if (isset( $projects))
             * get results

             * display results
            if (sizeof($projects) == 0)
                    Utilities::print_warning_message('No results found. Please try again.');
                    Utilities::print_warning_message('No more results found.');
                <div class="table-responsive">
                    <table class="table">


                            <th>Creation Time</th>

 * Create a select input and populate it with project options from the database
public static function create_project_select($projectId = null, $editable = true)
    $editable? $disabled = '' : $disabled = 'disabled';
    $userProjects = Utilities::get_all_user_projects( Session::get("gateway_id"), Session::get('username') );

    echo '<select class="form-control" name="project" id="project" required ' . $disabled . '>';
    if (sizeof($userProjects) > 0)
        foreach ($userProjects as $project)
            if ($project->projectID == $projectId)
                $selected = 'selected';
                $selected = '';

            echo '<option value="' . $project->projectID . '" ' . $selected . '>' . $project->name . '</option>';
    echo '</select>';
    if( sizeof($userProjects) == 0 )
        Utilities::print_warning_message('<p>You must create a project before you can create an experiment.
                Click <a href="' . URL::to('/') . '/project/create">here</a> to create a project.</p>');
 * @param $applicationInputs
 * @param $experimentInputs
 * @internal param $environmentPath
 * @return array
public static function process_inputs($applicationInputs, $experimentInputs)
    $utility = new Utilities();
    $experimentAssemblySuccessful = true;
    $newExperimentInputs = array();


    if (sizeof($_FILES) > 0)
        if (Utilities::file_upload_successful())
            // construct unique path
                Utilities::$experimentPath = base_path() . Constant::EXPERIMENT_DATA_ROOT . str_replace(' ', '', Session::get('username') ) . md5(rand() * time()) . '/';
            while (is_dir( Utilities::$experimentPath)); // if dir already exists, try again

            //var_dump( Utilities::$experimentPath ); exit;
            // create upload directory
            if (!mkdir( Utilities::$experimentPath))
                Utilities::print_error_message('<p>Error creating upload directory!
                    Please try again later or report a bug using the link in the Help menu.</p>');
                $experimentAssemblySuccessful = false;
            $experimentAssemblySuccessful = false;

    //sending application inputs in the order defined by the admins.
    $order = array();
    foreach ($applicationInputs as $index => $input)
        $order[$index] = $input->inputOrder;
    array_multisort($order, SORT_ASC, $applicationInputs);
    foreach ($applicationInputs as $applicationInput)
        $experimentInput = new InputDataObjectType();
        $experimentInput = $applicationInput;
        //$experimentInput->name = $applicationInput->name;
        //$experimentInput->metaData = $applicationInput->metaData;

        //$experimentInput->type = $applicationInput->type;
        //$experimentInput->type = DataType::STRING;

        if(($applicationInput->type == DataType::STRING) ||
            ($applicationInput->type == DataType::INTEGER) ||
            ($applicationInput->type == DataType::FLOAT))
            if (isset($_POST[$applicationInput->name]) && (trim($_POST[$applicationInput->name]) != ''))
                $experimentInput->value = $_POST[$applicationInput->name];
                $experimentInput->type = $applicationInput->type;

            else // use previous value
                $index = -1;
                for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($experimentInputs); $i++)
                    if ($experimentInputs[$i]->name == $applicationInput->name)
                        $index = $i;

                if ($index >= 0)
                    $experimentInput->value = $experimentInputs[$index]->value;
                    $experimentInput->type = $applicationInput->type;
        elseif ($applicationInput->type == DataType::URI)
            if ($_FILES[$applicationInput->name]['name'])
                $file = $_FILES[$applicationInput->name];

                // move file to experiment data directory
                $filePath = Utilities::$experimentPath . $file['name'];

                // check if file already exists
                if (is_file($filePath))

                    Utilities::print_warning_message('Uploaded file already exists! Overwriting...');

                $moveFile = move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], $filePath);

                if ($moveFile)
                    Utilities::print_success_message('Upload: ' . $file['name'] . '<br>' .
                        'Type: ' . $file['type'] . '<br>' .
                        'Size: ' . ($file['size']/1024) . ' kB');//<br>' .
                        //'Stored in: ' . $experimentPath . $file['name']);
                    Utilities::print_error_message('<p>Error moving uploaded file ' . $file['name'] . '!
                    Please try again later or report a bug using the link in the Help menu.</p>');
                    $experimentAssemblySuccessful = false;

                $experimentInput->value = str_replace(base_path() . Constant::EXPERIMENT_DATA_ROOT, Utilities::$pathConstant , $filePath);
                $experimentInput->type = $applicationInput->type;
                $index = -1;
                for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($experimentInputs); $i++)
                    if ($experimentInputs[$i]->name == $applicationInput->name)
                        $index = $i;

                if ($index >= 0)
                    $experimentInput->value = $experimentInputs[$index]->value;
                    $experimentInput->type = $applicationInput->type;

            Utilities::print_error_message('I cannot accept this input type yet!');

        //$experimentInputs[] = $experimentInput;
        $index = -1;
        for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($experimentInputs); $i++)
            if ($experimentInputs[$i]->key == $experimentInput->key)
                $index = $i;

        if ($index >= 0)
        //$experimentInputs[] = $experimentInput;

        $newExperimentInputs[] = $experimentInput;


    if ($experimentAssemblySuccessful)
        return $newExperimentInputs;
        return false;

            <input type="hidden" name="pageNo" value="<?php echo($pageNo) ?>"/>
            <div style="clear: both"></div>

             * get results

             * display results
            if (sizeof($projects) == 0)
                Utilities::print_warning_message('No results found. Please try again.');
                <div class="table-responsive">
                    <table class="table">


                            <th>Creation Time</th>
