public function createAction() { $test = new Tests(); $test->setTestName('First test'); $test->setPublished(true); $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getEntityManager(); $em->persist($test); $em->flush(); return new Response('Created new test ' . $test->getTestName()); }
/** * Добавление/обновление вакансии * @return void */ public function editAction() { if ($this->_authorize('vacancies', 'edit')) { $form = new Form_Vacancy_Edit(); // выбираем из базы данные о редактируемой вакансии $objTest = new Tests(); $tests = $objTest->fetchAll()->toArray(); $objVT = new VacanciesTest(); //Добавляет тесты на форму $form->addElementsForm($tests); if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) { if ($form->isValid($_POST)) { // Выполняем update (insert/update данных о вакансии) $objVacancies = new Vacancies(); $vacancyId = $form->vacancyId->getValue(); $objVacancy = $objVacancies->getObjectById($vacancyId); if (!$objVacancy instanceof Vacancy) { $objVacancy = $objVacancies->createRow(); } $objVacancy->name = $form->Name->getValue(); $objVacancy->num = $form->Num->getValue(); $objVacancy->duties = $form->Duties->getValue(); $objVacancy->requirements = $form->Requirements->getValue(); $idSaveVacancy = $objVacancy->save(); $test = $this->keyReplace($form->getValues(), 'test_'); $objVT->delete('vacancy_id = ' . $idSaveVacancy); foreach ($test as $testId => $val) { if ($val) { $newRow = $objVT->createRow(array('vacancy_id' => $idSaveVacancy, 'test_id' => $testId)); $newRow->save(); } } $this->_helper->redirector('index', 'vacancy'); } } else { $vacancyId = (int) $this->getRequest()->getParam('vacancyId'); if ($vacancyId != '') { // выбираем из базы данные о редактируемой вакансии $vacancies = new Vacancies(); $objVacancy = $vacancies->getObjectById($vacancyId); if ($objVacancy instanceof Vacancy) { $this->view->objVacancy = $objVacancy; $form->populate(array('Name' => $objVacancy->name, 'Num' => $objVacancy->num, 'Duties' => $objVacancy->duties, 'Requirements' => $objVacancy->requirements, 'vacancyId' => $objVacancy->id)); } $testIds = $objVT->getTestIds($vacancyId); // отмечаем выбранные тесты foreach ($testIds as $id) { $form->populate(array('test_' . $id => 1)); } } } $this->view->objVacancyEditForm = $form; } }
public function setUp() { self::$title = self::text(20); $this->Meta = new Meta(['title_limit' => 70, 'description_limit' => 200, 'image_limit' => 5]); }
<?php require_once '../tst.class.php'; if (Tst::access(array(1, 3))) { require_once Tst::$tests . 'files/classes/tests.class.php'; $tests = new Tests(); $table = ''; foreach ($_POST['logs'] as $log) { $table .= json_encode($tests->createTable($tests->getJSONResults(1, 1, $log))); } echo $table; } else { echo 'This is not enabled'; }
<?php // Script to run all tests, intended for cronjob require_once 'tst.class.php'; Tst::access(array(2), 1); require_once Tst::$tests . 'files/classes/tests.class.php'; $tests = new Tests(); $suite = array(Tst::$tests . '/suite'); // Run suite and store logs, but don't return anything $output = json_encode($tests->runTests($suite, 1, 0, 0)); echo $output;
<?php require_once '../tst.class.php'; Tst::access(array(2, 3), 1); require_once Tst::$tests . 'files/classes/tests.class.php'; $tests = new Tests(); $loglist = $tests->deleteLogs($_POST['logs']);
<?php require_once '../tst.class.php'; require_once Tst::$tests . 'files/classes/tests.class.php'; $tests = new Tests(); $loglist = $tests->displayLogList(1, $_POST['howMany']); if (!empty($loglist)) { foreach ($loglist as $v) { echo $v; } } else { echo 'There aren\'t any logs yet.'; }
<?php require_once "../../init.php"; extract($_POST); if ($category_register && $title_register && $template_register && $code_register) { $test = new Tests(); $test->title = $title_register; $test->category = $category_register; $test->template = $template_register; $test->code = $code_register; $test->enabled = true; $insertid = $test->insert(); } echo $insertid ? $insertid : 0;
/** * Adds an object to the instance pool. * * Propel keeps cached copies of objects in an instance pool when they are retrieved * from the database. In some cases -- especially when you override doSelect*() * methods in your stub classes -- you may need to explicitly add objects * to the cache in order to ensure that the same objects are always returned by doSelect*() * and retrieveByPK*() calls. * * @param Tests $value A Tests object. * @param string $key (optional) key to use for instance map (for performance boost if key was already calculated externally). */ public static function addInstanceToPool(Tests $obj, $key = null) { if (Propel::isInstancePoolingEnabled()) { if ($key === null) { $key = (string) $obj->getId(); } // if key === null self::$instances[$key] = $obj; } }
public function dashboard() { $user_id = Session::get('user_id'); $practice_id = Session::get('practice_id'); $data['practiceinfo'] = Practiceinfo::find($practice_id); $result = User::find($user_id); $data['displayname'] = $result->displayname; $displayname = $result->displayname; $fax_query = Received::where('practice_id', '=', $practice_id)->count(); $from = $displayname . ' (' . $user_id . ')'; if (Session::get('group_id') == '2') { $data['number_messages'] = Messaging::where('mailbox', '=', $user_id)->count(); $data['number_documents'] = Scans::where('practice_id', '=', $practice_id)->count() + $fax_query; $data['number_appts'] = $this->getNumberAppts($user_id); $query1 = DB::table('t_messages')->join('demographics', '', '=', '')->where('t_messages.t_messages_from', '=', $from)->where('t_messages.t_messages_signed', '=', 'No')->count(); $query2 = DB::table('encounters')->join('demographics', '', '=', '')->where('encounters.encounter_provider', '=', $displayname)->where('encounters.encounter_signed', '=', 'No')->count(); $data['number_drafts'] = $query1 + $query2; $data['number_reminders'] = DB::table('alerts')->join('demographics', '', '=', '')->where('alerts.alert_provider', '=', $user_id)->where('alerts.alert_date_complete', '=', '0000-00-00 00:00:00')->where('alerts.alert_reason_not_complete', '=', '')->where(function ($query_array) { $query_array->where('alerts.alert', '=', 'Laboratory results pending')->orWhere('alerts.alert', '=', 'Radiology results pending')->orWhere('alerts.alert', '=', 'Cardiopulmonary results pending')->orWhere('alerts.alert', '=', 'Referral pending')->orWhere('alerts.alert', '=', 'Reminder')->orWhere('alerts.alert', '=', 'REMINDER'); })->count(); $data['number_bills'] = Encounters::where('bill_submitted', '=', 'No')->where('user_id', '=', $user_id)->count(); $data['number_tests'] = Tests::whereNull('pid')->where('practice_id', '=', $practice_id)->count(); if ($data['practiceinfo']->mtm_extension == 'y') { $mtm_users_array = explode(",", $data['practiceinfo']->mtm_alert_users); if (in_array($user_id, $mtm_users_array)) { $data['mtm_alerts'] = Alerts::where('alert_date_complete', '=', '0000-00-00 00:00:00')->where('alert_reason_not_complete', '=', '')->where('alert', '=', 'Medication Therapy Management')->where('practice_id', '=', $practice_id)->count(); $data['mtm_alerts_status'] = "y"; } else { $data['mtm_alerts_status'] = "n"; } } else { $data['mtm_alerts_status'] = "n"; } $data['vaccine_supplement_alert'] = $this->vaccine_supplement_alert($practice_id); } if (Session::get('group_id') == '3') { $data['number_messages'] = Messaging::where('mailbox', '=', $user_id)->count(); $data['number_documents'] = Scans::where('practice_id', '=', $practice_id)->count() + $fax_query; $data['number_drafts'] = DB::table('t_messages')->join('demographics', '', '=', '')->where('t_messages.t_messages_from', '=', $from)->where('t_messages.t_messages_signed', '=', 'No')->count(); $data['number_reminders'] = DB::table('alerts')->join('demographics', '', '=', '')->where('alerts.alert_provider', '=', $user_id)->where('alerts.alert_date_complete', '=', '0000-00-00 00:00:00')->where('alerts.alert_reason_not_complete', '=', '')->where(function ($query_array) { $query_array->where('alerts.alert', '=', 'Laboratory results pending')->orWhere('alerts.alert', '=', 'Radiology results pending')->orWhere('alerts.alert', '=', 'Cardiopulmonary results pending')->orWhere('alerts.alert', '=', 'Referral pending')->orWhere('alerts.alert', '=', 'Reminder')->orWhere('alerts.alert', '=', 'REMINDER'); })->count(); $data['number_bills'] = Encounters::where('bill_submitted', '=', 'No')->where('practice_id', '=', $practice_id)->count(); $data['number_tests'] = Tests::whereNull('pid')->where('practice_id', '=', $practice_id)->count(); $data['vaccine_supplement_alert'] = $this->vaccine_supplement_alert($practice_id); } if (Session::get('group_id') == '4') { $data['number_messages'] = Messaging::where('mailbox', '=', $user_id)->count(); $data['number_bills'] = Encounters::where('bill_submitted', '=', 'No')->where('practice_id', '=', $practice_id)->count(); $data['number_documents'] = Scans::where('practice_id', '=', $practice_id)->count() + $fax_query; } if (Session::get('group_id') == '100') { $row = Demographics_relate::where('id', '=', $user_id)->first(); Session::put('pid', $row->pid); } if (Session::get('group_id') == '1') { if ($practice_id == '1') { $data['saas_admin'] = 'y'; } else { $data['saas_admin'] = 'n'; } if (Session::get('patient_centric') != 'y') { $users = DB::table('users')->where('group_id', '=', '2')->where('practice_id', '=', Session::get('practice_id'))->first(); if ($users) { $data['users_needed'] = 'n'; } else { $data['users_needed'] = 'y'; } } else { $data['users_needed'] = 'n'; } if (Session::get('patient_centric') != 'y') { $schedule = DB::table('practiceinfo')->where('practice_id', '=', Session::get('practice_id'))->whereNull('minTime')->first(); if ($schedule) { $data['schedule_needed'] = 'y'; } else { $data['schedule_needed'] = 'n'; } } else { $data['schedule_needed'] = 'n'; } } if ($data['practiceinfo']->weekends == '1') { $data['weekends'] = 'true'; } else { $data['weekends'] = 'false'; } $data['minTime'] = ltrim($data['practiceinfo']->minTime, "0"); $data['maxTime'] = ltrim($data['practiceinfo']->maxTime, "0"); if (Session::get('group_id') == '2') { $provider = Providers::find(Session::get('user_id')); $data['schedule_increment'] = $provider->schedule_increment; } else { $data['schedule_increment'] = '15'; } if (!Session::get('encounter_active')) { Session::put('encounter_active', 'n'); } if ($data['practiceinfo']->fax_type != "") { $data1['fax'] = true; } else { $data1['fax'] = false; } $this->layout->style = $this->css_assets(); $this->layout->script = $this->js_assets('home'); $this->layout->content = ''; if (Session::get('group_id') == '1') { $this->layout->content .= View::make('search', $this->getSearchData())->render(); $this->layout->content .= View::make('dashboard', $data)->render(); $this->layout->content .= View::make('setup')->render(); $this->layout->content .= View::make('users')->render(); $this->layout->content .= View::make('extensions', $data)->render(); $this->layout->content .= View::make('schedule_admin')->render(); $this->layout->content .= View::make('update')->render(); $this->layout->content .= View::make('logs')->render(); $this->layout->content .= View::make('schedule')->render(); } if (Session::get('group_id') == '2' || Session::get('group_id') == '3' || Session::get('group_id') == '4') { $this->layout->content .= View::make('search', $this->getSearchData())->render(); $this->layout->content .= View::make('dashboard', $data)->render(); $this->layout->content .= View::make('demographics')->render(); $this->layout->content .= View::make('options')->render(); $this->layout->content .= View::make('messaging', $data1)->render(); $this->layout->content .= View::make('schedule')->render(); $this->layout->content .= View::make('billing')->render(); $this->layout->content .= View::make('financial')->render(); $this->layout->content .= View::make('office')->render(); if (Session::get('patient_centric') == 'yp' && Session::get('group_id') == '2') { $this->layout->content .= View::make('setup')->render(); } } if (Session::get('group_id') == '100') { $this->layout->content .= View::make('dashboard', $data)->render(); $this->layout->content .= View::make('demographics')->render(); $this->layout->content .= View::make('messaging', $data1)->render(); $this->layout->content .= View::make('schedule')->render(); $this->layout->content .= View::make('issues')->render(); $this->layout->content .= View::make('encounters')->render(); $this->layout->content .= View::make('t_messages')->render(); $this->layout->content .= View::make('medications')->render(); $this->layout->content .= View::make('supplements')->render(); $this->layout->content .= View::make('allergies')->render(); $this->layout->content .= View::make('immunizations')->render(); $this->layout->content .= View::make('documents')->render(); $this->layout->content .= View::make('forms')->render(); $this->layout->content .= View::make('graph')->render(); } }
public function postTestsImport() { if (Session::get('group_id') != '2' && Session::get('group_id') != '3') { Auth::logout(); Session::flush(); header("HTTP/1.1 404 Page Not Found", true, 404); exit("You cannot do this."); } else { $pid = Input::get('pid'); $tests_id_array = json_decode(Input::get('tests_id_array')); $i = 0; $results = array(); foreach ($tests_id_array as $tests_id) { $data = array('pid' => $pid, 'test_unassigned' => ''); DB::table('tests')->where('tests_id', '=', $tests_id)->update($data); $this->audit('Update'); $results[$i] = Tests::find($tests_id)->toArray(); $provider_id = $results[$i]['test_provider_id']; $from = $results[$i]['test_from']; $test_type = $results[$i]['test_type']; $i++; } $patient_row = Demographics::find($pid)->toArray(); $dob_message = date("m/d/Y", strtotime($patient_row['DOB'])); $patient_name = $patient_row['lastname'] . ', ' . $patient_row['firstname'] . ' (DOB: ' . $dob_message . ') (ID: ' . $pid . ')'; $practice_row = Practiceinfo::find(Session::get('practice_id'))->toArray(); $directory = $practice_row['documents_dir'] . $pid; $file_path = $directory . '/tests_' . time() . '.pdf'; $html = $this->page_intro('Test Results', $practice_id); $html .= $this->page_results($pid, $results, $patient_name); $this->generate_pdf($html, $file_path); $documents_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()); $test_desc = 'Test results for ' . $patient_name; $pages_data = array('documents_url' => $file_path, 'pid' => $pid, 'documents_type' => $test_type, 'documents_desc' => $test_desc, 'documents_from' => $from, 'documents_date' => $documents_date); if (Session::get('group_id') == '2') { $pages_data['documents_viewed'] = Session::get('displayname'); } $documents_id = DB::table('documents')->insertGetId($pages_data); $this->audit('Add'); if (Session::get('group_id') == '3') { $provider_row = User::find($provider_id)->toArray(); $provider_name = $provider_row['firstname'] . " " . $provider_row['lastname'] . ", " . $provider_row['title'] . " (" . $provider_id . ")"; $subject = "Test results for " . $patient_name; $body = "Test results for " . $patient_name . "\n\n"; foreach ($results as $results_row1) { $body .= $results_row1['test_name'] . ": " . $results_row1['test_result'] . ", Units: " . $results_row1['test_units'] . ", Normal reference range: " . $results_row1['test_reference'] . ", Date: " . $results_row1['test_datetime'] . "\n"; } $body .= "\n" . $from; $data_message = array('pid' => $pid, 'message_to' => $provider_name, 'message_from' => Session::get('user_id'), 'subject' => $subject, 'body' => $body, 'patient_name' => $patient_name, 'status' => 'Sent', 'mailbox' => $provider_id, 'practice_id' => $practice_id, 'documents_id' => $documents_id); DB::table('messaging')->insert($data_message); $this->audit('Add'); } echo $i; } }
public function postTestsView($tests_id, $pid) { $row = Tests::find($tests_id); $row1 = Demographics::find($pid); $text = '<strong>Patient:</strong> ' . $row1->firstname . " " . $row1->lastname . '<br><br><strong>Type:</strong> ' . $row->test_type . '<br><br><strong>Date:</strong> ' . date('m/d/Y', $row->test_datetime) . '<br><br><strong>Test</strong> ' . $row->test_name . '<br><br><strong>Result:</strong> ' . $row->test_result . ' ' . $row->test_units . ' (' . $row->test_reference . ')<br><br><strong>From:</strong> ' . $row->test_from; echo $text; }
$x->setString('weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds'); $x->setLimit(2); $this->assertEquals($x->output(), '2 days, 12 hours'); //30 minutes; $x->setThen(time() + 1800); $x->setString('years, months, seconds'); $this->assertEquals($x->output(), '1800 seconds'); $x->setString('minutes'); $this->assertEquals($x->output_default, '30 minutes'); //$x->setString('years'); $this->assertEquals($x->output_years, ''); $x->setThen(time() + (3600 + 945)); $this->assertEquals($x->output_hourscowsminutescowssec_onds, '1 hour, 15 minutes, 45 seconds'); } } $a = new Tests(); $a->testOutputTests(); // $x = new TimeGap\Timegap(); // $x // //->setNow('2013-01-01') // ->setThen(time() + 3600) // ->setString("months, weeks, days, hours") // ->setLimit(3); // echo $x->output(); // $x = new TimeGap\Timegap(); // //2 days + 12 hours, 30 minutes // $x->setThen(time()+ (172800+43200+1800)); // $x->setString('days, hours, minutes'); // $x->setLimit(2); // // $this->assertEquals( // echo '<pre>';
<?php /** * Runs selected tests and returns specified results, intended for use by GUI * */ require_once '../tst.class.php'; Tst::access(array(2, 3), 1); require_once Tst::$tests . 'files/classes/tests.class.php'; $tests = new Tests(); $output = json_encode($tests->runTests($_POST['test'], $_POST['logResults'], $_POST['consoleOutput'], $_POST['showLog'])); echo $output;
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->_init_language_for_student(); }
/** * Добавление/обновление вопроса * @return void */ public function editAction() { if ($this->_authorize('question', 'edit')) { $objForm = new Form_Question_Edit(); $arrParams = $this->getRequest()->getParams(); $testId = $this->getRequest()->getParam('testId'); if ($testId != '') { // выбираем из базы категории вопросов $objCategories = new QuestionCategories(); $arrCategories = $objCategories->getCategoryShortListByTestId($testId); $objForm->setCategoriesSelectOptions($arrCategories); } if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) { if ($objForm->isValid($_POST)) { // Выполняем update (insert/update данных о вопросе) $strQuestionText = $objForm->questionText->getValue(); $intQuestionWeight = $objForm->questionWeight->getValue(); $objQuestions = new Questions(); $intMaxSortIndex = $objQuestions->getMaxSortIndex($testId); $questionId = $objForm->questionId->getValue(); if (!empty($questionId)) { $objQuestion = $objQuestions->getQuestionById($questionId); } else { $objQuestion = $objQuestions->createRow(); $questionId = null; $objQuestion->setSortIndex($intMaxSortIndex + 1); } $objQuestion->setText($strQuestionText); $objQuestion->setTestId($testId); $objQuestion->setWeight($intQuestionWeight); if ($arrCategories) { $objQuestion->setCategoryId($objForm->categoryId->getValue()); } if (array_key_exists('answer', $arrParams)) { $intAnswerAmount = sizeof($arrParams['answer']); $objQuestion->setAnswerAmount($intAnswerAmount); } $objQuestion->save(); if (!$questionId) { $questionId = $objQuestions->getAdapter()->lastInsertId(); } // Вносим в базу варианты ответов и обг=новляем их количество, // поскольку не валидные в базу не добавляются и количество // элементов в массиве $arrParams['answer'] может не совпадать // с количеством ответов, фактически внесенных в БД if (array_key_exists('answer', $arrParams) && !empty($arrParams['answer'])) { $intAnswerAmount = $objQuestions->saveAnswerList($questionId, $arrParams['answer']); $objQuestion->setAnswerAmount($intAnswerAmount); } $objQuestion->updateRightAnswersAmount(); $objQuestion->save(); $this->_helper->redirector('edit', 'test', null, array('testId' => $testId)); } else { if ($testId != '') { // выбираем из базы данные о редактируемом тесте $objTests = new Tests(); $objTest = $objTests->getTestById($testId); $this->view->objTest = $objTest; } $arrAnswer = array(); if (array_key_exists('questionId', $arrParams) && !empty($arrParams['questionId'])) { $questionId = (int) $arrParams['questionId']; // выбираем из базы данные о редактируемом вопросе $objQuestions = new Questions(); $objQuestion = $objQuestions->getQuestionById($questionId); $arrAnswer = $objQuestions->getAnswerListByQuestionId($questionId); } $objForm->addAnswersSubForm($arrAnswer); // @todo: пререформатировать массив answer, полученный через POST для функции addAnswersSubForm() } } else { $arrAnswer = array(); if (array_key_exists('questionId', $arrParams) && !empty($arrParams['questionId'])) { $questionId = (int) $arrParams['questionId']; // выбираем из базы данные о редактируемом вопросе $objQuestions = new Questions(); $objQuestion = $objQuestions->getQuestionById($questionId); $arrAnswer = $objQuestions->getAnswerListByQuestionId($questionId); $objForm->populate(array('questionText' => $objQuestion->tq_text, 'questionId' => $objQuestion->tq_id, 'questionWeight' => $objQuestion->getWeight(), 'categoryId' => $objQuestion->getCategoryId(), 'testId' => $testId)); } $objForm->addAnswersSubForm($arrAnswer); if (!empty($testId)) { // выбираем из базы данные о редактируемом тесте $objTests = new Tests(); $objTest = $objTests->getTestById($testId); $this->view->objTest = $objTest; $objForm->populate(array('testId' => $testId)); } } $this->view->objForm = $objForm; } }
/** * Declares an association between this object and a Tests object. * * @param Tests $v * @return Pruebas The current object (for fluent API support) * @throws PropelException */ public function setTests(Tests $v = null) { if ($v === null) { $this->setTestsId(NULL); } else { $this->setTestsId($v->getId()); } $this->aTests = $v; // Add binding for other direction of this n:n relationship. // If this object has already been added to the Tests object, it will not be re-added. if ($v !== null) { $v->addPruebas($this); } return $this; }
/** * Пересчитывает количество вопросов в тесте * @return void */ public function recalculationAction() { if ($this->_authorize('test', 'edit')) { $testId = (int) $this->getRequest()->getParam('testId'); if ($testId) { $objTests = new Tests(); $objTests->recalculationQuestions($testId); $objQuestions = new Questions(); $objQuestions->recalculationAnswers($testId); //die(''.$testId); } $this->_helper->redirector('index', 'test'); } }
public function dashboard() { $practice = DB::table('practiceinfo')->where('practice_id', '=', Session::get('practice_id'))->first(); $user_id = Session::get('user_id'); $result = User::find($user_id); $practice_id = Session::get('practice_id'); $fax_query = Received::where('practice_id', '=', $practice_id)->count(); $displayname = $result->displayname; $from = $displayname . ' (' . $user_id . ')'; $data['header'] = $this->mobile_header_build(Session::get('displayname')); if (Session::get('group_id') == '2') { $data1['number_messages'] = Messaging::where('mailbox', '=', $user_id)->count(); $data1['number_documents'] = Scans::where('practice_id', '=', $practice_id)->count() + $fax_query; $data1['number_appts'] = $this->getNumberAppts($user_id); $query1 = DB::table('t_messages')->join('demographics', '', '=', '')->where('t_messages.t_messages_from', '=', $from)->where('t_messages.t_messages_signed', '=', 'No')->count(); $query2 = DB::table('encounters')->join('demographics', '', '=', '')->where('encounters.encounter_provider', '=', $displayname)->where('encounters.encounter_signed', '=', 'No')->count(); $data1['number_drafts'] = $query1 + $query2; $data1['number_reminders'] = DB::table('alerts')->join('demographics', '', '=', '')->where('alerts.alert_provider', '=', $user_id)->where('alerts.alert_date_complete', '=', '0000-00-00 00:00:00')->where('alerts.alert_reason_not_complete', '=', '')->where(function ($query_array) { $query_array->where('alerts.alert', '=', 'Laboratory results pending')->orWhere('alerts.alert', '=', 'Radiology results pending')->orWhere('alerts.alert', '=', 'Cardiopulmonary results pending')->orWhere('alerts.alert', '=', 'Referral pending')->orWhere('alerts.alert', '=', 'Reminder')->orWhere('alerts.alert', '=', 'REMINDER'); })->count(); $data1['number_bills'] = Encounters::where('bill_submitted', '=', 'No')->where('user_id', '=', $user_id)->count(); $data1['number_tests'] = Tests::whereNull('pid')->where('practice_id', '=', $practice_id)->count(); } $data['content'] = View::make('mobile.home_content', $data1)->render(); $data['form'] = ''; $left_panel_array = array(array('Schedule', 'mobile_schedule'), array('Inbox', 'mobile_inbox')); if (Session::get('group_id') != '100') { $left_panel_array[] = array('Drafts', 'mobile_drafts'); $left_panel_array[] = array('Alerts', 'mobile_alerts'); if (Session::get('patient_centric') == 'n') { $left_panel_array[] = array('Scans', 'mobile_scan'); if ($practice->fax_type != "") { $left_panel_array[] = array('Faxes', 'mobile_fax'); } } } $data['left_panel'] = $this->mobile_menu_build($left_panel_array, "left_panel_list", 'mobile_click_home'); $data['right_panel'] = ''; $this->layout->style = HTML::style('css/mobile.css'); $this->layout->style .= HTML::style('css/toastr.min.css'); $this->layout->script = $this->js_assets('base', true); $this->layout->content = View::make('mobile.home', $data); }
public function postChartTest($tests_id) { $pid = Session::get('pid'); $demographics = Demographics::find($pid); $datenow = date("D, d M y H:i:s O", time()); $row0 = Tests::find($tests_id); $data['patient'] = array(); $data['yaxis'] = $row0->test_units; $data['xaxis'] = 'Date'; $data['name'] = $row0->test_name; $data['title'] = 'Chart of ' . $row0->test_name . ' over time for ' . $demographics->firstname . ' ' . $demographics->lastname . ' as of ' . $datenow; $query1 = DB::table('tests')->where('test_name', '=', $row0->test_name)->where('pid', '=', $pid)->orderBy('test_datetime', 'ASC')->get(); if ($query1) { $i = 0; foreach ($query1 as $row1) { $x = $row1->test_datetime; $y = $row1->test_result; $data['patient'][$i][] = $x; $data['patient'][$i][] = $y; $i++; } } echo json_encode($data); }
function staticGet($p, $k = false) { $cl = new Tests(); $cl->get($p, $k); return $cl; }
{ $complement = null; switch ($char) { case ')': $complement = '('; break; case ']': $complement = '['; break; case '}': $complement = '{'; break; } return $complement; } $test = new Tests('Brackets'); // example1 // example test 1 $A = '{[()()]}'; $result = 1; $test->run($A, $result); // example2 // example test 2 $A = '([)()]'; $result = 0; $test->run($A, $result); // negative_match // invalid structures $A = '{{{{'; $result = 0; $test->run($A, $result);