Exemplo n.º 1
<!-- <h3 class="container col-md-10" style="background: #E0E0E0 ;">CANDIDATE INFORMATION</h3>  
<div class ="col-md-1"></div>-->
<div class="container col-lg-12">
<h3  style="color: black; background: #E0E0E0; margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 5px;" >  POSITION INFORMATION </h3> 
   <div class="col-md-12 "> <label> </label> </div>
  <div class="container" style="font-size: 10px; border: 10px solid#DBDBF2; padding-bottom: 10px; margin-top:59px;">

<!--    <label for = "department"> Department(s) </label>
    <input  class="form-control" type="text" name="department" id="department" > -->
       <div class="col-md-3" >
//===Check User Access===
$access = new UserAccessController();
if (!$access->allowAccessType(array('Admin', 'Contract', 'Contract-VPA', 'DepAM'))) {
    $layout = new Theme();
    $layout->setTitle("Access Denied");
    echo "<h1>Sorry! Access Denied.</h1>";
                                <label for = "department">  Department </label>
                          <select class="form-control" name='department' id='department'>
/// Now select
$department_lut = lut_PAD_Area_array();
if ($access->allowAccessType(array('Admin', 'TAM'))) {
Exemplo n.º 2
include_once "../sms/admin/_models/Courses.php";
include_once "../sms/admin/_models/Contract-Teaching.php";
include_once "../sms/admin/_inc/helper.php";
include_once "../sms/admin/_controllers/SimpleDataEntryController.php";
////===Load Theme & Header===========================================================
$layout = new Theme();
$layout->setTitle("#1 Courses Management");
// Scripts for handling json
$access = new UserAccessController();
if (!$access->allowAccessType(array('Admin', 'SITAAdmin', 'SITARead', 'DepAM')) && !$access->IsInstructor()) {
    $layout = new Theme();
    $layout->setTitle("Access Denied");
    echo "<h1>Sorry! Access Denied.</h1>";
if (!$access->allowAccessType(array('Admin', 'SITAAdmin', 'SITARead', 'DepAM')) && $access->IsInstructor()) {
} else {
echo $_SESSION['sms_userComputingID'];
$sthid = $_SESSION['sms_userStakeholderID'];
echo $_SESSION['sms_userName'];
Exemplo n.º 3
$layout = new Theme();
$layout->setTitle("#1 Courses Management");
// Scripts for handling json
$stdl_id = $_REQUEST['stdl_id'];
$_SESSION["stdl_id"] = $stdl_id;
//echo "stdl_id= ".$_SESSION["stdl_id"];
$acess_array = array('Admin', 'SITAAdmin', 'SITARead', 'DepAM', 'CoursePlanningAdmin', 'CoursePlanningRead', ' LTDFormAdmin', 'PersonnelAdmin', 'PersonnelRead', 'StudyLeaveCredits', 'TTRViewAdmin', 'TTRViewRead');
$access = new UserAccessController();
if (!$access->allowAccessType($acess_array) && !$access->IsCFL()) {
    $layout = new Theme();
    $layout->setTitle("Access Denied");
    if ($access->IsInstructor()) {
    } else {
    echo "<h1>Sorry! Access Denied.</h1>";
if (!$access->allowAccessType($acess_array) && $access->IsInstructor()) {
} else {
Exemplo n.º 4
 $hint_info = "";
 if ($info !== "") {
     foreach ($list_info as $me1) {
         $hint_info['LastName'] = $me1['LastName'];
         $hint_info['FirstName'] = $me1['FirstName'];
         $hint_info['Emplid'] = $me1['Emplid'];
         $hint_info['VisaExpireyDate'] = $me1['VisaExpireyDate'];
 //   if ($h_1['status_of_lmt'] == "In Progress") { $hint_info['LastName'] = "SS";} // "<script> $(\"#inher_lmt_id\").attr(\"disabled\",\"true\"); </script>"; }
 $access = new UserAccessController();
 if ($h_1['status_of_lmt'] != "In Progress") {
     // here to add one ! in front of access at the end !
     if (!$access->allowAccessType(array('Admin', 'LTDFormAdmin'))) {
         echo "<script>document.getElementById(" . $h_1["limited_term_id"] . ").disabled=true; \n             \n              \$(\"#" . $h_1["limited_term_id"] . "\").css(\"display\",\"none\");   \n              document.getElementById(" . $h_1["limited_term_id"] . ").className = \"btn btn-primary\";\n              \$(\"#" . "sit" . $h_1["limited_term_id"] . "\").text(\"Sent To Doa\");\n              \$(\"#" . "sit" . $h_1["limited_term_id"] . "\").css(\"color\",\"green\");" . "document.getElementById(\"sit" . $h_1["limited_term_id"] . "\").className =  \"btn btn-link\";" . "\$(\"#" . "edit" . $h_1["limited_term_id"] . "\").text(\"View\");" . "\$(\"[name = status_lmt]\").css(\"display\",\"none\");" . "\$(\"#" . "user" . $h_1["limited_term_id"] . "\").attr(\"action\",\"/ltd_appt/lock_lmt.php\");" . "\$(\"#" . "edit" . $h_1["limited_term_id"] . "\").attr(\"class\",\"btn btn-default\");" . "</script>";
     } else {
         echo "<script>document.getElementById(" . $h_1["limited_term_id"] . ").className = \"btn btn-primary\";\n              \$(\"#" . "sit" . $h_1["limited_term_id"] . "\").text(\"Sent To Doa\");\n              \$(\"#" . "sit" . $h_1["limited_term_id"] . "\").css(\"color\",\"green\");" . "document.getElementById(\"sit" . $h_1["limited_term_id"] . "\").className =  \"btn btn-link\";" . "\$(\"#" . "edit" . $h_1["limited_term_id"] . "\").text(\"Edit\");" . "\$(\"#" . "edit" . $h_1["limited_term_id"] . "\").attr(\"class\",\"btn btn-info\");" . "</script>";
     /// change the to ! right now you see what not admin should see
 } else {
     echo "<script>document.getElementById(" . $h_1["limited_term_id"] . ").disabled=false; \n     document.getElementById(" . $h_1["limited_term_id"] . ").className = \"btn btn-danger\";\n     \$(\"#" . $h_1["limited_term_id"] . "\").text(\"Delete\");</script>";
 if ($h_1['status_of_lmt'] == "Sent To VPA") {
     echo "<script>\$(\"#" . "sit" . $h_1["limited_term_id"] . "\").text(\"Sent To VPA\");  \n     </script>";
 if ($h_1['status_of_lmt'] == "Signed Letter Back") {
     echo "<script>\$(\"#" . "sit" . $h_1["limited_term_id"] . "\").text(\"Signed Letter Back\");  </script>";
 echo "<tr>" . "<td>" . $h_1['limited_term_id'] . "</td>" . "<td>" . $h_1['type_of_appointment'] . "</td><td>" . $h_1['department'] . "</td><td>" . $h_1['salary'] . "</td><td>" . $hint_info['LastName'] . "</td><td>" . $hint_info['FirstName'] . "</td><td>" . $hint_info['Emplid'] . "</td><td>" . $h_1['appointment_start_date'] . "</td><td>" . $h_1['appointment_end_date'] . "</td><td>" . $hint_info['VisaExpireyDate'] . "</td><td id=\"ed_del_but\">" . "<form method=\"POST\" action=\"/ltd_appt/edit_lmt.php\" id=\"user" . $h_1["limited_term_id"] . "\">" . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"se\" id=\"se\" type=\"text\" value=\"" . $h_1['limited_term_id'] . "\">" . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sth\" id=\"sth\" type=\"text\" value=\"" . $h_1['Stakeholder_id'] . "\">" . "<button class=\"btn btn-success \" type=\"submit\" " . "id=\"edit" . $h_1["limited_term_id"] . "\">Edit</button> </form>";