Exemplo n.º 1
 public function actionSettle()
     //年月, 預設上個月
     $tmp = strtotime("-1 month", time());
     $qry_YM = date('Ym', $tmp);
     $qry_YM = '201405';
     $com = new ComFunction();
     $qry_empno = '';
     $qry_empname = '';
     if (isset($_POST['qry_YM'])) {
         $qry_YM = $_POST['qry_YM'];
     if (isset($_POST['qry_empno'])) {
         $qry_empno = $_POST['qry_empno'];
     if (isset($_POST['qry_empname'])) {
         $qry_empname = $_POST['qry_empname'];
     // 標題列
     $title = array();
     // 欄位順序
     $col = array();
     // 畫面輸出陣列
     $output = array();
     // 顯示差勤細項紀錄
     $showTotal = TRUE;
     if ($_POST) {
         // 若員工編號或姓名不為空
         if ($qry_empno != '') {
             $user = User::model()->findByPk($qry_empno);
             if (isset($user->emp)) {
                 $qry_empname = $user->emp->empname;
         } elseif ($qry_empname != '') {
             $emp = TbsEmp::model()->findByAttributes(array('empname' => $qry_empname));
             if (isset($emp)) {
                 $qry_empno = $emp->empno;
         // 勾選顯示差勤
         //            if(isset($_POST['showTotal']) && $_POST['showTotal'] == 1 )
         //            $showTotal = TRUE;
         // 差勤結算
         //            if(isset($_POST['settle'])) $showTotal = TRUE;
         // 取得此月份的國定假日
         $holidays = $com->getHolidayByYearMonth($qry_YM);
         // 取得所有的差勤項目
         $logitems = TbaLogItem::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('optshow' => 1));
         $items = array();
         // 所有差勤項目
         $itemsettle = array();
         // 差勤結算項目
         $itemname = array();
         // 差勤名稱
         $itemdays = array();
         // 以天計差勤項目 (公.婚.事.病.假.曠..)
         $itemmins = array();
         // 以分計差勤項目 ( 遲到早退開小差 )
         $itemeach = array();
         // 以支計差勤項目 ( 小過, 大過 )
         // 將資料分類
         foreach ($logitems as $item) {
             array_push($items, $item->id);
             $itemname[$item->id] = $item->logname;
             if ($item->weight == 1) {
                 if ($item->logtype == 1) {
                     if ($item->opt2 == 0) {
                         array_push($itemdays, $item->id);
                     } else {
                         array_push($itemmins, $item->id);
                 } else {
                     array_push($itemeach, $item->id);
             if ($item->salaryitem != '') {
                 $itemsettle[$item->id] = $item->salaryitem;
         // 輸出的表頭
         $title = $this->getWeightTitle($showTotal, $items, $itemdays, $itemmins, $itemeach, $itemname);
         // 欄位順序
         $col = array_keys($title);
         // 取得差勤權重
         $logweights = TbaWeight::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('opt1' => 1));
         $nweight = array();
         // 平日權重
         $hweight = array();
         // 假日權重
         foreach ($logweights as $weight) {
             $nweight[$weight->logitem] = $weight->nweight;
             $hweight[$weight->logitem] = $weight->hweight;
             if ($weight->opt2 == 1) {
                 $nweight['opt2'] = $weight->nweight;
         // 計算權重
         // 查出目前所有的差勤紀錄
         // 每一天都丟進 $holidays 來判斷是否為假日
         // 再逐項去判斷是否有權重. 若有則再做計算.
         // 而權重要判斷成是以天計, 以分計, 還是以支計
         $aStart = $com->getTheFirstDayByYearMonth($qry_YM, "Ymd");
         $aEnd = $com->getTheLastDayByYearMonth($qry_YM, "Ymd");
         // 查出區間內之差勤紀錄, 依員編. 差勤項目. 排序
         $sql = "SELECT * \n                          FROM `tba_log` \n                       WHERE logday \n                   BETWEEN  '{$aStart}'\n                           AND  '{$aEnd}' ";
         if ($qry_empno != '') {
             $sql = $sql . "AND empno = '{$qry_empno}' ";
         $sql = $sql . "ORDER BY empno, logitem, opt2";
         $logs = TbaLog::model()->findAllBySql($sql);
         // 針對每一筆. 先判斷是否有權重. 再判斷是那一種
         // logtype=1 => 天 => 再判斷平日.假日
         // logtype=1 => => opt2 = 1 ==> 分 , 該月累積超過30分, 則有權重
         // 支 => 每一筆皆有
         $emp = $logs[0]->empno;
         $empAry = array();
         $empAry['empname'] = $logs[0]->empname;
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($logs); $i++) {
             // 若符合要計算權重的項目才進行判斷
             if (in_array($logs[$i]->logitem, $items)) {
                 // 同一個人一個 array
                 if ($logs[$i]->empno == $emp) {
                     if (isset($empAry[$logs[$i]->logitem])) {
                         $empAry[$logs[$i]->logitem] = $empAry[$logs[$i]->logitem] + $logs[$i]->num;
                     } else {
                         $empAry[$logs[$i]->logitem] = $logs[$i]->num;
                     $empAry = $this->setWeightValue($empAry, $logs[$i], $holidays, $nweight, $hweight);
                 } else {
                     // 寫入前, 把遲到分鐘數, 換算成權重
                     if (isset($empAry['opt2']) && isset($nweight['opt2'])) {
                         $empAry['opt2'] = $this->setLateWeight($empAry['opt2'], $nweight['opt2']);
                     } else {
                         $empAry['opt2'] = 0;
                     $empAry['sum'] = $this->setSumWeight($col, $empAry);
                     $output[$emp] = $empAry;
                     $emp = $logs[$i]->empno;
                     $empAry = array();
                     $empAry['empname'] = $logs[$i]->empname;
                     if (isset($empAry[$logs[$i]->logitem])) {
                         $empAry[$logs[$i]->logitem] = $empAry[$logs[$i]->logitem] + $logs[$i]->num;
                     } else {
                         $empAry[$logs[$i]->logitem] = $logs[$i]->num;
                     $empAry = $this->setWeightValue($empAry, $logs[$i], $holidays, $nweight, $hweight);
             // if(in_array($logs[$i]->logitem, $items))
         // for ($i = 0; $i < count($logs); $i++)
         if (isset($empAry['opt2']) && isset($nweight['opt2'])) {
             $empAry['opt2'] = $this->setLateWeight($empAry['opt2'], $nweight['opt2']);
         } else {
             $empAry['opt2'] = 0;
         $empAry['sum'] = $this->setSumWeight($col, $empAry);
         $output[$emp] = $empAry;
         // 如果是結算, 則將結果寫入資料庫
         if (isset($_POST['settle'])) {
             // 先刪除該年月之資料
             $deleteAry = array();
             $param = TbmParam::model()->findByAttributes(array('param' => 'attend_settle'));
             if ($param != NULL) {
                 $deleteAry = explode(",", $param->pvalue);
             // 先刪除此年月之資料
             if ($qry_empno != '' or $qry_empname != '') {
                 TbmEmpItem::model()->deleteAllByAttributes(array('daymonth' => $qry_YM, 'empno' => $qry_empno, 'itemno' => $deleteAry));
             } else {
                 TbmEmpItem::model()->deleteAllByAttributes(array('daymonth' => $qry_YM, 'itemno' => $deleteAry));
             $result = $this->createSettleItems($qry_YM, $itemsettle, $output);
             if (isset($result)) {
                 $check = isset($result[0]) ? $result[0] : FALSE;
                 $errmsg = isset($result[1]) ? $result[1] : "差勤結算失敗!";
                 if ($check) {
                     Yii::app()->user->setFlash('success', "[差勤結算]成功!{$qry_YM} 共計有 " . count($output) . "筆 員工有差勤紀錄!");
                 } else {
                     Yii::app()->user->setFlash('error', "[差勤結算]失敗!{$errmsg!}");
         } else {
             Yii::app()->user->setFlash('success', "[畫面輸出]查詢成功!{$qry_YM} 共計有 " . count($output) . "筆 員工有差勤紀錄!");
     } else {
         Yii::app()->user->setFlash('notice', "[畫面輸出]可以只查看此年月之差勤權重, 不會結算至薪資。[差勤結算]會將此年月之差勤結果寫入薪資項目,供薪資計算用。");
     $this->render('settle', array('qry_YM' => $qry_YM, 'qry_empno' => $qry_empno, 'qry_empname' => $qry_empname, 'title' => $title, 'col' => $col, 'colAry' => $output));
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Returns the data model based on the primary key given in the GET variable.
  * If the data model is not found, an HTTP exception will be raised.
  * @param integer $id the ID of the model to be loaded
  * @return TbaWeight the loaded model
  * @throws CHttpException
 public function loadModel($id)
     $model = TbaWeight::model()->findByPk($id);
     if ($model === null) {
         throw new CHttpException(404, 'The requested page does not exist.');
     return $model;
Exemplo n.º 3
  * 依員工查詢權重
  * @param String $daymonth - 年月 ( 2014-01-01 )
  * @param String $empno - 員工編號 ( 02010001) 
  * @return int
 public function getWeightByEmp($daymonth, $empno)
     $result = 0;
     // 員工出缺勤
     $absence = $this->getAbsenceByEmp($daymonth, $empno, FALSE);
     // 取得國定假日
     $dates = array();
     foreach ($absence as $key => $abs) {
         array_push($dates, $key);
     $holidays = $this->getHolidayByDates($dates);
     // 取得有權重的差勤項目
     $logitems = TbaLogItem::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('weight' => 1, 'opt1' => 1));
     $itemdays = array();
     // 以天計
     $itemmins = array();
     // 以分計 ( 遲到早退開小差 )
     $itemeach = array();
     // 以支計 ( 小過, 大過 )
     foreach ($logitems as $item) {
         if ($item->logtype == 1) {
             if ($item->opt2 == 0) {
                 array_push($itemdays, $item->id);
             } else {
                 array_push($itemmins, $item->id);
         } else {
             array_push($itemeach, $item->id);
     // 取得差勤權重
     $logweights = TbaWeight::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('opt1' => 1));
     $nweight = array();
     // 平日權重
     $hweight = array();
     // 假日權重
     foreach ($logweights as $weight) {
         $nweight[$weight->logitem] = $weight->nweight;
         $hweight[$weight->logitem] = $weight->hweight;
     // 計算權重
     // 以 員工出缺勤 $absence 來 loop
     // 每一天都丟進 $holidays 來判斷是否為假日
     // 再逐項去判斷是否有權重. 若有則再做計算.
     // 而權重要判斷成是以天計, 以分計, 還是以支計
     foreach ($absence as $date => $abs) {
     return $hweight;