'st_edu' => $st_edu, 'st_edu_sel' => key($st_edu) ));*/ $KoolControlsFolder = '../../KoolPHPSuite/KoolControls'; require_once $KoolControlsFolder . '/KoolSlideMenu/koolslidemenu.php'; require_once $KoolControlsFolder . '/KoolAjax/koolajax.php'; include_once '../private/class/StuReg/RegPage.php'; $ksm = new KoolSlideMenu("ksm"); $ksm->styleFolder = $KoolControlsFolder . "KoolSlideMenu/styles/apple"; $ksm_expand = $ksm->addParent("root", "step1", "第一步:帐号信息"); $ksm->addPanel("step1", "Pstep1", Step_1()); $ksm->addParent("root", "step2", "<span class='hid' id='wstep2' >第二步 : 用户基本资料 </span>"); $ksm->addPanel("step2", "Pstep2", Step_2()); $ksm->singleExpand = true; $ksm->width = "100%"; $regisForm = new UpdatePanel("regisForm"); $regisForm->setLoading("../../KoolPHPSuite/KoolControls/KoolAjax/loading/1.gif", "white", 50); // $stepDone = ( isset( $_POST["task"] ) && $_POST[ "task" ] == "done" ) ? true : false ; $return = ' <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <link rel="icon" href="images/StuReg/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" /> <link href="css/common.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <link href="css/StuReg.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="jquery-ui/development-bundle/themes/base/jquery.ui.all.css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="script/jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="script/common.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="script/StuReg.js"></script> ' . $ksm->render() . '<script type="text/javascript"> ksm.registerEvent("OnBeforeExpand",OnBeforeExpand_handle); </script> ';
function RenderUpdatePanel() { $html = ""; $html .= "<table>"; $html .= "<tr>"; $html .= "<td style='padding:3px;width:50px;'>Continent:</td>"; $html .= "<td style='padding:3px;'>"; //Continent $html .= "<select id='selContinent' name='selContinent' style='width:100px' onchange='do_update()'>"; $html .= "<option value='--'>--</option>"; $result = mysql_query("select ContinentID,ContinentName from kcb_tbcontinents"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $_selected = false; if (isset($_POST["selContinent"]) && $_POST["selContinent"] == $row["ContinentID"]) { $_selected = true; } $html .= "<option value='" . $row["ContinentID"] . "' " . ($_selected ? "selected" : "") . ">" . $row["ContinentName"] . "</option>"; } $html .= "</select>"; $html .= "</td>"; $html .= "</tr>"; $html .= "<tr>"; $html .= "<td style='padding:3px;'>Country:</td>"; $html .= "<td style='padding:3px;'>"; //Country if (isset($_POST["selContinent"]) && $_POST["selContinent"] != "--") { $html .= "<select id='selCountry' name='selCountry' style='width:100px' >"; $html .= "<option value='--'>--</option>"; $result = mysql_query("select CountryName from kcb_tbcountries where ContinentID=" . $_POST["selContinent"]); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $_selected = false; if (isset($_POST["selCountry"]) && $_POST["selCountry"] == $row["CountryName"]) { $_selected = true; } $html .= "<option value='" . $row["CountryName"] . "' " . ($_selected ? "selected" : "") . ">" . $row["CountryName"] . "</option>"; } $html .= "</select>"; } else { $html .= "<select id='selCountry' name='selCountries' style='width:100px' disabled></select>"; } $html .= "</td>"; $html .= "</tr>"; $html .= "</table>"; $myPanel = new UpdatePanel("myPanel"); $myPanel->content = $html; $myPanel->setLoading("../../../../KoolControls/KoolAjax/loading/5.gif"); return $myPanel->Render(); }
{ $content = "<h4 style='color:$color'>This style is : </h4>" ."<div>Image = <i>$img</i></div>" ."<div>BackColor = <i>$bgcolor</i></div>" ."<div>Opacity = <i>$opacity%</i></div>" ."<div align='center' >" ."<input type='button' id='btn$numb' value='View the effect' /></div>"; return $content; } // UpdatePannel declare $StyleUpdate1 = new UpdatePanel( "StyleUpdate1" ); $StyleUpdate2 = new UpdatePanel( "StyleUpdate2" ); $StyleUpdate3 = new UpdatePanel( "StyleUpdate3" ); $StyleUpdate4 = new UpdatePanel( "StyleUpdate4" ); // each panel has its own style to describe in its content . $StyleUpdate1->content = content( "picture #1" , "white" , 50 , 1 , "green" ); $StyleUpdate2->content = content( "picture #4" , "#f4f4f4" , 70 , 2 , "orange" ); $StyleUpdate3->content = content( "picture #3" , "#f4f599" , 55 , 3 , "blue" ); $StyleUpdate4->content = content( "picture #9" , "(blank)" , 25 , 4 , "brown" ); // Add the event update for the button to 4 updatepanel $StyleUpdate1->addTrigger( "btn1" , 'onclick' ); $StyleUpdate2->addTrigger( "btn2" , 'onclick' ); $StyleUpdate3->addTrigger( "btn3" , 'onclick' ); $StyleUpdate4->addTrigger( "btn4" , 'onclick' ); // 4 UpdatePanel have the same css style $StyleUpdate1->cssclass = $StyleUpdate2->cssclass = $StyleUpdate3->cssclass = $StyleUpdate4->cssclass = "cssStyle"; // each loading $StyleUpdate1->setLoading("$KoolControlsFolder/KoolAjax/loading/1.gif" , "white" , 50 ); $StyleUpdate2->setLoading("$KoolControlsFolder/KoolAjax/loading/4.gif" , "#f4f4f4" , 70 );
$ksm->scriptFolder = $KoolControlsFolder."/KoolSlideMenu"; $ksm->styleFolder = $KoolControlsFolder."KoolSlideMenu/styles/darkgray"; $ksm_expand = $ksm->addParent("root","step1","Step1 : Account information"); $ksm->addPanel( "step1", "Pstep1" , echoStep1() ) ; $ksm_expand->expand = true ; $ksm->addParent("root","step2","<span class='hid' id='wstep2' >Step2 : Newsletter options </span>"); $ksm->addPanel( "step2", "Pstep2" , echoStep2() ) ; $ksm->addParent("root","step3","<span class='hid' id='wstep3' >Step3 : Terms of use </span>"); $ksm->addPanel( "step3", "Pstep3" , echoStep3() ) ; $ksm->singleExpand = true; $ksm->width="500px"; $regisForm = new UpdatePanel( "regisForm" ) ; $regisForm->setLoading("$KoolControlsFolder/koolajax/loading/1.gif" , "white" , 50 ); $stepDone = ( isset( $_POST["task"] ) && $_POST[ "task" ] == "done" ) ? true : false ; if( $stepDone ) { $return = '<div style="height:auto;width:500px;" id="registration-form"> <div id="my-tit" >Registration form</div><br/> <div >'; $return .= echoResult( $_POST[ "data" ]) ; $return .= '</div>'; }else{ $return = ' <script type="text/javascript" src="functions.js"></script> <div style="height:auto;width:500px;" id="registration-form"> <div id="my-tit" >Registration form</div><br/> <div >'. $ksm->Render(). '</div>
sleep(1); } include_once "functions.php"; $ksm = new KoolSlideMenu("ksm"); $ksm->scriptFolder = $KoolControlsFolder . "/KoolSlideMenu"; $ksm->styleFolder = $KoolControlsFolder . "KoolSlideMenu/styles/darkgray"; $ksm_expand = $ksm->addParent("root", "step1", "Step1 : Account information"); $ksm->addPanel("step1", "Pstep1", echoStep1()); $ksm_expand->expand = true; $ksm->addParent("root", "step2", "<span class='hid' id='wstep2' >Step2 : Newsletter options </span>"); $ksm->addPanel("step2", "Pstep2", echoStep2()); $ksm->addParent("root", "step3", "<span class='hid' id='wstep3' >Step3 : Terms of use </span>"); $ksm->addPanel("step3", "Pstep3", echoStep3()); $ksm->singleExpand = true; $ksm->width = "500px"; $regisForm = new UpdatePanel("regisForm"); $regisForm->setLoading("{$KoolControlsFolder}/koolajax/loading/1.gif", "white", 50); $stepDone = isset($_POST["task"]) && $_POST["task"] == "done" ? true : false; if ($stepDone) { $return = '<div style="height:auto;width:500px;" id="registration-form"> <div id="my-tit" >Registration form</div><br/> <div >'; $return .= echoResult($_POST["data"]); $return .= '</div>'; } else { $return = ' <script type="text/javascript" src="functions.js"></script> <div style="height:auto;width:500px;" id="registration-form"> <div id="my-tit" >Registration form</div><br/> <div >' . $ksm->Render() . '</div> <input type="hidden" name="data" value="" /> <input type="hidden" name="task" value="" />