<?php include 'src/vtplugins.php'; $plugins = new VTPlugin(); $plugins->url = 'https://picasaweb.google.com/101650525798379137923/My?authkey=Gv1sRgCNG8zsbUv4yHlgE#6108126474055256546'; $plugins->server = 'picasaweb'; $plugins->on_cache = true; $arrqt = $plugins->result(); foreach ($arrqt as $key => $value) { if ($value['type'] == 'image/gif') { $image = 'image: "' . $value['url'] . '",'; } if ($key >= 360) { $file[] = (string) '{label: "' . $key . 'p", file: "' . $value['url'] . '/vantoan.mp4"}'; } } $jwplayer = (string) 'sources: [' . @implode(",", $file) . '],'; ?> <html> <head> <title>Demo JWPlayer - VTPlugins</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="./jwplayer/jwplayer.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript">jwplayer.key="N8zhkmYvvRwOhz4aTGkySoEri4x+9pQwR7GHIQ=="; // Key bản quyền</script> </head> <body> <div id="myElement">Loading the player...</div> <script type="text/javascript"> jwplayer("myElement").setup({ primary: 'html5', <?php echo $image; ?>
function player($epid, $type = '') { if ($type != 'video') { $episode = MySql::dbselect('id,name,filmid,url,subtitle,thumb,datetime_post,default_subtitle_id', 'episode', "id = '{$epid}'"); $url = $episode[0][3]; $subtitles_db = MySql::dbselect('subtitle_lang,subtitle_url,id', 'subtitle', "episode_id = {$epid}"); $subtitle = $subtitles_db[0][1]; $nextid = one_data('id', 'episode', "id > '{$epid}' AND filmid = '{$filmid}' AND url LIKE '%" . $link_nxt_type . "%'"); } else { $url = $epid; } $type_video = type_video($url); if (in_array($type_video, array('5', '18', '4'))) { $player = "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"/jwplayer/jwplayer.js\"></script>"; $player .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\">jwplayer.key=\"N8zhkmYvvRwOhz4aTGkySoEri4x+9pQwR7GHIQ==\";</script>"; include RK_ROOT . '/vtplugins/vtplugins.php'; $plugins = new VTPlugin(); $plugins->url = $url; if ($type_video == 5) { $type_video = 'picasaweb'; } else { if ($type_video = 4 || 18) { $type_video = 'youtube'; } } $plugins->server = $type_video; $plugins->on_cache = true; $plugins->key_cache = base64_encode($plugins->url . $plugins->server); $arrqt = $plugins->result(); foreach ($arrqt as $key => $value) { if ($value['type'] == 'image/gif') { $image = 'image: "' . $value['url'] . '",'; } if ($key >= 360) { $file[] = (string) '{label: "' . $key . 'p", file: "' . $value['url'] . '/vantoan.mp4"}'; } } $jwplayer = (string) 'sources: [' . @implode(",", $file) . '],'; if ($subtitle) { $subtitle = 'tracks: [{file: "' . $subtitle . '", label: "Tiếng Việt"}],'; } $player .= '<div id="vtplugins">Loading the player...</div> <script type="text/javascript"> jwplayer("vtplugins").setup({ ' . $jwplayer . ' width: "100%", height: "100%", skin: "/jwplayer/skins/six.xml", abouttext: "VTPlugins ' . $plugins->ver . '", aboutlink: "http://fb.com/rickypro.info", autostart: true, ' . $subtitle . ' }); </script>'; } else { $player = "<script src=\"" . TEMPLATE_URL . "js/jwplayer5.js\"></script><script>\$(document).ready(function(){onjwplayer('{$url}','{$subtitle}','{$nextid}');});</script>"; } echo $player; }