Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: friend.php Projeto: anqh/anqh
     * Render view.
     * @return  string
    public function render()

<li class="media">
	<div class="pull-left">
        echo HTML::avatar($this->user['avatar'], $this->user['username']);
	<div class="media-body">

        if (Visitor::$user && !Visitor::$user->is_friend($this->user)) {
            echo HTML::anchor(URL::user($this->user, 'friend') . '?token=' . Security::csrf(), '<i class="fa fa-heart"></i> ' . __('Add to friends'), array('class' => 'ajaxify btn btn-lovely btn-sm pull-right', 'data-ajaxify-target' => 'li.media'));

        echo HTML::user($this->user);
<br />
        if ($this->common) {
            echo __(':friends mutual friends', array(':friends' => $this->common));
</small><br />


        return ob_get_clean();
Exemplo n.º 2
     * Render view.
     * @return  string
    public function content()
        $ignores = array();
        foreach ($this->user->find_ignores() as $ignore_id) {
            $ignore = Model_User::find_user_light($ignore_id);
            $ignores[$ignores['username']] = $ignore;
        ksort($ignores, SORT_LOCALE_STRING);

<ul class="media-list">
        foreach ($ignores as $ignore) {

	<li class="media">
		<div class="pull-left">
            echo HTML::avatar($ignore['avatar'], $ignore['username']);
		<div class="media-body">
            echo HTML::user($ignore);
<br />
            echo HTML::anchor(URL::user($ignore, 'unignore') . '?token=' . Security::csrf(), '<i class="fa fa-ban"></i> ' . __('Unignore'), array('class' => 'btn btn-default btn-sm ignore-delete'));


        return ob_get_clean();
Exemplo n.º 3
function getLastPosts($latestPostOptions)
    global $scripturl, $txt, $user_info, $modSettings, $smcFunc, $context;
    // Find all the posts.  Newer ones will have higher IDs.  (assuming the last 20 * number are accessable...)
    // !!!SLOW This query is now slow, NEEDS to be fixed.  Maybe break into two?
    $request = smf_db_query('
			m.poster_time, m.subject, m.id_topic, m.id_member, m.id_msg, b.name, m1.subject AS first_subject,
			IFNULL(mem.real_name, m.poster_name) AS poster_name, t.id_board, b.name AS board_name,
			SUBSTRING(m.body, 1, 385) AS body, m.smileys_enabled
		FROM {db_prefix}messages AS m
			INNER JOIN {db_prefix}topics AS t ON (t.id_topic = m.id_topic)
			INNER JOIN {db_prefix}boards AS b ON (b.id_board = t.id_board)
			INNER JOIN {db_prefix}messages AS m1 ON (m1.id_msg = t.id_first_msg)
			LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}members AS mem ON (mem.id_member = m.id_member)
		WHERE m.id_msg >= {int:likely_max_msg}' . (!empty($modSettings['recycle_enable']) && $modSettings['recycle_board'] > 0 ? '
			AND b.id_board != {int:recycle_board}' : '') . '
			AND {query_wanna_see_board}' . ($modSettings['postmod_active'] ? '
			AND t.approved = {int:is_approved}
			AND m.approved = {int:is_approved}' : '') . '
		ORDER BY m.id_msg DESC
		LIMIT ' . $latestPostOptions['number_posts'], array('likely_max_msg' => max(0, $modSettings['maxMsgID'] - 50 * $latestPostOptions['number_posts']), 'recycle_board' => $modSettings['recycle_board'], 'is_approved' => 1));
    $posts = array();
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($request)) {
        // Censor the subject and post for the preview ;).
        $row['body'] = strip_tags(strtr(parse_bbc($row['body'], $row['smileys_enabled'], $row['id_msg']), array('<br />' => '&#10;')));
        if (commonAPI::strlen($row['body']) > 128) {
            $row['body'] = commonAPI::substr($row['body'], 0, 128) . '...';
        $bhref = URL::board($row['id_board'], $row['board_name'], 0, true);
        $mhref = URL::user($row['id_member'], $row['poster_name']);
        $thref = URL::topic($row['id_topic'], $row['first_subject'], 0, false, '.msg' . $row['id_msg'], ';topicseen#msg' . $row['id_msg']);
        // Build the array.
        $posts[] = array('board' => array('id' => $row['id_board'], 'name' => $row['board_name'], 'href' => $bhref, 'link' => '<a href="' . $bhref . '">' . $row['board_name'] . '</a>'), 'topic' => $row['id_topic'], 'poster' => array('id' => $row['id_member'], 'name' => $row['poster_name'], 'href' => empty($row['id_member']) ? '' : $mhref, 'link' => empty($row['id_member']) ? $row['poster_name'] : '<a href="' . $mhref . '">' . $row['poster_name'] . '</a>'), 'subject' => $row['subject'], 'short_subject' => shorten_subject($row['subject'], 35), 'preview' => $row['body'], 'time' => timeformat($row['poster_time']), 'timestamp' => forum_time(true, $row['poster_time']), 'raw_timestamp' => $row['poster_time'], 'href' => $thref, 'link' => '<a href="' . $thref . '" rel="nofollow">' . $row['first_subject'] . '</a>');
    return $posts;
Exemplo n.º 4
     * Render view.
     * @return  string
    public function content()
        $ignores = array();
        foreach ($this->user->find_ignores() as $ignore_id) {
            $ignore = Model_User::find_user_light($ignore_id);
            $ignores[$ignores['username']] = $ignore;
        ksort($ignores, SORT_LOCALE_STRING);

<ul class="unstyled">
        foreach ($ignores as $ignore) {

	<li class="row-fluid">
            echo HTML::avatar($ignore['avatar'], $ignore['username']);
            echo HTML::user($ignore);
<br />
            echo HTML::anchor(URL::user($ignore, 'unignore') . '?token=' . Security::csrf(), '<i class="icon-ban-circle icon-white"></i> ' . __('Unignore'), array('class' => 'btn btn-inverse btn-small ignore-delete'));


        return ob_get_clean();
Exemplo n.º 5
function getBoardParents($id_parent)
    // First check if we have this cached already.
    if (($boards = CacheAPI::getCache('board_parents-' . $id_parent, 480)) === null) {
        $boards = array();
        $original_parent = $id_parent;
        // Loop while the parent is non-zero.
        while ($id_parent != 0) {
            $result = smf_db_query('
					b.id_parent, b.name, {int:board_parent} AS id_board, IFNULL(mem.id_member, 0) AS id_moderator,
					mem.real_name, b.child_level
				FROM {db_prefix}boards AS b
					LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}moderators AS mods ON (mods.id_board = b.id_board)
					LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}members AS mem ON (mem.id_member = mods.id_member)
				WHERE b.id_board = {int:board_parent}', array('board_parent' => $id_parent));
            // In the EXTREMELY unlikely event this happens, give an error message.
            if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) {
                fatal_lang_error('parent_not_found', 'critical');
            while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
                if (!isset($boards[$row['id_board']])) {
                    $id_parent = $row['id_parent'];
                    $boards[$row['id_board']] = array('url' => URL::board($row['id_board'], $row['name'], 0), 'name' => $row['name'], 'level' => $row['child_level'], 'moderators' => array());
                // If a moderator exists for this board, add that moderator for all children too.
                if (!empty($row['id_moderator'])) {
                    foreach ($boards as $id => $dummy) {
                        $mhref = URL::user($row['id_moderator'], $row['real_name']);
                        $boards[$id]['moderators'][$row['id_moderator']] = array('id' => $row['id_moderator'], 'name' => $row['real_name'], 'href' => $mhref, 'link' => '<a href="' . $mhref . '">' . $row['real_name'] . '</a>');
        CacheAPI::putCache('board_parents-' . $original_parent, $boards, 480);
    return $boards;
Exemplo n.º 6
function getBoardIndex($boardIndexOptions)
    global $smcFunc, $scripturl, $user_info, $modSettings, $txt;
    global $settings, $context;
    // For performance, track the latest post while going through the boards.
    if (!empty($boardIndexOptions['set_latest_post'])) {
        $latest_post = array('timestamp' => 0, 'ref' => 0);
    // Find all boards and categories, as well as related information.  This will be sorted by the natural order of boards and categories, which we control.
    $result_boards = smf_db_query('
		SELECT' . ($boardIndexOptions['include_categories'] ? '
			c.id_cat, c.name AS cat_name, c.description AS cat_desc,' : '') . '
			b.id_board, b.name AS board_name, b.description, b.redirect, b.icon AS boardicon,
			CASE WHEN b.redirect != {string:blank_string} THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS is_redirect,
			b.num_posts, b.num_topics, b.unapproved_posts, b.unapproved_topics, b.id_parent, b.allow_topics,
			IFNULL(m.poster_time, 0) AS poster_time, IFNULL(mem.member_name, m.poster_name) AS poster_name,
			m.subject, m1.subject AS first_subject, m.id_topic, t.id_first_msg AS id_first_msg, t.id_prefix, m1.icon AS icon, IFNULL(mem.real_name, m.poster_name) AS real_name, p.name as topic_prefix,
			' . ($user_info['is_guest'] ? ' 1 AS is_read, 0 AS new_from,' : '
			(IFNULL(lb.id_msg, 0) >= b.id_msg_updated) AS is_read, IFNULL(lb.id_msg, -1) + 1 AS new_from,' . ($boardIndexOptions['include_categories'] ? '
			c.can_collapse, IFNULL(cc.id_member, 0) AS is_collapsed,' : '')) . '
			IFNULL(mem.id_member, 0) AS id_member, m.id_msg,
			IFNULL(mods_mem.id_member, 0) AS id_moderator, mods_mem.real_name AS mod_real_name
		FROM {db_prefix}boards AS b' . ($boardIndexOptions['include_categories'] ? '
			LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}categories AS c ON (c.id_cat = b.id_cat)' : '') . '
			LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}messages AS m ON (m.id_msg = b.id_last_msg)
			LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}topics AS t ON (t.id_topic = m.id_topic)
			LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}prefixes AS p ON (p.id_prefix = t.id_prefix)
			LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}messages AS m1 ON (m1.id_msg = t.id_first_msg)
			LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}members AS mem ON (mem.id_member = m.id_member)' . ($user_info['is_guest'] ? '' : '
			LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}log_boards AS lb ON (lb.id_board = b.id_board AND lb.id_member = {int:current_member})' . ($boardIndexOptions['include_categories'] ? '
			LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}collapsed_categories AS cc ON (cc.id_cat = c.id_cat AND cc.id_member = {int:current_member})' : '')) . '
			LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}moderators AS mods ON (mods.id_board = b.id_board)
			LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}members AS mods_mem ON (mods_mem.id_member = mods.id_member)
		WHERE {query_see_board}' . (empty($boardIndexOptions['countChildPosts']) ? empty($boardIndexOptions['base_level']) ? '' : '
			AND b.child_level >= {int:child_level}' : '
			AND b.child_level BETWEEN ' . $boardIndexOptions['base_level'] . ' AND ' . ($boardIndexOptions['base_level'] + 1)), array('current_member' => $user_info['id'], 'child_level' => $boardIndexOptions['base_level'], 'blank_string' => ''));
    // Start with an empty array.
    if ($boardIndexOptions['include_categories']) {
        $categories = array();
    } else {
        $this_category = array();
    $total_ignored_boards = 0;
    // Run through the categories and boards (or only boards)....
    while ($row_board = mysql_fetch_assoc($result_boards)) {
        // Perhaps we are ignoring this board?
        $ignoreThisBoard = in_array($row_board['id_board'], $user_info['ignoreboards']);
        $total_ignored_boards += $ignoreThisBoard ? 1 : 0;
        $row_board['is_read'] = !empty($row_board['is_read']) || $ignoreThisBoard ? '1' : '0';
        if ($boardIndexOptions['include_categories']) {
            // Haven't set this category yet.
            if (empty($categories[$row_board['id_cat']])) {
                $categories[$row_board['id_cat']] = array('id' => $row_board['id_cat'], 'name' => $row_board['cat_name'], 'desc' => $row_board['cat_desc'], 'is_collapsed' => isset($row_board['can_collapse']) && $row_board['can_collapse'] == 1 && $row_board['is_collapsed'] > 0, 'can_collapse' => isset($row_board['can_collapse']) && $row_board['can_collapse'] == 1, 'collapse_href' => isset($row_board['can_collapse']) ? $scripturl . '?action=collapse;c=' . $row_board['id_cat'] . ';sa=' . ($row_board['is_collapsed'] > 0 ? 'expand;' : 'collapse;') . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id'] . '#c' . $row_board['id_cat'] : '', 'collapse_image' => isset($row_board['can_collapse']) ? '<img class="clipsrc ' . ($row_board['is_collapsed'] ? ' _expand' : '_collapse') . '" src="' . $settings['images_url'] . '/clipsrc.png" alt="-" />' : '', 'href' => $scripturl . '#c' . $row_board['id_cat'], 'boards' => array(), 'is_root' => $row_board['cat_name'][0] === '!' ? true : false, 'new' => false);
                $categories[$row_board['id_cat']]['link'] = '<a id="c' . $row_board['id_cat'] . '"></a>' . ($categories[$row_board['id_cat']]['can_collapse'] ? '<a href="' . $categories[$row_board['id_cat']]['collapse_href'] . '">' . $row_board['cat_name'] . '</a>' : $row_board['cat_name']);
            // If this board has new posts in it (and isn't the recycle bin!) then the category is new.
            if (empty($modSettings['recycle_enable']) || $modSettings['recycle_board'] != $row_board['id_board']) {
                $categories[$row_board['id_cat']]['new'] |= empty($row_board['is_read']) && $row_board['poster_name'] != '';
            // Avoid showing category unread link where it only has redirection boards.
            $categories[$row_board['id_cat']]['show_unread'] = !empty($categories[$row_board['id_cat']]['show_unread']) ? 1 : !$row_board['is_redirect'];
            // Collapsed category - don't do any of this.
            //if ($categories[$row_board['id_cat']]['is_collapsed'])
            //	continue;
            // Let's save some typing.  Climbing the array might be slower, anyhow.
            $this_category =& $categories[$row_board['id_cat']]['boards'];
        // This is a parent board.
        if ($row_board['id_parent'] == $boardIndexOptions['parent_id']) {
            // Is this a new board, or just another moderator?
            if (!isset($this_category[$row_board['id_board']])) {
                // Not a child.
                $isChild = false;
                $href = URL::board($row_board['id_board'], $row_board['board_name'], 0, false);
                $this_category[$row_board['id_board']] = array('new' => empty($row_board['is_read']), 'id' => $row_board['id_board'], 'name' => $row_board['board_name'], 'description' => $row_board['description'], 'moderators' => array(), 'link_moderators' => array(), 'children' => array(), 'link_children' => array(), 'children_new' => false, 'topics' => $row_board['num_topics'], 'posts' => $row_board['num_posts'], 'is_redirect' => $row_board['is_redirect'], 'is_page' => !empty($row_board['redirect']) && $row_board['redirect'][0] === '%' && intval(substr($row_board['redirect'], 1)) > 0, 'redirect' => $row_board['redirect'], 'boardicon' => $row_board['boardicon'], 'unapproved_topics' => $row_board['unapproved_topics'], 'unapproved_posts' => $row_board['unapproved_posts'] - $row_board['unapproved_topics'], 'can_approve_posts' => !empty($user_info['mod_cache']['ap']) && ($user_info['mod_cache']['ap'] == array(0) || in_array($row_board['id_board'], $user_info['mod_cache']['ap'])), 'href' => $href, 'link' => '<a href="' . $href . '">' . $row_board['board_name'] . '</a>', 'act_as_cat' => $row_board['allow_topics'] ? false : true, 'ignored' => $ignoreThisBoard);
                $this_category[$row_board['id_board']]['page_link'] = $this_category[$row_board['id_board']]['is_page'] ? URL::topic(intval(substr($this_category[$row_board['id_board']]['redirect'], 1)), $this_category[$row_board['id_board']]['name'], 0) : '';
            if (!empty($row_board['id_moderator'])) {
                $this_category[$row_board['id_board']]['moderators'][$row_board['id_moderator']] = array('id' => $row_board['id_moderator'], 'name' => $row_board['mod_real_name'], 'href' => $scripturl . '?action=profile;u=' . $row_board['id_moderator'], 'link' => '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=profile;u=' . $row_board['id_moderator'] . '" title="' . $txt['board_moderator'] . '">' . $row_board['mod_real_name'] . '</a>');
                $this_category[$row_board['id_board']]['link_moderators'][] = '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=profile;u=' . $row_board['id_moderator'] . '" title="' . $txt['board_moderator'] . '">' . $row_board['mod_real_name'] . '</a>';
        } elseif (isset($this_category[$row_board['id_parent']]['children']) && !isset($this_category[$row_board['id_parent']]['children'][$row_board['id_board']])) {
            // A valid child!
            $isChild = true;
            $href = URL::board($row_board['id_board'], $row_board['board_name'], 0, false);
            $this_category[$row_board['id_parent']]['children'][$row_board['id_board']] = array('id' => $row_board['id_board'], 'name' => $row_board['board_name'], 'description' => $row_board['description'], 'short_description' => !empty($row_board['description']) ? $modSettings['child_board_desc_shortened'] ? '(' . commonAPI::substr($row_board['description'], 0, $modSettings['child_board_desc_shortened']) . '...)' : '(' . $row_board['description'] . ')' : '', 'new' => empty($row_board['is_read']) && $row_board['poster_name'] != '', 'topics' => $row_board['num_topics'], 'posts' => $row_board['num_posts'], 'is_redirect' => $row_board['is_redirect'], 'is_page' => !empty($row_board['redirect']) && $row_board['redirect'][0] === '%' && intval(substr($row_board['redirect'], 1)) > 0, 'redirect' => $row_board['redirect'], 'boardicon' => $row_board['boardicon'], 'unapproved_topics' => $row_board['unapproved_topics'], 'unapproved_posts' => $row_board['unapproved_posts'] - $row_board['unapproved_topics'], 'can_approve_posts' => !empty($user_info['mod_cache']['ap']) && ($user_info['mod_cache']['ap'] == array(0) || in_array($row_board['id_board'], $user_info['mod_cache']['ap'])), 'href' => $href, 'link' => '<a href="' . $href . '">' . $row_board['board_name'] . '</a>', 'act_as_cat' => $row_board['allow_topics'] ? false : true, 'ignored' => $ignoreThisBoard);
            $this_category[$row_board['id_parent']]['children'][$row_board['id_board']]['page_link'] = $this_category[$row_board['id_parent']]['children'][$row_board['id_board']]['is_page'] ? URL::topic(intval(substr($this_category[$row_board['id_parent']]['children'][$row_board['id_board']]['redirect'], 1)), $this_category[$row_board['id_parent']]['children'][$row_board['id_board']]['name'], 0) : '';
            // Counting child board posts is... slow :/.
            if (!empty($boardIndexOptions['countChildPosts']) && !$row_board['is_redirect']) {
                $this_category[$row_board['id_parent']]['posts'] += $row_board['num_posts'];
                $this_category[$row_board['id_parent']]['topics'] += $row_board['num_topics'];
            // Does this board contain new boards?
            $this_category[$row_board['id_parent']]['children_new'] |= empty($row_board['is_read']);
            // This is easier to use in many cases for the theme....
            $this_category[$row_board['id_parent']]['link_children'][] =& $this_category[$row_board['id_parent']]['children'][$row_board['id_board']]['link'];
        } elseif (!empty($boardIndexOptions['countChildPosts'])) {
            if (!isset($parent_map)) {
                $parent_map = array();
            if (!isset($parent_map[$row_board['id_parent']])) {
                foreach ($this_category as $id => $board) {
                    if (!isset($board['children'][$row_board['id_parent']])) {
                    $parent_map[$row_board['id_parent']] = array(&$this_category[$id], &$this_category[$id]['children'][$row_board['id_parent']]);
                    $parent_map[$row_board['id_board']] = array(&$this_category[$id], &$this_category[$id]['children'][$row_board['id_parent']]);
            if (isset($parent_map[$row_board['id_parent']]) && !$row_board['is_redirect']) {
                $parent_map[$row_board['id_parent']][0]['posts'] += $row_board['num_posts'];
                $parent_map[$row_board['id_parent']][0]['topics'] += $row_board['num_topics'];
                $parent_map[$row_board['id_parent']][1]['posts'] += $row_board['num_posts'];
                $parent_map[$row_board['id_parent']][1]['topics'] += $row_board['num_topics'];
        } else {
        // Prepare the subject, and make sure it's not too long.
        $mhref = $row_board['poster_name'] != '' && !empty($row_board['id_member']) ? URL::user($row_board['id_member'], $row_board['real_name']) : '';
        $this_last_post = array('id' => $row_board['id_msg'], 'time' => $row_board['poster_time'] > 0 ? timeformat($row_board['poster_time']) : $txt['not_applicable'], 'timestamp' => forum_time(true, $row_board['poster_time']), 'member' => array('id' => $row_board['id_member'], 'username' => $row_board['poster_name'] != '' ? $row_board['poster_name'] : $txt['not_applicable'], 'name' => $row_board['real_name'], 'href' => $mhref, 'link' => $row_board['poster_name'] != '' ? !empty($row_board['id_member']) ? '<a onclick="getMcard(' . $row_board['id_member'] . ', $(this));return(false);" href="' . $mhref . '">' . $row_board['real_name'] . '</a>' : $row_board['real_name'] : $txt['not_applicable']), 'start' => 'msg' . $row_board['new_from'], 'topic' => $row_board['id_topic'], 'prefix' => !empty($row_board['topic_prefix']) ? html_entity_decode($row_board['topic_prefix']) . '&nbsp;' : '');
        $row_board['short_subject'] = shorten_subject($row_board['subject'], 50);
        $this_last_post['subject'] = $row_board['short_subject'];
        $this_first_post = array('id' => $row_board['id_first_msg'], 'icon' => $row_board['icon'], 'icon_url' => getPostIcon($row_board['icon']));
        // Provide the href and link.
        if ($row_board['subject'] != '') {
            $this_last_post['href'] = URL::topic($row_board['id_topic'], $row_board['first_subject'], 0, false, '.msg' . ($user_info['is_guest'] ? $row_board['id_msg'] : $row_board['new_from']), '#new');
            if (empty($row_board['is_read'])) {
                $this_last_post['href'] = URL::addParam($this_last_post['href'], 'boardseen');
            //$this_last_post['href'] = $scripturl . '?topic=' . $row_board['id_topic'] . '.msg' . ($user_info['is_guest'] ? $row_board['id_msg'] : $row_board['new_from']) . (empty($row_board['is_read']) ? ';boardseen' : '') . '#new';
            $this_last_post['link'] = '<a rel="nofollow" href="' . $this_last_post['href'] . '" title="' . $row_board['subject'] . '">' . $row_board['short_subject'] . '</a>';
            $this_last_post['topichref'] = URL::topic($row_board['id_topic'], $row_board['first_subject'], 0);
            // $scripturl . '?topic=' . $row_board['id_topic'];
            $this_last_post['topiclink'] = '<a href="' . $this_last_post['topichref'] . '" title="' . $row_board['first_subject'] . '">' . $row_board['short_subject'] . '</a>';
        } else {
            $this_last_post['href'] = '';
            $this_last_post['link'] = $txt['not_applicable'];
            $this_last_post['topiclink'] = $txt['not_applicable'];
        // Set the last post in the parent board.
        if ($row_board['id_parent'] == $boardIndexOptions['parent_id'] || $isChild && !empty($row_board['poster_time']) && $this_category[$row_board['id_parent']]['last_post']['timestamp'] < forum_time(true, $row_board['poster_time'])) {
            $this_category[$isChild ? $row_board['id_parent'] : $row_board['id_board']]['last_post'] = $this_last_post;
            $this_category[$isChild ? $row_board['id_parent'] : $row_board['id_board']]['first_post'] = $this_first_post;
        // Just in the child...?
        if ($isChild) {
            $this_category[$row_board['id_parent']]['children'][$row_board['id_board']]['last_post'] = $this_last_post;
            $this_category[$row_board['id_parent']]['children'][$row_board['id_board']]['first_post'] = $this_first_post;
            // If there are no posts in this board, it really can't be new...
            $this_category[$row_board['id_parent']]['children'][$row_board['id_board']]['new'] &= $row_board['poster_name'] != '';
        } elseif ($row_board['poster_name'] == '') {
            $this_category[$row_board['id_board']]['new'] = false;
        // Determine a global most recent topic.
        if (!empty($boardIndexOptions['set_latest_post']) && !empty($row_board['poster_time']) && $row_board['poster_time'] > $latest_post['timestamp'] && !$ignoreThisBoard) {
            $latest_post = array('timestamp' => $row_board['poster_time'], 'ref' => &$this_category[$isChild ? $row_board['id_parent'] : $row_board['id_board']]['last_post']);
    // By now we should know the most recent post...if we wanna know it that is.
    if (!empty($boardIndexOptions['set_latest_post']) && !empty($latest_post['ref'])) {
        $context['latest_post'] = $latest_post['ref'];
    $hidden_boards = $visible_boards = 0;
    $context['hidden_boards']['id'] = $context['hidden_boards']['is_collapsed'] = 0;
    // only run this if we actually have some boards on the ignore list to save cycles.
    if ($total_ignored_boards) {
        if ($boardIndexOptions['include_categories']) {
            foreach ($categories as &$cat) {
                $hidden_boards += hideIgnoredBoards($cat['boards']);
        } else {
            if (count($this_category)) {
                $hidden_boards += hideIgnoredBoards($this_category);
        $context['hidden_boards']['notice'] = $txt[$hidden_boards > 1 ? 'hidden_boards_notice_many' : 'hidden_boards_notice_one'];
        $context['hidden_boards']['setup_notice'] = sprintf($txt['hidden_boards_setup_notice'], $scripturl . '?action=profile;area=ignoreboards');
    $context['hidden_boards']['hidden_count'] = $hidden_boards;
    $context['hidden_boards']['visible_count'] = $visible_boards;
    return $boardIndexOptions['include_categories'] ? $categories : $this_category;
Exemplo n.º 7
    function __construct($request, $total_items, $not_profile = false)
        global $context, $txt, $user_info, $scripturl, $options, $memberContext, $modSettings;
        if (!isset($context['pageindex_multiplier'])) {
            $context['pageindex_multiplier'] = commonAPI::getMessagesPerPage();
        $cb_name = isset($context['cb_name']) ? $context['cb_name'] : 'topics[]';
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($request)) {
            $this->topic_ids[] = $row['id_topic'];
            $f_post_mem_href = !empty($row['id_member']) ? URL::user($row['id_member'], $row['first_member_name']) : '';
            $t_href = URL::topic($row['id_topic'], $row['subject'], 0);
            $l_post_mem_href = !empty($row['id_member_updated']) ? URL::user($row['id_member_updated'], $row['last_real_name']) : '';
            $l_post_msg_href = URL::topic($row['id_topic'], $row['last_subject'], $user_info['is_guest'] ? !empty($options['view_newest_first']) ? 0 : (int) ($row['num_replies'] / $context['pageindex_multiplier']) * $context['pageindex_multiplier'] : 0, $user_info['is_guest'] ? true : false, $user_info['is_guest'] ? '' : '.msg' . $row['id_last_msg'], $user_info['is_guest'] ? '#msg' . $row['id_last_msg'] : '#new');
            $this->topiclist[$row['id_topic']] = array('id' => $row['id_topic'], 'id_member_started' => empty($row['id_member']) ? 0 : $row['id_member'], 'first_post' => array('id' => $row['id_first_msg'], 'member' => array('username' => $row['first_member_name'], 'name' => $row['first_member_name'], 'id' => empty($row['id_member']) ? 0 : $row['id_member'], 'href' => $f_post_mem_href, 'link' => !empty($row['id_member']) ? '<a onclick="getMcard(' . $row['id_member'] . ', $(this));return(false);" href="' . $f_post_mem_href . '" title="' . $txt['profile_of'] . ' ' . $row['first_member_name'] . '">' . $row['first_member_name'] . '</a>' : $row['first_member_name']), 'time' => timeformat($row['first_poster_time']), 'timestamp' => forum_time(true, $row['first_poster_time']), 'subject' => $row['subject'], 'icon' => $row['first_icon'], 'icon_url' => getPostIcon($row['first_icon']), 'href' => $t_href, 'link' => '<a href="' . $t_href . '">' . $row['subject'] . '</a>'), 'last_post' => array('id' => $row['id_last_msg'], 'member' => array('username' => $row['last_real_name'], 'name' => $row['last_real_name'], 'id' => $row['id_member_updated'], 'href' => $l_post_mem_href, 'link' => !empty($row['id_member_updated']) ? '<a onclick="getMcard(' . $row['id_member_updated'] . ', $(this));return(false);" href="' . $l_post_mem_href . '">' . $row['last_real_name'] . '</a>' : $row['last_real_name']), 'time' => timeformat($row['last_post_time']), 'timestamp' => forum_time(true, $row['last_post_time']), 'subject' => $row['last_subject'], 'href' => $l_post_msg_href, 'link' => '<a href="' . $l_post_msg_href . ($row['num_replies'] == 0 ? '' : ' rel="nofollow"') . '>' . $row['last_subject'] . '</a>'), 'checkbox_name' => $cb_name, 'subject' => $row['subject'], 'new' => $row['new_from'] <= $row['id_msg_modified'], 'new_from' => $row['new_from'], 'newtime' => $row['new_from'], 'updated' => timeformat($row['poster_time']), 'new_href' => $scripturl . '?topic=' . $row['id_topic'] . '.msg' . $row['new_from'] . '#new', 'new_link' => '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?topic=' . $row['id_topic'] . '.msg' . $row['new_from'] . '#new">' . $row['subject'] . '</a>', 'replies' => comma_format($row['num_replies']), 'views' => comma_format($row['num_views']), 'approved' => $row['approved'], 'unapproved_posts' => $row['unapproved_posts'], 'is_old' => !empty($modSettings['oldTopicDays']) ? $context['time_now'] - $row['last_post_time'] > $modSettings['oldTopicDays'] * 86400 : false, 'is_posted_in' => false, 'prefix' => '', 'pages' => '', 'is_sticky' => !empty($modSettings['enableStickyTopics']) && !empty($row['is_sticky']), 'is_locked' => !empty($row['locked']), 'is_poll' => false, 'is_hot' => $row['num_replies'] >= $modSettings['hotTopicPosts'], 'is_very_hot' => $row['num_replies'] >= $modSettings['hotTopicVeryPosts'], 'board' => isset($row['id_board']) && !empty($row['id_board']) ? array('name' => $row['board_name'], 'id' => $row['id_board'], 'href' => URL::board($row['id_board'], $row['board_name'])) : array('name' => '', 'id' => 0, 'href' => ''));
            if (!empty($row['id_member']) && ($row['id_member'] != $user_info['id'] || $not_profile)) {
                $this->users_to_load[$row['id_member']] = $row['id_member'];
        foreach ($this->topiclist as &$topic) {
            if (!isset($memberContext[$topic['id_member_started']])) {
            $topic['first_post']['member']['avatar'] =& $memberContext[$topic['id_member_started']]['avatar']['image'];
        // figure out whether we have posted in a topic (but only if we are not the topic starter)
        if (!empty($modSettings['enableParticipation']) && !$user_info['is_guest'] && !empty($this->topic_ids)) {
            $result = smf_db_query('
				SELECT id_topic
				FROM {db_prefix}messages
				WHERE id_topic IN ({array_int:topic_list})
					AND id_member = {int:current_member}
				GROUP BY id_topic
				LIMIT ' . count($this->topic_ids), array('current_member' => $user_info['id'], 'topic_list' => $this->topic_ids));
            while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
                if ($this->topiclist[$row['id_topic']]['first_post']['member']['id'] != $user_info['id']) {
                    $this->topiclist[$row['id_topic']]['is_posted_in'] = true;
Exemplo n.º 8
     * Render view.
     * @return  string
    public function content()
        $facebook = $this->consumer ? $this->load_facebook() : false;
        $tabs = array('basic' => '<i class="hidden-sm fa fa-fw fa-user"></i> ' . __('Profile'), 'auth' => '<i class="hidden-sm fa fa-fw fa-key"></i> ' . __('Username & Email'), 'facebook' => '<i class="hidden-sm fa fa-fw fa-facebook"></i> ' . 'Facebook', 'forum' => '<i class="hidden-sm fa fa-fw fa-comments"></i> ' . __('Forum'));
        echo Form::open();

        if ($this->errors) {
<div class="alert alert-danger">
            echo __('Error happens!');
            foreach ((array) $this->errors as $error) {
                echo $error;

<ul class="nav nav-pills nav-stacked col-sm-2">
        foreach ($tabs as $tab => $title) {
            echo $tab == $this->tab ? ' class="active"' : '';
		<a href="#settings-<?php 
            echo $tab;
" data-toggle="tab"><?php 
            echo $title;

<div class="tab-content col-md-10">

	<div id="settings-basic" class="tab-pane<?php 
        echo $this->tab == 'basic' ? ' active' : '';
		<fieldset id="fields-basic" class="col-sm-6">

			<div class="row">
			<div class="col-sm-10">
        echo Form::input_wrap('avatar', $this->user->avatar_url, null, __('Avatar'), Arr::get($this->errors, 'avatar'));
			<div class="col-sm-2">
        echo HTML::avatar($this->user->avatar_url, null, null, false);

        echo Form::input_wrap('name', $this->user->name, null, __('Name'), Arr::get($this->errors, 'name'));

        echo Form::radios_wrap('name_visibility', array(Model_User::NAME_VISIBLE => __('Visible'), Model_User::NAME_HIDDEN => __('Hidden')), $this->user->setting('user.name'), null, null, null, null, true);

        echo Form::input_wrap('homepage', $this->user->homepage, null, __('Homepage'), Arr::get($this->errors, 'homepage'));

        echo Form::radios_wrap('gender', array('f' => '<i class="fa fa-female female"></i> ' . __('Female'), 'm' => '<i class="fa fa-male male"></i> ' . __('Male'), 'o' => __('Other')), $this->user->gender, null, __('Gender'), Arr::get($this->errors, 'gender'), null, true);

        echo Form::input_wrap('dob', $this->user->dob ? Date::format('DMYYYY', $this->user->dob) : null, array('class' => 'date', 'maxlength' => 10, 'size' => 7, 'placeholder' => 'd.m.yyyy'), __('Date of Birth'), Arr::get($this->errors, 'dob'));

        echo Form::radios_wrap('dob_visibility', array(Model_User::DOB_VISIBLE => __('Visible'), Model_User::DOB_DATEONLY => __('Date only in profile'), Model_User::DOB_HIDDEN => __('Hidden')), $this->user->setting('user.dob'), null, null, null, null, true);


		<fieldset id="fields-location" class="col-md-6">

        echo Form::input_wrap('location', $this->user->location, null, __('Where you at?'), Arr::get($this->errors, 'location'), __('e.g. <em>"Helsinki"</em> or <em>"Asema-aukio, Helsinki"</em>'));

        echo Form::input_wrap('city_name', $this->user->city_name, null, __('City'), Arr::get($this->errors, 'city_name'));

			<div id="map"></div>

	<div id="settings-auth" class="tab-pane<?php 
        echo $this->tab == 'auth' ? ' active' : '';
		<fieldset id="fields-basic" class="col-md-6">

        echo Form::input_wrap('username', $this->user->username, array('required', 'placeholder' => __('Required')), __('Username'), Arr::get($this->errors, 'username'));

        echo Form::input_wrap('email', $this->user->email, array('required', 'placeholder' => __('Required')), __('Email'), Arr::get($this->errors, 'email'));

        echo Form::password_wrap('password', null, array('placeholder' => __('Optional')), __('New password'), Arr::get($this->errors, 'password'), __('Size <em>does</em> matter - the longer, the better.'));

        echo Form::password_wrap('current_password', null, array('placeholder' => __('Required')), __('Current password'), Arr::get($this->errors, 'current_password'), __('For your protection we require your current password.'));


	<div id="settings-facebook" class="tab-pane<?php 
        echo $this->tab == 'facebook' ? ' active' : '';
		<fieldset id="fields-connections" class="col-md-6">

        if (!$this->external || !$this->external->loaded()) {

            echo HTML::anchor(Route::url('oauth', array('action' => 'login', 'provider' => 'facebook')), '<i class="fa fa-facebook"></i> ' . __('Connect to Facebook'), array('class' => 'btn btn-primary btn-lg', 'title' => __('Connect with your Facebook account')));

        } elseif (is_array($facebook)) {
            $avatar = 'https://graph.facebook.com/' . $facebook['id'] . '/picture';

			<div class="media">
            echo HTML::avatar($avatar, null, 'pull-left facebook', false);
				<div class="media-body">
            echo HTML::anchor($facebook['link'], HTML::chars($facebook['name']), array('target' => '_blank'));
            echo Form::checkbox_wrap('avatar', $avatar, $this->user->avatar_url == $avatar, null, __('Set as your avatar'));
            echo Form::checkbox_wrap('picture', $avatar . '?type=large', $this->user->picture == $avatar . '?type=large', null, __('Set as your profile image'));
            echo HTML::anchor(Route::url('oauth', array('action' => 'disconnect', 'provider' => 'facebook')), '<i class="icon-facebook"></i> ' . __('Disconnect your Facebook account'), array('class' => 'btn btn-danger facebook-delete', 'title' => __('Disconnect your Facebook account')));

        } elseif ($facebook) {

            echo $facebook;

            echo HTML::anchor(Route::url('oauth', array('action' => 'disconnect', 'provider' => 'facebook')), '<i class="icon-facebook"></i> ' . __('Disconnect your Facebook account'), array('class' => 'btn btn-danger facebook-delete', 'title' => __('Disconnect your Facebook account')));



	<div id="settings-forum" class="tab-pane<?php 
        echo $this->tab == 'forum' ? ' active' : '';
		<fieldset id="fields-forum" class="col-md-6">

        echo Form::input_wrap('title', $this->user->title, null, __('Title'), Arr::get($this->errors, 'title'));

        echo Form::textarea_wrap('signature', $this->user->signature, array('class' => 'monospace', 'rows' => 5), true, __('Signature'), Arr::get($this->errors, 'signature'));



<div class="row">
	<fieldset class="col-xs-12 text-center">
        echo Form::hidden('latitude', $this->user->latitude);
        echo Form::hidden('longitude', $this->user->longitude);

        echo Form::csrf();
        echo Form::button('save', __('Save'), array('type' => 'submit', 'class' => 'btn btn-success btn-lg'));
        echo HTML::anchor(URL::user($this->user), __('Cancel'), array('class' => 'cancel'));

        echo Form::close();
        echo $this->javascript();
        return ob_get_clean();
Exemplo n.º 9
defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct access allowed.');
 * Image
 * @package    Galleries
 * @author     Antti Qvickström
 * @copyright  (c) 2010-2011 Antti Qvickström
 * @license    http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php MIT license
$approve = isset($approve) && !is_null($approve) ? 'approve' : '';
$note_array = array();
if (count($notes)) {
    foreach ($notes as $noted) {
        $noted_user = $noted->user();
        $note_array[] = array('id' => (int) $noted->id, 'x' => (int) $noted->x, 'y' => (int) $noted->y, 'width' => (int) $noted->width, 'height' => (int) $noted->height, 'name' => $noted_user ? $noted_user['username'] : $noted->name, 'url' => $noted_user ? URL::base() . URL::user($noted_user) : null);


if ($previous) {
    echo HTML::anchor(Route::get('gallery_image')->uri(array('gallery_id' => Route::model_id($gallery), 'id' => $previous->id, 'action' => $approve)), '&laquo; ' . __('Previous'), array('title' => __('Previous image'), 'class' => 'prev'));
} else {
Exemplo n.º 10
Arquivo: api.php Projeto: anqh/core
  * Prepare user for data array
  * @param   Model_User  $user
  * @param   array       $fields
  * @return  array
 protected function _prepare_user(Model_User $user, array $fields = null)
     $data = array();
     empty($fields) and $fields = self::$_fields;
     foreach ($fields as $field) {
         switch ($field) {
             // Raw value
             case 'id':
             case 'username':
             case 'homepage':
             case 'gender':
             case 'description':
             case 'logins':
             case 'posts':
             case 'adds':
             case 'signature':
             case 'title':
             case 'dob':
             case 'latitude':
             case 'longitude':
             case 'created':
             case 'modified':
             case 'last_login':
                 $data[$field] = $user->{$field};
                 // Custom value
             // Custom value
             case 'city':
                 $data[$field] = ($city = $user->city()) ? $city->name : $user->city_name;
             case 'avatar':
                 $data[$field] = $user->avatar ? URL::site($user->avatar, true) : URL::site('avatar/unknown.png');
             case 'picture':
                 if ($user->default_image_id) {
                     $image = new Model_Image($user->default_image_id);
                     $data[$field] = $image->loaded() ? $image->get_url() : '';
                 } else {
                     if (Valid::url($user->picture)) {
                         $data[$field] = URL::site($user->picture, true);
                     } else {
                         $data[$field] = null;
             case 'url':
                 $data[$field] = URL::site(URL::user($user), true);
     return $data;
Exemplo n.º 11
     * Render view.
     * @return  string
    public function content()
        echo Form::open(null, array('class' => 'row'));

<div class="span4">
	<fieldset id="fields-basic">
        echo __('Basic information');

        echo Form::control_group(Form::input('name', $this->user->name, array('class' => 'input-large')), array('name' => __('Name')), Arr::get($this->errors, 'name'));

        echo Form::control_group(Form::input('email', $this->user->email, array('class' => 'input-large')), array('email' => __('Email')), Arr::get($this->errors, 'email'));

        echo Form::control_group(Form::input('homepage', $this->user->homepage, array('class' => 'input-large')), array('homepage' => __('Homepage')), Arr::get($this->errors, 'homepage'));

        echo Form::radios_wrap('gender', array('f' => __('Female'), 'm' => __('Male')), $this->user, null, __('Gender'), $this->errors);

        echo Form::control_group(Form::input('dob', Date::format('DMYYYY', $this->user->dob), array('class' => 'date input-small', 'maxlengt' => 10, 'placeholder' => __('d.m.yyyy'))), array('dob' => __('Date of Birth')), Arr::get($this->errors, 'dob'));

        echo Form::control_group(Form::input('title', $this->user->title, array('class' => 'input-large')), array('title' => __('Title')), Arr::get($this->errors, 'title'));

        echo Form::control_group(Form::textarea('description', $this->user->description, array('class' => 'input-large', 'rows' => 3), true), array('description' => __('Description')), Arr::get($this->errors, 'description'));


<div class="span4">
	<fieldset id="fields-contact">
        echo __('Contact information');

        echo Form::control_group(Form::input('address_street', $this->user->address_street), array('address_street' => __('Street address')), Arr::get($this->errors, 'address_street'));

        echo Form::control_group(Form::input('address_zip', $this->user->address_zip), array('address_zip' => __('Zip code')), Arr::get($this->errors, 'address_zip'));

        echo Form::control_group(Form::input('address_city', $this->user->address_city), array('address_city' => __('City')), Arr::get($this->errors, 'address_city'));


	<fieldset id="fields-forum">
        echo __('Forum settings');

        echo Form::control_group(Form::textarea('signature', $this->user->signature, array('class' => 'input-large', 'rows' => 5), true), array('signature' => __('Signature')), Arr::get($this->errors, 'signature'));


<fieldset class="span8 form-actions">
        echo Form::hidden('latitude', $this->user->latitude);
        echo Form::hidden('longitude', $this->user->longitude);

        echo Form::csrf();
        echo Form::button('save', __('Save'), array('type' => 'submit', 'class' => 'btn btn-success btn-large'));
        echo HTML::anchor(URL::user($this->user), __('Cancel'), array('class' => 'cancel'));

        echo Form::close();
        echo $this->javascript();
        return ob_get_clean();
Exemplo n.º 12
Arquivo: oauth.php Projeto: anqh/anqh
  * Action: Redirected from 3rd party.
 public function action_redirect()
     $provider = $this->consumer->get_provider();
     if ($provider != 'facebook') {
         // Unsupported provider
         $this->view->add(View_Page::COLUMN_CENTER, new View_Alert(__('We are not entirely sure what 3rd party service redirected you here'), __('Failed to load your profile :('), View_Alert::ERROR));
         Kohana::$log->add(Log::NOTICE, 'OAuth2: Unsupported provider: :provider', array(':provider' => $provider));
     if ($response = Arr::get($_REQUEST, OAuth2::RESPONSE_TYPE_CODE)) {
         // Code received, change it to access token
         try {
             $token = $this->consumer->request_token(array(OAuth2::RESPONSE_TYPE_CODE => $response));
             if (Visitor::$user) {
                 // Already logged in
                 $external = Model_User_External::factory()->find_by_user_id(Visitor::$user->id, $provider);
                 if ($this->_update_token($external, $token)) {
                     // Already paired with local user
                     $this->request->redirect(URL::user(Visitor::$user, 'settings'));
                 } else {
                     // Not paired with local user, do so
                     if ($response = $this->consumer->api_call('/me', array('fields' => 'id,email'))) {
                         // Received a response from 3rd party
                         if ($error = Arr::get($response, 'error')) {
                             // .. but it was an error
                             $this->view->add(View_Page::COLUMN_CENTER, new View_Alert(__('They said ":error"', array(':error' => HTML::chars($error->message))), __('Failed to load your profile :('), View_Alert::ERROR));
                             Kohana::$log->add(Log::NOTICE, 'OAuth2: Failed to load Facebook profile: :error', array(':error' => $error->message));
                         } else {
                             // Received required information
                             $external = new Model_User_External();
                             $external->set_fields(array('token' => $token['access_token'], 'user_id' => Visitor::$user->id, 'external_user_id' => Arr::get($response, 'id'), 'created' => time(), 'expires' => time() + (int) $token['expires'], 'provider' => $provider));
                             $this->request->redirect(URL::user(Visitor::$user, 'settings'));
                     } else {
                         // No data received, this should be handled by exceptions
             } else {
                 // No signed in user available
                 if ($response = $this->consumer->api_call('/me')) {
                     // Received a response from 3rd party
                     if ($error = Arr::get($response, 'error')) {
                         // .. but it was an error
                         $this->view->add(View_Page::COLUMN_CENTER, new View_Alert(__('They said ":error"', array(':error' => HTML::chars($error->message))), __('Failed to load your profile :('), View_Alert::ERROR));
                         Kohana::$log->add(Log::NOTICE, 'OAuth2: Failed to load Facebook profile: :error', array(':error' => $error->message));
                     } else {
                         // Received required information
                         $external_user_id = Arr::get($response, 'id');
                         $external = Model_User_External::factory()->find_by_external_user_id($external_user_id, $provider);
                         if ($this->_update_token($external, $token)) {
                             // Already paired with local user, login
                             Kohana::$log->add(Log::DEBUG, 'OAuth2: Attempting to login :external_user_id => :user_id', array(':external_user_id' => $external->external_user_id, ':user_id' => $external->user_id));
                             if ($this->_login($external)) {
                             Kohana::$log->add(Log::WARNING, 'OAuth2: Login failed');
                         } else {
                             // Not paired with a local user, check if we have unpaired user available
                             $email = Arr::get($response, 'email');
                             // Store external user id in session data, token should be stored in OAuth2
                             Session::instance()->set('oauth2.' . $provider . '.id', $external_user_id);
                             if ($user = Model_User::find_user($email)) {
                                 // User with same email found, ask to sign in
                                 Kohana::$log->add(Log::DEBUG, 'OAuth2: Existing user with same email found');
                                 $this->view->add(View_Page::COLUMN_CENTER, $this->section_signin($user, $response));
                             } else {
                                 // No user with same email found, start registering
                                 Kohana::$log->add(Log::DEBUG, 'OAuth2: Starting new user registration');
                                 Session::instance()->set('oauth2.' . $provider . '.response', $response);
                                 $this->request->redirect(Route::url('sign', array('action' => 'up')) . '?provider=' . $provider);
                 } else {
                     // No data received, this should be handled by exceptions
         } catch (OAuth2_Exception_InvalidGrant $e) {
             $this->view->add(View_Page::COLUMN_CENTER, new View_Alert(HTML::chars($e->getMessage()), __('Failed to load your profile :('), View_Alert::ERROR));
             Kohana::$log->add(Log::NOTICE, 'OAuth2: Invalid grant: :error', array(':error' => $e->getMessage()));
         } catch (Kohana_Exception $e) {
             $this->view->add(View_Page::COLUMN_CENTER, new View_Alert(HTML::chars($e->getMessage()), __('Failed to load your profile :('), View_Alert::ERROR));
             Kohana::$log->add(Log::NOTICE, 'OAuth2: Exception: :error', array(':error' => $e->getMessage()));
     } else {
         $this->view->add(View_Page::COLUMN_CENTER, new View_Alert(__('Did not receive required code from 3rd party'), __('Failed to load your profile :('), View_Alert::ERROR));
         Kohana::$log->add(Log::NOTICE, 'OAuth2: No code received');
Exemplo n.º 13
echo Form::hidden('city_id', (int) $user->geo_city_id);
echo Form::hidden('latitude', $user->latitude);
echo Form::hidden('longitude', $user->longitude);

echo Form::csrf();
echo Form::submit_wrap('save', __('Save'), null, URL::user($user));

echo Form::close();
// Date picker
$options = array('changeMonth' => true, 'changeYear' => true, 'dateFormat' => 'd.m.yy', 'defaultDate' => date('j.n.Y', $user->dob), 'dayNames' => array(__('Sunday'), __('Monday'), __('Tuesday'), __('Wednesday'), __('Thursday'), __('Friday'), __('Saturday')), 'dayNamesMin' => array(__('Su'), __('Mo'), __('Tu'), __('We'), __('Th'), __('Fr'), __('Sa')), 'firstDay' => 1, 'monthNames' => array(__('January'), __('February'), __('March'), __('April'), __('May'), __('June'), __('July'), __('August'), __('September'), __('October'), __('November'), __('December')), 'monthNamesShort' => array(__('Jan'), __('Feb'), __('Mar'), __('Apr'), __('May'), __('Jun'), __('Jul'), __('Aug'), __('Sep'), __('Oct'), __('Nov'), __('Dec')), 'nextText' => __('&raquo;'), 'prevText' => __('&laquo;'), 'showWeek' => true, 'showOtherMonths' => true, 'weekHeader' => __('Wk'), 'yearRange' => '1900:+0');
echo HTML::script_source('

// Date picker
head.ready("jquery-ui", function() {
	$("#field-dob").datepicker(' . json_encode($options) . ');

// Maps
Exemplo n.º 14
  * Get tabs.
  * @return  array
 public function tabs()
     return array(array('selected' => !$this->friended, 'tab' => HTML::anchor(URL::user($this->user, 'friends'), __('My friends'))), array('selected' => $this->friended, 'tab' => HTML::anchor(URL::user($this->user, 'friends') . '?of=me', __('Friending me'))));
Exemplo n.º 15
function prepareSearchContext($reset = false)
    global $txt, $modSettings, $scripturl, $user_info, $sourcedir;
    global $memberContext, $context, $options, $messages_request;
    global $boards_can, $participants, $output;
    // Remember which message this is.  (ie. reply #83)
    static $counter = null;
    if ($counter == null || $reset) {
        $counter = $_REQUEST['start'] + 1;
    // If the query returned false, bail.
    if ($messages_request == false) {
        return false;
    // Start from the beginning...
    if ($reset) {
        return @mysql_data_seek($messages_request, 0);
    // Attempt to get the next message.
    $message = mysql_fetch_assoc($messages_request);
    if (!$message) {
        return false;
    // Can't have an empty subject can we?
    $message['subject'] = $message['subject'] != '' ? $message['subject'] : $txt['no_subject'];
    $message['first_subject'] = $message['first_subject'] != '' ? $message['first_subject'] : $txt['no_subject'];
    $message['last_subject'] = $message['last_subject'] != '' ? $message['last_subject'] : $txt['no_subject'];
    // If it couldn't load, or the user was a guest.... someday may be done with a guest table.
    if (!loadMemberContext($message['id_member'])) {
        // Notice this information isn't used anywhere else.... *cough guest table cough*.
        $memberContext[$message['id_member']]['name'] = $message['poster_name'];
        $memberContext[$message['id_member']]['id'] = 0;
        $memberContext[$message['id_member']]['group'] = $txt['guest_title'];
        $memberContext[$message['id_member']]['link'] = $message['poster_name'];
        $memberContext[$message['id_member']]['email'] = $message['poster_email'];
    $memberContext[$message['id_member']]['ip'] = $message['poster_ip'];
    // Do the censor thang...
    // Shorten this message if necessary.
    if ($context['compact']) {
        // Set the number of characters before and after the searched keyword.
        $charLimit = 50;
        $message['body'] = strtr($message['body'], array("\n" => ' ', '<br />' => "\n"));
        $message['body'] = parse_bbc($message['body'], $message['smileys_enabled'], $message['id_msg']);
        $message['body'] = strip_tags(strtr($message['body'], array('</div>' => '<br />', '</li>' => '<br />')), '<br>');
        if (commonAPI::strlen($message['body']) > $charLimit) {
            if (empty($context['key_words'])) {
                $message['body'] = commonAPI::substr($message['body'], 0, $charLimit) . '<strong>...</strong>';
            } else {
                $matchString = '';
                $force_partial_word = false;
                foreach ($context['key_words'] as $keyword) {
                    $keyword = preg_replace('~&amp;#(\\d{1,7}|x[0-9a-fA-F]{1,6});~e', 'commonAPI::entity_fix(\'\\1\')', strtr($keyword, array('\\\'' => '\'', '&' => '&amp;')));
                    if (preg_match('~[\'\\.,/@%&;:(){}\\[\\]_\\-+\\\\]$~', $keyword) != 0 || preg_match('~^[\'\\.,/@%&;:(){}\\[\\]_\\-+\\\\]~', $keyword) != 0) {
                        $force_partial_word = true;
                    $matchString .= strtr(preg_quote($keyword, '/'), array('\\*' => '.+?')) . '|';
                $matchString = substr($matchString, 0, -1);
                $message['body'] = un_htmlspecialchars(strtr($message['body'], array('&nbsp;' => ' ', '<br />' => "\n", '&#91;' => '[', '&#93;' => ']', '&#58;' => ':', '&#64;' => '@')));
                if (empty($modSettings['search_method']) || $force_partial_word) {
                    preg_match_all('/([^\\s\\W]{' . $charLimit . '}[\\s\\W]|[\\s\\W].{0,' . $charLimit . '}?|^)(' . $matchString . ')(.{0,' . $charLimit . '}[\\s\\W]|[^\\s\\W]{' . $charLimit . '})/isu', $message['body'], $matches);
                } else {
                    preg_match_all('/([^\\s\\W]{' . $charLimit . '}[\\s\\W]|[\\s\\W].{0,' . $charLimit . '}?[\\s\\W]|^)(' . $matchString . ')([\\s\\W].{0,' . $charLimit . '}[\\s\\W]|[\\s\\W][^\\s\\W]{' . $charLimit . '})/isu', $message['body'], $matches);
                $message['body'] = '';
                foreach ($matches[0] as $index => $match) {
                    $match = strtr(htmlspecialchars($match, ENT_QUOTES), array("\n" => '&nbsp;'));
                    $message['body'] .= '<strong>......</strong>&nbsp;' . $match . '&nbsp;<strong>......</strong>';
            // Re-fix the international characters.
            $message['body'] = preg_replace('~&amp;#(\\d{1,7}|x[0-9a-fA-F]{1,6});~e', 'commonAPI::entity_fix(\'\\1\')', $message['body']);
    } else {
        // Run BBC interpreter on the message.
        $message['body'] = parse_bbc($message['body'], $message['smileys_enabled'], $message['id_msg']);
    // Make sure we don't end up with a practically empty message body.
    $message['body'] = preg_replace('~^(?:&nbsp;)+$~', '', $message['body']);
    // Do we have quote tag enabled?
    $quote_enabled = empty($modSettings['disabledBBC']) || !in_array('quote', explode(',', $modSettings['disabledBBC']));
    $href = URL::topic($message['id_topic'], $message['first_subject'], 0);
    $mhref = URL::user($message['first_member_id'], $message['first_member_name']);
    $lhref = URL::topic($message['id_topic'], $message['last_subject'], 0, $message['num_replies'] == 0 ? true : false, $message['num_replies'] == 0 ? '' : '.msg' . $message['last_msg'], $message['num_replies'] == 0 ? '' : '#msg' . $message['last_msg']);
    $lmhref = URL::user($message['last_member_id'], $message['last_member_name']);
    $bhref = URL::board($message['id_board'], $message['board_name'], 0, true);
    $output = array_merge($context['topics'][$message['id_msg']], array('id' => $message['id_topic'], 'is_sticky' => !empty($modSettings['enableStickyTopics']) && !empty($message['is_sticky']), 'is_locked' => !empty($message['locked']), 'is_poll' => $modSettings['pollMode'] == '1' && $message['id_poll'] > 0, 'is_hot' => $message['num_replies'] >= $modSettings['hotTopicPosts'], 'is_very_hot' => $message['num_replies'] >= $modSettings['hotTopicVeryPosts'], 'posted_in' => !empty($participants[$message['id_topic']]), 'views' => $message['num_views'], 'replies' => $message['num_replies'], 'can_reply' => in_array($message['id_board'], $boards_can['post_reply_any']) || in_array(0, $boards_can['post_reply_any']), 'can_quote' => (in_array($message['id_board'], $boards_can['post_reply_any']) || in_array(0, $boards_can['post_reply_any'])) && $quote_enabled, 'can_mark_notify' => in_array($message['id_board'], $boards_can['mark_any_notify']) || in_array(0, $boards_can['mark_any_notify']) && !$context['user']['is_guest'], 'first_post' => array('id' => $message['first_msg'], 'time' => timeformat($message['first_poster_time']), 'timestamp' => forum_time(true, $message['first_poster_time']), 'subject' => $message['first_subject'], 'href' => $href, 'link' => '<a href="' . $href . '">' . $message['first_subject'] . '</a>', 'icon' => $message['first_icon'], 'icon_url' => getPostIcon($message['first_icon']), 'member' => array('id' => $message['first_member_id'], 'name' => $message['first_member_name'], 'href' => !empty($message['first_member_id']) ? $mhref : '', 'link' => !empty($message['first_member_id']) ? '<a href="' . $mhref . '" title="' . $txt['profile_of'] . ' ' . $message['first_member_name'] . '">' . $message['first_member_name'] . '</a>' : $message['first_member_name'])), 'last_post' => array('id' => $message['last_msg'], 'time' => timeformat($message['last_poster_time']), 'timestamp' => forum_time(true, $message['last_poster_time']), 'subject' => $message['last_subject'], 'href' => $lhref, 'link' => '<a href="' . $lhref . '">' . $message['last_subject'] . '</a>', 'icon' => $message['last_icon'], 'icon_url' => getPostIcon($message['last_icon']), 'member' => array('id' => $message['last_member_id'], 'name' => $message['last_member_name'], 'href' => !empty($message['last_member_id']) ? $lmhref : '', 'link' => !empty($message['last_member_id']) ? '<a href="' . $lmhref . '" title="' . $txt['profile_of'] . ' ' . $message['last_member_name'] . '">' . $message['last_member_name'] . '</a>' : $message['last_member_name'])), 'board' => array('id' => $message['id_board'], 'name' => $message['board_name'], 'href' => $bhref, 'link' => '<a href="' . $bhref . '">' . $message['board_name'] . '</a>'), 'category' => array('id' => $message['id_cat'], 'name' => $message['cat_name'], 'href' => $scripturl . '#c' . $message['id_cat'], 'link' => '<a href="' . $scripturl . '#c' . $message['id_cat'] . '">' . $message['cat_name'] . '</a>')));
    if ($output['posted_in']) {
        $output['class'] = 'my_' . $output['class'];
    $body_highlighted = $message['body'];
    $subject_highlighted = $message['subject'];
    if (!empty($options['display_quick_mod'])) {
        $started = $output['first_post']['member']['id'] == $user_info['id'];
        $output['quick_mod'] = array('lock' => in_array(0, $boards_can['lock_any']) || in_array($output['board']['id'], $boards_can['lock_any']) || $started && (in_array(0, $boards_can['lock_own']) || in_array($output['board']['id'], $boards_can['lock_own'])), 'sticky' => (in_array(0, $boards_can['make_sticky']) || in_array($output['board']['id'], $boards_can['make_sticky'])) && !empty($modSettings['enableStickyTopics']), 'move' => in_array(0, $boards_can['move_any']) || in_array($output['board']['id'], $boards_can['move_any']) || $started && (in_array(0, $boards_can['move_own']) || in_array($output['board']['id'], $boards_can['move_own'])), 'remove' => in_array(0, $boards_can['remove_any']) || in_array($output['board']['id'], $boards_can['remove_any']) || $started && (in_array(0, $boards_can['remove_own']) || in_array($output['board']['id'], $boards_can['remove_own'])));
        $context['can_lock'] |= $output['quick_mod']['lock'];
        $context['can_sticky'] |= $output['quick_mod']['sticky'];
        $context['can_move'] |= $output['quick_mod']['move'];
        $context['can_remove'] |= $output['quick_mod']['remove'];
        $context['can_merge'] |= in_array($output['board']['id'], $boards_can['merge_any']);
        // If we've found a message we can move, and we don't already have it, load the destinations.
        if ($options['display_quick_mod'] && !isset($context['move_to_boards']) && $context['can_move']) {
            require_once $sourcedir . '/lib/Subs-MessageIndex.php';
            $boardListOptions = array('use_permissions' => true, 'not_redirection' => true, 'selected_board' => empty($_SESSION['move_to_topic']) ? null : $_SESSION['move_to_topic']);
            $context['move_to_boards'] = getBoardList($boardListOptions);
    foreach ($context['key_words'] as $query) {
        // Fix the international characters in the keyword too.
        $query = strtr(commonAPI::htmlspecialchars($query), array('\\\'' => '\''));
        $body_highlighted = preg_replace('/((<[^>]*)|' . preg_quote(strtr($query, array('\'' => '&#039;')), '/') . ')/ieu', "'\$2' == '\$1' ? stripslashes('\$1') : '<strong class=\"highlight\">\$1</strong>'", $body_highlighted);
        $subject_highlighted = preg_replace('/(' . preg_quote($query, '/') . ')/iu', '<strong class="highlight">$1</strong>', $subject_highlighted);
    $mhref = URL::topic($message['id_topic'], $message['subject'], 0, false, '.msg' . $message['id_msg'], '#msg' . $message['id_msg']);
    $output['matches'][] = array('id' => $message['id_msg'], 'attachment' => loadAttachmentContext($message['id_msg']), 'alternate' => $counter % 2, 'member' => &$memberContext[$message['id_member']], 'icon' => $message['icon'], 'icon_url' => getPostIcon($message['icon']), 'subject' => $message['subject'], 'subject_highlighted' => $subject_highlighted, 'time' => timeformat($message['poster_time']), 'timestamp' => forum_time(true, $message['poster_time']), 'counter' => $counter, 'modified' => array('time' => timeformat($message['modified_time']), 'timestamp' => forum_time(true, $message['modified_time']), 'name' => $message['modified_name']), 'body' => $body_highlighted, 'body_highlighted' => $body_highlighted, 'start' => 'msg' . $message['id_msg'], 'href' => $mhref, 'link' => '<a href="' . $mhref . '">' . $message['subject'] . '</a>');
    return $output;
Exemplo n.º 16
  * @param $like_status - array. the cached like status (from like_cache table)
  * @param $output - string (ref) - where to store the output
  * @param $mid - int. the message id
  * @param $have_liked - int. if the current user has rated the post, this contains
  *        his rating id.
  * generate readable output from the cached like status
 public static function generateOutput($like_status, &$output, $mid, $have_liked)
     global $txt, $modSettings;
     $parts = array();
     $types = explode(',', $have_liked);
     if (is_array($like_status)) {
         foreach ($like_status as $key => $the_like) {
             if (isset($modSettings['ratings'][$key]) && isset($the_like['members'])) {
                 $parts[$key] = '<span data-rtype="' . $key . '" class="number">' . $the_like['count'] . '</span>&nbsp;' . $modSettings['ratings'][$key]['text'] . '&nbsp;';
                 if ($the_like['count'] > 1) {
                     $parts[$key] .= in_array($key, $types) ? sprintf($the_like['count'] > 2 ? $txt['you_and_others'] : $txt['you_and_other'], $the_like['count'] - 1) : '(<a rel="nofollow" onclick="getMcard(' . $the_like['members'][0]['id'] . ', $(this));return(false);" class="mcard" href="' . URL::user($the_like['members'][0]['id'], $the_like['members'][0]['name']) . '">' . $the_like['members'][0]['name'] . '</a>&nbsp;' . sprintf($the_like['count'] > 2 ? $txt['and_others'] : $txt['and_other'], $the_like['count'] - 1);
                 } else {
                     $parts[$key] .= in_array($key, $types) ? $txt['rated_you'] : '(<a rel="nofollow" onclick="getMcard(' . $the_like['members'][0]['id'] . ', $(this));return(false);" class="mcard" href="' . URL::user($the_like['members'][0]['id'], $the_like['members'][0]['name']) . '">' . $the_like['members'][0]['name'] . '</a>)';
     if (!empty($parts)) {
         $output = '<span class="ratings" data-mid="' . $mid . '"><span class="title"></span> ' . implode(' | ', $parts) . '</span>';
Exemplo n.º 17
  * Returns user link
  * @param   mixed   $user  Model_User, uid or username
  * @param   string  $nick
  * @param   array   $attributes
  * @return  string
 public static function user($user, $nick = null, array $attributes = null)
     static $viewer = false;
     // Load current user for friend styling
     if ($viewer === false) {
         $viewer = Visitor::instance()->get_user();
     $class = array('user', 'hoverable');
     if ($user instanceof Model_user || $user && ($user = Model_User::find_user($user))) {
         if ($user->loaded()) {
             $nick = $user->username;
             if ($viewer && $viewer->is_friend($user)) {
                 $class[] = 'friend ';
             if ($user->gender) {
                 $class[] = $user->gender == 'f' ? 'female ' : 'male ';
     $class[] = Arr::get($attributes, 'class');
     $attributes['class'] = trim(implode(' ', $class));
     return empty($nick) ? __('Unknown') : HTML::anchor(URL::user($nick), $nick, $attributes);
Exemplo n.º 18
 * @param $row - a full row from log_activities and activity_type
 * @return void
 * this expects a full row of log_activities.* and activity_types.formatter
 * in $row and will format it, using the formatter callback function
 * we move things like id_topic, id_board et all into the array so the
 * formatting function can use them.
function aStreamFormatActivity(&$row, $is_notification = false)
    global $scripturl, $txt;
    $params = unserialize($row['params']);
    // populate the array with the remaining database columns
    $params = array_merge($params, $row);
    $callback = $row['formatter'];
    if (function_exists($callback)) {
        $out = call_user_func_array($callback, array(&$params));
        if (false !== $out) {
            $row['formatted_result'] = str_replace(array('@SCRIPTURL@', '@URL_MEMBER@', '@NM@'), array($scripturl, URL::user($params['id_member'], $params['member_name']), $is_notification ? ';nmdismiss=' . $row['id_act'] : ''), $out);
        } else {
            $row['formatted_result'] = false;
    } else {
        $_s = sprintf($txt['activity_missing_callback'], $params['id_type']);
        $row['formatted_result'] = $_s;
Exemplo n.º 19
  * Get user's new comment counts
  * @return  array
 public function find_new_comments()
     $new = array();
     // Profile comments
     if ($this->new_comment_count) {
         $new['new-comments'] = HTML::anchor(URL::user($this), __(':comments', array(':comments' => '<div></div><var>' . $this->new_comment_count . '</var>')), array('title' => __('New comments')));
     // Blog comments
     $blog_comments = Model_Blog_Entry::find_new_comments($this);
     if (count($blog_comments)) {
         $new_comments = 0;
         foreach ($blog_comments as $blog_entry) {
             $new_comments += $blog_entry->new_comment_count;
         $new['new-blog-comments'] = HTML::anchor(Route::model($blog_entry), __(':comments', array(':comments' => '<div></div><var>' . $new_comments . '</var>')), array('title' => __('New blog comments')));
     // Forum quotes
     $forum_quotes = Model_Forum_Quote::find_by_user($this);
     if (count($forum_quotes)) {
         $new_quotes = count($forum_quotes);
         $quote = $forum_quotes->current();
         $new['new-forum-quotes'] = HTML::anchor(Route::get('forum_post')->uri(array('topic_id' => Route::model_id($quote->topic), 'id' => $quote->post->id)) . '#post-' . $quote->post->id, __(':quotes', array(':quotes' => '<div></div><var>' . $new_quotes . '</var>')), array('title' => __('Forum quotes')));
     // Images waiting for approval
     if (Permission::has(new Model_Gallery(), Model_Gallery::PERMISSION_APPROVE_WAITING, $this)) {
         $gallery_approvals = Model_Gallery::find_pending(Permission::has(new Model_Gallery(), Model_Gallery::PERMISSION_APPROVE, $this) ? null : $this);
         if (count($gallery_approvals)) {
             $new_approvals = count($gallery_approvals);
             $new['new-gallery-approvals'] = HTML::anchor(Route::get('galleries')->uri(array('action' => 'approval')), __(':galleries', array(':galleries' => '<div></div><var>' . $new_approvals . '</var>')), array('title' => __('Galleries waiting for approval')));
     // Image comments
     $image_comments = Model_Image::find_new_comments($this);
     if (count($image_comments)) {
         $new_comments = 0;
         foreach ($image_comments as $image) {
             $new_comments += $image->new_comment_count;
         $new['new-image-comments'] = HTML::anchor(Route::get('gallery_image')->uri(array('gallery_id' => Route::model_id(Model_Gallery::find_by_image($image->id)), 'id' => $image->id, 'action' => '')), __(':comments', array(':comments' => '<div></div><var>' . $new_comments . '</var>')), array('title' => __('New image comments')));
     // Private messages
     return $new;
Exemplo n.º 20
function template_topicbit(&$topic)
    global $context, $settings, $options, $txt, $scripturl, $settings;
    $imgsrc = $settings['images_url'] . '/clipsrc.png';
    $color_class = '';
    $iconlegend = '';
    // Is this topic pending approval, or does it have any posts pending approval?
    if ($context['can_approve_posts'] && isset($topic['unapproved_posts']) && !empty($topic['unapproved_posts'])) {
        $color_class = ' altbg';
        $iconlegend .= '<div class="csrcwrapper16px floatleft"><img class="clipsrc unapproved" src="' . $imgsrc . '" alt="" title="' . $txt['awaiting_approval'] . '" /></div>';
    } else {
        if ($topic['is_sticky'] || $topic['is_locked']) {
            $color_class = ' altbg';
    if ($topic['is_locked']) {
        $iconlegend .= '<div class="csrcwrapper16px floatleft"><img class="clipsrc locked" src="' . $imgsrc . '" alt="" title="' . $txt['locked_topic'] . '" /></div>';
    if ($topic['is_sticky']) {
        $iconlegend .= '<div class="csrcwrapper16px floatleft hspaced"><img class="clipsrc sticky" src="' . $imgsrc . '" alt="" title="' . $txt['sticky_topic'] . '" /></div>';
    if ($topic['is_poll']) {
        $iconlegend .= '<div class="csrcwrapper16px floatleft hspaced"><img class="clipsrc poll" src="' . $imgsrc . '" alt="" title="' . $txt['poll'] . '" /></div>';
    if ($topic['is_posted_in']) {
        $iconlegend .= '<div class="csrcwrapper16px floatleft hspaced"><img class="clipsrc postedin" src="' . $imgsrc . '" alt="" title="' . $txt['participation_caption'] . '" /></div>';
    if ($topic['is_very_hot']) {
        $iconlegend .= '<div class="csrcwrapper16px floatleft hspaced"><img class="clipsrc veryhot" src="' . $imgsrc . '" alt="" title="' . $context['very_hot_topic_message'] . '" /></div>';
    } else {
        if ($topic['is_hot']) {
            $iconlegend .= '<div class="csrcwrapper16px floatleft hspaced"><img class="clipsrc hot" src="' . $imgsrc . '" alt="" title="' . $context['hot_topic_message'] . '" /></div>';
    if ($topic['is_old']) {
        $iconlegend .= '<div class="csrcwrapper16px floatleft hspaced"><img class="clipsrc old" src="' . $imgsrc . '" alt="" title="' . $context['old_topic_message'] . '" /></div>';
    echo '
	  <td class="icon1 topicrow gradient_darken_down', $color_class, '">';
    if (!empty($settings['show_user_images']) && empty($options['show_no_avatars'])) {
        echo '
	  	<span class="small_avatar">';
        if (!empty($topic['first_post']['member']['avatar'])) {
            echo '
			<a href="', URL::user($topic['first_post']['member']['id'], $topic['first_post']['member']['name']), '">
		  	', $topic['first_post']['member']['avatar'], '
        } else {
            echo '
			<a href="', URL::user($topic['first_post']['member']['id'], $topic['first_post']['member']['name']), '">
		  		<img src="', $settings['images_url'], '/unknown.png" alt="avatar" />
         * own avatar as overlay when 
         * a) we have one :)
         * b) we have posted in this topic
         * c) we have NOT started the topic
        if ($topic['is_posted_in'] && $topic['first_post']['member']['id'] != $context['user']['id'] && isset($context['user']['avatar']['image'])) {
            echo '
			<span class="avatar_overlay">', $context['user']['avatar']['image'], '</span>';
        echo '
    $is_new = $topic['new'] && $context['user']['is_logged'];
    echo '
		<td class="icon2 topicrow gradient_darken_down', $color_class, '">
			<img src="', $topic['first_post']['icon_url'], '" alt="" />
		<td class="subject topicrow gradient_darken_down', $color_class, '">
			<div ', !empty($topic['quick_mod']['modify']) ? 'id="topic_' . $topic['first_post']['id'] . '" ondblclick="modify_topic(\'' . $topic['id'] . '\', \'' . $topic['first_post']['id'] . '\');"' : '', '>
			<span class="tpeek" data-id="' . $topic['id'] . '" id="msg_' . $topic['first_post']['id'] . '">', $topic['prefix'], $is_new ? '<strong>' : '', $topic['first_post']['link'], !$context['can_approve_posts'] && !$topic['approved'] ? '&nbsp;<em>(' . $txt['awaiting_approval'] . ')</em>' : '', $is_new ? '</strong>' : '', '</span>';
    // Is this topic new? (assuming they are logged in!)
    if ($is_new) {
        echo '
			<a href="', $topic['new_href'], '" id="newicon' . $topic['first_post']['id'] . '"><img src="', $settings['images_url'], '/new.png" alt="', $txt['new'], '" /></a>';
    echo '
			<div class="floatright">
				<div class="floatright iconlegend_container" style="position:relative;top:-2px;opacity:0.4;">', $iconlegend, '</div>';
    if (!empty($topic['board']['id'])) {
        echo '
				<div class="tinytext" style="margin-top:16px;"><span class="lowcontrast">', $txt['in'], ' <a href="', $topic['board']['href'], '">', $topic['board']['name'], '</a></span></div>';
    echo '
			<p>', $topic['first_post']['member']['link'], ', ', $topic['first_post']['time'], '
			  <small id="pages' . $topic['first_post']['id'] . '">', $topic['pages'], '</small>
    echo '
		<td class="stats nowrap topicrow gradient_darken_down', $color_class, '">';
    if ($topic['replies']) {
        echo '
			<a rel="nofollow" title="', $txt['who_posted'], '" onclick="whoPosted($(this));return(false);" class="whoposted" data-topic="', $topic['id'], '" href="', $scripturl, '?action=xmlhttp;sa=whoposted;t=', $topic['id'], '" >', $topic['replies'], ' ', $txt['replies'], '</a>';
    } else {
        echo $topic['replies'], ' ', $txt['replies'];
    echo '
			<br />
				', $topic['views'], ' ', $txt['views'], '
		<td class="lastpost topicrow gradient_darken_down', $color_class, '">', $txt['by'], ': ', $topic['last_post']['member']['link'], '<br />
			<a class="lp_link" title="', $txt['last_post'], '" href="', $topic['last_post']['href'], '">', $topic['last_post']['time'], '</a>
    // Show the quick moderation options?
    if (!empty($context['can_quick_mod'])) {
        echo '
			<td class="moderation topicrow gradient_darken_down', $color_class, '" style="text-align:center;">';
        if ($options['display_quick_mod']) {
            echo '
				<input type="checkbox" name="', isset($topic['checkbox_name']) ? $topic['checkbox_name'] : 'topics[]', '" value="', $topic['id'], '" class="input_check cb_inline" />';
        echo '
    echo '
Exemplo n.º 21
Arquivo: user.php Projeto: anqh/core
  * Get comments section.
  * @param   Model_User   $user
  * @param   string       $route
  * @return  View_Generic_Comments
 public function section_comments(Model_User $user, $route = 'user_comment')
     // Pagination
     $per_page = 25;
     $pagination = new View_Generic_Pagination(array('base_url' => URL::user($user), 'items_per_page' => $per_page, 'total_items' => max(1, count($user->comments(self::$user, null)))));
     $section = new View_Generic_Comments($user->comments(self::$user, $pagination));
     $section->delete = Route::url($route, array('id' => '%d', 'commentaction' => 'delete')) . '?token=' . Security::csrf();
     $section->private = Route::url($route, array('id' => '%d', 'commentaction' => 'private')) . '?token=' . Security::csrf();
     $section->new_comments = self::$user && self::$user->id === $user->id ? $user->new_comment_count : null;
     $section->pagination = $pagination;
     return $section;
Exemplo n.º 22
$txt['paid_subscriptions'] = 'Paid Subscriptions';
$txt['paid_subs_view'] = 'View Subscriptions';
// Admin options
$txt['enableAutoSaveDrafts'] = 'Automatically save drafts every';
$txt['draftsave_subnote'] = 'A user must still have permission to use this feature<br><br>If set to 0, auto-saving will be globally disabled for all users, including administrators.<br>Be aware that this feature can consume considerable server load and bandwidth, so do not set the auto-saving interval too low.';
$txt['newsitem_show_boardindex'] = 'Show this item on the board index';
$txt['newsitem_is_mandatory'] = 'This news item is mandatory. It cannot be dismissed by members, regardless of permission. Note that administrators can always dismiss any news item.';
$txt['newsitem_show_boards'] = 'Show this item in the following boards only:';
$txt['newsitem_show_topics'] = 'Show this item in the following topics only:';
$txt['newsitem_show_groups'] = 'Only show it to the following user group(s):';
$txt['newsitem_display_options'] = 'Display options';
$txt['simplesef'] = 'SimpleSEF';
$txt['simplesef_admin_label'] = 'Board URLs';
$txt['simplesef_desc'] = 'This section allows you to edit the options for pretty board URLs.<br>
It implements "pretty" or so-called SEO-friendly URLs for your forum.<br><br>
To verify whether pretty URLs will work on your setup, please click <a href="' . URL::user(1, 'admin') . '"><strong>this link</strong></a>. If all has been set up properly, it should display the member profile page for the member with the ID 1 (that\'s normally you or the administrator who installed the forum). If it does NOT work, you should immediately disable the option to generate this kind of URls, otherwise your forum will be unusable.<br><br>
<strong>Note: If you have this enabled and start receiving 404 errors on your board, it is likely because .htaccess or web.config was not created, or your host does not have the mod_rewrite or Microsoft Url Rewrite module installed on the web server and you will not be able to use this mod.</strong> <strong>[<a href="#" onclick="showSimpleSEFHelp(); return false;">Help</a>]</strong>
<span style="display:block;" id="simplesef_help">If you have an Apache webserver, or one that uses .htaccess and has mod_rewrite functionality, you need a .htaccess file in your main SMF directory with the following:
<span style="display:block;" class="codeheader">Code:</span>
<code>RewriteEngine On<br /># Uncomment the following line if its not working right<br /># RewriteBase /<br />RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f<br />RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d<br />RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?q=$1 [L,QSA]</code>
<br />
If you have a IIS7 webserver, you need a web.config file in your main SMF directory with the following:
<span style="display:block;" class="codeheader">Code:</span>
<code>&lt;?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot; encoding=&quot;UTF-8&quot;?&gt;<br />&lt;configuration&gt;<br />    &lt;system.webServer&gt;<br />        &lt;rewrite&gt;<br />            &lt;rules&gt;<br />                &lt;rule name=&quot;SimpleSEF&quot; stopProcessing=&quot;true&quot;&gt;<br />                    &lt;match url=&quot;^(.*)$&quot; ignoreCase=&quot;false&quot; /&gt;<br />                    &lt;conditions logicalGrouping=&quot;MatchAll&quot;&gt;<br />                        &lt;add input=&quot;{REQUEST_FILENAME}&quot; matchType=&quot;IsFile&quot; negate=&quot;true&quot; pattern=&quot;&quot; ignoreCase=&quot;false&quot; /&gt;<br />                        &lt;add input=&quot;{REQUEST_FILENAME}&quot; matchType=&quot;IsDirectory&quot; negate=&quot;true&quot; pattern=&quot;&quot; ignoreCase=&quot;false&quot; /&gt;<br />                    &lt;/conditions&gt;<br />                    &lt;action type=&quot;Rewrite&quot; url=&quot;index.php?q={R:1}&quot; appendQueryString=&quot;true&quot; /&gt;<br />                &lt;/rule&gt;<br />            &lt;/rules&gt;<br />        &lt;/rewrite&gt;<br />    &lt;/system.webServer&gt;<br />&lt;/configuration&gt;</code>
<br />
If you have Lighttpd v1.4.23 or less, you will need the following in your Lighttpd config file, normally at /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf (thanks to <a href="http://www.simplemachines.org/community/index.php?action=profile;u=9547">Daniel15</a>).
<code>$HTTP[&quot;host&quot;] =~ &quot;(www.)?example.com&quot; {<br />   url.rewrite-final += (<br />      # Allow all normal files<br />      &quot;^/forum/.*\\.(js|ico|gif|jpg|png|swf|css|htm|php)(\\?.*)?$&quot; =&gt; &quot;$0&quot;,<br />      # Rewrite everything else<br />      &quot;^/([^.?]*)$&quot; =&gt; &quot;/index.php?q=$1&quot;<br />   )<br />}</code>
<br />
You can also make this work with Nginx with the following code added to your Nginx configuration file.
<code>if (!-e $request_filename) {<br />    rewrite ^/(.*)$ /index.php?q=$1 last;<br />}</code>
Exemplo n.º 23
Arquivo: page.php Projeto: anqh/core
     * Render visitor.
     * @return  string
    protected function _visitor()
        // Sunrise
        if (self::$_user && self::$_user->latitude && self::$_user->longitude) {
        	$latitude  = self::$_user->latitude;
        	$longitude = self::$_user->longitude;
        } else {
        	$latitude  = 60.1829;
        	$longitude = 24.9549;
        $sun = date_sun_info(time(), $latitude, $longitude);
        $sunrise = __(':day, week :week | Sunrise: :sunrise | Sunset: :sunset', array(
        	':day'     => strftime('%A'),
        	':week'    => strftime('%V'),
        	':sunrise' => Date::format(Date::TIME, $sun['sunrise']),
        	':sunset'  => Date::format(Date::TIME, $sun['sunset'])

	<nav id="visitor" class="navbar-text">
		<ul class="nav" role="menubar">
			<li class="menuitem-notifications"><span><?php 
        echo implode(' ', Anqh::notifications(self::$_user));
			<li role="menuitem" class="menuitem-profile"><?php 
        echo HTML::avatar(self::$_user->avatar, self::$_user->username, true);

			<li class="dropdown menu-me" role="menuitem" aria-haspopup="true">
				<a class="dropdown-toggle" href="#" data-toggle="dropdown"><?php 
        echo HTML::chars(self::$_user->username);
 <b class="caret"></b></a>
				<ul class="dropdown-menu pull-right" role="menu">
					<li role="menuitem"><?php 
        echo HTML::anchor(URL::user(self::$_user->username), '<i class="icon-user icon-white"></i> ' . __('Profile'));
					<li role="menuitem"><?php 
        echo HTML::anchor(Forum::private_messages_url(), '<i class="icon-envelope icon-white"></i> ' . __('Private messages'));
					<li role="menuitem"><?php 
        echo HTML::anchor(URL::user(self::$_user, 'favorites'), '<i class="icon-calendar icon-white"></i> ' . __('Favorites'));
					<li role="menuitem"><?php 
        echo HTML::anchor(URL::user(self::$_user, 'friends'), '<i class="icon-heart icon-white"></i> ' . __('Friends'));
					<li role="menuitem"><?php 
        echo HTML::anchor(URL::user(self::$_user, 'ignores'), '<i class="icon-ban-circle icon-white"></i> ' . __('Ignores'));
					<li role="menuitem"><?php 
        echo HTML::anchor(URL::user(self::$_user, 'settings'), '<i class="icon-cog icon-white"></i> ' . __('Settings'));
        if (self::$_user->has_role('admin')) {
					<li class="divider"></li>
					<li class="nav-header"><?php 
            echo __('Admin functions');
					<li role="menuitem" class="admin"><?php 
            echo HTML::anchor(Route::url('roles'), '<i class="icon-asterisk icon-white"></i> ' . __('Roles'));
					<li role="menuitem" class="admin"><?php 
            echo HTML::anchor(Route::url('tags'), '<i class="icon-tags icon-white"></i> ' . __('Tags'));
					<li role="menuitem" class="admin"><?php 
            echo HTML::anchor('#debug', '<i class="icon-signal icon-white"></i> ' . __('Profiler'), array('onclick' => "\$('div.kohana').toggle();"));
					<li class="divider"></li>
					<li role="menuitem">
        echo HTML::anchor(Route::url('sign', array('action' => 'out')), '<i class="icon-off icon-white"></i> ' . __('Sign out'));

			<li class="dropdown menu-search" role="menuitem" aria-haspopup="true">
					<a class="dropdown-toggle" href="#" data-toggle="dropdown"><i class="icon-search icon-white"></i> <b class="caret"></b></a>
					<ul class="dropdown-menu pull-right" role="menu">
						<li role="menuitem">
        echo Form::open(null, array('id' => 'form-search-events', 'class' => 'hidden-phone'));
							<label class="span2">
								<i class="icon-calendar icon-white"></i>
        echo Form::input('search-events', null, array('class' => 'input-small search-query', 'placeholder' => __('Search events..'), 'title' => __('Enter at least 3 characters')));
        echo Form::close();
						<li role="menuitem">
        echo Form::open(null, array('id' => 'form-search-users', 'class' => 'hidden-phone'));
							<label class="span2">
								<i class="icon-user icon-white"></i>
        echo Form::input('search-users', null, array('class' => 'input-small search-query', 'placeholder' => __('Search users..'), 'title' => __('Enter at least 2 characters')));
        echo Form::close();

	</nav><!-- #visitor -->

        return ob_get_clean();
Exemplo n.º 24
 public function url_user($id, $name)
     return URL::user($id, $name);
Exemplo n.º 25
Arquivo: site.php Projeto: anqh/anqh

defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct access allowed.');
 * Site config
 * @package    Anqh
 * @author     Antti Qvickström
 * @copyright  (c) 2010-2014 Antti Qvickström
 * @license    http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php MIT license
return array('site_name' => 'Anqh', 'image_server' => 'images.domain.tld', 'inviteonly' => false, 'email_contact' => '*****@*****.**', 'email_invitation' => '*****@*****.**', 'google_api_key' => false, 'google_analytics' => false, 'google_analytics_domain' => false, 'facebook' => false, 'og' => array('image' => null), 'foursquare_client_id' => null, 'foursquare_client_secret' => null, 'twitter_username' => null, 'share' => false, 'menu' => array('home' => array('url' => URL::site(), 'text' => __('Home'), 'icon' => 'fa fa-home', 'footer' => true), 'events' => array('url' => Route::url('events'), 'text' => __('Events'), 'icon' => 'fa fa-calendar'), 'forum' => array('url' => Route::url('forum'), 'text' => __('Forum'), 'icon' => 'fa fa-comments-o'), 'galleries' => array('url' => Route::url('galleries'), 'text' => __('Galleries'), 'icon' => 'fa fa-camera-retro'), 'music' => array('url' => Route::url('charts'), 'text' => __('Music'), 'icon' => 'fa fa-music'), 'blogs' => array('url' => Route::url('blogs'), 'text' => __('Blogs'), 'icon' => 'fa fa-book'), 'venues' => array('url' => Route::url('venues'), 'text' => __('Venues'), 'icon' => 'fa fa-map-marker'), 'members' => array('url' => Route::url('users'), 'text' => __('Members'), 'icon' => 'fa fa-group'), 'developers' => array('url' => Route::url('developers'), 'text' => __('Developers'), 'icon' => 'fa fa-gift', 'footer' => true), 'contact' => array('url' => Route::url('contact'), 'text' => __('Contact'), 'icon' => 'fa fa-envelope-o', 'footer' => true)), 'menu_visitor' => array('profile' => array('url' => URL::user(true), 'text' => __('Profile'), 'icon' => 'fa fa-fw fa-user'), 'messages' => array('url' => Forum::private_messages_url(), 'text' => __('Private messages'), 'icon' => 'fa fa-fw fa-envelope'), 'favorites' => array('url' => URL::user(true, 'favorites'), 'text' => __('Favorites'), 'icon' => 'fa fa-fw fa-heart'), 'friends' => array('url' => URL::user(true, 'friends'), 'text' => __('Friends'), 'icon' => 'fa fa-fw fa-group'), 'ignores' => array('url' => URL::user(true, 'ignores'), 'text' => __('Ignores'), 'icon' => 'fa fa-fw fa-ban'), 'settings' => array('url' => URL::user(true, 'settings'), 'text' => __('Settings'), 'icon' => 'fa fa-fw fa-cog'), 'signout' => array('url' => Route::url('sign', array('action' => 'out')), 'text' => __('Logout'), 'icon' => 'fa fa-fw fa-sign-out')), 'menu_admin' => array('roles' => array('url' => Route::url('roles'), 'text' => __('Roles'), 'icon' => 'fa fa-fw fa-asterisk'), 'tags' => array('url' => Route::url('tags'), 'text' => __('Tags'), 'icon' => 'fa fa-fw fa-tags'), 'profiler' => array('url' => '#debug', 'text' => __('Profiler'), 'icon' => 'fa fa-fw fa-signal', 'attributes' => array('onclick' => "\$('.kohana').toggle();"))), 'news' => array('forum_area_id' => 1, 'author_id' => 1), 'themes' => array('light' => array('name' => __('Light'), 'icon' => 'fa fa-fw fa-circle-o'), 'mixed' => array('name' => 'Mixed', 'icon' => 'fa fa-fw fa-adjust'), 'dark' => array('name' => __('Dark'), 'icon' => 'fa fa-fw fa-circle')), 'theme' => 'dark', 'ads' => array('enabled' => false, 'slots' => array('header' => 'head', 'side' => 'side_ads')), 'smiley' => array('dir' => 'smiley', 'smileys' => array()));
Exemplo n.º 26
 * Visitor card
 * @package    Anqh
 * @author     Antti Qvickström
 * @copyright  (c) 2010 Antti Qvickström
 * @license    http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php MIT license
if ($user) {
    // Member
    echo __(':user <var class="uid">[#:id]</var>', array(':id' => $user->id, ':user' => HTML::user($user))), '<br />';
    echo HTML::avatar($user->avatar, $user->username);
    echo HTML::anchor(URL::user($user, 'settings'), __('Settings'));
    echo HTML::anchor(Route::get('sign')->uri(array('action' => 'out')), __('Sign out'));
    $new_comments = $user->find_new_comments();
    if (!empty($new_comments)) {
<ul class="new-messages">
        foreach ($new_comments as $class => $link) {
Exemplo n.º 27
Arquivo: html.php Projeto: anqh/anqh
  * Returns user link
  * @param   mixed   $user
  * @param   string  $nick
  * @param   array   $attributes
  * @param   string  $url         override url
  * @return  string
 public static function user($user, $nick = null, array $attributes = null, $url = null)
     static $viewer = true;
     // Load current user for friend styling
     if ($viewer === true) {
         $viewer = Visitor::instance()->get_user();
     $class = array('user', 'hoverable');
     if (is_array($user) || $user && ($user = Model_User::find_user_light($user))) {
         if ($user) {
             $nick = $user['username'];
             if ($viewer && $viewer->is_friend($user)) {
                 $class[] = 'friend ';
             switch ($user['gender']) {
                 case 'f':
                     $class[] = 'female';
                 case 'm':
                     $class[] = 'male';
     $class[] = Arr::get($attributes, 'class');
     $attributes['class'] = trim(implode(' ', $class));
     return empty($nick) ? __('Unknown') : HTML::anchor($url ? $url : URL::user($nick), $nick, $attributes);
Exemplo n.º 28
function Display()
    global $scripturl, $txt, $modSettings, $context, $settings, $memberContext, $output;
    global $options, $sourcedir, $user_info, $user_profile, $board_info, $topic, $board;
    global $attachments, $messages_request, $topicinfo, $language;
    $context['response_prefixlen'] = strlen($txt['response_prefix']);
    $context['need_synhlt'] = true;
    $context['is_display_std'] = true;
    $context['pcache_update_counter'] = !empty($modSettings['use_post_cache']) ? 0 : PCACHE_UPDATE_PER_VIEW + 1;
    $context['time_cutoff_ref'] = time();
    $context['template_hooks']['display'] = array('header' => '', 'extend_topicheader' => '', 'above_posts' => '', 'below_posts' => '', 'footer' => '');
    //EoS_Smarty::getConfigInstance()->registerHookTemplate('postbit_below', 'overrides/foo');
    if (!empty($modSettings['karmaMode'])) {
        require_once $sourcedir . '/lib/Subs-Ratings.php';
    } else {
        $context['can_see_like'] = $context['can_give_like'] = false;
    // What are you gonna display if these are empty?!
    if (empty($topic)) {
        fatal_lang_error('no_board', false);
    // Not only does a prefetch make things slower for the server, but it makes it impossible to know if they read it.
    if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_MOZ']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_X_MOZ'] == 'prefetch') {
        header('HTTP/1.1 403 Prefetch Forbidden');
    // How much are we sticking on each page?
    $context['messages_per_page'] = commonAPI::getMessagesPerPage();
    $context['page_number'] = isset($_REQUEST['start']) ? $_REQUEST['start'] / $context['messages_per_page'] : 0;
    // Let's do some work on what to search index.
    //$context['multiquote_cookiename'] = 'mq_' . $context['current_topic'];
    $context['multiquote_posts'] = array();
    if (isset($_COOKIE[$context['multiquote_cookiename']]) && strlen($_COOKIE[$context['multiquote_cookiename']]) > 1) {
        $context['multiquote_posts'] = explode(',', $_COOKIE[$context['multiquote_cookiename']]);
    $context['multiquote_posts_count'] = count($context['multiquote_posts']);
    if (count($_GET) > 2) {
        foreach ($_GET as $k => $v) {
            if (!in_array($k, array('topic', 'board', 'start', session_name()))) {
                $context['robot_no_index'] = true;
    if (!empty($_REQUEST['start']) && (!is_numeric($_REQUEST['start']) || $_REQUEST['start'] % $context['messages_per_page'] != 0)) {
        $context['robot_no_index'] = true;
    // Find the previous or next topic.  Make a fuss if there are no more.
    if (isset($_REQUEST['prev_next']) && ($_REQUEST['prev_next'] == 'prev' || $_REQUEST['prev_next'] == 'next')) {
        // No use in calculating the next topic if there's only one.
        if ($board_info['num_topics'] > 1) {
            // Just prepare some variables that are used in the query.
            $gt_lt = $_REQUEST['prev_next'] == 'prev' ? '>' : '<';
            $order = $_REQUEST['prev_next'] == 'prev' ? '' : ' DESC';
            $request = smf_db_query('
				SELECT t2.id_topic
				FROM {db_prefix}topics AS t
					INNER JOIN {db_prefix}topics AS t2 ON (' . (empty($modSettings['enableStickyTopics']) ? '
					t2.id_last_msg ' . $gt_lt . ' t.id_last_msg' : '
					(t2.id_last_msg ' . $gt_lt . ' t.id_last_msg AND t2.is_sticky ' . $gt_lt . '= t.is_sticky) OR t2.is_sticky ' . $gt_lt . ' t.is_sticky') . ')
				WHERE t.id_topic = {int:current_topic}
					AND t2.id_board = {int:current_board}' . (!$modSettings['postmod_active'] || allowedTo('approve_posts') ? '' : '
					AND (t2.approved = {int:is_approved} OR (t2.id_member_started != {int:id_member_started} AND t2.id_member_started = {int:current_member}))') . '
				ORDER BY' . (empty($modSettings['enableStickyTopics']) ? '' : ' t2.is_sticky' . $order . ',') . ' t2.id_last_msg' . $order . '
				LIMIT 1', array('current_board' => $board, 'current_member' => $user_info['id'], 'current_topic' => $topic, 'is_approved' => 1, 'id_member_started' => 0));
            // No more left.
            if (mysql_num_rows($request) == 0) {
                // Roll over - if we're going prev, get the last - otherwise the first.
                $request = smf_db_query('
					SELECT id_topic
					FROM {db_prefix}topics
					WHERE id_board = {int:current_board}' . (!$modSettings['postmod_active'] || allowedTo('approve_posts') ? '' : '
						AND (approved = {int:is_approved} OR (id_member_started != {int:id_member_started} AND id_member_started = {int:current_member}))') . '
					ORDER BY' . (empty($modSettings['enableStickyTopics']) ? '' : ' is_sticky' . $order . ',') . ' id_last_msg' . $order . '
					LIMIT 1', array('current_board' => $board, 'current_member' => $user_info['id'], 'is_approved' => 1, 'id_member_started' => 0));
            // Now you can be sure $topic is the id_topic to view.
            list($topic) = mysql_fetch_row($request);
            $context['current_topic'] = $topic;
        // Go to the newest message on this topic.
        $_REQUEST['start'] = 'new';
    // Add 1 to the number of views of this topic.
    if (empty($_SESSION['last_read_topic']) || $_SESSION['last_read_topic'] != $topic) {
			UPDATE {db_prefix}topics
			SET num_views = num_views + 1
			WHERE id_topic = {int:current_topic}', array('current_topic' => $topic));
        $_SESSION['last_read_topic'] = $topic;
    if ($modSettings['tags_active']) {
        $dbresult = smf_db_query('
		   SELECT t.tag,l.ID,t.ID_TAG FROM {db_prefix}tags_log as l, {db_prefix}tags as t
			WHERE t.ID_TAG = l.ID_TAG && l.ID_TOPIC = {int:topic}', array('topic' => $topic));
        $context['topic_tags'] = array();
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($dbresult)) {
            $context['topic_tags'][] = array('ID' => $row['ID'], 'ID_TAG' => $row['ID_TAG'], 'tag' => $row['tag']);
        $context['tags_active'] = true;
    } else {
        $context['topic_tags'] = $context['tags_active'] = 0;
    // Get all the important topic info.
    $request = smf_db_query('SELECT
			t.num_replies, t.num_views, t.locked, ms.poster_name, ms.subject, ms.poster_email, ms.poster_time AS first_post_time, t.is_sticky, t.id_poll,
			t.id_member_started, t.id_first_msg, t.id_last_msg, t.approved, t.unapproved_posts, t.id_layout, 
			' . ($user_info['is_guest'] ? 't.id_last_msg + 1' : 'IFNULL(lt.id_msg, IFNULL(lmr.id_msg, -1)) + 1') . ' AS new_from
			' . (!empty($modSettings['recycle_board']) && $modSettings['recycle_board'] == $board ? ', id_previous_board, id_previous_topic' : '') . ',
			p.name AS prefix_name, ms1.poster_time AS last_post_time, ms1.modified_time AS last_modified_time, IFNULL(b.automerge, 0) AS automerge
		FROM {db_prefix}topics AS t
			INNER JOIN {db_prefix}boards AS b ON (b.id_board = t.id_board)
			INNER JOIN {db_prefix}messages AS ms1 ON (ms1.id_msg = t.id_last_msg)
			INNER JOIN {db_prefix}messages AS ms ON (ms.id_msg = t.id_first_msg)' . ($user_info['is_guest'] ? '' : '
			LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}log_topics AS lt ON (lt.id_topic = {int:current_topic} AND lt.id_member = {int:current_member})
			LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}log_mark_read AS lmr ON (lmr.id_board = {int:current_board} AND lmr.id_member = {int:current_member})') . '
			LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}prefixes as p ON p.id_prefix = t.id_prefix 
		WHERE t.id_topic = {int:current_topic}
		LIMIT 1', array('current_member' => $user_info['id'], 'current_topic' => $topic, 'current_board' => $board));
    if (mysql_num_rows($request) == 0) {
        fatal_lang_error('not_a_topic', false);
    // Added by Related Topics
    if (isset($modSettings['have_related_topics']) && $modSettings['have_related_topics'] && !empty($modSettings['relatedTopicsEnabled'])) {
        require_once $sourcedir . '/lib/Subs-Related.php';
    $topicinfo = mysql_fetch_assoc($request);
    $context['topic_banned_members'] = array();
    $request = smf_db_query('SELECT id_member FROM {db_prefix}topicbans WHERE id_topic = {int:topic}', array('topic' => $topic));
    if (mysql_num_rows($request) != 0) {
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($request)) {
            $context['topic_banned_members'][] = $row[0];
    $context['topic_banned_members_count'] = count($context['topic_banned_members']);
    $context['topic_last_modified'] = max($topicinfo['last_post_time'], $topicinfo['last_modified_time']);
    // todo: considering - make post cutoff time for the cache depend on the modification time of the topic's last post
    $context['real_num_replies'] = $context['num_replies'] = $topicinfo['num_replies'];
    $context['topic_first_message'] = $topicinfo['id_first_msg'];
    $context['topic_last_message'] = $topicinfo['id_last_msg'];
    $context['first_subject'] = $topicinfo['subject'];
    $context['prefix'] = !empty($topicinfo['prefix_name']) ? html_entity_decode($topicinfo['prefix_name']) . '&nbsp;' : '';
    $context['automerge'] = $topicinfo['automerge'] > 0;
    // Add up unapproved replies to get real number of replies...
    if ($modSettings['postmod_active'] && allowedTo('approve_posts')) {
        $context['real_num_replies'] += $topicinfo['unapproved_posts'] - ($topicinfo['approved'] ? 0 : 1);
    // If this topic has unapproved posts, we need to work out how many posts the user can see, for page indexing.
    if ($modSettings['postmod_active'] && $topicinfo['unapproved_posts'] && !$user_info['is_guest'] && !allowedTo('approve_posts')) {
        $request = smf_db_query('
			SELECT COUNT(id_member) AS my_unapproved_posts
			FROM {db_prefix}messages
			WHERE id_topic = {int:current_topic}
				AND id_member = {int:current_member}
				AND approved = 0', array('current_topic' => $topic, 'current_member' => $user_info['id']));
        list($myUnapprovedPosts) = mysql_fetch_row($request);
        $context['total_visible_posts'] = $context['num_replies'] + $myUnapprovedPosts + ($topicinfo['approved'] ? 1 : 0);
    } else {
        $context['total_visible_posts'] = $context['num_replies'] + $topicinfo['unapproved_posts'] + ($topicinfo['approved'] ? 1 : 0);
    // When was the last time this topic was replied to?  Should we warn them about it?
    /* redundant query? last_post_time is already in $topicinfo[]
    	$request = smf_db_query( '
    		SELECT poster_time
    		FROM {db_prefix}messages
    		WHERE id_msg = {int:id_last_msg}
    		LIMIT 1',
    			'id_last_msg' => $topicinfo['id_last_msg'],
    	list ($lastPostTime) = mysql_fetch_row($request);
    $lastPostTime = $topicinfo['last_post_time'];
    $context['oldTopicError'] = !empty($modSettings['oldTopicDays']) && $lastPostTime + $modSettings['oldTopicDays'] * 86400 < time() && empty($sticky);
    // The start isn't a number; it's information about what to do, where to go.
    if (!is_numeric($_REQUEST['start'])) {
        // Redirect to the page and post with new messages, originally by Omar Bazavilvazo.
        if ($_REQUEST['start'] == 'new') {
            // Guests automatically go to the last post.
            if ($user_info['is_guest']) {
                $context['start_from'] = $context['total_visible_posts'] - 1;
                $_REQUEST['start'] = empty($options['view_newest_first']) ? $context['start_from'] : 0;
            } else {
                // Find the earliest unread message in the topic. (the use of topics here is just for both tables.)
                $request = smf_db_query('
					SELECT IFNULL(lt.id_msg, IFNULL(lmr.id_msg, -1)) + 1 AS new_from
					FROM {db_prefix}topics AS t
						LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}log_topics AS lt ON (lt.id_topic = {int:current_topic} AND lt.id_member = {int:current_member})
						LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}log_mark_read AS lmr ON (lmr.id_board = {int:current_board} AND lmr.id_member = {int:current_member})
					WHERE t.id_topic = {int:current_topic}
					LIMIT 1', array('current_board' => $board, 'current_member' => $user_info['id'], 'current_topic' => $topic));
                list($new_from) = mysql_fetch_row($request);
                // Fall through to the next if statement.
                $_REQUEST['start'] = 'msg' . $new_from;
        // Start from a certain time index, not a message.
        if (substr($_REQUEST['start'], 0, 4) == 'from') {
            $timestamp = (int) substr($_REQUEST['start'], 4);
            if ($timestamp === 0) {
                $_REQUEST['start'] = 0;
            } else {
                // Find the number of messages posted before said time...
                $request = smf_db_query('
					FROM {db_prefix}messages
					WHERE poster_time < {int:timestamp}
						AND id_topic = {int:current_topic}' . ($modSettings['postmod_active'] && $topicinfo['unapproved_posts'] && !allowedTo('approve_posts') ? '
						AND (approved = {int:is_approved}' . ($user_info['is_guest'] ? '' : ' OR id_member = {int:current_member}') . ')' : ''), array('current_topic' => $topic, 'current_member' => $user_info['id'], 'is_approved' => 1, 'timestamp' => $timestamp));
                list($context['start_from']) = mysql_fetch_row($request);
                // Handle view_newest_first options, and get the correct start value.
                $_REQUEST['start'] = empty($options['view_newest_first']) ? $context['start_from'] : $context['total_visible_posts'] - $context['start_from'] - 1;
        } elseif (substr($_REQUEST['start'], 0, 3) == 'msg') {
            $virtual_msg = (int) substr($_REQUEST['start'], 3);
            if (!$topicinfo['unapproved_posts'] && $virtual_msg >= $topicinfo['id_last_msg']) {
                $context['start_from'] = $context['total_visible_posts'] - 1;
            } elseif (!$topicinfo['unapproved_posts'] && $virtual_msg <= $topicinfo['id_first_msg']) {
                $context['start_from'] = 0;
            } else {
                // Find the start value for that message......
                $request = smf_db_query('
					FROM {db_prefix}messages
					WHERE id_msg < {int:virtual_msg}
						AND id_topic = {int:current_topic}' . ($modSettings['postmod_active'] && $topicinfo['unapproved_posts'] && !allowedTo('approve_posts') ? '
						AND (approved = {int:is_approved}' . ($user_info['is_guest'] ? '' : ' OR id_member = {int:current_member}') . ')' : ''), array('current_member' => $user_info['id'], 'current_topic' => $topic, 'virtual_msg' => $virtual_msg, 'is_approved' => 1, 'no_member' => 0));
                list($context['start_from']) = mysql_fetch_row($request);
            // We need to reverse the start as well in this case.
            if (isset($_REQUEST['perma'])) {
                $_REQUEST['start'] = $virtual_msg;
            } else {
                $_REQUEST['start'] = empty($options['view_newest_first']) ? $context['start_from'] : $context['total_visible_posts'] - $context['start_from'] - 1;
    // Create a previous next string if the selected theme has it as a selected option.
    $context['previous_next'] = $modSettings['enablePreviousNext'] ? '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?topic=' . $topic . '.0;prev_next=prev#new">' . $txt['previous_next_back'] . '</a> <a href="' . $scripturl . '?topic=' . $topic . '.0;prev_next=next#new">' . $txt['previous_next_forward'] . '</a>' : '';
    // Do we need to show the visual verification image?
    $context['require_verification'] = !$user_info['is_mod'] && !$user_info['is_admin'] && !empty($modSettings['posts_require_captcha']) && ($user_info['posts'] < $modSettings['posts_require_captcha'] || $user_info['is_guest'] && $modSettings['posts_require_captcha'] == -1);
    if ($context['require_verification']) {
        require_once $sourcedir . '/lib/Subs-Editor.php';
        $verificationOptions = array('id' => 'post', 'skip_template' => true);
        $context['require_verification'] = create_control_verification($verificationOptions);
        $context['visual_verification_id'] = $verificationOptions['id'];
    // Are we showing signatures - or disabled fields?
    $context['signature_enabled'] = substr($modSettings['signature_settings'], 0, 1) == 1;
    $context['disabled_fields'] = isset($modSettings['disabled_profile_fields']) ? array_flip(explode(',', $modSettings['disabled_profile_fields'])) : array();
    // Censor the title...
    $context['page_title'] = $topicinfo['subject'] . ((int) $context['page_number'] > 0 ? ' - ' . $txt['page'] . ' ' . ($context['page_number'] + 1) : '');
    // Is this topic sticky, or can it even be?
    $topicinfo['is_sticky'] = empty($modSettings['enableStickyTopics']) ? '0' : $topicinfo['is_sticky'];
    // Default this topic to not marked for notifications... of course...
    $context['is_marked_notify'] = false;
    // Did we report a post to a moderator just now?
    $context['report_sent'] = isset($_GET['reportsent']);
    // Let's get nosey, who is viewing this topic?
    if (!empty($settings['display_who_viewing'])) {
        // Start out with no one at all viewing it.
        $context['view_members'] = array();
        $context['view_members_list'] = array();
        $context['view_num_hidden'] = 0;
        // Search for members who have this topic set in their GET data.
        $request = smf_db_query('
				lo.id_member, lo.log_time, mem.real_name, mem.member_name, mem.show_online, mem.id_group, mem.id_post_group
			FROM {db_prefix}log_online AS lo
				LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}members AS mem ON (mem.id_member = lo.id_member)
			WHERE INSTR(lo.url, {string:in_url_string}) > 0 OR lo.session = {string:session}', array('in_url_string' => 's:5:"topic";i:' . $topic . ';', 'session' => $user_info['is_guest'] ? 'ip' . $user_info['ip'] : session_id()));
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($request)) {
            if (empty($row['id_member'])) {
            $class = 'member group_' . (empty($row['id_group']) ? $row['id_post_group'] : $row['id_group']) . (in_array($row['id_member'], $user_info['buddies']) ? ' buddy' : '');
            $href = URL::user($row['id_member'], $row['real_name']);
            if ($row['id_member'] == $user_info['id']) {
                $link = '<strong>' . $txt['you'] . '</strong>';
            } else {
                $link = '<a onclick="getMcard(' . $row['id_member'] . ');return(false);" class="' . $class . '" href="' . $href . '">' . $row['real_name'] . '</a>';
            // Add them both to the list and to the more detailed list.
            if (!empty($row['show_online']) || allowedTo('moderate_forum')) {
                $context['view_members_list'][$row['log_time'] . $row['member_name']] = empty($row['show_online']) ? '<em>' . $link . '</em>' : $link;
            $context['view_members'][$row['log_time'] . $row['member_name']] = array('id' => $row['id_member'], 'username' => $row['member_name'], 'name' => $row['real_name'], 'group' => $row['id_group'], 'href' => $href, 'link' => $link, 'hidden' => empty($row['show_online']));
            if (empty($row['show_online'])) {
        // The number of guests is equal to the rows minus the ones we actually used ;).
        $context['view_num_guests'] = mysql_num_rows($request) - count($context['view_members']);
        // Sort the list.
    // If all is set, but not allowed... just unset it.
    $can_show_all = !empty($modSettings['enableAllMessages']) && $context['total_visible_posts'] > $context['messages_per_page'] && $context['total_visible_posts'] < $modSettings['enableAllMessages'];
    if (isset($_REQUEST['all']) && !$can_show_all) {
    } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['all'])) {
        $_REQUEST['start'] = -1;
    // Construct the page index, allowing for the .START method...
    if (!isset($_REQUEST['perma'])) {
        $context['page_index'] = constructPageIndex(URL::topic($topic, $topicinfo['subject'], '%1$d'), $_REQUEST['start'], $context['total_visible_posts'], $context['messages_per_page'], true);
    $context['start'] = $_REQUEST['start'];
    // This is information about which page is current, and which page we're on - in case you don't like the constructed page index. (again, wireles..)
    $context['page_info'] = array('current_page' => $_REQUEST['start'] / $context['messages_per_page'] + 1, 'num_pages' => floor(($context['total_visible_posts'] - 1) / $context['messages_per_page']) + 1);
    $context['links'] = array('first' => $_REQUEST['start'] >= $context['messages_per_page'] ? $scripturl . '?topic=' . $topic . '.0' : '', 'prev' => $_REQUEST['start'] >= $context['messages_per_page'] ? $scripturl . '?topic=' . $topic . '.' . ($_REQUEST['start'] - $context['messages_per_page']) : '', 'next' => $_REQUEST['start'] + $context['messages_per_page'] < $context['total_visible_posts'] ? $scripturl . '?topic=' . $topic . '.' . ($_REQUEST['start'] + $context['messages_per_page']) : '', 'last' => $_REQUEST['start'] + $context['messages_per_page'] < $context['total_visible_posts'] ? $scripturl . '?topic=' . $topic . '.' . floor($context['total_visible_posts'] / $context['messages_per_page']) * $context['messages_per_page'] : '', 'up' => $scripturl . '?board=' . $board . '.0');
    // If they are viewing all the posts, show all the posts, otherwise limit the number.
    if ($can_show_all) {
        if (isset($_REQUEST['all'])) {
            // No limit! (actually, there is a limit, but...)
            $context['messages_per_page'] = -1;
            $context['page_index'] .= '[<strong>' . $txt['all'] . '</strong>] ';
            // Set start back to 0...
            $_REQUEST['start'] = 0;
        } else {
            if (!isset($context['page_index'])) {
                $context['page_index'] = '';
            $context['page_index'] .= '&nbsp;<a href="' . $scripturl . '?topic=' . $topic . '.0;all">' . $txt['all'] . '</a> ';
    // Build the link tree.
    $context['linktree'][] = array('url' => URL::topic($topic, $topicinfo['subject'], 0), 'name' => $topicinfo['subject'], 'extra_before' => $settings['linktree_inline'] ? $txt['topic'] . ': ' : '');
    // Build a list of this board's moderators.
    $context['moderators'] =& $board_info['moderators'];
    $context['link_moderators'] = array();
    if (!empty($board_info['moderators'])) {
        // Add a link for each moderator...
        foreach ($board_info['moderators'] as $mod) {
            $context['link_moderators'][] = '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=profile;u=' . $mod['id'] . '" title="' . $txt['board_moderator'] . '">' . $mod['name'] . '</a>';
        // And show it after the board's name.
        //$context['linktree'][count($context['linktree']) - 2]['extra_after'] = ' (' . (count($context['link_moderators']) == 1 ? $txt['moderator'] : $txt['moderators']) . ': ' . implode(', ', $context['link_moderators']) . ')';
    // Information about the current topic...
    $context['is_locked'] = $topicinfo['locked'];
    $context['is_sticky'] = $topicinfo['is_sticky'];
    $context['is_very_hot'] = $topicinfo['num_replies'] >= $modSettings['hotTopicVeryPosts'];
    $context['is_hot'] = $topicinfo['num_replies'] >= $modSettings['hotTopicPosts'];
    $context['is_approved'] = $topicinfo['approved'];
    // We don't want to show the poll icon in the topic class here, so pretend it's not one.
    $context['is_poll'] = false;
    $context['is_poll'] = $topicinfo['id_poll'] > 0 && $modSettings['pollMode'] == '1' && allowedTo('poll_view');
    // Did this user start the topic or not?
    $context['user']['started'] = $user_info['id'] == $topicinfo['id_member_started'] && !$user_info['is_guest'];
    $context['topic_starter_id'] = $topicinfo['id_member_started'];
    // Set the topic's information for the template.
    $context['subject'] = $topicinfo['subject'];
    $context['num_views'] = $topicinfo['num_views'];
    $context['mark_unread_time'] = $topicinfo['new_from'];
    // Set a canonical URL for this page.
    $context['canonical_url'] = URL::topic($topic, $topicinfo['subject'], $context['start']);
    $context['share_url'] = $scripturl . '?topic=' . $topic;
    // For quick reply we need a response prefix in the default forum language.
    if (!isset($context['response_prefix']) && !($context['response_prefix'] = CacheAPI::getCache('response_prefix', 600))) {
        if ($language === $user_info['language']) {
            $context['response_prefix'] = $txt['response_prefix'];
        } else {
            loadLanguage('index', $language, false);
            $context['response_prefix'] = $txt['response_prefix'];
        CacheAPI::putCache('response_prefix', $context['response_prefix'], 600);
    // If we want to show event information in the topic, prepare the data.
    if (allowedTo('calendar_view') && !empty($modSettings['cal_showInTopic']) && !empty($modSettings['cal_enabled'])) {
        // First, try create a better time format, ignoring the "time" elements.
        if (preg_match('~%[AaBbCcDdeGghjmuYy](?:[^%]*%[AaBbCcDdeGghjmuYy])*~', $user_info['time_format'], $matches) == 0 || empty($matches[0])) {
            $date_string = $user_info['time_format'];
        } else {
            $date_string = $matches[0];
        // Any calendar information for this topic?
        $request = smf_db_query('
			SELECT cal.id_event, cal.start_date, cal.end_date, cal.title, cal.id_member, mem.real_name
			FROM {db_prefix}calendar AS cal
				LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}members AS mem ON (mem.id_member = cal.id_member)
			WHERE cal.id_topic = {int:current_topic}
			ORDER BY start_date', array('current_topic' => $topic));
        $context['linked_calendar_events'] = array();
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($request)) {
            // Prepare the dates for being formatted.
            $start_date = sscanf($row['start_date'], '%04d-%02d-%02d');
            $start_date = mktime(12, 0, 0, $start_date[1], $start_date[2], $start_date[0]);
            $end_date = sscanf($row['end_date'], '%04d-%02d-%02d');
            $end_date = mktime(12, 0, 0, $end_date[1], $end_date[2], $end_date[0]);
            $context['linked_calendar_events'][] = array('id' => $row['id_event'], 'title' => $row['title'], 'can_edit' => allowedTo('calendar_edit_any') || $row['id_member'] == $user_info['id'] && allowedTo('calendar_edit_own'), 'modify_href' => $scripturl . '?action=post;msg=' . $topicinfo['id_first_msg'] . ';topic=' . $topic . '.0;calendar;eventid=' . $row['id_event'] . ';' . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id'], 'start_date' => timeformat_static($start_date, $date_string, 'none'), 'start_timestamp' => $start_date, 'end_date' => timeformat_static($end_date, $date_string, 'none'), 'end_timestamp' => $end_date, 'is_last' => false);
        if (!empty($context['linked_calendar_events'])) {
            $context['linked_calendar_events'][count($context['linked_calendar_events']) - 1]['is_last'] = true;
    // Create the poll info if it exists.
    if ($context['is_poll']) {
        // Get the question and if it's locked.
        $request = smf_db_query('
				p.question, p.voting_locked, p.hide_results, p.expire_time, p.max_votes, p.change_vote,
				p.guest_vote, p.id_member, IFNULL(mem.real_name, p.poster_name) AS poster_name, p.num_guest_voters, p.reset_poll
			FROM {db_prefix}polls AS p
				LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}members AS mem ON (mem.id_member = p.id_member)
			WHERE p.id_poll = {int:id_poll}
			LIMIT 1', array('id_poll' => $topicinfo['id_poll']));
        $pollinfo = mysql_fetch_assoc($request);
        $request = smf_db_query('
			SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT id_member) AS total
			FROM {db_prefix}log_polls
			WHERE id_poll = {int:id_poll}
				AND id_member != {int:not_guest}', array('id_poll' => $topicinfo['id_poll'], 'not_guest' => 0));
        list($pollinfo['total']) = mysql_fetch_row($request);
        // Total voters needs to include guest voters
        $pollinfo['total'] += $pollinfo['num_guest_voters'];
        // Get all the options, and calculate the total votes.
        $request = smf_db_query('
			SELECT pc.id_choice, pc.label, pc.votes, IFNULL(lp.id_choice, -1) AS voted_this
			FROM {db_prefix}poll_choices AS pc
				LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}log_polls AS lp ON (lp.id_choice = pc.id_choice AND lp.id_poll = {int:id_poll} AND lp.id_member = {int:current_member} AND lp.id_member != {int:not_guest})
			WHERE pc.id_poll = {int:id_poll}', array('current_member' => $user_info['id'], 'id_poll' => $topicinfo['id_poll'], 'not_guest' => 0));
        $pollOptions = array();
        $realtotal = 0;
        $pollinfo['has_voted'] = false;
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($request)) {
            $pollOptions[$row['id_choice']] = $row;
            $realtotal += $row['votes'];
            $pollinfo['has_voted'] |= $row['voted_this'] != -1;
        // If this is a guest we need to do our best to work out if they have voted, and what they voted for.
        if ($user_info['is_guest'] && $pollinfo['guest_vote'] && allowedTo('poll_vote')) {
            if (!empty($_COOKIE['guest_poll_vote']) && preg_match('~^[0-9,;]+$~', $_COOKIE['guest_poll_vote']) && strpos($_COOKIE['guest_poll_vote'], ';' . $topicinfo['id_poll'] . ',') !== false) {
                // ;id,timestamp,[vote,vote...]; etc
                $guestinfo = explode(';', $_COOKIE['guest_poll_vote']);
                // Find the poll we're after.
                foreach ($guestinfo as $i => $guestvoted) {
                    $guestvoted = explode(',', $guestvoted);
                    if ($guestvoted[0] == $topicinfo['id_poll']) {
                // Has the poll been reset since guest voted?
                if ($pollinfo['reset_poll'] > $guestvoted[1]) {
                    // Remove the poll info from the cookie to allow guest to vote again
                    if (!empty($guestinfo)) {
                        $_COOKIE['guest_poll_vote'] = ';' . implode(';', $guestinfo);
                    } else {
                } else {
                    // What did they vote for?
                    unset($guestvoted[0], $guestvoted[1]);
                    foreach ($pollOptions as $choice => $details) {
                        $pollOptions[$choice]['voted_this'] = in_array($choice, $guestvoted) ? 1 : -1;
                        $pollinfo['has_voted'] |= $pollOptions[$choice]['voted_this'] != -1;
                    unset($choice, $details, $guestvoted);
                unset($guestinfo, $guestvoted, $i);
        // Set up the basic poll information.
        $context['poll'] = array('id' => $topicinfo['id_poll'], 'image' => 'normal_' . (empty($pollinfo['voting_locked']) ? 'poll' : 'locked_poll'), 'question' => parse_bbc($pollinfo['question']), 'total_votes' => $pollinfo['total'], 'change_vote' => !empty($pollinfo['change_vote']), 'is_locked' => !empty($pollinfo['voting_locked']), 'options' => array(), 'lock' => allowedTo('poll_lock_any') || $context['user']['started'] && allowedTo('poll_lock_own'), 'edit' => allowedTo('poll_edit_any') || $context['user']['started'] && allowedTo('poll_edit_own'), 'allowed_warning' => $pollinfo['max_votes'] > 1 ? sprintf($txt['poll_options6'], min(count($pollOptions), $pollinfo['max_votes'])) : '', 'is_expired' => !empty($pollinfo['expire_time']) && $pollinfo['expire_time'] < time(), 'expire_time' => !empty($pollinfo['expire_time']) ? timeformat($pollinfo['expire_time']) : 0, 'has_voted' => !empty($pollinfo['has_voted']), 'starter' => array('id' => $pollinfo['id_member'], 'name' => $row['poster_name'], 'href' => $pollinfo['id_member'] == 0 ? '' : $scripturl . '?action=profile;u=' . $pollinfo['id_member'], 'link' => $pollinfo['id_member'] == 0 ? $row['poster_name'] : '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=profile;u=' . $pollinfo['id_member'] . '">' . $row['poster_name'] . '</a>'));
        // Make the lock and edit permissions defined above more directly accessible.
        $context['allow_lock_poll'] = $context['poll']['lock'];
        $context['allow_edit_poll'] = $context['poll']['edit'];
        // You're allowed to vote if:
        // 1. the poll did not expire, and
        // 2. you're either not a guest OR guest voting is enabled... and
        // 3. you're not trying to view the results, and
        // 4. the poll is not locked, and
        // 5. you have the proper permissions, and
        // 6. you haven't already voted before.
        $context['allow_vote'] = !$context['poll']['is_expired'] && (!$user_info['is_guest'] || $pollinfo['guest_vote'] && allowedTo('poll_vote')) && empty($pollinfo['voting_locked']) && allowedTo('poll_vote') && !$context['poll']['has_voted'];
        // You're allowed to view the results if:
        // 1. you're just a super-nice-guy, or
        // 2. anyone can see them (hide_results == 0), or
        // 3. you can see them after you voted (hide_results == 1), or
        // 4. you've waited long enough for the poll to expire. (whether hide_results is 1 or 2.)
        $context['allow_poll_view'] = allowedTo('moderate_board') || $pollinfo['hide_results'] == 0 || $pollinfo['hide_results'] == 1 && $context['poll']['has_voted'] || $context['poll']['is_expired'];
        $context['poll']['show_results'] = $context['allow_poll_view'] && (isset($_REQUEST['viewresults']) || isset($_REQUEST['viewResults']));
        $context['show_view_results_button'] = $context['allow_vote'] && (!$context['allow_poll_view'] || !$context['poll']['show_results'] || !$context['poll']['has_voted']);
        // You're allowed to change your vote if:
        // 1. the poll did not expire, and
        // 2. you're not a guest... and
        // 3. the poll is not locked, and
        // 4. you have the proper permissions, and
        // 5. you have already voted, and
        // 6. the poll creator has said you can!
        $context['allow_change_vote'] = !$context['poll']['is_expired'] && !$user_info['is_guest'] && empty($pollinfo['voting_locked']) && allowedTo('poll_vote') && $context['poll']['has_voted'] && $context['poll']['change_vote'];
        // You're allowed to return to voting options if:
        // 1. you are (still) allowed to vote.
        // 2. you are currently seeing the results.
        $context['allow_return_vote'] = $context['allow_vote'] && $context['poll']['show_results'];
        // Calculate the percentages and bar lengths...
        $divisor = $realtotal == 0 ? 1 : $realtotal;
        // Determine if a decimal point is needed in order for the options to add to 100%.
        $precision = $realtotal == 100 ? 0 : 1;
        // Now look through each option, and...
        foreach ($pollOptions as $i => $option) {
            // First calculate the percentage, and then the width of the bar...
            $bar = round($option['votes'] * 100 / $divisor, $precision);
            $barWide = $bar == 0 ? 1 : floor($bar * 8 / 3);
            // Now add it to the poll's contextual theme data.
            $context['poll']['options'][$i] = array('id' => 'options-' . $i, 'percent' => $bar, 'votes' => $option['votes'], 'voted_this' => $option['voted_this'] != -1, 'bar' => '<span style="white-space: nowrap;"><img src="' . $settings['images_url'] . '/poll_' . ($context['right_to_left'] ? 'right' : 'left') . '.gif" alt="" /><img src="' . $settings['images_url'] . '/poll_middle.gif" width="' . $barWide . '" height="12" alt="-" /><img src="' . $settings['images_url'] . '/poll_' . ($context['right_to_left'] ? 'left' : 'right') . '.gif" alt="" /></span>', 'bar_ndt' => $bar > 0 ? '<div class="bar" style="width: ' . ($bar * 3.5 + 4) . 'px;"></div>' : '', 'bar_width' => $barWide, 'option' => parse_bbc($option['label']), 'vote_button' => '<input type="' . ($pollinfo['max_votes'] > 1 ? 'checkbox' : 'radio') . '" name="options[]" id="options-' . $i . '" value="' . $i . '" class="input_' . ($pollinfo['max_votes'] > 1 ? 'check' : 'radio') . '" />');
    // Calculate the fastest way to get the messages!
    $ascending = empty($options['view_newest_first']);
    $start = $_REQUEST['start'];
    $limit = $context['messages_per_page'];
    $firstIndex = 0;
    if ($start >= $context['total_visible_posts'] / 2 && $context['messages_per_page'] != -1) {
        $ascending = !$ascending;
        $limit = $context['total_visible_posts'] <= $start + $limit ? $context['total_visible_posts'] - $start : $limit;
        $start = $context['total_visible_posts'] <= $start + $limit ? 0 : $context['total_visible_posts'] - $start - $limit;
        $firstIndex = $limit - 1;
    if (!isset($_REQUEST['perma'])) {
        // Get each post and poster in this topic.
        $request = smf_db_query('
			SELECT id_msg, id_member, approved
			FROM {db_prefix}messages
			WHERE id_topic = {int:current_topic}' . (!$modSettings['postmod_active'] || allowedTo('approve_posts') ? '' : (!empty($modSettings['db_mysql_group_by_fix']) ? '' : '
			GROUP BY id_msg') . '
			HAVING (approved = {int:is_approved}' . ($user_info['is_guest'] ? '' : ' OR id_member = {int:current_member}') . ')') . '
			ORDER BY id_msg ' . ($ascending ? '' : 'DESC') . ($context['messages_per_page'] == -1 ? '' : '
			LIMIT ' . $start . ', ' . $limit), array('current_member' => $user_info['id'], 'current_topic' => $topic, 'is_approved' => 1, 'blank_id_member' => 0));
        $messages = array();
        $all_posters = array();
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($request)) {
            if (!empty($row['id_member'])) {
                $all_posters[$row['id_msg']] = $row['id_member'];
            $messages[] = $row['id_msg'];
        $posters[$context['topic_first_message']] = $context['topic_starter_id'];
        $posters = array_unique($all_posters);
    } else {
        $request = smf_db_query('
			SELECT id_member, approved
			FROM {db_prefix}messages
			WHERE id_msg = {int:id_msg}', array('id_msg' => $virtual_msg));
        list($id_member, $approved) = mysql_fetch_row($request);
        $context['sub_template'] = isset($_REQUEST['xml']) ? 'single_post_xml' : 'single_post';
        if (isset($_REQUEST['xml'])) {
            $context['template_layers'] = array();
            header('Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8');
        $messages = array($virtual_msg);
        $posters[$virtual_msg] = $id_member;
    // Guests can't mark topics read or for notifications, just can't sorry.
    if (!$user_info['is_guest']) {
        $mark_at_msg = max($messages);
        if ($mark_at_msg >= $topicinfo['id_last_msg']) {
            $mark_at_msg = $modSettings['maxMsgID'];
        if ($mark_at_msg >= $topicinfo['new_from']) {
            smf_db_insert($topicinfo['new_from'] == 0 ? 'ignore' : 'replace', '{db_prefix}log_topics', array('id_member' => 'int', 'id_topic' => 'int', 'id_msg' => 'int'), array($user_info['id'], $topic, $mark_at_msg), array('id_member', 'id_topic'));
        // Check for notifications on this topic OR board.
        $request = smf_db_query('
			SELECT sent, id_topic
			FROM {db_prefix}log_notify
			WHERE (id_topic = {int:current_topic} OR id_board = {int:current_board})
				AND id_member = {int:current_member}
			LIMIT 2', array('current_board' => $board, 'current_member' => $user_info['id'], 'current_topic' => $topic));
        $do_once = true;
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($request)) {
            // Find if this topic is marked for notification...
            if (!empty($row['id_topic'])) {
                $context['is_marked_notify'] = true;
            // Only do this once, but mark the notifications as "not sent yet" for next time.
            if (!empty($row['sent']) && $do_once) {
					UPDATE {db_prefix}log_notify
					SET sent = {int:is_not_sent}
					WHERE (id_topic = {int:current_topic} OR id_board = {int:current_board})
						AND id_member = {int:current_member}', array('current_board' => $board, 'current_member' => $user_info['id'], 'current_topic' => $topic, 'is_not_sent' => 0));
                $do_once = false;
        // Have we recently cached the number of new topics in this board, and it's still a lot?
        if (isset($_REQUEST['topicseen']) && isset($_SESSION['topicseen_cache'][$board]) && $_SESSION['topicseen_cache'][$board] > 5) {
        } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['topicseen'])) {
            // Use the mark read tables... and the last visit to figure out if this should be read or not.
            $request = smf_db_query('
				FROM {db_prefix}topics AS t
					LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}log_boards AS lb ON (lb.id_board = {int:current_board} AND lb.id_member = {int:current_member})
					LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}log_topics AS lt ON (lt.id_topic = t.id_topic AND lt.id_member = {int:current_member})
				WHERE t.id_board = {int:current_board}
					AND t.id_last_msg > IFNULL(lb.id_msg, 0)
					AND t.id_last_msg > IFNULL(lt.id_msg, 0)' . (empty($_SESSION['id_msg_last_visit']) ? '' : '
					AND t.id_last_msg > {int:id_msg_last_visit}'), array('current_board' => $board, 'current_member' => $user_info['id'], 'id_msg_last_visit' => (int) $_SESSION['id_msg_last_visit']));
            list($numNewTopics) = mysql_fetch_row($request);
            // If there're no real new topics in this board, mark the board as seen.
            if (empty($numNewTopics)) {
                $_REQUEST['boardseen'] = true;
            } else {
                $_SESSION['topicseen_cache'][$board] = $numNewTopics;
        } elseif (isset($_SESSION['topicseen_cache'][$board])) {
        // Mark board as seen if we came using last post link from BoardIndex. (or other places...)
        if (isset($_REQUEST['boardseen'])) {
            smf_db_insert('replace', '{db_prefix}log_boards', array('id_msg' => 'int', 'id_member' => 'int', 'id_board' => 'int'), array($modSettings['maxMsgID'], $user_info['id'], $board), array('id_member', 'id_board'));
    $attachments = array();
    // deal with possible sticky posts and different postbit layouts for
    // the first post
    // topic.id_layout meanings: bit 0-6 > layout id, bit 7 > first post sticky on every page.
    // don't blame me for using bit magic here. I'm a C guy and a 8bits can store more than just one bool :P
    $layout = (int) ($topicinfo['id_layout'] & 0x7f);
    $postbit_classes =& EoS_Smarty::getConfigInstance()->getPostbitClasses();
    // set defaults...
    $context['postbit_callbacks'] = array('firstpost' => 'template_postbit_normal', 'post' => 'template_postbit_normal');
    $context['postbit_template_class'] = array('firstpost' => $postbit_classes['normal'], 'post' => $postbit_classes['normal']);
    if ($topicinfo['id_layout']) {
        $this_start = isset($_REQUEST['perma']) ? 0 : (int) $_REQUEST['start'];
        if ((int) $topicinfo['id_layout'] & 0x80) {
            if ($this_start > 0) {
                array_unshift($messages, intval($topicinfo['id_first_msg']));
            $context['postbit_callbacks']['firstpost'] = $layout == 0 ? 'template_postbit_normal' : ($layout == 2 ? 'template_postbit_clean' : 'template_postbit_lean');
            $context['postbit_callbacks']['post'] = $layout == 2 ? 'template_postbit_comment' : 'template_postbit_normal';
            $context['postbit_template_class']['firstpost'] = $layout == 0 ? $postbit_classes['normal'] : ($layout == 2 ? $postbit_classes['article'] : $postbit_classes['lean']);
            $context['postbit_template_class']['post'] = $layout == 2 ? $postbit_classes['commentstyle'] : $postbit_classes['normal'];
        } elseif ($layout) {
            $context['postbit_callbacks']['firstpost'] = $layout == 0 || $this_start != 0 ? 'template_postbit_normal' : ($layout == 2 ? 'template_postbit_clean' : 'template_postbit_lean');
            $context['postbit_callbacks']['post'] = $layout == 2 ? 'template_postbit_comment' : 'template_postbit_normal';
            $context['postbit_template_class']['firstpost'] = $layout == 0 || $this_start != 0 ? $postbit_classes['normal'] : ($layout == 2 ? $postbit_classes['article'] : $postbit_classes['lean']);
            $context['postbit_template_class']['post'] = $layout == 2 ? $postbit_classes['commentstyle'] : $postbit_classes['normal'];
    // now we know which display template we need
    if (!isset($_REQUEST['perma'])) {
        EoS_Smarty::loadTemplate($layout > 1 ? 'topic/topic_page' : 'topic/topic');
    if($user_info['is_admin']) {
    		EoS_Smarty::loadTemplate($layout > 1 ? 'topic_page' : 'topic');
    else {
    		loadTemplate($layout > 1 ? 'DisplayPage' : 'Display');
    // If there _are_ messages here... (probably an error otherwise :!)
    if (!empty($messages)) {
        // Fetch attachments.
        if (!empty($modSettings['attachmentEnable']) && allowedTo('view_attachments')) {
            $request = smf_db_query('
					a.id_attach, a.id_folder, a.id_msg, a.filename, a.file_hash, IFNULL(a.size, 0) AS filesize, a.downloads, a.approved,
					a.width, a.height' . (empty($modSettings['attachmentShowImages']) || empty($modSettings['attachmentThumbnails']) ? '' : ',
					IFNULL(thumb.id_attach, 0) AS id_thumb, thumb.width AS thumb_width, thumb.height AS thumb_height') . '
				FROM {db_prefix}attachments AS a' . (empty($modSettings['attachmentShowImages']) || empty($modSettings['attachmentThumbnails']) ? '' : '
					LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}attachments AS thumb ON (thumb.id_attach = a.id_thumb)') . '
				WHERE a.id_msg IN ({array_int:message_list})
					AND a.attachment_type = {int:attachment_type}', array('message_list' => $messages, 'attachment_type' => 0, 'is_approved' => 1));
            $temp = array();
            while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($request)) {
                if (!$row['approved'] && $modSettings['postmod_active'] && !allowedTo('approve_posts') && (!isset($all_posters[$row['id_msg']]) || $all_posters[$row['id_msg']] != $user_info['id'])) {
                $temp[$row['id_attach']] = $row;
                if (!isset($attachments[$row['id_msg']])) {
                    $attachments[$row['id_msg']] = array();
            // This is better than sorting it with the query...
            foreach ($temp as $row) {
                $attachments[$row['id_msg']][] = $row;
        // What?  It's not like it *couldn't* be only guests in this topic...
        if (!isset($posters[$context['topic_starter_id']])) {
            $posters[] = $context['topic_starter_id'];
        if (!empty($posters)) {
        if (!isset($user_profile[$context['topic_starter_id']])) {
            $context['topicstarter']['name'] = $topicinfo['poster_name'];
            $context['topicstarter']['id'] = 0;
            $context['topicstarter']['group'] = $txt['guest_title'];
            $context['topicstarter']['link'] = $topicinfo['poster_name'];
            $context['topicstarter']['email'] = $topicinfo['poster_email'];
            $context['topicstarter']['show_email'] = showEmailAddress(true, 0);
            $context['topicstarter']['is_guest'] = true;
            $context['topicstarter']['avatar'] = array();
        } else {
            loadMemberContext($context['topic_starter_id'], true);
            $context['topicstarter'] =& $memberContext[$context['topic_starter_id']];
        $context['topicstarter']['start_time'] = timeformat($topicinfo['first_post_time']);
        $sql_what = '
			m.id_msg, m.icon, m.subject, m.poster_time, m.poster_ip, m.id_member, m.modified_time, m.modified_name, m.body, mc.body AS cached_body,
			m.smileys_enabled, m.poster_name, m.poster_email, m.approved, m.locked,' . (!empty($modSettings['karmaMode']) ? 'c.likes_count, c.like_status, c.updated AS like_updated, l.rtype AS liked,' : '0 AS likes_count, 0 AS like_status, 0 AS like_updated, 0 AS liked,') . '
			m.id_msg_modified < {int:new_from} AS is_read';
        $sql_from_tables = '
			FROM {db_prefix}messages AS m';
        $sql_from_joins = (!empty($modSettings['karmaMode']) ? '
			LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}likes AS l ON (l.id_msg = m.id_msg AND l.ctype = 1 AND l.id_user = {int:id_user})
			LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}like_cache AS c ON (c.id_msg = m.id_msg AND c.ctype = 1)' : '') . '
			LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}messages_cache AS mc on mc.id_msg = m.id_msg AND mc.style = {int:style} AND mc.lang = {int:lang}';
        $sql_array = array('message_list' => $messages, 'new_from' => $topicinfo['new_from'], 'style' => $user_info['smiley_set_id'], 'lang' => $user_info['language_id'], 'id_user' => $user_info['id']);
        HookAPI::callHook('display_messagerequest', array(&$sql_what, &$sql_from_tables, &$sql_from_joins, &$sql_array));
        $messages_request = smf_db_query('
			SELECT ' . $sql_what . ' ' . $sql_from_tables . $sql_from_joins . '
			WHERE m.id_msg IN ({array_int:message_list})
			ORDER BY m.id_msg' . (empty($options['view_newest_first']) ? '' : ' DESC'), $sql_array);
        // Go to the last message if the given time is beyond the time of the last message.
        if (isset($context['start_from']) && $context['start_from'] >= $topicinfo['num_replies']) {
            $context['start_from'] = $topicinfo['num_replies'];
        // Since the anchor information is needed on the top of the page we load these variables beforehand.
        $context['first_message'] = isset($messages[$firstIndex]) ? $messages[$firstIndex] : $messages[0];
        if (empty($options['view_newest_first'])) {
            $context['first_new_message'] = isset($context['start_from']) && $_REQUEST['start'] == $context['start_from'];
        } else {
            $context['first_new_message'] = isset($context['start_from']) && $_REQUEST['start'] == $topicinfo['num_replies'] - $context['start_from'];
    } else {
        $messages_request = false;
        $context['first_message'] = 0;
        $context['first_new_message'] = false;
    $context['jump_to'] = array('label' => addslashes(un_htmlspecialchars($txt['jump_to'])), 'board_name' => htmlspecialchars(strtr(strip_tags($board_info['name']), array('&amp;' => '&'))), 'child_level' => $board_info['child_level']);
    // Set the callback.  (do you REALIZE how much memory all the messages would take?!?)
    $context['get_message'] = 'prepareDisplayContext';
    // Now set all the wonderful, wonderful permissions... like moderation ones...
    $common_permissions = array('can_approve' => 'approve_posts', 'can_ban' => 'manage_bans', 'can_sticky' => 'make_sticky', 'can_merge' => 'merge_any', 'can_split' => 'split_any', 'calendar_post' => 'calendar_post', 'can_mark_notify' => 'mark_any_notify', 'can_send_topic' => 'send_topic', 'can_send_pm' => 'pm_send', 'can_report_moderator' => 'report_any', 'can_moderate_forum' => 'moderate_forum', 'can_issue_warning' => 'issue_warning', 'can_restore_topic' => 'move_any', 'can_restore_msg' => 'move_any');
    foreach ($common_permissions as $contextual => $perm) {
        $context[$contextual] = allowedTo($perm);
    // Permissions with _any/_own versions.  $context[YYY] => ZZZ_any/_own.
    $anyown_permissions = array('can_move' => 'move', 'can_lock' => 'lock', 'can_delete' => 'remove', 'can_add_poll' => 'poll_add', 'can_remove_poll' => 'poll_remove', 'can_reply' => 'post_reply', 'can_reply_unapproved' => 'post_unapproved_replies');
    foreach ($anyown_permissions as $contextual => $perm) {
        $context[$contextual] = allowedTo($perm . '_any') || $context['user']['started'] && allowedTo($perm . '_own');
    $context['can_add_tags'] = $context['user']['started'] && allowedTo('smftags_add') || allowedTo('smftags_manage');
    $context['can_delete_tags'] = $context['user']['started'] && allowedTo('smftags_del') || allowedTo('smftags_manage');
    $context['can_moderate_board'] = allowedTo('moderate_board');
    $context['can_modify_any'] = allowedTo('modify_any');
    $context['can_modify_replies'] = allowedTo('modify_replies');
    $context['can_modify_own'] = allowedTo('modify_own');
    $context['can_delete_any'] = allowedTo('delete_any');
    $context['can_delete_replies'] = allowedTo('delete_replies');
    $context['can_delete_own'] = allowedTo('delete_own');
    $context['use_share'] = !$user_info['possibly_robot'] && allowedTo('use_share') && ($context['user']['is_guest'] || (empty($options['use_share_bar']) ? 1 : !$options['use_share_bar']));
    $context['can_unapprove'] = $context['can_approve'] && !empty($modSettings['postmod_active']);
    $context['can_profile_view_any'] = allowedTo('profile_view_any');
    $context['can_profile_view_own'] = allowedTo('profile_view_own');
    $context['is_banned_from_topic'] = !$user_info['is_admin'] && !$context['can_moderate_forum'] && !$context['can_moderate_board'] && (!empty($context['topic_banned_members']) ? in_array($user_info['id'], $context['topic_banned_members']) : false);
    $context['banned_notice'] = $context['is_banned_from_topic'] ? $txt['topic_banned_notice'] : '';
    // Cleanup all the permissions with extra stuff...
    $context['can_mark_notify'] &= !$context['user']['is_guest'];
    $context['can_sticky'] &= !empty($modSettings['enableStickyTopics']);
    $context['calendar_post'] &= !empty($modSettings['cal_enabled']);
    $context['can_add_poll'] &= $modSettings['pollMode'] == '1' && $topicinfo['id_poll'] <= 0;
    $context['can_remove_poll'] &= $modSettings['pollMode'] == '1' && $topicinfo['id_poll'] > 0;
    $context['can_reply'] &= empty($topicinfo['locked']) || allowedTo('moderate_board');
    $context['can_reply_unapproved'] &= $modSettings['postmod_active'] && (empty($topicinfo['locked']) || allowedTo('moderate_board'));
    $context['can_issue_warning'] &= in_array('w', $context['admin_features']) && $modSettings['warning_settings'][0] == 1;
    // Handle approval flags...
    $context['can_reply_approved'] = $context['can_reply'];
    $context['can_reply'] |= $context['can_reply_unapproved'];
    $context['can_quote'] = $context['can_reply'] && (empty($modSettings['disabledBBC']) || !in_array('quote', explode(',', $modSettings['disabledBBC'])));
    $context['can_mark_unread'] = !$user_info['is_guest'] && $settings['show_mark_read'];
    $context['can_send_topic'] = (!$modSettings['postmod_active'] || $topicinfo['approved']) && allowedTo('send_topic');
    // Start this off for quick moderation - it will be or'd for each post.
    $context['can_remove_post'] = allowedTo('delete_any') || allowedTo('delete_replies') && $context['user']['started'];
    // Can restore topic?  That's if the topic is in the recycle board and has a previous restore state.
    $context['can_restore_topic'] &= !empty($modSettings['recycle_enable']) && $modSettings['recycle_board'] == $board && !empty($topicinfo['id_previous_board']);
    $context['can_restore_msg'] &= !empty($modSettings['recycle_enable']) && $modSettings['recycle_board'] == $board && !empty($topicinfo['id_previous_topic']);
    if ($context['is_banned_from_topic']) {
        $context['can_add_tags'] = $context['can_delete_tags'] = $context['can_modify_any'] = $context['can_modify_replies'] = $context['can_modify_own'] = $context['can_delete_any'] = $context['can_delete_replies'] = $context['can_delete_own'] = $context['can_lock'] = $context['can_sticky'] = $context['calendar_post'] = $context['can_add_poll'] = $context['can_remove_poll'] = $context['can_reply'] = $context['can_reply_unapproved'] = $context['can_quote'] = $context['can_remove_post'] = false;
    // Load up the "double post" sequencing magic.
    if (!empty($options['display_quick_reply'])) {
        $context['name'] = isset($_SESSION['guest_name']) ? $_SESSION['guest_name'] : '';
        $context['email'] = isset($_SESSION['guest_email']) ? $_SESSION['guest_email'] : '';
    // todo: drafts -> plugin
    $context['can_save_draft'] = false;
    //$context['can_reply'] && !$context['user']['is_guest'] && in_array('dr', $context['admin_features']) && !empty($options['use_drafts']) && allowedTo('drafts_allow');
    $context['can_autosave_draft'] = false;
    //$context['can_save_draft'] && !empty($modSettings['enableAutoSaveDrafts']) && allowedTo('drafts_autosave_allow');
    enqueueThemeScript('topic', 'scripts/topic.js', true);
    if ($context['can_autosave_draft']) {
        enqueueThemeScript('drafts', 'scripts/drafts.js', true);
    $context['can_moderate_member'] = $context['can_issue_warning'] || $context['can_moderate_board'];
    $context['topic_has_banned_members_msg'] = $context['topic_banned_members_count'] > 0 && $context['can_moderate_board'] ? sprintf($txt['topic_has_bans_msg'], URL::parse('?action=moderate;area=topicbans;sa=bytopic;t=' . $topic)) : '';
    if (EoS_Smarty::isActive()) {
        if (isset($context['poll'])) {
            $context['poll_buttons'] = array('vote' => array('test' => 'allow_return_vote', 'text' => 'poll_return_vote', 'image' => 'poll_options.gif', 'lang' => true, 'url' => $scripturl . '?topic=' . $context['current_topic'] . '.' . $context['start']), 'results' => array('test' => 'show_view_results_button', 'text' => 'poll_results', 'image' => 'poll_results.gif', 'lang' => true, 'url' => $scripturl . '?topic=' . $context['current_topic'] . '.' . $context['start'] . ';viewresults'), 'change_vote' => array('test' => 'allow_change_vote', 'text' => 'poll_change_vote', 'image' => 'poll_change_vote.gif', 'lang' => true, 'url' => $scripturl . '?action=vote;topic=' . $context['current_topic'] . '.' . $context['start'] . ';poll=' . $context['poll']['id'] . ';' . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id']), 'lock' => array('test' => 'allow_lock_poll', 'text' => !$context['poll']['is_locked'] ? 'poll_lock' : 'poll_unlock', 'image' => 'poll_lock.gif', 'lang' => true, 'url' => $scripturl . '?action=lockvoting;topic=' . $context['current_topic'] . '.' . $context['start'] . ';' . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id']), 'edit' => array('test' => 'allow_edit_poll', 'text' => 'poll_edit', 'image' => 'poll_edit.gif', 'lang' => true, 'url' => $scripturl . '?action=editpoll;topic=' . $context['current_topic'] . '.' . $context['start']), 'remove_poll' => array('test' => 'can_remove_poll', 'text' => 'poll_remove', 'image' => 'admin_remove_poll.gif', 'lang' => true, 'custom' => 'onclick="return Eos_Confirm(\'\', \'' . $txt['poll_remove_warn'] . '\', $(this).attr(\'href\'));"', 'url' => $scripturl . '?action=removepoll;topic=' . $context['current_topic'] . '.' . $context['start'] . ';' . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id']));
        $context['normal_buttons'] = array('reply' => array('test' => 'can_reply', 'text' => 'reply', 'custom' => 'onclick="return oQuickReply.quote(0);" ', 'image' => 'reply.gif', 'lang' => true, 'url' => $scripturl . '?action=post;topic=' . $context['current_topic'] . '.' . $context['start'] . ';last_msg=' . $context['topic_last_message'], 'active' => true), 'add_poll' => array('test' => 'can_add_poll', 'text' => 'add_poll', 'image' => 'add_poll.gif', 'lang' => true, 'url' => $scripturl . '?action=editpoll;add;topic=' . $context['current_topic'] . '.' . $context['start']), 'mark_unread' => array('test' => 'can_mark_unread', 'text' => 'mark_unread', 'image' => 'markunread.gif', 'lang' => true, 'url' => $scripturl . '?action=markasread;sa=topic;t=' . $context['mark_unread_time'] . ';topic=' . $context['current_topic'] . '.' . $context['start'] . ';' . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id']));
        HookAPI::callHook('integrate_display_buttons', array(&$context['normal_buttons']));
        $remove_url = $scripturl . '?action=removetopic2;topic=' . $context['current_topic'] . '.0;' . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id'];
        $context['mod_buttons'] = array('move' => array('test' => 'can_move', 'text' => 'move_topic', 'image' => 'admin_move.gif', 'lang' => true, 'url' => $scripturl . '?action=movetopic;topic=' . $context['current_topic'] . '.0'), 'delete' => array('test' => 'can_delete', 'text' => 'remove_topic', 'image' => 'admin_rem.gif', 'lang' => true, 'custom' => 'onclick="return Eos_Confirm(\'\',\'' . $txt['are_sure_remove_topic'] . '\',\'' . $remove_url . '\');"', 'url' => $remove_url), 'lock' => array('test' => 'can_lock', 'text' => empty($context['is_locked']) ? 'set_lock' : 'set_unlock', 'image' => 'admin_lock.gif', 'lang' => true, 'url' => $scripturl . '?action=lock;topic=' . $context['current_topic'] . '.' . $context['start'] . ';' . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id']), 'sticky' => array('test' => 'can_sticky', 'text' => empty($context['is_sticky']) ? 'set_sticky' : 'set_nonsticky', 'image' => 'admin_sticky.gif', 'lang' => true, 'url' => $scripturl . '?action=sticky;topic=' . $context['current_topic'] . '.' . $context['start'] . ';' . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id']), 'merge' => array('test' => 'can_merge', 'text' => 'merge', 'image' => 'merge.gif', 'lang' => true, 'url' => $scripturl . '?action=mergetopics;board=' . $context['current_board'] . '.0;from=' . $context['current_topic']), 'calendar' => array('test' => 'calendar_post', 'text' => 'calendar_link', 'image' => 'linktocal.gif', 'lang' => true, 'url' => $scripturl . '?action=post;calendar;msg=' . $context['topic_first_message'] . ';topic=' . $context['current_topic'] . '.0'));
        // Restore topic. eh?  No monkey business.
        if ($context['can_restore_topic']) {
            $context['mod_buttons'][] = array('text' => 'restore_topic', 'image' => '', 'lang' => true, 'url' => $scripturl . '?action=restoretopic;topics=' . $context['current_topic'] . ';' . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id']);
        // Allow adding new mod buttons easily.
        HookAPI::callHook('integrate_mod_buttons', array(&$context['mod_buttons']));
        $context['message_ids'] = $messages;
        $context['perma_request'] = isset($_REQUEST['perma']) ? true : false;
        $context['mod_buttons_style'] = array('id' => 'moderationbuttons_strip', 'class' => 'buttonlist');
        $context['full_members_viewing_list'] = empty($context['view_members_list']) ? '0 ' . $txt['members'] : implode(', ', $context['view_members_list']) . (empty($context['view_num_hidden']) || $context['can_moderate_forum'] ? '' : ' (+ ' . $context['view_num_hidden'] . ' ' . $txt['hidden'] . ')');
    fetchNewsItems($board, $topic);
    HookAPI::callHook('display_general', array());
     * $message is always available in templates as global variable
     * prepareDisplayContext() just repopulates it and is called from
     * the topic display template via $SUPPORT object callback.
    EoS_Smarty::getSmartyInstance()->assignByRef('message', $output);
Exemplo n.º 29
function LikeDispatch()
    global $context, $board, $memberContext, $txt, $user_info, $modSettings;
    $xml = isset($_REQUEST['xml']) ? true : false;
    $action = isset($_REQUEST['sa']) ? $_REQUEST['sa'] : '';
    if ($action === '') {
        $action = 'getlikes';
    if ($action === 'widget') {
        return GetRatingWidget();
    $ctype = isset($_REQUEST['ctype']) ? $_REQUEST['ctype'] : 1;
    // default to content type = 1 (post)
    $mid = isset($_REQUEST['m']) ? (int) $_REQUEST['m'] : 0;
    $rtype = isset($_REQUEST['r']) ? (int) $_REQUEST['r'] : '0';
    if (!isset($modSettings['ratings'][$rtype])) {
    if ($modSettings['ratings'][$rtype]['points'] && !allowedTo('can_view_ratings')) {
    if ($user_info['is_admin'] && $action === 'fixlikes') {
    if ($mid) {
        if (!isset($board) || !$board) {
            $request = smf_db_query('SELECT m.id_topic, t.id_board FROM {db_prefix}messages AS m
				LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}topics AS t ON (t.id_topic = m.id_topic)
				WHERE m.id_msg = {int:id_msg}', array('id_msg' => $mid));
            $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($request);
            $board = $row ? $row['id_board'] : 0;
        $allowed = isset($board) && $board && allowedTo('like_see', $board);
        if (!$allowed) {
            AjaxErrorMsg($txt['no_access'], 'Permission error');
        $start = 0;
        $users = array();
        if ($action === 'getlikes') {
            $request = smf_db_query('SELECT l.id_msg, l.id_user, l.updated, l.id_receiver, l.comment, m.real_name
					FROM {db_prefix}likes AS l LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}members AS m ON (m.id_member = l.id_user) 
					WHERE l.id_msg = {int:idmsg} AND l.ctype = {int:ctype} AND FIND_IN_SET({int:rtype}, l.rtype)
					ORDER BY l.updated DESC LIMIT {int:start}, 500', array('idmsg' => $mid, 'ctype' => $ctype, 'start' => $start, 'rtype' => $rtype));
            // todo: paging and limit per page should be configurable
            while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($request)) {
                $row['dateline'] = timeformat($row['updated']);
                $row['memberlink'] = '<a href="' . URL::user($row['id_user'], $row['real_name']) . '">' . $row['real_name'] . '</a>';
                $users[] = $row['id_user'];
                $context['likes'][$row['id_user']] = $row;
        $context['template_functions'] = 'getlikes_by_type';
        $context['rating_title'] = sprintf($txt['members_who_rated_with'], $modSettings['ratings'][$rtype]['text']);
        if ($xml) {
            $context['xml'] = true;
Exemplo n.º 30
     * Render view.
     * @return  string
    public function content()
        // Load images
        $images = $this->user->images();
        // Legacy support
        if (!count($images) && $this->user->picture) {
            echo HTML::image($this->user->picture);
        if (count($images)) {
            // Check for actions
            if (Permission::has($this->user, Model_User::PERMISSION_UPDATE, self::$_user)) {
                $action_uri = URL::user($this->user, 'image');
            // Check for missing default image
            $active_id = $this->user->default_image_id;
            if (!$active_id) {
                $image = $images->current();
                $active_id = $image->id;

	<div class="carousel-inner">

            foreach ($images as $image) {

		<div class="item<?php 
                echo $image->id == $active_id ? ' active' : '';

                echo HTML::image($image->get_url());

                if (isset($action_uri)) {

			<div class="btn-group">
                    if ($image->id == $this->user->default_image_id) {
                        echo HTML::anchor('#', '<i class="icon-home"></i> ' . __('Set as default'), array('class' => 'btn btn-mini image-change disabled'));
                    } else {
                        echo HTML::anchor($action_uri . '?token=' . Security::csrf() . '&default=' . $image->id, '<i class="icon-home"></i> ' . __('Set as default'), array('class' => 'btn btn-mini image-change'));
                    echo HTML::anchor($action_uri . '?token=' . Security::csrf() . '&delete=' . $image->id, '<i class="icon-trash"></i> ' . __('Delete'), array('class' => 'btn btn-mini image-delete'));





<a class="carousel-control left" href="#<?php 
            echo $this->id;
" data-slide="prev">&lsaquo;</a>
<a class="carousel-control right" href="#<?php 
            echo $this->id;
" data-slide="next">&rsaquo;</a>

        return ob_get_clean();