Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: Base.php Projeto: pancke/yyaf
     if ($this->bCheckLogin) {
         // 当前用户
         $aCookie = Util_Cookie::get(Yaf_G::getConf('authkey', 'cookie'));
         if (empty($aCookie)) {
             return $this->redirect('/admin/login');
         $this->aCurrUser = $aCookie;
         // 当前城市
         $this->iCurrCityID = Util_Cookie::get('city');
         if (empty($this->iCurrCityID)) {
             $this->iCurrCityID = $this->aCurrUser['iCityID'];
         $this->aCurrCity = Model_City::getDetail($this->iCurrCityID);
     $this->assign('sStaticRoot', 'http://' . Yaf_G::getConf('static', 'domain'));
  * 执行Action后的操作
  * @see Yaf_Controller::actionAfter()
 public function actionAfter()
     if ($this->autoRender() == true) {
         if (!empty($this->aCurrUser)) {
             $this->assign('aCurrUser', $this->aCurrUser);
Exemplo n.º 2
  * 生成激活码|忘记密码
  * @param unknown $aUser            
  * @return string
 public static function makeCode($aUser, $iType)
     $sCryptkey = Util_Common::getConf('cryptkey', 'passwd');
     $sActiveCode = md5($sCryptkey . $aUser['sEmail'] . $aUser['iType'] . time());
     Model_VerifyCode::addData(array('iUserID' => $aUser['iUserID'], 'iType' => $iType, 'sCode' => $sActiveCode));
     return $sActiveCode;
Exemplo n.º 3
  * 清除缓存
 public function redisAction()
     $sType = $this->getParam('type');
     $oRedis = Util_Common::getRedis($sType);
     return $this->showMsg('清除成功!', true);
Exemplo n.º 4
  * 发送手机验证码
  * @param unknown $sMobile
  * @param unknown $iType
 public static function makeSMSCode($sMobile, $iType)
     $sKey = self::getSmsKey($iType);
     $sRand = Util_Tools::passwdGen(4, Util_Tools::FLAG_NUMERIC);
     Util_Cookie::set($sKey, $sRand, 1800);
     $iTempID = Util_Common::getConf($iType, 'aSmsTempID');
     return Sms_CCP::sendTemplateSMS($sMobile, array($sRand, 10), $iTempID);
Exemplo n.º 5
 public function __construct($host = '', $port = 6379, $db = 0)
     $this->_sHost = $host;
     $this->_iPort = $port;
     $this->_iSelectDb = $db;
     $this->_oDebug = Util_Common::getDebug();
     $this->_aUseFun = array_flip($this->_aUseFun);
Exemplo n.º 6
Arquivo: CCP.php Projeto: pancke/yyaf
  * 初始化REST SDK
  * @return Ambigous <NULL, unknown>
 public static function getRest()
     $aConf = Util_Common::getConf('CCP');
     global $accountSid, $accountToken, $appId, $serverIP, $serverPort, $softVersion;
     $rest = new REST($aConf['host'], $aConf['port'], $aConf['version']);
     $rest->setAccount($aConf['sid'], $aConf['token']);
     return $rest;
Exemplo n.º 7
  * 执行Action后的操作
  * @see Yaf_Controller::actionAfter()
 public function actionAfter()
     if ($this->autoRender() == true) {
         if (!empty($this->aCurrUser)) {
         $aDebug = Util_Common::getDebugData();
         if ($aDebug) {
             $this->assign('__showDebugInfo__', 'showDebugInfo(' . json_encode($aDebug) . ');');
     } else {
Exemplo n.º 8
 public static function init()
     $aConf = Util_Common::getConf('wxpay', null, 'wxpay');
     self::$APPID = $aConf['APPID'];
     self::$MCHID = $aConf['MCHID'];
     self::$KEY = $aConf['KEY'];
     self::$APPSECRET = $aConf['APPSECRET'];
     //self::$JS_API_CALL_URL = $aConf['JS_API_CALL_URL'];
     self::$SSLCERT_PATH = $aConf['SSLCERT_PATH'];
     self::$SSLKEY_PATH = $aConf['SSLKEY_PATH'];
     self::$NOTIFY_URL = $aConf['NOTIFY_URL'];
Exemplo n.º 9
Arquivo: Page.php Projeto: pancke/yyaf
 public static function getUrl($url, $params)
     if ($url != '') {
         $delimiter = '/';
         $url = rtrim($url, $delimiter);
         if (!empty($params)) {
             $url .= $delimiter . str_replace(array('&', '='), $delimiter, http_build_query($params));
         $url .= '.html';
     } else {
         $url = Util_Common::getUrl($url, $params, true);
     return $url;
Exemplo n.º 10
 public static function getUrl($url, $params)
     if ($url != '') {
         $url = rtrim($url, '/');
         if (!empty($params)) {
             $delimiter = '/';
             foreach ($params as $k => $v) {
                 if (false !== stripos($url, '{' . $k . '}')) {
                     $url = str_replace('{' . $k . '}', $v, $url);
                 } else {
                     $url .= $delimiter . urlencode($k) . $delimiter . urlencode($v);
     } else {
         $url = Util_Common::getUrl($url, $params, true);
     return $url;
Exemplo n.º 11
Arquivo: Mail.php Projeto: pancke/yyaf
  * 发送邮件
  * @param unknown $sTo
  * @param unknown $sSubject
  * @param unknown $sBody
 public static function send($mTo, $sSubject, $sBody, $aParam = array())
     foreach ($aParam as $k => $v) {
         $sSubject = str_replace('{' . $k . '}', $v, $sSubject);
         $sBody = str_replace('{' . $k . '}', $v, $sBody);
     if (!is_array($mTo)) {
         $sTmp = file_get_contents(APP_PATH . '/View/mail.phtml');
         $sTmp = str_replace('{email}', $mTo, $sTmp);
         $sBody = str_replace('{content}', $sBody, $sTmp);
     try {
         $conf = Util_Common::getConf('mailer');
         $mail = new Util_PHPMailer(true);
         $mail->SMTPAuth = true;
         $mail->Port = $conf['smtp_port'];
         $mail->Host = $conf['smtp_host'];
         $mail->Username = $conf['smtp_user'];
         $mail->Password = $conf['smtp_pass'];
         $mail->From = $conf['from_email'];
         $mail->FromName = $conf['from_name'];
         $mail->SMTPSecure = $conf['smtp_secure'];
         $mail->CharSet = "utf-8";
         $mail->Subject = $sSubject;
         // 发多个人的情况
         if (!is_array($mTo)) {
             $mTo = array($mTo);
         foreach ($mTo as $sTo) {
         $mail = null;
         return true;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return $e->getMessage();
Exemplo n.º 12
Arquivo: Base.php Projeto: pancke/yyaf
  * 执行Action后的操作
  * @see Yaf_Controller::actionAfter()
 public function actionAfter()
     if ($this->autoRender() == true) {
         $aDebug = Util_Common::getDebugData();
         if ($aDebug) {
             $this->assign('__showDebugInfo__', 'showDebugInfo(' . json_encode($aDebug) . ');');
         $this->assign('_iMediaTotal', Model_Media::getCnt(array('where' => array('iStatus' => 1))));
         $this->assign('_iYAdTotal', Model_Ad::getYesterdayAdCnt());
         $this->assign('_iYUserTotal', Model_Ad::getYesterdayUserCnt());
         if (empty($this->aCurrUser)) {
             $this->aCurrUser = $this->getCurrUser(Model_User::TYPE_AD, false);
             if (empty($this->aCurrUser)) {
                 $this->aCurrUser = $this->getCurrUser(Model_User::TYPE_MEDIA, false);
         $this->assign('_aCurrUser', $this->aCurrUser);
     } else {
Exemplo n.º 13
 public static function decrypt($txt)
     $key = Util_Common::getConf('cryptkey', 'cookie');
     $chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_.";
     $ikey = "-8vh4-HGf834-._8";
     $knum = 0;
     $i = 0;
     $tlen = strlen($txt);
     while (isset($key[$i])) {
         $knum += ord($key[$i++]);
     $ch1 = $txt[$knum % $tlen];
     $nh1 = strpos($chars, $ch1);
     $txt = substr_replace($txt, '', $knum % $tlen--, 1);
     $ch2 = $txt[$nh1 % $tlen];
     $nh2 = strpos($chars, $ch2);
     $txt = substr_replace($txt, '', $nh1 % $tlen--, 1);
     $ch3 = $txt[$nh2 % $tlen];
     $nh3 = strpos($chars, $ch3);
     $txt = substr_replace($txt, '', $nh2 % $tlen--, 1);
     $nhnum = $nh1 + $nh2 + $nh3;
     $mdKey = substr(md5(md5(md5($key . $ch1) . $ch2 . $ikey) . $ch3), $nhnum % 8, $knum % 8 + 16);
     $tmp = '';
     $j = 0;
     $k = 0;
     $tlen = strlen($txt);
     $klen = strlen($mdKey);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $tlen; $i++) {
         $k = $k == $klen ? 0 : $k;
         $j = strpos($chars, $txt[$i]) - $nhnum - ord($mdKey[$k++]);
         while ($j < 0) {
             $j += 64;
         $tmp .= $chars[$j];
     $tmp = str_replace(array('-', '_', '.'), array('+', '/', '='), $tmp);
     return trim(base64_decode($tmp));
Exemplo n.º 14
 public function modelAction()
     $dbh = Util_Common::getMySQLDB();
     $aTable = $dbh->getCol('SHOW TABLES');
     $aFile = glob(APP_PATH . '/Model/*.php');
     foreach ($aFile as $k => $sFile) {
         $aFile[$k] = basename($sFile, '.php');
     $aFile = array_flip($aFile);
     foreach ($aTable as $sTable) {
         $aTmp = explode('_', $sTable);
         foreach ($aTmp as $k => $v) {
             $aTmp[$k] = ucfirst($v);
         $sFile = join('', $aTmp);
         if (isset($aFile[$sFile])) {
         $sData = "<?php\n\nclass Model_{$sFile} extends Model_Base\n{\n\n    const TABLE_NAME = '{$sTable}';\n}";
         file_put_contents(APP_PATH . '/Model/' . $sFile . '.php', $sData);
         echo $sTable . "=>" . $sFile . "\n";
Exemplo n.º 15
 protected function resizeImage($p_sFileContent, $p_iWidth, $p_iHeight, $p_aDomainDimension, $p_sMimeType, $p_bCrop, $p_bIsWaterMark = true, $p_iWaterMarkPosition = 0, $p_iWaterMarkPath = 0)
     $utilImg = Util_ImageFactory::instance('gd');
     if ($p_iWidth > 0 && $p_iHeight > 0) {
         $sDimensionKey = $p_iWidth . 'x' . $p_iHeight;
         $aDimensionConf = $p_aDomainDimension[$sDimensionKey];
         $p_bIsWaterMark = isset($aDimensionConf['waterMark']) ? $aDimensionConf['waterMark'] : true;
         $sWaterMarkPath = '';
         if ($p_iWaterMarkPath > 0) {
             $aWaterMarkPath = Util_Common::getConf('aWaterMarkPath', 'image', 'file');
             if (isset($aWaterMarkPath[$p_iWaterMarkPath])) {
                 $sWaterMarkPath = $aWaterMarkPath[$p_iWaterMarkPath];
         if (empty($sWaterMarkPath) && isset($aDimensionConf['waterMarkPath'])) {
             $sWaterMarkPath = $aDimensionConf['waterMarkPath'];
         if (!empty($sWaterMarkPath)) {
             // 设置水印的图片地址
         $sWaterMarkPosition = '';
         if ($p_iWaterMarkPosition > 0) {
             $aWaterMarkPosition = Util_Common::getConf('aWaterMarkPosition', 'image', 'file');
             if (isset($aWaterMarkPosition[$p_iWaterMarkPosition])) {
                 $sWaterMarkPosition = $aWaterMarkPosition[$p_iWaterMarkPosition];
         if (!empty($sWaterMarkPosition)) {
             // 设置水印的图片位置
     // 图片操作
     $p_sFileContent = $utilImg->resize($p_sFileContent, $p_iWidth, $p_iHeight, $p_bCrop, $p_bIsWaterMark);
     return $utilImg->getImageBlob($p_sFileContent, $p_sMimeType);
Exemplo n.º 16
Arquivo: Orm.php Projeto: pancke/yyaf
  * 获取SlaveDB连接
 protected function _getSlaveDB()
     if (null == $this->_oSlaveDB) {
         $iStartTime = microtime(true);
         if ($this->_bStrictMaster) {
             $this->_oSlaveDB = Util_Common::getPdoDb($this->_sDbName, 'master');
         } else {
             $this->_oSlaveDB = Util_Common::getPdoDb($this->_sDbName, 'salve');
         self::$_iConnentTime += round((microtime(true) - $iStartTime) * 1000, 2);
     return $this->_oSlaveDB;
Exemplo n.º 17
 public function __construct()
     $this->_sWaterMarkImgPath = Util_Common::getConf('defaultWaterMarkPath', 'image');
Exemplo n.º 18
  * 自媒体修改
 public function editAction()
     if ($this->_request->isPost()) {
         $aMedia = $this->_checkData('update');
         if (empty($aMedia)) {
             return null;
         $sTagID = $aMedia['sTagID'];
         $sCategoryID = $aMedia['sCategoryID'];
         $sCricleID = $aMedia['sCricleID'];
         $sCityID = $aMedia['sCityID'];
         $aMedia['iMediaID'] = intval($this->getParam('iMediaID'));
         $aOldCity = Model_Media::getDetail($aMedia['iMediaID']);
         if (empty($aOldCity)) {
             return $this->showMsg('自媒体不存在!', false);
         if (1 == Model_Media::updData($aMedia)) {
             if ($sTagID != '') {
                 $sTagID = explode(',', $sTagID);
                 $data_MediaTag = Model_MediaTag::getAll(array('where' => array('iMediaID' => $aMedia['iMediaID'], 'iStatus' => 1)));
                 foreach ($data_MediaTag as $val) {
                     $val['iStatus'] = 0;
                 $add = array();
                 $add['iMediaID'] = $aMedia['iMediaID'];
                 $add['iStatus'] = 1;
                 $add['iCreateTime'] = time();
                 $add['iUpdateTime'] = time();
                 foreach ($sTagID as $val) {
                     $add['iTagID'] = $val;
             if ($sCategoryID != '') {
                 $sCategoryID = explode(',', $sCategoryID);
                 $data_MediaCategory = Model_MediaCategory::getAll(array('where' => array('iMediaID' => $aMedia['iMediaID'], 'iStatus' => 1)));
                 foreach ($data_MediaCategory as $val) {
                     $val['iStatus'] = 0;
                 $add = array();
                 $add['iMediaID'] = $aMedia['iMediaID'];
                 $add['iStatus'] = 1;
                 $add['iCreateTime'] = time();
                 $add['iUpdateTime'] = time();
                 foreach ($sCategoryID as $val) {
                     $add['iCategoryID'] = $val;
             if ($sCricleID != '') {
                 $sCricleID = explode(',', $sCricleID);
                 $data_MediaCricle = Model_MediaCricle::getAll(array('where' => array('iMediaID' => $aMedia['iMediaID'], 'iStatus' => 1)));
                 foreach ($data_MediaCricle as $val) {
                     $val['iStatus'] = 0;
                 $add = array();
                 $add['iMediaID'] = $aMedia['iMediaID'];
                 $add['iStatus'] = 1;
                 $add['iCreateTime'] = time();
                 $add['iUpdateTime'] = time();
                 foreach ($sCricleID as $val) {
                     $add['iCricleID'] = $val;
             if ($sCityID != '') {
                 $sCityID = explode(',', $sCityID);
                 $data_MediaCity = Model_MediaCity::getAll(array('where' => array('iMediaID' => $aMedia['iMediaID'], 'iStatus' => 1)));
                 foreach ($data_MediaCity as $val) {
                     $val['iStatus'] = 0;
                 $add = array();
                 $add['iMediaID'] = $aMedia['iMediaID'];
                 $add['iCityID'] = $val;
                 $add['iStatus'] = 1;
                 $add['iCreateTime'] = time();
                 $add['iUpdateTime'] = time();
                 foreach ($sCityID as $val) {
                     $add['iCityID'] = $val;
             $this->assign('add', $add);
             if ($aOldCity['iStatus'] == 2 || $aOldCity['iStatus'] == 3 && $aMedia['iStatus'] == 1) {
                 // 邮件通知
                 $sTitle = Model_Kv::getValue('media_approve_email_title');
                 $sContent = Model_Kv::getValue('media_approve_email_content');
                 $aUser = Model_Media::getDetail($aMedia['iMediaID']);
                 $email = Model_User::getDetail($aUser['iUserID']);
                 // 短信通知
                 $iTempID = Util_Common::getConf(1, 'aSmsTempID');
                 Util_Mail::send($email['sEmail'], $sTitle, $sContent, array($aUser['sMediaName']));
                 Util_Sms::sendTemplateSms($email['sMobile'], array($aUser['sMediaName']), $iTempID);
             return $this->showMsg('自媒体信息审核成功!', true);
         } else {
             return $this->showMsg('自媒体信息审核失败!', false);
     } else {
         $iMediaID = intval($this->getParam('id'));
         $aMedia = Model_Media::getDetail($iMediaID);
         if ($aMedia['iMediaType'] == Model_Media::TYPE_WEIXIN) {
             // 微信公众号
             $this->assign('aAttribute', Model_Domain::getPairDomain(Model_Domain::TYPE_MEDIA_WEIXIN_ATTRIBUTE));
         } else {
             if ($aMedia['iMediaType'] == Model_Media::TYPE_FRIEND) {
                 // 微信朋友圈
                 $this->assign('aAttribute', Model_Domain::getPairDomain(Model_Domain::TYPE_MEDIA_FRIEND_ATTRIBUTE));
             } else {
                 if ($aMedia['iMediaType'] == Model_Media::TYPE_WEIBO) {
                     // 新浪微博
                     $this->assign('aAttribute', Model_Domain::getPairDomain(Model_Domain::TYPE_MEDIA_WEIBO_ATTRIBUTE));
                 } else {
                     if ($aMedia['iMediaType'] == Model_Media::TYPE_NEWS) {
                         // 新闻&论坛
                         $this->assign('aAttribute', Model_Domain::getPairDomain(Model_Domain::TYPE_MEDIA_NEWS_ATTRIBUTE));
         if ($aMedia['iMediaType'] == Model_Media::TYPE_WEIXIN) {
             // 微信公众号
             $this->assign('aTypeInfo', Model_Domain::getPairDomain(Model_Domain::TYPE_MEDIA_WEIXIN_CATEGORY));
         } else {
             if ($aMedia['iMediaType'] == Model_Media::TYPE_FRIEND) {
                 // 微信朋友圈
                 $this->assign('aTypeInfo', Model_Domain::getPairDomain(Model_Domain::TYPE_MEDIA_FRIEND_CATEGORY));
             } else {
                 if ($aMedia['iMediaType'] == Model_Media::TYPE_WEIBO) {
                     // 新浪微博
                     $this->assign('aTypeInfo', Model_Domain::getPairDomain(Model_Domain::TYPE_MEDIA_WEIBO_CATEGORY));
                 } else {
                     if ($aMedia['iMediaType'] == Model_Media::TYPE_NEWS) {
                         // 新闻&论坛
                         $this->assign('aTypeInfo', Model_Domain::getPairDomain(Model_Domain::TYPE_MEDIA_NEWS_CATEGORY));
         if ($aMedia['iMediaType'] == Model_Media::TYPE_WEIXIN) {
             // 微信公众号
             $this->assign('aCooperateLevel', Model_Domain::getPairDomain(Model_Domain::TYPE_MEDIA_WEIXIN_COOPERATELEVEL));
         } else {
             if ($aMedia['iMediaType'] == Model_Media::TYPE_FRIEND) {
                 // 微信朋友圈
                 $this->assign('aCooperateLevel', Model_Domain::getPairDomain(Model_Domain::TYPE_MEDIA_FRIEND_COOPERATELEVEL));
             } else {
                 if ($aMedia['iMediaType'] == Model_Media::TYPE_WEIBO) {
                     // 新浪微博
                     $this->assign('aCooperateLevel', Model_Domain::getPairDomain(Model_Domain::TYPE_MEDIA_WEIBO_COOPERATELEVEL));
                 } else {
                     if ($aMedia['iMediaType'] == Model_Media::TYPE_NEWS) {
                         // 新闻&论坛
                         $this->assign('aCooperateLevel', Model_Domain::getPairDomain(Model_Domain::TYPE_MEDIA_NEWS_COOPERATELEVEL));
         if ($aMedia['iMediaType'] == Model_Media::TYPE_WEIXIN) {
             // 微信公众号
             $this->assign('aIndustryCircle', Model_Domain::getPairDomain(Model_Domain::TYPE_MEDIA_WEIXIN_INDUSTRY));
         } else {
             if ($aMedia['iMediaType'] == Model_Media::TYPE_FRIEND) {
                 // 微信朋友圈
                 $this->assign('aIndustryCircle', Model_Domain::getPairDomain(Model_Domain::TYPE_MEDIA_FRIEND_INDUSTRY));
             } else {
                 if ($aMedia['iMediaType'] == Model_Media::TYPE_WEIBO) {
                     // 新浪微博
                     $this->assign('aIndustryCircle', Model_Domain::getPairDomain(Model_Domain::TYPE_MEDIA_WEIBO_INDUSTRY));
                 } else {
                     if ($aMedia['iMediaType'] == Model_Media::TYPE_NEWS) {
                         // 新闻&论坛
                         $this->assign('aIndustryCircle', Model_Domain::getPairDomain(Model_Domain::TYPE_MEDIA_NEWS_INDUSTRY));
         if ($aMedia['iMediaType'] == Model_Media::TYPE_WEIXIN) {
             // 微信公众号
             $this->assign('aVerifyState', Model_Domain::getPairDomain(Model_Domain::TYPE_MEDIA_WEIXIN_VERIFY));
         } else {
             if ($aMedia['iMediaType'] == Model_Media::TYPE_WEIBO) {
                 // 新浪微博
                 $this->assign('aVerifyState', Model_Domain::getPairDomain(Model_Domain::TYPE_MEDIA_WEIBO_VERIFY));
         if ($aMedia['iMediaType'] == Model_Media::TYPE_WEIXIN) {
             // 微信公众号
             $this->assign('aTag', Model_Domain::getPairDomain(Model_Domain::TYPE_MEDIA_WEIXIN_TAG));
         } else {
             if ($aMedia['iMediaType'] == Model_Media::TYPE_FRIEND) {
                 // 微信朋友圈
                 $this->assign('aTag', Model_Domain::getPairDomain(Model_Domain::TYPE_MEDIA_FRIEND_TAG));
             } else {
                 if ($aMedia['iMediaType'] == Model_Media::TYPE_WEIBO) {
                     // 新浪微博
                     $this->assign('aTag', Model_Domain::getPairDomain(Model_Domain::TYPE_MEDIA_WEIBO_TAG));
                 } else {
                     if ($aMedia['iMediaType'] == Model_Media::TYPE_NEWS) {
                         // 新闻&论坛
                         $this->assign('aTag', Model_Domain::getPairDomain(Model_Domain::TYPE_MEDIA_NEWS_TAG));
         $aUser = Model_User::getDetail($aMedia['iUserID']);
         $dataCategory = Model_MediaCategory::getAll(array('where' => array('iMediaID' => $aMedia['iMediaID'], 'iStatus' => 1)));
         $aCategoryID = array();
         foreach ($dataCategory as $key => $val) {
             $aCategoryID[] = $val['iCategoryID'];
         if (count($aCategoryID) > 0) {
             $aMedia['aCategoryID'] = array_unique($aCategoryID);
         $dataTag = Model_MediaTag::getAll(array('where' => array('iMediaID' => $aMedia['iMediaID'], 'iStatus' => 1)));
         $aTagID = array();
         foreach ($dataTag as $key => $val) {
             $aTagID[] = $val['iTagID'];
         if (count($aTagID) > 0) {
             $aMedia['iTagID'] = array_unique($aTagID);
         $dataCity = Model_MediaCity::getAll(array('where' => array('iMediaID' => $aMedia['iMediaID'], 'iStatus' => 1)));
         $aCityID = array();
         foreach ($dataCity as $key => $val) {
             $aCityID[] = $val['iCityID'];
         if (count($aCityID) > 0) {
             $aMedia['aCityID'] = array_unique($aCityID);
         //             $dataPrice = Model_MediaPrice::getAll(array('where' => array('iMediaID' => $aMedia['iMediaID'] , 'iStatus' => 1)));
         //             if(count($dataPrice) > 0){
         //             	$aMedia['dataPrice'] = $dataPrice;
         //             }
         $dataCricle = Model_MediaCricle::getAll(array('where' => array('iMediaID' => $aMedia['iMediaID'], 'iStatus' => 1)));
         $aCricleID = array();
         foreach ($dataCricle as $key => $val) {
             $aCricleID[] = $val['iCricleID'];
         if (count($aCricleID) > 0) {
             $aMedia['aCricleID'] = array_unique($aCricleID);
         $aMedia['aTypeInfo'] = explode(',', $aMedia['sTypeInfo']);
         $aMedia['aCooperateLevelInfo'] = explode(',', $aMedia['sCooperateLevelInfo']);
         $this->assign('aMedia', $aMedia);
         $this->assign('aUser', $aUser);
     $this->assign('MediaType', Model_Media::$aType);
     $aRecommend = Model_Domain::getPairDomain(Model_Domain::TYPE_MEDIA_RECOMMEND);
     $this->assign('aRecommend', $aRecommend);
     $adminData = Model_Admin::getAll(array('where' => array('iStatus' => 1)));
     $this->assign('adminData', $adminData);
     $this->assign('aCity', Model_City::getPairCitys());
Exemplo n.º 19
Arquivo: Cron.php Projeto: pancke/yyaf
  * 开始一个新的任务进程
  * @param string $route
  *            任务文件名
  * @param int $pid
  *            任务PID
  * @return void
 public static function newProcess($route, $pid = -1)
     self::log("start {$route} ... \n");
     $cmd = self::getRunCmd($route, $pid);
     $cmd .= ' >> ';
     $cmd .= Util_Common::getConf('sBaseDir', 'logger') . '/' . self::$sLogName . '/' . str_replace('/', '_', trim($route, '/')) . '.log ';
     $cmd .= '2>&1 &';
Exemplo n.º 20
 private static function curl($sDomain, $sRoute, $aParam, $method, $iCacheTime)
     if ($iCacheTime > 0) {
         $sCacheKey = md5($sDomain . $sRoute . serialize($aParam) . $method);
         $aRet = Util_Common::getCache()->get($sCacheKey);
         if (!empty($aRet)) {
             return $aRet;
     $time1 = microtime(true);
     $aParam['_time'] = time();
     $aParam['_sign'] = md5($aParam['_time'] . Yaf_G::getConf('signkey', 'sdk'));
     $sHost = Yaf_G::getConf($sDomain, 'sdkdomain');
     if (!$sHost) {
         throw new Exception('配置[sdkdomain][' . $sDomain . ']未找到!');
         return false;
     $sRoute = trim($sRoute, '/?& ');
     $sUrl = 'http://' . $sHost . '/' . $sRoute;
     if (!self::$_hCurl) {
         self::$_hCurl = curl_init();
     curl_setopt(self::$_hCurl, CURLOPT_DNS_USE_GLOBAL_CACHE, true);
     curl_setopt(self::$_hCurl, CURLOPT_HEADER, false);
     curl_setopt(self::$_hCurl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
     curl_setopt(self::$_hCurl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
     curl_setopt(self::$_hCurl, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 30);
     curl_setopt(self::$_hCurl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 30);
     if ($method == 'post') {
         curl_setopt(self::$_hCurl, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
         curl_setopt(self::$_hCurl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($aParam));
     } else {
         $sUrl .= strpos($sUrl, '?') === false ? '?' : '&';
         $sUrl .= http_build_query($aParam);
         $aParam = null;
     $aCookie = array();
     if (Yaf_G::getEnv() == 'beta') {
         $aCookie[] = 'fjdp_version=beta';
     if (Yaf_G::isDebug()) {
         $aCookie[] = 'debug=2k9j38h#4';
     if (!empty($aCookie)) {
         curl_setopt(self::$_hCurl, CURLOPT_COOKIE, join('; ', $aCookie));
     curl_setopt(self::$_hCurl, CURLOPT_URL, $sUrl);
     $sData = curl_exec(self::$_hCurl);
     $aRet = array('status' => false, 'data' => '数据请求失败,返回为空!');
     if (!empty($sData)) {
         $aData = json_decode($sData, true);
         if (isset($aData['code'])) {
             if ($aData['code'] === 0) {
                 $aData['status'] = true;
             } else {
                 $aData['status'] = false;
             if (isset($aData['data'])) {
                 $aData['data']['msg'] = $aData['msg'];
             } else {
                 $aData['data'] = array('msg' => $aData['msg']);
         if (isset($aData['status']) && isset($aData['data'])) {
             $aRet = $aData;
         } else {
             $aRet = array('status' => false, 'data' => '数据请求错误:' . $sData);
     $oDebug = Util_Common::getDebug();
     if ($oDebug) {
         $time2 = microtime(true);
         $use_time = round(($time2 - $time1) * 1000, 2);
         self::$_iUseTime += $use_time;
         $oDebug->groupCollapsed('Api: ' . $sUrl . ' ' . $use_time . '毫秒');
         if (!empty($aParam)) {
         if (isset($aRet['debug'])) {
             foreach ($aRet['debug'] as $v) {
                 if (is_array($v)) {
                     $oDebug->add($v[0], $v[1]);
                 } else {
     if ($iCacheTime > 0 && $aRet['status']) {
         Util_Common::getCache()->set($sCacheKey, $aRet, $iCacheTime);
     return $aRet;
Exemplo n.º 21
  * 提交效果
  * @return boolean
 public function effectAction()
     $iAutoID = (int) $this->getParam('id');
     $aAdMedia = Model_AdMedia::getDetail($iAutoID);
     if (empty($aAdMedia)) {
         return $this->show404();
     if ($aAdMedia['iStatus'] != Model_AdMedia::STATUS_SUBMIT_EFFECT) {
         return $this->show404();
     if ($this->isPost()) {
         $sEffectImg = $this->getParam('sEffectImg');
         $aErr = array();
         if (empty($sEffectImg)) {
             $aErr['sEffectImg'] = '请上传效果图';
         if (!empty($aErr)) {
             return $this->showMsg($aErr, false);
         Model_AdMedia::updData(array('iAutoID' => $iAutoID, 'sEffectImg' => $sEffectImg, 'iStatus' => Model_AdMedia::STATUS_CONFIRM_EFFECT));
         // 邮件通知
         $sTitle = Model_Kv::getValue('media_runing_email_title');
         $sContent = Model_Kv::getValue('media_runing_email_content');
         // 短信通知
         $iTempID = Util_Common::getConf(7, 'aSmsTempID');
         $aUser = Model_User::getDetail($aAdMedia['iAUserID']);
         $aMedia = Model_Media::getDetail($aAdMedia['iMediaID']);
         Util_Tools::sendMail($aUser['sEmail'], $sTitle, $sContent, array($aMedia['sMediaName']));
         Util_Sms::sendTemplateSms($aUser['sMobile'], array($aMedia['sMediaName']), $iTempID);
         return $this->showMsg('执行效果图提交成功', true);
     } else {
         $this->assign('aAdMedia', $aAdMedia);
         $this->setMeta('mcenter_page', array('sTitle' => '自媒体中心 - 提交效果图'));
Exemplo n.º 22
 public function connect()
     $this->oDbh = Util_Common::getPdoDb($this->sDbName);
Exemplo n.º 23
Arquivo: User.php Projeto: pancke/yyaf
  * 生成用户密码
  * @param unknown $sPassword            
  * @return string
 public static function makePassword($sPassword)
     $sCryptkey = Util_Common::getConf('cryptkey', 'passwd');
     return md5($sCryptkey . $sPassword);
Exemplo n.º 24
  * 获取列表
  * @param array $aParam            
  * @param string $sOrder            
  * @return array
 public static function getList($aWhere, $iPage, $sOrder = '', $iPageSize = 20, $sUrl = '', $aArg = array(), $bReturnPager = true)
     $iPage = max($iPage, 1);
     $aRet = array();
     $aParam = array('where' => $aWhere, 'limit' => ($iPage - 1) * $iPageSize . ',' . $iPageSize, 'order' => $sOrder);
     $aRet['aList'] = self::getOrm()->fetchAll($aParam);
     if ($iPage == 1 && count($aRet['aList']) < $iPageSize) {
         $aRet['iTotal'] = count($aRet['aList']);
         if ($bReturnPager) {
             $aRet['aPager'] = null;
     } else {
         unset($aParam['limit'], $aParam['order']);
         $aRet['iTotal'] = self::getOrm()->fetchCnt($aParam);
         if ($bReturnPager) {
             if (empty($sUrl)) {
                 $sUrl = Util_Common::getUrl();
             if (empty($aArg)) {
                 $aArg = $_REQUEST;
             $aRet['aPager'] = Util_Page::getPage($aRet['iTotal'], $iPage, $iPageSize, $sUrl, $aArg);
     return $aRet;
Exemplo n.º 25
  * Ajax或API请求时,返回json数据
  * @param unknown $mMsg
  * @param unknown $bRet
 protected function showMsg($mMsg, $bRet)
     $aData = array('data' => $mMsg, 'status' => $bRet);
     $sDebug = Util_Common::getDebugData();
     if ($sDebug) {
         $aData['debug'] = $sDebug;
     $response = $this->getResponse();
     $response->appendBody(json_encode($aData, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE));
     return false;
Exemplo n.º 26
  * 获取当天文章分享量(分享量前10)
 public static function getDayShareNewsList($iCityID = 0, $iSize = 10)
     $iKey = $iCityID . '_s_' . date('Ymd');
     $redis = Util_Common::getRedis();
     $aHotNews = $redis->ZREVRANGE($iKey, 0, $iSize - 1, 'WITHSCORES');
     if ($iCityID > 0 && count($aHotNews) < $iSize) {
         $aHotNewsAlL = $redis->ZREVRANGE('0_v_' . date('Ymd'), 0, $iSize - 1, 'WITHSCORES');
         if (!empty($aHotNewsAlL)) {
             foreach ($aHotNewsAlL as $iKey => $value) {
                 if (isset($aHotNews[$iKey])) {
                     return array();
                 $aHotNews[$iKey] = $value;
     if (count($aHotNews) < $iSize) {
         $iNeedSize = $iSize - count($aHotNews);
         $aMHots = self::getHotNewsList($iCityID, $iNeedSize, array_keys($aHotNews));
         if (!empty($aMHots)) {
             $tmp = $aHotNews;
             $aHotNews = array();
             $aHotNews['redis'] = $tmp;
             $aHotNews['mysql'] = $aMHots;
     return $aHotNews;
Exemplo n.º 27
Arquivo: Adsh.php Projeto: pancke/yyaf
  * 广告修改
 public function editAction()
     if ($this->_request->isPost()) {
         $aAd = $this->_checkData('update');
         if (empty($aAd)) {
             return null;
         $aAd['iAdID'] = intval($this->getParam('iAdID'));
         $aOldAd = Model_Ad::getDetail($aAd['iAdID']);
         if (empty($aOldAd)) {
             return $this->showMsg('广告不存在!', false);
         if (1 == Model_Ad::updData($aAd)) {
             if ($aOldAd['iStatus'] == Model_Ad::STATUS_WAIT_APPROVE || $aOldAd['iStatus'] == Model_Ad::STATUS_APPROVE_NO && $aAd['iStatus'] == Model_Ad::STATUS_APPROVE_OK) {
                 $aMediaList = Model_AdMedia::getMediaByAd($aAd['iAdID'], Model_AdMedia::STATUS_CHECK, 1);
                 foreach ($aMediaList as $aMedia) {
                     Model_AdMedia::updStatus($aMedia['iAutoID'], Model_AdMedia::STATUS_RECEIVE);
                 // 邮件通知
                 $sTitle = Model_Kv::getValue('media_receive_order_email_title');
                 $sContent = Model_Kv::getValue('media_receive_order_email_content');
                 // 短信通知
                 $iTempID = Util_Common::getConf(3, 'aSmsTempID');
                 foreach ($aMediaList as $aMedia) {
                     $aUser = Model_User::getDetail($aMedia['iMUserID']);
                     Util_Mail::send($aUser['sEmail'], $sTitle, $sContent, array($aMedia['iMoney']));
                     Util_Sms::sendTemplateSms($aUser['sMobile'], array($aMedia['iMoney']), $iTempID);
                     // echo $sTitle, "\n", $sContent, "\n", $aUser['sEmail'], $aUser['sMobile'], $iTempID;
             return $this->showMsg('广告更新成功!', true);
         } else {
             return $this->showMsg('广告更新失败!', false);
     } else {
         $iAdID = intval($this->getParam('id'));
         $aAd = Model_Ad::getDetail($iAdID);
         $aAd['iMoney'] = Model_AdMedia::getDetail($aAd['iAdID'])['iMoney'];
         $aAd['sCatID'] = isset($aAd['sCatID']) && sCatID != '' ? explode(',', $aAd['sCatID']) : '';
         $aAd['sCityID'] = isset($aAd['sCityID']) && sCatID != '' ? explode(',', $aAd['sCityID']) : '';
         $iType = $aAd['iMediaType'];
         $aCategory = array();
         switch ($iType) {
             case Model_Media::TYPE_WEIXIN:
                 $aCategory = Model_Domain::getOption(Model_Domain::TYPE_MEDIA_WEIXIN_CATEGORY);
             case Model_Media::TYPE_FRIEND:
                 $aCategory = Model_Domain::getOption(Model_Domain::TYPE_MEDIA_FRIEND_CATEGORY);
             case Model_Media::TYPE_WEIBO:
                 $aCategory = Model_Domain::getOption(Model_Domain::TYPE_MEDIA_WEIBO_CATEGORY);
             case Model_Media::TYPE_NEWS:
                 $aCategory = Model_Domain::getOption(Model_Domain::TYPE_MEDIA_NEWS_CATEGORY);
         $aCity = Model_City::getPairCitys(Model_City::TYPE_FRONT);
         $aUser = Model_User::getDetail($aAd['iUserID']);
         $this->assign('aUser', $aUser);
         $this->assign('aAd', $aAd);
         $this->assign('aCategory', $aCategory);
         $this->assign('aCity', $aCity);
Exemplo n.º 28
  * 搜索自媒体
  * @param unknown $aParam            
  * @param string $sOrder            
  * @param number $iPageSize            
  * @return Ambigous <NULL, boolean, string, multitype:multitype: Ambigous <> , multitype:, array/string, int/false, number, unknown, unknown>
 public static function search($aParam, $sOrder = '', $iPageSize = 20)
     $aRule = array();
     $aTable = array('t_media m');
     $aWhere = array('m.iStatus=1', 'm.iPut=1', 'm.iMediaType=' . intval($aParam['type']));
     if (!empty($aParam['name'])) {
         $aWhere[] = '(m.sMediaName LIKE "%' . $aParam['name'] . '%" OR m.sOpenName LIKE "%' . $aParam['name'] . '%")';
     if (!empty($aParam['catid'])) {
         $aTable[] = 't_media_category c';
         $aWhere[] = 'c.iMediaID=m.iMediaID';
         $aWhere[] = 'c.iCategoryID=' . intval($aParam['catid']);
         //$aWhere[] = 'c.iCategoryID IN(' . join(',', $aParam['catid']) . ')';
     if (!empty($aParam['price'])) {
         $aPrice = Model_Price::parsePrice($aParam['price']);
         $aWhere[] = '(m.iPrice1>=' . $aPrice[0] . ' AND m.iPrice1<' . $aPrice[1] . ' OR m.iPrice2>=' . $aPrice[0] . ' AND m.iPrice2<' . $aPrice[1] . ')';
     if (!empty($aParam['follower'])) {
         $aFollower = explode('~', $aParam['follower']);
         $aWhere[] = '(m.iFollowerNum>=' . $aFollower[0] . ' AND m.iFollowerNum<' . $aFollower[1] . ')';
     if (!empty($aParam['city'])) {
         $aTable[] = 't_media_city ct';
         $aWhere[] = 'ct.iMediaID=m.iMediaID';
         $aWhere[] = 'ct.iCityID IN(' . join(',', $aParam['city']) . ')';
     if (!empty($aParam['readnum0'])) {
         $aWhere[] = 'm.iReadAvgNum >=' . intval($aParam['readnum0']);
     if (!empty($aParam['readnum1'])) {
         $aWhere[] = 'm.iReadAvgNum <=' . intval($aParam['readnum1']);
     if (!empty($aParam['score'])) {
         $aWhere[] = 'm.iScore >=' . intval($aParam['score']);
     if (!empty($aParam['tag'])) {
         $aTable[] = 't_media_tag t';
         $aWhere[] = 't.iMediaID=m.iMediaID';
         $aWhere[] = 't.iTagID IN(' . join(',', $aParam['tag']) . ')';
     if (! empty($aParam['aCriceID'])) {
         $aTable[] = 't_media_cricle cr';
         $aWhere[] = 'cr.iMediaID=m.iMediaID';
         $aWhere[] = 'cr.iCricleID IN(' . join(',', $aParam['aCriceID']) . ')';
     $iPage = max(intval($aParam['page']), 1);
     $sLimit = ' LIMIT ' . ($iPage - 1) * $iPageSize . ',' . $iPageSize;
     $sOrder = empty($sOrder) ? '' : ' ORDER BY ' . $sOrder;
     $sSQL = 'SELECT m.* FROM ' . join(',', $aTable) . ' WHERE ' . join(' AND ', $aWhere) . ' GROUP BY m.iMediaID' . $sOrder . $sLimit;
     $aRet['aList'] = self::query($sSQL);
     if ($iPage == 1 && count($aRet['aList']) < $iPageSize) {
         $aRet['iTotal'] = count($aRet['aList']);
         $aRet['aPager'] = null;
     } else {
         unset($aParam['limit'], $aParam['order']);
         $sSQL = 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT m.iMediaID) FROM ' . join(',', $aTable) . ' WHERE ' . join(' AND ', $aWhere);
         $aRet['iTotal'] = self::query($sSQL, 'one');
         $sUrl = Util_Common::getUrl();
         $aRet['aPager'] = Util_Page::getPage($aRet['iTotal'], $iPage, $iPageSize, $sUrl, $aParam);
     return $aRet;
Exemplo n.º 29
  * 构造函数
  * @param unknown $sKey            
 public function __construct($aConf)
     $this->aConf = $aConf;
     $this->oDebug = Util_Common::getDebug();
Exemplo n.º 30
  * 生成验证码图片
  * @param int $p_iWidth            
  * @param int $p_iHeight            
  * @param string $p_sStr            
  * @param int $p_iFontSize            
  * @param int $p_iPointDensity            
  * @param int $p_iCircleDensity            
  * @param int $p_iFontAngle            
 static function createIdentifyCodeImage($p_iWidth, $p_iHeight, $p_sStr, $p_iFontSize = 0, $p_iPointDensity = 0, $p_iCircleDensity = 0, $p_iFontAngle = 0)
     // 获取各种默认值
     $sTextFont = Util_Common::getConfig('sImgFont');
     if (0 == $p_iFontSize) {
         $p_iFontSize = round($p_iHeight * 3 / 5);
     if (0 == $p_iPointDensity) {
         $p_iPointDensity = round($p_iHeight * $p_iWidth / 100);
     if (0 == $p_iCircleDensity) {
         $p_iCircleDensity = round($p_iHeight * $p_iWidth / 200);
     // 生成画布
     $oImg = imagecreatetruecolor($p_iWidth, $p_iHeight);
     // 填充颜色
     $bgc = imagecolorallocate($oImg, 255, 255, 255);
     imagefill($oImg, 0, 0, $bgc);
     // 获取字体范围大小
     $aTextSize = imagettfbbox($p_iFontSize, $p_iFontAngle, $sTextFont, $p_sStr);
     $iTextHeight = max($aTextSize[1], $aTextSize[3]) - min($aTextSize[5], $aTextSize[7]);
     $iTextWidth = max($aTextSize[4], $aTextSize[2]) - min($aTextSize[0], $aTextSize[6]);
     // 字体起始位置
     $iTextStartLeft = ($p_iWidth - $iTextWidth) / 2;
     $iTextStartHeight = $p_iHeight / 2 + $iTextHeight / 2;
     // 字体颜色
     $colors = [[0, 10, 210], [24, 157, 10], [177, 70, 20]];
     $colorsValue = $colors[array_rand($colors)];
     $oTextColor = imagecolorallocate($oImg, $colorsValue[0], $colorsValue[1], $colorsValue[2]);
     // 往画布上画字符串
     // imagettftext($oImg, $p_iFontSize, $p_iFontAngle, $iTextStartLeft, $iTextStartHeight, $oTextColor, $sTextFont, $p_sStr);
     $len = strlen($p_sStr);
     $_x = ($p_iWidth - 40) / $len;
     for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
         $iTextStartLeft = $_x * $i + mt_rand(20, 25);
         imagettftext($oImg, $p_iFontSize, mt_rand(-10, 10), $iTextStartLeft, $iTextStartHeight, $oTextColor, $sTextFont, $p_sStr[$i]);
     for ($i = 0; $i < 100; $i++) {
         $color = imagecolorallocate($oImg, rand(50, 220), rand(50, 220), rand(50, 220));
         imagesetpixel($oImg, rand(0, $p_iWidth), rand(0, $p_iHeight), $color);
     // 往画布上画线条
     for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
         $color = imagecolorallocate($oImg, mt_rand(0, 156), mt_rand(0, 156), mt_rand(0, 156));
         imageline($oImg, mt_rand(0, $p_iWidth), mt_rand(0, $p_iHeight), mt_rand(0, $p_iWidth), mt_rand(0, $p_iHeight), $color);
     $blImage = ob_get_contents();
     return $blImage;