private function getAuthorizationUserForm() { $urlHelper = new UrlHelper(); $this->form = ''; $this->form .= '<form class="AuthorizationForm" name="AuthorizationForm" action="' . $urlHelper->getThisPage() . '" method="post" accept-charset="UTF-8" autocomplete="on">'; $this->form .= '<center>'; $this->form .= "<div class='AuthorizationFormBlock'>"; $this->form .= '<table class="AuthorizationFormTable" >'; $this->form .= '<tr>'; $this->form .= '<td>'; $this->form .= "<div class='AuthorizationFormLogin'></div>"; $this->form .= '</td>'; $this->form .= '<td>'; $this->form .= $this->inputHelper->paternTextBox("login", "login", "login", 25, true, $this->localization->getText("login"), "[A-Za-z0-9]{3,20}", null); $this->form .= '</td>'; //$this->form .= '<td rowspan="2">'; //$this->form .= '</td>'; $this->form .= '</tr>'; $this->form .= '<tr>'; $this->form .= '<td>'; $this->form .= "<div class='AuthorizationFormPassword'></div>"; $this->form .= '</td>'; $this->form .= '<td>'; $this->form .= $this->inputHelper->paternPasswordBox("password", "password", "password", 25, true, $this->localization->getText("password"), "[A-Za-z0-9]{3,20}", null); $this->form .= '</td>'; $this->form .= '</tr>'; $this->form .= '</tr>'; $this->form .= '</table>'; $this->form .= '<input class="AuthorizationFormButton" type="submit" name="AuthorizationFormSubmit" value="in" title="' . $this->localization->getText("authorizationFormText") . '">'; $this->form .= "</div>"; $this->form .= '</center>'; $this->form .= '</form>'; }
public function testAbsoluteLinkShouldCreateRequestFormGlobalsWhenNoRequestIsGiven() { $helper = new UrlHelper(); $_SERVER['HTTPS'] = 'on'; $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = 'localhost'; $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = '/webroot/test'; $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] = 'GET'; $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] = '/webroot'; $this->assertEquals('https://localhost/webroot/page', $helper->absoluteLink('/page')); }
private function generateHTML() { $this->getSliderData(); $out = '<div class="border_box">'; $out .= '<div class="box_skitter box_skitter_large ' . $this->name . '">'; $out .= '<ul>'; foreach ($this->data['slides'] as $slide) { $html = "<li>"; // echo $this->sliderDir.$this->name.'/'.strtolower($this->thisLang).'/'.$slide['fileName']."<br>"; $img = '<img src="' . $this->sliderDir . $this->name . '/' . strtolower($this->thisLang) . '/' . $slide['fileName'] . '" class="' . $slide['animation'] . '" />'; $imgFile = $this->sliderDir . $this->name . '/' . strtolower($this->thisLang) . '/' . $slide['fileName']; if (!file_exists($imgFile)) { $imgFile = $this->sliderDir . $this->name . '/' . strtolower($this->defaultLang) . '/' . $slide['fileName']; } $img = '<img src="' . $imgFile . '" class="' . $slide['animation'] . '" />'; if (isset($slide['url']) && $slide['url'] != null && $slide['url'] != "") { $urlHelper = new UrlHelper(); $target = ""; if (substr($slide['url'], 0, 1) == "#") { $url = $urlHelper->getThisPage() . $slide['url']; } else { if (substr($slide['url'], 0, 1) == "\$") { $url = $urlHelper->pageUrl(substr($slide['url'], 1), null); } else { if (substr($slide['url'], 0, 7) == "http://") { $target = 'target="_blank"'; } $url = $slide['url']; } } $html .= '<a href="' . $url . ' ' . $target . '">'; $html .= $img; $html .= '</a>'; } else { $html .= $img; } if (isset($slide['text']) && $slide['text'] != null && $slide['text'] != "") { $html .= '<div class="label_text">'; $html .= $slide['text']; $html .= '</div>'; } $html .= "</li>"; $out .= $html; } $out .= '</ul>'; $out .= '</div>'; $out .= '</div>'; $out .= $this->generateParams(); $this->html = $out; }
private function generateMenuLevelHtml($parent) { $out = ""; if (isset($this->menuItems[$parent]) && count($this->menuItems[$parent]) > 0) { if ($parent != 0) { $javaID = $this->menuName . "_child_" . $parent; $out .= "<ul id='" . $javaID . "' style='display: none;' "; $out .= "class='menu child_menu " . $this->menuType . " "; $out .= $this->menuCssClass . " " . $this->menuName . "' "; $out .= "onmouseover=\"showChildMenu('{$javaID}');\" "; $out .= "onmouseout=\"hideChildMenu('{$javaID}');\">"; } else { $out .= "<ul id='" . $this->menuName . "' class='menu "; $out .= $this->menuType . " " . $this->menuCssClass . " "; $out .= $this->menuName . "'>"; } foreach ($this->menuItems[$parent] as $menuItem) { if ($this->checkValue($menuItem['url'])) { $url = $menuItem['url']; } else { $urlHelper = new UrlHelper(); if ($menuItem['postfix'][0] == "/") { $menuItem['postfix'] = substr($menuItem['postfix'], 1); } $url = $urlHelper->pageUrl($menuItem['page'], null) . $menuItem['postfix']; } global $_URL_PARAMS; $thisPageClass = ""; if ($menuItem['page'] == $_URL_PARAMS['page']) { $thisPageClass = "thisPage"; } $javaChildID = $this->menuName . "_child_" . $menuItem['menuItem']; // $out .= "<a href='$url' target='".$menuItem['target']."'>"; $out .= "<li onmouseover=\"showChildMenu('{$javaChildID}');\" onmouseout=\"hideChildMenu('{$javaChildID}');\" "; $out .= "class='{$thisPageClass}'>"; $out .= "<a href='{$url}' target='" . $menuItem['target'] . "'>"; $out .= "<span text='text'>"; $out .= $menuItem['title']; $out .= "</span>"; $out .= "</a>"; $out .= "</li>"; // $out .= "</a>"; $out .= $this->generateMenuLevelHtml($menuItem['menuItem']); } $out .= "</ul>"; } return $out; }
/** * Returns the field's input HTML. * * @param string $name * @param mixed $value * @return string */ public function getInputHtml($name, $value) { $id = craft()->templates->formatInputId($name); craft()->templates->includeCssResource('twitter/css/tweet.css'); craft()->templates->includeJsResource('twitter/js/TweetInput.js'); craft()->templates->includeJs('new TweetInput("' . craft()->templates->namespaceInputId($id) . '");'); $tweet = $value; $html = ""; if ($tweet && isset($tweet['id_str'])) { $url = '' . $tweet['user']['screen_name'] . '/status/' . $tweet['id_str']; if (craft()->request->isSecureConnection()) { $profileImageUrl = $tweet['user']['profile_image_url_https']; } else { $profileImageUrl = $tweet['user']['profile_image_url']; } if (craft()->twitter_plugin->checkDependencies()) { $html .= '<div class="tweet-preview">' . '<div class="tweet-image" style="background-image: url(' . $profileImageUrl . ');"></div> ' . '<div class="tweet-user">' . '<span class="tweet-user-name">' . $tweet['user']['name'] . '</span> ' . '<a class="tweet-user-screenname light" href="' . $tweet['user']['screen_name'] . '" target="_blank">@' . $tweet['user']['screen_name'] . '</a>' . '</div>' . '<div class="tweet-text">' . $tweet['text'] . '</div>' . '</div>'; } } else { $url = $value; $preview = ''; } if (!craft()->twitter_plugin->checkDependencies()) { $html .= '<p class="light">' . Craft::t("Twitter plugin is not configured properly. Please check {url} for more informations.", array('url' => Craft::t('<a href="' . UrlHelper::getUrl('twitter/settings') . '">{title}</a>', array('title' => 'Twitter plugin settings')))) . '</p>'; } return '<div class="tweet">' . craft()->templates->render('_includes/forms/text', array('id' => $id, 'name' => $name, 'value' => $url, 'placeholder' => Craft::t('Enter a tweet URL or ID'))) . '<div class="spinner hidden"></div>' . $html . '</div>'; }
public function getCpEditUrl() { $form = $this->getForm(); if ($form) { return UrlHelper::getCpUrl('formerly/' . $form->handle . '/' . $this->id); } }
protected function addResources() { // Get revision manifest $manifestPath = dirname(__FILE__) . '/resources/rev-manifest.json'; $manifest = file_exists($manifestPath) && ($manifest = file_get_contents($manifestPath)) ? json_decode($manifest) : false; // Get data $data = ['fields' => [], 'entryTypeIds' => [], 'baseEditFieldUrl' => rtrim(UrlHelper::getCpUrl('settings/fields/edit'), '/'), 'baseEditEntryTypeUrl' => rtrim(UrlHelper::getCpUrl('settings/sections/sectionId/entrytypes'), '/'), 'baseEditGlobalSetUrl' => rtrim(UrlHelper::getCpUrl('settings/globals'), '/'), 'baseEditCategoryGroupUrl' => rtrim(UrlHelper::getCpUrl('settings/categories'), '/')]; $sectionIds = craft()->sections->allSectionIds; foreach ($sectionIds as $sectionId) { $entryTypes = craft()->sections->getEntryTypesBySectionId($sectionId); $data['entryTypeIds']['' . $sectionId] = []; foreach ($entryTypes as $entryType) { $data['entryTypeIds']['' . $sectionId][] = $entryType->id; } } $fields = craft()->fields->allFields; foreach ($fields as $field) { $data['fields'][$field->handle] = ['id' => $field->id, 'handle' => $field->handle, 'type' => $field->type]; } $data = json_encode($data); craft()->templates->includeJs('window._CpFieldLinksData=' . $data . ';'); // Include resources $cssFile = 'stylesheets/CpFieldLinks.css'; $jsFile = 'javascripts/CpFieldLinks.js'; craft()->templates->includeCssResource('cpfieldlinks/' . ($manifest ? $manifest->{$cssFile} : $cssFile)); craft()->templates->includeJsResource('cpfieldlinks/' . ($manifest ? $manifest->{$jsFile} : $jsFile)); }
function post() { $blog_post_id = $this->node->arg('blog_post_id'); $values = array(); $form = $this->components->add('form', array('back' => $this->db->from('blog_post')->select('title'))); $author_id = $this->db->from('blog_author')->select('blog_author_id')->where('user_id', $this->plugin->Auth->get('user_id'))->fetchScalar(); $blog_post = $form->addTable('blog_post', array('title' => array('validator' => $this->valid->get('required', 'no_html')), 'content' => array('validator' => $this->valid->required), 'blog_author_id' => array('value' => $author_id), 'blog_id' => array('value' => $this->node->arg('blog_id')), 'pub_date' => array('value' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')), 'summary' => array('validator' => $this->valid->required), 'status' => array('validator' => $this->valid->required), 'blog_category_id' => array('type' => 'dropdown', 'validator' => $this->valid->required))); $plugins = $blog_post->content->getConfigOption('plugins'); $blog_post->content->setConfigOption('plugins', $plugins . ',table,pagebreak,markettoimages'); $blog_post->content->setConfigOption('pagebreak_separator', '<!-- Break -->'); $blog_post->content->setConfigOption('height', 600); $blog_post->content->setConfigOption('theme_advanced_blockformats', "p,pre,h1,h2,h3,h4,blockquote,code"); $blog_post->content->setConfigOption('content_css', UrlHelper::resource('/blog/tinymce.css')); $blog_post->content->setConfigOption('theme_advanced_buttons1_add', 'pagebreak,markettoimages'); $blog_post->content->setConfigOption('theme_advanced_buttons2', 'tablecontrols'); $blog_post->content->setConfigOption('valid_elements', '*[*]'); $blog_post->content->filter_html = false; $blog_post->blog_category_id->setDataSource($this->db->from('blog_category')->select('blog_category_id', 'name')->where('blog_id', $this->node->arg('blog_id'))->orderby('name', 'asc')); $blog_post->blog_category_id->add('', $this->lang->categories['select']); $blog_post->status->setDataSource($this->lang->status); $blog_post_tag = $form->addTable('blog_post_tag', array('blog_tag_id' => array('type' => '/blog/taglist')), array('keys' => array('blog_post_id' => $blog_post), 'delete' => array('blog_post_id' => $blog_post), 'multirow' => true, 'multicolumn' => true)); $blog_post_tag->blog_post_id->setReference($blog_post->blog_post_id, true); $blog_post_tag->blog_tag_id->setNote($this->lang->fields['separated']); if ($blog_post_id) { $values = $this->db->from('blog_post')->where('blog_post_id', $blog_post_id)->fetchRow(); $form->setValues($blog_post, $values); $values = $this->db->from('blog_post_tag')->select('blog_tag_id')->where('blog_post_id', $blog_post_id)->fetchArray(); $form->setValues($blog_post_tag, array('blog_tag_id' => $values)); } }
/** * Edit an asset source. * * @param array $variables * * @throws HttpException * @return null */ public function actionEditSource(array $variables = array()) { if (empty($variables['source'])) { if (!empty($variables['sourceId'])) { $variables['source'] = craft()->assetSources->getSourceById($variables['sourceId']); if (!$variables['source']) { throw new HttpException(404); } $variables['sourceType'] = craft()->assetSources->populateSourceType($variables['source']); } else { $variables['source'] = new AssetSourceModel(); $variables['sourceType'] = craft()->assetSources->getSourceType('Local'); } } if (empty($variables['sourceType'])) { $variables['sourceType'] = craft()->assetSources->populateSourceType($variables['source']); } if (craft()->getEdition() == Craft::Pro) { $sourceTypes = craft()->assetSources->getAllSourceTypes(); $variables['sourceTypes'] = AssetSourceTypeVariable::populateVariables($sourceTypes); } $variables['isNewSource'] = !$variables['source']->id; if ($variables['isNewSource']) { $variables['title'] = Craft::t('Create a new asset source'); } else { $variables['title'] = $variables['source']->name; } $variables['crumbs'] = array(array('label' => Craft::t('Settings'), 'url' => UrlHelper::getUrl('settings')), array('label' => Craft::t('Assets'), 'url' => UrlHelper::getUrl('settings/assets')), array('label' => Craft::t('Asset Sources'), 'url' => UrlHelper::getUrl('settings/assets'))); $variables['tabs'] = array('settings' => array('label' => Craft::t('Settings'), 'url' => '#assetsource-settings'), 'fieldlayout' => array('label' => Craft::t('Field Layout'), 'url' => '#assetsource-fieldlayout')); $this->renderTemplate('settings/assets/sources/_edit', $variables); }
/** * Includes the plugin's resources for the Control Panel. */ protected function includeCpResources() { // Prepare config $config = []; $config['iconMapping'] = craft()->config->get('iconMapping', 'redactoriconbuttons'); $iconAdminPath = craft()->path->getConfigPath() . 'redactoriconbuttons/icons.svg'; $iconPublicPath = craft()->config->get('iconFile', 'redactoriconbuttons'); if (IOHelper::fileExists($iconAdminPath)) { $config['iconFile'] = UrlHelper::getResourceUrl('config/redactoriconbuttons/icons.svg'); } elseif ($iconPublicPath) { $config['iconFile'] = craft()->config->parseEnvironmentString($iconPublicPath); } else { $config['iconFile'] = UrlHelper::getResourceUrl('redactoriconbuttons/icons/redactor-i.svg'); } // Include JS $config = JsonHelper::encode($config); $js = "var RedactorIconButtons = {}; RedactorIconButtons.config = {$config};"; craft()->templates->includeJs($js); craft()->templates->includeJsResource('redactoriconbuttons/redactoriconbuttons.js'); // Include CSS craft()->templates->includeCssResource('redactoriconbuttons/redactoriconbuttons.css'); // Add external spritemap support for IE9+ and Edge 12 $ieShim = craft()->config->get('ieShim', 'redactoriconbuttons'); if (filter_var($ieShim, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN)) { craft()->templates->includeJsResource('redactoriconbuttons/lib/svg4everybody.min.js'); craft()->templates->includeJs('svg4everybody();'); } }
/** * Returns the URL to a specific page * * @param int $page * * @return string|null */ public function getPageUrl($page) { if ($page >= 1 && $page <= $this->totalPages) { $path = craft()->request->getPath(); $params = array(); if ($page != 1) { $pageTrigger = craft()->config->get('pageTrigger'); if (!is_string($pageTrigger) || !strlen($pageTrigger)) { $pageTrigger = 'p'; } // Is this query string-based pagination? if ($pageTrigger[0] === '?') { $pageTrigger = trim($pageTrigger, '?='); if ($pageTrigger === 'p') { // Avoid conflict with the main 'p' param $pageTrigger = 'pg'; } $params = array($pageTrigger => $page); } else { if ($path) { $path .= '/'; } $path .= $pageTrigger . $page; } } return UrlHelper::getUrl($path, $params); } }
public function getInputHtml($name, $value) { // Include JavaScript & CSS craft()->templates->includeJsResource('simplemeta/simple.meta.js'); craft()->templates->includeCssResource('simplemeta/simple.meta.css'); // Whether any assets sources exist $sources = craft()->assets->findFolders(); $variables['assetsSourceExists'] = count($sources); // URL to create a new assets source $variables['newAssetsSourceUrl'] = UrlHelper::getUrl('settings/assets/sources/new'); if (!empty($value)) { $simpleMetaModel = SimpleMeta_SimpleMetaModel::populateModel($value); } else { $simpleMetaModel = new SimpleMeta_SimpleMetaModel(); $simpleMetaModel->handle = $name; } // Set assets $simplemetaAssets = array('socialOGImage' => $simpleMetaModel->socialOGImageId, 'socialTwitterGalleryImages' => $simpleMetaModel->socialTwitterGalleryImagesId, 'socialTwitterPhoto' => $simpleMetaModel->socialTwitterPhotoId, 'socialTwitterProductImage' => $simpleMetaModel->socialTwitterProductImageId, 'socialTwitterSummaryImage' => $simpleMetaModel->socialTwitterSummaryImageId, 'socialTwitterSummaryLargeImage' => $simpleMetaModel->socialTwitterSummaryLargeImageId); foreach ($simplemetaAssets as $key => $value) { if ($value) { $asset = craft()->elements->getElementById($value); $variables[$key . 'Elements'] = array($asset); $variables[$key . 'Id'] = $asset->id; } else { $variables[$key . 'Elements'] = array(); $variables[$key . 'Id'] = ""; } } // Set element type $variables['elementType'] = craft()->elements->getElementType(ElementType::Asset); $data = array_merge($simpleMetaModel->getAttributes(), $variables); return craft()->templates->render('simplemeta/input', $data); }
/** * @inheritDoc ITask::runStep() * * @param int $step * * @return bool */ public function runStep($step) { // NOTE: Perhaps much of this should be moved into a service $batch = \Guzzle\Batch\BatchBuilder::factory()->transferRequests(20)->bufferExceptions()->build(); // Make the client $client = new \Guzzle\Http\Client(); // Set the Accept header $client->setDefaultOption('headers/Accept', '*/*'); // Loop the paths in this step foreach ($this->_paths[$step] as $path) { // Make the url, stripping 'site:' from the path if it exists $newPath = preg_replace('/site:/', '', $path, 1); $url = UrlHelper::getSiteUrl($newPath); // Create the GET request $request = $client->get($url); // Add it to the batch $batch->add($request); } // Flush the queue and retrieve the flushed items $requests = $batch->flush(); // Log any exceptions foreach ($batch->getExceptions() as $e) { Craft::log('CacheMonster: an exception occurred: ' . $e->getMessage(), LogLevel::Error); } // Clear any exceptions $batch->clearExceptions(); return true; }
function admin_setup() { if ($this->layout) { $this->layout = $this->load->layout('admin'); } $default_utility = '/' . DEFAULT_MODULE . '/admin/' . DEFAULT_MODULE . 'admin'; if (!file_exists(APPD_APPLICATION . '/' . DEFAULT_MODULE . '/admin/' . DEFAULT_MODULE . 'admin.utility.php')) { $default_utility = '/admin/admin/adminadmin'; } $util = $this->load->utility($default_utility); $path = $util ? DEFAULT_MODULE . '/' . DEFAULT_MODULE : 'admin/index'; $default_config = array('roles' => array('admin' => array('home' => $path, 'modules' => '*')), 'time_limit' => 500, 'memory_limit' => '128M'); $this->config = array_merge($default_config, $this->config); $roles = array_keys($this->config['roles']); $this->plugin->Auth->addArea('admin-area', $roles); foreach ($roles as $role) { $this->plugin->Auth->addRole($role, array('member-area', 'admin-area', 'open-area')); } $this->plugin->Auth->authorize('admin-area', array('admin', 'node', 'node_process', 'error'), array(&$this, '_goLogin')); if (isset($this->config['language']) && $this->config['language'] != Lang::getCurrent()) { $this->helper->redirect->to(UrlHelper::current($this->config['language'])); } if (!ini_get('safe_mode') && is_callable('set_time_limit') && is_callable('ini_set')) { @set_time_limit($this->config['time_limit']); @ini_set("memory_limit", $this->config['memory_limit']); } }
public function __callStatic($funName, $argu) { if (($index = strpos($funName, "Url")) && !method_exists(UrlHelper, $funName)) { $type = strtolower(substr($funName, 0, $index)); return UrlHelper::CommonUrlHelper($type, $argu[0], $argu[1], $argu[2]); } }
/** * Crop user photo. * * @return null */ public function actionCropLogo() { $this->requireAjaxRequest(); $this->requireAdmin(); try { $x1 = craft()->request->getRequiredPost('x1'); $x2 = craft()->request->getRequiredPost('x2'); $y1 = craft()->request->getRequiredPost('y1'); $y2 = craft()->request->getRequiredPost('y2'); $source = craft()->request->getRequiredPost('source'); // Strip off any querystring info, if any. $source = UrlHelper::stripQueryString($source); $imagePath = craft()->path->getTempUploadsPath() . $source; if (IOHelper::fileExists($imagePath) && craft()->images->checkMemoryForImage($imagePath)) { $targetPath = craft()->path->getStoragePath() . 'logo/'; IOHelper::ensureFolderExists($targetPath); IOHelper::clearFolder($targetPath); craft()->images->loadImage($imagePath, 300, 300)->crop($x1, $x2, $y1, $y2)->scaleToFit(300, 300, false)->saveAs($targetPath . $source); IOHelper::deleteFile($imagePath); $html = craft()->templates->render('settings/general/_logo'); $this->returnJson(array('html' => $html)); } IOHelper::deleteFile($imagePath); } catch (Exception $exception) { $this->returnErrorJson($exception->getMessage()); } $this->returnErrorJson(Craft::t('Something went wrong when processing the logo.')); }
/** * Process Successful Login */ private function _handleSuccessfulLogin($setNotice) { // Get the current user $currentUser = craft()->userSession->getUser(); // Were they trying to access a URL beforehand? $returnUrl = craft()->userSession->getReturnUrl(null, true); if ($returnUrl === null || $returnUrl == craft()->request->getPath()) { // If this is a CP request and they can access the control panel, send them wherever // postCpLoginRedirect tells us if (craft()->request->isCpRequest() && $currentUser->can('accessCp')) { $postCpLoginRedirect = craft()->config->get('postCpLoginRedirect'); $returnUrl = UrlHelper::getCpUrl($postCpLoginRedirect); } else { // Otherwise send them wherever postLoginRedirect tells us $postLoginRedirect = craft()->config->get('postLoginRedirect'); $returnUrl = UrlHelper::getSiteUrl($postLoginRedirect); } } // If this was an Ajax request, just return success:true if (craft()->request->isAjaxRequest()) { $this->returnJson(array('success' => true, 'returnUrl' => $returnUrl)); } else { if ($setNotice) { craft()->userSession->setNotice(Craft::t('Logged in.')); } $this->redirectToPostedUrl($currentUser, $returnUrl); } }
function login_process() { $form = $this->load->form('login', $_POST); if (!$form->validate()) { Session::setFlash('next', $form->next->getValue()); $this->helper->redirect->flash(UrlHelper::referer(), $form->getId(), $form->getFlashParams()); } $values = $form->getValue(); if ($form->next->getValue()) { #Parameters 'auth' => 'login' are passed as a flash to the next page $this->view->setRedirect($form->next->getValue(), 'auth', 'login'); } else { $this->view->setRedirect('/'); } $user_id = $this->db->Auth->getUserId($values['username'], $values['password']); if (!$user_id && $this->config['old_password']) { $user_id = $this->db->Auth->getUserIdFromOldPassword($values['username'], $form->password->getRawValue()); } if (!$user_id) { $form->username->setErrorCode('invalid'); $this->helper->redirect->flash(UrlHelper::referer(), $form->getId(), $form->getFlashParams()); } if (!$this->db->Auth->isEnabled($user_id)) { $this->helper->redirect->flash(UrlHelper::referer(), $form->getId(), $form->getFlashParams()); } if (!$this->db->Auth->isActivated($user_id)) { $this->helper->redirect->to('/auth/unconfirmed'); } $this->plugin->Auth->login($user_id, $form->remember->isChecked(), $values['module']); }
/** * Edit an device. * * @param array $variables * * @throws HttpException */ public function actionEditDevice(array $variables = array()) { if (!empty($variables['appHandle'])) { $variables['app'] = craft()->pushNotifications_apps->getAppByHandle($variables['appHandle']); } elseif (!empty($variables['appId'])) { $variables['app'] = craft()->pushNotifications_apps->getAppById($variables['appId']); } if (empty($variables['app'])) { throw new HttpException(404); } // Now let's set up the actual device if (empty($variables['device'])) { if (!empty($variables['deviceId'])) { $variables['device'] = craft()->pushNotifications_devices->getDeviceById($variables['deviceId']); if (!$variables['device']) { throw new HttpException(404); } } else { $variables['device'] = new PushNotifications_DeviceModel(); $variables['device']->appId = $variables['app']->id; } } if (!$variables['device']->id) { $variables['title'] = Craft::t('Create a new device'); } else { $variables['title'] = $variables['device']->title; } // Breadcrumbs $variables['crumbs'] = array(array('label' => Craft::t('Push Notifications'), 'url' => UrlHelper::getUrl('pushnotifications')), array('label' => $variables['app']->name, 'url' => UrlHelper::getUrl('pushnotifications'))); // Set the "Continue Editing" URL $variables['continueEditingUrl'] = 'pushnotifications/devices/' . $variables['app']->handle . '/{id}'; // Render the template! $this->renderTemplate('pushnotifications/devices/_edit', $variables); }
/** * Install examples * * @return void */ public function actionInstall() { $this->_installExampleTemplates(); $this->_installExampleData(); craft()->userSession->setNotice(Craft::t('Examples successfully installed.')); $this->redirect(UrlHelper::getCpUrl() . '/sproutemail'); }
public function processRedirect($uri) { $records = $this->getAllRedirects(); $doRedirect = false; foreach ($records as $record) { $record = $record->attributes; // trim to tolerate whitespace in user entry $record['uri'] = trim($record['uri']); // type of match. 3 possibilities: // standard match (no *, no initial and final #) - regex_match = false // regex match (initial and final # (may also contain *)) - regex_match = true // wildcard match (no initial and final #, but does have *) - regex_match = true $regex_match = false; if (preg_match("/^#(.+)#\$/", $record['uri'], $matches)) { // all set to use the regex $regex_match = true; } elseif (strpos($record['uri'], "*")) { // not necessary to replace / with \/ here, but no harm to it either $record['uri'] = "#^" . str_replace(array("*", "/"), array("(.*)", "\\/"), $record['uri']) . '#'; $regex_match = true; } if ($regex_match) { if (preg_match($record['uri'], $uri)) { $redirectLocation = preg_replace($record['uri'], $record['location'], $uri); } } else { // Standard match if ($record['uri'] == $uri) { $redirectLocation = $record['location']; } } } return isset($redirectLocation) ? array("url" => strpos($record['location'], "http") === 0 ? $redirectLocation : UrlHelper::getSiteUrl($redirectLocation), "type" => $record['type']) : false; }
/** * Load Required Scripts * */ public function includeScripts($form) { // Ajax Submit Script if ($form->formSettings["ajaxSubmit"] == "1") { craft()->templates->includeJsFile(UrlHelper::getResourceUrl('formbuilder2/js/ajaxsubmit.js')); } $fieldLayout = $form->fieldLayout->getFieldLayout(); $fields = $fieldLayout->getFields(); foreach ($fields as $key => $value) { $field = $value->getField(); if ($field->type == 'Color') { // Colorpicker craft()->templates->includeCssFile(UrlHelper::getResourceUrl('formbuilder2/css/libs/colorpicker.css')); craft()->templates->includeJsFile(UrlHelper::getResourceUrl('formbuilder2/js/libs/colorpicker.js')); } elseif ($field->type == 'Date') { // Date & Time Picker craft()->templates->includeJsFile(UrlHelper::getResourceUrl('/lib/jquery-ui.min.js')); craft()->templates->includeJsFile(UrlHelper::getResourceUrl('lib/jquery.timepicker/jquery.timepicker.min.js')); craft()->templates->includeCssFile(UrlHelper::getResourceUrl('formbuilder2/css/libs/datetimepicker.css')); } elseif ($field->type == 'RichText') { // WYSIWYG Editor craft()->templates->includeCssResource('/lib/redactor/redactor.css'); craft()->templates->includeJsResource('/lib/redactor/redactor.min.js'); } elseif ($field->type == 'Lightswitch') { // Lightswitch craft()->templates->includeCssFile(UrlHelper::getResourceUrl('formbuilder2/css/libs/lightswitch.css')); } } return; }
public function init() { parent::init(); $user = craft()->userSession->getUser(); if (craft()->request->isCpRequest()) { $allNavs = craft()->cpNav_nav->getDefaultOrUserNavs(); if ($user) { if ($this->getSettings()->showQuickAddMenu && $user->can('quickAddMenu')) { $this->insertJsForQuickMenuAdd($allNavs); } } if ($allNavs) { foreach ($allNavs as $nav) { // Allow links to be opened in new window - insert some small JS if ($nav->newWindow) { $this->insertJsForNewWindow($nav); } // Check to ensure this page is enabled - otherwise simply redirect to first available menu item if (craft()->request->path == $nav->url) { if (!$nav->enabled) { $enabledNavs = craft()->cpNav_nav->getAllNavsByAttributes(array('enabled' => true)); // We're on a page that's disabled - redirect to the first enabled one! craft()->request->redirect(UrlHelper::getUrl($enabledNavs[0]->url)); } } else { if (craft()->request->path == preg_replace(sprintf('/^(https?:\\/\\/)?(%s)?\\/?%s\\//', preg_quote(craft()->getSiteUrl(''), '/'), preg_quote(craft()->config->get('cpTrigger')), '/'), '', $nav->url) && $nav->enabled && $nav->manualNav) { // Add some JavaScript to correct the selected nav item for manually added navigation items. // Have to do this with JavaScript for now as the nav item selection is made after the modifyCpNav hook. $this->insertJsForManualNavSelection($nav); } } } } } }
/** * Edit a Redirect. * * @param array $variables * @throws HttpException */ public function actionEditRedirect(array $variables = array()) { //Get method options $variables['methodOptions'] = sproutSeo()->redirects->getMethods(); //Set title $variables['subTitle'] = Craft::t('Create a new redirect'); // Now let's set up the actual redirect if (empty($variables['redirect'])) { if (!empty($variables['redirectId'])) { //Set title $variables['subTitle'] = Craft::t('Edit redirect'); $variables['redirect'] = sproutSeo()->redirects->getRedirectById($variables['redirectId']); if (!$variables['redirect']) { throw new HttpException(404); } } else { $variables['redirect'] = new SproutSeo_RedirectModel(); } } // Set the "Continue Editing" URL $variables['continueEditingUrl'] = 'sproutseo/redirects/{id}'; // Breadcrumbs $variables['crumbs'] = array(array('label' => Craft::t('Redirects'), 'url' => UrlHelper::getUrl('redirects'))); $this->renderTemplate('sproutseo/redirects/_edit', $variables); }
/** * Returns the element's CP edit URL. * * @return string|false */ public function getCpEditUrl() { $app = $this->getApp(); if ($app) { return UrlHelper::getCpUrl('pushnotifications/devices/' . $app->handle . '/' . $this->id); } }
/** * Upload a logo for the admin panel. */ public function actionUploadLogo() { $this->requireAjaxRequest(); $this->requireAdmin(); // Upload the file and drop it in the temporary folder $uploader = new \qqFileUploader(); try { // Make sure a file was uploaded if ($uploader->file && $uploader->file->getSize()) { $folderPath = craft()->path->getTempUploadsPath(); IOHelper::ensureFolderExists($folderPath); IOHelper::clearFolder($folderPath, true); $fileName = IOHelper::cleanFilename($uploader->file->getName()); $uploader->file->save($folderPath . $fileName); // Test if we will be able to perform image actions on this image if (!craft()->images->setMemoryForImage($folderPath . $fileName)) { IOHelper::deleteFile($folderPath . $fileName); $this->returnErrorJson(Craft::t('The uploaded image is too large')); } craft()->images->cleanImage($folderPath . $fileName); $constraint = 500; list($width, $height) = getimagesize($folderPath . $fileName); // If the file is in the format badscript.php.gif perhaps. if ($width && $height) { // Never scale up the images, so make the scaling factor always <= 1 $factor = min($constraint / $width, $constraint / $height, 1); $html = craft()->templates->render('_components/tools/cropper_modal', array('imageUrl' => UrlHelper::getResourceUrl('tempuploads/' . $fileName), 'width' => round($width * $factor), 'height' => round($height * $factor), 'factor' => $factor)); $this->returnJson(array('html' => $html)); } } } catch (Exception $exception) { $this->returnErrorJson($exception->getMessage()); } $this->returnErrorJson(Craft::t('There was an error uploading your photo')); }
private function _loadCodeMirror() { if ($this->_actualSettingsPage()) { craft()->templates->includeCssResource('cpcss/css/codemirror.css'); craft()->templates->includeCssResource('cpcss/css/blackboard.css'); craft()->templates->includeJsResource('cpcss/js/codemirror-css.js'); craft()->templates->includeJs(' $(function () { var $redirect = $("' . addslashes('input[type="hidden"][name="redirect"][value$="settings/plugins"]') . '"), $saveBtn = $("' . addslashes('input[type="submit"') . '").wrap("' . addslashes('<div class="btngroup" />') . '"), $menuBtn = $("' . addslashes('<div class="btn submit menubtn" />') . '").appendTo($saveBtn.parent()), $menu = $("' . addslashes('<div class="menu" />') . '").appendTo($saveBtn.parent()), $items = $("<ul />").appendTo($menu), $continueOpt = $("' . addslashes('<li><a class="formsubmit" data-redirect="' . UrlHelper::getCpUrl('settings/plugins/cpcss') . '">' . Craft::t('Save and continue editing') . '<span class="shortcut">' . (craft()->request->getClientOs() === 'Mac' ? '⌘' : 'Ctrl+') . 'S</span></a></li>') . '").appendTo($items); new Garnish.MenuBtn($menuBtn, { onOptionSelect : function (option) { Craft.cp.submitPrimaryForm(); } }); $saveBtn.on("click", function (e) { $redirect.attr("value", "' . UrlHelper::getCpUrl('settings/plugins') . '"); }); $redirect.attr("value", "' . UrlHelper::getCpUrl('settings/plugins/cpcss') . '"); CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById("settings-additionalCss"), { indentUnit: 4, styleActiveLine: true, lineNumbers: true, lineWrapping: true, theme: "blackboard" }); });', true); } }
function setupThumbs($filedef, $imagedef) { $path_helper = new PathHelper(); foreach ($imagedef['thumbs'] as &$thumb) { $thumb[1] = $path_helper->join(array($imagedef['base_dir'], $thumb[1], $filedef['filename']), '/'); } if ($imagedef['admin_dir'] !== false) { #For the list $path_1 = $path_helper->join(array('{public}/' . DEFAULT_MODULE . '/admin', $imagedef['admin_dir'], 'small', $filedef['value']), '/'); $admin_thumb_1 = array('crop', $path_1, 30, 30); $imagedef['thumbs'][] = $admin_thumb_1; #For the gallery $path_2 = $path_helper->join(array('{public}/' . DEFAULT_MODULE . '/admin', $imagedef['admin_dir'], $filedef['value']), '/'); $admin_thumb_2 = array('filled', $path_2, 160); $imagedef['thumbs'][] = $admin_thumb_2; } $thumbs = $imagedef['thumbs']; if ($thumbs) { $last = $thumbs[count($thumbs) - 1]; $parts = explode('/', $last[1]); $dir = implode('/', array_slice($parts, 3, count($parts) - 4)); $this->setBasePath(UrlHelper::resource('/' . DEFAULT_MODULE . '/admin/' . $dir)); } $this->setThumbsTarget($thumbs); }
/** * Get all available entries to edit from a section. * * @param array $variables * * @return array */ public function editEntry($variables) { if (!isset($variables['sectionHandle'])) { return false; } // Gather commands $commands = array(); // Find entries $criteria = array('section' => $variables['sectionHandle'], 'locale' => craft()->language); $entries = craft()->amCommand_elements->getElements(ElementType::Entry, $criteria); if (!$entries) { craft()->amCommand->setReturnMessage(Craft::t('No entries in this section exist yet.')); } else { foreach ($entries as $entry) { // Get CP edit URL $url = UrlHelper::getCpUrl('entries/' . $variables['sectionHandle'] . '/' . $entry['id'] . ($entry['slug'] ? '-' . $entry['slug'] : '')); if (craft()->isLocalized()) { $url .= '/' . craft()->language; } // Add command $commands[] = array('name' => $entry['title'], 'info' => Craft::t('URI') . ': ' . $entry['uri'], 'url' => $url); } } return $commands; }
/** * @inheritDoc BaseElementModel::getCpEditUrl() * * @return string|false */ public function getCpEditUrl() { $group = $this->getGroup(); if ($group) { return UrlHelper::getCpUrl('tagmanager/' . $group->handle . '/' . $this->id); } }