Exemplo n.º 1
 public function __construct($sendMagicWinners, $sendReminders, array $inviteCounts)
     // Gender and classes
     $this->genders = array(MALE, FEMALE);
     $this->classes = array(CLASS_SENIOR, CLASS_JUNIOR, CLASS_SOPHOMORE);
     // Send magic winners?
     $this->sendMagicWinners = $sendMagicWinners;
     // Send reminders?
     $this->sendReminders = $sendReminders;
     // Invite counts to be sent
     $this->inviteCounts = $inviteCounts;
     // One-time date/time calculations, setup for later on
     $this->term = PHPWS_Settings::get('hms', 'lottery_term');
     $this->year = Term::getTermYear($this->term);
     $this->academicYear = Term::toString($this->term) . ' - ' . Term::toString(Term::getNextTerm($this->term));
     $this->now = time();
     $this->expireTime = $this->now + INVITE_TTL_HRS * 3600;
     // Hard Cap
     $this->hardCap = LotteryProcess::getHardCap();
     // Soft caps
     $this->jrSoftCap = LotteryProcess::getJrSoftCap();
     $this->srSoftCap = LotteryProcess::getSrSoftCap();
     // Invites Sent by this process so far this run
     $this->numInvitesSent['TOTAL'] = 0;
     foreach ($this->classes as $c) {
         foreach ($this->genders as $g) {
             $this->numInvitesSent[$c][$g] = 0;
     $this->output = array();
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function show()
     $tpl = array();
     $tpl['TERM'] = Term::toString($this->term);
     $tpl['NEXT_TERM'] = Term::toString(Term::getNextTerm($this->term));
     $form = new PHPWS_Form('waitinglist-signup');
     $submitCmd = CommandFactory::getCommand('WaitingListSignup');
     $form->addSubmit('Sign up');
     $form->addHidden('term', $this->term);
     $tpl = $form->getTemplate();
     return PHPWS_Template::process($tpl, 'hms', 'student/waitinglistSignup.tpl');
 public function show()
     $tpl = array();
     if (Term::getTermSem($this->term) == TERM_FALL) {
         // If it's fall, then it's really the fall & spring terms
         $tpl['TERM'] = Term::toString($this->term) . ' - ' . Term::toString(Term::getNextTerm($this->term));
     } else {
         $tpl['TERM'] = Term::toString($this->term);
     $contactFormLink = CommandFactory::getCommand('ShowContactForm')->getLink('contact University Housing');
     // In case there are no features enabled for this term
     $tpl['BLOCKS'][] = array('BLOCK' => 'Your application has been cancelled for this term. If this is an error please ' . $contactFormLink . '.');
     return PHPWS_Template::process($tpl, 'hms', 'student/studentMenuTermBlock.tpl');
 public function show()
     $tpl = array();
     $tpl['ENTRY_TERM'] = Term::toString($this->student->getApplicationTerm());
     $tpl['REQUIRED_TERMS'] = array();
     $appsOnFile = HousingApplication::getAllApplicationsForStudent($this->student);
     # Make a list of the terms the student has completed
     $termsOnFile = array();
     if (isset($appsOnFile) && !is_null($appsOnFile)) {
         foreach ($appsOnFile as $term => $app) {
             $termsOnFile[] = $term;
     foreach ($this->requiredTerms as $t) {
         if ($t['required'] == 0) {
         $completed = '';
         if (in_array($t['term'], $termsOnFile)) {
             $completed = ' <span style="color: #0000AA">(Completed)</span>';
         // If the application is cancelled, overwrite the "complete" text with "cancelled"
         if (isset($appsOnFile[$t['term']]) && $appsOnFile[$t['term']]->isCancelled()) {
             $completed = ' <span style="color: #F00">(Cancelled)</span>';
         if (Term::getTermSem($t['term']) == TERM_FALL) {
             $tpl['REQUIRED_TERMS'][] = array('REQ_TERM' => Term::toString($t['term']) . ' - ' . Term::toString(Term::getNextTerm($t['term'])), 'COMPLETED' => $completed);
         } else {
             $tpl['REQUIRED_TERMS'][] = array('REQ_TERM' => Term::toString($t['term']), 'COMPLETED' => $completed);
     $contactCmd = CommandFactory::getCommand('ShowContactForm');
     $tpl['CONTACT_LINK'] = $contactCmd->getLink('contact us');
     # Setup the form for the 'continue' button.
     $form = new PHPWS_Form();
     $tpl = $form->getTemplate();
     $studentType = $this->student->getType();
     if (count($appsOnFile) > 0) {
         // User is now past step one.  No longer just welcoming, we are now welcoming back.
         return PHPWS_Template::process($tpl, 'hms', 'student/welcome_back_screen.tpl');
     if ($studentType == TYPE_FRESHMEN || $studentType == TYPE_NONDEGREE || $this->student->isInternational()) {
         return PHPWS_Template::process($tpl, 'hms', 'student/welcome_screen_freshmen.tpl');
     } else {
         return PHPWS_Template::process($tpl, 'hms', 'student/welcome_screen_transfer.tpl');
Exemplo n.º 5
 public function show()
     // Get the enabled features
     $features = ApplicationFeature::getEnabledFeaturesForStudent($this->student, $this->term);
     $tpl = array();
     if (Term::getTermSem($this->term) == TERM_FALL) {
         // If it's fall, then it's really the fall & spring terms
         $tpl['TERM'] = Term::toString($this->term) . ' - ' . Term::toString(Term::getNextTerm($this->term));
     } else {
         $tpl['TERM'] = Term::toString($this->term);
     // In case there are no features enabled for this term
     if (empty($features)) {
         $tpl['BLOCKS'][] = array('BLOCK' => 'There are no options currently available to you for this term.');
     foreach ($features as $feat) {
         $tpl['BLOCKS'][] = array('BLOCK' => $feat->getMenuBlockView($this->student)->show());
     return PHPWS_Template::process($tpl, 'hms', 'student/studentMenuTermBlock.tpl');
Exemplo n.º 6
 public function show()
     $tpl = array();
     $termList = array();
     // Current term
     $currTerm = Term::getCurrentTerm();
     $termList[] = $currTerm;
     // Always add the current term
     // Find the next two summer terms (could be next year if Fall
     // is the current term, could be this year if Spring is current term)
     $summerTerm1 = $currTerm;
     while (Term::getTermSem($summerTerm1) != TERM_SUMMER1) {
         $summerTerm1 = Term::getNextTerm($summerTerm1);
     $summerTerm2 = Term::getNextTerm($summerTerm1);
     $currSem = Term::getTermSem($currTerm);
     if ($currSem == TERM_SUMMER1) {
         // If the current term is Summer 1, then we've already added it above,
         // so just add summer 2
         $termList[] = Term::getNextTerm($currTerm);
     } else {
         if ($currSem != TERM_SUMMER2) {
             // Add both of the next summer terms then
             $termList[] = $summerTerm1;
             $termList[] = $summerTerm2;
     // Re-application term
     if ($this->lotteryTerm > $currTerm) {
         // If the lottery term is in the future
         $termList[] = $this->lotteryTerm;
     foreach ($termList as $t) {
         $termBlock = new StudentMenuTermBlock($this->student, $t);
         $tpl['TERMBLOCK'][] = array('TERMBLOCK_CONTENT' => $termBlock->show());
     Layout::addPageTitle("Main Menu");
     return PHPWS_Template::process($tpl, 'hms', 'student/returningMenu.tpl');
Exemplo n.º 7
 public function show()
     $tpl = array();
     $tpl['TERM'] = Term::toString($this->term) . ' - ' . Term::toString(Term::getNextTerm($this->term));
     $halls = ResidenceHallFactory::getHallsForTerm($this->term);
     // Check for an RLC Assignment, and that it's in the correct state
     if ($this->rlcAssignment != null && $this->rlcAssignment->getStateName() == 'selfselect-invite') {
         $rlcId = $this->rlcAssignment->getRlc()->getId();
     } else {
         $rlcId = null;
     // A watch variable, set to true when we find at least one hall that
     // still has an available bed
     $somethingsAvailable = false;
     foreach ($halls as $hall) {
         $row = array();
         $row['HALL_NAME'] = $hall->hall_name;
         $row['ROW_TEXT_COLOR'] = 'black';
         # Make sure we have a room of the specified gender available in the hall (or a co-ed room)
         if ($hall->count_avail_lottery_rooms($this->student->getGender(), $rlcId) <= 0) {
             $row['ROW_TEXT_COLOR'] = ' class="text-muted"';
             $tpl['hall_list'][] = $row;
         } else {
             $somethingsAvailable = true;
         $chooseCmd = CommandFactory::getCommand('LotteryChooseHall');
         $row['HALL_NAME'] = $chooseCmd->getLink($hall->hall_name);
         $tpl['hall_list'][] = $row;
     if (!$somethingsAvailable) {
         $tpl['NOTHING_LEFT'] = '';
     Layout::addPageTitle("Choose Hall");
     return PHPWS_Template::process($tpl, 'hms', 'student/lottery_choose_hall.tpl');
 public function show()
     $tpl = array();
     $tpl['DATES'] = HMS_Util::getPrettyDateRange($this->startDate, $this->endDate);
     $tpl['STATUS'] = "";
     $hardCapReached = LotteryProcess::hardCapReached($this->term);
     if (!is_null($this->assignment)) {
         // Student has already been assigned.
         //$tpl['ASSIGNED'] = $this->assignment->where_am_i();
         $tpl['ASSIGNED'] = '';
     } else {
         if ($hardCapReached) {
             // Hard cap has been reached
             $tpl['ICON'] = FEATURE_LOCKED_ICON;
             $tpl['HARD_CAP'] = "";
             // dummy tag
         } else {
             if (!is_null($this->application) && $this->application->isWinner()) {
                 // Student has won, let them choose their room
                 $tpl['ICON'] = FEATURE_OPEN_ICON;
                 $chooseRoomCmd = CommandFactory::getCommand('LotteryShowChooseHall');
                 $tpl['SELECT_LINK'] = $chooseRoomCmd->getLink('Click here to select your room');
             } else {
                 if (!is_null($this->application)) {
                     // Student has already re-applied
                     $tpl['ICON'] = FEATURE_COMPLETED_ICON;
                     $tpl['ALREADY_APPLIED'] = "";
                     // dummy tag, text is in template
                 } else {
                     if (time() < $this->startDate) {
                         // Too early
                         $tpl['ICON'] = FEATURE_NOTYET_ICON;
                         $tpl['BEGIN_DEADLINE'] = HMS_Util::getFriendlyDate($this->startDate);
                     } else {
                         if (time() > $this->endDate) {
                             // Too late
                             $tpl['ICON'] = FEATURE_LOCKED_ICON;
                             // fade out header
                             $tpl['STATUS'] = "locked";
                             $tpl['END_DEADLINE'] = HMS_Util::getFriendlyDate($this->endDate);
                         } else {
                             if (HMS_Lottery::determineEligibility(UserStatus::getUsername())) {
                                 $tpl['ICON'] = FEATURE_OPEN_ICON;
                                 $reAppCommand = CommandFactory::getCommand('ShowReApplication');
                                 $tpl['ELIGIBLE'] = "";
                                 //dummy tag, text is in template
                                 $tpl['LOTTERY_TERM_1'] = Term::toString($this->term);
                                 $tpl['NEXT_TERM_1'] = Term::toString(Term::getNextTerm($this->term));
                                 $tpl['ENTRY_LINK'] = $reAppCommand->getLink('Click here to re-apply.');
                             } else {
                                 $tpl['ICON'] = FEATURE_LOCKED_ICON;
                                 $tpl['NOT_ELIGIBLE'] = "";
                                 //dummy tag, text is in template
                                 $tpl['LOTTERY_TERM_2'] = Term::toString($this->term);
                                 $tpl['NEXT_TERM_2'] = Term::toString(Term::getNextTerm($this->term));
     if (!$hardCapReached && time() > $this->startDate) {
         if ($this->roommateRequests != FALSE && !is_null($this->roommateRequests) && $this->assignment != TRUE && !PEAR::isError($this->assignment)) {
             $tpl['roommates'] = array();
             $tpl['ROOMMATE_REQUEST'] = '';
             // dummy tag
             foreach ($this->roommateRequests as $invite) {
                 $cmd = CommandFactory::getCommand('LotteryShowRoommateRequest');
                 $roommie = StudentFactory::getStudentByUsername($invite['requestor'], $this->term);
                 $tpl['roommates'][]['ROOMMATE_LINK'] = $cmd->getLink($roommie->getName());
                 //$tpl['roommates'][]['ROOMMATE_LINK'] = PHPWS_Text::secureLink(HMS_SOAP::get_name($invite['requestor']), 'hms', array('type'=>'student', 'op'=>'lottery_show_roommate_request', 'id'=>$invite['id']));
     return PHPWS_Template::process($tpl, 'hms', 'student/menuBlocks/reApplicationMenuBlock.tpl');
Exemplo n.º 9
 public static function sendRlcInviteEmail(Student $student, HMS_Learning_Community $community, $term, $respondByTimestamp)
     $to = $student->getUsername() . TO_DOMAIN;
     $subject = 'Response Needed: Residential Learning Community Invitation';
     $tags = array();
     $tags['NAME'] = $student->getName();
     $tags['COMMUNITY_NAME'] = $community->get_community_name();
     $tags['TERM'] = Term::toString($term) . ' - ' . Term::toString(Term::getNextTerm($term));
     $tags['COMMUNITY_TERMS_CONDITIONS'] = $community->getTermsConditions();
     $tags['RESPOND_BY'] = date("l, F jS, Y", $respondByTimestamp) . ' at ' . date("ga", $respondByTimestamp);
     HMS_Email::send_template_message($to, $subject, 'email/RlcInvite.tpl', $tags);
Exemplo n.º 10
 public function show()
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'HMS_Lottery.php');
     $tpl = array();
     $tpl['TERM'] = Term::toString($this->term) . ' - ' . Term::toString(Term::getNextTerm($this->term));
     $tpl['FALL_TERM'] = Term::toString($this->term);
      * onSubmit command
     $form = new PHPWS_Form();
     $submitCmd = CommandFactory::getCommand('ReApplicationFormSubmit');
      * Contact info
     if (isset($_REQUEST['number'])) {
         $form->addText('number', $_REQUEST['number']);
     } else {
     $form->setSize('number', 10);
     $form->setMaxSize('number', 10);
     $form->addCssClass('number', 'form-control');
     $form->addCheck('do_not_call', 1);
      * Emergency Contact *
     $form->addCssClass('emergency_contact_name', 'form-control');
     $form->addCssClass('emergency_contact_relationship', 'form-control');
     $form->addCssClass('emergency_contact_phone', 'form-control');
     $form->addCssClass('emergency_contact_email', 'form-control');
     $form->addCssClass('emergency_medical_condition', 'form-control');
                 $form->setValue('emergency_contact_name', $this->existingApplication->getEmergencyContactName());
                 $form->setValue('emergency_contact_relationship', $this->existingApplication->getEmergencyContactRelationship());
                 $form->setValue('emergency_contact_phone', $this->existingApplication->getEmergencyContactPhone());
                 $form->setValue('emergency_contact_email', $this->existingApplication->getEmergencyContactEmail());
                 $form->setValue('emergency_medical_condition', $this->existingApplication->getEmergencyMedicalCondition());
      * Missing Person *
     $form->addCssClass('missing_person_name', 'form-control');
     $form->addCssClass('missing_person_relationship', 'form-control');
     $form->addCssClass('missing_person_phone', 'form-control');
     $form->addCssClass('missing_person_email', 'form-control');
                 $form->setValue('missing_person_name', $this->existingApplication->getMissingPersonName());
                 $form->setValue('missing_person_relationship', $this->existingApplication->getMissingPersonRelationship());
                 $form->setValue('missing_person_phone', $this->existingApplication->getMissingPersonPhone());
                 $form->setValue('missing_person_email', $this->existingApplication->getMissingPersonEmail());
      * Meal Plan
     $mealPlans = array(BANNER_MEAL_LOW => _('Low'), BANNER_MEAL_STD => _('Standard'), BANNER_MEAL_HIGH => _('High'), BANNER_MEAL_SUPER => _('Super'));
     $form->addDropBox('meal_plan', $mealPlans);
     $form->setLabel('meal_plan', 'Meal plan: ');
     $form->setMatch('meal_plan', BANNER_MEAL_STD);
     $form->addCssClass('meal_plan', 'form-control');
      * Special interest stuff
     // RLC
     $form->addCheck('rlc_interest', array('rlc_interest'));
     $form->setLabel('rlc_interest', "I'm interested in applying for (or continuing in) a Residential Learning Community.");
      * Special needs
     $form->addCheck('special_need', array('special_need'));
     $form->setLabel('special_need', array('Yes, I require special needs housing.'));
     if (isset($_REQUEST['special_need'])) {
         $form->setMatch('special_need', $_REQUEST['special_need']);
      * Early Release
     $nextTerm = Term::toString(Term::getNextTerm($this->term));
     $reasons = array();
     $reasons['no'] = "No, I'll be staying through {$nextTerm}.";
     $reasons['grad'] = "Graduating in December";
     $reasons['student_teaching'] = "Student Teaching in Spring";
     $reasons['internship'] = "ASU-sponsored Internship";
     $reasons['transfer'] = "Transferring to other University";
     $reasons['withdraw'] = "Withdrawing";
     $reasons['marriage'] = "Getting married";
     $reasons['study_abroad'] = "Study Abroad for Spring";
     $reasons['intl_exchange'] = "International exchange ending";
     $form->addDropBox('early_release', $reasons);
     $form->setLabel('early_release', 'Will you apply for early release?');
     $form->setMatch('early_release', 'no');
     $form->addCssClass('early_release', 'form-control');
      * Contract
     $form->addCheck('deposit_check', array('deposit_check'));
     $form->setLabel('deposit_check', 'I understand & acknowledge that if I cancel my License Contract my student account will be charged <strong>$250</strong>.  If I cancel my License Contract after July 1, I will be liable for the entire amount of the on-campus housing fees for the Fall semester.');
     $form->addSubmit('submit', 'Submit re-application');
     Layout::addPageTitle("Re-Application Form");
     return PHPWS_Template::process($form->getTemplate(), 'hms', 'student/reapplicationForm.tpl');
Exemplo n.º 11
 public static function send_roommate_reminder_emails($term)
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'HMS_Bed.php');
     PHPWS_Core::initModclass('hms', 'StudentFactory.php');
     // Get a list of outstanding roommate requests, send them reminder emails
     $query = "select hms_lottery_reservation.* FROM hms_lottery_reservation\n                LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT asu_username FROM hms_assignment WHERE term={$term} AND lottery = 1) as foo ON hms_lottery_reservation.asu_username = foo.asu_username\n                WHERE foo.asu_username IS NULL\n                AND hms_lottery_reservation.expires_on > " . time();
     $result = PHPWS_DB::getAll($query);
     if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
         test($result, 1);
     $year = Term::toString($term) . ' - ' . Term::toString(Term::getNextTerm($term));
     foreach ($result as $row) {
         $student = StudentFactory::getStudentByUsername($row['asu_username'], $term);
         $requestor = StudentFactory::getStudentByUsername($row['requestor'], $term);
         $bed = new HMS_Bed($row['bed_id']);
         $hall_room = $bed->where_am_i();
         HMS_Email::send_lottery_roommate_reminder($row['asu_username'], $student->getName(), $row['expires_on'], $requestor->getName(), $hall_room, $year);
         HMS_Activity_Log::log_activity($row['asu_username'], ACTIVITY_LOTTERY_ROOMMATE_REMINDED, 'hms');
 public function execute(CommandContext $context)
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'StudentFactory.php');
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'WaitingListApplication.php');
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'HMS_Lottery.php');
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'HMS_Activity_Log.php');
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'HMS_Email.php');
     $term = $context->get('term');
     $errorCmd = CommandFactory::getCommand('ShowOffCampusWaitListApplication');
     $student = StudentFactory::getStudentByUsername(UserStatus::getUsername(), $term);
     // Data sanity checking
     $doNotCall = $context->get('do_not_call');
     $areaCode = $context->get('area_code');
     $exchange = $context->get('exchange');
     $number = $context->get('number');
     if (is_null($doNotCall)) {
         // do not call checkbox was not selected, so check the number
         if (is_null($areaCode) || is_null($exchange) || is_null($number)) {
             NQ::simple('hms', hms\NotificationView::ERROR, 'Please provide a cell-phone number or click the checkbox stating that you do not wish to share your number with us.');
     if (!is_null($doNotCall)) {
         $cellPhone = null;
     } else {
         $cellPhone = $areaCode . $exchange . $number;
     $mealPlan = $context->get('meal_plan');
     $specialNeeds = $context->get('special_needs');
     $physicalDisability = isset($specialNeeds['physical_disability']) ? 1 : 0;
     $psychDisability = isset($specialNeeds['psych_disability']) ? 1 : 0;
     $genderNeed = isset($specialNeeds['gender_need']) ? 1 : 0;
     $medicalNeed = isset($specialNeeds['medical_need']) ? 1 : 0;
     $international = $student->isInternational();
     $application = new WaitingListApplication(0, $term, $student->getBannerId(), $student->getUsername(), $student->getGender(), $student->getType(), $student->getApplicationTerm(), $cellPhone, $mealPlan, $physicalDisability, $psychDisability, $genderNeed, $medicalNeed, $international);
     try {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         NQ::simple('hms', hms\NotificationView::ERROR, 'There was an error saving your application. Please try again or contact the Department of University Housing.');
     // Log the fact that the entry was saved
     HMS_Activity_Log::log_activity(UserStatus::getUsername(), ACTIVITY_LOTTERY_ENTRY, UserStatus::getUsername());
     // Send a confirmation email
     $year = Term::toString($term) . ' - ' . Term::toString(Term::getNextTerm($term));
     HMS_Email::sendWaitListApplicationConfirmation($student, $year);
     // Show a sucess message and redirect to the main menu
     NQ::simple('hms', hms\NotificationView::SUCCESS, 'Your application to the Open Waiting List was submitted successfully.');
     $cmd = CommandFactory::getCommand('ShowStudentMenu');
Exemplo n.º 13
 public function execute(CommandContext $context)
     $currentTerm = Term::getCurrentTerm();
     $username = UserStatus::getUsername();
     # Create a contact form command, redirect to it in case of error.
     $contactCmd = CommandFactory::getCommand('ShowContactForm');
     //TODO add try catch blocks here for StudentNotFound exception
     $student = StudentFactory::getStudentByUsername($username, $currentTerm);
     $applicationTerm = $student->getApplicationTerm();
     // In case this is a new freshmen, they'll likely have no student type in the "current" term.
     // So, instead, we need to lookup the student in their application term.
     if ($applicationTerm > $currentTerm) {
         $student = StudentFactory::getStudentByUsername($username, $applicationTerm);
     $studentType = $student->getType();
     $studentClass = $student->getClass();
     $dob = $student->getDob();
     # Check for banner errors in any of these calls
     if (empty($applicationTerm) || empty($studentType) || empty($studentClass) || empty($dob) || is_null($dob)) {
         # TODO: HMS_Mail here
         PHPWS_Error::log('Initial banner lookup failed', 'hms', 'show_welcome_screen', "username: "******"too early" message
             if (!Term::isValidTerm($applicationTerm)) {
                 PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'WelcomeScreenViewInvalidTerm.php');
                 $view = new WelcomeScreenViewInvalidTerm($applicationTerm, $contactCmd);
             # Make sure the student doesn't already have an assignment on file for the current term
             if (HMS_Assignment::checkForAssignment($username, $currentTerm)) {
                 # No idea what's going on here, send to a contact page
             # Check to see if the user has an application on file already for every required term
             # If so, forward to main menu
             $requiredTerms = HousingApplication::checkAppliedForAllRequiredTerms($student);
             if (count($requiredTerms) > 0) {
                 # Student is missing a required application, so redirect to the application form for that term
                 $appCmd = CommandFactory::getCommand('ShowHousingApplicationWelcome');
             } else {
                 $menuCmd = CommandFactory::getCommand('ShowFreshmenMainMenu');
 public function show()
     $tpl = array();
     $tpl['NAME'] = $this->student->getFullName();
     $tpl['TERM'] = Term::toString($this->term) . ' - ' . Term::toString(Term::getNextTerm($this->term));
     $form = new PHPWS_Form();
     $submitCmd = CommandFactory::getCommand('ReApplicationWaitingListFormSubmit');
     if (isset($_REQUEST['area_code'])) {
         $form->addText('area_code', $_REQUEST['area_code']);
     } else {
     $form->setSize('area_code', 3);
     $form->setMaxSize('area_code', 3);
     if (isset($_REQUEST['exchange'])) {
         $form->addText('exchange', $_REQUEST['exchange']);
     } else {
     $form->setSize('exchange', 3);
     $form->setMaxSize('exchange', 3);
     if (isset($_REQUEST['number'])) {
         $form->addText('number', $_REQUEST['number']);
     } else {
     $form->setSize('number', 4);
     $form->setMaxSize('number', 4);
     $form->addCheck('do_not_call', 1);
      * Emergency Contact *
     $form->setValue('emergency_contact_name', $this->existingApplication->getEmergencyContactName());
     $form->setValue('emergency_contact_relationship', $this->existingApplication->getEmergencyContactRelationship());
     $form->setValue('emergency_contact_phone', $this->existingApplication->getEmergencyContactPhone());
     $form->setValue('emergency_contact_email', $this->existingApplication->getEmergencyContactEmail());
     $form->setValue('emergency_medical_condition', $this->existingApplication->getEmergencyMedicalCondition());
      * Missing Person *
     $form->setValue('missing_person_name', $this->existingApplication->getMissingPersonName());
     $form->setValue('missing_person_relationship', $this->existingApplication->getMissingPersonRelationship());
     $form->setValue('missing_person_phone', $this->existingApplication->getMissingPersonPhone());
     $form->setValue('missing_person_email', $this->existingApplication->getMissingPersonEmail());
     $mealPlans = array(BANNER_MEAL_LOW => _('Low'), BANNER_MEAL_STD => _('Standard'), BANNER_MEAL_HIGH => _('High'), BANNER_MEAL_SUPER => _('Super'));
     $form->addDropBox('meal_plan', $mealPlans);
     $form->setLabel('meal_plan', 'Meal plan: ');
     $form->setMatch('meal_plan', BANNER_MEAL_STD);
     $form->addCheck('special_need', array('special_need'));
     $form->setLabel('special_need', array('Yes, I require special needs housing.'));
     if (isset($_REQUEST['special_need'])) {
         $form->setMatch('special_need', $_REQUEST['special_need']);
     $form->addCheck('deposit_check', array('deposit_check'));
     $form->setLabel('deposit_check', 'I understand & acknowledge that if I cancel my License Contract after I am assigned a space in a residence hall my student account will be charged $250.  If I cancel my License Contract after July 1, I will be liable for the entire amount of the on-campus housing fees for the Fall semester.');
     $form->addSubmit('submit', 'Submit waiting list application');
     return PHPWS_Template::process($form->getTemplate(), 'hms', 'student/reapplicationOffcampus.tpl');
 public function show()
     $tpl = array();
     $tpl['DATES'] = HMS_Util::getPrettyDateRange($this->startDate, $this->endDate);
     $tpl['STATUS'] = "";
     if (isset($this->assignment) && $this->assignment->getStateName() == 'declined') {
         // Student declined the invite
         $tpl['ICON'] = FEATURE_LOCKED_ICON;
         $tpl['DECLINED'] = "";
         //dummy tag
     } else {
         if (isset($this->application) && !is_null($this->application->id) && isset($this->assignment) && $this->assignment->getStateName() == 'confirmed') {
             // Student has applied, been accepted, been invited, and confirmed that invitation to a particular community. The student can no longer view/edit the application.
             $tpl['ICON'] = FEATURE_COMPLETED_ICON;
             $tpl['CONFIRMED_RLC_NAME'] = $this->assignment->getRlcName();
         } else {
             if (isset($this->assignment) && $this->assignment->getStateName() == 'invited') {
                 // Studnet has applied, been assigned, and been sent an invite email
                 $tpl['ICON'] = FEATURE_COMPLETED_ICON;
                 $tpl['INVITED_COMMUNITY_NAME'] = $this->assignment->getRlcName();
                 $acceptCmd = CommandFactory::getCommand('ShowAcceptRlcInvite');
                 $tpl['INVITED_CONFIRM_LINK'] = $acceptCmd->getLink('accept or decline your invitation');
             } else {
                 if (!is_null($this->rlcApp)) {
                     // Student has already re-applied
                     $tpl['ICON'] = FEATURE_COMPLETED_ICON;
                     $tpl['ALREADY_APPLIED'] = "";
                     // dummy tag, text is in template
                 } else {
                     if (time() < $this->startDate) {
                         // Too early
                         $tpl['ICON'] = FEATURE_NOTYET_ICON;
                         $tpl['BEGIN_DEADLINE'] = HMS_Util::getFriendlyDate($this->startDate);
                     } else {
                         if (time() > $this->endDate) {
                             // Too late
                             $tpl['ICON'] = FEATURE_LOCKED_ICON;
                             // fade out header
                             $tpl['STATUS'] = "locked";
                             $tpl['END_DEADLINE'] = HMS_Util::getFriendlyDate($this->endDate);
                         } else {
                             // Student has not re-applied yet
                             if (is_null($this->application)) {
                                 # No housing application, therefore not eligible
                                 $tpl['ICON'] = FEATURE_LOCKED_ICON;
                                 $tpl['NOT_ELIGIBLE'] = "";
                                 //dummy tag, text is in template
                                 $tpl['LOTTERY_TERM_2'] = Term::toString($this->term);
                                 $tpl['NEXT_TERM_2'] = Term::toString(Term::getNextTerm($this->term));
                             } else {
                                 # Eligible
                                 $tpl['ICON'] = FEATURE_OPEN_ICON;
                                 $reAppCommand = CommandFactory::getCommand('ShowRlcReapplication');
                                 $tpl['ELIGIBLE'] = "";
                                 //dummy tag, text is in template
                                 $tpl['LOTTERY_TERM_1'] = Term::toString($this->term);
                                 $tpl['NEXT_TERM_1'] = Term::toString(Term::getNextTerm($this->term));
                                 $tpl['ENTRY_LINK'] = $reAppCommand->getLink('Click here to re-apply.');
     return PHPWS_Template::process($tpl, 'hms', 'student/menuBlocks/rlcReapplicationMenuBlock.tpl');
 public function execute(CommandContext $context)
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'StudentFactory.php');
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'LotteryApplication.php');
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'HMS_Lottery.php');
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'HMS_Activity_Log.php');
     // TODO Use the HousingApplicationFactory class to get all this data
     $term = $context->get('term');
     # Double check that the student is eligible
     if (!HMS_Lottery::determineEligibility(UserStatus::getUsername())) {
         NQ::simple('hms', hms\NotificationView::ERROR, 'You are not eligible to re-apply for on-campus housing for this semester.');
         $menuCmd = CommandFactory::getCommand('ShowStudentMenu');
     $errorCmd = CommandFactory::getCommand('ShowReApplication');
     $student = StudentFactory::getStudentByUsername(UserStatus::getUsername(), $term);
     // Data sanity checking
     $doNotCall = $context->get('do_not_call');
     $number = $context->get('number');
     if (is_null($doNotCall)) {
         // do not call checkbox was not selected, so check the number
         if (is_null($number)) {
             NQ::simple('hms', hms\NotificationView::ERROR, 'Please provide a cell-phone number or click the checkbox stating that you do not wish to share your number with us.');
     if (!is_null($doNotCall)) {
         $cellPhone = null;
     } else {
         $cellPhone = $number;
     $mealPlan = $context->get('meal_plan');
     $specialNeeds = $context->get('special_needs');
     $physicalDisability = isset($specialNeeds['physical_disability']) ? 1 : 0;
     $psychDisability = isset($specialNeeds['psych_disability']) ? 1 : 0;
     $genderNeed = isset($specialNeeds['gender_need']) ? 1 : 0;
     $medicalNeed = isset($specialNeeds['medical_need']) ? 1 : 0;
      * Special interest housing groups
     // Sororities - If they checked the box, and their pref is APH,
     // then record her sorority choice
     $sororityCheck = $context->get('sorority_check');
     if (isset($sororityCheck) && $context->get('sorority_pref') == 'aph') {
         $sororityPref = $context->get('sorority_drop');
     } else {
         $sororityPref = null;
     // Teaching Fellows, Watauga Global, and Honors
     //$tfPref = ($context->get('tf_pref') == 'with_tf')?1:0;
     $wgPref = $context->get('wg_pref') == 'with_wg' ? 1 : 0;
     $honorsPref = $context->get('honors_pref') == 'with_honors' ? 1 : 0;
     // Learning Community Interest
     $rlcInterest = $context->get('rlc_interest');
     $rlcInterest = isset($rlcInterest) ? 1 : 0;
     // Contract early release
     $earlyRelease = $context->get('early_release');
     if ($earlyRelease == 'no') {
         $earlyRelease = NULL;
     // International
     $international = $student->isInternational();
     $magicWinner = 0;
     // The student's type should always be 'C' (continuing),
     // even if thes student began in the Spring.
     $studentType = 'C';
      * Emergency Contact Info *
     $application = new LotteryApplication(0, $term, $student->getBannerId(), $student->getUsername(), $student->getGender(), $studentType, $student->getApplicationTerm(), $cellPhone, $mealPlan, $physicalDisability, $psychDisability, $genderNeed, $medicalNeed, $international, NULL, $magicWinner, $sororityPref, $wgPref, $honorsPref, $rlcInterest, $earlyRelease);
     try {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         NQ::simple('hms', hms\NotificationView::ERROR, 'There was an error saving your re-application. Please try again or contact the Department of University Housing.');
     // Log the fact that the entry was saved
     HMS_Activity_Log::log_activity(UserStatus::getUsername(), ACTIVITY_LOTTERY_ENTRY, UserStatus::getUsername());
     // Send email confirmation
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'HMS_Email.php');
     $year = Term::toString($term) . ' - ' . Term::toString(Term::getNextTerm($term));
     HMS_Email::send_lottery_application_confirmation($student, $year);
     // Show success message
     NQ::simple('hms', hms\NotificationView::SUCCESS, 'Your re-application was submitted successfully.');
     // Redirect to the RLC Reapplication form is the student is interested in RLCs, otherwise, show the student menu
     if ($rlcInterest == 1) {
         $cmd = CommandFactory::getCommand('ShowRlcReapplication');
     } else {
         $cmd = CommandFactory::getCommand('ShowStudentMenu');
Exemplo n.º 17
 public function execute(CommandContext $context)
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'StudentFactory.php');
     $roomId = $context->get('roomId');
     $roommates = $context->get('roommates');
     $mealPlan = $context->get('mealPlan');
     $term = PHPWS_Settings::get('hms', 'lottery_term');
     $student = StudentFactory::getStudentByUsername(UserStatus::getUsername(), $term);
     $errorCmd = CommandFactory::getCommand('LotteryShowConfirm');
     $successCmd = CommandFactory::getCommand('LotteryShowConfirmed');
     $captcha = Captcha::verify(TRUE);
     // returns the words entered if correct, FALSE otherwise
     //$captcha = TRUE;
     if ($captcha === FALSE) {
         NQ::simple('hms', hms\NotificationView::ERROR, 'Sorry, the words you eneted were incorrect. Please try again.');
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'HousingApplication.php');
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'HMS_Room.php');
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'HMS_Bed.php');
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'HMS_Assignment.php');
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'HMS_Lottery.php');
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'StudentFactory.php');
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'HMS_Email.php');
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'HMS_Activity_Log.php');
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'HMS_Util.php');
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'RlcMembershipFactory.php');
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'RlcAssignmentSelfAssignedState.php');
     $room = new HMS_Room($roomId);
     // Check for an RLC assignment in the self-select status
     $rlcAssignment = RlcMembershipFactory::getMembership($student, $term);
     // Check roommates for validity
     foreach ($roommates as $bed_id => $username) {
         // Double check the student is valid
         try {
             $roommate = StudentFactory::getStudentByUsername($username, $term);
         } catch (StudentNotFoundException $e) {
             NQ::simple('hms', hms\NotificationView::ERROR, "{$username} is not a valid student. Please choose a different roommate.");
         // Make sure the bed is still empty
         $bed = new HMS_Bed($bed_id);
         if ($bed->has_vacancy() != TRUE) {
             NQ::simple('hms', hms\NotificationView::ERROR, 'One or more of the beds in the room you selected is no longer available. Please try again.');
         // Make sure none of the needed beds are reserved
         if ($bed->is_lottery_reserved()) {
             NQ::simple('hms', hms\NotificationView::ERROR, 'One or more of the beds in the room you selected is no longer available. Please try again.');
         // Double check the genders are all the same as the person logged in
         if ($student->getGender() != $roommate->getGender()) {
             NQ::simple('hms', hms\NotificationView::ERROR, "{$username} is a different gender. Please choose a roommate of the same gender.");
         // Double check the genders are the same as the room (as long as the room isn't AUTO)
         if ($room->gender_type != AUTO && $roommate->getGender() != $room->gender_type) {
             NQ::simple('hms', hms\NotificationView::ERROR, "{$username} is a different gender. Please choose a roommate of the same gender.");
         // If this student is an RLC-self-selection, then each roommate must be in the same RLC and in the selfselect-invite state too
         if ($rlcAssignment != null && $rlcAssignment->getStateName() == 'selfselect-invite') {
             // This student is an RLC-self-select, so check the roommate's RLC status
             $roommateRlcAssign = RlcMembershipFactory::getMembership($roommate, $term);
             // Make sure the roommate is a member of the same RLC and is eligible for self-selection
             if ($roommateRlcAssign == null || $roommateRlcAssign->getStateName() != 'selfselect-invite' || $rlcAssignment->getRlc()->getId() != $roommateRlcAssign->getRlc()->getId()) {
                 NQ::simple('hms', hms\NotificationView::ERROR, "{$roommate} must be a member of the same learning community as you, and must also be eligible for self-selction.");
             // Otherwise (if not RLC members), make sure each roommate is eligible
         } else {
             if (HMS_Lottery::determineEligibility($username) !== TRUE) {
                 NQ::simple('hms', hms\NotificationView::ERROR, "{$username} is not eligible for assignment.");
         // If this student is a self-select RLC member, then this student must also be a self-select RLC member of the same RLC
         if ($rlcAssignment != null && $rlcAssignment->getStateName() == 'selfselect-invite') {
             $roommateRlcAssign = RlcMembershipFactory::getMembership($roommate, $term);
             if ($roommateRlcAssign == null || $roommateRlcAssign->getStateName() != 'selfselect-invite' || $rlcAssignment->getRlc()->getId() != $roommateRlcAssign->getRlc()->getId()) {
                 NQ::simple('hms', hms\NotificationView::ERROR, "{$username} must be a member of the same learning community as you, and must also be eligible for self-selction.");
     // If the room's gender is 'AUTO' and no one is assigned to it yet, switch it to the student's gender
     if ($room->gender_type == AUTO && $room->get_number_of_assignees() == 0) {
         $room->gender_type = $student->getGender();
     // Assign the student to the requested bed
     $bed_id = array_search(UserStatus::getUsername(), $roommates);
     // Find the bed id of the student who's logged in
     try {
         $result = HMS_Assignment::assignStudent($student, PHPWS_Settings::get('hms', 'lottery_term'), NULL, $bed_id, $mealPlan, 'Confirmed lottery invite', TRUE, ASSIGN_LOTTERY);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         NQ::simple('hms', hms\NotificationView::ERROR, 'Sorry, there was an error creating your room assignment. Please try again or contact University Housing.');
     // Log the assignment
     HMS_Activity_Log::log_activity(UserStatus::getUsername(), ACTIVITY_LOTTERY_ROOM_CHOSEN, UserStatus::getUsername(), 'Captcha: ' . $captcha);
     // Update the student's meal plan in the housing application, just for future reference
     $app = HousingApplication::getApplicationByUser($student->getUsername(), $term);
     // If this student was an RLC self-select, update the RLC memberhsip state
     if ($rlcAssignment != null && $rlcAssignment->getStateName() == 'selfselect-invite') {
         $rlcAssignment->changeState(new RlcAssignmentSelfAssignedState($rlcAssignment));
     foreach ($roommates as $bed_id => $username) {
         // Skip the current user
         if ($username == $student->getUsername()) {
         # Reserve the bed for the roommate
         $expires_on = time() + INVITE_TTL_HRS * 3600;
         $bed = new HMS_Bed($bed_id);
         if (!$bed->lottery_reserve($username, $student->getUsername(), $expires_on)) {
             NQ::smiple('hms', hms\NotificationView::WARNING, "You were assigned, but there was a problem reserving space for your roommates. Please contact University Housing.");
         HMS_Activity_Log::log_activity($username, ACTIVITY_LOTTERY_REQUESTED_AS_ROOMMATE, $student->getUsername(), 'Expires: ' . HMS_Util::get_long_date_time($expires_on));
         # Invite the selected roommates
         $roomie = StudentFactory::getStudentByUsername($username, $term);
         $term = PHPWS_Settings::get('hms', 'lottery_term');
         $year = Term::toString($term) . ' - ' . Term::toString(Term::getNextTerm($term));
         HMS_Email::send_lottery_roommate_invite($roomie, $student, $expires_on, $room->where_am_i(), $year);
     HMS_Email::send_lottery_assignment_confirmation($student, $room->where_am_i(), $term);
Exemplo n.º 18
  * Returns an array of the terms which this student can potentially apply for.
  * @param Student $student
  * @return multitype:multitype:number unknown  multitype:number string
 public static function getAvailableApplicationTermsForStudent(Student $student)
     $availableTerms = array();
     $applicationTerm = $student->getApplicationTerm();
     $sem = Term::getTermSem($applicationTerm);
     switch ($sem) {
         case TERM_SPRING:
         case TERM_FALL:
             $availableTerms[] = array('term' => $applicationTerm, 'required' => 1);
         case TERM_SUMMER1:
             $availableTerms[] = array('term' => $applicationTerm, 'required' => 1);
             $summer2Term = Term::getNextTerm($applicationTerm);
             $availableTerms[] = array('term' => $summer2Term, 'required' => 0);
             $fallTerm = Term::getNextTerm($summer2Term);
             $availableTerms[] = array('term' => $fallTerm, 'required' => 1);
         case TERM_SUMMER2:
             $availableTerms[] = array('term' => $applicationTerm, 'required' => 1);
             $fallTerm = Term::getNextTerm($applicationTerm);
             $availableTerms[] = array('term' => $fallTerm, 'required' => 1);
     return $availableTerms;