Exemplo n.º 1
  * Prepare the collection for the report
  * @return $this|Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Widget_Grid
 protected function _prepareCollection()
     // Add in a new collection
     $collection = new Varien_Data_Collection();
     // Init the wrapper
     $wrapper = Mage::getModel('gene_braintree/wrapper_braintree');
     // Validate the credentials
     if ($wrapper->validateCredentials()) {
         // Grab all transactions
         $transactions = Braintree_Transaction::search($this->_prepareBraintreeSearchQuery());
         // Retrieve the order IDs
         $orderIds = array();
         /* @var $transaction Braintree_Transaction */
         foreach ($transactions as $transaction) {
             $orderIds[] = $transaction->orderId;
         // Retrieve all of the orders from a collection
         $orders = Mage::getResourceModel('sales/order_collection')->addAttributeToFilter('increment_id', array('in' => $orderIds));
         /* @var $transaction Braintree_Transaction */
         foreach ($transactions as $transaction) {
             // Create a new varien object
             $transactionItem = new Varien_Object();
             $transactionItem->setData((array) $transaction->_attributes);
             // Grab the Magento order from the previously built collection
             /* @var $magentoOrder Mage_Sales_Model_Order */
             $magentoOrder = $orders->getItemByColumnValue('increment_id', $transaction->orderId);
             // Set the Magento Order ID into the collection
             // Not all transactions maybe coming from Magento
             if ($magentoOrder && $magentoOrder->getId()) {
             } else {
             // Add the item into the collection
     } else {
         // If the Braintree details aren't valid take them to the configuration page
         Mage::getSingleton('adminhtml/session')->addError(Mage::helper('gene_braintree')->__('You must enter valid details into the Braintree v.zero - Configuration payment method before viewing transactions.'));
         // Send the users on their way
         Mage::app()->getResponse()->setRedirect(Mage::helper('adminhtml')->getUrl('/system_config/edit/section/payment') . '#payment_gene_braintree-head');
         // Stop processing this method
         return false;
     return $this;