Exemplo n.º 1
  * Starts the parsing process
  * @return REBuilder\Pattern\Regex
 public function parse()
     return $this->_builder->getRegexContainer();
Exemplo n.º 2
  * @since 0.1
  * {@inheritDoc}
 public function tokenize($string)
     if ($this->tokenizer !== null) {
         $string = implode(" ", $this->tokenizer->tokenize($string));
     $result = $this->createNGrams($string, $this->ngramSize, $this->withMarker);
     if ($result !== false) {
         return $result;
     return array();
Exemplo n.º 3
  * @since 0.1
  * @param string $string
  * @return array|false
 public function tokenize($string)
     if ($this->tokenizer !== null) {
         $string = implode(" ", $this->tokenizer->tokenize($string));
     $pattern = str_replace($this->patternExemption, '', '_-・,、;:!?.。…◆★◇□■()【】《》〈〉;:“”"〃'`[]{}「」@*\/&#%`^+<=>|~≪≫─$"_\\-・,、;:!?.。()[\\]{}「」@*\\/&#%`^+<=>|~«»$"\\s');
     $result = preg_split('/[' . $pattern . ']+/u', $string, null, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
     if ($result === false) {
         $result = array();
     return $result;
  * @since 0.1
  * {@inheritDoc}
 public function tokenize($string)
     if ($this->tokenizer !== null) {
         $string = implode(" ", $this->tokenizer->tokenize($string));
     // Filter is based on https://github.com/kitech/cms-drupal/blob/master/modules/csplitter/filter.txt
     $pattern = str_replace($this->patternExemption, '', '([\\s\\、,,。/?《》〈〉;:“”"〃'`[]{}\|~!-=_+)(()*…—─%¥…◆★◇□■【】#·啊吧把并被才从的得当对但到地而该过个给还和叫将就可来了啦里没你您哪那呢去却让使是时省随他我为现县向像象要由矣已以也又与于在之这则最乃\\/\\(\\)\\[\\]{}<>\\r\\n"]|(?<!\\d)\\.(?!\\d))');
     $result = preg_split('/' . $pattern . '/u', $string, null, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
     if ($result !== false) {
         return $result;
     return array();
Exemplo n.º 5
  * @since 0.1
  * @param string $string
  * @return array|false
 public function tokenize($string)
     if ($this->tokenizer !== null) {
         $string = implode(" ", $this->tokenizer->tokenize($string));
     // (?<=\p{L})(?=\p{N}) to split alphanumeric and numeric
     $pattern = str_replace($this->patternExemption, '', '([\\s\\-_,:;?!%\'\\|\\/\\(\\)\\[\\]{}<>\\r\\n"]|(?<!\\d)\\.(?!\\d)|(?<=\\p{L})(?=\\p{N}))');
     $result = preg_split('/' . $pattern . '/u', $string, null, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
     if ($result === false) {
         $result = array();
     return $result;
Exemplo n.º 6
 public function parse($code)
     // get tokens
     $tokens = $this->tokenizer->tokenize($code);
     // preparations
     $tokens = $this->lexer->filterTokens($tokens);
     $tokens = $this->lexer->repair($tokens);
     // helpers
     $this->tracker = new TokenTracker($tokens, $this->context);
     $this->tokens = $tokens;
     // analyze
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Dokonuje tokenizacji i wpisania liczby potencjalnych wulgaryzmów.
  * Zwraca tablicê z wyrazami, o ile jakie¶ znaleziono.
  * @param string $comment Komentarz do przetworzenia.
  * @return array Tablicê wyrazów lub false, je¶li wyrazów nie znaleziono.
 protected function tokenize($comment)
     $tok_comment = self::$tokenizer->tokenize($comment);
     // zdjêcie informacji o potencjalnych wulgaryzmach
     $this->vulg_prop = intval(array_pop($tok_comment));
     if (count($tok_comment) == 0) {
         return false;
     return $tok_comment;
Exemplo n.º 8
  * @covers spriebsch\PHPca\TokenFilterIterator::accept
 public function testAccept()
     $file = Tokenizer::tokenize('filename', "<?php \n\n function hello()\n{\n    print 'hello world';\n} \n ?>");
     $it = new TokenFilterIterator($file, T_FUNCTION);
     $result = array();
     foreach ($it as $item) {
         $result[] = $item;
     $this->assertEquals(1, sizeof($result));
     $this->assertEquals('T_FUNCTION', $result[0]->getName());
Exemplo n.º 9
  * @throws \Exception When tokenizer throws it while parsing
 public function parse($string)
     $tokenizer = new Tokenizer();
     $stream = new TokenStream($tokenizer->tokenize($string), $string);
     try {
         return $this->parseSelectorGroup($stream);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $class = get_class($e);
         throw new $class(sprintf('%s at %s -> %s', $e->getMessage(), implode($stream->getUsed(), ''), $stream->peek()), 0, $e);
* test
* execute few tests to validate that everything is still working 
* @param string $filename filename to load to tokenizer class for example "tokenizer-forever-21.json"
function test($filename)
    $t = new Tokenizer($filename);
    // simple texts and color
    $re = $t->tokenize($s = "red dress");
    echo "{$s}:";
    echo " 1" . (in_array("red", $re["properties"]["color"], true) ? "success" : "failed");
    echo " 2" . ($re["keywords"] == "dress" ? "success" : "failed");
    echo "\n\n";
    $re = $t->tokenize($s = "brick red dress");
    echo "{$s}:";
    echo " 1" . (in_array("brick red", $re["properties"]["color"], true) ? "success" : "failed");
    echo " 2" . ($re["keywords"] == "dress" ? "success" : "failed");
    echo "\n\n";
    $re = $t->tokenize($s = "blueish dress");
    echo "{$s}:";
    echo " 1" . (in_array("blue", $re["properties"]["color"], true) ? "success" : "failed");
    echo " 2" . ($re["keywords"] == "dress" ? "success" : "failed");
    echo "\n\n";
    // gender
    $re = $t->tokenize($s = "woman dress");
    echo "{$s}:";
    echo " 1" . (in_array("woman", $re["properties"]["gender"], true) ? "success" : "failed");
    echo " 2" . ($re["keywords"] == "dress" ? "success" : "failed");
    echo "\n\n";
    $re = $t->tokenize($s = "men dress");
    echo "{$s}:";
    echo " 1" . (in_array("men", $re["properties"]["gender"], true) ? "success" : "failed");
    echo " 2" . ($re["keywords"] == "dress" ? "success" : "failed");
    echo "\n\n";
    // pattern
    $re = $t->tokenize($s = "woman rust red white polka dot dress");
    echo "{$s}:";
    echo " 1" . (in_array("polka dot", $re["properties"]["pattern"], true) ? "success" : "failed");
    echo " 2" . ($re["keywords"] == "dress" ? "success" : "failed");
    echo "\n\n";
    // brand
    $re = $t->tokenize($s = "gap woman rust red white polka dot dress");
    echo "{$s}:";
    echo " 1" . (in_array("polka dot", $re["properties"]["pattern"], true) ? "success" : "failed");
    echo " 2" . ($re["keywords"] == "dress" ? "success" : "failed");
    echo "\n\n";
    $re = $t->tokenize($s = "forever 21 woman rust red white polka dot dress");
    echo "{$s}:";
    echo " 1" . (in_array("polka dot", $re["properties"]["pattern"], true) ? "success" : "failed");
    echo " 2" . ($re["keywords"] == "dress" ? "success" : "failed");
    echo "\n\n";
Exemplo n.º 11
 * @desc 	Create new linter instance
 * @param	String	Filename
 * @param	object	Config object
 public function __construct($file, Config $config)
     $this->config = $config;
     $this->file = $file;
     exec('php -l ' . escapeshellarg($file), $error, $code);
     if ($code === 0) {
         $this->tokens = Tokenizer::tokenize($file);
         $this->tcount = count($this->tokens);
         $this->score = 0;
         $this->ignore_next = array();
         $this->scope = array();
         $this->globals = (require dirname(__FILE__) . '/globals.php');
     } else {
         $this->score = false;
     $this->report = array();
Exemplo n.º 12
  * Decodes a NEON string.
  * @param  string
  * @return mixed
 public static function decode($input)
     if (!is_string($input)) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException("Argument must be a string, " . gettype($input) . " given.");
     if (!self::$tokenizer) {
         self::$tokenizer = new Tokenizer(self::$patterns, 'mi');
     $input = str_replace("\r", '', $input);
     $parser = new self();
     $res = $parser->parse(0);
     while (isset(self::$tokenizer->tokens[$parser->n])) {
         if (self::$tokenizer->tokens[$parser->n][0] === "\n") {
         } else {
     return $res;
Exemplo n.º 13
  * @since 0.1
  * @param integer $flag
  * @return array
 public function getTokens($flag = Tokenizer::STRICT)
     return Tokenizer::tokenize($this->string, $flag);
Exemplo n.º 14
 public function parse($s)
     self::$tokenizer = self::$tokenizer ?: new Tokenizer(array(self::T_WHITESPACE => '\\s+', self::T_COMMENT => '(?s)/\\*.*?\\*/', self::T_STRING => Parser::RE_STRING, self::T_KEYWORD => '(?:true|false|null|and|or|xor|clone|new|instanceof|return|continue|break|[A-Z_][A-Z0-9_]{2,})(?![\\w\\pL_])', self::T_CAST => '\\((?:expand|string|array|int|integer|float|bool|boolean|object)\\)', self::T_VARIABLE => '\\$[\\w\\pL_]+', self::T_NUMBER => '[+-]?[0-9]+(?:\\.[0-9]+)?(?:e[0-9]+)?', self::T_SYMBOL => '[\\w\\pL_]+(?:-[\\w\\pL_]+)*', self::T_CHAR => '::|=>|->|\\+\\+|--|<<|>>|<=|>=|===|!==|==|!=|<>|&&|\\|\\||\\?\\?|[^"\']'), 'u');
     return self::$tokenizer->tokenize($s);
 static function analyse($expression)
     if (is_string($expression)) {
         $tokenizer = new Tokenizer();
         $tokens = $tokenizer->tokenize($expression);
     } else {
         // a yet formed ListOfToken
         $tokens = $expression;
     // echo "Testaĵo unu: '$tokens'<br>";
     foreach (Token::$tokenStickness as $operator) {
         // echo "Testaĵo du: '$tokens'<br>";
         if ($operator->reversedOrderParsing) {
             $tokensToParse = $tokens->reverse();
         } else {
             $tokensToParse = $tokens;
             // echo "Testaĵo tri: '$tokens'<br>";
         do {
             $operatorFound = false;
             foreach ($tokensToParse as $token) {
                 // echo "Testaĵo tri kaj unu: '$tokens'<br>";
                 if ($token->typeOf($operator) && !$token->hasChildren()) {
                     $operatorFound = true;
                     // echo "Elektita ".get_class($operator)."<br>";
                     // echo "$tokens [$token] videbla antauxen !!<br>\n";
                     // echo "$tokens videbla posten !!<br>\n";
                     // redo the foreach because tokens changed
                 // echo "Testaĵo tri kaj du: '$tokens'<br>";
             // echo "Testaĵo kvar: '$tokens'<br>";
         } while ($operatorFound);
     // TODO: catch the error when it occurs
     // e.g. "1+2)*3" gives two roots "+(1)(2) *())(3)"
     // in fact, the "times" should not have a parenthesis as a child
     if ($tokens->count() > 1) {
         throw new Exception("Analysis error '{$tokens}'\nhas more than one root");
         // echo "Analysis notice '{$tokens}' has more than one root\n";
         // echo "Analysis notice, there's more than one root\nSee Tokenizer!\n";
         // we keep only the first element
         $tokens->list = array_slice($tokens->list, 0, 1);
     return $tokens;
Exemplo n.º 16
 function parse()
     // scan all tokens
     for ($i = 0, $tokencount = count($this->tokens); $i < $tokencount; $i++, $this->tif++) {
         if (is_array($this->tokens[$i])) {
             $token_name = $this->tokens[$i][0];
             $token_value = $this->tokens[$i][1];
             $line_nr = $this->tokens[$i][2];
             // add preloader info for big files
             if ($line_nr % PRELOAD_SHOW_LINE == 0) {
                 echo $GLOBALS['fit'] . '|' . $GLOBALS['file_amount'] . '|' . $this->file_pointer . ' (line ' . $line_nr . ')|' . $GLOBALS['timeleft'] . '|' . "\n";
             # debug
             #echo "file:".$file_name.",line:".$line_nr.",token:".token_name($token_name).",";
             #echo "value:".htmlentities($token_value).",";
             #echo "in_function:".$in_function.",in_class:".$in_class."<br>";
             if ($token_name === T_VARIABLE) {
                 // $var()
                 if ($this->tokens[$i + 1][0] === '(') {
                     $this->variable_scan($i, 0, 'eval', 'Userinput is used as dynamic function name. Arbitrary functions may be called.');
                 } else {
                     if (($this->tokens[$i - 1] === '$' || $this->tokens[$i - 1] === '{' && $this->tokens[$i - 2] === '$') && ($this->tokens[$i + 1] === '=' || in_array($this->tokens[$i + 1][0], Tokens::$T_ASSIGNMENT))) {
                         $this->variable_scan($i, $this->tokens[$i - 1] === '{' ? 2 : 1, 'extract', 'Userinput is used to build the variable name. Arbitrary variables may be overwritten/initialized which may lead to further vulnerabilities.');
                     } else {
                         if ($this->tokens[$i - 1][0] === T_AS || $this->tokens[$i - 1][0] === T_DOUBLE_ARROW && $this->tokens[$i - 2][0] === T_VARIABLE && $this->tokens[$i - 3][0] === T_AS) {
                             $c = 3;
                             while ($this->tokens[$i - $c][0] !== T_FOREACH) {
                                 if ($i - $c < 0 || $this->tokens[$i - $c] === ';') {
                                     addError('Could not find FOREACH token before AS token', array_slice($this->tokens, $i - 5, 10), $this->tokens[$i - 1][2], $this->file_pointer);
                             $this->variable_add($token_value, array_slice($this->tokens, $i - $c, $c + Analyzer::getBraceEnd($this->tokens, $i)), '', 0, 0, $line_nr, $i, isset($this->tokens[$i][3]) ? $this->tokens[$i][3] : array());
                         } else {
                             if ($this->tokens[$i - 2][0] === T_FOR && ($this->tokens[$i + 1] === '=' || in_array($this->tokens[$i + 1][0], Tokens::$T_ASSIGNMENT))) {
                                 $c = 1;
                                 $newbraceopen = 1;
                                 $firstsemi = 0;
                                 // do not use getBraceEnd() here, because we dont want to stop at ';' in for(;;)
                                 while ($newbraceopen !== 0) {
                                     // watch function calls in function call
                                     if ($this->tokens[$i + $c] === '(') {
                                     } else {
                                         if ($this->tokens[$i + $c] === ')') {
                                         } else {
                                             if ($this->tokens[$i + $c] === ';' && $firstsemi < 1) {
                                                 $firstsemi = $c;
                                     if (!isset($this->tokens[$i + $c])) {
                                         addError('Could not find closing parenthesis of for-statement.', array_slice($this->tokens, $i - 2, 10), $this->tokens[$i - 2][2], $this->file_pointer);
                                 // overwrite value of first var because it is looped
                                 // this is an assumption, other vars could be declared for($var1=1;$var2=2;...)
                                 $this->tokens[$i + 2][0] = T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE;
                                 $this->tokens[$i + 2][1] = '*';
                                 $this->variable_add($token_value, array_slice($this->tokens, $i - 2, $c + 2), '', 1, 2 + $firstsemi, $line_nr, $i, isset($this->tokens[$i][3]) ? $this->tokens[$i][3] : array());
                             } else {
                                 if ($this->tokens[$i + 1] === '=' || in_array($this->tokens[$i + 1][0], Tokens::$T_ASSIGNMENT)) {
                                     $vardeclare = array();
                                     // $var = array(1,2,3,4);
                                     if ($this->tokens[$i + 2][0] === T_ARRAY && $this->tokens[$i + 3] === '(' && $this->tokens[$i + 4] !== ')') {
                                         $d = 4;
                                         $keyindex = 0;
                                         $newbraceopen = 1;
                                         $keytokens = array();
                                         $valuetokens = array();
                                         while (!($newbraceopen === 0 || $this->tokens[$i + $d] === ';') && $keyindex < MAX_ARRAY_ELEMENTS) {
                                             // count parameters
                                             if ($newbraceopen === 1 && ($this->tokens[$i + $d] === ',' || $this->tokens[$i + $d] === ')')) {
                                                 $newindexvar = $this->tokens[$i];
                                                 $newindexvar[3][] = empty($keytokens) ? $keyindex : $keytokens;
                                                 $this->variable_add($token_value, array_merge(array($newindexvar, $this->tokens[$i + 1]), $valuetokens), ' array() ', in_array($this->tokens[$i + 1][0], Tokens::$T_ASSIGNMENT) ? 0 : 1, 0, $line_nr, $i, isset($this->tokens[$i][3]) ? $this->tokens[$i][3] : array(), empty($keytokens) ? $keyindex : $keytokens);
                                                 $keytokens = array();
                                                 $valuetokens = array();
                                             } else {
                                                 if ($this->tokens[$i + $d] === '(') {
                                                 } else {
                                                     if ($this->tokens[$i + $d] === ')') {
                                                     } else {
                                                         if ($this->tokens[$i + $d][0] === T_DOUBLE_ARROW) {
                                                             $keytokens = $valuetokens;
                                                             $valuetokens = array();
                                                         } else {
                                                             $valuetokens[] = $this->tokens[$i + $d];
                                             if (!isset($this->tokens[$i + $d])) {
                                                 addError('Could not find closing parenthesis of array()-declaration.', array_slice($this->tokens, $i, 10), $this->tokens[$i + 2][2], $this->file_pointer);
                                         $vardeclare['end'] = Analyzer::getBraceEnd($this->tokens, $i) + 1;
                                         // $var = anything;
                                     } else {
                                         $this->variable_add($token_value, array_slice($this->tokens, $i, $vardeclare['end'] = Analyzer::getBraceEnd($this->tokens, $i) + 1), '', in_array($this->tokens[$i + 1][0], Tokens::$T_ASSIGNMENT) ? 0 : 1, 0, $line_nr, $i, isset($this->tokens[$i][3]) ? $this->tokens[$i][3] : array());
                                     // save var and var declare scope for data leak scan
                                     $vardeclare['start'] = $i;
                                     $vardeclare['name'] = $token_value;
                                     $vardeclare['linenr'] = $line_nr;
                                     $vardeclare['end'] += $i - 1;
                 // $class->var
                 //else if ($token_name === T_STRING && $tokens[$i-1][0] === T_OBJECT_OPERATOR && $tokens[$i-2][0] === T_VARIABLE)
                 // add user input variables to global finding list
                 if (in_array($token_value, Sources::$V_USERINPUT)) {
                     if (isset($this->tokens[$i][3])) {
                         if (!is_array($this->tokens[$i][3][0])) {
                             $GLOBALS['user_input'][$token_value . '[' . $this->tokens[$i][3][0] . ']'][$this->file_pointer][] = $line_nr;
                         } else {
                             $GLOBALS['user_input'][$token_value . '[' . Analyzer::get_tokens_value($this->file_pointer, $this->tokens[$i][3][0], $this->in_function ? $this->var_declares_local : $this->var_declares_global, $this->var_declares_global, $i) . ']'][$this->file_pointer][] = $line_nr;
                     } else {
                         $GLOBALS['user_input'][$token_value][$this->file_pointer][] = $line_nr;
                     // count found userinput in function for graphs
                     if ($this->in_function) {
                     } else {
             } else {
                 if (in_array($token_name, Tokens::$T_FUNCTIONS) || in_array($token_name, Tokens::$T_XSS) && ($_POST['vector'] == 'client' || $_POST['vector'] == 'xss' || $_POST['vector'] == 'all')) {
                     $class = '';
                     if ($token_name === T_STRING && $this->tokens[$i + 1] === '(') {
                         // define("FOO", $_GET['asd']);
                         if ($token_value === 'define') {
                             $c = 1;
                             while ($this->tokens[$i + $c] !== ',') {
                                 if ($this->tokens[$i + $c] === ';' || !isset($this->tokens[$i + $c])) {
                                     addError('Second parameter of define() is missing.', array_slice($this->tokens, $i, $c), $this->tokens[$i][2], $this->file_pointer);
                             $this->variable_add(str_replace(array('"', "'"), '', $this->tokens[$i + 2][1]), array_slice($this->tokens, $i, Analyzer::getBraceEnd($this->tokens, $i) + 1), ' define() ', $c, 0, $line_nr, $i);
                         } else {
                             if ($token_value === 'ini_set') {
                                 $setting = str_replace(array("'", '"'), '', $this->tokens[$i + 2][1]);
                                 // ini_set('include_path', 'foo/bar')
                                 if ($setting === 'include_path') {
                                     $path = Analyzer::get_tokens_value($this->file_pointer, array_slice($this->tokens, $i + 4, Analyzer::getBraceEnd($this->tokens, $i + 4) + 1), $this->in_function ? $this->var_declares_local : $this->var_declares_global, $this->var_declares_global, $i);
                                     $this->include_paths = array_unique(array_merge($this->include_paths, Analyzer::get_ini_paths($path)));
                             } else {
                                 if ($token_value === 'set_include_path') {
                                     $path = Analyzer::get_tokens_value($this->file_pointer, array_slice($this->tokens, $i + 1, Analyzer::getBraceEnd($this->tokens, $i + 1) + 1), $this->in_function ? $this->var_declares_local : $this->var_declares_global, $this->var_declares_global, $i);
                                     $this->include_paths = array_unique(array_merge($this->include_paths, Analyzer::get_ini_paths($path)));
                                 } else {
                                     if ($token_value === 'set_error_handler') {
                                         $token_value = str_replace(array('"', "'"), '', $this->tokens[$i + 2][1]);
                                     } else {
                                         if ($token_value === 'compact' && $this->tokens[$i - 2][0] === T_VARIABLE) {
                                             $f = 2;
                                             while ($this->tokens[$i + $f] !== ')') {
                                                 // for all array keys save new variable declarations
                                                 if ($this->tokens[$i + $f][0] === T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING) {
                                                     $this->variable_add($this->tokens[$i - 2][1], array(array(T_VARIABLE, $this->tokens[$i - 2][1], $line_nr, array(str_replace(array('"', "'"), '', $this->tokens[$i + $f][1]))), '=', array(T_VARIABLE, '$' . str_replace(array('"', "'"), '', $this->tokens[$i + $f][1]), $line_nr), ';'), ' compact() ', 2, 0, $line_nr, $i, $tokens[$i - 2][3], str_replace(array('"', "'"), '', $this->tokens[$i + $f][1]));
                                                 if ($this->tokens[$i + $f] === ';' || !isset($this->tokens[$i + $f])) {
                                                     addError('Closing parenthesis of compact() is missing.', array_slice($this->tokens, $i, $f), $this->tokens[$i][2], $this->file_pointer);
                                         } else {
                                             if ($token_value === 'preg_match' || $token_value === 'preg_match_all') {
                                                 $c = 2;
                                                 $parameter = 1;
                                                 $newbraceopen = 1;
                                                 while ($newbraceopen !== 0) {
                                                     if (is_array($this->tokens[$i + $c]) && $this->tokens[$i + $c][0] === T_VARIABLE && $parameter == 3) {
                                                         // add variable declaration to beginning of varlist
                                                         // fake assignment parameter so it will not get traced
                                                         $this->variable_add($this->tokens[$i + $c][1], array_slice($this->tokens, $i, Analyzer::getBraceEnd($this->tokens, $i + 2) + 3), ' preg_match() ', 0, $c - 1, $this->tokens[$i + $c][2], $i, isset($this->tokens[$i + $c][3]) ? $this->tokens[$i + $c][3] : array());
                                                     } else {
                                                         if ($newbraceopen === 1 && $this->tokens[$i + $c] === ',') {
                                                         } else {
                                                             if ($this->tokens[$i + $c] === '(') {
                                                             } else {
                                                                 if ($this->tokens[$i + $c] === ')') {
                                                                 } else {
                                                                     if ($this->tokens[$i + $c] === ';' || !isset($this->tokens[$i + $c])) {
                                                                         addError('Closing parenthesis of ' . $token_value . '() is missing.', array_slice($this->tokens, $i, $c), $this->tokens[$i][2], $this->file_pointer);
                                             } else {
                                                 if ($token_value === 'import_request_variables') {
                                                     // add register_globals implementation
                                                     $this->variable_add('register_globals', array_slice($this->tokens, $i, Analyzer::getBraceEnd($this->tokens, $i + 1) + 1), 'register_globals implementation', 0, 0, $line_nr, $i, isset($this->tokens[$i][3]) ? $this->tokens[$i][3] : array());
                                                 } else {
                                                     if ($token_value === 'parse_str') {
                                                         $c = 2;
                                                         $parameter = 1;
                                                         $newbraceopen = 1;
                                                         while ($newbraceopen !== 0) {
                                                             if (is_array($this->tokens[$i + $c]) && $this->tokens[$i + $c][0] === T_VARIABLE && $parameter == 2) {
                                                                 // add variable declaration to beginning of varlist
                                                                 // fake assignment parameter so it will not get traced
                                                                 $this->variable_add($this->tokens[$i + $c][1], array_slice($this->tokens, $i, Analyzer::getBraceEnd($this->tokens, $i + 2) + 3), ' parse_str() ', 0, $c - 1, $this->tokens[$i + $c][2], $i, isset($this->tokens[$i + $c][3]) ? $this->tokens[$i + $c][3] : array());
                                                             } else {
                                                                 if ($newbraceopen === 1 && $this->tokens[$i + $c] === ',') {
                                                                 } else {
                                                                     if ($this->tokens[$i + $c] === '(') {
                                                                     } else {
                                                                         if ($this->tokens[$i + $c] === ')') {
                                                                         } else {
                                                                             if ($this->tokens[$i + $c] === ';' || !isset($this->tokens[$i + $c])) {
                                                                                 addError('Closing parenthesis of ' . $token_value . '() is missing.', array_slice($this->tokens, $i, $c), $this->tokens[$i][2], $this->file_pointer);
                         //add interesting function calls to info gathering
                         if (isset($this->info_functions[$token_value])) {
                             $GLOBALS['info'][] = $this->info_functions[$token_value];
                         } else {
                             if ($this->tokens[$i - 1][0] !== T_NEW && isset($this->vuln_classes[$token_value])) {
                                 $this->class_vars[$this->tokens[$i - 2][1]] = $token_value;
                             } else {
                                 // $classvar->bla()
                                 if ($this->tokens[$i - 1][0] === T_OBJECT_OPERATOR) {
                                     $classvar = $this->tokens[$i - 2][1];
                                     if ($classvar[0] !== '$') {
                                         $classvar = '$' . $classvar;
                                     $class = $classvar === '$this' || $classvar === '$self' ? $this->class_name : $this->class_vars[$classvar];
                                 } else {
                                     if ($this->tokens[$i - 1][0] === T_DOUBLE_COLON) {
                                         $class = $this->tokens[$i - 2][1];
                                 // save function call for graph
                                 if (isset($GLOBALS['user_functions_offset'][($class ? $class . '::' : '') . $token_value])) {
                                     $GLOBALS['user_functions_offset'][($class ? $class . '::' : '') . $token_value][3][] = array($this->file_pointer, $line_nr);
                                     if ($this->in_function) {
                                         $GLOBALS['user_functions_offset'][$this->function_obj->name][4][] = $token_value;
                                     } else {
                                         $GLOBALS['user_functions_offset']['__main__'][4][] = $token_value;
                                 // check if token is function call that affects variable scope (global)
                                 if (isset($this->globals_from_function[$token_value])) {
                                     // put all previously saved global var assignments to global scope
                                     foreach ($this->globals_from_function[$token_value] as $var_name => $new_vars) {
                                         foreach ($new_vars as $new_var) {
                                             $new_var->comment = $new_var->comment . " by {$token_value}()";
                                             if (!isset($this->var_declares_global[$var_name])) {
                                                 $this->var_declares_global[$var_name] = array($new_var);
                                             } else {
                                                 array_unshift($this->var_declares_global[$var_name], $new_var);
                     } else {
                         if (in_array($token_name, Tokens::$T_INCLUDES) && !$this->in_function) {
                             // include('xxx')
                             if ($this->tokens[$i + 1] === '(' && $this->tokens[$i + 2][0] === T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING && $this->tokens[$i + 3] === ')' || is_array($this->tokens[$i + 1]) && $this->tokens[$i + 1][0] === T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING && $this->tokens[$i + 2] === ';') {
                                 // include('file')
                                 if ($this->tokens[$i + 1] === '(') {
                                     $inc_file = substr($this->tokens[$i + 2][1], 1, -1);
                                     $skip = 5;
                                 } else {
                                     $inc_file = substr($this->tokens[$i + 1][1], 1, -1);
                                     $skip = 3;
                             } else {
                                 $inc_file = Analyzer::get_tokens_value($this->file_pointer, array_slice($this->tokens, $i + 1, $c = Analyzer::getBraceEnd($this->tokens, $i + 1) + 1), $this->in_function ? $this->var_declares_local : $this->var_declares_global, $this->var_declares_global, $i);
                                 // in case the get_var_value added several php files, take the first
                                 $several = explode('.php', $inc_file);
                                 if (count($several) > 1) {
                                     $try_file = $several[0] . '.php';
                                 $skip = $c + 1;
                                 // important to save $c+1 here
                             $try_file = $inc_file;
                             // try absolute include path
                             foreach ($this->include_paths as $include_path) {
                                 if (is_file("{$include_path}/{$try_file}")) {
                                     $try_file = "{$include_path}/{$try_file}";
                             // if dirname(__FILE__) appeared it was an absolute path
                             if (!is_file($try_file)) {
                                 // check relativ path
                                 $try_file = dirname($this->file_name) . '/' . $inc_file;
                                 if (!is_file($try_file)) {
                                     $other_try_file = dirname($this->file_pointer) . '/' . $inc_file;
                                     // if file can not be found check include_path if set
                                     if (!is_file($other_try_file)) {
                                         if (isset($this->include_paths[0])) {
                                             foreach ($this->include_paths as $include_path) {
                                                 if (is_file(dirname($this->file_name) . '/' . $include_path . '/' . $inc_file)) {
                                                     $try_file = dirname($this->file_name) . '/' . $include_path . '/' . $inc_file;
                                                 } else {
                                                     if (is_file(dirname($this->file_pointer) . '/' . $include_path . '/' . $inc_file)) {
                                                         $try_file = dirname($this->file_pointer) . '/' . $include_path . '/' . $inc_file;
                                         // if still not a valid file, look a directory above
                                         if (!is_file($try_file)) {
                                             $try_file = str_replace('\\', '/', $try_file);
                                             $pos = strlen($try_file);
                                             // replace each found / with /../, start from the end of file name
                                             for ($c = 1; $c < substr_count($try_file, '/'); $c++) {
                                                 $pos = strripos(substr($try_file, 1, $pos), '/');
                                                 if (is_file(substr_replace($try_file, '/../', $pos + 1, 1))) {
                                                     $try_file = substr_replace($try_file, '/../', $pos + 1, 1);
                                             if (!is_file($try_file)) {
                                                 $try_file = str_replace('\\', '/', $other_try_file);
                                                 $pos = strlen($try_file);
                                                 // replace each found / with /../, start from the end of file name
                                                 for ($c = 1; $c < substr_count($try_file, '/'); $c++) {
                                                     $pos = strripos(substr($try_file, 1, $pos), '/');
                                                     if (is_file(substr_replace($try_file, '/../', $pos + 1, 1))) {
                                                         $try_file = substr_replace($try_file, '/../', $pos + 1, 1);
                                                 // if still not a valid file, guess it
                                                 if (!is_file($try_file)) {
                                                     $searchfile = basename($try_file);
                                                     if (!strstr($searchfile, '$_USERINPUT')) {
                                                         foreach ($GLOBALS['files'] as $cfile) {
                                                             if (basename($cfile) == $searchfile) {
                                                                 $try_file = $cfile;
                                     } else {
                                         $try_file = $other_try_file;
                             $try_file_unreal = $try_file;
                             $try_file = realpath($try_file);
                             // file is valid
                             if (!empty($try_file_unreal) && !empty($try_file) && ($inc_lines = @file($try_file_unreal))) {
                                 // file name has not been included
                                 if (!in_array($try_file, $this->inc_map)) {
                                     // Tokens
                                     $tokenizer = new Tokenizer($try_file);
                                     $inc_tokens = $tokenizer->tokenize(implode('', $inc_lines));
                                     // if(include('file')) { - include tokens after { and not into the condition :S
                                     if ($this->in_condition) {
                                         $this->tokens = array_merge(array_slice($this->tokens, 0, $this->in_condition + 1), $inc_tokens, array(array(T_INCLUDE_END, 0, 1)), array_slice($this->tokens, $this->in_condition + 1));
                                     } else {
                                         // insert included tokens in current tokenlist and mark end
                                         $this->tokens = array_merge(array_slice($this->tokens, 0, $i + $skip), $inc_tokens, array(array(T_INCLUDE_END, 0, 1)), array_slice($this->tokens, $i + $skip));
                                     $tokencount = count($this->tokens);
                                     // set lines pointer to included lines, save last pointer
                                     // (the following tokens will be the included ones)
                                     $this->lines_stack[] = $inc_lines;
                                     $this->lines_pointer = end($this->lines_stack);
                                     // tokennr in file
                                     $this->tif_stack[] = $this->tif;
                                     $this->tif = -$skip;
                                     // set the current file pointer
                                     $this->file_pointer = $try_file;
                                     if (!isset($GLOBALS['file_sinks_count'][$this->file_pointer])) {
                                         $GLOBALS['file_sinks_count'][$this->file_pointer] = 0;
                                     echo $GLOBALS['fit'] . '|' . $GLOBALS['file_amount'] . '|' . $this->file_pointer . '|' . $GLOBALS['timeleft'] . '|' . "\n";
                                     $this->comment = basename($inc_file);
                                     $this->inc_file_stack[] = $try_file;
                                     // build include map for file list
                                     $this->inc_map[] = $try_file;
                                     // all basic includes
                             } else {
                                 // add information about include error in debug mode
                                 if ($GLOBALS['verbosity'] == 5) {
                                     // add include command to output
                                     $found_value = highlightline(array_slice($this->tokens, $i, $skip), $this->comment, $line_nr, $token_value);
                                     $new_find = new InfoTreeNode($found_value);
                                     $new_find->lines[] = $line_nr;
                                     $new_find->filename = $this->file_pointer;
                                     $new_find->title = "Include error: tried to include: " . $try_file_unreal;
                                     if (isset($GLOBALS['output'][$this->file_name]['inc'])) {
                                         $GLOBALS['output'][$this->file_name]['inc']->treenodes[] = $new_find;
                                     } else {
                                         $new_block = new VulnBlock($this->tif . '_' . $this->tokens[$i][2] . '_' . basename($this->file_pointer), 'Debug');
                                         $new_block->treenodes[] = $new_find;
                                         $new_block->vuln = true;
                                         $GLOBALS['output'][$this->file_name]['inc'] = $new_block;
                     				TAINT ANALYSIS			
                     if (isset($this->scan_functions[$token_value]) && $GLOBALS['verbosity'] != 5 && (empty($class) || ($this->in_function && is_array($function_obj->parameters) && in_array($classvar, $function_obj->parameters) || @in_array($token_value, $this->vuln_classes[$class])))) {
                         if (!$this->already_scanned($i)) {
                             // build new find
                             $new_find = new VulnTreeNode();
                             $new_find->name = $token_value;
                             $new_find->lines[] = $line_nr;
                             // add dependencies (already here, because checked during var trace
                             foreach ($this->dependencies as $deplinenr => $dependency) {
                                 if (!empty($dependency)) {
                                     $new_find->dependencies[$deplinenr] = $dependency;
                             // count sinks
                             if ($this->in_function) {
                             } else {
                             $parameter = 1;
                             $var_counter = 0;
                             $vulnparams = array(0);
                             $has_vuln_parameters = false;
                             $parameter_has_userinput = false;
                             $parameter_func_depend = false;
                             $secured_by_start = false;
                             // function calls without quotes (require $inc;) --> no brace count
                             $parentheses_open = $this->tokens[$i + 1] === '(' ? 1 : -2;
                             // -2: detection of braces doesnt matter
                             $parentheses_save = -1;
                             $in_securing = false;
                             $ignore_securing = false;
                             $c = $this->tokens[$i + 1] === '(' ? 2 : 1;
                             // important
                             $tainted_vars = array();
                             $reconstructstr = '';
                             $addtitle = '';
                             $this->securedby = array();
                             // get all variables in parameter list between (...)
                             // not only until ';' because: system(get($a),$b,strstr($c));
                             while ($parentheses_open !== 0 && $this->tokens[$i + $c] !== ';') {
                                 $this_one_is_secure = false;
                                 if (is_array($this->tokens[$i + $c])) {
                                     // scan variables and constants
                                     if ($this->tokens[$i + $c][0] === T_VARIABLE && $this->tokens[$i + $c + 1][0] !== T_OBJECT_OPERATOR || $this->tokens[$i + $c][0] === T_STRING && $this->tokens[$i + $c + 1] !== '(') {
                                         // scan only potential vulnerable parameters of function call
                                         if (in_array($parameter, $this->scan_functions[$token_value][0]) || isset($this->scan_functions[$token_value][0][0]) && $this->scan_functions[$token_value][0][0] === 0) {
                                             $has_vuln_parameters = true;
                                             if (is_array($this->tokens[$i + $c - 1]) && in_array($this->tokens[$i + $c - 1][0], Tokens::$T_CASTS) || is_array($this->tokens[$i + $c + 1]) && in_array($this->tokens[$i + $c + 1][0], Tokens::$T_ARITHMETIC) || $in_securing) {
                                                 $secured_by_start = true;
                                                 $this_one_is_secure = true;
                                             if ($in_securing && !$ignore_securing) {
                                                 $this->securedby[] = $securing_function;
                                             // trace back parameters and look for userinput, trace constants globally
                                             $userinput = $this->scan_parameter($new_find, $new_find, $this->tokens[$i + $c], $this->tokens[$i + $c][3], $i + $c, $this->in_function && $this->tokens[$i + $c][1][0] === '$' ? $this->var_declares_local : $this->var_declares_global, $this->var_declares_global, false, $this->scan_functions[$token_value][1], false, $ignore_securing, $this_one_is_secure || $in_securing);
                                             $reconstructstr .= Analyzer::get_var_value($this->file_pointer, $this->tokens[$i + $c], $this->in_function && $this->tokens[$i + $c][1][0] === '$' ? $this->var_declares_local : $this->var_declares_global, $this->var_declares_global, $i + $c, $this->source_functions);
                                             if ($userinput) {
                                                 $vulnparams[] = $parameter;
                                                 if ($userinput == 1) {
                                                     $parameter_has_userinput = true;
                                                 } else {
                                                     if ($userinput == 2) {
                                                         $parameter_func_depend = true;
                                                 $tainted_vars[] = $var_counter;
                                         // mark userinput for quote analysis
                                         if (in_array($this->tokens[$i + $c][1], Sources::$V_USERINPUT)) {
                                             $reconstructstr .= '$_USERINPUT';
                                     } else {
                                         if ($this->tokens[$i + $c][0] === T_STRING && in_array($this->tokens[$i + $c][1], $this->source_functions) && (in_array($parameter, $this->scan_functions[$token_value][0]) || isset($this->scan_functions[$token_value][0][0]) && $this->scan_functions[$token_value][0][0] === 0)) {
                                             $has_vuln_parameters = true;
                                             $parameter_has_userinput = true;
                                             $new_find->marker = 1;
                                             $reconstructstr .= '$_USERINPUT';
                                             $new_find->title = 'Userinput returned by function <i>' . $this->tokens[$i + $c][1] . '</i> reaches sensitive sink';
                                         } else {
                                             if ($this->tokens[$i + $c][0] === T_STRING && isset($this->tokens[$i + $c][1]) && in_array($this->tokens[$i + $c][1], $GLOBALS['F_INSECURING_STRING']) && $parentheses_save == -1) {
                                                 $parentheses_save = $parentheses_open;
                                                 $ignore_securing = true;
                                             } else {
                                                 if (!$ignore_securing && ($this->tokens[$i + $c][0] === T_STRING && (is_array($this->scan_functions[$token_value][1]) && in_array($this->tokens[$i + $c][1], $this->scan_functions[$token_value][1]) || in_array($this->tokens[$i + $c][1], $GLOBALS['F_SECURING_STRING']))) || in_array($this->tokens[$i + $c][0], Tokens::$T_CASTS) && $this->tokens[$i + $c + 1] === '(') {
                                                     $securing_function = $this->tokens[$i + $c][1];
                                                     $parentheses_save = $parentheses_open;
                                                     $in_securing = true;
                                                     $secured_by_start = true;
                                                 } else {
                                                     if ($this->tokens[$i + $c][0] === T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING) {
                                                         $reconstructstr .= substr($this->tokens[$i + $c][1], 1, -1);
                                                     } else {
                                                         if ($this->tokens[$i + $c][0] === T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE) {
                                                             $reconstructstr .= $this->tokens[$i + $c][1];
                                 } else {
                                     if ($parentheses_open === 1 && $this->tokens[$i + $c] === ',') {
                                     } else {
                                         if ($this->tokens[$i + $c] === '(') {
                                         } else {
                                             if ($this->tokens[$i + $c] === ')') {
                                                 if ($parentheses_open === $parentheses_save) {
                                                     $parentheses_save = -1;
                                                     $in_securing = false;
                                                     $securing_function = '';
                                                     $ignore_securing = false;
                                             } else {
                                                 if (!isset($this->tokens[$i + $c])) {
                                                     addError('Closing parenthesis of ' . $token_value . '() is missing.', array_slice($this->tokens, $i, 10), $this->tokens[$i][2], $this->file_pointer);
                             // quote analysis for securing functions F_QUOTE_ANALYSIS
                             // they only protect when return value is embedded into quotes
                             if ($this->quote_analysis_needed() && substr_count($reconstructstr, '$_USERINPUT') > 0) {
                                 // idea: explode on $_USERINPUT and count quotes in SQL query before
                                 // if not even, then the $_USERINPUT is in an open quote
                                 $parts = explode('$_USERINPUT', $reconstructstr);
                                 foreach ($this->securedby as $var => $securefunction) {
                                     if (in_array($securefunction, $GLOBALS['F_QUOTE_ANALYSIS'])) {
                                         // extract the string before the userinput
                                         $checkstring = '';
                                         $d = 1;
                                         foreach ($parts as $part) {
                                             $checkstring .= $part;
                                             if ($d >= $var) {
                                         // even amount of quotes (or none) in string
                                         // --> no quotes around userinput
                                         // --> securing function is	useless
                                         if (substr_count($checkstring, "'") % 2 === 0 && substr_count($checkstring, '"') % 2 === 0) {
                                             $has_vuln_parameters = true;
                                             $parameter_has_userinput = true;
                                             $new_find->title .= "Userinput reaches sensitive sink due to insecure usage of {$securefunction}() without quotes";
                             // add find to output if function call has variable parameters (With userinput)
                             if ($has_vuln_parameters && ($parameter_has_userinput || $parameter_func_depend) || $GLOBALS['verbosity'] == 4 || isset($this->scan_functions[$token_value][3])) {
                                 $vulnstart = $i;
                                 $vulnadd = 1;
                                 // prepend $var assignment
                                 if (isset($vardeclare)) {
                                     $vulnstart = $vardeclare['start'];
                                     $vulnadd = $vardeclare['end'] - $vardeclare['start'] - $c + 1;
                                 } else {
                                     if (isset($GLOBALS['F_XSS'][$this->tokens[$i - 1][1]])) {
                                         $vulnstart = $i - 1;
                                         $vulnadd = 2;
                                     } else {
                                         if ($this->tokens[$i - 1][0] === T_DOUBLE_COLON || $this->tokens[$i - 1][0] === T_OBJECT_OPERATOR) {
                                             $vulnstart = $i - 2;
                                             $vulnadd = 2;
                                 if (isset($GLOBALS['user_functions'][$this->file_name][$token_value])) {
                                     $found_line = '<A NAME="' . $token_value . '_call" class="jumplink"></A>';
                                     $found_line .= highlightline(array_slice($this->tokens, $vulnstart, $c + $vulnadd), $this->comment, $line_nr, false, $token_value);
                                 } else {
                                     $found_line = highlightline(array_slice($this->tokens, $vulnstart, $c + $vulnadd), $this->comment, $line_nr, $token_value, false, $tainted_vars);
                                 $new_find->value = $found_line;
                                 $new_find->filename = $this->file_pointer;
                                 if ($secured_by_start) {
                                     $new_find->marker = 2;
                                 // only show vuln user defined functions
                                 // if call with userinput has been found
                                 if (isset($GLOBALS['user_functions'][$this->file_name][$token_value])) {
                                     $GLOBALS['user_functions'][$this->file_name][$token_value]['called'] = true;
                                 if ($this->in_function) {
                                     $this->ignore_securing_function = true;
                                     // mark function in class as vuln
                                     if ($this->in_class) {
                                         $this->vuln_classes[$this->class_name][] = $this->function_obj->name;
                                 // putenv with userinput --> getenv is treated as userinput
                                 if ($token_value === 'putenv') {
                                     $this->source_functions[] = 'getenv';
                                     $GLOBALS['source_functions'][] = 'getenv';
                                     $new_find->title = 'User can set PHP enviroment variables. Adding getenv() to tainting functions';
                                 } else {
                                     if ($token_value === 'apache_setenv') {
                                         $this->source_functions[] = 'apache_getenv';
                                         $GLOBALS['source_functions'][] = 'apache_getenv';
                                         $new_find->title = 'User can set Apache enviroment variables. Adding apache_getenv() to tainting functions';
                                     } else {
                                         if ($token_value === 'extract' || $token_value === 'parse_str' || $token_value === 'mb_parse_str') {
                                             // add register_globals implementation
                                             $this->variable_add('register_globals', array_slice($this->tokens, $vulnstart, $c + $vulnadd), 'register_globals implementation', 0, 0, $line_nr, $i, isset($this->tokens[$i][3]) ? $this->tokens[$i][3] : array());
                                 // add to output
                                 if (isset($GLOBALS['user_functions'][$this->file_name][$token_value])) {
                                     if (!empty($GLOBALS['output'][$this->file_name])) {
                                         foreach ($GLOBALS['output'][$this->file_name] as $block) {
                                             $calleesadded = array();
                                             foreach ($block->treenodes as $tree) {
                                                 if ($tree->funcdepend === $token_value && (array_intersect($tree->funcparamdepend, $vulnparams) || isset($this->scan_functions[$token_value][3]))) {
                                                     // if funcdependend already found and added, just add foundcallee=true and continue
                                                     // dont add tree again, it is already added to the vulnblock
                                                     if (in_array($tree->funcdepend, $calleesadded)) {
                                                         $tree->foundcallee = true;
                                                     if (isset($this->scan_functions[$token_value][3])) {
                                                         $new_find->title = 'Call triggers vulnerability in function <i>' . $token_value . '()</i>';
                                                     } else {
                                                         if (empty($new_find->title)) {
                                                             $new_find->title = 'Userinput is passed through function parameters.';
                                                     $block->treenodes[] = $new_find;
                                                     if (!$block->vuln && ($parameter_has_userinput || isset($this->scan_functions[$token_value][3]) || $GLOBALS['verbosity'] == 4)) {
                                                         $block->vuln = true;
                                                     $tree->foundcallee = true;
                                                     $calleesadded[] = $token_value;
                                         // else: dont use the result
                                 } else {
                                     if (empty($new_find->title)) {
                                         $new_find->title = 'Userinput reaches sensitive sink. For more information, press the help icon on the left side.';
                                     $block = new VulnBlock($this->tif . '_' . $this->tokens[$i][2] . '_' . basename($this->file_pointer), getVulnNodeTitle($token_value), $token_value);
                                     $block->treenodes[] = $new_find;
                                     if ($parameter_has_userinput || $GLOBALS['verbosity'] == 4) {
                                         $block->vuln = true;
                                     // if sink in var declare, offer a data leak scan - save infos for that
                                     if (isset($vardeclare)) {
                                         $block->dataleakvar = array($vardeclare['linenr'], $vardeclare['name']);
                                     $GLOBALS['output'][$this->file_name][] = $block;
                             // if classvar depends on function parameter, add this parameter to list
                             if (isset($this->classvar) && $this->in_function && in_array($this->classvar, $this->function_obj->parameters)) {
                                 $param = array_search($this->classvar, $this->function_obj->parameters);
                                 $GLOBALS['user_functions'][$this->file_name][$this->function_obj->name][0][$param] = $param + 1;
                     // taint analysis
                 } else {
                     if (in_array($token_name, Tokens::$T_LOOP_CONTROL)) {
                         // ignore in requirements output: while, for, foreach
                         // DO..WHILE was rewritten to WHILE in tokenizer
                         $this->ignore_requirement = true;
                         $c = 1;
                         // get variables in loop condition
                         while ($this->tokens[$i + $c] !== '{') {
                             if ($this->tokens[$i + $c][0] === T_VARIABLE) {
                                 $this->tokens[$i + $c][3][] = '*';
                             } else {
                                 if (!isset($this->tokens[$i + $c])) {
                                     addError('Could not find opening brace after ' . $token_value . '-statement.', array_slice($this->tokens, $i, 10), $this->tokens[$i][2], $this->file_pointer);
                     } else {
                         if (in_array($token_name, Tokens::$T_FLOW_CONTROL)) {
                             $c = 1;
                             while ($this->tokens[$i + $c] !== '{') {
                                 if (!isset($this->tokens[$i + $c])) {
                                     addError('Could not find opening brace after ' . $token_value . '-statement.', array_slice($this->tokens, $i, 10), $this->tokens[$i][2], $this->file_pointer);
                             $this->in_condition = $i + $c;
                             $this->dependencytokens = array_slice($this->tokens, $i, $c);
                         } else {
                             if ($token_name === T_FUNCTION) {
                                 if ($this->in_function) {
                                     #addError('New function declaration in function declaration of '.$this->function_obj->name.'() found. This is valid PHP syntax but not supported by RIPS now.', array_slice($this->tokens, $i, 10), $this->tokens[$i][2], $this->file_pointer);
                                 } else {
                                     // the next token is the "function name()"
                                     $function_name = isset($this->tokens[$i][1]) ? $this->tokens[$i][1] : $this->tokens[$i + 1][1];
                                     $ref_name = ($this->in_class ? $this->class_name . '::' : '') . $function_name;
                                     // add POP gadgets to info
                                     if (isset($this->info_functions[$function_name])) {
                                         $GLOBALS['info'][] = $ref_name;
                                         // add gadget to output
                                         $found_line = highlightline(array_slice($this->tokens, $i - 1, 4), $this->comment, $line_nr, $function_name, false, $function_name);
                                         $new_find = new InfoTreeNode($found_line);
                                         $new_find->title = "POP gadget {$ref_name}";
                                         $new_find->lines[] = $line_nr;
                                         $new_find->filename = $this->file_pointer;
                                         if (isset($GLOBALS['output'][$this->file_name]['gadgets'])) {
                                             $GLOBALS['output'][$this->file_name]['gadgets']->treenodes[] = $new_find;
                                         } else {
                                             $block = new VulnBlock($this->tif . '_' . $this->tokens[$i][2] . '_' . basename($this->file_pointer), 'POP gadgets');
                                             $block->vuln = true;
                                             $block->treenodes[] = $new_find;
                                             $GLOBALS['output'][$this->file_name]['gadgets'] = $block;
                                     $c = 3;
                                     while ($this->tokens[$i + $c] !== '{' && $this->tokens[$i + $c] !== ';') {
                                     // abstract functions ended
                                     if ($this->tokens[$i + $c] === ';') {
                                     // write to user_functions offset list for referencing in output
                                     $GLOBALS['user_functions_offset'][$ref_name][0] = $this->file_pointer;
                                     $GLOBALS['user_functions_offset'][$ref_name][1] = $line_nr - 1;
                                     // save function as object
                                     $this->function_obj = new FunctionDeclare($this->dependencytokens = array_slice($this->tokens, $i - 1, $c + 1));
                                     $this->function_obj->lines[] = $line_nr;
                                     $this->function_obj->name = $function_name;
                                     // save all function parameters
                                     $this->function_obj->parameters = array();
                                     $e = 1;
                                     // until function test(...) {
                                     //  OR
                                     // interface test { public function test(...); }
                                     while ($this->tokens[$i + $e] !== '{' && $this->tokens[$i + $e] !== ';') {
                                         if (is_array($this->tokens[$i + $e]) && $this->tokens[$i + $e][0] === T_VARIABLE) {
                                             $this->function_obj->parameters[] = $this->tokens[$i + $e][1];
                                     // now skip the params from rest of scan,
                                     // or function test($a=false, $b=false) will be detected as var declaration
                                     $i += $e - 1;
                                     // -1, because '{' must be evaluated again
                             } else {
                                 if ($token_name === T_GLOBAL && $this->in_function) {
                                     $this->globals_from_function[$this->function_obj->name] = array();
                                     // get all globaled variables
                                     $b = 1;
                                     while ($this->tokens[$i + $b] !== ';') {
                                         if ($this->tokens[$i + $b][0] === T_VARIABLE) {
                                             // mark variable as global scope affecting
                                             $this->put_in_global_scope[] = $this->tokens[$i + $b][1];
                                             // add variable declaration to beginning of varlist
                                             $new_var = new VarDeclare(array(array(T_GLOBAL, 'global', $line_nr), array(T_VARIABLE, $this->tokens[$i + $b][1], $line_nr), ';'), $this->comment);
                                             $new_var->line = $line_nr;
                                             $new_var->id = $i;
                                             // overwrite old local vars
                                             $this->var_declares_local[$this->tokens[$i + $b][1]] = array($new_var);
                                 } else {
                                     if ($token_name === T_RETURN && $this->in_function == 1) {
                                         $GLOBALS['userfunction_taints'] = false;
                                         $GLOBALS['userfunction_secures'] = false;
                                         $c = 1;
                                         // get all variables in parameter list
                                         while ($this->tokens[$i + $c] !== ';') {
                                             if (is_array($this->tokens[$i + $c])) {
                                                 if ($this->tokens[$i + $c][0] === T_VARIABLE) {
                                                     // check if returned var is secured --> securing function
                                                     $new_find = new VulnTreeNode();
                                                     $userinput = $this->scan_parameter($new_find, $new_find, $this->tokens[$i + $c], $this->tokens[$i + $c][3], $i + $c, $this->var_declares_local, $this->var_declares_global, false, $GLOBALS['F_SECURES_ALL'], TRUE);
                                                     // add function to securing functions
                                                     // if it returns no userinput/function param
                                                     if ((!$userinput || $GLOBALS['userfunction_secures']) && !$this->ignore_securing_function) {
                                                         $GLOBALS['F_SECURING_STRING'][] = $this->function_obj->name;
                                                     // add function to userinput functions if userinput
                                                     // is fetched in the function and then returned (userinput == 1)
                                                     if ($userinput == 1 || $GLOBALS['userfunction_taints']) {
                                                         $this->source_functions[] = $this->function_obj->name;
                                                 } else {
                                                     if (in_array($this->tokens[$i + $c][1], $GLOBALS['F_SECURES_ALL']) || in_array($this->tokens[$i + $c][0], Tokens::$T_CASTS)) {
                                                         $GLOBALS['F_SECURING_STRING'][] = $this->function_obj->name;
                                     } else {
                                         if ($token_name === T_CLASS) {
                                             $this->class_name = $this->tokens[$i][1];
                                             $this->vuln_classes[$this->class_name] = array();
                                             $this->in_class = true;
                                             $GLOBALS['info'][] = '<font color="red">Code is object-oriented. This is not supported yet and can lead to false negatives.</font>';
                                         } else {
                                             if ($token_name === T_NEW && $this->tokens[$i - 2][0] === T_VARIABLE) {
                                                 $this->class_vars[$this->tokens[$i - 2][1]] = $this->tokens[$i + 1][1];
                                             } else {
                                                 if ($token_name === T_EXTENDS && $this->in_class) {
                                                     $this->vuln_classes[$this->class_name] = $this->vuln_classes[$this->tokens[$i + 1][1]];
                                                 } else {
                                                     if ($token_name === T_LIST) {
                                                         $d = 2;
                                                         while ($this->tokens[$i + $d] !== ')' && $this->tokens[$i + $d] !== ';') {
                                                             if ($this->tokens[$i + $d] === ';' || !isset($this->tokens[$i + $d])) {
                                                                 addError('Closing parenthesis of list() is missing.', array_slice($this->tokens, $i, 10), $this->tokens[$i][2], $this->file_pointer);
                                                         $tokenscanstart = 0;
                                                         if ($this->tokens[$i + $d + 1] === '=' || in_array($this->tokens[$i + $d + 1][0], Tokens::$T_ASSIGNMENT)) {
                                                             $tokenscanstart = $d + 1;
                                                         $c = 2;
                                                         for ($c = 2; $c < $d; $c++) {
                                                             if (is_array($this->tokens[$i + $c]) && $this->tokens[$i + $c][0] === T_VARIABLE) {
                                                                 $this->variable_add($this->tokens[$i + $c][1], array_slice($this->tokens, $i, Analyzer::getBraceEnd($this->tokens, $i) + 1), ' list() ', $tokenscanstart, 0, $this->tokens[$i + $c][2], $i, isset($this->tokens[$i + $c][3]) ? $this->tokens[$i + $c][3] : array());
                                                         $i = $i + $c + 2;
                                                     } else {
                                                         if ($token_name === T_INCLUDE_END) {
                                                             $this->lines_pointer = end($this->lines_stack);
                                                             $this->file_pointer = end($this->inc_file_stack);
                                                             $this->comment = basename($this->file_pointer) == basename($this->file_name) ? '' : basename($this->file_pointer);
                                                             $this->tif = array_pop($this->tif_stack);
         } else {
             // keep track of { program blocks }
             // get current dependencies in program flow
             if ($this->tokens[$i] === '{' && ($this->tokens[$i - 1] === ')' || $this->tokens[$i - 1] === ':' || $this->tokens[$i - 1] === ';' || is_array($this->tokens[$i - 1]) && ($this->tokens[$i - 1][0] === T_DO || $this->tokens[$i - 1][0] === T_ELSE || $this->tokens[$i - 1][0] === T_STRING || $this->tokens[$i - 1][0] === T_TRY || $this->tokens[$i - 1][0] === T_CATCH))) {
                 // save brace amount at start of function
                 if ($this->in_function && $this->brace_save_func < 0) {
                     $this->brace_save_func = $this->braces_open;
                 // save brace amount at start of class
                 if ($this->in_class && $this->brace_save_class < 0) {
                     $this->brace_save_class = $this->braces_open;
                 $this->in_condition = 0;
                 if (empty($e)) {
                     if (!$this->ignore_requirement) {
                         if (!empty($this->dependencytokens) && $this->dependencytokens[0][0] === T_ELSE && $this->dependencytokens[1][0] !== T_IF) {
                             $this->dependencytokens = $this->last_dependency;
                             $this->dependencytokens[] = array(T_ELSE, 'else', $this->dependencytokens[0][2]);
                     } else {
                         $this->ignore_requirement = false;
                     // add dependency (even push empty dependency on stack, it will get poped again)
                     $this->dependencies[$line_nr] = $this->dependencytokens;
                     $this->dependencytokens = array();
                 } else {
             } else {
                 if ($this->tokens[$i] === '}' && ($this->tokens[$i - 1] === ';' || $this->tokens[$i - 1] === '}' || $this->tokens[$i - 1] === '{')) {
                     // delete current dependency
                     $this->last_dependency = array_pop($this->dependencies);
                     $this->dependencytokens = array();
                     // end of function found if brace amount = amount before function start
                     if ($this->in_function && $this->brace_save_func === $this->braces_open) {
                         $ref_name = ($this->in_class ? $this->class_name . '::' : '') . $this->function_obj->name;
                         // write ending to user_function list for referencing functions in output
                         $GLOBALS['user_functions_offset'][$ref_name][2] = $line_nr;
                         // reset vars for next function declaration
                         $this->brace_save_func = -1;
                         $this->ignore_securing_function = false;
                         $this->function_obj = null;
                         $this->var_declares_local = array();
                         $this->put_in_global_scope = array();
                         // load new found vulnerable user functions to current scanlist
                         if (isset($GLOBALS['user_functions'][$this->file_name])) {
                             $this->scan_functions = array_merge($this->scan_functions, $GLOBALS['user_functions'][$this->file_name]);
                     // end of class found
                     if ($this->in_class && $this->brace_save_class === $this->braces_open) {
                         $this->brace_save_class = -1;
                         $this->in_class = false;
         // token scanned
         // detect if still in a vardeclare, otherwise delete saved infos
         if (isset($vardeclare) && $vardeclare['end'] === $i) {
     // all tokens scanned.
     return $this->inc_map;
Exemplo n.º 17
  * PHPca's main method. Returns a result object holding
  * error and warning messages for all the files that have been analyzed.
  * @param string $pathToPhpExecutable path to PHP executable for lint check
  * @param string $fileOrDirectory     path to file or directory to check
  * @return object
 public function run($pathToPhpExecutable, $fileOrDirectory, Configuration $configuration = null)
     if ($pathToPhpExecutable == '') {
         throw new Exception('No path to PHP executable specified');
     if ($fileOrDirectory == '') {
         throw new Exception('No file or directory to analyze');
     if (!is_null($configuration)) {
         $this->configuration = $configuration;
     // Define our own additionl T_* token constants
     // Set up the lint checker and make sure that given path points to a PHP binary
     $linter = new Linter($pathToPhpExecutable);
     // Create result object that collects the error and warning messages
     $this->result = new Result();
     // Create a list of all rules to enforce
     $this->rules = $this->loadRules($this->configuration->getRules());
     // List all PHP files in given path
     $phpFiles = $this->listFiles($fileOrDirectory, $this->configuration->getExtensions());
     if (sizeof($phpFiles) == 0) {
         throw new Exception('No PHP files to analyze');
     $this->numberOfFiles = sizeof($phpFiles);
     foreach ($phpFiles as $phpFile) {
         // Remember that we have processed this file,
         // even if it generates no message at all.
         if ($this->isSkipped($phpFile)) {
             $this->result->addMessage(new Skipped($phpFile, 'Skipped'));
         } else {
             if ($linter->runLintCheck($phpFile)) {
                 $file = Tokenizer::tokenize($phpFile, file_get_contents($phpFile));
                 $this->result->addNamespaces($phpFile, $file->getNamespaces());
                 $this->result->addClasses($phpFile, $file->getClasses());
                 $this->result->addFunctions($phpFile, $file->getFunctions());
                 $this->enforceRules($phpFile, $file);
             } else {
                 $this->result->addMessage(new LintError($phpFile, $linter->getErrorMessages()));
         // Notify the progress printer that we have analyzed a file
         if (is_object($this->progressPrinter)) {
             $this->progressPrinter->showProgress($phpFile, $this->result, $this);
     // Return the result object containing all error and warning messages
     return $this->result;
Exemplo n.º 18
$res = $db->query("SELECT * FROM comment_{$cfg_tab} WHERE type = 'OK' ORDER BY id");
while ($row = $res->fetch_row()) {
    list($id, $comment, $type) = $row;
    //echo $comment;
    // sprawdzenie email i WWW
    if (Validation::findEmail($comment) || Validation::findWWW($comment)) {
        echo 'E' . $id . '--' . $comment . '===' . implode(', ', $tok_comment) . "\n";
    // docelowa tablica s³ów
    $tok_comment = array();
    // tokenizacja
    $tok_comment1 = $tokenizer->tokenize($comment);
    // zdjêcie informacji o potencjalnych wulgaryzmach
    $prop_vulg = intval(array_pop($tok_comment1));
    /*  foreach ($tok_comment1 as $w) {
        if (pspell_check($pspell_link, $w)) {
          $tok_comment[] = $w;
        } elseif (($temp = $fsaa->accent_word($w))) {
          $tok_comment = array_merge($tok_comment, $temp);
        } elseif (strlen($w)>3 && count($temp = pspell_suggest($pspell_link,$w))>0) {
          $tok_comment = array_merge($tok_comment, array_slice(array_filter($temp,"pspell_filter"),0,5));
        } else {
          //$tok_comment[] = $w;
  * Process one php file.
  * @param String $filename
  *        	the file name
 private function _processFile($filename)
     if ($this->debug) {
         echo "Processing File : " . $filename . PHP_EOL;
     // Reset the tokenizer
     // Reset the state of the attributes
     // Try to detect the type of file in a MVC framework
     if (stripos($filename, 'view') !== false || stripos($filename, 'layouts') !== false) {
         $this->_isView = true;
     } elseif (stripos($filename, 'model') !== false) {
         $this->_isModel = true;
     } elseif (stripos($filename, 'controller') !== false) {
         $this->_isController = true;
     } elseif (stripos($filename, 'class') !== false) {
         // simple simple data objects
         $this->_isClass = true;
     // Store the file name
     $this->_currentFilename = $filename;
     // By defaut the package name is based on the file name
     $this->_packageName = $this->_extractPackageName($filename);
     // Tokenize the file
     // Empty PHP file
     if ($this->tokenizer->getTokenNumber() == 0) {
         // end the scan
     // Go to the first token
     $token = $this->tokenizer->getCurrentToken();
     // File start
     // Run through every token of the file
     while ($token !== false) {
         // Process the token
         $this->lineNumber = $token->line;
         // Go to the next token
         $token = $this->tokenizer->getNextToken();
     // Test the last token of the file
     if ($this->_isActive('noFileCloseTag')) {
         if ($this->tokenizer->checkPreviousToken(T_CLOSE_TAG)) {
             // Closing tag is not recommended since PHP 5.0
             $this->_writeError('noFileCloseTag', $this->_getMessage('END_FILE_CLOSE_TAG'));
     // Inner HTML is OK for views but not for other classes (controllers, models, ...)
     if ($this->_isActive('noFileFinishHTML') && !$this->_isView) {
         if ($this->tokenizer->checkPreviousToken(T_INLINE_HTML)) {
             $this->_writeError('noFileFinishHTML', $this->_getMessage('END_FILE_INLINE_HTML'));
     // Check for unused private functions
     // Check for unused variables
     if ($this->_ncssFileClasses > 0 || $this->_ncssFileInterfaces > 0) {
         // Test the file name, only if it contains a class or interface
     // Write the count of lines for this file
     if ($this->_lineCountReporter != null) {
         $this->_lineCountReporter->writeFileCount($this->_packageName, $this->_ncssFileClasses, $this->_ncssFileInterfaces, $this->_ncssFileFunctions, $this->_ncssFileLinesOfCode, $this->_ncssFilePhpdoc, $this->_ncssFileLinesPhpdoc, $this->_ncssFileSingleComment, $this->_ncssFileMultiComment);
     // Reset the suppression warnings
     $this->_fileSuppressWarnings = array();
     $this->_classSuppressWarnings = array();
     $this->_interfaceSuppressWarnings = array();
Exemplo n.º 20
  * @covers spriebsch\PHPca\File::seekNamespace
 public function testSeekNamespace()
     $file = Tokenizer::tokenize('test.php', file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/_testdata/File/blocks.php'));
     $this->assertEquals('T_OPEN_CURLY', $file->current()->getName());
     $this->assertEquals(18, $file->current()->getLine());
     $this->assertEquals('T_OPEN_CURLY', $file->current()->getName());
     $this->assertEquals(4, $file->current()->getLine());
Exemplo n.º 21

include_once "Tokenizer.php";
$tokenizer = new Tokenizer();
$tokenizer->addDefinition('+', '[+]');
$tokenizer->addDefinition('-', '[-]');
$tokenizer->addDefinition('*', '[*]');
$tokenizer->addDefinition('/', '[/]');
$tokenizer->addDefinition('=', '[=]');
$tokenizer->addDefinition('(', '[(]');
$tokenizer->addDefinition(')', '[)]');
$tokenizer->addDefinition('command', 'set');
$tokenizer->addDefinition('number', '[0-9]+([.][0-9]+)?');
$tokenizer->addDefinition('identifier', '[a-zA-Z_]\\w*');
$tokenizer->ignore(' ');
// "set" will be a "command", because it was added first and takes priority over "identifier"
// "sets" will be an "identifier", because longer matches have priority, 4 characters vs 3 characters
$tokens = $tokenizer->tokenize("set x = (14 + y) - 12.5 + sets");
Exemplo n.º 22
  * @covers spriebsch\PHPca\Tokenizer::tokenize
 public function testNamespaceWithBraces()
     $file = Tokenizer::tokenize('test.php', file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/_testdata/Tokenizer/namespace_braces.php'));
     $this->assertEquals('T_OPEN_TAG', $file[0]->getName());
     $this->assertEquals('\\', $file[0]->getNamespace());
     $this->assertEquals('Foo\\Bar', $file->current()->getNamespace());
     $this->assertEquals('Foo\\Bar', $file->current()->getNamespace());
     $this->assertEquals('Baz', $file->current()->getNamespace());
Exemplo n.º 23
 public function parse($input)
     $tokenStream = $this->_tokenizer->tokenize($input);
     return $this->_parseTokenStream($tokenStream);
    error("wrong chars in config parameter");
if (strlen($query) > 500) {
    error("query is to long");
if (strlen($config) > 50) {
    error("config is to long");
if (trim($query) == "") {
    error("query parameter is empty");
if (!file_exists($filename)) {
    error("confing file does not exists");
try {
    $tokenizer = new Tokenizer($filename);
    $result = $tokenizer->tokenize($query);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    error('Caught exception: ' . $e->getMessage());
if (empty($result)) {
    error("result is empty");
//was some unknown error
while (ob_get_level() > 0) {
//clean any already half printed text like startup errors or query errors and just fail;
echo json_encode($result, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
// don't print any text further;