public function set_rss_url($url) { if (!Valid::url($url)) { return NULL; } return $url; }
public function set_values(array $data) { if (!Valid::url($data['next_url'])) { $data['next_url'] = NULL; } $data['fields'] = array(); if (!empty($data['field']) and is_array($data['field'])) { foreach ($data['field'] as $key => $values) { foreach ($values as $index => $value) { if ($index == 0) { continue; } if ($key == 'source') { $value = URL::title($value, '_'); } $data['fields'][$index][$key] = $value; } } $data['field'] = NULL; } $email_type_fields = array(); foreach ($data['fields'] as $field) { $email_type_fields['key'][] = $field['id']; $email_type_fields['value'][] = !empty($field['name']) ? $field['name'] : Inflector::humanize($field['id']); } $this->create_email_type($email_type_fields); return parent::set_values($data); }
/** * Render content. * * @return string */ public function content() { ob_start(); // Cover if (Valid::url($this->track->cover)) { echo HTML::image($this->track->cover, array('class' => 'cover img-responsive', 'alt' => __('Cover'))); } // Time if ($this->track->size_time) { echo '<i class="fa fa-fw fa-clock-o"></i> ' . $this->track->size_time . '<br />'; } // Listen count if ($this->track->listen_count > 1) { echo '<i class="fa fa-fw fa-play"></i> ' . ($this->track->listen_count == 1 ? __(':count play', array(':count' => $this->track->listen_count)) : __(':count plays', array(':count' => $this->track->listen_count))) . '<br />'; } // Tags if ($tags = $this->track->tags()) { echo '<i class="fa fa-fw fa-music"></i> ' . implode(', ', $tags) . '<br />'; } elseif (!empty($this->track->music)) { echo '<i class="fa fa-fw fa-music"></i> ' . $this->track->music . '<br />'; } // Meta echo '<footer class="meta text-muted">'; echo __('Added :date', array(':date' => HTML::time(Date::format(Date::DMY_SHORT, $this->track->created), $this->track->created))); echo '</footer>'; return ob_get_clean(); }
public static function download($url, $directory, $filename = NULL) { $url = str_replace(' ', '%20', $url); if (!Valid::url($url)) { return FALSE; } $curl = curl_init($url); $file = Upload_Util::combine($directory, uniqid()); $handle = fopen($file, 'w'); $headers = new HTTP_Header(); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FILE, $handle); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, TRUE); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, array($headers, 'parse_header_string')); if (curl_exec($curl) === FALSE or curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE) !== 200) { fclose($handle); unlink($file); throw new Kohana_Exception('Curl: Download Error: :error, status :status on url :url', array(':url' => $url, ':status' => curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE), ':error' => curl_error($curl))); } fclose($handle); if ($filename === NULL) { if (!isset($headers['content-disposition']) or !($filename = Upload_Util::filename_from_content_disposition($headers['content-disposition']))) { $mime_type = curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_CONTENT_TYPE); $url = urldecode(curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL)); $filename = Upload_Util::filename_from_url($url, $mime_type); } } $filename = substr(pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_FILENAME), 0, 60) . '.' . pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $result_file = Upload_Util::combine($directory, $filename); rename($file, $result_file); return is_file($result_file) ? $filename : FALSE; }
public function action_index() { $code = $this->request->param('code'); if ($code === NULL) { Model_Page_Front::not_found(); } $reflink_model = ORM::factory('user_reflink', $code); if (!$reflink_model->loaded()) { Messages::errors(__('Reflink not found')); $this->go_home(); } $next_url = Arr::get($reflink_model->data, 'next_url'); try { Database::instance()->begin(); Reflink::factory($reflink_model)->confirm(); $reflink_model->delete(); Database::instance()->commit(); } catch (Kohana_Exception $e) { Database::instance()->rollback(); Messages::errors($e->getMessage()); } if (Valid::url($next_url)) { $this->go($next_url); } $this->go_home(); }
/** * * @return array */ public function validate_authorize_params() { $request_params = $this->_get_authorize_params(); $validation = Validation::factory($request_params)->rule('client_id', 'not_empty')->rule('client_id', 'uuid::valid')->rule('response_type', 'not_empty')->rule('response_type', 'in_array', array(':value', OAuth2::$supported_response_types))->rule('scope', 'in_array', array(':value', OAuth2::$supported_scopes))->rule('redirect_uri', 'url'); if (!$validation->check()) { throw new OAuth2_Exception_InvalidRequest("Invalid Request: " . Debug::vars($validation->errors())); } // Check we have a valid client $client = Model_OAuth2_Client::find_client($request_params['client_id']); if (!$client->loaded()) { throw new OAuth2_Exception_InvalidClient('Invalid client'); } // Lookup the redirect_uri if none was supplied in the URL if (!Valid::url($request_params['redirect_uri'])) { $request_params['redirect_uri'] = $client->redirect_uri; // Is the redirect_uri still empty? Error if so.. if (!Valid::url($request_params['redirect_uri'])) { throw new OAuth2_Exception_InvalidRequest('\'redirect_uri\' is required'); } } else { if ($client->redirect_uri != $request_params['redirect_uri']) { throw new OAuth2_Exception_InvalidGrant('redirect_uri mismatch'); } } // Check if this client is allowed use this response_type if (!in_array($request_params['response_type'], $client->allowed_response_types())) { throw new OAuth2_Exception_UnauthorizedClient('You are not allowed use the \':response_type\' response_type', array(':response_type' => $request_params['response_type'])); } return $request_params; }
/** * Parse a remote feed into an array. * * @param string $feed Remote feed URL * @param integer $limit Item limit to fetch [Optional] * * @return array * * @uses Valid::url */ public function parse($feed, $limit = 0) { // Make limit an integer $limit = (int) $limit; // Disable error reporting while opening the feed $error_level = error_reporting(0); // Allow loading by filename or raw XML string $load = (is_file($feed) or Valid::url($feed)) ? 'simplexml_load_file' : 'simplexml_load_string'; // Load the feed $feed = $load($feed, 'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA); // Restore error reporting error_reporting($error_level); // Feed could not be loaded if (!$feed) { return array(); } $namespaces = $feed->getNamespaces(TRUE); // This only for RSS 1.0/2.0 are supported $feed = $feed->xpath('//item'); $i = 0; $items = array(); foreach ($feed as $item) { if ($limit > 0 and $i++ === $limit) { break; } $item_fields = (array) $item; // get namespaced tags foreach ($namespaces as $ns) { $item_fields += (array) $item->children($ns); } $items[] = $item_fields; } return $items; }
/** * Render content. * * @return string */ public function content() { ob_start(); // Stamp echo HTML::time(Date('l ', $this->event->stamp_begin) . Date::format('DDMMYYYY', $this->event->stamp_begin), $this->event->stamp_begin, true); // Location if ($this->event->venue) { echo ' @ ', HTML::anchor(Route::model($this->event->venue), HTML::chars($this->event->venue->name)), ', ', HTML::chars($this->event->venue->city_name); } elseif ($this->event->venue_name) { echo ' @ ', $this->event->venue_url ? HTML::anchor($this->event->venue_url, $this->event->venue_name) : HTML::chars($this->event->venue_name), $this->event->city_name ? ', ' . HTML::chars($this->event->city_name) : ''; } elseif ($this->event->city_name) { echo ' @ ', HTML::chars($this->event->city_name); } // Flyer if ($this->event->flyer_front) { echo '<figure>', HTML::image($this->event->flyer_front->get_url(Model_Image::SIZE_THUMBNAIL)), '</figure>'; } elseif ($this->event->flyer_back) { echo '<figure>', HTML::image($this->event->flyer_back->get_url(Model_Image::SIZE_THUMBNAIL)), '</figure>'; } elseif (Valid::url($this->event->flyer_front_url)) { echo '<br /><figure>', HTML::image($this->event->flyer_front_url, array('width' => 160)), '</figure>'; } // Favorites if ($this->event->favorite_count) { echo '<span class="stats"><i class="icon-heart"></i> ' . $this->event->favorite_count . '</span>'; } return ob_get_clean(); }
/** * Links restful api */ public function action_links() { // Is the logged in user an owner? if (!$this->owner) { throw new HTTP_Exception_403(); } $this->template = ""; $this->auto_render = FALSE; $droplet_id = intval($this->request->param('id', 0)); $link_id = intval($this->request->param('id2', 0)); switch ($this->request->method()) { case "POST": $link_array = json_decode($this->request->body(), TRUE); $url = $link_array['url']; if (!Valid::url($url)) { $this->response->status(400); $this->response->headers('Content-Type', 'application/json'); $errors = array(__("Invalid url")); echo json_encode(array('errors' => $errors)); return; } $account_id = $this->visited_account->id; $link_orm = Model_Account_Droplet_Link::get_link($url, $droplet_id, $account_id); echo json_encode(array('id' => $link_orm->link->id, 'tag' => $link_orm->link->url)); break; case "DELETE": Model_Droplet::delete_link($droplet_id, $link_id, $this->visited_account->id); break; } }
public static function check_link($link) { if (strpos($link, '//') !== FALSE) { return Valid::url($link); } elseif (strpos($link, '/') === 0) { return TRUE; } }
/** * Returns LogReader static url. * * @return string * @uses URL::base() */ public static function static_base() { if (Valid::url(static::$config->get_static_route())) { return static::$config->get_static_route() . '/'; } else { return URL::base(Request::current()) . static::$config->get_static_route() . '/'; } }
/** * Parses a remote feed into an array. * * @param string $feed remote feed URL * @param integer $limit item limit to fetch * @param integer $cache_expire_time in seconds when cache expires * @return array */ public static function parse($feed, $limit = 0, $cache_expire_time = NULL) { //in case theres no expire time set to 24h if ($cache_expire_time === NULL) { $cache_expire_time = 24 * 60 * 60; } // Check if SimpleXML is installed if (!function_exists('simplexml_load_file')) { throw new Kohana_Exception('SimpleXML must be installed!'); } // Make limit an integer $limit = (int) $limit; // Disable error reporting while opening the feed $error_level = error_reporting(0); // Allow loading by filename or raw XML string if (Valid::url($feed)) { //mod! force usage of curl with timeout and cached! $feed_result = Core::cache($feed, NULL, $cache_expire_time); //not cached :( if ($feed_result === NULL) { $feed_result = Core::curl_get_contents($feed, 5); Core::cache($feed, $feed_result, $cache_expire_time); } $feed = $feed_result; } elseif (is_file($feed)) { // Get file contents $feed = file_get_contents($feed); } // Load the feed $feed = simplexml_load_string($feed, 'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA); // Restore error reporting error_reporting($error_level); // Feed could not be loaded if ($feed === FALSE) { return array(); } $namespaces = $feed->getNamespaces(TRUE); // Detect the feed type. RSS 1.0/2.0 and Atom 1.0 are supported. $feed = isset($feed->channel) ? $feed->xpath('//item') : $feed->entry; $i = 0; $items = array(); foreach ($feed as $item) { if ($limit > 0 and $i++ === $limit) { break; } $item_fields = (array) $item; // get namespaced tags foreach ($namespaces as $ns) { $item_fields += (array) $item->children($ns); } $items[] = $item_fields; } return $items; }
/** * URL of the page. This URL must begin with the protocol (such as http) and end * with a trailing slash, if your web server requires it. This value must be * less than 2,048 characters. * @see * @param string $location */ public function set_loc($location) { if (!Valid::max_length($location, 2048)) { throw new LengthException('The location was too long, maximum length of 2,048 characters.'); } $location = Sitemap::encode($location); if (!Valid::url($location)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('The location was not a valid URL'); } $this->attributes['loc'] = $location; return $this; }
/** * * @param string $patch */ public static function apply($patch) { $installed_patches = self::installed(); $filename = pathinfo($patch, PATHINFO_BASENAME); if (Valid::url($patch)) { $filename = Upload::from_url($patch, PATCHES_FOLDER, $filename, array('php'), TRUE); $patch = PATCHES_FOLDER . $filename; } if (file_exists($patch) and !in_array($patch, $installed_patches)) { include $patch; @unlink($patch); $installed_patches[] = $filename; Config::set('update', 'installed_patches', $installed_patches); } }
/** * Guess the type of the source: * * - Upload_Source::TYPE_URL * - Upload_Source::TYPE_STREAM * - Upload_Source::TYPE_TEMP * - Upload_Source::TYPE_FILE * - Upload_Source::TYPE_UPLOAD * - FALSE * * @param mixed $source * @return string|boolean */ public static function guess_type($source) { if (is_array($source)) { return (Upload::valid($source) and $source['error'] !== UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE) ? Upload_Source::TYPE_UPLOAD : FALSE; } elseif ($source == 'php://input') { return Upload_Source::TYPE_STREAM; } elseif (Valid::url($source)) { return Upload_Source::TYPE_URL; } elseif (substr_count($source, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) === 1) { return Upload_Source::TYPE_TEMP; } elseif (is_file($source)) { return Upload_Source::TYPE_FILE; } else { return FALSE; } }
public static function parse($feed, $limit = 0) { // Check if SimpleXML is installed if (!function_exists('simplexml_load_file')) { throw new Kohana_Exception('SimpleXML must be installed!'); } // Make limit an integer $limit = (int) $limit; // Disable error reporting while opening the feed $error_level = error_reporting(0); // Allow loading by filename or raw XML string if (Valid::url($feed)) { // Use native Request client to get remote contents $feed = CURL::get($feed); //$feed = HTTP::get($feed); } elseif (is_file($feed)) { // Get file contents $feed = file_get_contents($feed); } //var_dump($feed); // Load the feed $feed = simplexml_load_string($feed, 'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA); // Restore error reporting error_reporting($error_level); // Feed could not be loaded if ($feed === FALSE) { return array(); } $namespaces = $feed->getNamespaces(TRUE); // Detect the feed type. RSS 1.0/2.0 and Atom 1.0 are supported. $feed = isset($feed->channel) ? $feed->xpath('//item') : $feed->entry; $i = 0; $items = array(); foreach ($feed as $item) { if ($limit > 0 and $i++ === $limit) { break; } $item_fields = (array) $item; // get namespaced tags foreach ($namespaces as $ns) { $item_fields += (array) $item->children($ns); } $items[] = $item_fields; } return $items; }
/** * Download a file to a new location. If no filename is provided, * the original filename will be used, with a unique prefix added. * * @param string remote url * @param string new filename * @param string new directory * @param integer chmod mask * @return array on success, upload style file array * @return false on failure */ public static function download($url, $filename = NULL, $directory = NULL, $chmod = 0644) { if (!Valid::url($url)) { return false; } // If no filename given, use remote filename with uniqid $original_filename = basename(parse_url($url, PHP_URL_PATH)); if ($filename === null) { $filename = uniqid() . $original_filename; } // Remove spaces from the filename if (Upload::$remove_spaces === true) { $filename = preg_replace('/\\s+/', '_', $filename); } // Use the pre-configured upload directory if not given if ($directory === null) { $directory = Upload::$default_directory; } if (!is_dir($directory) || !is_writable(realpath($directory))) { throw new Kohana_Exception('Directory :dir must be writable', array(':dir' => Kohana::debug_path($directory))); } // Make the filename into a complete path $filename = realpath($directory) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filename; // Download file try { // Dummy escape to get rid of spaces to awoid 400 Bad Request $url = str_replace(' ', '%20', $url); $fh = fopen($filename, 'w'); Remote::get($url, null, array(CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_FILE => $fh)); $size = Arr::get(fstat($fh), 'size', 0); fclose($fh); // Set permissions if ($chmod !== false) { chmod($filename, $chmod); } // Build file array $finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE); $mime = finfo_file($finfo, $filename); finfo_close($finfo); return array('error' => UPLOAD_ERR_OK, 'name' => $original_filename, 'type' => $mime, 'tmp_name' => $filename, 'size' => $size); } catch (Kohana_Exception $e) { return false; } }
/** * Add new forum topic for music. * * @return boolean */ public function add_forum_topic() { $forum_areas = Kohana::$config->load('music.forum_areas'); if ($forum_areas && $forum_areas[$this->type]) { $forum_area = Model_Forum_Area::factory($forum_areas[$this->type]); if ($forum_area->loaded()) { try { // Generate post $content = ''; // Cover if (Valid::url($this->cover)) { $content .= '[img]' . $this->cover . "[/img]\n\n"; } // Description $content .= $this->description . "\n\n"; if ($this->type == Model_Music_Track::TYPE_MIX && $this->tracklist) { $content .= '[b]' . __('Tracklist') . "[/b]\n"; $content .= $this->tracklist . "\n\n"; } // Tags if ($tags = $this->tags()) { $content .= '[i]' . implode(', ', $tags) . "[/i]\n\n"; } else { if (!empty($this->music)) { $content .= '[i]' . $this->music . "[/i]\n\n"; } } // Links $content .= '[url=' . URL::site(Route::model($this), true) . ']' . __('Show details') . '[/url] - '; $content .= '[url=' . URL::site(Route::model($this, 'listen'), true) . ']' . __('Listen') . '[/url]'; // Create topic $forum_topic = $forum_area->create_topic($this->name, $content, $this->author()); $forum_topic->save_post(); } catch (Kohana_Exception $e) { return false; } $this->forum_topic_id = $forum_topic->id; $this->save(); return true; } } return false; }
public function validate(Jam_Validated $model, $attribute, $value) { if ($this->regex !== NULL and !preg_match($this->regex, $value)) { $model->errors()->add($attribute, 'format_regex', array(':regex' => $this->regex)); } if ($this->filter !== NULL and !(filter_var($value, $this->filter, $this->flag) !== FALSE)) { $model->errors()->add($attribute, 'format_filter', array(':filter' => $this->filter)); } if ($this->ip === TRUE and !Valid::ip($value)) { $model->errors()->add($attribute, 'format_ip'); } if ($this->url === TRUE and !Valid::url($value)) { $model->errors()->add($attribute, 'format_url'); } if ($this->email === TRUE and !Valid::email($value)) { $model->errors()->add($attribute, 'format_email'); } if ($this->credit_card === TRUE and !Valid::credit_card($value)) { $model->errors()->add($attribute, 'format_credit_card'); } }
/** * Tests Valid::url() * * @test * @dataProvider provider_url * @param string $url The url to test * @param boolean $expected Is it valid? */ public function test_url($url, $expected) { $this->assertSame($expected, Valid::url($url)); }
</a> <a class="btn btn-default btn-sm desktop-btn" title="Desktop full width" href="#"> <span class="fa fa-desktop fa-2x"></span> </a> <a type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-sm" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#qrCode" title="<?php echo __('Scan QR and check out the template on your phone or tablet'); ?> " href="#"> <span class="fa fa-qrcode fa-2x"></span> </a> <?php } ?> <a class="btn btn-success btn-sm" <?php if (Valid::url($product->url_buy)) { ?> href="<?php echo $product->url_buy; ?> " <?php } else { ?> href="<?php echo Route::url('product', array('seotitle' => $product->seotitle, 'category' => $product->category->seoname)); ?> " <?php } ?>
/** * * given a file returns it's public path relative to the selected theme * @param string $file * @param string $theme optional * @return string */ public static function public_path($file, $theme = NULL) { if ($theme === NULL) { $theme = self::$theme; } //not external file we need the public link if (!Valid::url($file)) { //@todo add a hook here in case we want to use a CDN return URL::base() . 'themes' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $theme . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file; } //seems an external url return $file; }
?> <hr> </div> </div> <!-- ./Ad-header --> <!-- ./Ad-content-main --> <?php if ($is_preview != true) { ?> <!-- Ad-apply --> <div id="ad-apply"> <br/> <a class="btn btn-success btn-large" href="<?php if (Valid::url($ad->contact)) { echo $ad->contact; } elseif (Valid::email($ad->contact)) { ?> mailto:<?php echo HTML::email($ad->contact); } ?> " id="apply-link">Apply for this Job <i class="icon-circle-arrow-right icon-white"></i></a> </div> <!-- ./Ad-apply --> <?php } ?>
?> <?php echo __('Hits'); ?> </span> <?endif?> </div> </div> <br/> <div> <?php echo Text::bb2html($ad->description, TRUE); ?> <?if (Valid::url($ad->website)):?> <p><a href="<?php echo $ad->website; ?> " rel="nofollow" target="_blank">><?php echo $ad->website; ?> </a></p> <?endif?> </div> <?if(core::config('payment.paypal_seller')==1 AND $ad->price != NULL AND $ad->price > 0):?> <?if(core::config('payment.stock')==0 OR ($ad->stock > 0 AND core::config('payment.stock')==1)):?> <?if (!Auth::instance()->logged_in()):?> <a class="btn btn-primary" data-toggle="modal" data-dismiss="modal" href="<?php
protected function validate($value) { if (!Valid::url($value)) { return 'url'; } }
/** * Set up the environment * * @param string $type * @param string $file * @param string $options * @param string $destination_path * @param bool $copy * @param string $folder */ function __construct($type, $file, array $options = array(), $destination_path = NULL, $copy = TRUE, $folder = NULL) { // Set processor to use $this->_processor = Arr::get($options, 'processor', Arr::get(Kohana::$config->load('asset-merger')->get('processor'), $type)); // Set condition $this->_condition = Arr::get($options, 'condition'); $this->_folder = $folder; // Set weight if (!empty($options['weight'])) { $this->_weight = $options['weight']; } // Set load paths if (!empty($options['load_paths'])) { $this->_load_paths = $options['load_paths'][$type]; } elseif ($load_paths = Kohana::$config->load('asset-merger')->get('load_paths')) { $this->_load_paths = Arr::get($load_paths, $type); } // Set media if (!empty($options['media'])) { $this->_media = $options['media']; } // Set type and file $this->_type = $type; $this->_file = $file; $this->_copy = $copy; // Check if the type is a valid type Assets::require_valid_type($type); if (Valid::url($file)) { // No remote files allowed throw new Kohana_Exception('The asset :file must be local file', array(':file' => $file)); } // Look for the specified file in each load path foreach ((array) $this->_load_paths as $path) { $path = rtrim($path, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if (is_file($path . $file)) { // Set the destination and source file $this->_destination_file = Assets::file_path($type, $file, $destination_path, $this->_folder); $this->_source_file = $path . $file; // Don't continue break; } } if (!$this->source_file()) { // File not found throw new Kohana_Exception('Asset :file of type :type not found inside :paths', array(':file' => $file, ':type' => $type, ':paths' => join(', ', (array) Arr::get(Kohana::$config->load('asset-merger')->get('load_paths'), $type)))); } if (!is_dir(dirname($this->destination_file())) and $this->copy()) { // Create directory for destination file mkdir(dirname($this->destination_file()), 0777, TRUE); } // Get the file parts $fileparts = explode('.', basename($file)); // Extension index $extension_index = array_search($this->type(), $fileparts); // Set engines $this->_engines = array_reverse(array_slice($fileparts, $extension_index + 1)); // Set the web destination $this->_destination_web = Assets::web_path($type, $file, $destination_path, $this->_folder); }
/** * Get user's default image url * * @param string $size * @return string */ public function get_image_url($size = null) { $image = null; if ($this->default_image_id) { $image = Model_Image::factory($this->default_image_id)->get_url($size); } else { if (Valid::url($this->picture)) { $image = $this->picture; } else { if (count($images = $this->images())) { $image = $images->current()->get_url($size); } } } return $image; }
/** * * given a file returns it's public path relative to the selected theme * @param string $file * @param string $theme optional * @return string */ public static function public_path($file, $theme = NULL) { if ($theme === NULL) { $theme = self::$theme; $parent_theme = Theme::$parent_theme; } else { $parent_theme = self::get_theme_parent($theme); } //handle protocol-relative URLs, we return it directly if (strpos($file, '//') === 0) { // This request is secure? $protocol = Core::is_HTTPS() ? 'https:' : 'http:'; return $protocol . $file; } //getting the public url only if was not external if (!Valid::url($file)) { //copy of the file $file_check = $file; //public URI $uri = URL::base() . 'themes/'; //remove the query from the uri if (($version = strpos($file, '?')) > 0) { $file_check = substr($file, 0, $version); } //check file exists in the theme folder if (file_exists(self::theme_folder($theme) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file_check)) { return $uri . $theme . '/' . $file; } elseif ($parent_theme !== NULL and file_exists(self::theme_folder($parent_theme) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file_check)) { return $uri . $parent_theme . '/' . $file; } elseif (file_exists(self::theme_folder('default') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file_check)) { return $uri . 'default/' . $file; } } else { return $file; } return FALSE; }
/** * Prepare user for data array * * @param Model_User $user * @param array $fields * @return array */ protected function _prepare_user(Model_User $user, array $fields = null) { $data = array(); empty($fields) and $fields = self::$_fields; foreach ($fields as $field) { switch ($field) { // Raw value case 'id': case 'username': case 'homepage': case 'gender': case 'description': case 'logins': case 'posts': case 'adds': case 'signature': case 'title': case 'dob': case 'latitude': case 'longitude': case 'created': case 'modified': case 'last_login': $data[$field] = $user->{$field}; break; // Custom value // Custom value case 'city': $data[$field] = ($city = $user->city()) ? $city->name : $user->city_name; break; case 'avatar': $data[$field] = $user->avatar ? URL::site($user->avatar, true) : URL::site('avatar/unknown.png'); break; case 'picture': if ($user->default_image_id) { $image = new Model_Image($user->default_image_id); $data[$field] = $image->loaded() ? $image->get_url() : ''; } else { if (Valid::url($user->picture)) { $data[$field] = URL::site($user->picture, true); } else { $data[$field] = null; } } break; case 'url': $data[$field] = URL::site(URL::user($user), true); break; } } return $data; }
/** * Action: gallery */ public function action_gallery() { /** @var Model_Gallery $gallery */ $gallery_id = (int) $this->request->param('id'); $gallery = Model_Gallery::factory($gallery_id); if (!$gallery->loaded()) { throw new Model_Exception($gallery, $gallery_id); } Permission::required($gallery, Model_Gallery::PERMISSION_READ); // External links $link_add = trim(Arr::get($_POST, 'link')); $link_del = Arr::get($_GET, 'delete_link'); if ($link_add || is_numeric($link_del)) { if (Permission::has($gallery, Model_Gallery::PERMISSION_CREATE) && Security::csrf_valid()) { $links = $gallery->links; if ($link_add && Valid::url($link_add)) { // Add new link $links .= ($links ? "\n" : '') . Visitor::$user->id . ',' . $link_add; } else { if (is_numeric($link_del)) { // Remove link $old_links = explode("\n", $links); if ($old_links[$link_del]) { list($user_id, $url) = explode(',', $old_links[$link_del]); if (Visitor::$user->id == $user_id || Permission::has($gallery, Model_Gallery::PERMISSION_UPDATE)) { unset($old_links[$link_del]); $links = implode("\n", $old_links); } } } } $gallery->links = $links; try { $gallery->save(); } catch (Validation_Exception $e) { } } $this->request->redirect(Route::model($gallery)); } // Build page $this->view = View_Page::factory(__('Gallery')); $this->_set_page_actions(Permission::has(new Model_Gallery(), Model_Gallery::PERMISSION_CREATE)); $this->_set_gallery($gallery); if (Permission::has(new Model_Gallery(), Model_Gallery::PERMISSION_UPDATE)) { $this->view->actions[] = array('link' => Route::model($gallery, 'update'), 'text' => '<i class="icon-refresh"></i> ' . __('Update gallery')); } // Share Anqh::page_meta('title', __('Gallery') . ': ' . $gallery->name); Anqh::page_meta('url', URL::site(Route::get('gallery')->uri(array('id' => $gallery->id, 'action' => '')), true)); Anqh::page_meta('description', __($gallery->image_count == 1 ? ':images image' : ':images images', array(':images' => $gallery->image_count)) . ' - ' . date('l ', $gallery->date) . Date::format(Date::DMY_SHORT, $gallery->date) . ($event ? ' @ ' . $event->venue_name : '')); if ($event && ($flyer = $event->flyer())) { Anqh::page_meta('image', URL::site($flyer->image()->get_url('thumbnail'), true)); } else { if ($image = $gallery->default_image()) { Anqh::page_meta('image', URL::site($image->get_url('thumbnail'), true)); } } Anqh::share(true); // Event info if ($event = $gallery->event()) { // Event info $this->view->subtitle = Controller_Events::_event_subtitle($event); // Event flyer if ($event->flyer_id) { $this->view->add(View_Page::COLUMN_RIGHT, $this->section_event_image($event)); } } // Pictures $this->view->add(View_Page::COLUMN_CENTER, $this->section_gallery_thumbs($gallery)); // External links if ($gallery->links || Permission::has($gallery, Model_Gallery::PERMISSION_CREATE)) { $this->view->add(View_Page::COLUMN_CENTER, $this->section_gallery_links($gallery)); } }