create() public static method

Provides fluent method chaining.
See also: __construct()
public static create ( string $tweet, boolean $full_encode = false ) : Twitter_Autolink
$tweet string The tweet to be converted.
$full_encode boolean Whether to encode all special characters.
return Twitter_Autolink
Exemplo n.º 1
	public function update() {
		$feed = new SimplePie();
		$feed->set_feed_url('' . $this->user);

		foreach ($feed->get_items() as $item) {
			$title = substr($item->get_title(), strlen($this->user) + 2);
			$title = sprintf('<blockquote>%s</blockquote>', $title);
			$data = array(
				'id' => $item->get_id(),
				'title' => Twitter_Autolink::create($title)
				'content' => '',
				'source' => 'twitter',
				'timestamp' => $item->get_date('U')


Exemplo n.º 2
 public function getData()
     $params = $this->params;
     $minute = (int) $params->get('cache_time', 90);
     if (!$params->get('use_cache') || !file_exists($this->cacheFile) || filemtime($this->cacheFile) <= time() - 60 * $minute) {
         $twitterConnection = new TwitterOAuth(trim($params->get('con_key', '')), trim($params->get('con_secret', '')), trim($params->get('access_token', '')), trim($params->get('access_token_secret', '')));
         if ($params->get('widget_type') == 'timeline') {
             $twitterData = $twitterConnection->get('statuses/user_timeline', array('screen_name' => trim($params->get('username', 'leotheme')), 'count' => trim($params->get('tweet_number', 5))));
         } else {
             $twitterData = $twitterConnection->get('search/tweets', array('q' => trim($params->get('search_query', '')), 'count' => trim($params->get('tweet_number', 5))));
             if (!isset($twitterData->errors)) {
                 $twitterData = $twitterData->statuses;
         // if there are no errors
         if (!isset($twitterData->errors)) {
             $tweets = array();
             foreach ($twitterData as $tweet) {
                 $tweetDetails = new stdClass();
                 $tweetDetails->text = Twitter_Autolink::create($tweet->text)->setNoFollow(false)->addLinks();
                 $tweetDetails->time = $this->getTime($tweet->created_at);
                 $tweetDetails->id = $tweet->id_str;
                 $tweetDetails->screenName = $tweet->user->screen_name;
                 $tweetDetails->displayName = $tweet->user->name;
                 $tweetDetails->profileImage = $tweet->user->profile_image_url_https;
                 $tweets[] = $tweetDetails;
             $data = new stdClass();
             $data->tweets = $tweets;
             $this->data = $data;
             if ($params->get('use_cache')) {
             return $data;
         } else {
             return '';
     } else {
         return $this->getCache();
Exemplo n.º 3
function twitter_parse_tags($input, $entities = false)
    $out = $input;
    //Linebreaks.  Some clients insert \n for formatting.
    $out = nl2br($out);
    // Use the Entities to replace hyperlink URLs
    if ($entities) {
        if ($entities->urls) {
            foreach ($entities->urls as $urls) {
                if ($urls->expanded_url != "") {
                    $display_url = $urls->expanded_url;
                } else {
                    $display_url = $urls->url;
                $url = $urls->url;
                $parsed_url = parse_url($url);
                if (empty($parsed_url['scheme'])) {
                    $url = 'http://' . $url;
                if (setting_fetch('gwt') == 'on') {
                    $encoded = urlencode($url);
                    $link = "{$encoded}";
                } else {
                    $link = $url;
                $link_html = '<a href="' . $link . '" target="' . get_target() . '">' . $display_url . '</a>';
                $url = $urls->url;
                // Replace all URLs *UNLESS* they have already been linked (for example to an image)
                $pattern = '#((?<!href\\=(\'|\\"))' . preg_quote($url, '#') . ')#i';
                $out = preg_replace($pattern, $link_html, $out);
        if ($entities->hashtags) {
            foreach ($entities->hashtags as $hashtag) {
                $text = $hashtag->text;
                $pattern = '/(^|\\s)([##]+)(' . $text . ')/iu';
                $link_html = ' <a href="hash/' . $text . '">#' . $text . '</a> ';
                $out = preg_replace($pattern, $link_html, $out, 1);
    } else {
        // If Entities haven't been returned (usually because of search or a bio) use Autolink
        // Create an array containing all URLs
        $urls = Twitter_Extractor::create($input)->extractURLs();
        // Hyperlink the URLs
        if (setting_fetch('gwt') == 'on') {
            foreach ($urls as $url) {
                $encoded = urlencode($url);
                $out = str_replace($url, "<a href='{$encoded}' target='" . get_target() . "'>{$url}</a>", $out);
        } else {
            $out = Twitter_Autolink::create($out)->addLinksToURLs();
        // Hyperlink the #
        $out = Twitter_Autolink::create($out)->setTarget('')->addLinksToHashtags();
    // Hyperlink the @ and lists
    $out = Twitter_Autolink::create($out)->setTarget('')->addLinksToUsernamesAndLists();
    // Emails
    $tok = strtok($out, " \n\t\n\r");
    // Tokenise the string by whitespace
    while ($tok !== false) {
        // Go through all the tokens
        $at = stripos($tok, "@");
        // Does the string contain an "@"?
        if ($at && $at > 0) {
            // @ is in the string & isn't the first character
            $tok = trim($tok, "?.,!\"\\'");
            // Remove any trailing punctuation
            if (filter_var($tok, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
                // Use the internal PHP email validator
                $email = $tok;
                $out = str_replace($email, "<a href=\"mailto:{$email}\">{$email}</a>", $out);
                // Create the mailto: link
        $tok = strtok(" \n\t\n\r");
        // Move to the next token
    //	Add Emoticons :-)
    if (setting_fetch('emoticons') != 'off') {
        $out = emoticons($out);
    //Return the completed string
    return $out;
Exemplo n.º 4
 function be_tweet_autolink($tweet)
     require_once BE_PB_ROOT_PATH . 'functions/twitter/Autolink.php';
     $autolinked_tweet = Twitter_Autolink::create($tweet, false)->setNoFollow(false)->setExternal(false)->setTarget('')->setUsernameClass('')->setHashtagClass('')->setURLClass('')->addLinks();
     return $autolinked_tweet;
Exemplo n.º 5
 public function formatTweets($tweets)
     $t = array();
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($tweets as $tweet) {
         if (isset($tweet->retweeted_status)) {
             $text = $this->removeSpamCharacters($tweet->retweeted_status->text);
         } else {
             $text = $this->removeSpamCharacters($tweet->text);
         $urls = $tweet->entities->urls;
         $mentions = $tweet->entities->user_mentions;
         $hashtags = $tweet->entities->hashtags;
         if ($urls) {
             foreach ($urls as $url) {
                 if (strpos($text, $url->url) !== false) {
                     $text = str_replace($url->url, '<a href="' . $url->url . '">' . $url->url . '</a>', $text);
         if ($mentions && $this->attags) {
             foreach ($mentions as $mention) {
                 if (strpos($text, $mention->screen_name) !== false) {
                     $text = str_replace("@" . $mention->screen_name . " ", '<a href="' . $mention->screen_name . '">@' . $mention->screen_name . '</a> ', $text);
         if ($hashtags && $this->hashtags) {
             foreach ($hashtags as $hashtag) {
                 if (strpos($text, $hashtag->text) !== false) {
                     $text = str_replace('#' . $hashtag->text . " ", '<a href="' . $hashtag->text . '">#' . $hashtag->text . '</a> ', $text);
         $t[$i]["tweet"] = Twitter_Autolink::create($text, false)->setNoFollow(false)->setExternal(false)->setTarget('')->setUsernameClass('')->setHashtagClass('')->setURLClass('')->addLinks();
         $t[$i]["time"] = trim($this->getTimeAgo($tweet->created_at));
     return $t;
  * La tache cron pour un flux particulier (une TwitterEntity, donc une chaine avec ses dates)
 public function streamCron(TwitterEntity $twitterEntity)
     if ($this->db == null) {
         $this->db = new Database();
     /** @var TwitterEntity $twitterEntity Pour l'autocompletion de l'IDE */
     /** @var ArticleEntity $firstArticle */
     /** @var ArticleEntity $lastArticle */
     /** On recupere le premier et le dernier tweet en BD de ce flux */
     $firstArticle = $this->getFirstArticle($twitterEntity);
     $lastArticle = $this->getLastArticle($twitterEntity);
     /** On recupere tous les tweets de maintenant a stream.firstUpdate. dans $articles, en enlevant ceux deja presents en BD*/
     $tweetsToInsert = $this->loadTweets($twitterEntity->getChannel(), $twitterEntity->getFirstUpdate(), $firstArticle->getArticleDate(), $lastArticle->getArticleDate());
     /** On ajoute en BD les articles a inserer */
     /** de plus, on les parse pour que les liens s'affichent */
     $autolink = Twitter_Autolink::create();
     $req = 'INSERT INTO article (title, content, articleDate, streamType, stream_id, url) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)';
     foreach ($tweetsToInsert as $tweet) {
         $text1 = $autolink->autoLink($tweet->text);
         $imageLink = $this->getImageLink($tweet);
         $this->db->execute($req, array($twitterEntity->getChannel(), $text1 . '<br/>' . $imageLink, date(Database::DATE_FORMAT, strtotime($tweet->created_at)), ArticleModel::TWITTER, $twitterEntity->getId(), $autolink->autoLink('@' . $twitterEntity->getChannel())));
     /** On modifie en BD le lastUpdate du stream qu'on traite a now() */
     $this->db->execute('UPDATE stream_twitter SET lastUpdate = now()');
Exemplo n.º 7
 public static function autolink($tweet)
     $autolink = \Twitter_Autolink::create();
     return $autolink->autolink($tweet);
  * Parses tweets and generates HTML anchor tags around URLs, usernames,
  * username/list pairs and hashtags.
  * @link
  * @since  0.1.0
  * @param  string $content Tweet content
  * @return string          Modified tweet content
 public static function twitter_linkify($content)
     // Include the Twitter-Text-PHP library
     if (!class_exists('Twitter_Regex')) {
         require_once WDS_TWWI_PATH . 'lib/TwitterText/lib/Twitter/Autolink.php';
     return Twitter_Autolink::create($content, true)->setNoFollow(false)->setExternal(true)->setTarget('_blank')->setUsernameClass('tweet-url username')->setListClass('tweet-url list-slug')->setHashtagClass('tweet-url hashtag')->setURLClass('tweet-url tweek-link')->addLinks();
Exemplo n.º 9
     echo $browser ? '<p>' : "   ";
     echo 'Skipping Test...';
     echo $browser ? '</p>' : "" . PHP_EOL;
     echo PHP_EOL;
 $function = $functions[$group];
 $pass_group = 0;
 $fail_group = 0;
 if ($browser) {
     echo '<ul>', PHP_EOL;
 foreach ($tests as $test) {
     echo $browser ? '<li>' : ' - ';
     echo $test['description'], ' ... ';
     $linked = Twitter_Autolink::create($test['text'], false)->setNoFollow(false)->setExternal(false)->setTarget('')->setUsernameClass('tweet-url username')->setListClass('tweet-url list-slug')->setHashtagClass('tweet-url hashtag')->setURLClass('')->{$function}();
     # XXX: Need to re-order for hashtag as it is written out differently...
     #      We use the same wrapping function for adding links for all methods.
     if ($group == 'hashtags') {
         $linked = preg_replace(array('!<a class="([^"]*)" href="([^"]*)">([^<]*)</a>!', '!title="#([^"]+)"!'), array('<a href="$2" title="$3" class="$1">$3</a>', 'title="#$1"'), $linked);
     if ($test['expected'] == $linked) {
         echo $browser ? '<span class="pass">PASS</span>' : "PASS";
     } else {
         echo $browser ? '<span class="fail">FAIL</span>' : "FAIL";
         if ($browser) {
             echo '<pre>';
             echo 'Original: ' . htmlspecialchars($test['text'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8', false), PHP_EOL;
             echo 'Expected: ' . pretty_format($test['expected']), PHP_EOL;
Exemplo n.º 10
            <div class="img-name-tweet">
                <div class="two-names">
                    <span class="name-ures-tweet"><?php 
    echo $user['name'];
                    <span class="name-screen-tweet"><?php 
    echo $screenNameLink;

                <div class="text-post hide-phone">
    echo Twitter_Autolink::create()->setNoFollow(false)->autoLink($tweet['text']);
            <div class="text-post show-phone">
    echo Twitter_Autolink::create()->setNoFollow(false)->autoLink($tweet['text']);
Exemplo n.º 11
function twitter_parse_tags($input, $entities = false, $id = false)
    // Filter
    if ($id && substr($_GET["q"], 0, 6) !== "status" && setting_fetch('filtero', 'no') == 'yes' && twitter_timeline_filter($input)) {
        return "<a href='status/{$id}' class='filter'><span class='texts'>[Tweet Filtered]</span></a>";
    $out = $input;
    //Linebreaks.  Some clients insert \n for formatting.
    $out = nl2br($out);
    // Use the Entities to replace hyperlink URLs
    if ($entities) {
        if ($entities->urls) {
            foreach ($entities->urls as $urls) {
                if ($urls->display_url != "") {
                    $display_url = $urls->display_url;
                } else {
                    $display_url = $urls->url;
                $expanded_url = $urls->expanded_url ? $urls->expanded_url : $urls->url;
                $expanded_url = add_http($expanded_url);
                $lurl = setting_fetch('longurl') == 'yes' && LONG_URL == 'ON' ? long_url($expanded_url) : $expanded_url;
                if (setting_fetch('gwt') == 'on') {
                    $encoded = urlencode($lurl);
                    $link = "{$encoded}";
                } else {
                    $link = $lurl;
                $atext = link_trans($display_url);
                $link_html = '<a href="' . $link . '" rel="external nofollow noreferrer">' . $atext . '</a>';
                $url = $urls->url;
                // Replace all URLs *UNLESS* they have already been linked (for example to an image)
                $pattern = '#((?<!href\\=(\'|\\"))' . preg_quote($url, '#') . ')#i';
                $out = preg_replace($pattern, $link_html, $out);
        if ($entities->hashtags) {
            foreach ($entities->hashtags as $hashtag) {
                $text = $hashtag->text;
                $pattern = '/(^|\\s)([##]+)(' . $text . ')/iu';
                $link_html = ' <a href="hash/' . $text . '" rel="external nofollow tag noreferrer" class="hashtag">#' . $text . '</a> ';
                $out = preg_replace($pattern, $link_html, $out, 1);
    } else {
        // If Entities haven't been returned (usually because of search or a bio) use Autolink
        // Create an array containing all URLs
        $urls = Twitter_Extractor::create($input)->extractURLs();
        // Hyperlink the URLs
        if (setting_fetch('gwt') == 'on') {
            foreach ($urls as $url) {
                if (setting_fetch('longurl') == 'yes' && LONG_URL == 'ON') {
                    $lurl = long_url($url);
                } else {
                    $lurl = $url;
                $encoded = urlencode($lurl);
                $atext = link_trans($lurl);
                $out = str_replace($url, "<a href='{$encoded}' rel='external nofollow noreferrer'>{$atext}</a>", $out);
        } else {
            $out = Twitter_Autolink::create($out)->setTarget('')->setTag('')->addLinksToURLs();
            foreach ($urls as $url) {
                if (setting_fetch('longurl') == 'yes' && LONG_URL == 'ON') {
                    $lurl = long_url($url);
                    $out = str_replace('href="' . $url . '"', 'href="' . $lurl . '"', $out);
                } else {
                    $lurl = $url;
                $atext = link_trans($lurl);
                $out = str_replace(">{$url}</a>", ">{$atext}</a>", $out);
        // Hyperlink the #
        $out = Twitter_Autolink::create($out)->setTarget('')->addLinksToHashtags();
    // Hyperlink the @ and lists
    $out = Twitter_Autolink::create($out)->setTarget('')->setTag('')->addLinksToUsernamesAndLists();
    // Emails
    $tok = strtok($out, " \n\t\n\r");
    // Tokenise the string by whitespace
    while ($tok !== false) {
        // Go through all the tokens
        $at = stripos($tok, "@");
        // Does the string contain an "@"?
        if ($at && $at > 0) {
            // @ is in the string & isn't the first character
            $tok = trim($tok, "?.,!\"\\'");
            // Remove any trailing punctuation
            if (filter_var($tok, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
                // Use the internal PHP email validator
                $email = $tok;
                $out = str_replace($email, "<a href=\"mailto:{$email}\">{$email}</a>", $out);
                // Create the mailto: link
        $tok = strtok(" \n\t\n\r");
        // Move to the next token
    //Return the completed string
    return $out;
Exemplo n.º 12
 function be_tweet_autolink($tweet)
     require_once get_template_directory() . '/functions/twitter/Autolink.php';
     $autolinked_tweet = Twitter_Autolink::create($tweet, false)->setNoFollow(false)->setExternal(false)->setTarget('')->setUsernameClass('')->setHashtagClass('')->setURLClass('')->addLinks();
     return $autolinked_tweet;
Exemplo n.º 13

 * Twitter api interface
include 'twitter-async/EpiCurl.php';
include 'twitter-async/EpiOAuth.php';
include 'twitter-async/EpiTwitter.php';
include 'twitter-text-php/Autolink.php';
include 'twitter-text-php/Extractor.php';
include 'twitter-text-php/HitHighlighter.php';
$key = trim(file_get_contents('secrets/tw-key'));
$sec = trim(file_get_contents('secrets/tw-sec'));
$tok = trim(file_get_contents('secrets/tw-tok'));
$toksec = trim(file_get_contents('secrets/tw-toksec'));
$tw = new EpiTwitter($key, $sec, $tok, $toksec);
$resp = $tw->get('/users/show/openphoto.json');
$status = Twitter_Autolink::create($resp->status->text)->setNoFollow(false)->addLinks();
if ($status) {
    file_put_contents('output/twitter.txt', $status . '<div class="footnote"><a href="' . $resp->status->id_str . '" target="_blank" rel="external">' . date('h:i \\o\\n l, M jS', strtotime($resp->status->created_at)) . '</a> from <a href="" target="_blank" rel="external">Twitter</a></div>');
Exemplo n.º 14
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE);
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'));
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'PHP');
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $request->to_url());
    $result = curl_exec($curl);
    $tweets = json_decode($result);
    if (!$tweets || isset($tweets->errors)) {
    // output result in json format & cache it
    $output = array();
    foreach ($tweets as $tweet) {
        $tweet_text = htmlentities(htmlspecialchars_decode($tweet->text), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
        $output[] = array('time_ago' => time_elapsed_string(strtotime($tweet->created_at)), 'text' => Twitter_Autolink::create($tweet_text)->setNoFollow(false)->addLinks(), 'actions' => array('reply' => '' . $tweet->id_str, 'retweet' => '' . $tweet->id_str, 'favorite' => '' . $tweet->id_str));
    //cache result
    if ($cache !== false && $cache && file_exists('./twitter.cache')) {
        $file = './twitter.cache';
        $cached = file_get_contents($file);
        @($unserialized = unserialize($cached));
        if (!$unserialized) {
            $unserialized = array();
        $contents = serialize(array_merge(array($username => array('time' => time(), 'data' => $output)), $unserialized));
        file_put_contents($file, $contents);
} else {
    $output = $cached_output;
\$html = Twitter_Autolink::create()
echo \$html;
if ($browser) {
    echo '<h3>Source</h3>', PHP_EOL;
    echo '<pre class="source">';
    echo '</pre>', PHP_EOL;
} else {
    echo 'Source:', PHP_EOL, PHP_EOL;
    echo $code;
    echo PHP_EOL, PHP_EOL;
$html = Twitter_Autolink::create()->setNoFollow(false)->autoLink($tweet);
if ($browser) {
    echo '<h3>Markup</h3>', PHP_EOL;
    echo '<pre class="markup"><code>';
    echo htmlspecialchars($html, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8', false);
    echo '</code></pre>', PHP_EOL;
} else {
    echo 'Markup:', PHP_EOL, PHP_EOL;
    echo wordwrap(htmlspecialchars($html, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8', false));
    echo PHP_EOL, PHP_EOL;
if ($browser) {
    echo '<h3>Output</h3>', PHP_EOL;
    echo '<div class="output">';
    echo $html;
    echo '</div>', PHP_EOL;
Exemplo n.º 16
  * Helper function to convert usernames, hashtags and URLs
  * in a tweet to HTML links.
 public function autolink($tweet)
     require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/lib/twitter-text-php/lib/Twitter/Autolink.php';
     $autolinked_tweet = Twitter_Autolink::create($tweet, false)->setNoFollow(false)->setExternal(false)->setTarget('')->setUsernameClass('')->setHashtagClass('')->setURLClass('')->addLinks();
     return $autolinked_tweet;
        echo '</ul>';
    echo PHP_EOL;
    $pass_total += $pass_group;
    $fail_total += $fail_group;
    echo $browser ? '<p class="group">' : "   ";
    printf('Group Results: %d passes, %d failures', $pass_group, $fail_group);
    echo $browser ? '</p>' : "" . PHP_EOL;
    echo PHP_EOL;
output_h2('Autolink Conformance');
# Load the test data.
$data = Yaml::parse($DATA . '/autolink.yml');
# Define the functions to be tested.
$functions = array('usernames' => 'autoLinkUsernamesAndLists', 'lists' => 'autoLinkUsernamesAndLists', 'hashtags' => 'autoLinkHashtags', 'cashtags' => 'autoLinkCashtags', 'urls' => 'autoLinkURLs', 'json' => 'autoLinkWithJson', 'all' => 'autoLink');
$linker = Twitter_Autolink::create();
# Perform testing.
foreach ($data['tests'] as $group => $tests) {
    output_h3('Test Group - ' . ucfirst(str_replace('_', ' ', $group)));
    if (!array_key_exists($group, $functions)) {
    $function = $functions[$group];
    $pass_group = 0;
    $fail_group = 0;
    if ($browser) {
        echo '<ul>', PHP_EOL;
    foreach ($tests as $test) {
        echo $browser ? '<li>' : ' - ';
Exemplo n.º 18
echo Twitter_Autolink::create()->setNoFollow(false)->autoLink('@' . $screenName);
's feed looks empty.</span></h1>
Exemplo n.º 19
function twitter_parse_tags($input, $entities = false, $id = false, $source = NULL)
    // Filter.
    if ($id && substr($_GET["q"], 0, 6) !== "status" && setting_fetch('filtero', 'no') == 'yes' && twitter_timeline_filter($input . ' ' . $source)) {
        return "<a href='" . BASE_URL . "status/{$id}' style='text-decoration:none;'><small>[" . __("Tweet Filtered") . "]</small></a>";
    // Linebreaks.  Some clients insert \n for formatting.
    $out = nl2br($input);
    // Use the Entities to replace hyperlink URLs
    if ($entities && $entities->urls) {
        foreach ($entities->urls as $urls) {
            if ($urls->expanded_url != "") {
                $display_url = $urls->expanded_url;
            } else {
                $display_url = $urls->url;
            $url_detect = parse_url($display_url);
            if (isset($url_detect["scheme"])) {
                $link_html = theme('external_link', $display_url);
                $url = $urls->url;
                // Replace all URLs *UNLESS* they have already been linked (for example to an image)
                $pattern = '#((?<!href\\=(\'|\\"))' . preg_quote($url, '#') . ')#i';
                $out = preg_replace($pattern, $link_html, $out);
    } else {
        // If Entities haven't been returned, use Autolink
        // Create an array containing all URLs
        $urls = Twitter_Extractor::create($input)->extractURLs();
        // Hyperlink the URLs
        $out = Twitter_Autolink::create($out)->addLinksToURLs();
        // Hyperlink the #
        $out = Twitter_Autolink::create($out)->setTarget('')->addLinksToHashtags();
    // Hyperlink the @ and lists
    $out = Twitter_Autolink::create($out)->setTarget('')->addLinksToUsernamesAndLists();
    // Hyperlink the #
    $out = Twitter_Autolink::create($out)->setTarget('')->addLinksToHashtags();
    //Return the completed string
    return $out;
Exemplo n.º 20
\$html = Twitter_Autolink::create(\$tweet)
echo \$html;
if ($browser) {
    echo '<h3>Source</h3>', PHP_EOL;
    echo '<pre class="source">';
    echo '</pre>', PHP_EOL;
} else {
    echo 'Source:', PHP_EOL, PHP_EOL;
    echo $code;
    echo PHP_EOL, PHP_EOL;
$html = Twitter_Autolink::create($tweet)->setNoFollow(false)->addLinks();
if ($browser) {
    echo '<h3>Markup</h3>', PHP_EOL;
    echo '<pre class="markup"><code>';
    echo htmlspecialchars($html, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8', false);
    echo '</code></pre>', PHP_EOL;
} else {
    echo 'Markup:', PHP_EOL, PHP_EOL;
    echo wordwrap(htmlspecialchars($html, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8', false));
    echo PHP_EOL, PHP_EOL;
if ($browser) {
    echo '<h3>Output</h3>', PHP_EOL;
    echo '<div class="output">';
    echo $html;
    echo '</div>', PHP_EOL;
Exemplo n.º 21
  * @dataProvider  addLinksProvider
 public function testAddLinks($description, $text, $expected)
     $linked = Twitter_Autolink::create($text, false)->setNoFollow(false)->setExternal(false)->setTarget('')->setUsernameClass('tweet-url username')->setListClass('tweet-url list-slug')->setHashtagClass('tweet-url hashtag')->setCashtagClass('tweet-url cashtag')->setURLClass('')->addLinks();
     $this->assertSame($expected, $linked, $description);
Exemplo n.º 22
 public function live()
     $twitter = $this->Twitter->Oauth();
     $autolink = \Twitter_Autolink::create();
     $query = '#DigitalThursday';
     if ($this->request->query('last')) {
         $twitter = $twitter->get('search/tweets', ['q' => $query, 'since_id' => $this->request->query('last'), 'count' => 7]);
         if ($twitter->statuses && $twitter->statuses[0]->id == $this->request->query('last')) {
             $twitter = [];
         } else {
             if (empty($twitter->statuses)) {
                 $twitter = [];
             } else {
                 foreach ($twitter->statuses as $tweet) {
                     $text = $autolink->autoLink($tweet->text);
                     $tweet->text = $text;
                 $twitter = $twitter->statuses;
     } else {
         $twitter = $twitter->get('search/tweets', ['q' => $query, 'count' => 7]);
         $twitter = $twitter->statuses;
     $this->set(compact('twitter', 'autolink'));
     $this->set('_serialize', ['twitter', 'autolink']);