Exemplo n.º 1
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with MMC; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
require "modules/samba/includes/machines.inc.php";
require "modules/samba/includes/samba.inc.php";
require "modules/samba/mainSidebar.php";
require "graph/navbar.inc.php";
if (isset($_POST["baddmach"])) {
    $machine = $_POST["machine"];
    $comment = stripslashes($_POST["comment"]);
    add_machine($machine, $comment);
    if (!isXMLRPCError()) {
        new NotifyWidgetSuccess(sprintf(_T("Computer %s successfully added"), $machine));
        header("Location: " . urlStrRedirect("samba/machines/index"));
$p = new PageGenerator(_T("Add a computer"));
$f = new ValidatingForm();
$f->addSummary(_T("The computer name can only contains letters lowercase and numbers, and must begin with a letter."));
$f->push(new Table());
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("Computer name"), new NetbiosInputTpl("machine")), array("value" => $machine, "required" => True));
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("Comment"), new InputTpl("comment")), array("value" => $comment));
Exemplo n.º 2
$addParams = neededParamsAddComputer();
foreach ($addParams as $p) {
    if ($p[1] == 'string') {
        /* Protect input fields according to the field type */
        switch ($p[0]) {
            case "computerip":
                $input = new IPInputTpl($p[0]);
            case "computermac":
                $input = new MACInputTpl($p[0]);
            case "computernet":
                $input = new IPInputTpl($p[0]);
                $input = new IPInputTpl($p[0]);
        $value = isset($_POST[$p[0]]) ? $_POST[$p[0]] : '';
        $f->add(new TrFormElement(_($p[2]), $input), array("value" => $value));
if (canAssociateComputer2Location()) {
    if (in_array("pulse2", $_SESSION["modulesList"])) {
        require 'modules/pulse2/includes/select_location.php';
        $value = isset($_POST["location_uuid"]) ? $_POST["location_uuid"] : '';
        $f->add(new TrFormElement(_("Location"), select_locations(null, "location_uuid")), array("value" => $value));
Exemplo n.º 3
$pattern_input = new InputTplTitle('patterns[]', _T('regular expression or value', 'inventory') . "\n" . _T('must not contain space character', 'inventory') . "\n");
for ($i = 0; $i < count($rule); $i++) {
    // Fields//$criteria_select,
    $fields = array(new SpanElement("<br>"), $locations_select, new SpanElement("<br>"), $selectOperatorType, new SpanElement("<br>"), $operator_select, new SpanElement("<br>"), $pattern_input, new SpanElement("<br>"), new buttonTpl2('removeLine', _T('Remove', 'inventory'), 'removeLine'));
    $values = array("", locationtoid($entity, $rule[$i]['entitie']), "", $rule[$i]['operand1'], "", $rule[$i]['operator'], "", $rule[$i]['operand2'], "");
    $f->add(new TrFormElement(_T('Criterion', 'inventory'), new multifieldTpl($fields)), array("value" => $values, "required" => True));
// Add line button
$addEntityRightBtn = new buttonTpl2('addLine', _T('Add criterion', 'inventory'));
$f->add(new TrFormElement('', $addEntityRightBtn), array());
$f->add(new HiddenTpl("numRuleadd"), array("value" => $newnumRule, "hide" => True));

<script type="text/javascript">

    modelLine = jQuery('.removeLine:first').parents('tr:first').clone();

     // Remove line button
         if (jQuery('.removeLine').length > 1)

     // Add line button
Exemplo n.º 4
// in case of modification/creation success, redirect to the edit page
if ($redirect) {
    header('Location: ' . urlStrRedirect("base/users/edit", array("user" => $uid)));
// in case of failure, set errorStatus to 0 in order to display the edit form
$errorStatus = 0;
// edit form page starts here
$p = new PageGenerator($title);
// create the form
$f = new ValidatingForm(array('method' => 'POST', 'enctype' => 'multipart/form-data'));
// add submit button
// enable/disable buttons
if ($mode == 'edit') {
    $f->addButton("enableAccount", _("Enable account"), "btnSecondary");
    $f->addButton("disableAccount", _("Disable account"), "btnSecondary");
// add reset form button
// add all modules forms to the edit form
$modules = callPluginFunction("baseEdit", array($FH, $mode));
foreach ($modules as $module => $editForm) {
// display the form
Exemplo n.º 5
            header("Location: " . urlStrRedirect("imaging/manage/computersprofilecreator", $params));
        $p->addTab("tabsta", _T("Static imaging group", "dyngroup"), "", "modules/dyngroup/dyngroup/add_groups.php", $params);
    } else {
        $p = new PageGenerator(_T('Imaging server selection', 'dyngroup'));
        require_once "modules/pulse2/includes/profiles_xmlrpc.inc.php";
        $f = new ValidatingForm();
        $f->add(new HiddenTpl("id"), array("value" => $gid, "hide" => True));
        $f->push(new Table());
        $imss = xmlrpc_getAllImagingServersForProfiles(true);
        $elt = array();
        $elt_values = array();
        foreach ($imss as $uuid => $imaging_server) {
            $elt[$uuid] = $imaging_server['name'];
            $elt_values[$uuid] = $uuid;
        $imss = new SelectItem("imaging_server");
        $f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("Select an imaging server for this group", "dyngroup"), $imss));

Exemplo n.º 6
Arquivo: edit.php Projeto: psyray/mmc
            new NotifyWidgetSuccess(_T("SSH public keys updated.", "sshlpk"));
    } else {
        if (!$showSshkeys && hasSshKeyObjectClass($uid)) {
            if (!isXMLRPCError()) {
                new NotifyWidgetSuccess(_T("SSH public keys attributes deleted.", "sshlpk"));
$p = new PageGenerator(_T("Change your SSH keys", "sshlpk"));
$show = hasSshKeyObjectClass($uid);
$f = new ValidatingForm();
$f->push(new Table());
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("Enable SSH keys management", "sshlpk"), new CheckboxTpl("showusersshkey")), array("value" => $show ? "checked" : "", "extraArg" => 'onclick="toggleVisibility(\'sshkeydiv\');"'));
$sshkeydiv = new Div(array("id" => "sshkeydiv"));
if ($show) {
    $sshkeys = getAllSshKey($uid);
} else {
    $sshkeys = array("0" => "");
$f->add(new TrFormElement('', new MultipleInputTpl("sshuserkeys", _T("Public SSH Key", "sshlpk"))), $sshkeys);
Exemplo n.º 7
    // to prevent hidden field setting below
} else {
    $local_proxy_selection_mode = web_proxy_selection_mode();
$d = new ProxySelector($machines, $right, $left, $group->id, $proxy_number, $local_proxy_selection_mode);
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_T('Local proxies selection', 'msc'), $d, $trOptions));
/* Add hidden input field to propagate the POST values from the previous
   page */
foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
    if (!in_array($key, array("machines", "members", "lpmachines", "lpmembers", "baddmachine", "baddmachine_x", "baddmachine_y", "bdelmachine", "bdelmachine_x", "bdelmachine_y"))) {
        $f->add(new HiddenTpl($key), array("value" => $value, "hide" => True));
if ($local_proxy_selection_mode != "manual") {
<script lang=javascript>
disableLocalProxyForm(); // table is disabled when entering the page
} elseif ($local_proxy_selection_mode == "manual") {
<script lang=javascript>
enableLocalProxyForm(); // table is disabled when entering the page
Exemplo n.º 8
        $resultPopup->add('<div class="alert alert-error">' . $error . '</div>');
    // add info messages
    if ($result) {
        $services = getServicesNames();
        $resultPopup->add('<div class="alert alert-success">' . $result . '</div>');
        handleServicesModule($resultPopup, array($services[1] => "DHCP"));
    if (!$error) {
        header("Location: " . urlStrRedirect("network/network/services"));
$f = new ValidatingForm();
$f->push(new Table());
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("Enable DHCP failover"), new CheckboxTpl("dhcp_failover")), array("value" => $show ? "checked" : "", "extraArg" => 'onclick="toggleVisibility(\'dhcpfailoverdiv\');"'));
$dhcpfailoverdiv = new Div(array("id" => "dhcpfailoverdiv"));
$f->push(new Table());
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("Primary DHCP server name"), new HiddenTpl("primary")), array("value" => $FH->getArrayOrPostValue("primary")));
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("Primary DHCP IP address"), new IPInputTpl("primaryIp")), array("value" => $FH->getArrayOrPostValue("primaryIp"), "required" => true));
$f->push(new DivExpertMode());
$f->push(new Table());
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("Primary DHCP failover port"), new InputTpl("primaryPort"), array("tooltip" => _T("TCP port where the server listen to failover messages", "network"))), array("value" => $FH->getArrayOrPostValue("primaryPort"), "required" => true));
Exemplo n.º 9
$pathdiv = new Div(array("id" => "profilespath"));
$f->push(new Table());
# default value for profile path
$value = "\\\\%N\\profiles\\%U";
if ($hasProfiles) {
    $value = $smb['logon path'];
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("Network path for profiles"), new InputTpl("logon path"), array("tooltip" => _T("The share must exist and be world-writable.", "samba"))), array("value" => $value));
$f->push(new DivExpertMode());
$f->push(new Table());
$syncTpl = new SelectItem("ldap passwd sync");
$labels = array(_T('Yes'), _T('No'), _T('Only (for smbk5pwd)'));
$values = array('yes', 'no', 'only');
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("LDAP password sync"), $syncTpl), array("value" => $smb["ldap passwd sync"]));
$d = array(_T("Opening script session") => "logon script", _T("Base directory path") => "logon home", _T("Connect base directory on network drive") => "logon drive");
foreach ($d as $description => $field) {
    $f->add(new TrFormElement($description, new IA5InputTpl($field)), array("value" => $smb[$field]));
$f->addExpertButton("brestart", _T("Restart SAMBA"));
$f->addButton("breload", _T("Reload SAMBA configuration"));
Exemplo n.º 10
    $a = array("value" => $network, "required" => True);
    $a["zone"] = $zone;
    $a["ajaxurl"] = "ajaxDnsGetZoneFreeIp";
    $formElt = new GetFreeIPInputTpl();
} else {
    if ($_GET["action"] == "addhost") {
        $a = array("value" => "", "required" => True);
        $formElt = new IPInputTpl("ipaddress");
    } else {
        $a = array("value" => $ipaddress);
        $formElt = new HiddenTpl("ipaddress");
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("Network address"), $formElt), $a);
if ($_GET["action"] == "addhost") {
    $f->addButton("badd", _("Create"));
} else {
    /* On edit mode, the user can setup host aliases */
    $m = new MultipleInputTpl("hostalias", _T("Hostname alias"));
    if (empty($cnames)) {
        $cnames = array("");
    $f->add(new FormElement(_T("Hostname alias"), $m), $cnames);
Exemplo n.º 11
require_once "modules/backuppc/includes/html.inc.php";
// ===========================================================================
// Receive form data
if (isset($_POST['bAdvScripts'])) {
    $host = $_POST['host'];
    // Setting the scripts
    set_host_pre_backup_script($host, $_POST['pre_backup_script']);
    set_host_post_backup_script($host, $_POST['post_backup_script']);
    set_host_pre_restore_script($host, $_POST['pre_restore_script']);
    set_host_post_restore_script($host, $_POST['post_restore_script']);
    new NotifyWidgetSuccess(_T('Configuration saved', 'backuppc'));
// ===========================================================================
// display an edit config form
$f = new ValidatingForm();
$f->push(new Table());
$host = $_GET['objectUUID'];
$pre_backup_script = get_host_pre_backup_script($host);
$post_backup_script = get_host_post_backup_script($host);
$pre_restore_script = get_host_pre_restore_script($host);
$post_restore_script = get_host_post_restore_script($host);
// BackupPC config for this host
$host_config = $response['host_config'];
$f->add(new HiddenTpl("host"), array("value" => $host, "hide" => True));
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("Pre-backup script", "backuppc"), new TextareaTpl('pre_backup_script')), array("value" => htmlspecialchars($pre_backup_script)));
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("Post-backup script", "backuppc"), new TextareaTpl('post_backup_script')), array("value" => htmlspecialchars($post_backup_script)));
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("Pre-restore script", "backuppc"), new TextareaTpl('pre_restore_script')), array("value" => htmlspecialchars($pre_restore_script)));
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("Post-restore script", "backuppc"), new TextareaTpl('post_restore_script')), array("value" => htmlspecialchars($post_restore_script)));
Exemplo n.º 12
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("Description", "ppolicy"), new InputTpl("description")), array("value" => $FH->getArrayOrPostValue("description")));
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("Minimum length", "ppolicy"), new InputTpl("pwdMinLength", '/^[0-9]*$/'), array("tooltip" => ppolicyTips("pwdMinLength"))), array("value" => $FH->getArrayOrPostValue("pwdMinLength")));
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("Password quality check", "ppolicy"), new InputTpl("pwdCheckQuality", '/^[012]$/'), array("tooltip" => ppolicyTips("pwdCheckQuality"))), array("value" => $FH->getArrayOrPostValue("pwdCheckQuality")));
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("Minimum age (seconds)", "ppolicy"), new InputTpl("pwdMinAge", '/^[0-9]*$/'), array("tooltip" => ppolicyTips("pwdMinAge"))), array("value" => $FH->getArrayOrPostValue("pwdMinAge")));
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("Maximum age (seconds)", "ppolicy"), new InputTpl("pwdMaxAge", '/^[0-9]*$/'), array("tooltip" => ppolicyTips("pwdMaxAge"))), array("value" => $FH->getArrayOrPostValue("pwdMaxAge")));
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("Number of grace authentications", "ppolicy"), new InputTpl("pwdGraceAuthNLimit", '/^[0-9]*$/'), array("tooltip" => ppolicyTips("pwdGraceAuthNLimit"))), array("value" => $FH->getArrayOrPostValue("pwdGraceAuthNLimit")));
if ($FH->getArrayOrPostValue("pwdMustChange") == 'TRUE' || $FH->getArrayOrPostValue("pwdMustChange") == 'on') {
    $pwdMustChange = "checked";
} else {
    $pwdMustChange = "";
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("Force users to change their passwords on the first connection ?", "ppolicy"), new CheckboxTpl("pwdMustChange"), array("tooltip" => ppolicyTips("pwdMustChange"))), array("value" => $pwdMustChange));
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("Password history", "ppolicy"), new InputTpl("pwdInHistory", '/^[0-9]*$/'), array("tooltip" => ppolicyTips("pwdInHistory"))), array("value" => $FH->getArrayOrPostValue("pwdInHistory")));
if ($FH->getArrayOrPostValue("pwdLockout") == 'TRUE' || $FH->getArrayOrPostValue("pwdLockout") == 'on') {
    $pwdLockout = "checked";
} else {
    $pwdLockout = "";
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("Preventive user lockout ?", "ppolicy"), new CheckboxTpl("pwdLockout"), array("tooltip" => ppolicyTips("pwdLockout"))), array("value" => $pwdLockout, "extraArg" => 'onclick="toggleVisibility(\'lockoutdiv\');"'));
$lockoutdiv = new Div(array("id" => "lockoutdiv"));
$f->push(new Table());
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("Password maximum failure", "ppolicy"), new InputTpl("pwdMaxFailure", '/^[0-9]*$/'), array("tooltip" => ppolicyTips("pwdMaxFailure"))), array("value" => $FH->getArrayOrPostValue("pwdMaxFailure")));
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("Lockout duration (seconds)", "ppolicy"), new InputTpl("pwdLockoutDuration", '/^[0-9]*$/'), array("tooltip" => ppolicyTips("pwdLockoutDuration"))), array("value" => $FH->getArrayOrPostValue("pwdLockoutDuration")));
Exemplo n.º 13
    $group->importMembers($elementare, $content);
    new NotifyWidgetSuccess(_T("Group successfully created", "dyngroup"));
    header("Location: " . urlStrRedirect("base/computers/display", array('gid' => $group->id)));
} elseif (xmlrpc_group_name_exists($groupname)) {
    new NotifyWidgetFailure(sprintf(_T("A group already exists with name '%s'", "dyngroup"), $groupname));
$f = new ValidatingForm(array('enctype' => "multipart/form-data"));
$f->push(new Table());
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("Group name", "dyngroup"), new InputTpl("groupname")), array("required" => True, "value" => $groupname));
$r = new RadioTpl('visible');
$r->setChoices(array(_T('Yes', 'dyngroup'), _T('No', 'dyngroup')));
$r->setValues(array('visible', 'hidden'));
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("Add shortcut", "dyngroup"), $r), array("required" => True));
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("Select the file you want to import", "dyngroup"), new FileTpl('importfile')), array("required" => True));
$a = getPossiblesCriterionsInMainModule();
$r = new RadioTpl('elementare');
if (!isset($elementare) || $elementare == '') {
    $elementare = $a[0];
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("Select what is inside the file", "dyngroup"), $r), array("required" => True));

Exemplo n.º 14
Arquivo: add.php Projeto: neoclust/mmc
    $fields = array(array("label", _T("Name", "pkgs"), array("required" => True)), array("version", _T("Version", "pkgs"), array("required" => True)), array('description', _T("Description", "pkgs"), array()));
    $cmds = array(array('command', _T('Command\'s name : ', 'pkgs'), _T('Command : ', 'pkgs')));
    $options = array(array('reboot', _T('Need a reboot ?', 'pkgs')));
    foreach ($fields as $p) {
        $f->add(new TrFormElement($p[1], new InputTpl($p[0])), array_merge(array("value" => $package[$p[0]]), $p[2]));
    foreach ($options as $p) {
        $op = $package[$p[0]] == 1 || $package[$p[0]] == '1' || $package[$p[0]] === 'enable';
        $f->add(new TrFormElement($p[1], new CheckboxTpl($p[0])), array("value" => $op ? 'checked' : ''));
    foreach ($cmds as $p) {
        $f->add(new HiddenTpl($p[0] . 'name'), array("value" => $package[$p[0]]['name'], "hide" => True));
        $f->add(new TrFormElement($p[2], new TextareaTpl($p[0] . 'cmd')), array("value" => htmlspecialchars($package[$p[0]]['command'])));
    $f->addValidateButton("bconfirm", _T("Add", "pkgs"));

<script src="jsframework/lib/fileuploader/fileuploader.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <!-- js for file upload -->
<link href="jsframework/lib/fileuploader/fileuploader.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <!-- css for file upload -->

<script type="text/javascript">
Event.observe(window, 'load', function() { // load this piece of code when page is loaded
     * Auto fill fields of form
     * if tempdir is empty (when changing packageAPI)
     * default tempdir will be chosen in ajaxGetSuggestedCommand
     * php file.