
 * A php file to test the Vedic Rishi Client class
 * Author: Chandan Tiwari
 * Date: 06/12/14
 * Time: 5:42 PM
require_once 'src/VedicRishiClient.php';
$userId = "<YourUserIdhere>";
$apiKey = "<YourApiKeyHere>";
// make some dummy data in order to call vedic rishi api
$data = array('date' => 25, 'month' => 12, 'year' => 1988, 'hour' => 4, 'minute' => 0, 'latitude' => 25.123, 'longitude' => 82.34, 'timezone' => 5.5);
// api name which is to be called
$resourceName = "astro_details";
// instantiate VedicRishiClient class
$vedicRishi = new VedicRishiClient($userId, $apiKey);
// call horoscope apis
$responseData = $vedicRishi->call($resourceName, $data['date'], $data['month'], $data['year'], $data['hour'], $data['minute'], $data['latitude'], $data['longitude'], $data['timezone']);
// print response data
echo $responseData;

 * A PHP File to test Numerology APIs from Vedic Rishi Astro
 * User: chandan
 * Date: 14/05/15
 * Time: 5:38 PM
require_once 'src/VedicRishiClient.php';
$userId = "<YourUserIdhere>";
$apiKey = "<YourApiKeyHere>";
//TODO:  Make numerology request data. This needs to come from form in production
$dateOfBirth = 25;
$monthOfBirth = 12;
$yearOfBirth = 1988;
$name = 'Chandan';
// Numerology APIs which needs to be called
$numeroResourceName = 'numero_table';
// instantiate VedicRishiClient class
$vedicRishi = new VedicRishiClient($userId, $apiKey);
// call numerology method of the VedicRishiClient call .. provides JSON response
$numeroJSONData = $vedicRishi->numeroCall($numeroResourceName, $dateOfBirth, $monthOfBirth, $yearOfBirth, $name);
// printing the JSON data on the screen/browser
echo $numeroJSONData;