<?php // VORC :: NEWS JP :: CTL header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); session_start(); require __DIR__ . "/../../vendor/autoload.php"; $VORC = new VORC\Vorc(); switch ($_POST['do']) { case 'search': //print_r($_POST); $WHERE = []; $WHERE[] = '1=1'; $WHERE[] = 'newsbody<>""'; if ($_POST['search']) { $WHERE[] = '(title LIKE ' . $VORC->db()->quote($_POST['search']) . ' OR newsbody LIKE ' . $VORC->db()->quote($_POST['search']) . ')'; } if ($_POST['flag_wiki']) { $WHERE[] = 'flag_wiki LIKE "%' . $_POST['flag_wiki'] . '%" '; } if ($_POST['user']) { $WHERE[] = 'user_modified LIKE "' . $_POST['user'] . '" '; } $WHERE = implode(' AND ', $WHERE); // FIND // $sql = "SELECT * FROM news_jp WHERE {$WHERE} ORDER BY user_modified DESC;"; //echo "<pre>$sql</pre>"; $q = $VORC->db()->query($sql) or die("Error:" . print_r($VORC->db()->errorInfo(), true) . "<hr />{$sql}"); $htm = []; $htm[] = "<table class='table table-condensed table-hover'>"; $htm[] = "<thead>"; //$htm[]= "<th>Date</th>";
<?php // VORC :: NEWS EN header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); session_start(); require __DIR__ . "/../../vendor/autoload.php"; $admin = new LTE\AdminLte2(); echo $admin; $VORC = new VORC\Vorc(); $id = $_GET['id']; $sql = "SELECT * FROM vorc.news_en WHERE nid={$id} LIMIT 1;"; $q = $VORC->db()->query($sql) or die("Error"); $r = $q->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if (!$r) { die("Error"); } ?> <section class="content-header"> <h1><i class='fa fa-newspaper-o'></i> NEWS - EN <small>#<?php echo $r['nid']; ?> </small> </h1> </section> <section class="content"> <?php $htm = []; $htm[] = $VORC->process_en($r['newsbody']); //$htm[]="<i class='text-muted'>".$r['newsbody']."</i>";
$WHERE[] = '1=1'; if ($_POST['platform']) { $WHERE[] = 'flag_platform LIKE "%' . $_POST['platform'] . '%" '; } if ($_POST['extension']) { $WHERE[] = 'flag_extension LIKE "%' . $_POST['extension'] . '%" '; } if ($_POST['url']) { $WHERE[] = '( url_tune1 LIKE "%' . $_POST['url'] . '%" OR url_tune2 LIKE "%' . $_POST['url'] . '%" )'; } //if($_POST['user'])$WHERE[]='user_modified LIKE "'.$_POST['user'].'" '; $WHERE = implode(' AND ', $WHERE); $LIMIT = 1000; // FIND // $sql = "SELECT * FROM tune_index WHERE {$WHERE} ORDER BY tid DESC LIMIT {$LIMIT};"; $q = $VORC->db()->query($sql) or die("Error:" . print_r($VORC->db()->errorInfo(), true) . "<hr />{$sql}"); //echo "<pre>$sql</pre>"; $rows = []; while ($r = $q->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { //trim crap if ($r['flag_platform']) { $r['flag_platform'] = preg_replace("/^;|;\$/", '', $r['flag_platform']); } if ($r['flag_extension']) { $r['flag_extension'] = preg_replace("/^;|;\$/", '', $r['flag_extension']); } $Y = substr($r['date'], 0, 4); $M = substr($r['date'], 4, 2); $D = substr($r['date'], 6, 2); $r['date'] = "{$Y}-{$M}-{$D}"; $rows[] = $r;