Exemplo n.º 1
 public function testNameBased()
     // test UUID parts
     $uuid = explode('-', Uuid::nameBased('bar'));
     $this->assertEquals(5, count($uuid));
     $this->assertEquals(true, ctype_xdigit($uuid[0]), 'time-low');
     $this->assertEquals(true, ctype_xdigit($uuid[1]), 'time-mid');
     $this->assertEquals(true, ctype_xdigit($uuid[2]), 'time-high-and-version');
     $this->assertEquals(true, ctype_xdigit($uuid[3]), 'clock-seq-and-reserved / clock-seq-low');
     $this->assertEquals(true, ctype_xdigit($uuid[4]), 'node');
     $this->assertEquals(8, strlen($uuid[0]), 'time-low');
     $this->assertEquals(4, strlen($uuid[1]), 'time-mid');
     $this->assertEquals(4, strlen($uuid[2]), 'time-high-and-version');
     $this->assertEquals(4, strlen($uuid[3]), 'clock-seq-and-reserved / clock-seq-low');
     $this->assertEquals(12, strlen($uuid[4]), 'node');
     $this->assertEquals(5, hexdec($uuid[2]) >> 12, 'Set the four most significant bits (bits 12 through 15) of the time_hi_and_version field to the appropriate 4-bit version number from Section 4.1.3.');
     $this->assertEquals(2, hexdec($uuid[3]) >> 14, 'Set the two most significant bits (bits 6 and 7) of the clock_seq_hi_and_reserved to zero and one, respectively.');
     // the UUIDs generated at different times from the same name in the same
     // namespace MUST be equal.
     $uuid = Uuid::nameBased('foobar');
     $this->assertEquals($uuid, Uuid::nameBased('foobar'));
     // the UUIDs generated from two different names in the same namespace
     // should be different (with very high probability).
     $this->assertTrue(Uuid::nameBased('foobar') != Uuid::nameBased('bar'));