Exemplo n.º 1
        <td >
echo CHtml::dropDownList('qry_area', '', CHtml::listData(TbsArea::model()->findAll(array('order' => 'id ASC', 'condition' => 'opt1=1')), 'id', 'areaname'), array('prompt' => '選擇分區', 'options' => array($qry_area => array('selected' => 'selected')), 'ajax' => array('type' => 'POST', 'url' => CController::createUrl('tbsCom/dynamicstores', array('update' => 'qry_area')), 'update' => '#TbaLog_storecode')));
echo $form->dropDownList($model, 'storecode', CHtml::listData(TbsStore::model()->findAll(array('order' => 'id ASC', 'condition' => 'opt1=1')), 'storecode', 'storename'), array('prompt' => '選擇門市', 'ajax' => array('type' => 'POST', 'url' => CController::createUrl('tbsCom/dynamicemps', array('model' => 'TbaLog', 'column' => 'storecode', 'empty' => FALSE)), 'update' => '#TbaLog_empno')));
員工 *:
echo $form->dropDownList($model, 'empno', CHtml::listData(TbsEmpMonth::model()->findAll(array('order' => 'id ASC', 'condition' => 'opt3<>2')), 'empno', 'empname'), array('empty' => '選擇員工'));

echo $form->error($model, 'empno');

echo $form->labelEx($model, 'logday');
$this->widget('zii.widgets.jui.CJuiDatePicker', array('model' => $model, 'attribute' => 'logday', 'options' => array('showAnim' => 'slideDown', 'changeMonth' => true, 'changeYear' => true, 'dateFormat' => 'yymmdd'), 'htmlOptions' => array('style' => 'width:100px;')));
 public function actionRpt11()
     $time_start = microtime(true);
     $isExist = true;
     $qry_date = date('Ym');
     $qry_area = "";
     $qry_store = "";
     $check_sale_Intelligence = 0;
     if (isset($_GET['storecode']) && isset($_GET['pdate'])) {
         Yii::app()->session['storecode'] = $_GET['storecode'];
         Yii::app()->session['pdate'] = $_GET['pdate'];
     } else {
         if (isset($_POST['qry_date'])) {
             $qry_date = $_POST['qry_date'];
         if (isset($_POST['qry_area'])) {
             $qry_area = $_POST['qry_area'];
         if (isset($_POST['qry_store'])) {
             $qry_store = $_POST['qry_store'];
         if (isset($_POST['check_sale_Intelligence'])) {
             $check_sale_Intelligence = $_POST['check_sale_Intelligence'];
         if (Yii::app()->session['storecode'] != '' && Yii::app()->session['pdate'] != '') {
             $qry_store = Yii::app()->session['storecode'];
             $qry_date = Yii::app()->session['pdate'];
     $tmp_year = substr($qry_date, 0, 4);
     $tmp_mon = substr($qry_date, 4, 2);
     $dateS = date("Ymd", mktime(24, 0, 0, $tmp_mon, 0, $tmp_year));
     $dateE = date("Ymd", mktime(0, 0, 0, $tmp_mon + 1, 0, $tmp_year));
     // 取得欄位
     $col = $this->getRpt11Col($check_sale_Intelligence);
     // 取得表頭
     $title = $this->getRpt11Title();
     // 取得欄位2
     $acol = $this->getRpt11_daily_Col();
     // 取得表頭2
     $atitle = $this->getRpt11_daily_Title();
     // 取得欄位3
     $acol2 = $this->getRpt11_daily2_Col();
     // 取得表頭3
     $atitle2 = $this->getRpt11_daily2_Title();
     // 輸出在畫面上的陣列
     $colAry = array();
     $colAry2 = array();
     $colAry3 = array();
     $other = array();
     // 門市. 門市ID
     $storeAry = array();
     $storeAreaId = array();
     $TbsStores = TbsStore::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('opt1' => 1));
     foreach ($TbsStores as $store) {
         $storeAry[$store->storecode] = $store->storename;
         $storeAreaId[$store->storecode] = $store->area_id;
     // 區域
     $areaAry = array();
     $TbsAreas = TbsArea::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('opt1' => 1));
     foreach ($TbsAreas as $area) {
         $areaAry[$area->id] = $area->areaname;
     // 職位
     $positionAry = array();
     $TbsPositions = TbsPosition::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('opt1' => 1));
     foreach ($TbsPositions as $pos) {
         $positionAry[$pos->id] = $pos->pcname;
     // 薪資, 責任額
     $salaryAry = array();
     $dutyAry = array();
     $TbsBaseSalary = TbsBasesalary::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('opt1' => 1));
     foreach ($TbsBaseSalary as $salary) {
         $salaryAry[$salary->id] = $salary->salary;
         $dutyAry[$salary->id] = $salary->duty;
     $qryStrno = '';
     $check_area = TRUE;
     $check_store = TRUE;
     $check_all = TRUE;
     $check_query = TRUE;
     if ($qry_store != '') {
         $tbsStroes = TbsStore::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('storecode' => $qry_store));
         if (count($tbsStroes) < 1) {
             $check_store = FALSE;
     } elseif ($qry_area != '') {
         $tbsStroes = TbsStore::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('area_id' => $qry_area));
         if (count($tbsStroes) < 1) {
             $check_area = FALSE;
     } else {
         $tbsStroes = TbsStore::model()->findAll();
         if (count($tbsStroes) < 1) {
             $check_all = FALSE;
     // 儲存篩選出的門市的店編
     $sqlStroe = array();
     foreach ($tbsStroes as $store) {
         $area = TbsArea::model()->findByPK($store->area_id);
         if ($area != NULL) {
             array_push($sqlStroe, $store->storecode);
     // 查詢用的SQL
     $qryStr = '';
     //如果有選門市或區域就需要sql=AND storecode in('007001',007002')
     if ($qry_store != '' or $qry_area != '') {
         //sql=sql.in('007001')因為只有一筆的時候沒有' , '  所以直接把店編放進去
         if (count($sqlStroe) > 0) {
             //                    $qryStr = " AND storecode in ('$sqlStroe[0]'";
             $qryStr = "WHERE a.storecode in ('{$sqlStroe['0']}'";
             //如果門市>1,就需要' , '
             if (count($sqlStroe) > 1) {
                 for ($i = 1; $i < count($sqlStroe); $i++) {
                     $qryStr = $qryStr . ",'{$sqlStroe[$i]}'";
             $qryStr = $qryStr . ")";
     $empSql = "SELECT a.empno, a.daymonth, a.storecode\n                        FROM (\n                        tbs_emp_month a\n                        INNER JOIN (\n                        SELECT id, empno, MAX( daymonth ) AS daymonth, storecode\n                        FROM tbs_emp_month\n                        WHERE depart =  '3'\n                        AND daymonth <=  '{$qry_date}'\n                        GROUP BY empno\n                        )b ON a.empno = b.empno\n                        AND a.daymonth = b.daymonth\n                        ) {$qryStr} ";
     $result = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($empSql)->queryAll();
     //sql=sql.in('007001')因為只有一筆的時候沒有' , '  所以直接把店編放進去
     if (count($result) > 0) {
         $qryStrno = " AND empno in ('" . $result[0]['empno'] . "'";
         //如果名單>1,就需要' , '
         if (count($result) > 1) {
             for ($i = 1; $i < count($result); $i++) {
                 $qryStrno = $qryStrno . ",'" . $result[$i]['empno'] . "'";
         $qryStrno = $qryStrno . ")";
     } else {
         if ($check_store && $check_area) {
             $check_query = FALSE;
         if ($check_store) {
             Yii::app()->user->setFlash('error', '查無門市所屬人員,請重新查詢!');
         if ($check_area) {
             Yii::app()->user->setFlash('error', '查無區域所屬門市及人員!');
     $empAry = array();
     $sql = '';
     if (isset($_POST['qry_designer']) && $check_query or $qry_store != '' && $qry_date != '' && !isset($_POST['qry_daily']) && $check_query) {
         //OR $qry_store!='' && $qry_date!='' && $check_query 為了GET
         $midday = date("Ymd", mktime(0, 0, 0, $tmp_mon, 15, $tmp_year));
         $sql = "SELECT empno, serviceno, sum(num) as num FROM tbp_perform_emp_log " . "WHERE pdate BETWEEN '{$dateS}' AND '{$dateE}' {$qryStrno} " . "GROUP BY empno, serviceno ORDER BY empno ";
         $sql2 = "SELECT empno, serviceno, sum(num) as num FROM tbp_perform_emp_log " . "WHERE pdate BETWEEN '{$dateS}' AND '{$midday}' {$qryStrno} " . "GROUP BY empno, serviceno ORDER BY empno ";
         $result1 = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sql)->queryAll();
         $empAry = $this->setEmpAry($result1);
         $result2 = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sql2)->queryAll();
         $empAry = $this->setMidEmpAry($empAry, $result2);
         // 查出洗髮+10元的剪髮顆數跟洗頭數
         $sql3 = "SELECT a.empno, sum(b.num) as cut, sum(a.num) as wash\n                        FROM \n                        (\n                        SELECT pdate, storecode, empno, num \n                        FROM `tbp_perform_emp_log` \n                        WHERE pdate BETWEEN '{$dateS}' AND '{$dateE}' {$qryStrno} AND serviceno = 'D01' \n                        ) a\n                        ,\n                        (\n                        SELECT pdate, storecode, empno, num \n                        FROM `tbp_perform_emp_log` \n                        WHERE pdate BETWEEN '{$dateS}' AND '{$dateE}' {$qryStrno} AND serviceno = 'A01'\n                        ) b \n                        WHERE a.pdate = b.pdate AND a.storecode = b.storecode AND a.empno = b.empno\n                        GROUP BY a.empno";
         $result3 = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sql3)->queryAll();
         $empAry = $this->setWashEmpAry($empAry, $result3, 'col10', 'col12');
         // 查出洗髮不加10元的剪髮顆數跟洗頭數
         $sql4 = "SELECT a.empno, sum(b.num) as cut, sum(a.num) as wash\n                        FROM \n                        (\n                        SELECT pdate, storecode, empno, sum(num) as num\n                        FROM `tbp_perform_emp_log` \n                        WHERE pdate BETWEEN '{$dateS}' AND '{$dateE}' {$qryStrno} AND serviceno IN ('S02','S06')\n                        GROUP BY pdate, storecode, empno\n                        ) a\n                        ,\n                        (\n                        SELECT pdate, storecode, empno, sum(num) as num\n                        FROM `tbp_perform_emp_log` \n                        WHERE pdate BETWEEN '{$dateS}' AND '{$dateE}' {$qryStrno} AND serviceno IN ('A01','S01','S05')\n                        GROUP BY pdate, storecode, empno\n                        ) b \n                        WHERE a.pdate = b.pdate AND a.storecode = b.storecode AND a.empno = b.empno\n                        GROUP BY a.empno";
         $result4 = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sql4)->queryAll();
         $empAry = $this->setWashEmpAry($empAry, $result4, 'col11', 'col13');
         foreach ($empAry as $empno => $empData) {
             // 查詢員工薪資福利
             $empMonth = new TbsEmpMonth();
             $empMonth = TbsEmpMonth::model()->findByDayMonth($empno, $qry_date);
             $user = User::model()->findByPk($empno);
             if ($empMonth != NULL) {
                 $row = array();
                 $row['empno'] = $empno;
                 // 年月
                 $row['ym'] = $qry_date;
                 // 營業區
                 $row['area'] = $areaAry[$empMonth->area];
                 // 門市
                 $row['store'] = $storeAry[$empMonth->storecode];
                 // 職稱
                 $row['position'] = $positionAry[$empMonth->position1];
                 // 姓名
                 $row['name'] = $user->emp ? $user->emp->empname : '';
                 // 到職日
                 $row['arrivedate'] = Yii::app()->dateFormatter->format("yyyy-MM-dd", $empMonth->arrivedate, "yyyy-MM-dd");
                 // 狀態
                 $row['status'] = TbsEmp::model()->getHireType($empMonth->hiretype);
                 // 底薪
                 $row['salary'] = $salaryAry[$empMonth->salary];
                 $row['vacation'] = ' ';
                 // 責任業績, 區店長需動態算, opt2欄位設成管理門市數
                 //               if($empMonth->position1 == 9){
                 //                   $areaduty = TbsAreaduty::model()->findByAttributes(array('storenum'=>$empMonth->opt2));
                 //                   if(isset($areaduty))
                 //                       $row['duty'] = $areaduty->duty;
                 //               }else
                 $row['duty'] = $dutyAry[$empMonth->salary];
                 // 設定各欄位業績及洗助算法
                 $row = $this->setRpt11RowData($row, $empData);
                 // 達成率
                 $rate = $row['duty'] == 0 ? 0 : round($row['perform'] / $row['duty'], 4);
                 $row['rate'] = $rate * 100 . "%";
                 // CVarDumper::dump($empData,10,true);
                 // 是否達成
                 $row['achi'] = $rate >= 1 ? '達成' : '未達成';
                 if ($row['perform'] + $row['assist'] > 0) {
                     // ================== 以下是期中 ==========================
                     //            CVarDumper::dump($midasum,10,TRUE);
                     // 設定各欄位業績及洗助算法
                     $row = $this->setRpt11MidRowData($row, $empData);
                 // 期中業績(不含洗住)
                 $row['col8'] = $row['midperform'];
                 // 期中責任業績
                 $row['midduty'] = $row['duty'];
                 // 達成率
                 if ($row['midduty'] > 0) {
                     $rate = $row['midduty'] == 0 ? 0 : round($row['midperform'] / $row['midduty'], 4);
                     $row['midrate'] = $rate * 100 . "%";
                 } else {
                     $row['midrate'] = "0%";
                 // 是否達成
                 $row['midachi'] = $rate >= 0.5 ? '達成' : '未達成';
                 if ($row['midperform'] + $row['midassist'] > 0) {
                     if ($row['midperform'] > 0) {
                         $ratecol14 = round(($row['perform'] - $row['midperform'] - $row['midperform']) / $row['midperform'], 4);
                         //                print_r($ratecol14);
                         $row['col7'] = $ratecol14 * 100 . "%";
                     } else {
                         $row['col7'] = "0%";
                 array_push($colAry, $row);
             } else {
                 Yii::app()->user->setFlash('error', "查無員工 {$empno} " . (isset($user->emp) ? $user->emp->empname : '') . " ,{$qry_date} 月的薪資福利資料");
     } elseif (isset($_POST['qry_daily'])) {
         $isExist = false;
         $all_amount = array();
         $amount = array();
         $Arylog = array();
         if (isset($_POST['qry_store']) && $qry_store != '') {
             $perform_sql = '';
             $perform_sql = "SELECT mid(pdate,1,6) AS  pdate , storecode  ,storename ,  sum(total) AS total FROM  tbp_perform \n                                WHERE  mid(pdate,1,6)={$qry_date}  and storecode='{$qry_store}' ";
             $perform_result = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($perform_sql)->queryAll();
             //先將該門市整個月的業績存在all_amount array()裡
             if ($perform_result > 0) {
                 foreach ($perform_result as $value) {
                     $all_amount[$value['pdate']] = $value['total'];
             $personsql = '';
             $personsql = "SELECT mid(a.pdate,1,6) AS pdate , c.areaname ,d.storecode ,d.storename \n                        , b.position1 , a.empno , a.empname , b.arrivedate ,b.hiretype\n\n                       FROM tbp_perform_emp AS a ,tbs_emp_month AS b ,tbs_area AS c , tbs_store AS d\n\n                       where mid(a.pdate,1,6)='{$qry_date}' and a.storecode='{$qry_store}' and\n                       a.empno=b.empno and b.area=c.id and  b.storecode=d.storecode\n\n                       and d.storecode=(SELECT storecode  FROM tbs_emp_month\n                       where empno=a.empno and  daymonth <='{$qry_date}'\n                       order by daymonth DESC LIMIT 1)  ";
             //group by a.empno
             $person_result = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($personsql)->queryAll();
             $temp_arr = array();
             if (count($person_result) > 0) {
                 for ($i = 0; $i < count($person_result); $i++) {
                     array_push($temp_arr, $person_result[$i]['empno']);
             $_str = "'" . implode("','", $temp_arr) . "'";
             //每個員編加入單引號為了sql in查詢使用
             $personsql2 = '';
             $personsql2 = "SELECT empno,empname ,serviceno, sum(num) as num FROM tbp_perform_emp_log \n                            WHERE mid(pdate,1,6)='{$qry_date}' and storecode='{$qry_store}' \n                            and empno in({$_str}) and num!=0\n                             GROUP BY empno, serviceno ORDER BY empno , serviceno";
             $person_result2 = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($personsql2)->queryAll();
             $person_result2 = $this->setEmpAry($person_result2);
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($person_result); $i++) {
                 $empno = $person_result[$i]['empno'];
                 if (isset($person_result2[$empno])) {
                     $emp = $person_result2[$empno];
                     $emp['pdate'] = $person_result[$i]['pdate'];
                     $emp['areaname'] = $person_result[$i]['areaname'];
                     $emp['storecode'] = $person_result[$i]['storecode'];
                     $emp['storename'] = $person_result[$i]['storename'];
                     $emp['position1'] = $person_result[$i]['position1'];
                     $emp['empno'] = $person_result[$i]['empno'];
                     $emp['empname'] = $person_result[$i]['empname'];
                     $emp['arrivedate'] = $person_result[$i]['arrivedate'];
                     $emp['hiretype'] = $person_result[$i]['hiretype'];
                     $person_result2[$empno] = $emp;
                 } else {
             foreach ($person_result2 as $empno => $empData) {
                 $row = array();
                 // 年月
                 $row['ym'] = $empData['pdate'];
                 // 營業區
                 $row['areaname'] = $empData['areaname'];
                 // 門市編號(為了計算本店與別店的占比)
                 $row['storecode'] = $empData['storecode'];
                 // 門市
                 $row['storename'] = $empData['storename'];
                 // 職稱
                 $row['position'] = $positionAry[$empData['position1']];
                 // 姓名
                 $row['empname'] = $empData['empname'];
                 // 到職日期
                 $row['arrivedate'] = $empData['arrivedate'];
                 // 狀態
                 $row['hiretype'] = TbsEmp::model()->getHireType($empData['hiretype']);
                 // 設定各欄位業績及洗助算法
                 $row = $this->setRpt11Row_daily_Data2($row, $empData);
                 // 業績百分比
                 $total = (double) $all_amount[$empData['pdate']];
                 $rate = round($row['perform'] / $total, 4);
                 $row['rate'] = $rate * 100 . "%";
                 array_push($colAry3, $row);
             $rank = array();
             $rank2 = array();
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($colAry3); $i++) {
                 array_push($rank, $colAry3[$i]['perform']);
             //create a copy and rsort
             $rank_copy = $rank;
             //reverses key and values
             $rank_copy = array_flip($rank_copy);
             //create result by using keys from sorted values + 1
             foreach ($rank as $val) {
                 $rank2[] = $rank_copy[$val] + 1;
             foreach ($rank2 as $key => $value) {
                 if (isset($colAry3[$key])) {
                     $temp = $colAry3[$key];
                     $temp['perform_rank'] = $value;
                     $colAry3[$key] = $temp;
                 } else {
             //   CVarDumper::dump($colAry3,10,true);
             $sql = '';
             $sql = "(SELECT  pdate , storecode  , storename ,serviceno, sum(num) as amount  FROM tbp_perform_emp_log\n                      WHERE mid(pdate,1,6)='{$qry_date}' and storecode='{$qry_store}' AND num !=0\n                                    GROUP BY pdate , serviceno \n                                    ORDER BY  pdate DESC )";
             $sql2 = '';
             $sql2 = "(SELECT  pdate , storecode  , storename ,serviceno, sum(num) as amount  FROM tbp_perform_log\n                      WHERE mid(pdate,1,6)='{$qry_date}' and storecode='{$qry_store}' AND num !=0\n                                    GROUP BY pdate , serviceno \n                                    ORDER BY  pdate DESC )";
             $sql = $sql . "UNION" . $sql2;
             $sql = $sql . "order by pdate DESC, storecode, serviceno";
             $result = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sql)->queryAll();
             $sql3 = '';
             $sql3 = "SELECT  pdate , storecode  ,storename ,  total FROM  tbp_perform \n                        WHERE  mid(pdate,1,6)='{$qry_date}'  and storecode='{$qry_store}'\n                        GROUP BY   pdate \n                        ORDER BY  storecode ASC ,  pdate DESC";
             $result2 = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sql3)->queryAll();
             //先將該門市整個月的業績存在amount array()裡
             if ($result2 > 0) {
                 foreach ($result2 as $value) {
                     $amount[$value['pdate']] = $value['total'];
             if (count($result > 0)) {
                 if (isset($result[0]['pdate']) or isset($result[0]['storecode'])) {
                     $day = $result[0]['pdate'];
                     $storecode = $result[0]['storecode'];
                     // 每一行的陣列
                     $row = array();
                     for ($i = 0; $i < count($result); $i++) {
                         if ($day == $result[$i]['pdate'] && $storecode == $result[$i]['storecode']) {
                             $row['pdate'] = $result[$i]['pdate'];
                             $row['storecode'] = $result[$i]['storecode'];
                             $row['storename'] = $result[$i]['storename'];
                             $row[$result[$i]['serviceno']] = $result[$i]['amount'];
                             $row['total'] = $amount[$result[$i]['pdate']];
                         } else {
                             array_push($Arylog, $row);
                             $row = array();
                             $day = $result[$i]['pdate'];
                             $storecode = $result[$i]['storecode'];
                             $row['pdate'] = $result[$i]['pdate'];
                             $row['storecode'] = $result[$i]['storecode'];
                             $row['storename'] = $result[$i]['storename'];
                             $row[$result[$i]['serviceno']] = $result[$i]['amount'];
                             $row['total'] = $amount[$result[$i]['pdate']];
                     //for ($i = 0; $i < count($result); $i++) {
                     array_push($Arylog, $row);
                 //if(isset($result[0]['pdate']) OR isset($result[0]['storecode']) ){
             //if(count($result>0)) {
             foreach ($Arylog as $key => $storeData) {
                 $row = array();
                 $row['ymd'] = $storeData['pdate'];
                 // 設定各欄位業績及洗助算法
                 $row = $this->setRpt11Row_daily_Data($row, $storeData);
                 $row['perform_amount'] = (double) $storeData['total'];
                 array_push($colAry2, $row);
             $other_sql = '';
             $other_sql = "(SELECT  mid(pdate,1,6) as pdate , storecode  , storename ,serviceno, sum(num) as amount  FROM tbp_perform_log\n                          WHERE mid(pdate,1,6)='{$qry_date}' and storecode='{$qry_store}' AND num !=0\n                                        GROUP BY  serviceno \n                                        ORDER BY  pdate DESC )";
             $other_result = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($other_sql)->queryAll();
             if (count($other_result > 0)) {
                 if (isset($other_result[0]['storecode'])) {
                     $storecode = $other_result[0]['storecode'];
                     // 每一行的陣列
                     $row = array();
                     for ($i = 0; $i < count($other_result); $i++) {
                         if ($storecode == $other_result[$i]['storecode']) {
                             $row['storecode'] = $other_result[$i]['storecode'];
                             $row['storename'] = $other_result[$i]['storename'];
                             $row[$other_result[$i]['serviceno']] = $other_result[$i]['amount'];
                         } else {
                             array_push($other, $row);
                             $row = array();
                             $storecode = $other_result[$i]['storecode'];
                             $row['storecode'] = $other_result[$i]['storecode'];
                             $row['storename'] = $other_result[$i]['storename'];
                             $row[$other_result[$i]['serviceno']] = $other_result[$i]['amount'];
                     //for ($i = 0; $i < count($other_result); $i++) {
                     array_push($other, $row);
                 //if(isset($result[0]['storecode']) ){
             //if(count($other_result>0)) {
             if (isset($other[0])) {
                 $other = $this->getRpt11MoneySellandReduce($other[0]);
                 $other_amout = (double) $all_amount[$qry_date];
                 if ($other['sum'] != 0) {
                     $rate = round($other['sum'] / $other_amout, 4);
                     $other['rate'] = $rate * 100 . "%";
                 if ($other['sum2'] != 0) {
                     $rate = round($other['sum2'] / $other_amout, 4);
                     $other['rate2'] = $rate * 100 . "%";
     // CVarDumper::dump($colAry,10,true);
     $time_end = microtime(true);
     $computetime = round($time_end - $time_start, 3);
     if (isset($_POST['qry_designer']) or $qry_store != '' && $qry_date != '' && !isset($_POST['qry_daily'])) {
         if (count($colAry) < 1) {
             Yii::app()->user->setFlash('error', Yii::app()->user->getFlash('error') . "查無,{$qry_date} 月的業績資料");
         } else {
             Yii::app()->user->setFlash('success', Yii::app()->user->getFlash('success') . "查詢成功. 共計 " . count($colAry) . " 筆資料");
     } elseif (isset($_POST['qry_daily'])) {
         if ($qry_store != '') {
             if (count($colAry2) < 1 and count($colAry3) < 1) {
                 Yii::app()->user->setFlash('error', Yii::app()->user->getFlash('error') . "查無,{$qry_date} 月的業績資料");
             } else {
                 Yii::app()->user->setFlash('success', Yii::app()->user->getFlash('success') . "查詢成功.");
         } else {
             Yii::app()->user->setFlash('error', Yii::app()->user->getFlash('error') . "請選擇門市!");
     $this->render('rpt11', array('isExist' => $isExist, 'qry_date' => $qry_date, 'qry_area' => $qry_area, 'qry_store' => $qry_store, 'tbsStroes' => $tbsStroes, 'check_sale_Intelligence' => $check_sale_Intelligence, 'col' => $col, 'title' => $title, 'colAry' => $colAry, 'acol' => $acol, 'atitle' => $atitle, 'colAry2' => $colAry2, 'acol2' => $acol2, 'atitle2' => $atitle2, 'colAry3' => $colAry3, 'other' => $other, 'computetime' => $computetime));