Exemplo n.º 1
		function buildTagIndex($itemId, $tags, $oldtags = null, $firstDelete = true) {
			global $database, $db;
			if (!isset($tags) || !is_array($tags) || !isset($itemId) || !Validator::getBool($itemId))
				return false;
			$tagChunk = array();
			$tagInsertChunk = array();
				@array_shift($tags); // first tag is category

			if (empty($tags)) return false;
			foreach ($tags as $tag) {
				if (!Validator::is_empty($tag)) {
					$tag = trim($tag);
					array_push($tagChunk, "'$tag'");
					array_push($tagInsertChunk, "('$tag')");
			$tagInsertStr = implode(',', $tagInsertChunk); // ('tag'),('tag')...
			$tagStr = implode(',', $tagChunk); // 'tag','tag',...

			$db->execute("INSERT IGNORE INTO {$database['prefix']}Tags (name) VALUES $tagInsertStr");

			$tagIdList = array();
			if (!$db->query("SELECT id FROM {$database['prefix']}Tags WHERE name IN ($tagStr)")) return false;
			while ($taglist = $db->fetchRow()) { 
					array_push($tagIdList, $taglist[0]); 

			$relationList = array();
			foreach ($tagIdList as $tagId) {
				array_push($relationList, "('$itemId', '$tagId', UNIX_TIMESTAMP())");
			$relationStr = implode(',', $relationList); // ('itemId','tagId'),('itemId','tagId')...

			$db->execute("INSERT IGNORE INTO {$database['prefix']}TagRelations (item, tag, linked) VALUES $relationStr");

			if (!isset($oldtags) || empty($oldtags)) return true; // finish here if oldtags empty.

			$deletedTags = array_diff($oldtags, $tags);
			if (count($deletedTags) > 0) {
				$delTags = array();
				$dTagStr = '\'' . implode('\' , \'', $deletedTags) . '\'';
				if (!$db->query("SELECT id FROM {$database['prefix']}Tags WHERE name IN ($dTagStr)")) return false;
				while ($dlist = $db->fetchRow()) { 
					array_push($delTags, $dlist[0]); 
				$delTagStr = implode(', ', $delTags); // 삭제된 태그의 id 리스트

				$db->execute("DELETE FROM {$database['prefix']}TagRelations WHERE item='$itemId' AND type='feed' AND tag IN ($delTagStr)"); // TagRelation 삭제
Exemplo n.º 2
			function write($elementName, $detail, $isCDATA = false, $properties = null) {
				if (!isset($elementName)) 
					return false;

				$elementPA = '';
				if (is_array($properties)) {
					$elementPA = ' ';
					foreach($properties as $key=>$value) {
						$elementPA .= $key.'="'.htmlspecialchars($value).'" ';

				if (!Validator::is_empty($detail)) {
					if ($isCDATA) $detail = '<![CDATA[ '.$detail.' ]]>';
				} else {
					$this->makeResult('<'.$elementName.$elementPA.' />');
Exemplo n.º 3
					INSERT INTO {$prefix}SkinSettings (`name`,`value`) VALUES ('feedListPage','20');	
					INSERT INTO {$prefix}SkinSettings (`name`,`value`) VALUES ('feedListPageOrder','created');	
					INSERT INTO {$prefix}SkinSettings (`name`,`value`) VALUES ('feedListPageTitleLength','40');	
					INSERT INTO {$prefix}SkinSettings (`name`,`value`) VALUES ('feedListRecentFeedList','4');	
					INSERT INTO {$prefix}SkinSettings (`name`,`value`) VALUES ('focusList','4');
					INSERT INTO {$prefix}SkinSettings (`name`,`value`) VALUES ('focusTitleLength','40');
					INSERT INTO {$prefix}SkinSettings (`name`,`value`) VALUES ('focusDescLength','100');
					INSERT INTO {$prefix}SkinSettings (`name`,`value`) VALUES ('tagCloudOrder','random');
					INSERT INTO {$prefix}SkinSettings (`name`,`value`) VALUES ('tagCloudLimit','10');						
					INSERT INTO {$prefix}Users (loginid, password, name, email, created, is_admin) VALUES ('{$IV['userid']}', '{$IV['userpw']}', '{$IV['username']}', '{$IV['useremail']}', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), 'y');

				$query = explode(';', trim($scheme));
				foreach ($query as $sub) {
					if (Validator::is_empty($sub)) continue;
					if (!$db->execute($sub)) {
						$db->execute("DROP TABLE 				
Exemplo n.º 4
	// 페이징
	$s_paging = '';
	$src_paging = $skin->cutSkinTag('paging');

	// paging	

	if(isset($paging)) {

	/*	$qSearch = htmlspecialchars((($searchType=='blogURL')) ? '&blogURL='.urlencode(trim($searchKeyword)) : ((($searchType=='tag')) ? '&tag='.urlencode(trim($searchKeyword)) : ((($searchType=='all')) ? '&keyword='.urlencode(trim($searchKeyword)) : '')));*/

		$qSearch = '';
		if(!Validator::is_empty($searchKeyword)) {
			switch($searchType) {
				case 'blogURL':
					if($accessInfo['controller'] == 'blog') {
						$qSearch = '/blog/' . $accessInfo['action'];
					} else if($accessInfo['controller'] == 'search')  {
						$qSearch = '/search/blogURL/' . func::encode(trim($searchKeyword));
				case 'tag':
					if($accessInfo['controller'] == 'search') $qSearch = '/search/tag/' . func::encode(trim($searchKeyword));
				case 'all':
					if($accessInfo['controller'] == 'search')  $qSearch = '/search/all/' . func::encode(trim($searchKeyword));
				case 'keyword':
					if($accessInfo['controller'] == 'search')  $qSearch = '/search/keyword/' . func::encode(trim($searchKeyword));
Exemplo n.º 5
					if ($recents = FeedItem::getRecentFeedItemsByFeed($feed['id'], $skinConfig->feedListRecentFeedList)) {
						$sp_feedrecent_rep = '';
						foreach($recents as $recent) {
							$link_url = $config->addressType == 'id' ? $service['path'].'/go/'.$recent['id'] : $service['path'].'/go/'.$recent['permalink'];
							$recent['thumbnail'] = '';
							if($media = Media::getMedia($recent['thumbnailId'])) {
								$recent['thumbnail'] = $media['thumbnail'];	

							$src_thumbnail = $skin->cutSkinTag('cond_thumbnail', $src_feedrecent_rep);
							$thumbnailFile =  $event->on('Text.postThumbnail', Media::getMediaFile($recent['thumbnail']));
							if(!empty($thumbnailFile)) {
								$s_thumbnail = (!Validator::is_empty($thumbnailFile)) ? $skin->parseTag('feeds_recent_thumbnail', $thumbnailFile, $src_thumbnail) : '';
								$s_feedrecent_rep = $skin->dressOn('cond_thumbnail', $src_thumbnail, $s_thumbnail, $src_feedrecent_rep);	
								$s_feedrecent_rep = $skin->parseTag('feeds_recent_thumbnail_exist', 'post_thumbnail_exist', $s_feedrecent_rep);
							} else {
								$s_feedrecent_rep = $skin->dressOn('cond_thumbnail', $src_thumbnail, '', $src_feedrecent_rep);
								$s_feedrecent_rep = $skin->parseTag('feeds_recent_thumbnail_exist', 'post_thumbnail_nonexistence', $s_feedrecent_rep);
							$s_feedrecent_rep = $skin->parseTag('feeds_recent_url', $recent['permalink'], $s_feedrecent_rep);
							$s_feedrecent_rep = $skin->parseTag('feeds_recent_linkurl', $link_url, $s_feedrecent_rep);
							$s_feedrecent_rep = $skin->parseTag('feeds_recent_title', $recent['title'], $s_feedrecent_rep);
							$s_feedrecent_rep = $skin->parseTag('feeds_recent_date', date('Y-m-d H:i',$recent['written']), $s_feedrecent_rep);
							$sp_feedrecent_rep .= $s_feedrecent_rep;
						$s_feedrecent .= $skin->dressOn('feedrecent_rep', $src_feedrecent_rep, $sp_feedrecent_rep, $src_feedrecent);
Exemplo n.º 6
	if (empty($_POST['requestURI']) && !empty($_GET['requestURI'])) {
		$_POST['requestURI'] = $_GET['requestURI'];

	$errorMsg = '';

	if (isset($_POST['enci'])) {
		if (Validator::is_empty($_POST['enci']))
			$errorMsg = _t('아이디를 입력해주세요');
		else if (Validator::is_empty($_POST['encp']))
			$errorMsg = _t('비밀번호를 입력해주세요');
	} else if (isset($_POST['useridin'])) { // for none-javascript environment
		if (Validator::is_empty($_POST['useridin']))
			$errorMsg = _t('아이디를 입력해주세요');
		else if (Validator::is_empty($_POST['userpwin']))
			$errorMsg = _t('비밀번호를 입력해주세요');

		$_POST['enci'] = $_POST['useridin'];
		$_POST['encp'] = $_POST['userpwin'];

	if (!empty($_POST['enci']) && !empty($_POST['encp'])) {
		if (!isset($_POST['saveId'])) $_POST['saveId'] = false;
		if (!login($_POST['enci'], $_POST['encp'], $_POST['saveId'])) {
			$errorMsg = _t('아이디 또는 비밀번호가 잘못되었습니다.');
	if (isLoggedIn()) {
		$targetURL = empty($_POST['requestURI']) ? "http://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}{$service['path']}/" : $_POST['requestURI'];
		header("Location: {$targetURL}");
Exemplo n.º 7
			$sp_booms = $skin->parseTag('boom_author', UTF8::clear($item['author']), $sp_booms);
			$sp_booms = $skin->parseTag('boom_date', (Validator::is_digit($item['written']) ? date('Y-m-d', $item['written']) : $item['written']), $sp_booms);

			$s_booms_rep .= $sp_booms;
			$sp_booms = '';
		$s_booms = $skin->dressOn('boom_rep', $src_booms_rep, $s_booms_rep, $src_booms);
	} else {
		$s_booms = '';
	$skin->dress('boom', $s_booms);

	// ** 태그 클라우드
	$skin->dress('tagcloud', SkinElement::getTagCloud($skinConfig->tagCloudOrder, $skinConfig->tagCloudLimit));

	// ** 달력
	$skin->replace('calendar', SkinElement::getCalendarView((($searchType=='archive')&&!empty($searchKeyword)) ? substr($searchKeyword, 0, 6) : null));

	// ** 검색
	$searchTypeSelector = '<select name="type"><option value="all">'._t('전체').'</option><option value="tag"'.(($searchType=='tag')?' selected="selected"':'').'>'._t('태그').'</option><option value="blogURL"'.(($searchType=='blogURL')?' selected="selected"':'').'>'._t('블로그주소').'</option><option value="archive"'.(($searchType=='archive')?' selected="selected"':'').'>'._t('날짜지정').'</option></select>';
	$skin->replace('search_typeselect', $searchTypeSelector);
	$skin->replace('search_keyword', $searchKeyword);
	$src_search = $skin->cutSkinTag('search');

	$s_search = '<form action="'.$servicePath.'/" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" method="get">'.$src_search.'</form>';
	$skin->dress('search', $s_search);

	$skin->output = $skin->parseTagWithCondition('search_keyword', Korean::doesHaveFinalConsonant(UTF8::bring($searchKeyword)), '<span class="searchKeyword">"'.$searchKeyword.'"</span>', $skin->output);
	if(Validator::is_empty($searchKeyword)) $skin->dress('cond_search', '');			

Exemplo n.º 8
?>				break;
			$shortCutCode = ob_get_contents();

			$post = $event->on('Data.post', $post);

			$src_logo = $skin->cutSkinTag('cond_logo');
			$logoFile = Feed::get($post['feed'], 'logo');
			$logoFile = $event->on('Text.postLogo', (!file_exists(ROOT . '/cache/feedlogo/' . $logoFile) || empty($logoFile)) ? '' : $service['path']. '/cache/feedlogo/'.$logoFile);
			if(!empty($logoFile)) {
				$s_logo = (!Validator::is_empty($logoFile)) ? $skin->parseTag('post_logo', $logoFile, $src_logo) : '';
				$sp_post = $skin->dressOn('cond_logo', $src_logo, $s_logo, $src_post);		
				$sp_post = $skin->parseTag('post_logo_exist', 'post_logo_exist', $sp_post);
			} else {
				$sp_post = $skin->dressOn('cond_logo', $src_logo, '', $src_post);
				$sp_post = $skin->parseTag('post_logo_exist', 'post_logo_nonexistence', $sp_post);

			$sp_post = $skin->parseTag('post_id', $post['id'], $sp_post);
			$link_url = $config->addressType == 'id' ? $service['path'].'/go/'.$post['id'] : $service['path'].'/go/'.htmlspecialchars($post['permalink']);
			$sp_post = $skin->parseTag('post_url',  $event->on('Text.postURL',$link_url), $sp_post);	
			$sp_post = $skin->parseTag('post_permalink',  htmlspecialchars($post['permalink']), $sp_post);

			$sp_post = $skin->parseTag('post_visibility', (($post['visibility'] == 'n' || $post['feedVisibility'] == 'n') ? 'hidden' : 'visible' ), $sp_post);
		function rebuildFilters($category) {
			global $database, $db;

			if(empty($category) || !isset($category)) 
				return false;

	if(is_array($category)) {
			else if(!preg_match("/^[0-9]+$/", $category)) { 
				return false;
			} else {
					$category = Category::getAll($category);

			if($category) {
				$db->execute('DELETE FROM '.$database['prefix'].'CategoryRelations WHERE category ="'.$category['id'].'" AND custom = "n"');

				$tags = $db->queryAll('SELECT DISTINCT t2.item, t2.tag FROM '.$database['prefix'].'TagRelations t1 LEFT JOIN '.$database['prefix'].'TagRelations t2 ON (t2.tag = t1.tag AND t2.type = "feed") WHERE t1.item = "' . $category['id'] . '" AND t1.type = "category" GROUP BY t2.item');

				// group_category => category
				$tagList = explode(',',$category['filter']);				
				if(count($tagList)>0) { 
					$tagChunk = array();
					foreach ($tagList as $tag) {
						if (!Validator::is_empty($tag)) {		
							$tag = trim($tag);
							array_push($tagChunk, "'$tag'");
					$tagStr = implode(',', $tagChunk); // 'tag','tag',...
					$tagIdList = array();		

					if ($db->query("SELECT id FROM {$database['prefix']}Tags WHERE name IN ($tagStr)")) {
						while ($taglist = $db->fetchRow()) { 
							array_push($tagIdList, $taglist[0]); 

					if(count($tagIdList)>0) {
						$tags2 = $db->queryAll('SELECT DISTINCT t1.item, t1.tag FROM '.$database['prefix'].'TagRelations t1 WHERE t1.tag IN (' . implode(',',$tagIdList) . ') AND t1.type = "group_category"');

						if(count($tags2)>0) {
							$tags = array_merge($tags,$tags2);
				if($tags) {	
				$relationList = array();

					foreach ($tags as $tag) {
						if (!Validator::is_empty($tag['item'])) {		
	array_push($relationList, "('{$tag['item']}', '{$category['id']}', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), 'n')");
					$relationStr = implode(',', $relationList); // ('itemId','tagId'),('itemId','tagId')...
					$db->execute("INSERT IGNORE INTO {$database['prefix']}CategoryRelations (item, category, linked, custom) VALUES $relationStr");

Exemplo n.º 10
		function getTitle($item, $feedId, $feedItemId = null) {
			$title = array();
			$autoUpdate = array();
			$title['result'] = $item['title'];

			/*list($autoUpdate['feed'], $title['feed']) = Feed::gets($feedId, 'autoUpdate,title');
			$autoUpdate['feed'] = Validator::getBool($autoUpdate['feed']);

			if (!$autoUpdate['feed'] && !Validator::is_empty($title['feed']))
				$title['result'] = $title['feed'];*/ // 피드의 제목을 피드아이템 제목에 덮어 씌우는일이 없도록..

			if (isset($feedItemId) || ($feedItemId !== false)) { // update
				list($autoUpdate['item'], $title['item']) = FeedItem::gets($feedItemId, 'autoUpdate,title');
				$autoUpdate['item'] = Validator::getBool($autoUpdate['item']);

				if (!$autoUpdate['item'] && !Validator::is_empty($title['item']))
					$title['result'] = $title['item'];

			return $title['result'];
Exemplo n.º 11
		function getFeedItemsQuery($searchType, $searchKeyword, $searchExtraValue,$viewDelete = false,$owner = 0) {	
			global $db, $database, $config;

			$sQuery = '';

			if (($searchType=='tag' || $searchType=='tag+group_category') && !Validator::is_empty($searchKeyword)) {		
				$tagIds = array();
				$tags = explode(',',$searchKeyword);

				if($tagResult = $db->queryAll('SELECT id FROM '.$database['prefix'].'Tags WHERE name IN ('.Func::implode_string(',',$tags).')')) {
					foreach($tagResult as $tagItem) array_push($tagIds, $tagItem['id']);

				if (empty($tagIds)) {
					return array(null,0);
				} else {
					if($searchType == 'tag') {
						$sQuery = ' LEFT JOIN '.$database['prefix'].'TagRelations r ON (r.item = i.id AND (r.type = "feed")) WHERE r.tag IN ('.implode(',',$tagIds).')';
					} else if($searchType == 'tag+group_category') {
						$sQuery = ' LEFT JOIN '.$database['prefix'].'TagRelations r ON (r.item = i.id AND (r.type = "feed" || r.type = "group_category")) WHERE r.tag IN ('.implode(',',$tagIds).')';

			} else if ($searchType=='blogURL' && !Validator::is_empty($searchKeyword)){		
				$searchKeyword = UTF8::bring($searchKeyword);
				$searchFeedId = $searchExtraValue;
				if(empty($searchFeedId)) {
					$searchFeedId = Feed::blogURL2Id('http://'.str_replace('http://', '', $searchKeyword));
				if(!empty($searchFeedId)) {
					$sQuery = ' WHERE i.feed = '.$searchFeedId;
				} else {
					$sQuery = ' WHERE 1=0 ';
			} else if ($searchType=='user' && !Validator::is_empty($searchKeyword)){		
				$searchKeyword = UTF8::bring($searchKeyword);
				$searchFeedId = $searchExtraValue;
				if(empty($searchFeedId)) {

					if(is_numeric($searchKeyword)) {
						$user = User::getById($searchKeyword);
					} else {
						$user = User::getByloginId($searchKeyword);
					$searchFeedId = Feed::getIdListByOwner($user['id']);
				if(!empty($searchFeedId)) {
					$sQuery = ' WHERE i.feed IN ('.implode(",",$searchFeedId).')';
				} else {
					$sQuery = ' WHERE 1=0 ';
			} else if ($searchType=='author' && !Validator::is_empty($searchKeyword)){		
				$searchKeyword = UTF8::bring($searchKeyword);
				if(!empty($searchKeyword)) {
					$sQuery = ' WHERE i.author = "' . $searchKeyword . '"';
				} else {
					$sQuery = ' WHERE 1=0 ';
			} else if ($searchType=='title+description' && !Validator::is_empty($searchKeyword)){		
					$searchKeyword = UTF8::bring($searchKeyword);
					$keyword = $db->escape($searchKeyword);

					$sQuery =  ' WHERE i.description LIKE "%'.$keyword.'%"';				
			}  else if ($searchType=='title' && !Validator::is_empty($searchKeyword)){		
					$searchKeyword = UTF8::bring($searchKeyword);
					$keyword = $db->escape($searchKeyword);

					$sQuery =  ' WHERE i.title LIKE "%'.$keyword.'%"';				
			} else if ($searchType=='description' && !Validator::is_empty($searchKeyword)){		
					$searchKeyword = UTF8::bring($searchKeyword);
					$keyword = $db->escape($searchKeyword);

					$sQuery =  ' WHERE i.description LIKE "%'.$keyword.'%"';				
			} else if ($searchType=='focus'){		
					$sQuery =  ' WHERE i.focus = "'.$searchKeyword.'"';		
			} else if ($searchType=='group') {
				if(!empty($searchExtraValue)) {
					$tagId = $db->pick('SELECT id FROM '.$database['prefix'].'Tags WHERE name="'.$db->escape(urldecode($searchExtraValue)).'"');
					if($tagId) {
						$tagId = $tagId[0];
						$sQuery = ' LEFT JOIN '.$database['prefix'].'TagRelations r ON (r.item = i.id AND r.type = "group_category") ';

				if(!is_numeric($searchKeyword)) {
					$group = Group::getByName($searchKeyword);
					$searchKeyword = $group['id'];
				if($searchKeyword) {	
					$feedIds = Group::getFeedIdList($searchKeyword);
					$sQuery .= ' WHERE i.feed IN (' . implode(',',$feedIds) .')';

					if($tagId) {
						$sQuery .= ' AND r.tag="'.$tagId.'"';

			} else if ($searchType=='category') {
				if(is_numeric($searchKeyword)) {
					$category = Category::getById($searchKeyword);
				} else {
					$category = Category::getByName($searchKeyword);

				if($category) {
					$sQuery = ' WHERE c.category = ' . $category['id'];
			} else if ($searchType == 'archive' && !Validator::is_empty($searchKeyword)) {
				if(is_array($searchExtraValue) && array_key_exists('start',$searchExtraValue) && array_key_exists('end',$searchExtraValue)) {
					$tStart = $searchExtraValue['start'];
					$tEnd = $searchExtraValue['end'] + 86400;
				} else {
					$tStart = $searchExtraValue;
					$tEnd = $tStart + 86400;

				$tQuery = ' WHERE i.written > '.$tStart.' AND i.written < '.$tEnd.' ';
				if (strpos($sQuery, 'WHERE') !== false) {
					$sQuery = str_replace('WHERE ', $tQuery.' AND (', $sQuery);
					$sQuery .= ')';
				} else {
					$sQuery .= $tQuery;

			} else {
				if (!Validator::is_empty($searchKeyword)) {
					$searchKeyword = UTF8::bring($searchKeyword);
					$keyword = $db->escape($searchKeyword);
					if(empty($searchExtraValue)) { // all : title, description, tags, permlink						
						$sQuery =  ' WHERE i.author LIKE "%'.$keyword.'%" OR i.title LIKE "%'.$keyword.'%" OR i.description LIKE "%'.$keyword.'%" OR i.tags LIKE "%'.$keyword.'%" OR i.permalink LIKE "%'.$keyword.'%"';					
					} else { // custom					
						$sQuery = ' WHERE ' . $searchExtraValue;

			// boomDownReactor, boomDownReactorLimit : 리액터가 숨기기일때 쿼리에서 제외 파트 추가 ( 특정수만큼 붐다운(비추천)한글은 제외하거나 특정기능..
			if(isset($config)) {
				if (($config->boomDownReactor == 'hide') && ($config->boomDownReactLimit > 0)) {
					$bQuery = ' WHERE (i.boomDown <= '.$config->boomDownReactLimit.') ';
					if (strpos($sQuery, 'WHERE') !== false) {
						$sQuery = str_replace('WHERE ', $bQuery.' AND (', $sQuery);
						$sQuery .= ')';
					} else {
						$sQuery .= $bQuery;

			if(empty($owner)) {
				if($viewDelete) {
					// 공개된 블로그만 뽑기 + 삭제된 글 보이기		
					if(!isAdmin()) {
						$bQuery = ' WHERE  (i.visibility = "d") AND (i.feedVisibility = "y") ';
					} else {
						$bQuery = ' WHERE  (i.visibility = "d") ';
				} else {
					// 공개된 블로그만 뽑기
					if(!isAdmin()) {
						$bQuery = ' WHERE  (i.visibility = "y") AND (i.feedVisibility = "y") ';
					} else {
						$bQuery = ' WHERE  (i.visibility != "d") ';
			} else {		
				if($viewDelete) {
					// 공개된 블로그만 뽑기		
				//	if(!isAdmin()) {
				//		$bQuery = ' WHERE  (i.visibility = "d") AND (i.feedVisibility = "y") AND (f.owner = ' . $owner . ')';
				//	} else {
						$bQuery = ' WHERE  (i.visibility = "d") AND (f.owner = ' . $owner . ')';
				//	}
				} else {
					// 공개된 블로그만 뽑기		
				//	if(!isAdmin()) {
				//		$bQuery = ' WHERE  (i.visibility = "y") AND (i.feedVisibility = "y") AND (f.owner = ' . $owner . ')';
				//	} else {
						$bQuery = ' WHERE  (i.visibility != "d") AND (f.owner = ' . $owner . ')';
				//	}

			if($viewDelete) {
				if(strpos($sQuery, 'Feeds f') === false ) {
				$bQuery = ' LEFT JOIN '.$database['prefix'].'Feeds f ON (f.id = i.feed) ' . $bQuery;

			if (strpos($sQuery, 'WHERE') !== false) {
				$sQuery = str_replace('WHERE ', $bQuery.' AND (', $sQuery);
				$sQuery .= ')';
			} else {
				$sQuery .= $bQuery;
			return $sQuery;
Exemplo n.º 12
		function refresh($type = 'recent', $file = true, $value = array()) {
			global $database, $db, $service;

			$rssDir = ROOT . '/cache/rss';
			if (!is_dir($rssDir) || !is_writeable($rssDir))
				return false;

			$config = new Settings;
			$rssCount = $config->feeditemsOnRss;
			$myURL = 'http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$service['path'];
			if($file) {
				if($type == 'focus') {
					$xml = new XMLFile($rssDir.'/1_focus.xml');
				} else if($type == 'category') {
					$xml = new XMLFile($rssDir.'/1_category_'.$value['id'].'.xml');
				} else {
					$xml = new XMLFile($rssDir.'/1.xml');
			} else {
				$xml = new XMLFile('stdout');

			$xml->startGroup('rss', array('version'=>'2.0'));
			switch($type) {
				case 'focus':
					$title = htmlspecialchars($config->title) . ' : ' . _t('포커스 목록');
				case 'category':		
					$title = htmlspecialchars($config->title) . ' : ' . _f('%1에 대한 분류 검색결과',$value['name']);
					$title = htmlspecialchars($config->title);
			$xml->write('title', $title);
			$xml->write('link', htmlspecialchars($myURL));
			$xml->write('description', htmlspecialchars($config->description));
			$xml->write('language', $config->language);
			$xml->write('pubDate', date("r", time()));
			$xml->write('generator', BLOGLOUNGE.' '.BLOGLOUNGE_VERSION.' '.BLOGLOUNGE_NAME);

			if (!Validator::is_empty($config->logo)) {
				$xml->write('title', htmlspecialchars($config->title));
				$xml->write('url', htmlspecialchars($myURL.'/cache/logo/'.$config->logo));
				list($width, $height) = getimagesize(ROOT.'/cache/logo/'.$config->logo);
				$xml->write('width', $width);
				$xml->write('height', $height);
				$xml->write('description', '');

			if($type == 'focus') { 
				$result = $db->query("SELECT title, permalink, author, description, tags, written FROM {$database['prefix']}FeedItems WHERE allowRedistribute='y' AND focus='y' AND visibility = 'y' ORDER BY written DESC LIMIT 0,{$rssCount}");
			} else if($type == 'category') {
				$result = $db->query("SELECT i.title, i.permalink, i.author, i.description, i.tags, i.written FROM {$database['prefix']}FeedItems i LEFT JOIN {$database['prefix']}CategoryRelations c ON (c.item = i.id) WHERE i.allowRedistribute='y' AND i.visibility = 'y' AND c.category = {$value['id']} ORDER BY i.written DESC LIMIT 0,{$rssCount}");		
			} else {
				$result = $db->query("SELECT title, permalink, author, description, tags, written FROM {$database['prefix']}FeedItems WHERE allowRedistribute='y' AND visibility = 'y' ORDER BY written DESC LIMIT 0,{$rssCount}");

			if ($result) {
				while ($item = $db->fetch()) {
					$item->description = str_replace('/cache/images',$myURL.'/cache/images',$item->description);
					$xml->write('title', htmlspecialcharS($item->title));
					$xml->write('link', htmlspecialchars($item->permalink));
					$xml->write('description', htmlspecialchars($item->description));
					foreach (explode(',', $item->tags) as $tag) {
						$xml->write('category', htmlspecialchars($tag));
					$xml->write('author', htmlspecialchars($item->author));
					$xml->write('guid', htmlspecialchars($item->permalink));
					$xml->write('pubDate', date("r", $item->written));


			return true;
Exemplo n.º 13
  * Validates one single value ($value) against a set of rules ($rules)
 public function validateValue(&$value, array $rules, array $opt = array())
     $opt = array_merge($this->options, $opt);
     $errors = array();
     // check if value is required.
     // if the value is NOT required and NOT present, we do no run any other validator
     if (Validator::is_empty($value)) {
         $required = false;
         if (isset($rules['required'])) {
             $required = $rules['required'];
             if (is_callable($required)) {
                 $required = call_user_func_array($required, array($this));
         // cast to an array if necessary
         if (isset($rules[self::EACH])) {
             $value = array();
         if ($required) {
             $errors['required'] = true;
             if ($opt['stop_on_error']) {
                 return $errors;
         } elseif ($opt['allow_empty']) {
             return true;
         // else we pass the value through the validators, even if it's empty
     foreach ($rules as $validator => $param) {
         $ret = true;
         // special iterative validator for arrays
         if ($validator === self::EACH) {
             $ret = $this->validateMultipleValues($value, $param, $errors, $opt);
         } else {
             // validator function (in Validator class)
             if (method_exists('Validator', $validator)) {
                 if (is_callable($param)) {
                     $param = call_user_func_array($param, array($this));
                 $ret = call_user_func_array(array('Validator', $validator), array(&$value, $param));
             } elseif (is_callable($param)) {
                 $ret = call_user_func_array($param, array(&$value, $this));
                 $param = true;
                 // I don't want to set a callback into the errors array
             } else {
                 throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Validator {$validator} not found");
         // if the validator failed, we store the name of the validator in the $errors array
         // XXX shoudln't it be if $ret !== true ?
         if ($ret === false) {
             $errors[$validator] = $param;
             if ($opt['stop_on_error']) {
                 return $errors;
     return empty($errors) ? true : $errors;