Exemplo n.º 1
 public function post_guestsubmitticket()
     //Get our data
     $content = Input::get('content');
     //Ticked ID
     $ticketid = Input::get('ticketid');
     $hash = Input::get('hash');
     //We never trust the client. Let's make sure our trust is not broken :P
     $ticket = Ticket::where('id', '=', $ticketid)->where('hash', '=', $hash)->first();
     if (!empty($ticket)) {
         //Phew alright, we trust the client now, (maybe) :)
         $reply = new TicketReply();
         $reply->tid = $ticketid;
         //Make it clear that this is not from a VA account
         $reply->author = '-1';
         $reply->content = $content;
         $reply->staff = 0;
         //Save our reply
         //Check to see if there is an auditor assigned to this ticket. If there is then let's send them an email notification advising them that there is a ticket update.
         if (!empty($ticket->assigned)) {
             $auditor = ConsoleUser::where('cid', '=', $ticket->assigned)->first();
             if (!empty($auditor->email)) {
                 $data = array('email' => $auditor->email, 'name' => $auditor->name, 'subject' => 'VASOPS Ticket #' . $ticket->id . ": " . $ticket->subject);
                 $body = "Hello " . $auditor->name . ",<br /><br />There has been an update to your assigned ticket " . $ticket->subject . " by " . $ticket->name . ". <br /><br />" . $content . "<br /><br /><br /> <strong>Do not reply to this email. If you wish to reply to this ticket, please do so through the auditor console.</strong>";
                 Mail::send('email.default', array("content" => $body), function ($message) use($data) {
                     $message->to($data['email'], $data['name'])->subject($data['subject']);
         //Return the new content to append to the existing div
         $response = '<div style="margin-top: 15px; margin-bottom: 15px;"><hr style="border-bottom: 0;" /></div><div class="well"><div style="margin-top: 20px; margin-bottom: 40px;" class="row-fluid"><div class="span2"><strong>' . $ticket->name . '</strong><br /><small>' . $reply->created_at . '</small></div><div style="padding-top: 3px; padding-left: 3px; margin-left: 0px; border-left: 1px solid #e5e5e5;" class="span8">' . $reply->content . '</div></div></div>';
         echo $response;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function get_va()
     //Pull our users VA data
     $record = User::where('cid', '=', Auth::user()->get()->cid)->first();
     //        //Figure out what the last 4 months are and append -1 for the first day of the month
     //        $month = date('Y-m');
     //        $month .= '-1';
     //        $month1before = date('Y-m', strtotime('-1 month'));
     //        $month1before .= '-1';
     //        $month2before = date('Y-m', strtotime('-2 month'));
     //        $month2before .= '-1';
     //        $month3before = date('Y-m', strtotime('-3 month'));
     //        $month3before .= '-1';
     //        //Convert to unix time stamps to compare with the DB
     //        $month = strtotime($month);
     //        $month1before = strtotime($month1before);
     //        $month2before = strtotime($month2before);
     //        $month3before = strtotime($month3before);
     //        //Now let's store our month names in an array
     //        $clicks = array();
     //        $clicks['month_name'] = date("F", $month);
     //        $clicks['month1before_name'] = date("F", $month1before);
     //        $clicks['month2before_name'] = date("F", $month2before);
     //        $clicks['month3before_name'] = date("F", $month3before);
     //        //Count the data in the DB
     //        //Where data is greater than the first of this month and is associated with our logged in user.
     //        $month = Click::where('created_at', '>=', $month)->where('vid', '=', Auth::user()->get()->cid)->count();
     //        //Where data is greater than the first of last month, but less than the first of this month and is associated with our logged in user.
     //        $month1before = Click::where('created_at', '>=', $month1before)->where('created_at', '<', $month)->where('vid', '=', Auth::user()->get()->cid)->count();
     //        //You get the point :)
     //        $month2before = Click::where('created_at', '>=', $month2before)->where('created_at', '<', $month1before)->where('vid', '=', Auth::user()->get()->cid)->count();
     //        $month3before = Click::where('created_at', '>=', $month3before)->where('created_at', '<', $month2before)->where('vid', '=', Auth::user()->get()->cid)->count();
     //        //Add to our clicks array.
     //        $clicks['month'] = $month;
     //        $clicks['month1before'] = $month1before;
     //        $clicks['month2before'] = $month2before;
     //        $clicks['month3before'] = $month3before;
     //Let's just keep it simple for now and get the total number of clicks
     $clicks = Click::where('vid', '=', Auth::user()->get()->cid)->count();
     //Pull our ticket information
     $opentickets = Ticket::where('vid', '=', Auth::user()->get()->cid)->where('status', '=', '1')->orderBy('created_at', 'DESC')->get();
     $openticketscount = count($opentickets);
     $closedtickets = Ticket::where('vid', '=', Auth::user()->get()->cid)->where('status', '=', '0')->orderBy('created_at', 'DESC')->get();
     $closedticketscount = count($closedtickets);
     //Create our array
     $tickets = array();
     $tickets['opentickets'] = $opentickets;
     $tickets['opentickets_count'] = $openticketscount;
     $tickets['closedtickets'] = $closedtickets;
     $tickets['closedtickets_count'] = $closedticketscount;
     //Pull our replies
     $tickets_request = Ticket::where('vid', '=', Auth::user()->get()->cid)->get();
     $tids = array();
     foreach ($tickets_request as $ticket_request) {
         $tid = $ticket_request->id;
         $tids[$tid] = $tid;
     if (!empty($tids)) {
         $replies = TicketReply::whereIn('tid', $tids)->orderBy('created_at', 'ASC')->get();
     } else {
         $replies = '';
     $tickets['replies'] = $replies;
     //Pull our Category data
     $categories = Category::where('hidden', '!=', 1)->get();
     //Check to see if there is a banner if so provide the source for it
     if ($record->banner) {
         $banner = User::getBannerUrl(Auth::user()->get()->cid);
     } else {
         //No banner we will set this as false so the views no not to try and display it.
         $banner = FALSE;
     //Get our news
     $news = News::orderBy("updated_at", "DESC")->get();
     //Create our view with the VA, clicks, categories and tickets data.
     return View::make('va')->with(array('news' => $news, 'record' => $record, 'clicks' => $clicks, 'tickets' => $tickets, 'categories' => $categories, 'banner' => $banner));
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function post_helpdeskreply($id)
     //Find the ticket to reply to or fail
     $ticket = Ticket::findOrFail($id);
     //Update the timestamps for the ticket
     //We have client side verification here so if they modified the JS and submitted an empty reply screw them and just abort.
     $content = Input::get('inputReplyContent');
     if (empty($content)) {
         App::abort('404', 'Page not found. Reply content not sent.');
     //Create a new instance of TicketReply
     $reply = new TicketReply();
     $reply->tid = $id;
     $reply->author = Auth::consoleuser()->get()->cid;
     $reply->staff = 1;
     $reply->content = $content;
     //Figure out what button was clicked, be it reply, reply and open, or reply and close
     if (Input::get('replyAndOpenSubmit')) {
         $ticket->status = 1;
         //Declare the success message
         $message = "Your ticket reply was successfully submitted and the ticket was reopened.";
     } else {
         if (Input::get('replyAndCloseSubmit')) {
             $ticket->status = 0;
             //Declare the success message
             $message = "Your ticket reply was successfully submitted and the ticket was closed.";
         } else {
             //Declare the success message
             $message = "Your ticket reply was successfully submitted.";
     //Email the VA advising them that there is a new response
     if ($ticket->vid == -1) {
         $data = array();
         $data['subject'] = "VATSIM VA New Ticket Update";
         $data['email'] = $ticket->email;
         $data['name'] = $ticket->name;
         if (!empty($data['email'])) {
             $body = "Hello " . $data['name'] . ",<br /><br />There has been an update to your " . $ticket->subject . " ticket by Auditor " . ConsoleUser::getName(Auth::consoleuser()->get()->cid) . ". <br /><br />" . $content . "<br /><br /><br /> <strong>Do not reply to this email. If you wish to reply to this ticket, please do so through your account online.</strong>";
             Mail::send('email.default', array("content" => $body), function ($message) use($data) {
                 $message->to($data['email'], $data['name'])->subject($data['subject']);
     } else {
         $va = User::where('cid', '=', $ticket->vid)->first();
         $data = array();
         $data['va'] = $va;
         $data['subject'] = "VATSIM VA New Ticket Update";
         if (!empty($va->email)) {
             $body = "Hello " . User::getFirstName($ticket->vid) . ",<br /><br />There has been an update to your " . $ticket->subject . " ticket by Auditor " . ConsoleUser::getName(Auth::consoleuser()->get()->cid) . ". <br /><br />" . $content . "<br /><br /><br /> <strong>Do not reply to this email. If you wish to reply to this ticket, please do so through your account online.</strong>";
             Mail::send('email.default', array("content" => $body), function ($message) use($data) {
                 $message->to($data['va']->email, $data['va']->name)->subject($data['subject']);
     //All set now just redirect back to the ticket page with the message
     return Redirect::to('console/helpdesk/view/' . $id)->with(array('scrollTo' => '#ticketReply' . $reply->id, 'message' => $message));