context!"); } // Try context specific method first... if (is_callable(array($controller, Request::$method . '_' . Request::$context))) { if (false === call_user_func_array(array(&$controller, Request::$method . '_' . Request::$context), Request::$arguments)) { die("Error Calling Method for " . Request::$controller . ": " . Request::$method . '_' . Request::$context); } } else { if (!is_callable(array($controller, Request::$method))) { die("Bad Method for " . Request::$controller . ": " . Request::$method); } if (false === call_user_func_array(array(&$controller, Request::$method), Request::$arguments)) { die("Error Calling Method for " . Request::$controller . ": " . Request::$method); } } $layout = View::layout(Request::$context); $output = $layout->render($document); return $output; }
protected function _import_options($options) { if (is_array($options)) { foreach ($options as $option => $value) { switch ($option) { case 'partial': $this->_is_partial = TRUE; /* no break, follows down */ /* no break, follows down */ case 'action': case 'template': case 'file': $file = $this->_origfile = strtolower((string) $value); break; case 'inline': case 'haml': $this->_is_inline = TRUE; $this->_inline_haml = (string) $value; $this->_viewfile = ''; break; case 'locals': if (is_array($value) || $value instanceof Traversable) { $this->set($value); } break; case 'format': $this->_format = strtolower($value); break; case 'basedir': $this->_basedir = static::$_last_basedir = strtolower(rtrim((string) $value, '/') . '/'); break; case 'layout': View::layout($value); break; } } } else { $file = $this->_origfile = (string) $options; } if (isset($file)) { $this->_viewfile = $this->prepare_view_filename($file); } }
function toOrder($iuserId = 0, $id = '', $send = true) { if ($id == '') { $id = $this->saveBasket(); } View::$layout = 'empty'; $data = $this->getOrder(); $data['id'] = $id; $data['hits'] = Index::getHits(); $text = View::getRender('basket/mail', $data); $textadmin = View::getRender('basket/mailadmin', $data); $info = View::getRender('basket/mailinfo'); $code = ''; /*if($info!='Наличными'){ $_SESSION['code']=rand(1,9999); $code='<br /><br /><b>Код подтверждения:<b/> '.$_SESSION['code']; }*/ $this->saveBasket($id, $text, $data, $info, $iuserId); if ($send) { $mail = new Email(); $mail->Text($textadmin); $mail->Subject('Поступил заказ с сайта www.' . str_replace('www.', '', $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"])); $mail->From('robot@' . str_replace('www.', '', $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"])); $mail->To(Funcs::$conf['email']['order']); $mail->Send(); if ($_SESSION['mydata']['email']) { $data['client'] = 1; $text = View::getRender('basket/mail', $data); $info = View::getRender('basket/mailinfo'); $mail = new Email(); $mail->Text($text); $mail->Subject('Вы оставили заказ на сайте www.' . str_replace('www.', '', $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"])); $mail->From('robot@' . str_replace('www.', '', $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"])); $mail->mailTo($_SESSION['mydata']['email']); $mail->Send(); } } if (SMSuser) { file_get_contents(''******'&pass='******'&phone=' . Funcs::$conf['additional']['sms'] . '&flash=0&message=' . urlencode(iconv('utf-8', 'windows-1251', 'Заказ ' . $id . ' ' . $_SESSION['mydata']['name'] . ' ' . $_SESSION['mydata']['phone'])) . '&from=' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . ''); } $_SESSION['mydata'] = array(); $_SESSION['goods'] = array(); $_SESSION['orderId'] = $id; }
function __construct() { if (Funcs::$uri[0] == '') { $tree = Tree::getTreeByUrl('wide'); Funcs::setMeta($tree); //$tree['hits']=Index::getHits(); //$tree['mainbanner']=Index::getMainBanner(); //$id=Tree::getIdTreeByModule('news'); //$tree['news']=News::getList($id,2); //$tree['banners']=Index::getBanners(); /*$tree['about']=Fields::getFieldsByTree(8,'wide'); $tree['examples']=Index::getExamples(); $tree['forum']=Forum::getIndex();*/ View::render('site/index', $tree); } elseif (Funcs::$uri[0] == 'sitemap') { //$tree=Tree::getTreeByUrl('wide'); //Funcs::setMeta($tree); $model = new Tree(); $tree['sitemap'] = $model->getSitemap(); View::render('site/sitemap', $tree); } elseif (Funcs::$uri[0] == 'rss') { View::$layout = "empty"; View::render('news/rss', News::getRSS()); } elseif (Funcs::$uri[0] == 'contacts' && Funcs::$uri[1] == '') { $tree = Tree::getTreeByUrl('wide'); Funcs::setMeta($tree); View::render('site/contacts', $tree); } elseif (Funcs::$uri[0] == 'viewed') { $tree = Tree::getTreeByUrl('wide'); Funcs::setMeta($tree); $tree['list'] = Catalog::getViewed(); $tree['recommended'] = Catalog::getRecommended(); View::render('favorite/viewed', $tree); } elseif (Funcs::$uri[0] == 'customer' && Funcs::$uri[1] == 'partners' && Funcs::$uri[2] == 'anketa' && Funcs::$uri[3] == '') { $tree = Tree::getTreeByUrl('wide'); Funcs::setMeta($tree); View::render('site/anketa', $tree); } else { $tree = Tree::getTreeByUrl(); Funcs::setMeta($tree); if ($tree['info']['type'] == 'spage') { $class = strtoupper(substr($tree['info']['path'], 0, 1)) . substr($tree['info']['path'], 1, strlen($tree['info']['path'])); if (class_exists($class)) { if ($tree['info']['id2'] == 0) { eval('$tree[\'list\']=' . $class . '::getList($tree[\'id\']);'); View::render($tree['info']['path'] . '/list', $tree); } else { eval('$tree[\'fields\']=' . $class . '::getOne($tree[\'id\']);'); if (isset($_GET['print'])) { View::$layout = 'empty'; View::render($tree['info']['path'] . '/print', $tree); } else { View::render($tree['info']['path'] . '/one', $tree); } } } else { if ($tree['info']['id2'] == 0) { $tree['list'] = Spage::getList($tree['id']); View::render($tree['info']['path'] . '/list', $tree); } else { $tree['fields'] = Spage::getOne($tree['id']); if (isset($_GET['print'])) { View::$layout = 'empty'; View::render($tree['info']['path'] . '/print', $tree); } else { View::render($tree['info']['path'] . '/one', $tree); } } } } else { View::render('site/page', $tree); } } }
private function disableDebugAndLayout() { Settings::$debugShowDebug = false; View::$layout = false; }
function run() { $model = new Tree(); View::$layout = 'empty'; View::render('tree/tree', array('tree' => $model->getTree())); }
function social() { $model = new User(); $model->setSocial(); View::$layout = 'popup'; View::render('popup/close'); }
public static function setSubscribers() { DB::escapePost(); $sql = 'SELECT email FROM {{subscribers}} WHERE email=\'' . $_POST["email"] . '\''; $email = DB::getOne($sql); if ($email) { $text .= '<b>Здравствуйте!</b><br />Вы уже зарегистрированы на подписку<br /><br />'; $text .= 'Для отказа от подписки пройдите по ссылке <a href="http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/confirm/' . md5(News::$delsalt . $email) . '">http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/confirm/' . md5(News::$delsalt . $email) . '</a><br />'; } else { $sql = ' INSERT INTO {{subscribers}} SET email=\'' . $_POST["email"] . '\', create_date=NOW() '; DB::exec($sql); $text .= '<b>Здравствуйте!</b><br />Вы успешно зарегистрированы на подписку на сайте <a href="http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '">' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '</a><br /><br />'; $text .= 'Для отказа от подписки пройдите по ссылке <a href="http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/confirm/' . md5(News::$delsalt . $email) . '">http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/confirm/' . md5(News::$delsalt . $email) . '</a><br />'; } View::$layout = 'empty'; $text = View::getRender('email/newssubscribe', array('text' => $text)); $mail = new Email(); $mail->To($_POST["email"]); $mail->Subject('Подписка на новости на сайте ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); $mail->Text($text); $mail->Send(); }
public function finish() { $tree['seo_title'] = $tree['seo_keywords'] = $tree['seo_description'] = 'Подтверждение'; Funcs::setMeta($tree); $basket = new Basket(); $data = $basket->getConfirm($_SESSION['orderId']); if (isset($_GET['print'])) { View::$layout = 'empty'; View::render('basket/print', $data); } else { View::render('basket/finish', $data); } }
public function setAnketa() { Funcs::escapePost(); $data = array(); $text = ''; foreach (OneSSA::$iuserStandartAdds as $title => $items) { $text .= '<h3>' . $title . ':</h3>'; foreach ($items as $key => $item) { if ($item['type'] == 'bool') { $data[$key] = $_POST[$key] == 1 ? '1' : '0'; $_POST[$key] = $_POST[$key] == 1 ? 'Да' : 'Нет'; } else { if ($item['main'] != 1) { $data[$key] = $_POST[$key]; } } $text .= '<b>' . $item['name'] . ':</b> ' . $_POST[$key] . '<br />'; } } $pass = Funcs::generate_password(8); $address = array(); foreach (OneSSA::$iuserStandartAdds['1.2 Фактический адрес'] as $key => $item) { if ($_POST[$key] != '') { $address[] = $_POST[$key]; } } if (count($address) > 0) { $address = implode(', ', $address); } else { $address = ''; } $sql = ' INSERT INTO {{iusers}} SET name=\'' . $_POST['name'] . '\', phone=\'' . $_POST['phone'] . '\', email=\'' . $_POST['email'] . '\', pass=\'' . md5($pass) . '\', address=\'' . $address . '\', visible=0, cdate=NOW() '; $id = DB::exec($sql); $text .= '<b>Пароль:</b> ' . $pass . '<br />'; $text .= '<b>Пользователь:</b> ' . $id . '<br />'; foreach ($data as $key => $item) { $sql = ' INSERT INTO {{iusers_adds}} SET iuser='******', name=\'' . $key . '\', string_value=\'' . $_POST[$key] . '\' '; DB::exec($sql); } $mail = new Email(); $mail->mailTo(Funcs::$conf['email']['anketa']); $mail->Subject('Новая анкета партнера на сайте ' . str_replace("www.", "", $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"])); View::$layout = 'empty'; $text = View::getRender('email/anketa', array('text' => $text)); $mail->Text($text); $mail->Send(); }
public static function error($sql, $backtrace) { if (DEBUG == 0 && Funcs::$uri[0] != ONESSA_DIR) { header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found"); DB::$error = true; View::$layout = 'main'; View::render('site/error404'); } elseif (DEBUG != 0 && Funcs::$uri[0] != ONESSA_DIR) { header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found"); print View::getRenderEmpty('site/error', array('sql' => $sql, 'backtrace' => $backtrace)); } else { print View::getRenderOneSSAEmpty('site/error', array('sql' => $sql, 'backtrace' => $backtrace)); } }
function addfield() { View::$layout = 'empty'; View::render('work/addfield', array('modules' => array())); }
public function layout($tpl = '') { return View::layout($tpl); }
public function before() { $directory = $this->request->directory(); $controller = $this->request->controller(); $action = $this->request->action(); $format = $this->_detect_response_format(); $mime = File::mime_by_ext($format) ?: 'text/html'; $this->response->view(['basedir' => $controller, 'directory' => $directory, 'action' => $action, 'format' => $format]); $this->response->view->set(['basedir' => $controller, 'directory' => $directory, 'controller' => $controller, 'action' => $action, 'format' => $format, 'request' => $this->request, 'method' => $this->request->method(), 'secure' => $this->request->secure(), 'route' => $this->request->route(), 'route_name' => Route::name($this->request->route()), 'params' => $this->request->param(), 'query' => $this->request->query()]); $this->format = $format; if ($this->_layout === NULL) { $layout = strtolower($controller); if ($this->response->view->viewfile_exists($layout, 'layouts')) { $this->_layout = $layout; } else { if ($this->response->view->viewfile_exists($this->_default_layout, 'layouts')) { $this->_layout = $this->_default_layout; } } } $this->response->headers('Content-Type', $mime . '; charset=' . Kohana::$charset); if ($this->_layout) { View::layout($this->_layout); } $this->_before_action && $this->_call_method_for_action($this->_before_action); }
public function pageDenied() { View::$layout = 'empty'; View::render('site/pagedenied'); die; }
function notification() { if ($_POST) { $model = new Cabinet(); $model->saveNotification(); View::$layout = 'empty'; View::render('site/redirect', array('text' => 'Данные успешно сохранены', 'href' => '/cabinet/notification/')); } else { $model = new Cabinet(); $data = $model->getNotification(); View::render('cabinet/notification', $data); } }
function sendmessage() { if ($_SESSION['iuser']) { Funcs::escapePost(); Message::addMessage($_POST['touser'], $_POST['message']); View::$layout = 'popup'; View::render('popup/loginclose'); } }