Exemplo n.º 1
 public function itReturnsTheChildrenAndSubChildrenAsAFlatList()
     $child1 = new TreeNode();
     $subchild1 = new TreeNode();
     $child2 = new TreeNode();
     $node = new TreeNode();
     $this->assertEqual(array($child1, $subchild1, $child2), $node->flattenChildren());
  * @return TreeNode
 public function wrapInAThreeLevelArtifactTree(array $cards)
     $forest = new TreeNode();
     $root = new TreeNode();
     return $root;
 public function itHasACardInCellPresenterWithSwimLineValueCollection()
     $parent_node = new TreeNode();
     $mapping_collection = stub('Cardwall_MappingCollection')->getSwimLineValues($this->field_id)->returns(array(123, 456));
     $cardincell_presenter_callback = new Cardwall_CardInCellPresenterCallback($this->field_retriever, $mapping_collection);
     $cardincell_presenter_node = $cardincell_presenter_callback->apply($this->card_presenter_node);
     $this->assertEqual($cardincell_presenter_node->getCardInCellPresenter(), new Cardwall_CardInCellPresenter($this->card_presenter, $this->field_id, $parent_node->getId(), array(123, 456)));
  * Return the Tree
  * ROOT
  * |
  * +-Child 1 (id:6, al:8)
  * 	 |
  * 	 '-Child 2 (id:8)
 protected function buildBaseTree()
     $parent = new TreeNode();
     $child1 = $this->getTreeNode(6, 'Child 1', '8');
     $child2 = $this->getTreeNode(8, 'Child 2');
     return $parent;
 function ItInjectsPadding()
     $root = new TreeNode();
     $node1 = new TreeNode();
     $node2 = new TreeNode();
     $visitor = new TreeNode_InjectPaddingInTreeNodeVisitor();
     $data = $node2->getData();
     $this->assertPattern('%div class="tree-blank" >[^<]*</div><div class="tree-last"%', $data['tree-padding']);
Exemplo n.º 6
 private function buildTreeNode()
     $root = new TreeNode();
     foreach (func_get_args() as $arg) {
         $node = new TreeNode();
     return $root;
Exemplo n.º 7
 private function getHierarchyAsTreeNode($hierarchy)
     $node = new TreeNode();
     if (isset($hierarchy['children'])) {
         $node->setData(array('name' => $hierarchy['name'], 'id' => $hierarchy['id'], 'current_class' => ''));
         $hierarchy = $hierarchy['children'];
     } else {
     foreach ($hierarchy as $item) {
     return $node;
Exemplo n.º 8
  *	  Test the constructor
 function test_everything()
     // create a few root nodes
     $node1 = new TreeNode('1');
     $this->assertIdentical($node1->getId(), '1');
     $this->assertEqual($node1->getChildren(), array());
     $this->assertIdentical($node1->getChildrenCount(), 0);
     // create some children
     $node1_1 = new TreeNode('2');
     $node1_2 = new TreeNode('3');
     $node1_1_1 = new TreeNode('4');
     $parents = $node1_1->getParents();
     $this->assertReference($node1, $parents['1']);
     $parents = $node1_2->getParents();
     $this->assertReference($node1, $parents['1']);
     $parents = $node1_1_1->getParents();
     $this->assertReference($node1_1, $parents['2']);
     $this->assertIdentical($node1_1->getId(), '2');
     $this->assertIdentical($node1_2->getId(), '3');
     $this->assertIdentical($node1_1_1->getId(), '4');
     $this->assertIdentical($node1->getChildrenCount(), 2);
     $children = $node1->getChildren();
     $this->assertReference($children['2'], $node1_1);
     $this->assertReference($children['3'], $node1_2);
     $children = $node1_1->getChildren();
     $this->assertReference($children['4'], $node1_1_1);
     // create a new root
     $node = new TreeNode('100');
     $children = $node->getChildren();
     $this->assertReference($children['1'], $node1);
     $parents = $node1->getParents();
     $this->assertReference($node, $parents['100']);
     // try detaching a node now
Exemplo n.º 9
  * Adds $parent_node children according to $artifact ones.
  * @param type $user
  * @param type $artifact
  * @param type $parent_node
  * @param type $parents     The list of parents to prevent infinite recursion
  * @return boolean
 private function addChildrenPlannedArtifacts(User $user, Tracker_Artifact $artifact, TreeNode $parent_node, array $parents)
     $linked_artifacts = $artifact->getUniqueLinkedArtifacts($user);
     if (!$linked_artifacts) {
         return false;
     if (in_array($artifact->getId(), $parents)) {
         return false;
     $parents[] = $artifact->getId();
     foreach ($linked_artifacts as $linked_artifact) {
         $node = $this->makeNodeWithChildren($user, $linked_artifact, $parents);
Exemplo n.º 10
 private function GivenANodeInAparent(TreeNode $parent)
     $node = new TreeNode();
     return $node;
 function project_tabs($toptab, $group_id)
     $pm = ProjectManager::instance();
     $project = $pm->getProject($group_id);
     if ($project->isError()) {
         //wasn't found or some other problem
     $menuTree = new TreeNode();
     $output = '';
     $tabs = $this->_getProjectTabs($toptab, $project);
     $nb = count($tabs);
     $selected = false;
     for ($i = 0; $i < $nb; $i++) {
         if ($tabs[$i]['enabled'] === true) {
             $selected = true;
         $menuTree->addChild(new TreeNode(array('link' => $tabs[$i]['link'], 'title' => $tabs[$i]['label'], 'selected' => $tabs[$i]['enabled'])));
     //$output .= $this->tabGenerator($TABS_DIRS,$TABS_TITLES,true,$selected, 2);
     //echo $output;
     return $menuTree;
Exemplo n.º 12
 function testRenderShouldPadTheArtifactsAccordingToTheirLevel()
     $service = new MockService();
     $criteria = $this->GivenCriteria();
     $artifacts = array(array('id' => '6', 'last_changeset_id' => '12345', 'title' => 'As a user I want to search on shared fields', 'artifactlinks' => '8'), array('id' => '8', 'last_changeset_id' => '56789', 'title' => 'Add the form', 'artifactlinks' => ''));
     $root = new TreeNode();
     $node0 = new TreeNode($artifacts[0]);
     $node1 = new TreeNode($artifacts[1]);
     $view = $this->GivenASearchView($service, $criteria, $artifacts, $root);
     $output = $this->renderAndGetContent($view);
     $pattern = '(.*)?(tree-node-6)(.*)?(node-indent)(.*)?(node-last-left)(.*)?(node-tree)(.*)?(node-indent)(.*)?(node-minus-tree)(.*)?(node-child)';
     $pattern .= '(.*)?(tree-node-8)(.*)?(node-blank)(.*)?';
     $this->assertPattern("%^{$pattern}\$%ism", $output);
Exemplo n.º 13
  * Function to create a TreeNode based off the 
  * given value and add it to the tree with a 
  * set parent.
  * @param mixed $value - the value of the created
  * TreeNode
  * @param TreeNode $parent - the parent node or null
  * if there is no parent
  * @return void
  * @author Karthik Viswanathan
 private function appendToTree($value, $parent)
     $node = null;
     // if there is no parent, make the tag
     // without one.
     if ($parent == null) {
         $node = new TreeNode($value);
     } else {
         $node = new TreeNode($value, $parent);
     return $node;
Exemplo n.º 14
 protected function getATreeNode($tree_node_id, $artifact_links = array(), $classname = "planning-draggable-alreadyplanned")
     $node = new TreeNode(array('id' => $tree_node_id, 'artifact_id' => $tree_node_id, 'title' => 'Artifact ' . $tree_node_id, 'class' => $classname, 'uri' => '/bar', 'xref' => 'art #' . $tree_node_id, 'editLabel' => null, 'allowedChildrenTypes' => array()));
     foreach ($artifact_links as $node_child) {
     return $node;
Exemplo n.º 15
 private function buildArtifactsTree(User $user, TreeNode $root, array $artifacts, array $artifacts_info)
     foreach ($artifacts as $artifact) {
         $node = new TreeNode($this->getArtifactInfo($artifact, $artifacts_info));
         $this->buildArtifactsTree($user, $node, $artifact->getHierarchyLinkedArtifacts($user), $artifacts_info);
Exemplo n.º 16
 private function buildArtifactsTree(User $user, TreeNode $root, array $artifacts, array $artifacts_info, array $excluded_artifact_ids)
     foreach ($artifacts as $artifact) {
         if (!isset($excluded_artifact_ids[$artifact->getId()])) {
             $node = new TreeNode($this->getArtifactInfo($artifact, $artifacts_info));
             $this->buildArtifactsTree($user, $node, $artifact->getHierarchyLinkedArtifacts($user), $artifacts_info, $excluded_artifact_ids);
Exemplo n.º 17
 public function setUp()
     $report = new MockTracker_Report();
     $release_tracker_id = 743;
     $release_tracker = aTracker()->withId($release_tracker_id)->build();
     $art_link_release_field_id = 131;
     $art_link_release_field = mock('Tracker_CrossSearch_ArtifactReportField');
     stub($art_link_release_field)->getArtifactLinkFieldName()->returns('art_link_' . $art_link_release_field_id);
     $art_link_release_criterion = new Tracker_Report_Criteria(null, $report, $art_link_release_field, 0, true);
     $sprint_tracker_id = 365;
     $sprint_tracker = aTracker()->withId($sprint_tracker_id)->build();
     $art_link_sprint_field_id = 511;
     $art_link_sprint_field = mock('Tracker_CrossSearch_ArtifactReportField');
     stub($art_link_sprint_field)->getArtifactLinkFieldName()->returns('art_link_' . $art_link_sprint_field_id);
     $art_link_sprint_criterion = new Tracker_Report_Criteria(null, $report, $art_link_sprint_field, 0, true);
     $criteria = array($art_link_release_criterion, $art_link_sprint_criterion);
     $this->sprint_id = '354';
     $this->sprint = stub('Tracker_Artifact')->getTitle()->returns('The planning known as Sprint');
     $this->release_id = '666';
     $this->release = stub('Tracker_Artifact')->getTitle()->returns('I release I can fly');
     $artifact_node = new TreeNode();
     $artifact_node->setData(array('id' => 123, 'title' => 'foo', 'last_changeset_id' => '567', 'art_link_' . $art_link_sprint_field_id => $this->sprint_id, 'art_link_' . $art_link_release_field_id => $this->release_id));
     $tree_of_artifacts = new TreeNode();
     $this->artifact_factory = new MockTracker_ArtifactFactory();
     $factory = new MockTracker_FormElementFactory();
     $tracker = new MockTracker();
     $artifact = new MockTracker_Artifact();
     $this->user = mock('PFUser');
     $artifact->setReturnValue('getTracker', $tracker);
     $this->view = new Tracker_CrossSearch_SearchContentView($report, $criteria, $tree_of_artifacts, $this->artifact_factory, $factory, $this->user);
Exemplo n.º 18
  * recursive way to build tree structure
  * @param array $keyParts
  * @param TreeNode $rootNode
  * @return TreeNode
 protected function createTree(&$keyParts, TreeNode $rootNode) : TreeNode
     if (!count($keyParts)) {
         return $rootNode;
     $newKey = array_shift($keyParts);
     $newNode = new self($rootNode, $newKey, null, $rootNode->getKeyDelimiter());
     return $this->createTree($keyParts, $newNode);