Exemplo n.º 1
#$phpversion = str_replace(".","",phpversion())*1;
Timer::now("init", __FILE__, __LINE__);
$pars = explode("','", $par);
$pars[0] = substr($pars[0], 1);
$pars[count($pars) - 1] = substr($pars[count($pars) - 1], 0, strlen($pars[count($pars) - 1]) - 1);
if (!method_exists($d, $met)) {
    if (!method_exists($d, "__call")) {
        Red::errorD("Die Methode {$c}::{$met} existiert nicht");
    } else {
        array_unshift($pars, $met);
        $met = "__call";
$method = new ReflectionMethod($c, $met);
try {
    $method->invokeArgs($d, $pars);
} catch (FieldDoesNotExistException $e) {
Timer::now("done", __FILE__, __LINE__);
$timers = Timer::getLogged();
if (count($timers) > 0) {
    header("X-Timers: " . json_encode($timers));
if (isset($_SESSION["phynx_Achievements"]) and is_array($_SESSION["phynx_Achievements"]) and count($_SESSION["phynx_Achievements"]) > 0) {
    header("X-Achievements: " . json_encode($_SESSION["phynx_Achievements"]));
    $_SESSION["phynx_Achievements"] = array();
Exemplo n.º 2
 function makeNewLine2($table, $A)
     $fields = PMReflector::getAttributesArray($A);
     #	$this->fixTypes($table, $A);
     $values = "NULL";
     if (self::$useAsNextID != null) {
         $values = self::$useAsNextID;
         self::$useAsNextID = null;
     $sets = "`" . $table . "ID`";
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($fields); $i++) {
         if ($fields[$i] == $table . "ID") {
         #if(is_numeric($A->$fields[$i])) $values .= ", ".$A->$fields[$i]."\n";
         $cf = $fields[$i];
         $values .= ", '" . $this->cWrite->real_escape_string($A->{$cf}) . "'\n";
         $sets .= ",\n`" . $cf . "`";
     $sql = "INSERT INTO\n {$table}\n ({$sets}) VALUES ({$values})";
     $_SESSION["messages"]->addMessage("executing MySQL: {$sql}");
     Timer::now("sql start", __FILE__, __LINE__);
     Timer::now("sql end", __FILE__, __LINE__);
     if ($this->cWrite->error and $this->cWrite->errno == 1054) {
         preg_match("/[a-zA-Z0-9 ]*\\'([a-zA-Z0-9\\.]*)\\'[a-zA-Z ]*\\'([a-zA-Z ]*)\\'.*/", $this->cWrite->error, $regs);
         throw new FieldDoesNotExistException($regs[1], $regs[2]);
     if ($this->cWrite->error and $this->cWrite->errno == 1062) {
         throw new DuplicateEntryException($this->cWrite->error);
     if ($this->cWrite->error) {
         throw new StorageException($this->cWrite->error);
     if ($this->cWrite->error and PHYNX_USE_SYSLOG) {
         syslog(LOG_ERR, "MySQL: " . $this->cWrite->error . "(" . $this->cWrite->errno . ") in {$sql}");
     return $this->cWrite->insert_id;
Exemplo n.º 3
 function loadMultipleV4(SelectStatement $statement, $typsicher = false)
     #file_put_contents(Util::getRootPath()."debug.txt", print_r(debug_backtrace(), true));
     $where = "(";
     $lastKey = "";
     $closeBrackets = "";
     foreach ($statement->whereFields as $key => $value) {
         $addOpenBracket = false;
         if ($where != "(" and $statement->whereBracketGroup[$lastKey] != $statement->whereBracketGroup[$key]) {
             $addOpenBracket = true;
             $where .= ")";
         $currentWhereValue = $statement->whereValues[$key];
         if ($currentWhereValue != "NULL" and $currentWhereValue != "NOT NULL" and substr($currentWhereValue, 0, 3) != "t1." and substr($currentWhereValue, 0, 3) != "t2.") {
             $currentWhereValue = "" . $this->c->quote($currentWhereValue) . "";
         $where .= ($where != "(" ? " " . $statement->whereLogOp[$key] . " " . ($addOpenBracket ? "(" : "") : "") . "" . $statement->whereFields[$key] . " " . $statement->whereOperators[$key] . " " . $currentWhereValue . "";
         $lastKey = $key;
     $where .= ")";
     $order = "";
     foreach ($statement->order as $key => $value) {
         $order .= ($order != "" ? ", " : "") . $statement->order[$key] . " " . $statement->orderAscDesc[$key];
     $tables = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($statement->joinTables); $i++) {
         if (!isset($tables[$statement->joinTables[$i]])) {
             $tables[$statement->joinTables[$i]] = array();
         $tables[$statement->joinTables[$i]][] = array($statement->joinConditions[$i][0], $statement->joinConditionOperators[$i], $statement->joinConditions[$i][1], $statement->joinTypes[$i]);
     $t = 2;
     $joinAdd = "";
     foreach ($tables as $table => $conditions) {
         $type = "LEFT";
         $ons = "";
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($conditions); $i++) {
             if ($i == 0) {
                 $ons .= ((!strpos($conditions[$i][0], ".") and $conditions[$i][0][0] != " ") ? "t1." : "") . "" . $conditions[$i][0] . " " . $conditions[$i][1] . " t{$t}." . $conditions[$i][2];
             } else {
                 if ($conditions[$i][2] != "NOT NULL" and $conditions[$i][2] != "NULL") {
                     $conditions[$i][2] = "'" . $conditions[$i][2] . "'";
                 $ons .= " AND t{$t}." . $conditions[$i][0] . " " . $conditions[$i][1] . " " . $conditions[$i][2] . "";
             if (isset($conditions[$i][3]) and $conditions[$i][3] != "") {
                 $type = $conditions[$i][3];
         $joinAdd .= "\n {$type} JOIN " . $table . " t{$t} ON({$ons})";
     if ($this->affectedRowsOnly and count($statement->group) === 0) {
         $tempFields = $statement->fields;
         $statement->fields = array("COUNT(*) AS \"anzahlTotal\"");
         $order = "";
     if (count($statement->limit) > 0 and strpos($statement->limit[0], ",") > 0) {
         $statement->limit = explode(",", $statement->limit[0]);
     foreach ($statement->fields as $k => $field) {
         if ($field == "t1." . $statement->table[0] . "ID") {
             $statement->fields[$k] = "t1." . $statement->table[0] . "ID AS \"" . $statement->table[0] . "ID\"";
             if (count($statement->group) > 0) {
                 $statement->fields[$k] = "MAX(t1." . $statement->table[0] . "ID) AS \"" . $statement->table[0] . "ID\"";
     $sql = "SELECT\n " . implode(",\n ", $statement->fields) . "\n FROM " . $statement->table[0] . " t1{$joinAdd} " . ($where != "()" ? "\n WHERE {$where}" : "") . (count($statement->group) > 0 ? "\n GROUP BY " . implode(", ", $statement->group) : "") . ($order != "" ? "\n ORDER BY {$order}" : "") . (count($statement->limit) == 1 ? "\n LIMIT " . $statement->limit[0] : "") . (count($statement->limit) > 1 ? "\n LIMIT " . $statement->limit[1] . " OFFSET " . $statement->limit[0] : "");
     #echo $sql;
     $collector = array();
     if ($statement->table[0] != "Userdata") {
         $_SESSION["messages"]->startMessage("executing PDO: {$sql}");
     #echo nl2br($sql)."<br /><br />";
     #$q = $this->c->query($sql);
     $q = $this->c->prepare($sql);
     #echo $sql;
     #echo "\n";
     Timer::now("sql start", __FILE__, __LINE__);
     Timer::now("sql end", __FILE__, __LINE__);
     #if($this->c->error AND ($this->c->errno == 1045 OR $this->c->errno == 2002)) throw new NoDBUserDataException();
     #if($this->c->error AND $this->c->errno == 1146) throw new TableDoesNotExistException($statement->table[0]);
     #if($this->c->error AND $this->c->errno == 1046) throw new DatabaseNotSelectedException();
     #if($this->c->error AND $this->c->errno == 1054) {
     #	preg_match("/[a-zA-Z0-9 ]*\'([a-zA-Z0-9\.]*)\'[a-zA-Z ]*\'([a-zA-Z ]*)\'.*/", $this->c->error, $regs);
     #	throw new FieldDoesNotExistException($regs[1],$regs[2]);
     #if($this->c->error) echo "MySQL-Fehler: ".$this->c->error."<br />Fehlernummer: ".$this->c->errno;
     #echo $sql."<br /><br />";
     #if($statement->table[0] != "Userdata") $_SESSION["messages"]->endMessage(": ".$this->c->affected_rows." ".$statement->table[0]." geladen");
     if ($this->affectedRowsOnly) {
         $this->affectedRowsOnly = false;
         if (count($statement->group) === 0) {
             $statement->fields = $tempFields;
             $t = $q->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
             return $t->anzahlTotal;
         return $s->rowCount();
     $fields = null;
     $cName = $statement->table[0];
     if ($statement->className != "") {
         $cName = $statement->className[0];
     while ($t = $q->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
         $A = new Attributes();
         if ($fields == null) {
             $fields = PMReflector::getAttributesArrayAnyObject($t);
         foreach ($fields as $key => $value) {
             $A->{$value} = stripslashes($t->{$value});
         if (count($this->parsers) > 0) {
             foreach ($this->parsers as $key => $value) {
                 if (isset($A->{$key})) {
                     eval("\$A->\$key = " . $value . "(\"" . $A->{$key} . "\",\"load\", \$A);");
         $oID = $statement->table[0] . "ID";
         $newCOfClass = new $cName($t->{$oID});
         $collector[] = $newCOfClass;
     return $collector;