Exemplo n.º 1
 function setData($bacs_reference, $payments, &$errors = array(), $data, $plpayment)
     $this->bacs_reference = $bacs_reference;
     $this->payments = $payments;
     $this->plpayment = $plpayment;
     $account = DataObjectFactory::Factory('CBAccount');
     if (isset($data['cb_account_id'])) {
     $this->account = $account;
     $userPreferences = UserPreferences::instance(EGS_USERNAME);
     $defaultPrinter = $userPreferences->getPreferenceValue('default_printer', 'shared');
     $params = $data['print'];
     $print_params = array();
     $params['printer'] = empty($data['printer']) ? $defaultPrinter : $data['printer'];
     if (!$this->controller->setPrintParams($params, $print_params, $errors)) {
         $errors[] = 'Failed to set print parameters';
     $year = date('y');
     $create_date = bcadd(date('z'), 1, 0);
     $this->create_date = $year . str_pad($create_date, 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
     $expiry_date = bcadd(date('z', strtotime($this->plpayment->payment_date)), 1, 0);
     $processing_date = bcadd(date('z', strtotime($this->getProcessDate($plpayment->payment_date))), 1, 0);
     $this->processing_date = $year . str_pad($processing_date, 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
     $this->expiry_date = $year . str_pad($expiry_date, 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
     if ($plpayment->override === 'f') {
         $this->validate(array('payment_date' => un_fix_date($plpayment->payment_date)), $errors);
         if ($this->processing_date <= $this->create_date) {
             $errors[] = 'Invalid Processing Date';
Exemplo n.º 2
 function __construct($getCurrentValues = true)
     $userPreferences = UserPreferences::instance();
     $roleCollection = new RoleCollection();
     $sh = new SearchHandler($roleCollection, false);
     $sh->AddConstraint(new Constraint('usercompanyid', '=', EGS_COMPANY_ID));
     $roles = array();
     foreach ($roleCollection->getContents() as $role) {
         $roles[$role->id] = array('value' => $role->id, 'label' => $role->name);
         if ($getCurrentValues) {
             if (in_array($role->id, $userPreferences->getPreferenceValue('default-read-roles', 'contacts'))) {
                 $roles[$role->id]['selected'] = true;
     $this->registerPreference(array('name' => 'default-read-roles', 'display_name' => 'Default Read Access', 'type' => 'select_multiple', 'data' => $roles, 'default' => array()));
     foreach ($roleCollection->getContents() as $role) {
         $roles[$role->id] = array('value' => $role->id, 'label' => $role->name);
         if ($getCurrentValues) {
             if (in_array($role->id, $userPreferences->getPreferenceValue('default-write-roles', 'contacts'))) {
                 $roles[$role->id]['selected'] = true;
     $this->registerPreference(array('name' => 'default-write-roles', 'display_name' => 'Default Write Access', 'type' => 'select_multiple', 'data' => $roles, 'default' => array()));
Exemplo n.º 3
 function __construct($getCurrentValues = true)
     $userPreferences = UserPreferences::instance();
     $view = 'day';
     if ($getCurrentValues) {
         $view = $userPreferences->getPreferenceValue('default-calendar-view', 'calendar');
     $this->registerPreference(array('name' => 'default-calendar-view', 'display_name' => 'Default View', 'type' => 'select', 'value' => $view, 'data' => array(array('label' => 'Day', 'value' => 'day'), array('label' => 'Week', 'value' => 'week'), array('label' => 'Month', 'value' => 'month')), 'default' => 'week'));
Exemplo n.º 4
 public function Index()
     $userPreferences = UserPreferences::instance(EGS_USERNAME);
     if ($userPreferences->userCanSetPreferences() && !$userPreferences->userHasPreferences()) {
         $message = "<strong>Welcome to EGS. It looks like this is your first time using the system, or you have not yet got round to setting your preferences.</strong><br />\n        You can <a href=\"/?module=dashboard&controller=preferences\">setup your preferences now</a>, or use the 'Preferences' link that is available in the top right of your screen when using the system.";
         $this->view->set("info_message", $message);
     $this->view->set('usealternative', false);
     $this->view->set('page_title', $this->getPageName());
Exemplo n.º 5
function smarty_function_advanced_search($params, &$smarty)
    $data = array('action' => '');
    $self = $smarty->getTemplateVars('self');
    unset($self['pid'], $self['module'], $self['modules'], $self['controller'], $self['action']);
    $data['additional_data'] = $self;
    if (isset($params['action'])) {
        $data['action'] = $params['action'];
    $userPreferences = UserPreferences::instance();
    $pdf_browser_printing = $userPreferences->getPreferenceValue('pdf-browser-printing', 'shared');
    if (!empty($pdf_browser_printing) && $pdf_browser_printing == 'on') {
        $data['additional_data']['printaction'] = 'quick_output';
    // fetch smarty plugin template
    return smarty_plugin_template($smarty, $data, 'function.advanced_search');
Exemplo n.º 6
 public function save()
     $module = $this->getPreferenceClass($this->_data['__moduleName']);
     $preferenceNames = $module->getPreferenceNames();
     $flash = Flash::Instance();
     $userPreferences = UserPreferences::instance();
     // FIXME: Validate incomming data against supplied values
     foreach ($preferenceNames as $preferenceName) {
         if (isset($this->_data[$preferenceName])) {
             $pref = $module->getPreference($preferenceName);
             if (isset($pref['type']) && $pref['type'] == 'numeric') {
                 if (!is_numeric($this->_data[$preferenceName])) {
                     $flash->addError($pref['display_name'] . ' must be numeric');
             $userPreferences->setPreferenceValue($preferenceName, $this->_data['__moduleName'], $this->_data[$preferenceName]);
         } else {
             $preference = $module->getPreference($preferenceName);
             switch ($preference['type']) {
                 case 'checkbox':
                     $userPreferences->setPreferenceValue($preferenceName, $this->_data['__moduleName'], 'off');
                 case 'select_multiple':
                     $userPreferences->setPreferenceValue($preferenceName, $this->_data['__moduleName'], array());
     $handled = $module->getHandledPreferences();
     foreach ($handled as $name => $preference) {
         if (!empty($this->_data[$name]) && isset($preference['callback'])) {
             $callback = array($module, $preference['callback']);
             call_user_func($callback, $this->_data);
     // Do stuff.
     $flash->addMessage(prettify($this->_data['__moduleName']) . ' preferences saved successfully');
     sendTo('', '', $this->_modules);
Exemplo n.º 7
 public function printMultipleBalance()
     $flash = Flash::Instance();
     $errors = array();
     $extra = array();
     if (!isset($this->_data['WHLocation_location']) || empty($this->_data['WHLocation_location'])) {
         $errors[] = 'Location is a required field';
     if (!isset($this->_data['WHBin_bins']) || empty($this->_data['WHBin_bins'])) {
         $errors[] = 'Bin is a required field';
     if (count($errors) > 0) {
     // Check and set default print set
     $userPreferences = UserPreferences::instance(EGS_USERNAME);
     $defaultPrinter = $userPreferences->getPreferenceValue('default_printer', 'shared');
     if (empty($defaultPrinter)) {
         $flash->addError('Cannot print without a default printer set');
     } else {
         $this->_data['printtype'] = 'pdf';
         $this->_data['printaction'] = 'Print';
         $this->_data['printer'] = $defaultPrinter;
     // construct constraint against bins
     $stbalances = new STBalanceCollection();
     $sh = new SearchHandler($stbalances, FALSE);
     $sh->addConstraint(new Constraint('balance', '<>', 0));
     $sh->addConstraint(new Constraint('whstore_id', '=', $this->_data['WHStore_store']));
     $sh->addConstraint(new Constraint('whlocation_id', '=', $this->_data['WHLocation_location']));
     $binlist = implode(',', $this->_data['WHBin_bins']);
     $sh->addConstraint(new Constraint('whbin_id', 'in', '(' . $binlist . ')'));
     $sh->setOrderby(array('whbin', 'stitem'), array('ASC', 'ASC'));
     // set title
     $WHLocation = $this->_templateobject;
     $WHStore = DataObjectFactory::Factory('WHStore');
     $extra['title'] = 'Stock Balance for ' . $WHStore->description . ' / ' . $WHLocation->description . ' as at ' . un_fix_date(fix_date(date(DATE_FORMAT)));
     // construct xml
     $xml = $this->generateXML(array('model' => $stbalances, 'load_relationships' => FALSE, 'extra' => $extra));
     // build a basic list of options
     $options = array('report' => 'MF_MultipleStockBalance', 'xmlSource' => $xml);
     // construct the document, caputre the response
     $response = json_decode($this->constructOutput($this->_data, $options));
     // output success / failure message
     if ($response->status !== TRUE) {
         $flash->addError("Error printing document » " . $response->message);
     } else {
         $flash->addMessage("Document printed successfully");
     // return back to eglet
Exemplo n.º 8
 function getCalendars()
     $userPreferences = UserPreferences::instance();
     $view = $userPreferences->getPreferenceValue('default-calendar-view', 'calendar');
     $display_options = unserialize($userPreferences->getPreferenceValue('display-calendar-filter', 'calendar'));
     $calendars = array();
     $calendars = $this->getCalendarList($display_options);
     echo json_encode($calendars);
Exemplo n.º 9
 function save()
     $userPreferences = UserPreferences::instance();
     $userPreferences->setPreferenceValue($this->name, '_pagelists', $this->queue);
Exemplo n.º 10
 static function getPreferencesClass($username = EGS_USERNAME)
     if ($username == EGS_USERNAME) {
         // get preferences for logged in user
         $prefs =& UserPreferences::instance($username);
     } else {
         // get preferences for named user
         $prefs =& ManagedUserPreferences::instance($username);
     return $prefs;
Exemplo n.º 11
  * Gets the printing preferences
  * @access public
  * @return array
 public function get_printing_preferences($options)
     $prefs = array('pdf_preview' => FALSE, 'pdf_browser_printing' => FALSE);
     // the success page structure will depend on pdf-preview and pdf-browser-printing
     // being enabled, go fetch these values from the users preferences
     $userPreferences = UserPreferences::instance();
     $pdf_preview = $userPreferences->getPreferenceValue('pdf-preview', 'shared');
     $pdf_browser_printing = $userPreferences->getPreferenceValue('pdf-browser-printing', 'shared');
     // set pdf_preview + pdf_browser_printing states
     if (!empty($pdf_preview) && $pdf_preview == 'on' && HAS_CONVERT === TRUE) {
         $prefs['pdf_preview'] = TRUE;
     if (!empty($pdf_browser_printing) && $pdf_browser_printing == 'on') {
         $prefs['pdf_browser_printing'] = TRUE;
     if ($prefs['pdf_preview'] === TRUE) {
         $prefs['pdf_preview_build_link'] = htmlspecialchars_decode(link_to(array('module' => $this->module, 'controller' => $this->name, 'action' => 'build_pdf_preview'), FALSE, FALSE));
         $prefs['pdf_preview_location'] = $options['paths']['temp_file_path'];
     // merge prefs back in with options
     $options += $prefs;
     return $options;
Exemplo n.º 12
 public function printAction()
     $userPreferences = UserPreferences::instance(EGS_USERNAME);
     $defaultPrinter = $userPreferences->getPreferenceValue('default_printer', 'shared');
     if (empty($defaultPrinter)) {
         // Use normal print action
         $this->printtype = array('pdf' => 'PDF');
         $this->printaction = array('Print' => 'Print');
     } else {
         // Overide print action
         $data = array();
         $data['id'] = $this->_data['id'];
         $data['printtype'] = 'pdf';
         $data['printaction'] = 'Print';
         $data['printer'] = $defaultPrinter;
         sendTo($this->name, $this->_data['printaction'], $this->_modules, $data);
Exemplo n.º 13
 public function save_confirmsale()
     if (!isset($this->_data) || !$this->loadData()) {
     $sorder = $this->_uses[$this->modeltype];
     $sorder_data = $this->_data[$this->modeltype];
     $flash = Flash::Instance();
     $errors = array();
     $db = DB::Instance();
     $slcustomer = DataObjectFactory::Factory('SLCustomer');
     // save the customer details
     // Existing or new person?
     $person_data = array();
     if (!empty($sorder_data['person_id']) && $sorder_data['person_id'] > 0) {
         // Existing person
         $sorder->person_id = $sorder_data['person_id'];
         $person = DataObjectFactory::Factory('Person');
         if ($person->isLoaded()) {
             $sorder_data['party_id'] = $person->party_id;
     } elseif (!empty($sorder_data['surname'])) {
         // TODO: Saving of person and party data needs to move to appropriate model
         // See also EmployeesController, CompanysController and PersonsController
         // new person
         $sorder_data['party_id'] = '';
         $person_data['Party']['id'] = '';
         $person_data['Party']['type'] = 'Person';
         $person_data['Person']['title'] = $sorder_data['title'];
         $person_data['Person']['firstname'] = $sorder_data['firstname'];
         $person_data['Person']['surname'] = $sorder_data['surname'];
         $person_data['Person']['id'] = '';
         $person_data['Person']['party_id'] = '';
         $person_data['Person']['company_id'] = $slcustomer->company_id;
         $index = 0;
         foreach (array('phone', 'email') as $contact_type) {
             if (!empty($sorder_data[$contact_type])) {
                 $cm = DataObjectFactory::Factory('PartyContactMethod');
                 $person_data[$index]['Contactmethod']['id'] = '';
                 $person_data[$index]['Contactmethod']['contact'] = $sorder_data[$contact_type];
                 $person_data[$index]['PartyContactMethod']['id'] = '';
                 $person_data[$index]['PartyContactMethod']['contactmethod_id'] = '';
                 $person_data[$index]['PartyContactMethod']['party_id'] = '';
                 $person_data[$index]['PartyContactMethod']['name'] = 'MAIN';
                 $person_data[$index]['PartyContactMethod']['type'] = $cm->getType($contact_type);
                 $person_data[$index]['PartyContactMethod']['main'] = 't';
                 $person_data[$index]['PartyContactMethod']['billing'] = 't';
                 $person_data[$index]['PartyContactMethod']['shipping'] = 't';
                 $person_data[$index]['PartyContactMethod']['payment'] = 't';
                 $person_data[$index]['PartyContactMethod']['technical'] = 't';
         if (parent::save('Person', $person_data, $errors)) {
             foreach ($this->saved_models as $model) {
                 if (isset($model['Person'])) {
                     $person = $model['Person'];
                     $sorder->person_id = $person->id;
                     $sorder_data['party_id'] = $person->party_id;
         } else {
             $errors[] = 'Error saving Customer Details : ' . $db->ErrorMsg();
     foreach (array('invoice' => $sorder_data['inv_address_id'], 'delivery' => $sorder_data['del_address_id']) as $address_type => $address_id) {
         $address_data = array();
         if (!empty($sorder_data[$address_type]['street1'])) {
             // New address
             $address_data['Address']['id'] = '';
             $address_data['Address']['street1'] = $sorder_data[$address_type]['street1'];
             $address_data['Address']['street2'] = $sorder_data[$address_type]['street2'];
             $address_data['Address']['street3'] = $sorder_data[$address_type]['street3'];
             $address_data['Address']['town'] = $sorder_data[$address_type]['town'];
             $address_data['Address']['county'] = $sorder_data[$address_type]['county'];
             $address_data['Address']['postcode'] = $sorder_data[$address_type]['postcode'];
             $address_data['Address']['countrycode'] = $sorder_data[$address_type]['countrycode'];
             $address_data['PartyAddress']['address_id'] = '';
         } elseif (!empty($person_data['Person'])) {
             // Existing address needs to be linked to new person
             $address_data['PartyAddress']['address_id'] = $address_id;
         if (!empty($sorder_data[$address_type]['street1']) || !empty($person_data['Person'])) {
             // If new address or new person, link address to party
             $address_data['PartyAddress']['id'] = '';
             $address_data['PartyAddress']['party_id'] = $sorder_data['party_id'];
             $address_data['PartyAddress']['name'] = 'MAIN';
             $address_data['PartyAddress']['main'] = $address_type == 'invoice' ? 't' : 'f';
             $address_data['PartyAddress']['billing'] = $address_type == 'invoice' ? 't' : 'f';
             $address_data['PartyAddress']['shipping'] = $address_type == 'delivery' ? 't' : 'f';
             $address_data['PartyAddress']['payment'] = $address_type == 'invoice' ? 't' : 'f';
             $address_data['PartyAddress']['technical'] = 'f';
             if (parent::save('Address', $address_data, $errors)) {
                 foreach ($this->saved_models as $model) {
                     if (isset($model['Address'])) {
                         $address = $model['Address'];
                         if ($address_type == 'invoice') {
                             $sorder_data['inv_address_id'] = $address->id;
                         } else {
                             $sorder_data['del_address_id'] = $address->id;
             } else {
                 $errors[] = 'Error saving Customer ' . $address_type . ' Address Details : ' . $db->ErrorMsg();
     if (!empty($sorder_data['inv_address_id']) && $sorder_data['inv_address_id'] > 0) {
         $sorder->inv_address_id = $sorder_data['inv_address_id'];
     if (!empty($sorder_data['del_address_id']) && $sorder_data['del_address_id'] > 0) {
         $sorder->del_address_id = $sorder_data['del_address_id'];
     } else {
         $sorder->del_address_id = $sorder_data['inv_address_id'];
     if (count($errors) > 0 || !$sorder->save()) {
         $errors[] = 'Error updating customer order details';
     // create and post the invoice
     if (count($errors) == 0) {
         $invoice = $this->createPostInvoice($sorder, $errors);
     // Create the Payment
     if (count($errors) == 0) {
         $cb_data = array();
         $cb_data['cb_account_id'] = $slcustomer->cb_account_id;
         $cb_data['source'] = 'S';
         $cb_data['slmaster_id'] = $sorder->slmaster_id;
         $cb_data['company_id'] = $slcustomer->company_id;
         if ($sorder->person_id > 0) {
             $cb_data['person_id'] = $sorder->person_id;
         $cb_data['ext_reference'] = $sorder_data['ext_reference'];
         $cb_data['payment_term_id'] = $slcustomer->payment_term_id;
         $cb_data['payment_type_id'] = $sorder_data['payment_type_id'];
         $cb_data['transaction_type'] = 'R';
         $cb_data['currency_id'] = $sorder->currency_id;
         $cb_data['transaction_date'] = date(DATE_FORMAT);
         // $cb_data['net_value'] = $sorder_data['gross_value'];
         $cb_data['net_value'] = bcsub($invoice->gross_value, $invoice->settlement_discount);
         if (!SLTransaction::saveTransaction($cb_data, $errors)) {
             $errors[] = 'Error saving Payment Details';
     // Match Payment to Invoice
     if (count($errors) == 0) {
         if ($invoice->isLoaded()) {
             $invoice_trans = DataObjectFactory::Factory('SLTransaction');
             $invoice_trans->identifierField = gross_value;
             $cc = new ConstraintChain();
             $cc->add(new Constraint('transaction_type', '=', 'I'));
             $cc->add(new Constraint('status', '=', 'O'));
             $cc->add(new Constraint('our_reference', '=', $invoice->invoice_number));
             $transactions = $invoice_trans->getAll($cc);
             $transactions[$cb_data['ledger_transaction_id']] = $cb_data['payment_value'];
             // Save settlement discount if present?
             if ($invoice->settlement_discount > 0) {
                 $payment_term = DataObjectFactory::Factory('PaymentTerm');
                 // Create GL Journal for settlement discount
                 $discount = $cb_data;
                 $discount['gross_value'] = $discount['net_value'] = $invoice->settlement_discount;
                 $discount['glaccount_id'] = $payment_term->sl_discount_glaccount_id;
                 $discount['glcentre_id'] = $payment_term->sl_discount_glcentre_id;
                 $discount['tax_value'] = '0.00';
                 $discount['source'] = 'S';
                 $discount['transaction_type'] = 'SD';
                 $discount['description'] = !empty($payment_term->sl_discount_description) ? $payment_term->sl_discount_description . ' ' : '';
                 $discount['description'] .= $cb_data->description;
                 $discount['status'] = 'P';
                 $sldiscount = SLTransaction::Factory($discount, $errors, 'SLTransaction');
                 if ($sldiscount && $sldiscount->save('', $errors) && $sldiscount->saveGLTransaction($discount, $errors)) {
                     $transactions[$sldiscount->{$sldiscount->idField}] = bcadd($discount['net_value'], 0);
                 } else {
                     $errors[] = 'Errror saving Settlement Discount : ' . $db->ErrorMsg();
             if (!SLTransaction::allocatePayment($transactions, $invoice->slmaster_id, $errors) || !SLAllocation::saveAllocation($transactions, $errors)) {
                 $errors[] = 'Error allocating Payment';
         } else {
             $errors[] = 'Error matching to Invoice';
     // Check for errors
     if (count($errors) > 0) {
         $flash->addError('Sale confirmation failed');
     } else {
         $flash->addMessage('Sale Confirmed');
     if (count($errors) == 0) {
         // now print the invoice to the users default printer
         $userPreferences = UserPreferences::instance(EGS_USERNAME);
         $defaultPrinter = $userPreferences->getPreferenceValue('default_printer', 'shared');
         if (empty($defaultPrinter)) {
             // Use normal print action
             // ATTN: what happens here? If we don't have a default printer set it's going to ignore our request?
             $this->_data['invoice_id'] = $invoice->id;
             $this->_data['printaction'] = 'printinvoice';
             $this->printaction = array('Print' => 'Print');
             $this->printtype = array('pdf' => 'PDF');
             $this->_templateName = $this->getTemplateName('printaction');
         } else {
             // Overide print action
             $data = array();
             $data['invoice_id'] = $invoice->id;
             $data['printtype'] = 'pdf';
             $data['printaction'] = 'Print';
             $data['printer'] = $defaultPrinter;
             // call printInvoice and decode the response, output errors / messages
             $response = json_decode($this->printInvoice($invoice, $data));
             if ($response->status === true) {
                 $flash->addMessage('Print Sales Invoice Completed');
                 $invoice->update($invoice->id, array('date_printed', 'print_count'), array(fix_date(date(DATE_FORMAT)), $invoice->print_count + 1));
             } else {
                 $flash->addError('Print Sales Invoice Failed');
         // we're not using JavaScript to get here
         // so just go back to the order view
     sendTo($this->name, 'view', $this->_modules, array('id' => $sorder->id));
Exemplo n.º 14
 public function extractPaging($page = '', $perpage = '')
     if (!empty($perpage)) {
         $this->perpage = $perpage;
     } elseif (isset($_GET['perpage'])) {
         $this->perpage = intval($_GET['perpage']);
     } elseif (defined('EGS_USERNAME')) {
         $userPreferences = UserPreferences::instance(EGS_USERNAME);
         $this->perpage = $userPreferences->getPreferenceValue('items-per-page', 'shared');
     } else {
         $this->perpage = 10;
     if (!is_numeric($this->perpage)) {
         $this->perpage = 10;
     if (!empty($page)) {
         $this->page = $page;
     } elseif (isset($_GET['page'])) {
         $this->page = intval($_GET['page']);
     } else {
         $this->page = 1;
     if (!is_numeric($this->page)) {
         $this->page = 1;
     if ($this->page > $this->lastpage) {
         $this->page = $this->lastpage;
     } elseif ($this->page < 1) {
         $this->page = 1;
     $this->offset = ($this->page - 1) * $this->perpage;