/** * Return a tag cloud * * @return string */ public function getTagCloud() { global $_LANGID, $objInit; $tpl = new \Cx\Core\Html\Sigma(); \Cx\Core\Csrf\Controller\Csrf::add_placeholder($tpl); $tpl->setErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_DIE); $template = $this->settings->formatTemplate($this->settings->get("tag_cloud_sidebar_template")); $tpl->setTemplate($template); $highestFontSize = 20; $lowestFontSize = 10; try { $tags_pop = $this->tags->getAllOrderByPopularity($_LANGID, true); $tags = $this->tags->getAll($_LANGID, true); } catch (DatabaseError $e) { echo $e->plain(); } $tagCloud = new TagCloud(); $tagCloud->setTags($tags); $tagCloud->setTagVals($tags_pop[0]['popularity'], $tags_pop[count($tags_pop) - 1]['popularity']); $tagCloud->setFont(20, 10); $tagCloud->setUrlFormat("index.php?section=Knowledge" . MODULE_INDEX . "&tid=%id"); $tpl->setVariable("CLOUD", $tagCloud->getCloud()); //$tpl->parse("cloud"); return $tpl->get(); }
function execute(&$controller, &$request, &$user) { $tags = TagUtils::get_hot_tags(20); $cloud = new TagCloud(); foreach ($tags as $tag) { $cloud->add($tag['name'], SCRIPT_PATH . 'tag/' . urlencode($tag['name']), $tag['cnt']); } $request->setAttribute('tag_cloud', $cloud->htmlAndCSS()); return VIEW_SUCCESS; }
function display_tagcloud($limit = null, $tag = null) { $view = new TagCloud(); $tagcloud = $this->get_tagcloud($limit, $tag); foreach ($tagcloud as $tag => $count) { $url = get_script_uri() . '?' . 'cmd=lsx&tag=' . rawurlencode($tag); $view->add(htmlspecialchars($tag), $url, $count); } return $view->html(); }
function execute(&$controller, &$request, &$user) { $account = $request->getParameter('account'); $tags = TagUtils::get_tags_by_account($account); $cloud = new TagCloud(); foreach ($tags as $tag) { $cloud->add($tag['name'], SCRIPT_PATH . $account . '/tag/' . urlencode($tag['name']), $tag['cnt']); } $request->setAttribute('tag_cloud', $cloud->htmlAndCSS()); return VIEW_SUCCESS; }
/** * @see EventListener::execute() */ public function execute($eventObj, $className, $eventName) { if (MODULE_TAGGING == 1 && SEARCH_ENABLE_TAGS == 1) { // include files require_once WCF_DIR . 'lib/data/tag/TagCloud.class.php'; // get tags $tagCloud = new TagCloud(WCF::getSession()->getVisibleLanguageIDArray()); $tags = $tagCloud->getTags(); if (count($tags)) { WCF::getTPL()->assign('tags', $tags); WCF::getTPL()->append('additionalBoxes1', WCF::getTPL()->fetch('searchFormTagCloud')); } } }
function display_tagcloud($limit = null, $tag = null) { $view = new TagCloud(); $tagcloud = $this->get_tagcloud($limit, $tag); foreach ($tagcloud as $tag => $count) { $url = $this->conf['listcmd'] . rawurlencode($tag); $view->add(htmlspecialchars($tag), $url, $count); } return $view->html(); }
public function save() { $title = isset($_POST['title']) ? $_POST['title'] : ''; if ($this->live() && !empty($title)) { $this->loadModel('tagcloud', 'tagcloud'); $tagcloud = new TagCloud(); $term_id = $tagcloud->getTerm($title); if (empty($term_id)) { $tagcloud->setMembers(array('term' => $title, 'counter' => '1', 'last_search' => date('U'))); $tagcloud->save(); } else { $tagcloud->load($term_id); $count = $tagcloud->getMember('counter') + 1; $tagcloud->setMember('counter', $count); $tagcloud->setMember('last_search', date('U')); $tagcloud->save(); } } }
if (!Enable_Tags) { header("Location: {$my_pligg_base}/404error.php"); die; } // breadcrumbs and page title $navwhere['text1'] = $main_smarty->get_config_vars('PLIGG_Visual_Breadcrumb_Cloud'); $navwhere['link1'] = getmyurl('tagcloud', ''); $main_smarty->assign('navbar_where', $navwhere); $main_smarty->assign('posttitle', $main_smarty->get_config_vars('PLIGG_Visual_Breadcrumb_Cloud')); $main_smarty = do_sidebar($main_smarty); // put the names of the tabs in an array for the tag cloud tpl file $range_names = array($main_smarty->get_config_vars('PLIGG_Visual_Tags_All'), $main_smarty->get_config_vars('PLIGG_Visual_Tags_48_Hours'), $main_smarty->get_config_vars('PLIGG_Visual_Tags_This_Week'), $main_smarty->get_config_vars('PLIGG_Visual_Tags_This_Month'), $main_smarty->get_config_vars('PLIGG_Visual_Tags_This_Year')); // give each name a value $range_values = array(0, 172800, 604800, 2592000, 31536000); // show the tag cloud $cloud = new TagCloud(); $cloud->smarty_variable = $main_smarty; // pass smarty to the function so we can set some variables $cloud->range_values = $range_values; if (isset($_GET['categoryID']) && is_numeric($_GET['categoryID'])) { $cloud->filterCategory = $_GET['categoryID']; } $cloud->show(); $main_smarty = $cloud->smarty_variable; // get the updated smarty back from the function // give smarty data for the links to filter by time if (!($current_range = check_integer('range')) || $current_range < 1 || $current_range >= count($range_values)) { $current_range = 0; } // misc smarty $main_smarty->assign('current_range', $current_range);
<?php /* define ("PathRoot","C:/wamp/www/evalactisem"); // *** Define the path to the SVG class dir. *** define("SVG_CLASS_BASE", PathRoot."/library/svg/"); define ("jsPathRoot",PathRoot."/library/js/"); require_once ("library/php/TagCloud.php"); require_once ("library/svg/Svg.php"); require_once ('library/delicious/library/php-delicious.inc.php'); */ require 'param/ParamPage.php'; $tg = new TagCloud(); //$tg->SauveBookmarkNetwork("xxxx","xxx") header("Content-type: image/svg+xml"); $tg->GetSvg($login);
$cells .= wf_TableCell($monthName); $monthData = isset($reportTmp[$monthNumber]) ? $reportTmp[$monthNumber] : 0; $cells .= wf_TableCell($monthData); $cells .= wf_TableCell(web_bar($monthData, $totalCount), '', '', 'sorttable_customkey="' . $monthData . '"'); $rows .= wf_TableRow($cells, 'row3'); } $result .= wf_TableBody($rows, '100%', '0', 'sortable'); $result .= wf_tag('b') . __('Total') . ':' . wf_tag('b', true) . ' ' . $totalCount; } show_window(__('Tags'), $result); } } /* * Controller & view section */ $tagCloud = new TagCloud(); //show cloud or grid tag view if (!wf_CheckGet(array('gridview'))) { if (wf_CheckGet(array('report'))) { $tagCloud->renderReport(); } else { //default tag cloud $tagCloud->renderTagCloud(); } } else { //grid view $tagCloud->renderTagGrid(); } //show selected tag users if (isset($_GET['tagid'])) { $tagid = vf($_GET['tagid'], 3);
/** * Display tagcloud * * @access public * @param integer $limit Number to show * @param string $relate_tag Show only related tags of this * @param string $basehref base href * @return string HTML */ function display_tagcloud($limit = null, $relate_tag = null) { $view = new TagCloud(); $tagcloud = $this->get_tagcloud($limit, $relate_tag); foreach ($tagcloud as $tag => $count) { $url = $this->get_tag_uri($tag); $view->add(htmlspecialchars($tag), $url, $count); } return $view->html(); }
/** * @see Page::readData(); */ public function readData() { parent::readData(); if ($this->tagObj) { // get tagged objects if ($this->taggableID == 0) { // get objects for overview $this->taggedObjects = TagEngine::getInstance()->getGroupedTaggedObjectsByTagID($this->tagObj->getID()); } else { $this->taggedObjects = $this->taggable->getObjectsByTagID($this->tagObj->getID(), $this->itemsPerPage, ($this->pageNo - 1) * $this->itemsPerPage); } } // get tags $tagCloud = new TagCloud(WCF::getSession()->getVisibleLanguageIDArray()); $this->tags = $tagCloud->getTags($this->tagObj !== null ? 50 : 500); }
break; case 'SavePalette': $resultat = SavePalette(stripslashes($_POST['color'])); break; case 'GetPalette': $resultat = GetPalette(); break; case 'IemlCycle': if ($_GET['debug']) { $resultat = IemlCycle($_GET['key']); } else { $resultat = IemlCycle($_POST['key']); } break; case 'TagCloud': $tg = new TagCloud(); $tg->GetSvg(); break; } echo $resultat; function GetTreeTrad($flux, $trad, $descp, $type, $primary, $bdd, $couche) { global $objSite; $sem = new Sem($objSite, $objSite->infos["XML_Param"], ""); $arrBdd = explode(";", $bdd); $arrFlux = explode(";", $flux); if ($type == "Signl_Trad") { $arrTrad = explode(";", $trad); $arrDescp = explode(";", $descp); $arrCouche = explode(";", $couche); //vérifie le partage de traduction
private function parseWebsite() { $document = new Document($this->html); $this->document["doctype"] = $document->getDoctype(); $this->document["isPrintable"] = $document->isPrintable(); $this->document["appleIcon"] = $document->issetAppleIcon(); $this->document["deprecatedTags"] = $document->getDeprecatedTags(); $this->document["langID"] = $document->getLanguageID(); //$this -> document["langID"] = $this->lang; $this->document["cssCount"] = $document->getCssFilesCount(); $this->document["jsCount"] = $document->getJsFilesCount(); $favicon = new Favicon($this->html, $this->domain); $this->favicon = $favicon->getFavicon(); $content = new Content($this->html); $this->content["flash"] = $content->issetFlash(); $this->content["iframe"] = $content->issetIframe(); $this->content["headings"] = $content->getHeadings(); $this->content["issetHeadings"] = !Helper::isEmptyArray($this->content["headings"]); $this->content["nestedTables"] = $content->issetNestedTables(); $this->content["inlinceCss"] = $content->issetInlineCss(); $this->content["email"] = $content->issetEmail(); $image = new Image($this->html); $this->image["totalCount"] = $image->getTotal(); $this->image["totalAlt"] = $image->getAltCount(); $links = new Links($this->html, $this->domain); $this->links["links"] = $links->getLinks(); $this->links["internal"] = $links->getInternalCount(); $this->links["externalNofollow"] = $links->getExternalNofollowCount(); $this->links["externalDofollow"] = $links->getExternalDofollowCount(); $this->links["files"] = $links->getFilesCount(); $this->links["issetUnderscore"] = $links->issetUnderscore(); $this->links["friendly"] = $links->isAllLinksAreFriendly(); $metatags = new MetaTags($this->html); $this->metatags["title"] = $metatags->getTitle(); $this->metatags["description"] = $metatags->getDescription(); $this->metatags["keywords"] = $metatags->getKeywords(); $this->metatags["charset"] = $metatags->getCharset(); $this->metatags["viewport"] = $metatags->getViewPort() !== null ? 1 : 0; $this->metatags["dublincore"] = $metatags->getDublinCore(); $this->metatags["ogproperties"] = $metatags->getOgMetaProperties(); $seoanalyse = new SeoAnalyse($this->html); $this->seoanalyse['htmlratio'] = $seoanalyse->getHtmlRatio(); $validation = new Validation($this->domain); $this->validation["w3c"] = $validation->w3cHTML(); $tagcloud = new TagCloud($this->html, $this->lang); $analyser = $this->CI->config->item('analyser'); $this->tagcloud = $tagcloud->generate($analyser["tagCloud"]); $matrix = new SearchMatrix(); $matrix->addWords(array_slice(array_keys($this->tagcloud), 0, $analyser["consistencyCount"])); $matrix->addSearchInString("title", $this->metatags["title"]); $matrix->addSearchInString("description", $this->metatags["description"]); $matrix->addSearchInString("keywords", $this->metatags["keywords"]); $matrix->addSearchInArrayRecursive("headings", $this->content["headings"]); $this->matrix = $matrix->generate(); $optimization = new Optimization($this->domain); $analytics = new AnalyticsFinder($this->html); $this->misc['sitemap'] = $optimization->getSitemap(); $this->misc['robotstxt'] = $optimization->hasRobotsTxt(); $this->misc['gzip'] = $optimization->hasGzipSupport(); $this->misc['analytics'] = $analytics->findAll(); $this->score = $this->getScore(); $p = new PageSpeedInsights($this->domain, $this->CI->config->item('googleApiKey')); $p->setLocale($this->CI->config->item('langshort')); $results = $p->getResults(); $this->pagespeed = $results; // Social grader $s = new Socialgrader($this->html, $this->domain); $this->grader = $s->grader(); }
/** * Prints tag cloud for attribute <code>attribute</code> to <code>$wgOut</code> * * @param $attribute String: attribute */ private function printTagCloud($attribute) { global $wgOut; try { $tagCloud = new TagCloud($attribute); // Context menu $wgOut->addHTML('<ul id="fptc_contextMenu" class="contextMenu"> <li class="browse"> <a href="#browse">' . wfMsg('fptc-context-menu-browse') . '</a> </li> <li class="fptc_suggestions separator"> ' . wfMsg('fptc-context-menu-similar-tags') . ' </li> </ul>'); // Print tags foreach ($tagCloud->getTags() as $tag) { $this->printTag($tag, $attribute); } $wgOut->addHTML('<div style="clear:both"></div>'); } catch (InvalidAttributeException $e) { if ($attribute) { // Attribute not found -> show error $wgOut->addHTML('<span style="color:red; font-weight:bold;">' . wfMsg('fptc-invalid-attribute') . '</span>'); } } }
<?php include "TagCloud.php"; $cloud = new TagCloud(); $cloud->setOption('transliterate', false); $cloud->addTag(array('tag' => 'PHP', 'level' => 5)); $cloud->addTag(array('tag' => 'Mysql', 'level' => 4)); $cloud->addTag(array('tag' => 'Reflux', 'level' => 3)); $cloud->addTag(array('tag' => 'Gulp', 'level' => 3)); $cloud->addTag(array('tag' => 'Javascript', 'level' => 5)); $cloud->addTag(array('tag' => 'Composer', 'level' => 4)); $cloud->addTag(array('tag' => 'Jenkins', 'level' => 2)); $cloud->addTag(array('tag' => 'HTML5', 'level' => 5)); $cloud->addTag(array('tag' => 'RAML', 'level' => 4)); $cloud->addTag(array('tag' => 'Python', 'level' => 2)); $cloud->addTag(array('tag' => 'Compass', 'level' => 4)); $cloud->addTag(array('tag' => 'Memcache', 'level' => 3)); $cloud->addTag(array('tag' => 'CouchDB', 'level' => 2)); $cloud->addTag(array('tag' => 'Apache', 'level' => 4)); $cloud->addTag(array('tag' => 'Flash Media Server', 'level' => 4)); $cloud->addTag(array('tag' => 'Saas', 'level' => 4)); $cloud->addTag(array('tag' => 'JSON Schema', 'level' => 2)); $cloud->addTag(array('tag' => 'API REST', 'level' => 5)); $cloud->addTag(array('tag' => 'App cache', 'level' => 4)); $cloud->addTag(array('tag' => 'Nagios', 'level' => 1)); $cloud->addTag(array('tag' => 'NPM', 'level' => 3)); $cloud->addTag(array('tag' => 'ReactJS', 'level' => 3)); $cloud->addTag(array('tag' => 'IndexedDB', 'level' => 4)); $cloud->addTag(array('tag' => 'Nginx', 'level' => 2)); $cloud->addTag(array('tag' => 'CSS', 'level' => 5)); $cloud->addTag(array('tag' => 'Express', 'level' => 3));
/** * Reads the tags of this board. */ protected function readTags() { // include files require_once WCF_DIR . 'lib/data/tag/TagCloud.class.php'; // get tags $tagCloud = new TagCloud(WCF::getSession()->getVisibleLanguageIDArray()); $this->tags = $tagCloud->getTags(); }