Exemplo n.º 1
  * A method to return the HTML code needed to display a tree-based
  * menu of all the OpenX tests.
  * @return string A string containing the HTML code needed to display
  *                the tests in a tree-based menu.
 function buildTree()
     preg_match('/^(\\d+\\.\\d+)/', VERSION, $aMatches);
     // Create the root of the test suite
     $menu = new HTML_TreeMenu();
     $rootNode = new HTML_TreeNode(array('text' => PRODUCT_NAME . ' ' . $aMatches[1] . ' Tests', 'icon' => "package.png"));
     // Create the top-level test groups
     foreach ($GLOBALS['_MAX']['TEST']['groups'] as $type) {
         $nodeName = $type . 'RootNode';
         ${$nodeName} = new HTML_TreeNode(array('text' => ucwords($type) . ' Test Suite', 'icon' => "package.png", 'link' => "run.php?type={$type}&level=all", 'linkTarget' => "right"));
         $structure = TestFiles::getAllTestFiles($type);
         foreach ($structure as $layerCode => $folders) {
             $firstNode =& ${$nodeName}->addItem(new HTML_TreeNode(array('text' => $GLOBALS['_MAX']['TEST'][$type . '_layers'][$layerCode][0], 'icon' => "package.png", 'link' => "run.php?type={$type}&level=layer&layer={$layerCode}", 'linkTarget' => 'right')));
             foreach ($folders as $folder => $files) {
                 if (count($files)) {
                     $secondNode =& $firstNode->addItem(new HTML_TreeNode(array('text' => $folder, 'icon' => "class_folder.png", 'link' => "run.php?type={$type}&level=folder&layer={$layerCode}&folder={$folder}", 'linkTarget' => 'right')));
                 foreach ($files as $index => $file) {
                     $secondNode->addItem(new HTML_TreeNode(array('text' => $file, 'icon' => "Method.png", 'link' => "run.php?type={$type}&level=file&layer={$layerCode}&folder={$folder}&file={$file}", 'linkTarget' => 'right')));
      * @TODO Clean up the following code to ensure that adding new
      *       PEAR PHPUnit tests to the test suite is easier!
     // Create the PEAR PHPUnit tests
     $nodeName = 'PearRootNode';
     ${$nodeName} = new HTML_TreeNode(array('text' => 'PEAR PHPUnit Test Suite', 'icon' => "package.png", 'link' => "", 'linkTarget' => "right"));
     $firstNode =& ${$nodeName}->addItem(new HTML_TreeNode(array('text' => 'PEAR::MDB2', 'icon' => "package.png", 'link' => "run.php?type=phpunit&dir=../lib/pear/MDB2/tests", 'linkTarget' => 'right')));
     $firstNode =& ${$nodeName}->addItem(new HTML_TreeNode(array('text' => 'PEAR::MDB2_Schema', 'icon' => "package.png", 'link' => "run.php?type=phpunit&dir=../lib/pear/MDB2_Schema/tests", 'linkTarget' => 'right')));
     // Add the root node to the menu, and return the HTML code
     $tree = new HTML_TreeMenu_DHTML($menu);
     $code = file_get_contents(MAX_PATH . '/tests/testClasses/menu.css');
     $code .= "\n<script>\n";
     $code .= file_get_contents(MAX_PATH . '/tests/testClasses/TreeMenu.js');
     $code .= "\n</script>";
     $code .= $tree->toHTML();
     return $code;
Exemplo n.º 2
require_once MAX_PATH . '/tests/xmlreporter.php';
require_once MAX_PATH . '/tests/testClasses/TestFiles.php';
if ($_SERVER['argc'] < 2) {
    echo "Usage: " . __FILE__ . " php-command [unit|integration]";
$php = $_SERVER['argv'][1];
$testName = isset($_SERVER['argv'][2]) ? $_SERVER['argv'][2] : "";
$aLayer = array('unit', 'integration');
// Take a copy in memory of the conf file
$testConfFile = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../var/test.conf.php';
$testConf = file_get_contents($testConfFile);
$oReporter = new ReviveXmlReporter();
$oReporter->paintGroupStart("Tests", count($aLayer));
foreach ($aLayer as $layer) {
    $aTestFiles = TestFiles::getAllTestFiles($layer);
    $oReporter->paintGroupStart("Layer {$layer}", count($aTestFiles));
    foreach ($aTestFiles as $subLayer => $aDirectories) {
        $oReporter->paintGroupStart("Sublayer {$subLayer}", count($aDirectories));
        foreach ($aDirectories as $dirName => $aFiles) {
            $oReporter->paintGroupStart("Directory {$dirName} ({$testName})", count($aFiles));
            foreach ($aFiles as $fileName) {
                $oReporter->paintCaseStart("File {$fileName} ({$testName})");
                // Prepare the name of the test to display when running
                for ($counter = 0; $counter < count($GLOBALS['_MAX']['TEST']['groups']) - 1; $counter++) {
                    if ($layer == $GLOBALS['_MAX']['TEST']['groups'][$counter]) {
                        $layerDisplayName = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['TEST'][$GLOBALS['_MAX']['TEST']['groups'][$counter] . '_layers'][$subLayer][0];
                preg_match('/^([^\\.]+)/', $fileName, $aMatches);
                $testDisplayName = ucfirst(strtolower($layer)) . '.' . $layerDisplayName . '.' . $aMatches[1];