/** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function destroy($id) { if (Type::got_property($id) == false) { $this->type->find($id)->delete(); } return Redirect::route('admin.types.index'); }
public function searchAction() { $numberPage = 1; if ($this->request->isPost()) { $query = Criteria::fromInput($this->di, "ProductTypes", $_POST); $this->persistent->searchParams = $query->getParams(); } else { $numberPage = $this->request->getQuery("page", "int"); if ($numberPage <= 0) { $numberPage = 1; } } $parameters = array(); if ($this->persistent->searchParams) { $parameters = $this->persistent->searchParams; } $productTypes = Type::find($parameters); if (count($productTypes) == 0) { $this->flash->notice("没有找到对应类型"); return $this->forward("producttypes/index"); } $paginator = new Phalcon\Paginator\Adapter\Model(array("data" => $productTypes, "limit" => 10, "page" => $numberPage)); $page = $paginator->getPaginate(); $this->view->setVar("page", $page); $this->view->setVar("productTypes", $productTypes); }
public function getDelete($id) { $Type = Type::find($id); $Type->delete(); Session::flash('message', 'The records are deleted successfully'); return Redirect::to('type'); }
function beforeDelete($cascade) { // Remove the extended data to be tidy. // First get the type id App::Import('Model', 'Type'); $Type = new Type(); $Type->recursive = -1; $type_record = Set::extract('/Type/id', $Type->find('first', array('fields' => array('Type.id'), 'conditions' => array('Type.alias' => $this->model->data['Node']['type'])))); $type_id = $type_record[0]; // Cool, now find all node schemas App::Import('Model', 'NodeSchema.NodeSchema'); $NodeSchema = new NodeSchema(); $NodeSchema->actsAs = array('Containable'); $schemas = $NodeSchema->find('all', array('fields' => array('NodeSchema.table_name'), 'contains' => array('Type' => array('conditions' => array('Type.id' => $type_id))))); // Now loop through and check for records on those tables to remove if (is_array($schemas) && count($schemas) > 0) { foreach ($schemas as $schema) { $table_name = $schema['NodeSchema']['table_name']; $model = new Model(false, $table_name); $model->primaryKey = 'node_id'; // set the primary key to the node_id if ($model->delete($this->model->data['Node']['id'], false)) { return true; } else { // return false; // There was some sort of error deleting the associated data. Do we even need this? It doesn't redirect, it stops. Have to handle the error. } } } return true; }
public function specific_type($id) { $type = Type::find($id); $medicines = $type->medicine; $name = $type->type; //$pets = Pet::where("type_id", "Compact Living")->get(); return View::make('medicines.index', compact('medicines', 'name', 'type')); }
/** * Display a listing of the resource. * * @return Response */ public function edit($id) { $school = School::find($id); if (is_null($school)) { return Redirect::route('admin.schools.index')->withErrors(array('mainError' => 'Училището не е намерено.')); } else { $school_name = Type::find($school->type_id)->name . ' "' . $school->name . '"'; $comments = VisitorComments::where("school_id", "=", $id)->get(); return View::make('admin.school.comments')->with('school_name', $school_name)->with('comments', $comments); } }
/** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function destroy($id) { $type = Type::find($id); if (!is_null($type)) { if ($type->delete()) { return Redirect::route('admin.types.index')->withErrors(array('mainSuccess' => 'Видът на учебното заведение е успешно изтрит.')); } else { return Redirect::route('admin.types.index')->withErrors(array('mainError' => 'Грешка с базата данни.')); } } else { return Redirect::route('admin.types.index')->withErrors(array('mainError' => 'Вид на училище не е намерен.')); } }
public function type() { if (!isset($_GET['url'])) { exit; } # TODO $type = new Type(array("url" => $_GET['url'])); if ($type->no_results) { exit; } # TODO $can_create = Visitor::current()->group()->can("add_extension"); $this->display("extend/type", array("type" => $type, "users" => $can_create ? User::find() : array(), "types" => $can_create ? Type::find() : array()), $type->name); }
public function editAction($id) { $request = $this->request; if (!$request->isPost()) { $id = $this->filter->sanitize($id, array("int")); $Finance = Finance::findFirst('id="' . $id . '"'); if (!$Finance) { $this->flash->error("这条记录没有找到!"); return $this->forward("products/list"); } $departments = Department::find(); $this->view->setVar("departments", $departments); Tag::displayTo("company", $Finance->did); $typeArr; $type = Type::find(); foreach ($type as $k => $v) { $types = Types::find("fid = '" . $v->id . "'"); $typeArr[$v->name] = $types->toArray(); } $this->view->setVar("typeArr", $typeArr); $this->view->setVar("id", $Finance->id); $datas = json_decode($Finance->data, true); foreach ($typeArr as $key => $val) { foreach ($val as $k => $v) { if (isset($datas['cost'][$v['name']]) && $datas['cost'][$v['name']] != '') { Tag::displayTo("cost[" . $v['name'] . "]", $datas['cost'][$v['name']]); } if (isset($datas['remark'][$v['name']]) && $datas['remark'][$v['name']] != '') { Tag::displayTo("remark[" . $v['name'] . "]", $datas['remark'][$v['name']]); } if (isset($datas['limit'][$v['name']]) && $datas['limit'][$v['name']] != '') { Tag::displayTo("limit[" . $v['name'] . "]", $datas['limit'][$v['name']]); } } } Tag::displayTo("id", $Finance->id); $auth = $this->session->get("auth"); if ($auth['did'] != 0) { Tag::setDefault("company", $auth['did']); } $this->view->setVar('did', $auth['did']); /* Tag::displayTo("product_types_id", $products->product_types_id); Tag::displayTo("name", $products->name); Tag::displayTo("price", $products->price); Tag::displayTo("active", $products->active); $this->view->setVar("productTypes", ProductTypes::find()); */ } }
function test_find() { //Arrange $descript = "Event Keepsakes"; $descript2 = "Antiques"; $test_Type = new Type($descript); $test_Type->save(); $test_Type2 = new Type($descript2); $test_Type2->save(); //Act $result = Type::find($test_Type->getId()); //Assert $this->assertEquals($test_Type, $result); }
public function postType($type_id) { $all = Input::all(); $rules = array('name' => 'required|min:2|max:255', 'type' => 'required|min:3|max:255'); $validator = Validator::make($all, $rules); if ($validator->fails()) { return Redirect::to('/admin/content/' . $type_id)->withErrors($validator)->withInput()->with('error', 'Ошибка'); } if (is_numeric($type_id)) { $post = Type::find($type_id); } else { $post = new Type(); } $post->type = $all['type']; $post->name = $all['name']; $post->template = $all['template']; $post->title = $all['title']; $post->text = $all['text']; $post->status = isset($all['status']) ? true : false; $post->save(); return Redirect::to('/admin/content/' . $type_id)->with('success', 'Изменения сохранены'); }
public function postTypeEdit($TypeId) { $rules = array('name' => 'required|min:2|unique:type,name,' . $TypeId, 'code' => 'required|unique:type,code,' . $TypeId); $validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), $rules); if ($validator->fails()) { return Redirect::to('branch/type-edit/' . $TypeId)->withErrors($validator)->withInput(); } $type = Type::find($TypeId); $type->name = Input::get('name'); $type->code = Input::get('code'); $type->day = Input::get('day'); $type->save(); return Redirect::to('branch/type')->with('success', '客户类型更新成功!'); }
function type($id = FALSE) { $this->load->helper('notification'); if ($_POST) { unset($_POST['send']); unset($_POST['_wysihtml5_mode']); $id = $_POST['id']; unset($_POST['id']); $ticket = Ticket::find_by_id($id); $attr = array('type_id' => $_POST['type_id']); $ticket->update_attributes($attr); if (!$ticket) { $this->session->set_flashdata('message', 'error:' . $this->lang->line('messages_assign_type_error')); } else { $this->session->set_flashdata('message', 'success:' . $this->lang->line('messages_assign_type_success')); } redirect('tickets/view/' . $id); } else { $this->view_data['types'] = Type::find('all', array('conditions' => array('inactive=?', '0'))); $this->view_data['ticket'] = Ticket::find_by_id($id); $this->theme_view = 'modal'; $this->view_data['title'] = $this->lang->line('application_type'); $this->view_data['form_action'] = 'tickets/type'; $this->content_view = 'tickets/_type'; } }
public function actionAdd() { $type = Type::find()->all(); return $this->render('add', ['type' => $type]); }
/** * Import zKillboard kills for the selected systems and alliances. */ public function getZkillboard($systems = '') { // If this is the initial call to the function, retrieve the list of systems from the DB. if ($systems == '') { $systems_object = Setting::where('key', 'systems')->firstOrFail(); $systems = $systems_object->value; } // Convert the comma-seperated string into an array. $systems_array = explode(',', $systems); // If there are more systems in the list than we want to pull at once, chop off the first X and call this function again. while (count($systems_array) > $this->api_system_limit) { $this->getZkillboard(implode(',', array_splice($systems_array, 0, $this->api_system_limit))); } // Retrieve the selected alliances from the database. $alliances = Setting::where('key', 'alliances')->firstOrFail(); // Build the API URL. $url = 'https://zkillboard.com/api/xml/losses/no-attackers/' . 'allianceID/' . preg_replace('/\\s+/', '', $alliances->value) . '/' . 'solarSystemID/' . preg_replace('/\\s+/', '', $systems) . '/'; // Send the request. $response = Request::get($url)->addHeader('Accept-Encoding', 'gzip')->addHeader('User-Agent', 'Eve Traders Handbook')->send(); if (isset($response->body) && strlen($response->body) > 0) { $body = simplexml_load_string(gzdecode($response->body)); $insert_count = 0; // Parse the response, inserting the losses into the database. foreach ($body->result->rowset->row as $row) { // First check whether this kill has not already been recorded. $kill = Kill::find($row['killID']); if (!isset($kill->killID)) { // Create and save the new kill record. $kill = new Kill(); $kill->killID = $row['killID']; $kill->solarSystemID = $row['solarSystemID']; $kill->characterID = $row->victim['characterID']; $kill->characterName = $row->victim['characterName']; $kill->allianceID = $row->victim['allianceID']; $kill->corporationID = $row->victim['corporationID']; $kill->shipTypeID = $row->victim['shipTypeID']; $kill->killTime = $row['killTime']; $kill->save(); $insert_count++; // Insert the alliance information into the database unless it already exists. $alliance = Alliance::find($kill->allianceID); if (!isset($alliance->id)) { $alliance = new Alliance(); $alliance->id = $kill->allianceID; $alliance->allianceName = $row->victim['allianceName']; $alliance->save(); } // Insert the corporation information into the database unless it already exists. $corporation = Corporation::find($kill->corporationID); if (!isset($corporation->id)) { $corporation = new Corporation(); $corporation->id = $kill->corporationID; $corporation->corporationName = $row->victim['corporationName']; $corporation->save(); } // Insert the ship type that was lost into the database unless it already exists. $ship = Ship::find($kill->shipTypeID); $type = Type::find($kill->shipTypeID); if (!isset($ship->id)) { $ship = new Ship(); $ship->id = $kill->shipTypeID; $ship->shipName = $type->typeName; $ship->save(); } // Insert the ship loss into the items database as well. if (stristr($ship->shipName, 'Capsule') === FALSE) { $item = new Item(); $item->killID = $row['killID']; $item->typeID = $kill->shipTypeID; $item->typeName = $type->typeName; $item->categoryName = $type->group->category['categoryName']; $item->metaGroupName = isset($type->metaType->metaGroup['metaGroupName']) ? $type->metaType->metaGroup['metaGroupName'] : ''; $item->allowManufacture = 1; $item->qty = 1; $item->save(); } // Add the category to the list of filters available on the site. $filter = Filter::find($type->group->category['categoryID']); if (!isset($filter->categoryID)) { $filter = new Filter(); $filter->categoryID = $type->group->category['categoryID']; $filter->categoryName = $type->group->category['categoryName']; $filter->iconID = $type->group->category['iconID']; $filter->save(); } // Loop through the items lost in the kill. Insert each one into the items table. if (isset($row->rowset->row)) { foreach ($row->rowset->row as $loss) { $typeID = (int) $loss['typeID']; $item = Item::where('typeID', '=', $typeID)->first(); // If this item already exists in the items table, we don't need to re-query all the additional // information, we can just copy it from an existing row. if (isset($item)) { // This type has already been seen. Duplicate the record and save the new instance. $clone = new Item(); $clone = $item->replicate(); // Update the right killID and quantity, and unset the primary key and date columns. $clone->killID = $row['killID']; $clone->qty = $loss['qtyDropped'] + $loss['qtyDestroyed']; unset($clone->id); unset($clone->created_at); unset($clone->updated_at); // Save the cloned row. $clone->save(); } else { // This is a never-before-seen lost item. Create a new row and look up all the related details. $item = new Item(); $type = Type::find($typeID); $item->killID = (int) $row['killID']; $item->typeID = $typeID; $item->typeName = $type->typeName; $item->categoryName = $type->group->category['categoryName']; $metaGroupName = isset($type->metaType->metaGroup['metaGroupName']) ? $type->metaType->metaGroup['metaGroupName'] : ''; if ($metaGroupName == 'Tech I' || $metaGroupName == '') { $metaLevel = DB::table('dgmTypeAttributes')->where('typeID', $typeID)->where('attributeID', 633)->first(); if (isset($metaLevel)) { $metaGroupName = 'Meta '; $metaGroupName .= isset($metaLevel->valueInt) ? $metaLevel->valueInt : $metaLevel->valueFloat; } } $item->metaGroupName = $metaGroupName; $blueprint = Type::where('typeName', $type->typeName . ' Blueprint')->count(); if ($blueprint > 0) { $item->allowManufacture = 1; } $item->qty = $loss['qtyDropped'] + $loss['qtyDestroyed']; $item->save(); // Add the category to the list of filters available on the site. $filter = Filter::find($type->group->category['categoryID']); if (!isset($filter->categoryID)) { $filter = new Filter(); $filter->categoryID = $type->group->category['categoryID']; $filter->categoryName = $type->group->category['categoryName']; $filter->iconID = $type->group->category['iconID']; $filter->save(); } } } } } } echo "Inserted {$insert_count} new kills! "; } else { echo "No response received from zKillboard API."; } }
function ticket() { $this->view_data['breadcrumb'] = $this->lang->line('application_ticket'); $this->view_data['breadcrumb_id'] = "ticket"; $this->view_data['imap_loaded'] = false; if (extension_loaded('mysql')) { $this->view_data['imap_loaded'] = true; } if ($_POST) { unset($_POST['send']); if (!isset($_POST['ticket_config_active'])) { $_POST['ticket_config_active'] = "0"; } if (!isset($_POST['ticket_config_delete'])) { $_POST['ticket_config_delete'] = "0"; } if (!isset($_POST['ticket_config_ssl'])) { $_POST['ticket_config_ssl'] = "0"; } if (!isset($_POST['ticket_config_imap'])) { $_POST['ticket_config_imap'] = "0"; } $settings = Setting::first(); $settings->update_attributes($_POST); if ($settings) { $this->session->set_flashdata('message', 'success:' . $this->lang->line('messages_save_settings_success')); redirect('settings/ticket'); } else { $this->session->set_flashdata('message', 'error:' . $this->lang->line('messages_save_settings_error')); redirect('settings/ticket'); } } else { $this->view_data['settings'] = Setting::first(); $this->view_data['types'] = Type::find('all', array('conditions' => array('inactive = ?', '0'))); $this->view_data['queues'] = Queue::find('all', array('conditions' => array('inactive = ?', '0'))); $this->view_data['owners'] = User::find('all', array('conditions' => array('status = ?', 'active'))); $this->view_data['form_action'] = 'settings/ticket'; $this->content_view = 'settings/ticket'; } }
public function getShortTypeAttribute() { return Type::find($this->type_id)->short_name; }
public function admin_delete_type($admin) { if (!isset($_GET['id'])) { error(__("Error"), __("No type ID specified.", "extend")); } $type = new Type($_GET['id']); if ($type->no_results) { error(__("Error"), __("Invalid type ID specified.", "extend")); } if (!$type->deletable()) { show_403(__("Access Denied"), __("You do not have sufficient privileges to delete this type.", "extend")); } $admin->display("delete_type", array("type" => $type, "types" => Type::find(array("where" => array("id not" => $type->id)))), _f("Delete Type “%s”", array(fix($type->name)), "extend")); }
$app->get("/types", function () use($app) { return $app['twig']->render('types.html.twig', array('types' => Type::getAll())); }); $app->get("/types/{id}", function ($id) use($app) { $type = Type::find($id); return $app['twig']->render('types.html.twig', array('types' => $type, 'animals' => $type->getAnimals())); }); $app->post("/animals", function () use($app) { $name = $_POST['name']; $gender = $_POST['gender']; $breed = $_POST['breed']; $age = $_POST['age']; $type_id = $_POST['type_id']; $animal = new Animal($name, $gender, $breed, $age, $type_id, $id = null); $animal->save(); $type = Type::find($type_id); return $app['twig']->render('types.html.twig', array('types' => $type, 'animals' => Animal::getAll())); }); $app->post("/types", function () use($app) { $type = new Type($_POST['name']); $type->save(); return $app['twig']->render('index.html.twig', array('types' => Type::getAll())); }); $app->post("/delete_types", function () use($app) { Animal::deleteAll(); Type::deleteAll(); return $app['twig']->render('index.html.twig', array('types' => Type::getAll())); }); return $app; ?>
public function actionDelete() { $request = Yii::app()->getRequest(); $id = trim($request->getParam("id")); if ($id) { try { $rs = new Type(); $row = $rs->find('tid=:tid', array(':tid' => $id)); $row->delete(); $this->redirect(array('list')); } catch (Exception $e) { throw Exception($e); } } }
/** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * DELETE /clienttype/{id} * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function destroy($id) { $client = Type::find($id)->delete(); if (is_null($client)) { $class = 'error'; $message = 'Record does not exist.'; } else { $class = 'success'; $message = 'Record successfully deleted.'; } return Redirect::route('client.index')->with('class', $class)->with('message', $message); }
/** * Display detailed information about a specific item, including the icon, * description, price to buy in trade hubs and locally, and manufacturing costs * based on mineral prices in the local area. */ public function item($id = NULL) { // Retrieve the basic information about this item. $type = Type::where('typeID', $id)->firstOrFail(); // If material efficiency was updated, save to the database and set a local variable. $material_efficiency = $type->materialEfficiency; if (!isset($material_efficiency)) { $material_efficiency = new MaterialEfficiency(); $material_efficiency->typeID = $id; $material_efficiency->materialEfficiency = 0; } if (Input::has('me')) { $material_efficiency->materialEfficiency = (int) Input::get('me'); } // Save the updated material efficiency figure. $type->materialEfficiency()->save($material_efficiency); // Calculate volume if we need to use shipping data. $shipping_cost = Setting::where('key', 'shipping_cost')->first(); $shipping_cost_to_include = 0; if ($shipping_cost->value > 0) { // If volume is below 1000, we assume it's not a ship hull and use the base volume. if ($type->volume < 1000) { $shipping_cost_to_include = $shipping_cost->value * $type->volume; } else { // For larger volumes, we need to use static values for ship types. switch ($type->groupID) { case 31: $shipping_cost_to_include = $shipping_cost->value * 500; break; case 25: case 237: case 324: case 830: case 831: case 834: case 893: $shipping_cost_to_include = $shipping_cost->value * 2500; break; case 463: case 543: $shipping_cost_to_include = $shipping_cost->value * 3750; break; case 420: case 541: $shipping_cost_to_include = $shipping_cost->value * 5000; break; case 26: case 358: case 832: case 833: case 894: $shipping_cost_to_include = $shipping_cost->value * 10000; break; case 28: $shipping_cost_to_include = $shipping_cost->value * 20000; break; case 27: case 381: $shipping_cost_to_include = $shipping_cost->value * 50000; break; } } } // Load the 64x64 icon to display. $icon = ''; $ship = Ship::where('id', $id)->get(); if (count($ship)) { $icon = 'https://image.eveonline.com/Render/' . $id . '_128.png'; } elseif ($type->Group->Icon) { $icon = str_replace('_', '_64_', $type->MarketGroup->Icon->iconFile); $icon = preg_replace('/^0/', '', $icon); $icon = preg_replace('/0(.)$/', '$1', $icon); $icon = 'eve/items/' . $icon . '.png'; } // Retrieve the current price ranges this item sells for. $response = API::eveCentral(array($id), Setting::where('key', 'home_region_id')->pluck('value')); $local_price = $response[$id]; // Tech II items need to be treated differently. $t2_options = array(); if ($type->metaType && $type->metaType->metaGroup && $type->metaType->metaGroup['metaGroupName'] == 'Tech II') { // Retrieve an array of different possibilities for decryptors. $tech_two = TechII::getInventionFigures($type); // For each decryptor, show the potential profit. $total_price = 1000000000; foreach ($tech_two as $decryptor) { // Default max runs is 10, add any modifier. $max_runs = 10; if (isset($decryptor['max_run_modifier'])) { $max_runs += $decryptor['max_run_modifier']; } // Based on the chance of success, how many T2 items on average will be produced per run? $chance_of_success = $decryptor['chance_of_success'] / 100; $t2_items_per_blueprint = $max_runs * $chance_of_success; // Calculate the cost of manufacturing that many T2 items. $manufacturing_cost_per_blueprint = $t2_items_per_blueprint * ($decryptor['t2_manufacture_price'] * (100 - $decryptor['me_modifier']) / 100); $total_cost = $decryptor['invention_price'] + $manufacturing_cost_per_blueprint; $cost_per_unit = $total_cost / $t2_items_per_blueprint; $t2_options[] = array("typeName" => $decryptor['typeName'], "cost" => $cost_per_unit); if ($cost_per_unit < $total_price) { $total_price = $cost_per_unit; } } $manufacturing = NULL; } else { // If the meta level of this item is not Meta 0, we don't need to pull the manufacture price. $item = Item::where('typeID', $id)->first(); if ($item->allowManufacture == 1) { // Get a list of what is needed to manufacture the item. $manufacturing = array(); $total_price = 0; $type_materials = DB::table('invTypeMaterials')->where('typeID', $id)->get(); $types = array(); $jita_types = array(); // Loop through all the materials. For each one, add it to an array we will use to show manufacturing details. foreach ($type_materials as $material) { // Build an array for the eve-central API call. $types[] = $material->materialTypeID; // Build an array for the eventual output. $manufacturing[$material->materialTypeID] = (object) array("typeName" => Type::find($material->materialTypeID)->typeName, "qty" => $material->quantity * (1 - $material_efficiency->materialEfficiency / 100), "price" => 0, "jita" => FALSE); } // Make an API call to get the local price of materials. $api = API::eveCentral($types, $home_region_id = Setting::where('key', 'home_region_id')->pluck('value')); // Loop through each returned price and update the data in the manufacturing array. foreach ($api as $api_result) { if ($api_result->median != 0) { $manufacturing[$api_result->id]->price = $manufacturing[$api_result->id]->qty * $api_result->median; $total_price += $manufacturing[$api_result->id]->price; } else { // Build an array of types to check prices at Jita. $jita_types[] = $api_result->id; } } // If we need to check prices at Jita, make another API call. if (count($jita_types)) { $api = API::eveCentral($jita_types, NULL, 30000142); // Loop through each returned price and update the data in the manufacturing array. foreach ($api as $api_result) { $manufacturing[$api_result->id]->price = $manufacturing[$api_result->id]->qty * $api_result->median; $manufacturing[$api_result->id]->jita = TRUE; $total_price += $manufacturing[$api_result->id]->price; } } $potential_profits = NULL; } else { $manufacturing = NULL; $total_price = 999999999; } } // Retrieve current prices of the module in notable trade hubs. $jita = API::eveCentral($id, NULL, 30000142); $prices[] = (object) array("solarSystemName" => "Jita", "median" => $jita[$id]->median); $amarr = API::eveCentral($id, NULL, 30002187); $prices[] = (object) array("solarSystemName" => "Amarr", "median" => $amarr[$id]->median); $importCostToUse = (int) $jita[$id]->median < (int) $amarr[$id]->median ? $jita[$id]->median : $amarr[$id]->median; if ($shipping_cost_to_include) { $importCostToUse = $importCostToUse + $shipping_cost_to_include; } // Cache the industry and import potential profits for the item. $profit = $type->profit; if (!isset($profit)) { $profit = new Profit(); $profit->typeID = $id; } $profit->manufactureCost = round($total_price); $profit->profitIndustry = round($local_price->median - $total_price); $profit->profitImport = round($local_price->median - $importCostToUse); // Save the cached potential profit figure. $type->profit()->save($profit); $profitToUse = $profit->profitIndustry > $profit->profitImport ? $profit->profitIndustry : $profit->profitImport; $costToUse = $profit->profitIndustry > $profit->profitImport ? $total_price : $importCostToUse; return View::make('item')->with('type', $type)->with('icon', $icon)->with('local_price', $local_price)->with('prices', $prices)->with('shipping_cost', $shipping_cost_to_include)->with('manufacturing', $manufacturing)->with('t2_options', $t2_options)->with('total_price', $total_price)->with('profit', $profit)->with('profitToUse', $profitToUse)->with('costToUse', $costToUse)->with('material_efficiency', $material_efficiency); }