Exemplo n.º 1
 static function handle_img($params, $contents)
     $origAppend = '';
     # are only specific images allowed?
     if (isset(TagHandler::$tagconfig['i']['img']['allowedimgs'])) {
         if (!isset(TagHandler::$tagconfig['i']['img']['allowedimgs'][$params['params'][0]])) {
             return TagHandler::handle_empty($params, $contents);
         } else {
             $origAppend = $contents;
             $contents = TagHandler::$tagconfig['i']['img']['allowedimgs'][$params['params'][0]];
         # if
     # if
     return array('prepend' => '<img src="' . $contents . '">', 'content' => $origAppend, 'append' => '');
Exemplo n.º 2
		function setdeniedtags($deniedtags) {
			TagHandler::$deniedtags = $deniedtags;
		} // setdeniedtags
Exemplo n.º 3
 function formatDescription($tmp)
     # initialize ubb parser
     $parser = new UbbParse($tmp);
     $tmp = $parser->parse();
     $tmp = $tmp[0];
     # en replace eventuele misvormde br tags
     $tmp = str_ireplace('&lt;br&gt;', '<br>', $tmp);
     $tmp = str_ireplace('&lt;br /&gt;', '<br>', $tmp);
     $tmp = str_ireplace('&amp;lt;br />', '<br>', $tmp);
     return $tmp;
Exemplo n.º 4
 function formatContent($tmp)
     # escape alle embedded HTML, maar eerst zetten we de spot inhoud om naar
     # volledige HTML, dit doen we omdat er soms embedded entities (&#237; e.d.)
     # in zitten welke we wel willen behouden.
     $tmp = htmlentities($tmp, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
     $tmp = html_entity_decode($tmp, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
     # Code gecopieerd vanaf
     #		http://stackoverflow.com/questions/635844/php-how-to-grab-an-url-out-of-a-chunk-of-text
     # converteert linkjes naar bb code
     $pattern = "((https?|ftp|gopher|telnet|file|notes|ms-help):((//)|(\\\\))+[\\w\\d:#@%/;\$()~_?\\+-=\\\\.&]*)";
     $tmp = preg_replace($pattern, '[url=\\0]\\0[/url]', $tmp);
     # initialize ubb parser
     $parser = new SpotUbb_parser($tmp);
     TagHandler::setadditionalinfo('img', 'allowedimgs', $this->getSmileyList());
     $tmp = $parser->parse();
     $tmp = $tmp[0];
     # en replace eventuele misvormde br tags
     $tmp = str_ireplace('&lt;br&gt;', '<br />', $tmp);
     $tmp = str_ireplace('&lt;br /&gt;', '<br />', $tmp);
     $tmp = str_ireplace('&amp;lt;br />', '<br />', $tmp);
     return $tmp;
Exemplo n.º 5
	 * Returns the formatted UBB
	function converttoubb($parseresult, $allowedchildren = Array(null)) {
		$output = Array('');
		$bodycount = 0;

		$parseResultCount = sizeof($parseresult);
		for($i = 0; $i < $parseResultCount; $i++) {
			/* save the current allowedchildren */
			$saveallowedchildren = $allowedchildren;

			/* first get the tag results */
			if ($parseresult[$i]['tagname'] !== '') {
				$tagresult = NULL;

				/* Get the configuration for this tag, as it also includes the function
				 * to call when processing this tag */
				$tagconfig = TagHandler::gettagconfig($parseresult[$i]['tagname']);

				/* Are we allowed to run this tag? */
				if (($allowedchildren[0] === NULL) | 
					(array_search($parseresult[$i]['tagname'], $allowedchildren))) {

					$tagresult = TagHandler::process_tag($parseresult[$i]['tagname'],
				} // if 

				/* If tag result was NULL, the given tag is invalid, so reconstruct it */
				if ($tagresult === NULL) {
					if ($tagconfig['closetags'] !== Array(NULL)) {
						$appendclosetag = '[/' . $parseresult[$i]['tagname'] . ']';
					} else {
						$appendclosetag = '';
					} // else

					/* add the tag back in */
					$tagresult = Array('prepend' => '[' . $parseresult[$i]['tagname'] .
								$parseresult[$i]['params']['originalparams'] . ']',
							   'append' => $appendclosetag );

				} else {
					/* allow the tags to overwrite the content */
					$parseresult[$i]['content'] = $tagresult['content'];
				} // else

				/* Now append the allowed children */
				if ($tagconfig['allowedchildren'][0] === '') {
					/* deny all child tags */
					$allowedchildren = Array('');
				} else if ($tagconfig['allowedchildren'][0] !== NULL) {
					/* all tags are allowed */
					$allowedchildren = array_intersect($allowedchildren, $tagconfig['allowedchildren']);
				} // else 

			} else {
				$tagresult = Array('prepend' => '',
						   'append' => '');
			} // else

			$output[$bodycount] .= $tagresult['prepend'];
			if (is_array($parseresult[$i]['content'])) {
				$parsedchildcontent = $this->converttoubb($parseresult[$i]['content'], $allowedchildren);

				$output[$bodycount] .= $parsedchildcontent[0];
				if (count($parsedchildcontent) > 1) {
					$output = array_merge($output, $parsedchildcontent);
				} // if
			} else {
				$output[$bodycount] .= $parseresult[$i]['content'];
			} // else
			$output[$bodycount] .= $tagresult['append'];

			/* restore the saved allowed children */
			$allowedchildren = $saveallowedchildren;
		} // for

		return $output;
	} // converttoubb
Exemplo n.º 6
 function formatContent($tmp)
     # Make sure specific HTML is converted
     $tmp = htmlentities($tmp, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
     # Code gecopieerd vanaf
     #		http://stackoverflow.com/questions/635844/php-how-to-grab-an-url-out-of-a-chunk-of-text
     # converteert linkjes naar bb code
     $pattern = "(([^=])((https?|ftp|gopher|telnet|file|notes|ms-help):((//)|(\\\\))+[\\w\\d:#@%/;\$()~_?\\+-=\\\\.&]*))";
     $tmp = preg_replace($pattern, '\\1[url=\\2]\\2[/url]', $tmp);
     # initialize ubb parser
     $parser = new SpotUbb_parser($tmp);
     TagHandler::setadditionalinfo('img', 'allowedimgs', $this->getSmileyList());
     $tmp = $parser->parse();
     $tmp = $tmp[0];
     # en replace eventuele misvormde br tags
     $tmp = str_ireplace('&lt;br&gt;', '<br />', $tmp);
     $tmp = str_ireplace('&lt;br /&gt;', '<br />', $tmp);
     $tmp = str_ireplace('&amp;lt;br />', '<br />', $tmp);
     return $tmp;
Exemplo n.º 7
	function formatContent($tmp) {
		# escape alle embedded HTML, maar eerst zetten we de spot inhoud om naar 
		# volledige HTML, dit doen we omdat er soms embedded entities (&#237; e.d.) 
		# in zitten welke we wel willen behouden.
		$tmp = htmlentities($tmp);
		$tmp = html_entity_decode($tmp, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
		# Code gecopieerd vanaf 
		#		http://codesnippets.joyent.com/posts/show/2104
		# converteert linkjes naar bb code
		$pattern = "@\b(https?://)?(([0-9a-zA-Z_!~*'().&=+$%-]+:)?[0-9a-zA-Z_!~*'().&=+$%-]+\@)" . 
						"?(([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}|([0-9a-zA-Z_!~*'()-]+\.)*([0-9a-zA-Z][0-9a-zA-Z-]" .
		$tmp = preg_replace($pattern, '[url=\0]\0[/url]', $tmp);
		# initialize ubb parser
		$parser = new SpotUbb_parser($tmp);
		TagHandler::setDeniedTags( Array() );
		TagHandler::setadditionalinfo('img', 'allowedimgs', $this->getSmileyList() );
        $tmp = $parser->parse();
		$tmp = $tmp[0];
		# en replace eventuele misvormde br tags
		$tmp = str_ireplace('&lt;br&gt;', '<br />', $tmp);
		$tmp = str_ireplace('&lt;br /&gt;', '<br />', $tmp);
		$tmp = str_ireplace('&amp;lt;br />', '<br />', $tmp);

		return $tmp;
	} # formatContent