Exemplo n.º 1
  * Sets initial language configuration for global use.
 public function setLang()
     $session = new Session();
     $vars = new Vars();
     if (!$session->exists('lang') || $vars->get('lang')) {
         $session->set('lang', $vars->get('lang') ? $vars->get('lang') : self::DEFAULT_LANG);
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Set the $post and $get variables, since they will
  * be set to the same properties in the CodonModule class
 public static function setParameters()
     self::$post = new stdClass();
     self::$get = new stdClass();
     foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
         self::$post->{$key} = self::cleaned($value);
     foreach ($_GET as $key => $value) {
         self::$get->{$key} = self::cleaned($value);
     foreach ($_REQUEST as $key => $value) {
         self::$request->{$key} = self::cleaned($value);
Exemplo n.º 3
  * 本体実行前にクラスを初期化する。
 static function init()
     self::$post = $_POST;
     self::$get = $_GET;
     self::$cookie = $_COOKIE;
     if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
         self::$post = map('stripslashes', self::$post);
         self::$get = map('stripslashes', self::$get);
         self::$cookie = map('stripslashes', self::$cookie);
     self::$get = map('rawurldecode', self::$get);
     if (ini_get('mbstring.encoding_translation')) {
         $encode = ini_get('mbstring.internal_encoding');
         $proc = "return mb_convert_encoding(\$str, 'UTF-8', '{$encode}');";
         self::$post = map(create_function('$str', $proc), self::$post);
 * Contact Shane Barron admin@socia.us for more information.
namespace SocialApparatus;

$options = NULL;
$field_value = Vars::get("value");
if (!$field_value) {
    $field_value = Vars::get('name');
$name = Vars::get("name");
$label = Vars::get("label");
$options_values = Vars::get("options_values");
$class = Vars::get("class");
$args = arrayToArgs(Vars::get("args"));
foreach ($options_values as $key => $value) {
    $checked = is_array($field_value) && in_array($key, $field_value) ? "checked" : "";
    $options .= <<<HTML
<div class="checkbox">
        <input type="checkbox" value="{$key}" name="{$name}[]" {$checked}>
$core = <<<HTML
<div class='form-group'>
if ($label) {
 * SocialApparatus CONFIDENTIAL
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 *  [2002] - [2017] SocialApparatus (http://SocialApparatus.co) 
 *  All Rights Reserved.
 * NOTICE:  All information contained herein is, and remains the property of SocialApparatus 
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 * are proprietary to SocialApparatus and its suppliers and may be covered by U.S. and Foreign 
 * Patents, patents in process, and are protected by trade secret or copyright law. 
 * Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden 
 * unless prior written permission is obtained from SocialApparatus.
 * Contact Shane Barron admin@socia.us for more information.
namespace SocialApparatus;

$timestamp = Vars::get("timestamp");
$date = date("c", $timestamp);

<small class="text-muted">
    <i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i> 
    <time class="timeago" datetime="<?php 
echo $date;
Exemplo n.º 6
 * Contact Shane Barron admin@socia.us for more information.
namespace SocialApparatus;

$value = Vars::get("value");
if (!$value) {
    $value = getInput('name');
$name = Vars::get("name");
$label = Vars::get("label");
if ($label) {
    $label = "<label for='{$name}'>{$label}</label>";
} else {
    $label = NULL;
$required = Vars::get("required");
if ($required) {
    $required = "required='required'";
} else {
    $required = NULL;
$class = Vars::get("class");
$placeholder = Vars::get("placeholder");
echo <<<HTML
<div class='form-group'>
    <input name="{$name}" type="email" class="{$class}" value="{$value}" placeholder="{$placeholder}" {$required}>

/* * ***********************************************************************
 * SocialApparatus CONFIDENTIAL
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 *  [2002] - [2017] SocialApparatus (http://SocialApparatus.co) 
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 * are proprietary to SocialApparatus and its suppliers and may be covered by U.S. and Foreign 
 * Patents, patents in process, and are protected by trade secret or copyright law. 
 * Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden 
 * unless prior written permission is obtained from SocialApparatus.
 * Contact Shane Barron admin@socia.us for more information.
namespace SocialApparatus;

$inputs = Vars::get("inputs");
foreach ($inputs as $name => $value) {
    echo display("input/hidden", array("name" => $name, "value" => $value, "label" => NULL));
echo display("input/textarea", array("name" => "comment", "placeholder" => "Your Comment", "label" => NULL, "class" => "form-control comment_textarea", "value" => NULL));
echo display("input/submit", array("label" => "Add Comment", "class" => "btn btn-info btn-sm add_comment_submit"));
Exemplo n.º 8
 * NOTICE:  All information contained herein is, and remains the property of SocialApparatus 
 * and its suppliers, if any.  The intellectual  and technical concepts contained herein 
 * are proprietary to SocialApparatus and its suppliers and may be covered by U.S. and Foreign 
 * Patents, patents in process, and are protected by trade secret or copyright law. 
 * Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden 
 * unless prior written permission is obtained from SocialApparatus.
 * Contact Shane Barron admin@socia.us for more information.
namespace SocialApparatus;

$guid = Vars::get("guid");
$view_type = Vars::get("view_type");
$class = NULL;
$user = getEntity($guid);
$url = $user->getURL();
$footer = display("user/buttons");
$member_body = display("user/body", array("guid" => $guid));
switch ($view_type) {
    case "list":
        $timeago = display("output/friendly_time", array("timestamp" => $user->time_created));
        $icon = $user->icon(MEDIUM, "media-object");
        echo <<<HTML
<button class="list-group-item member_list_element {$class}" data-guid="{$guid}">
    <span class="media">
        <span class="media-left">
 * NOTICE:  All information contained herein is, and remains the property of SocialApparatus 
 * and its suppliers, if any.  The intellectual  and technical concepts contained herein 
 * are proprietary to SocialApparatus and its suppliers and may be covered by U.S. and Foreign 
 * Patents, patents in process, and are protected by trade secret or copyright law. 
 * Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden 
 * unless prior written permission is obtained from SocialApparatus.
 * Contact Shane Barron admin@socia.us for more information.
namespace SocialApparatus;

$params = Vars::get("params");
$count = Vars::get("count");
$count_shown = Vars::get("count_shown");
$wrapper_id = Vars::get("wrapper_id");
$session = getInput("session");
$user = getUserFromSession($session);
if ($user) {
    $params['logged_in_user_guid'] = $user->guid;
echo listEntities($params);
if ($count > $count_shown) {
    $params['offset'] = $params['offset'] + $params['limit'];
    $params = json_encode($params);
    $button = "<button class='show_more btn btn-danger btn-xs pull-right' data-count='{$count}' data-count_shown='{$count_shown}' data-params='{$params}' data-id='{$wrapper_id}'>More</button>";
} else {
    $button = NULL;
echo $button;
Exemplo n.º 10
/* * ***********************************************************************
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 *  [2002] - [2017] SocialApparatus (http://SocialApparatus.co) 
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 * and its suppliers, if any.  The intellectual  and technical concepts contained herein 
 * are proprietary to SocialApparatus and its suppliers and may be covered by U.S. and Foreign 
 * Patents, patents in process, and are protected by trade secret or copyright law. 
 * Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden 
 * unless prior written permission is obtained from SocialApparatus.
 * Contact Shane Barron admin@socia.us for more information.
namespace SocialApparatus;

$vars = Vars::get("called_by");
$guid = pageArray(1);
$owner = getEntity($guid);
$friends = FriendsPlugin::getFriends($owner, 0, 1000);
$friends_list = viewEntityList($friends, "gallery");
$find_friends_url = getSiteURL() . "members";
$search_friends_form = drawForm(array("name" => "search_friends", "method" => "get", "page" => "searchFriends", "class" => "form-inline"));
$friends_text = translate("friends");
$find_friends_text = translate("find_friends");
echo display("page_elements/panel", array("heading" => "<a href='{$find_friends_url}' class='btn btn-success btn-xs pull-right'>{$find_friends_text}</a>{$friends_text}", "body" => $friends_list, "footer" => $search_friends_form));
Exemplo n.º 11
 * @todo: Replace this code with a proper router
define('BASEPATH', realpath(dirname(__FILE__)) . DS);
define('APPPATH', BASEPATH . 'application' . DS);
require BASEPATH . 'system' . DS . 'core.php';
define('LOGGED_IN', is_logged_in());
$smarty->assign('logged_in', LOGGED_IN);
if (isset($_SESSION['user_data']['id'])) {
    $smarty->assign('user_id', $_SESSION['user_data']['id']);
} else {
    $smarty->assign('user_id', 0);
/* ----- Use a router insted ----- */
$query = isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) ? $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] : '';
$req_uri = isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) ? $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] : '';
$request = str_replace($CFG->get('relative_path'), '', $req_uri);
$request = str_replace('?' . $query, '', $request);
$url_parts = explode('/', trim($request, '/'));
$url_parts[0] = isset($url_parts[0]) && $url_parts[0] != '' ? $url_parts[0] : '';
$url_parts = str_replace('..', '', $url_parts);
/* ---------- */
$file = plugin($url_parts);
Vars::set('args', $url_parts);
Vars::set('plain_args', implode('/', $url_parts));
require $file;
require BASEPATH . 'getRank.php';
$smarty->assign('players_rank', Vars::get('players_rank'));
$smarty->assign('guilds_rank', Vars::get('guilds_rank'));
Exemplo n.º 12
 * SocialApparatus CONFIDENTIAL
 * __________________
 *  [2002] - [2017] SocialApparatus (http://SocialApparatus.co) 
 *  All Rights Reserved.
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 * and its suppliers, if any.  The intellectual  and technical concepts contained herein 
 * are proprietary to SocialApparatus and its suppliers and may be covered by U.S. and Foreign 
 * Patents, patents in process, and are protected by trade secret or copyright law. 
 * Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden 
 * unless prior written permission is obtained from SocialApparatus.
 * Contact Shane Barron admin@socia.us for more information.
namespace SocialApparatus;

$value = Vars::get('value');
$value = html_entity_decode($value);
$label = Vars::get('label');
if ($label) {
    $body = <<<HTML
        <strong>{$label}:  </strong>{$value}
    echo $body;
} else {
    echo $value;
Exemplo n.º 13
Arquivo: FS.php Projeto: jbzoo/utils
  * Function to strip additional / or \ in a path name.
  * @param   string $path   The path to clean.
  * @param   string $dirSep Directory separator (optional).
  * @return  string
  * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.Superglobals)
 public static function clean($path, $dirSep = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)
     if (!is_string($path) || empty($path)) {
         return '';
     $path = trim((string) $path);
     if (empty($path)) {
         $path = Vars::get($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], '');
     } elseif ($dirSep == '\\' && $path[0] == '\\' && $path[1] == '\\') {
         $path = "\\" . preg_replace('#[/\\\\]+#', $dirSep, $path);
     } else {
         $path = preg_replace('#[/\\\\]+#', $dirSep, $path);
     return $path;

/* * ***********************************************************************
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 *  [2002] - [2017] SocialApparatus (http://SocialApparatus.co) 
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 * and its suppliers, if any.  The intellectual  and technical concepts contained herein 
 * are proprietary to SocialApparatus and its suppliers and may be covered by U.S. and Foreign 
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 * Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden 
 * unless prior written permission is obtained from SocialApparatus.
 * Contact Shane Barron admin@socia.us for more information.
namespace SocialApparatus;

$classes = Vars::get("classes");
$classes = str_replace("photopicker_album_gallery_item well well-sm ", "", $classes);
$classes = str_replace(" active", "", $classes);
$classes = str_replace("album_", "", $classes);
$photos = listEntities(array("type" => "Photo", "metadata_name" => "container_guid", "metadata_value" => intval($classes), "view_type" => "photopicker_gallery"));
echo $photos;
Exemplo n.º 15
Arquivo: Url.php Projeto: jbzoo/utils
  * Convert file path to relative URL
  * @param $path
  * @return string
  * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.Superglobals)
 public static function pathToRel($path)
     $root = FS::clean(Vars::get($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']));
     $path = FS::clean($path);
     $normRoot = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', $root);
     $normPath = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', $path);
     $regExp = '/^' . preg_quote($normRoot, '/') . '/i';
     $relative = preg_replace($regExp, '', $normPath);
     $relative = ltrim($relative, '/');
     return $relative;
Exemplo n.º 16
$autocomplete = Vars::get("autocomplete");
if (!$autocomplete) {
    $autocomplete = "autocomplete='off'";
} else {
    $autocomplete = NULL;
$prepend = Vars::get("prepend");
$extend = Vars::get("extend");
$class = Vars::get("class");
if (!$class) {
    $class = "datepicker";
} else {
    $class .= " datepicker";
$format = Vars::get("format");
if (!$format) {
    $format = "mm/dd/yyyy";
$body = "<div class='form-group'>";
if ($label) {
    $body .= "<label for='{$name}'>{$label}</label>";
if ($prepend || $extend) {
    $body .= "<div class='input-group'>";
if ($prepend) {
    $body .= "<div class='input-group-addon'>{$prepend}</div>";
$body .= "<input type='text' class='{$class}' value='{$value}' data-date-format='{$format}' {$required} {$disabled} {$autocomplete} readonly='true'>";
if ($extend) {

/* * ***********************************************************************
 * SocialApparatus CONFIDENTIAL
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 *  [2002] - [2017] SocialApparatus (http://SocialApparatus.co) 
 *  All Rights Reserved.
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 * and its suppliers, if any.  The intellectual  and technical concepts contained herein 
 * are proprietary to SocialApparatus and its suppliers and may be covered by U.S. and Foreign 
 * Patents, patents in process, and are protected by trade secret or copyright law. 
 * Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden 
 * unless prior written permission is obtained from SocialApparatus.
 * Contact Shane Barron admin@socia.us for more information.
namespace SocialApparatus;

$guid = Vars::get('guid');
$lead = translate("verification_email_sent:lead");
$form = drawForm(array("name" => "resend_verification_email", "action" => "ResendEmailVerification", "method" => "post"));
$body = <<<HTML
<p class="lead">{$lead}</p>
<p class="text-center">{$form}</p>
echo drawPage(array("header" => translate("verification_email_sent:heading"), "body" => $body));
Exemplo n.º 18

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 *  [2002] - [2017] SocialApparatus (http://SocialApparatus.co) 
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 * are proprietary to SocialApparatus and its suppliers and may be covered by U.S. and Foreign 
 * Patents, patents in process, and are protected by trade secret or copyright law. 
 * Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden 
 * unless prior written permission is obtained from SocialApparatus.
 * Contact Shane Barron admin@socia.us for more information.
namespace SocialApparatus;

$value = Vars::get('value');
$body = Vars::get('label');
if ($body) {
    $body = "<strong>{$body}</strong>";
$body .= ": " . $value;
echo $body;
Exemplo n.º 19
/* * ***********************************************************************
 * SocialApparatus CONFIDENTIAL
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 *  [2002] - [2017] SocialApparatus (http://SocialApparatus.co) 
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 * are proprietary to SocialApparatus and its suppliers and may be covered by U.S. and Foreign 
 * Patents, patents in process, and are protected by trade secret or copyright law. 
 * Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden 
 * unless prior written permission is obtained from SocialApparatus.
 * Contact Shane Barron admin@socia.us for more information.
namespace SocialApparatus;

$name = Vars::get("name");
$label = Vars::get("label");
echo <<<HTML
  <div class='checkbox'>
      <input type='checkbox' name='{$name}'> {$label}
Exemplo n.º 20
function Vars($name)
    return Vars::get($name);
Exemplo n.º 21

if (!defined('BASEPATH')) {
    exit('Nu poti accesa acest fisier direct.');
set_title(site_name() . ' - Confirmare schimbare email');
if (isset($_SESSION['user_data']['email_token']) && $_SESSION['user_data']['email_token'] == '') {
    assign('content_tpl', 'content/emailchange/confirmation_error');
$step = 'step1';
$args = Vars::get('args');
$username = isset($args[1]) ? $DB->escape($args[1]) : '';
$token = isset($args[1]) ? $DB->escape($args[2]) : '';
$data = $DB->select("id, email, new_email, email_step", ACCOUNT_DATABASE . ".account", "`login` LIKE '" . $username . "' AND `email_token` LIKE '" . $token . "'");
if (is_array($data)) {
    $args[0] = isset($args[0]) ? $args[0] : 'cancel';
    if ($args[0] == 'confirm' && $data['email_step'] == 2) {
        $ok = $DB->query("UPDATE " . ACCOUNT_DATABASE . ".account SET `email`='" . $data['new_email'] . "', `email_token`='', `email_expire`='', `new_email`='', `email_step`='0' WHERE `id`='" . $data['id'] . "'");
        $step = 'confirmation_confirm';
    } elseif ($args[0] == 'accept' && $data['email_step'] == 1) {
        $token = sha1(microtime() . $data['email'] . rand(123151, 999999));
        $ok = $DB->query("UPDATE " . ACCOUNT_DATABASE . ".account SET `email_token`='" . $token . "', `email_step`='2' WHERE `id`='" . $data['id'] . "'");
        if ($ok) {
            $arr = array('login' => $username, 'site_name' => site_name(), 'site_url' => site_url(), 'token' => $token);
            $email_ses = email()->load('emailchange/emailchange_accept');
            $email_ses->set('noreply@' . rtrim(site_name(), '/'), '', $data['new_email'], 'Schimbare de email');
            $step = 'step2';
Exemplo n.º 22

/* * ***********************************************************************
 * SocialApparatus CONFIDENTIAL
 * __________________
 *  [2002] - [2017] SocialApparatus (http://SocialApparatus.co) 
 *  All Rights Reserved.
 * NOTICE:  All information contained herein is, and remains the property of SocialApparatus 
 * and its suppliers, if any.  The intellectual  and technical concepts contained herein 
 * are proprietary to SocialApparatus and its suppliers and may be covered by U.S. and Foreign 
 * Patents, patents in process, and are protected by trade secret or copyright law. 
 * Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden 
 * unless prior written permission is obtained from SocialApparatus.
 * Contact Shane Barron admin@socia.us for more information.
namespace SocialApparatus;

$value = Vars::get('value');
$body = "<strong>" . Vars::get('label') . "</strong>";
$body .= ": " . $value;
echo $body;
Exemplo n.º 23
 * NOTICE:  All information contained herein is, and remains the property of SocialApparatus 
 * and its suppliers, if any.  The intellectual  and technical concepts contained herein 
 * are proprietary to SocialApparatus and its suppliers and may be covered by U.S. and Foreign 
 * Patents, patents in process, and are protected by trade secret or copyright law. 
 * Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden 
 * unless prior written permission is obtained from SocialApparatus.
 * Contact Shane Barron admin@socia.us for more information.
namespace SocialApparatus;

$label = Vars::get("label");
$class = Vars::get("class");
$cancel = Vars("cancel");
if (!$label) {
    $label = "Save";
if (!$class) {
    $class = "btn btn-success";
if ($cancel) {
    echo <<<HTML
<span class='btn-group'>
echo <<<HTML
    <input type="submit" class="{$class}" value="{$label}">
 * NOTICE:  All information contained herein is, and remains the property of SocialApparatus 
 * and its suppliers, if any.  The intellectual  and technical concepts contained herein 
 * are proprietary to SocialApparatus and its suppliers and may be covered by U.S. and Foreign 
 * Patents, patents in process, and are protected by trade secret or copyright law. 
 * Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden 
 * unless prior written permission is obtained from SocialApparatus.
 * Contact Shane Barron admin@socia.us for more information.
namespace SocialApparatus;

$guid = Vars::get("guid");
$reverse = Vars::get("reverse");
if (!$reverse) {
    $reverse = false;
if ($guid && loggedIn()) {
    $form = "<button class='btn btn-info btn-xs show_inline_comment_form'>Add Comment</button>";
    $form .= drawForm(array("name" => "add_inline_comment", "method" => "post", "action" => "addComment", "class" => "inline_comment_form", "inputs" => array("guid" => $guid)));
    echo $form;
$comments = <<<HTML
<div class='bar-loader'></div>
<ul class="commentList comment_list_{$guid}">
$comments .= display("output/comments", array("guid" => $guid, "count" => 4, "reverse" => true, "offset" => 0));
$comments .= <<<HTML

/* * ***********************************************************************
 * SocialApparatus CONFIDENTIAL
 * __________________
 *  [2002] - [2017] SocialApparatus (http://SocialApparatus.co) 
 *  All Rights Reserved.
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 * and its suppliers, if any.  The intellectual  and technical concepts contained herein 
 * are proprietary to SocialApparatus and its suppliers and may be covered by U.S. and Foreign 
 * Patents, patents in process, and are protected by trade secret or copyright law. 
 * Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden 
 * unless prior written permission is obtained from SocialApparatus.
 * Contact Shane Barron admin@socia.us for more information.
namespace SocialApparatus;

$user_guid = Vars::get("user_guid");
$user = getEntity($user_guid);
$name = $user->first_name . " " . $user->last_name;
$SiteName = getSiteName();
$output = translate("verify_email:subject", array($name, $SiteName));
echo $output;
Exemplo n.º 26
$body = Vars::get("body");
$breadcrumbs = Vars::get("breadcrumbs");
$footer = Vars::get("footer");
if ($breadcrumbs) {
    $breadcrumbs = display("page_elements/breadcrumbs", array("breadcrumbs" => $breadcrumbs));
    $breadcrumbs = <<<HTML
<div class="row">
    <div class="col-sm-12">
} else {
    $breadcrumbs = NULL;
$wrapper_class = Vars::get("wrapper_class");
if ($wrapper_class) {
    $wrapper_start = "<div class='{$wrapper_class}'>";
    $wrapper_end = "</div>";
} else {
    $wrapper_start = "";
    $wrapper_end = "";
if ($header || $button) {
    $header = display("page_elements/page_header", array("text" => $header, "button" => $button));
if ($footer) {
    $footer = <<<HTML
<div class="container">
    <div class="row">
Exemplo n.º 27

/* * ***********************************************************************
 * SocialApparatus CONFIDENTIAL
 * __________________
 *  [2002] - [2017] SocialApparatus (http://SocialApparatus.co) 
 *  All Rights Reserved.
 * NOTICE:  All information contained herein is, and remains the property of SocialApparatus 
 * and its suppliers, if any.  The intellectual  and technical concepts contained herein 
 * are proprietary to SocialApparatus and its suppliers and may be covered by U.S. and Foreign 
 * Patents, patents in process, and are protected by trade secret or copyright law. 
 * Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden 
 * unless prior written permission is obtained from SocialApparatus.
 * Contact Shane Barron admin@socia.us for more information.
namespace SocialApparatus;

$guid = Vars::get("guid");
echo display("buttons/like", array("guid" => $guid));
Exemplo n.º 28

 * @todo Un update major pentru clasament
 * @info Acesta functioneaza de minune, dar trebuie simplificat algoritmul          
if (!defined('BASEPATH')) {
    exit('Nu poti accesa acest fisier direct.');
set_title(site_name() . ' - Clasament jucatori');
$players = array();
$where = '';
$plain_args = Vars::get('plain_args');
$page = 1;
if (preg_match('/page-([0-9]+)/i', $plain_args, $match)) {
    $page = (int) $match[1] > 0 ? $match[1] : 1;
$name = '';
if (preg_match('/name-([a-zA-Z|\\[\\]]+)/i', $plain_args, $match)) {
    $name = isset($match[1]) ? $DB->escape($match[1]) : '';
$class = -1;
if (preg_match('/class-(-?[0-9]+)/i', $plain_args, $match)) {
    $class = (int) $match[1] > -1 ? $match[1] : -1;
if (isset($_POST['classchoice']) || isset($_POST['characterchoice']) || $name != '') {
    $name = isset($_POST['characterchoice']) ? $_POST['characterchoice'] : $name;
    if ($name != '') {
        $where = "WHERE name LIKE '%" . $DB->escape($name) . "%'";
    $class = isset($_POST['classchoice']) ? $_POST['classchoice'] : $class;
Exemplo n.º 29
$item_class = Vars::get("item_class");
if (!$item_class) {
    $item_class = "avatar_gallery";
$link = Vars::get("link");
$file = getEntity($guid);
classGateKeeper($file, "File");
$url = getSiteURL() . $file->getURL();
$owner_guid = $file->owner_guid;
$owner = getEntity($owner_guid);
$name = "<a href='" . $owner->getURL() . "'>" . $owner->first_name . " " . $owner->last_name . "</a>";
$view_type = Vars::get("view_type");
if (!$view_type) {
    $view_type = "list";
$size = Vars::get("size");
if (!$size) {
    $size = MEDIUM;
$created = "Uploaded: by " . $name . " " . display("output/friendly_time", array("timestamp" => $file->time_created));
$icon = Image::getImageURL($file->guid, $size);
$body_before = display("file/body_before", array("guid" => $guid));
$body_after = display("file/body_after", array("guid" => $guid));
$media_left_before = display("file:list:media:left:before", array("guid" => $guid));
$media_left_after = display("file:list:media:left:after", array("guid" => $guid));
$media_right_before = display("file:list:media:right:before", array("guid" => $guid));
$media_right_after = display("file:list:media:right:after", array("guid" => $guid));
if (getLoggedInUserGuid() == $file->owner_guid) {
    $buttons = "<a href='" . addTokenToURL(getSiteURL() . 'action/deleteFile/' . $guid) . "' class='btn btn-danger confirm'><i class='fa fa-times'></i></a>";
$filename = $file->filename;
Exemplo n.º 30
 * NOTICE:  All information contained herein is, and remains the property of SocialApparatus 
 * and its suppliers, if any.  The intellectual  and technical concepts contained herein 
 * are proprietary to SocialApparatus and its suppliers and may be covered by U.S. and Foreign 
 * Patents, patents in process, and are protected by trade secret or copyright law. 
 * Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden 
 * unless prior written permission is obtained from SocialApparatus.
 * Contact Shane Barron admin@socia.us for more information.
namespace SocialApparatus;

$name = Vars::get("name");
$label = Vars::get("label");
$value = Vars::get("value");
if (!$value) {
    $value = getInput("value");
if ($label) {
    echo $label;

<span class="pull-right rating_container">