public static function getMainBoardMessages($n, $lid = false, $get_tnews = true, $get_summaries = true) { global $settings; $board = array(); // First we add all commissioner messages to the board structure. foreach (Message::getMessages($n, $lid) as $m) { $o = (object) array(); // Specific fields: $o->msg_id = $m->msg_id; $o->author_id = $m->f_coach_id; // General fields: $o->cssidx = T_HTMLBOX_ADMIN; // CSS box index $o->type = T_TEXT_MSG; $o->author = get_alt_col('coaches', 'coach_id', $m->f_coach_id, 'name'); $o->title = $m->title; $o->message = $m->message; $o->date = $m->date_posted; $o->pinned = $m->pinned; array_push($board, $o); } // Now we add all game summaries. if ($get_summaries) { foreach (MatchSummary::getSummaries($n, $lid) as $r) { $o = (object) array(); $m = new Match($r->match_id); // Specific fields: $o->date_mod = $m->date_modified; $o->match_id = $m->match_id; // General fields: $o->cssidx = T_HTMLBOX_MATCH; // CSS box index $o->type = T_TEXT_MATCH_SUMMARY; $o->author = get_alt_col('coaches', 'coach_id', $m->submitter_id, 'name'); $o->title = "Match: {$m->team1_name} {$m->team1_score}—{$m->team2_score} {$m->team2_name}"; $o->message = $m->getText(); $o->date = $m->date_played; $o->pinned = 0; // Not allowed for other types than board messages array_push($board, $o); } } // And finally team news. if ($get_tnews) { foreach (TeamNews::getNews(false, $n, $lid) as $t) { $o = (object) array(); // Specific fields: # none // General fields: $o->cssidx = T_HTMLBOX_INFO; // CSS box index $o->type = T_TEXT_TNEWS; $o->author = get_alt_col('teams', 'team_id', $t->f_id, 'name'); $o->title = "Team news: {$o->author}"; $o->message = $t->txt; $o->date = $t->date; $o->pinned = 0; // Not allowed for other types than board messages array_push($board, $o); } } // Last touch on the board. if (!empty($board)) { objsort($board, array('-pinned', '-date')); if ($n) { $board = array_slice($board, 0, $n); } } return $board; }
public function editNews($news_id, $new_txt) { $news = new TeamNews($news_id); return $news->edit($new_txt); }
/** * Generates the newsfeed and writes it to disc. * */ public function generateNewsRssFeed() { $dom = new DOMDocument(); $dom->formatOutput = true; $el_root = $dom->appendChild($dom->createElement('rss')); $el_root->setAttribute('version', '2.0'); $el_channel = $el_root->appendChild($dom->createElement('channel')); $el_channel->appendChild($dom->createElement('title', $this->title)); $el_channel->appendChild($dom->createElement('link', $this->link)); $el_channel->appendChild($dom->createElement('description', $this->desc)); if ($this->lang != '') { $el_channel->appendChild($dom->createElement('language', $this->lang)); } $el_channel->appendChild($dom->createElement('docs', $this->docs)); $el_channel->appendChild($dom->createElement('lastBuildDate', date(DATE_RSS))); $el_channel->appendChild($dom->createElement('generator', 'OBBLM ' . OBBLM_VERSION)); $entries = array(); foreach ($this->type as $t) { $obj = (object) null; switch ($t) { case T_TEXT_MSG: foreach (Message::getMessages(RSS_SIZE) as $item) { $entries[] = (object) array('title' => "Announcement by " . get_alt_col('coaches', 'coach_id', $item->f_coach_id, 'name') . ": {$item->title}", 'desc' => $item->message, 'date' => $item->date); } break; case 'HOF': if (Module::isRegistered('HOF')) { foreach (Module::run('HOF', array('getHOF', false, RSS_SIZE)) as $item) { $item = $item['hof']; $entries[] = (object) array('title' => "HOF entry for " . get_alt_col('players', 'player_id', $item->pid, 'name') . ": {$item->title}", 'desc' => $item->about, 'date' => $item->date); } } break; case 'Wanted': if (Module::isRegistered('Wanted')) { foreach (Module::run('Wanted', array('getWanted', false, RSS_SIZE)) as $item) { $item = $item['wanted']; $entries[] = (object) array('title' => "Wanted entry for " . get_alt_col('players', 'player_id', $item->pid, 'name') . ": {$item->bounty}", 'desc' => $item->why, 'date' => $item->date); } } break; case T_TEXT_MATCH_SUMMARY: foreach (MatchSummary::getSummaries(RSS_SIZE) as $item) { $m = new Match($item->match_id); $entries[] = (object) array('title' => "Match: {$m->team1_name} ({$m->team1_score}) vs. {$m->team2_name} ({$m->team2_score})", 'desc' => $m->getText(), 'date' => $m->date_played); } break; case T_TEXT_TNEWS: foreach (TeamNews::getNews(false, RSS_SIZE) as $item) { $entries[] = (object) array('title' => "Team news by " . get_alt_col('teams', 'team_id', $item->f_id, 'name'), 'desc' => $item->txt, 'date' => $item->date); } break; } } objsort($entries, array('-date')); foreach (array_slice($entries, 0, RSS_SIZE) as $item) { $el_item = $dom->createElement('item'); $el_item->appendChild($dom->createElement('title', htmlspecialchars($item->title, ENT_NOQUOTES, "UTF-8"))); $el_item->appendChild($dom->createElement('description', htmlspecialchars($item->desc, ENT_NOQUOTES, "UTF-8"))); $el_item->appendChild($dom->createElement('link', $this->link)); # $el_item->appendChild($dom->createElement('pubDate', $item->date)); $el_item->appendChild($dom->createElement('pubDate', date('r', strtotime($item->date)))); $el_item->appendChild($dom->createElement('guid', $this->link . 'index.php?' . date('U', strtotime($item->date)))); # RSS 2.0 dirty workaround. $el_channel->appendChild($el_item); } // Write the file $handle = fopen("rss.xml", "w"); fwrite($handle, $dom->saveXML()); fclose($handle); return $dom->saveXML(); }