Exemplo n.º 1
 static function available_tasks()
     // Delete extra search_records
     Database::instance()->query("DELETE FROM {search_records} " . "WHERE {search_records}.`item_id` NOT IN " . "(SELECT `id` FROM {items})");
     list($remaining, $total, $percent) = search::stats();
     return array(Task_Definition::factory()->callback("search_task::update_index")->name(t("Update Search Index"))->description($remaining ? t2("1 photo or album needs to be scanned", "%count (%percent%) of your photos and albums need to be scanned", $remaining, array("percent" => 100 - $percent)) : t("Search data is up-to-date"))->severity($remaining ? log::WARNING : log::SUCCESS));
Exemplo n.º 2
 static function available_tasks()
     // Delete extra exif_records
     Database::instance()->query("DELETE FROM {exif_records} " . "WHERE {exif_records}.`item_id` NOT IN " . "(SELECT `id` FROM {items} WHERE {items}.`type` = 'photo')");
     list($remaining, $total, $percent) = exif::stats();
     return array(Task_Definition::factory()->callback("exif_task::update_index")->name(t("Extract EXIF data"))->description($remaining ? t2("1 photo needs to be scanned", "%count (%percent%) of your photos need to be scanned", $remaining, array("percent" => 100 - $percent)) : t("EXIF data is up-to-date"))->severity($remaining ? log::WARNING : log::SUCCESS));
Exemplo n.º 3
 static function available_tasks()
     // Delete extra exif_records
     db::build()->delete("exif_records")->where("item_id", "NOT IN", db::build()->select("id")->from("items")->where("type", "=", "photo"))->execute();
     list($remaining, $total, $percent) = exif::stats();
     return array(Task_Definition::factory()->callback("exif_task::update_index")->name(t("Extract Exif data"))->description($remaining ? t2("1 photo needs to be scanned", "%count (%percent%) of your photos need to be scanned", $remaining, array("percent" => 100 - $percent)) : t("Exif data is up-to-date"))->severity($remaining ? log::WARNING : log::SUCCESS));
Exemplo n.º 4
 public function test_data_create()
     list($form, $errors) = $this->_get_test_data_form();
     $post = new Validation($_POST);
     $post->add_rules("albums", "numeric");
     $post->add_rules("photos", "numeric");
     $post->add_rules("comments", "numeric");
     $post->add_rules("tags", "numeric");
     $post->add_callbacks("albums", array($this, "_set_default"));
     $post->add_callbacks("photos", array($this, "_set_default"));
     $post->add_callbacks("comments", array($this, "_set_default"));
     $post->add_callbacks("tags", array($this, "_set_default"));
     if ($post->validate()) {
         $task_def = Task_Definition::factory()->callback("developer_task::create_content")->description(t("Create test content"))->name(t("Create Test Data"));
         $total = $post->albums + $post->photos + $post->comments + $post->tags;
         $success_msg = t("Successfully generated test data");
         $error_msg = t("Problems with test data generation was encountered");
         $task = task::create($task_def, array("total" => $total, "batch" => (int) ceil($total / 10), "success_msg" => $success_msg, "current" => 0, "error_msg" => $error_msg, "albums" => $post->albums, "photos" => $post->photos, "comments" => $post->comments, "tags" => $post->tags));
         print json_encode(array("result" => "started", "max_iterations" => $total + 5, "url" => url::site("admin/developer/run_task/{$task->id}?csrf=" . access::csrf_token()), "task" => $task->as_array()));
     } else {
         $v = $this->_get_test_data_view(arr::overwrite($form, $post->as_array()), arr::overwrite($errors, $post->errors()));
         print json_encode(array("result" => "error", "form" => $v->__toString()));
Exemplo n.º 5
 static function available_tasks()
     $q = emboss::find_dirty();
     $n = $q->count();
     $description = $n == 0 ? t('All photo overlays are up to date') : t2('one Photo needs its emboss overlay updated', "{$n} Photos need their emboss overlay updated", $n);
     $tasks[] = Task_Definition::factory()->callback('emboss_task::update_overlays')->name(t('Update photo embossing'))->description($description)->severity($n > 0 ? log::WARNING : log::SUCCESS);
     return $tasks;
Exemplo n.º 6
 static function available_tasks()
     // Automatically delete extra exif_coordinates whenever the maintance screen is loaded.
     db::build()->delete("exif_coordinates")->where("item_id", "NOT IN", db::build()->select("id")->from("items"))->execute();
     // Display an option on the maintance screen for scanning existing photos
     // for GPS data (in case photos were uploaded before the module was active).
     return array(Task_Definition::factory()->callback("exif_gps_task::update_gps_index")->name(t("Extract Exif GPS data"))->description(t("Scan all photos for missing GPS data"))->severity(log::SUCCESS));
Exemplo n.º 7
 static function available_tasks()
     $dirty_count = graphics::find_dirty_images_query()->count_records();
     $tasks = array();
     $tasks[] = Task_Definition::factory()->callback("gallery_task::rebuild_dirty_images")->name(t("Rebuild Images"))->description($dirty_count ? t2("You have one out of date photo", "You have %count out of date photos", $dirty_count) : t("All your photos are up to date"))->severity($dirty_count ? log::WARNING : log::SUCCESS);
     $tasks[] = Task_Definition::factory()->callback("gallery_task::update_l10n")->name(t("Update translations"))->description(t("Download new and updated translated strings"))->severity(log::SUCCESS);
     return $tasks;
Exemplo n.º 8
 static function available_tasks()
     if (aws_s3::can_schedule()) {
         return array(Task_Definition::factory()->callback("aws_s3::schedule_full_sync")->name(t("Synchronise with Amazon S3"))->description(t("Schedule a task to synchronise your Gallery 3 data/images with your Amazon S3 bucket"))->severity(log::SUCCESS)->set_flags(Task_Definition::CAN_RUN_NOW));
     } else {
         return array(Task_Definition::factory()->callback("aws_s3_task::manual_sync")->name(t("Synchronise with Amazon S3"))->description(t("Synchronise your Gallery 3 data/images with your Amazon S3 bucket"))->severity(log::SUCCESS));
Exemplo n.º 9
 static function available_tasks()
     // Delete extra search_records
     Database::instance()->query("DELETE `search_records`.* FROM `search_records` " . "LEFT JOIN `items` ON (`search_records`.`item_id` = `items`.`id`) " . "WHERE `items`.`id` IS NULL");
     // Insert missing search_records
     Database::instance()->query("INSERT INTO `search_records`(`item_id`) (" . " SELECT `items`.`id` FROM `items` " . " LEFT JOIN `search_records` ON (`search_records`.`item_id` = `items`.`id`) " . " WHERE `search_records`.`id` IS NULL)");
     list($remaining, $total, $percent) = self::_get_stats();
     return array(Task_Definition::factory()->callback("search_task::update_index")->name(t("Update Search Index"))->description($remaining ? t("Search index is %percent% up-to-date", array("percent" => $percent)) : t("Search index is up to date"))->severity($remaining ? log::WARNING : log::SUCCESS));
Exemplo n.º 10
 static function available_tasks()
     if (g2_import::is_configured()) {
         return array(Task_Definition::factory()->callback("g2_import_task::import")->name(t("Import from Gallery 2"))->description(t("Gallery %version detected", array("version" => g2_import::version())))->severity(log::SUCCESS));
     } else {
         return array();
Exemplo n.º 11
 static function available_tasks()
     $dirty_count = graphics::find_dirty_images_query()->count_records();
     $tasks = array();
     $tasks[] = Task_Definition::factory()->callback("gallery_task::rebuild_dirty_images")->name(t("Rebuild Images"))->description($dirty_count ? t2("You have one out of date photo", "You have %count out of date photos", $dirty_count) : t("All your photos are up to date"))->severity($dirty_count ? log::WARNING : log::SUCCESS);
     $tasks[] = Task_Definition::factory()->callback("gallery_task::update_l10n")->name(t("Update translations"))->description(t("Download new and updated translated strings"))->severity(log::SUCCESS);
     $tasks[] = Task_Definition::factory()->callback("gallery_task::file_cleanup")->name(t("Remove old files"))->description(t("Remove expired files from the logs and tmp directory"))->severity(log::SUCCESS);
     $tasks[] = Task_Definition::factory()->callback("gallery_task::fix")->name(t("Fix your Gallery"))->description(t("Fix a variety of problems that might cause your Gallery to act strangely.  Requires maintenance mode."))->severity(log::SUCCESS);
     return $tasks;
Exemplo n.º 12
 static function available_tasks()
     // Total up all non-guest users in the users table that don't have a corresponding record
     //   in the users_space_usages table.
     //   If the result is greater then 0, display a warning for this task so the admin knows
     //   a user is missing and it should be run.
     $missing_users = ORM::factory("user")->where("users.guest", "=", "0")->join("users_space_usages", "users.id", "users_space_usages.owner_id", "LEFT OUTER")->and_where("users_space_usages.owner_id", "IS", NULL)->count_all();
     $tasks = array();
     $tasks[] = Task_Definition::factory()->callback("quotas_task::update_quotasdb")->name(t("Rebuild user quotas table"))->description(t("Recalculates each users space usage."))->severity($missing_users ? log::WARNING : log::SUCCESS);
     return $tasks;
 static function available_tasks()
     // Check for any albums listed in albumpasswords but not idcaches.
     //  If found, set the severity for this task to warning, as there's
     //  obviously something missing from idcaches.
     $bad_albums = ORM::factory("items_albumpassword")->join("albumpassword_idcaches", "items_albumpasswords.id", "albumpassword_idcaches.password_id", "LEFT OUTER")->and_where("albumpassword_idcaches.password_id", "IS", NULL)->count_all();
     $tasks = array();
     $tasks[] = Task_Definition::factory()->callback("albumpassword_task::update_idcaches")->name(t("Rebuild Album Password ID Caches DB"))->description(t("Logs the contents of all protected albums into the db."))->severity($bad_albums ? log::WARNING : log::SUCCESS);
     $tasks[] = Task_Definition::factory()->callback("albumpassword_task::lowercase_passwords")->name(t("Fix Password DB Casing"))->description(t("Fixes case sensitivity issues."))->severity(log::SUCCESS);
     return $tasks;
Exemplo n.º 14
 function startTask($operation, $id)
     $items = $this->input->post("item");
     $item = ORM::factory("item", $id);
     $definition = $this->_getOperationDefinition($item, $operation);
     $task_def = Task_Definition::factory()->callback("organize_task::run")->description($definition["description"])->name($definition["name"]);
     $task = task::create($task_def, array("items" => $items, "position" => 0, "target" => $id, "type" => $definition["type"], "batch" => ceil(count($items) * 0.1)));
     // @todo If there is only one item then call task_run($task->id); Maybe even change js so
     // we can call finish as well.
     print json_encode(array("result" => "started", "runningMsg" => $definition["runningMsg"], "pauseMsg" => "<div class=\"gWarning\">{$definition['pauseMsg']}</div>", "resumeMsg" => "<div class=\"gWarning\">{$definition['resumeMsg']}</div>", "task" => array("id" => $task->id, "percent_complete" => $task->percent_complete, "type" => $task->get("type"), "status" => $task->status, "state" => $task->state, "done" => $task->done)));
Exemplo n.º 15
  * Begin the task of adding photos.
 public function start()
     $item = ORM::factory("item", Input::instance()->get("item_id"));
     foreach (Input::instance()->post("paths") as $path) {
         if (server_add::is_valid_path($path)) {
             $paths[] = array($path, null);
     $task_def = Task_Definition::factory()->callback("Server_Add_Controller::add")->description(t("Add photos or movies from the local server"))->name(t("Add from server"));
     $task = task::create($task_def, array("item_id" => $item->id, "queue" => $paths));
     print json_encode(array("result" => "started", "status" => $task->status, "url" => url::site("server_add/run/{$task->id}?csrf=" . access::csrf_token())));
 public function create()
     $form = $this->_get_theme_form();
     if ($form->validate()) {
         $session = Session::instance();
         $extract_path = $session->get_once("theme_extract_path");
         $v = new View("admin_themeroller_progress.html");
         $task_def = Task_Definition::factory()->callback("themeroller_task::create_theme")->description(t("Generate theme from a themeroller archive"))->name(t("Generate theme"));
         $v->task = task::create($task_def, array("path" => $extract_path, "user_name" => SafeString::purify(identity::active_user()->name), "original_name" => SafeString::purify($form->theme->original->value), "theme_name" => SafeString::purify($form->theme->theme_name->value), "display_name" => SafeString::purify($form->theme->display_name->value), "description" => SafeString::purify($form->theme->description->value), "author_url" => SafeString::purify($form->theme->author_url->value), "info_url" => SafeString::purify($form->theme->info_url->value), "discuss_url" => SafeString::purify($form->theme->discuss_url->value), "is_admin" => $session->get("themeroller_is_admin")));
         json::reply(array("html" => (string) $v));
     } else {
         json::reply(array("result" => "error", "html" => (string) $form));
Exemplo n.º 17
 static function available_tasks()
     $version = '';
     if (g1_import::is_configured()) {
         // Guard from common case where the import has been
         // completed and the original files have been removed.
         if (is_dir(g1_import::$album_dir)) {
             $version = g1_import::version();
     if (g1_import::is_initialized()) {
         return array(Task_Definition::factory()->callback('g1_import_task::import')->name(t('Import from Gallery 1'))->description(t('Gallery %version detected', array('version' => $version)))->severity(log::SUCCESS));
     return array();
Exemplo n.º 18
  * Begin the task of adding photos.
 public function start()
     $item = ORM::factory("item", Input::instance()->get("item_id"));
     $task_def = Task_Definition::factory()->callback("Server_Add_Controller::add")->description(t("Add photos or movies from the local server"))->name(t("Add from server"));
     $task = task::create($task_def, array("item_id" => $item->id));
     foreach (Input::instance()->post("paths") as $path) {
         if (server_add::is_valid_path($path)) {
             $entry = ORM::factory("server_add_entry");
             $entry->path = $path;
             $entry->is_directory = intval(is_dir($path));
             $entry->parent_id = null;
             $entry->task_id = $task->id;
     json::reply(array("result" => "started", "status" => (string) $task->status, "url" => url::site("server_add/run/{$task->id}?csrf=" . access::csrf_token())));
Exemplo n.º 19
 static function available_tasks()
     $version = '';
     if (g2_import::is_configured()) {
         // Guard from common case where the import has been
         // completed and the original files have been removed.
         if (class_exists("GalleryCoreApi")) {
             $version = g2_import::version();
     if (g2_import::is_initialized()) {
         return array(Task_Definition::factory()->callback("g2_import_task::import")->name(t("Import from Gallery 2"))->description(t("Gallery %version detected", array("version" => $version)))->severity(log::SUCCESS));
     return array();
Exemplo n.º 20
 function start($id)
     $paths = unserialize(module::get_var("server_add", "authorized_paths"));
     $input_files = $this->input->post("path");
     $files = array();
     $total_count = 0;
     foreach (array_keys($paths) as $valid_path) {
         $path_length = strlen($valid_path);
         foreach ($input_files as $key => $path) {
             if ($valid_path != $path && strpos($path, $valid_path) === 0) {
                 $relative_path = substr(dirname($path), $path_length);
                 $name = basename($path);
                 $files[$valid_path][] = array("path" => $relative_path, "parent_id" => $id, "name" => basename($path), "type" => is_dir($path) ? "album" : "file");
     if ($total_count == 0) {
         print json_encode(array("result" => "success", "url" => "", "task" => array("id" => -1, "done" => 1, "percent_complete" => 100, "status" => t("No Eligible files, import cancelled"))));
     $task_def = Task_Definition::factory()->callback("server_add_task::add_from_server")->description(t("Add photos or movies from the local server"))->name(t("Add from server"));
     $task = task::create($task_def, array("item_id" => $id, "next_path" => 0, "files" => $files, "counter" => 0, "position" => 0, "total" => $total_count));
     print json_encode(array("result" => "started", "url" => url::site("server_add/add_photo/{$task->id}?csrf=" . access::csrf_token()), "task" => array("id" => $task->id, "percent_complete" => $task->percent_complete, "status" => $task->status, "done" => $task->done)));
Exemplo n.º 21
 static function available_tasks()
     $tasks[] = Task_Definition::factory()->callback("tag_task::clean_up_tags")->name(t("Clean up tags"))->description(t("Correct tag counts and remove tags with no items"))->severity(log::SUCCESS);
     return $tasks;
Exemplo n.º 22
 static function item_created($item)
     if ($item->is_movie()) {
         transcode::log("Item created - is a movie. Let's create a transcode task or 2..");
         $ffmpegPath = module::get_var("transcode", "ffmpeg_path");
         $fileObj = self::_getVideoInfo($item->file_path());
         // Save our needed variables
         $srcFile = $item->file_path();
         $srcWidth = transcode::makeMultipleTwo($fileObj->video->width);
         $srcHeight = transcode::makeMultipleTwo($fileObj->video->height);
         $aspect = $srcWidth / $srcHeight;
         $srcFPS = $fileObj->video->fps;
         $srcAR = $fileObj->audio->samplerate;
         if ($srcAR > 44100) {
             $srcAR = 44100;
         $accepted_sample_rates = array(11025, 22050, 44100);
         if (!in_array($srcAR, $accepted_sample_rates)) {
             // if the input sample rate isn't an accepted rate, find the next lowest rate that is
             $below = true;
             $rate = 0;
             if ($srcAR < 11025) {
                 $rate = 11025;
             } else {
                 foreach ($accepted_sample_rates as $r) {
                     transcode::log("testing audio rate '" . $r . "' against input rate '" . $srcAR . "'");
                     if ($r < $srcAR) {
                         $rate = $r;
             $srcAR = $rate;
         $srcACodec = module::get_var("transcode", "audio_codec");
         $heights = array();
         if (module::get_var("transcode", "resolution_240p")) {
             array_push($heights, 240);
         if (module::get_var("transcode", "resolution_360p")) {
             array_push($heights, 360);
         if (module::get_var("transcode", "resolution_480p")) {
             array_push($heights, 480);
         if (module::get_var("transcode", "resolution_576p")) {
             array_push($heights, 576);
         if (module::get_var("transcode", "resolution_720p")) {
             array_push($heights, 720);
         if (module::get_var("transcode", "resolution_1080p")) {
             array_push($heights, 1080);
         if (!is_dir(VARPATH . "modules/transcode/flv/" . $item->id)) {
             @mkdir(VARPATH . "modules/transcode/flv/" . $item->id);
         $xtraFlags = module::get_var("transcode", "ffmpeg_flags", "");
         foreach ($heights as $destHeight) {
             transcode::log("srcHeight: " . $srcHeight . ", destheight: " . $destHeight);
             // don't bother upscaling, there's no advantage to it...
             if ($destHeight > $srcHeight) {
             $destFormat = module::get_var("transcode", "format", "flv");
             $destWidth = floor($destHeight * $aspect);
             if ($destWidth % 2) {
                 $destWidth = ceil($destHeight * $aspect);
             transcode::log("destination resolution: " . $destWidth . "x" . $destHeight);
             $destFile = VARPATH . "modules/transcode/flv/" . $item->id . "/" . $destWidth . "x" . $destHeight . ".flv";
             switch ($destHeight) {
                 case 240:
                     $destVB = 128;
                     $srcAB = 16 * ($fileObj->audio->channels ? $fileObj->audio->channels : 2);
                 case 360:
                     $destVB = 384;
                     $srcAB = 16 * ($fileObj->audio->channels ? $fileObj->audio->channels : 2);
                 case 480:
                     $destVB = 1024;
                     $srcAB = 32 * ($fileObj->audio->channels ? $fileObj->audio->channels : 2);
                 case 576:
                     $destVB = 2048;
                     $srcAB = 32 * ($fileObj->audio->channels ? $fileObj->audio->channels : 2);
                 case 720:
                     $destVB = 4096;
                     $srcAB = 64 * ($fileObj->audio->channels ? $fileObj->audio->channels : 2);
                 case 1080:
                     $destVB = 8192;
                     $srcAB = 64 * ($fileObj->audio->channels ? $fileObj->audio->channels : 2);
             $destVB *= 1024;
             $srcAB *= 1024;
             $cmd = $ffmpegPath . " " . "-i \"" . $srcFile . "\" ";
             if ($fileObj->audio->has) {
                 $cmd .= "-y -acodec " . $srcACodec . " " . "-ar " . $srcAR . " " . "-ab " . $srcAB . " ";
             } else {
                 $cmd .= "-an ";
             $cmd .= "-vb " . $destVB . " " . "-f " . $destFormat . " " . "-s " . $destWidth . "x" . $destHeight . " " . $xtraFlags . " " . "\"" . $destFile . "\"";
             $task_def = Task_Definition::factory()->callback("transcode_task::transcode")->name("Video Transcode to " . $destWidth . "x" . $destHeight)->severity(log::SUCCESS);
             $task = task::create($task_def, array("ffmpeg_cmd" => $cmd, "width" => $destWidth, "height" => $destHeight, "item_id" => $item->id));
Exemplo n.º 23
 static function available_tasks()
     $dirty_count = graphics::find_dirty_images_query()->count();
     return array(Task_Definition::factory()->callback("core_task::rebuild_dirty_images")->name(t("Rebuild Images"))->description($dirty_count ? t2("You have one out-of-date photo", "You have %count out-of-date photo", $dirty_count) : t("All your images are up to date"))->severity($dirty_count ? log::WARNING : log::SUCCESS));
Exemplo n.º 24
 static function available_tasks()
     return array(Task_Definition::factory()->callback("rescue_task::fix_mptt")->name(t("Fix Album/Photo hierarchy"))->description(t("Fix problems where your album/photo breadcrumbs are out of " . "sync with your actual hierarchy."))->severity(log::SUCCESS), Task_Definition::factory()->callback("rescue_task::fix_internet_addresses")->name(t("Fix internet addresses"))->description(t("Fix internet addresses broken when upgrading to Beta 3"))->severity(log::SUCCESS));
Exemplo n.º 25
 static function available_tasks()
     return array(Task_Definition::factory()->callback("rescue_task::fix_internet_addresses")->name(t("Fix internet addresses"))->description(t("Fix internet addresses broken when upgrading to Beta 3"))->severity(log::SUCCESS));
Exemplo n.º 26
 static function schedule_item_sync($item)
     if (!self::can_schedule()) {
         throw new Exception("Unable to initialize schedule");
     $item_id = null;
     if (is_object($item) && $item instanceof Item_Model) {
         $item_id = $item->id;
     } else {
         if (is_numeric($item)) {
             $item_id = $item;
         } else {
             throw new Exception("Un-intelligible item reference passed.");
     $task_def = Task_Definition::factory()->callback("aws_s3_task::upload_item")->name("Amazon S3 item upload (ID: " . $item_id . ")")->severity(log::SUCCESS);
     $task = task::create($task_def, array("item_id" => $item_id));
Exemplo n.º 27
 static function available_tasks()
     return array(Task_Definition::factory()->callback("picasa_faces_task::import_faces")->name(t("Import faces from Picasa"))->description(t("Scan all albums for Picasa face data and add any faces that don't already exist"))->severity(log::SUCCESS));
Exemplo n.º 28
 static function available_tasks()
     $tasks[] = Task_Definition::factory()->callback("date_tag_task::date_tag_all")->name(t("Add tags for dates"))->description(t("Add tags for dates of all images that have already been uploaded"))->severity(log::SUCCESS);
     return $tasks;
Exemplo n.º 29
 static function available_tasks()
     $tasks[] = Task_Definition::factory()->callback("auto_date_task::set_auto_date_all")->name(t("Set captured date for all unset items"))->description(t("Attempt to guess the captured date based on the filename (NULL capture dates only)"))->severity(log::SUCCESS);
     return $tasks;
Exemplo n.º 30
 static function available_tasks()
     return array(Task_Definition::factory()->callback("aws_s3_task::sync")->name(t("Syncronise with Amazon S3"))->description(t("Syncronise your Gallery 3 data/images with your Amazon S3 bucket"))->severity(log::SUCCESS));