  * Display a listing of finances
  * @return Response
 public function index()
     if (!Sentry::getUser()) {
         return Redirect::route('sessions.create');
     $timecards = Timecard::all();
     $quotes = Quote::all();
     $invoices = Invoice::all();
     return View::make('finances.index', compact('timecards', 'quotes', 'invoices'));
  * Show the specified timecard from storage.
  * @param $id
  * @return mixed
 public function show($id)
     if (!Sentry::getUser()) {
         return Redirect::route('sessions.create');
     $timecard = Timecard::findOrFail($id);
     return View::make('timecards.show', compact('timecard'));
Exemplo n.º 3
function timecard_html($empfullname, $local_timestamp_in_week)
    // Return html of employee's timecard.
    global $show_display_name, $one_week;
    // SQL search parameters for one work week.
    $begin_local_timestamp = work_week_begin($local_timestamp_in_week);
    $end_local_timestamp = $begin_local_timestamp + $one_week;
    // Define helper functions for printing timecard header, footer, and for printing every row.
    function print_header($tc)
        // Print timecard html header.
        global $overtime_week_limit, $timecard_display_running_total;
        $overtime_col = $overtime_week_limit > 0 ? "\n    <th align=\"center\" class=\"ovt\" title=\"Overtime hours\">OT</th>" : '';
        $total_col = $timecard_display_running_total == "yes" ? "\n    <th align=\"center\" class=\"total\" title=\"Running total of regular work hours and overtime to date.\">Total</th>" : '';
        print <<<End_Of_HTML

<table class="misc_items timecard_list" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" style="margin:0 auto;">
    <th align="left">In/Out</th>
    <th align="center">Time</th>
    <th align="center">Date</th>
    <th align="center" class="hrs" title="Regular work hours.">Hrs</th>{$overtime_col}{$total_col}
    <th align="left" class="notes">Notes</th>
    function print_row($tc)
        // Configuration variables.
        global $timefmt, $datefmt;
        global $overtime_week_limit, $timecard_list_punch_outs, $timecard_display_hours_minutes;
        global $timecard_hours_include_overtime, $timecard_display_running_total;
        static $print_count = 0;
        if ($tc->in_or_out == 1 || $timecard_list_punch_outs == 'yes') {
            $h_color = htmlentities($tc->row['color']);
            $h_inout = htmlentities($tc->row['inout']);
            $h_time = date($timefmt, $tc->start_time);
            $h_date = date($datefmt, $tc->start_time);
            if ($timecard_display_hours_minutes == "yes") {
                $h_hours = hrs_min($timecard_hours_include_overtime == "yes" ? $tc->hours + $tc->overtime : $tc->hours);
                $h_overtime = hrs_min($tc->overtime);
                $h_total = hrs_min($tc->week_hours + $tc->overtime_hours);
            } else {
                $h_hours = sprintf("%01.02f", $timecard_hours_include_overtime == "yes" ? $tc->hours + $tc->overtime : $tc->hours);
                $h_overtime = sprintf("%01.02f", $tc->overtime);
                $h_total = sprintf("%01.02f", $tc->week_hours + $tc->overtime_hours);
            $h_notes = htmlentities($tc->row['notes']);
            if ($tc->in_or_out != 1) {
                // Don't display hours on "out" records.
                $h_hours = $h_overtime = $h_total = '';
            $row_class = ++$print_count % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even';
            $overtime_col = $overtime_week_limit > 0 ? "\n    <td align=\"right\" class=\"ovt\">{$h_overtime}</td>" : '';
            $total_col = $timecard_display_running_total == "yes" ? "\n    <td align=\"right\" class=\"total\">{$h_total}</td>" : '';
            print <<<End_Of_HTML

  <tr class="display_row {$row_class}">
    <td align="left" style="color:{$h_color}">{$h_inout}</td>
    <td align="right">{$h_time}</td>
    <td align="right">{$h_date}</td>
    <td align="right" class="hrs">{$h_hours}</td>{$overtime_col}{$total_col}
    <td align="left" class="notes">{$h_notes}</td>
    function print_footer($tc)
        global $timecard_display_running_total, $timecard_hours_include_overtime;
        global $timecard_display_hours_minutes, $overtime_week_limit;
        // Set flag to print paragraph of totals if they're not already obvious.
        $print_totals = $timecard_display_running_total == "yes" || $timecard_hours_include_overtime != "yes" ? true : false;
        $h_total_hours = sprintf("%01.02f", $tc->week_hours + $tc->overtime_hours);
        $h_totals = $print_totals ? "\n<p>Total for week: " . hrs_min($tc->week_hours + $tc->overtime_hours) . " ({$h_total_hours} hours)</p>" : '';
        $h_ovt_total_hours = sprintf("%01.02f", $tc->overtime_hours);
        $h_overtime_totals = $print_totals && $tc->overtime_hours > 0 ? "\n<p>Total overtime: " . hrs_min($tc->overtime_hours) . " ({$h_ovt_total_hours} hours)</p>" : '';
        $h_day_total_hours = sprintf("%01.02f", $tc->today_hours);
        $h_today_hours = $tc->today_hours !== null ? "<p>Total today: " . hrs_min($tc->today_hours) . " ({$h_day_total_hours} hours)</p>" : '';
        if ($timecard_display_running_total != "yes") {
            // Print row of totals
            $total_hours = $timecard_hours_include_overtime == "yes" ? $tc->week_hours + $tc->overtime_hours : $tc->week_hours;
            $h_hours = $timecard_display_hours_minutes == "yes" ? hrs_min($total_hours) : $h_total_hours;
            $overtime_col = $overtime_week_limit > 0 ? "\n    <td align=\"right\" class=\"ovt\">" . ($timecard_display_hours_minutes == "yes" ? hrs_min($tc->overtime_hours) : $h_ovt_total_hours) . "</td>" : '';
            $total_col = $timecard_display_running_total == "yes" ? "\n    <td align=\"right\" class=\"total\">" . ($timecard_display_hours_minutes == "yes" ? hrs_min($tc->week_hours + $tc->overtime_hours) : $h_total_hours) . "</td>" : '';
            print <<<End_Of_HTML
  <tr class="total_row">
    <td align="left"></td>
    <td align="right"></td>
    <td align="right"></td>
    <td align="right" class="hrs">{$h_hours}</td>{$overtime_col}{$total_col}
    <td align="left" class="notes"></td>
        print <<<End_Of_HTML
        if ($timecard_display_running_total == "yes" || $timecard_hours_include_overtime != "yes" || $h_today_hours) {
            // Add totals text if totals are not already displayed or if summing the hours column is confusing.
            print <<<End_Of_HTML

<div class="totals">

    // End of helper function definitions.
    // Print timecard page header.
    $h_name_header = htmlentities($show_display_name == 'yes' ? get_employee_name($empfullname) : $empfullname);
    $begin_date = date('l F j, Y', $begin_local_timestamp);
    print <<<End_Of_HTML

<div class="timecard">
<h4>Week beginning {$begin_date}</h4>
    // Print timecard.
    $tc = new Timecard($empfullname, $begin_local_timestamp, $end_local_timestamp);
    list($row_count, $total_hours, $overtime_hours, $today_hours) = $tc->walk(print_header, print_row, print_footer);
    if ($row_count <= 0) {
        print error_msg("No records were found.");
    // Print timecard page footer.
    print <<<End_Of_HTML
</div> <!-- timecard -->

Exemplo n.º 4
{$employee_clause}{$office_clause}{$groups_clause}order by 1
$result = mysql_query($query) or trigger_error("export_display: Cannot select employees. " . mysql_error(), E_USER_WARNING);
// Scan employee timecards between given dates and record computed hours.
$week_begin_local_timestamp = work_week_begin($begin_local_timestamp);
$GLOBALS['tc_begin_local_timestamp'] = $begin_local_timestamp;
// for filtering records between week begin and report begin date
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
    $empfullname = $row['fullname'];
    // Scan all employee timecards for each week between begin and end dates.
    $begin = $week_begin_local_timestamp;
    while ($begin < $end_local_timestamp) {
        $end = min($begin + $one_week, $end_local_timestamp);
        // Walk each timecard and insert records into temporary database table t_computed_hours.
        $tc = new Timecard($empfullname, $begin, $end);
        list($timecard_row_count, $total_hours, $overtime_hours) = $tc->walk(null, record_hours, null);
        $begin = $end;
// Setup export columns and query.
$cols = '';
if ($c_office) {
    $cols .= ",office";
if ($c_group) {
    $cols .= ",groups";
if ($c_employee) {
    $cols .= ",empfullname";
Exemplo n.º 5
 function index()
     if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') {
         if (isset($_POST['timecard_open']) || isset($_POST['timecard_close']) || isset($_POST['timecard_interval'])) {
             require_once DIR_MODEL . 'timecard.php';
             $timecard = new Timecard();
             $timecard->handler = $this->handler;
         } elseif (isset($_POST['folder']) && $_POST['folder'] == 'complete') {
             require_once DIR_MODEL . 'todo.php';
             $todo = new Todo();
             $todo->handler = $this->handler;
     $sessionuserid = $this->quote($_SESSION['userid']);
     $hash['year'] = date('Y');
     $hash['month'] = date('n');
     $hash['day'] = date('j');
     $hash['weekday'] = date('w');
     $monthly = mktime(0, 0, 0, $hash['month'] - 1, $hash['day'], $hash['year']);
     $hash['begin'] = mktime(0, 0, 0, $hash['month'], $hash['day'] - $hash['weekday'], $hash['year']);
     $hash['end'] = mktime(23, 59, 59, $hash['month'], $hash['day'] + 6 - $hash['weekday'], $hash['year']);
     $string = "((schedule_type = 0 AND (schedule_date >= '%s' AND schedule_date <= '%s')) OR ";
     $string .= "(schedule_type = 1 AND (schedule_begin <= '%s' AND schedule_end >= '%s')))";
     $where[] = sprintf($string, date('Y-m-d', $hash['begin']), date('Y-m-d', $hash['end']), date('Y-m-d', $hash['end']), date('Y-m-d', $hash['begin']));
     $string = "((schedule_level = 0) OR (schedule_level = 1 AND owner = '%s') OR ";
     $string .= "(schedule_level = 2 AND (schedule_group LIKE '%%[%s]%%' OR schedule_user LIKE '%%[%s]%%')))";
     $where[] = sprintf($string, $sessionuserid, $this->quote($_SESSION['group']), $sessionuserid);
     $where[] = $this->permitWhere();
     $field = "*";
     $query = sprintf("SELECT %s FROM %sschedule WHERE %s ORDER BY schedule_allday,schedule_time,schedule_endtime", $field, DB_PREFIX, implode(" AND ", $where));
     $hash['schedule'] = $this->fetchAll($query);
     $field = "*";
     $query = sprintf("SELECT %s FROM %stimecard WHERE (timecard_date = '%s') AND (owner = '%s')", $field, DB_PREFIX, date('Y-m-d'), $sessionuserid);
     $hash['timecard'] = $this->fetchOne($query);
     $field = "*";
     $query = sprintf("SELECT %s FROM %stodo WHERE (owner = '%s') AND (todo_complete = 0) ORDER BY todo_noterm, todo_term", $field, DB_PREFIX, $sessionuserid);
     $hash['todo'] = $this->fetchLimit($query, 0, 5);
     $field = "*";
     $query = sprintf("SELECT %s FROM %smessage WHERE (owner = '%s') AND (folder_id = 0) AND (message_type = 'received') ORDER BY message_date DESC", $field, DB_PREFIX, $sessionuserid);
     $hash['message'] = $this->fetchLimit($query, 0, 5);
     $where = array();
     $category = $this->permitCategory('forum');
     $where[] = "(forum_lastupdate > '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $monthly) . "')";
     $where[] = $this->folderWhere($category['folder'], 'all');
     $where[] = "(forum_parent = 0)";
     $where[] = $this->permitWhere();
     $field = "*";
     $query = sprintf("SELECT %s FROM %sforum WHERE %s ORDER BY forum_lastupdate DESC", $field, DB_PREFIX, implode(" AND ", $where));
     $hash['forum'] = $this->fetchLimit($query, 0, 5);
     $where = array();
     $category = $this->permitCategory('bookmark');
     $where[] = $this->folderWhere($category['folder']);
     $where[] = $this->permitWhere();
     $field = "*";
     $query = sprintf("SELECT %s FROM %sbookmark WHERE %s ORDER BY bookmark_order, bookmark_date DESC", $field, DB_PREFIX, implode(" AND ", $where));
     $hash['bookmark'] = $this->fetchLimit($query, 0, 5);
     $where = array();
     $category = $this->permitCategory('project');
     $where[] = "(project_end >= '" . date('Y-m-d') . "')";
     $where[] = $this->folderWhere($category['folder'], 'all');
     $where[] = "(project_parent = '0')";
     $where[] = $this->permitWhere();
     $field = "*";
     $query = sprintf("SELECT %s FROM %sproject WHERE %s ORDER BY project_begin", $field, DB_PREFIX, implode(" AND ", $where));
     $hash['project'] = $this->fetchLimit($query, 0, 5);
     $hash['group'] = $this->findGroup();
     return $hash;