Exemplo n.º 1
  * Setup the test environment.
 public function setUp()
     // 'artisan migrate --database' option is the connection to use
     // as usually available in config/database.php
     // uncomment to enable route filters if your package defines routes with filters
     // $this->app['router']->enableFilters();
     // call migrations for packages upon which our package depends, e.g. Cartalyst/Sentry
     // not necessary if your package doesn't depend on another package that requires
     // running migrations for proper installation
     /* uncomment as necessary
        $this->artisan('migrate', [
            '--database' => 'testbench',
            '--path'     => '../vendor/cartalyst/sentry/src/migrations',
     // call migrations specific to our tests, e.g. to seed the db
     // the path option should be relative to the 'path.database'
     // path unless `--path` option is available.
     /*$this->artisan('migrate', [
           '--database' => 'testbench',
           '--realpath' => realpath(__DIR__.'/migrations'),
     // call seeds specific to our tests, e.g. to seed the db
     // the path option should be relative to the 'path.database'
     // path unless `--path` option is available.
     /*$this->artisan('db:seed', [
           '--database' => 'testbench',
           '--class' => 'Microffice\Units\Tests\UnitsSeeder'
  * Setup the test environment.
 public function setUp()