function __construct($orientation = 'P', $unit = 'mm', $format = 'A4', $encoding = 'UTF-8', $diskcache = FALSE) { if (TTi18n::getPDFDefaultFont() != 'freeserif' and $encoding == 'ISO-8859-1') { parent::__construct($orientation, $unit, $format, FALSE, 'ISO-8859-1', $diskcache); //Make sure TCPDF constructor is called with all the arguments } else { parent::__construct($orientation, $unit, $format, TRUE, $encoding, $diskcache); //Make sure TCPDF constructor is called with all the arguments } Debug::Text('PDF Encoding: ' . $encoding, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); /* if ( TTi18n::getPDFDefaultFont() == 'freeserif' ) { Debug::Text('Using unicode PDF: Font: freeserif Unicode: '. (int)$unicode .' Encoding: '. $encoding, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__,10); } else { //If we're only using English, default to faster non-unicode settings. //unicode=FALSE and encoding='ISO-8859-1' is about 20-30% faster. Debug::Text('Using non-unicode PDF: Font: helvetica Unicode: '. (int)$unicode .' Encoding: '. $encoding, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__,10); parent::__construct($orientation, $unit, $format, FALSE, 'ISO-8859-1', $diskcache); //Make sure TCPDF constructor is called with all the arguments } */ //Using freeserif font enabling font subsetting is slow and produces PDFs at least 1mb. Helvetica is fine though. $this->setFontSubsetting(TRUE); //When enabled, makes PDFs smaller, but severly slows down TCPDF if enabled. (+6 seconds per PDF) $this->SetCreator(APPLICATION_NAME . ' ' . getTTProductEditionName() . ' v' . APPLICATION_VERSION); return TRUE; }
function _getFactoryOptions($name, $parent = NULL) { $retval = NULL; switch ($name) { case 'columns': $retval = array('-1100-type' => TTi18n::gettext('Type'), '-1110-status' => TTi18n::gettext('Status'), '-1210-time_stamp' => TTi18n::gettext('Date/Time'), '-1220-date' => TTi18n::gettext('Date'), '-1230-time' => TTi18n::gettext('Time'), '-1239-in_type' => TTi18n::gettext('In Type'), '-1240-in_time_stamp' => TTi18n::gettext('In Date/Time'), '-1250-in_punch_date' => TTi18n::gettext('In Date'), '-1260-in_punch_time' => TTi18n::gettext('In Time'), '-1269-out_type' => TTi18n::gettext('Out Type'), '-1270-out_time_stamp' => TTi18n::gettext('Out Date/Time'), '-1280-out_punch_date' => TTi18n::gettext('Out Date'), '-1290-out_punch_time' => TTi18n::gettext('Out Time'), '-1310-branch' => TTi18n::gettext('Branch'), '-1320-department' => TTi18n::gettext('Department'), '-1410-station_id' => TTi18n::gettext('Station ID'), '-1420-longitude' => TTi18n::gettext('Longitude'), '-1430-latitude' => TTi18n::gettext('Latitude'), '-1500-note' => TTi18n::gettext('Note')); //Since getOptions() can be called without first setting a company, we don't always know the product edition for the currently //logged in employee. if (is_object($this->getCompanyObject()) and $this->getCompanyObject()->getProductEdition() >= TT_PRODUCT_CORPORATE or !is_object($this->getCompanyObject()) and getTTProductEdition() >= TT_PRODUCT_CORPORATE) { $retval += array('-1330-job' => TTi18n::gettext('Job'), '-1340-job_item' => TTi18n::gettext('Task'), '-1350-quantity' => TTi18n::gettext('Quantity'), '-1360-bad_quantity' => TTi18n::gettext('Bad Quantity')); } $retval = Misc::addSortPrefix(Misc::prependArray($this->getUserIdentificationColumns(), Misc::trimSortPrefix($retval))); ksort($retval); break; case 'column_aliases': //Used for converting column names after they have been parsed. $retval = array('type' => 'type_id', 'status' => 'status_id', 'branch' => 'branch_id', 'department' => 'department_id', 'job' => 'job_id', 'job_item' => 'job_item_id'); break; case 'import_options': $retval = array('-1010-fuzzy_match' => TTi18n::getText('Enable smart matching.'), '-1020-disable_rounding' => TTi18n::getText('Disable rounding.')); break; case 'parse_hint': $upf = TTnew('UserPreferenceFactory'); $retval = array('branch' => array('-1010-name' => TTi18n::gettext('Name'), '-1010-manual_id' => TTi18n::gettext('Code')), 'department' => array('-1010-name' => TTi18n::gettext('Name'), '-1010-manual_id' => TTi18n::gettext('Code')), 'job' => array('-1010-name' => TTi18n::gettext('Name'), '-1010-manual_id' => TTi18n::gettext('Code')), 'job_item' => array('-1010-name' => TTi18n::gettext('Name'), '-1010-manual_id' => TTi18n::gettext('Code')), 'time_stamp' => $upf->getOptions('date_time_format'), 'in_time_stamp' => $upf->getOptions('date_time_format'), 'out_time_stamp' => $upf->getOptions('date_time_format'), 'date' => $upf->getOptions('date_format'), 'in_punch_date' => $upf->getOptions('date_format'), 'out_punch_date' => $upf->getOptions('date_format'), 'time' => $upf->getOptions('time_format'), 'in_punch_time' => $upf->getOptions('time_format'), 'out_punch_time' => $upf->getOptions('time_format')); break; } return $retval; }
static function getOptions($name, $interval = 1) { $all_array_option = array('*' => TTi18n::getText('-- All --')); $retval = FALSE; switch ($name) { case 'minute': for ($i = 0; $i <= 59; $i += $interval) { $retval[$i] = $i; } $retval = Misc::prependArray($all_array_option, $retval); break; case 'hour': for ($i = 0; $i <= 23; $i += $interval) { $retval[$i] = $i; } $retval = Misc::prependArray($all_array_option, $retval); break; case 'day_of_month': $retval = Misc::prependArray($all_array_option, TTDate::getDayOfMonthArray()); break; case 'month': $retval = Misc::prependArray($all_array_option, TTDate::getMonthOfYearArray()); break; case 'day_of_week': $retval = Misc::prependArray($all_array_option, TTDate::getDayOfWeekArray()); break; } return $retval; }
/** * Smarty plugin * @package Smarty * @subpackage plugins */ function smarty_function_htmlReportSort($params, &$smarty) { require_once $smarty->_get_plugin_filepath('function', 'html_options'); $filter_data = $params['filter_data']; $retval .= '<tr onClick="showHelpEntry(\'sort\')"> <td colspan="2" class="cellLeftEditTableHeader"> ' . TTi18n::gettext('Sort By:') . ' </td> <td class="cellRightEditTable"> <select id="columns" name="filter_data[primary_sort]"> {html_options options=$filter_data.sort_options selected=$filter_data.primary_sort} ' . smarty_function_html_options(array('options' => $filter_data['sort_options'], 'selected' => $filter_data['primary_sort']), $smarty) . ' </select> <select id="columns" name="filter_data[primary_sort_dir]"> ' . smarty_function_html_options(array('options' => $filter_data['sort_direction_options'], 'selected' => $filter_data['primary_sort_dir']), $smarty) . ' </select> <b>' . TTi18n::gettext('then:') . '</b> <select id="columns" name="filter_data[secondary_sort]"> ' . smarty_function_html_options(array('options' => $filter_data['sort_options'], 'selected' => $filter_data['secondary_sort']), $smarty) . ' </select> <select id="columns" name="filter_data[secondary_sort_dir]"> ' . smarty_function_html_options(array('options' => $filter_data['sort_direction_options'], 'selected' => $filter_data['secondary_sort_dir']), $smarty) . ' </select> </td> </tr> '; return $retval; }
/** * Smarty plugin * @package Smarty * @subpackage plugins */ function smarty_function_formatCurrency($params, &$smarty) { $amount = $params['amount']; $currency_code = $params['currency_code']; $show_code = $params['show_code']; return TTi18n::formatCurrency($amount, $currency_code, $show_code); }
static function getByFuzzyValue($value, $options, $value_is_translated = TRUE) { // I18n: Calling gettext on the value here enables a match with the translated value in the relevant factory. // BUT... such string comparisons are messy and we really should be using getByKey for most everything. // Exceptions can be made by passing false for $value_is_translated. if ($value_is_translated == TRUE) { $value = TTi18n::gettext($value); } if (is_array($value)) { return FALSE; } if (!is_array($options)) { return FALSE; } $retarr = Misc::findClosestMatch($value, $options, 10, FALSE); Debug::Arr($retarr, 'RetArr: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); /* //Convert SQL search value ie: 'test%test%' to a regular expression. $value = str_replace('%', '.*', $value); foreach( $options as $key => $option_value ) { if ( preg_match('/^'.$value.'$/i', $option_value) ) { $retarr[] = $key; } } */ if (isset($retarr)) { return $retarr; } return FALSE; }
function setOrder($value) { $value = trim($value); if ($this->Validator->isNumeric('order', $value, TTi18n::gettext('Order is invalid'))) { $this->data['order_value'] = $value; return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
function returnFileValidationError() { //Make sure we return a complete validation error to be displayed to the user. $validator_obj = new Validator(); $validator_stats = array('total_records' => 1, 'valid_records' => 0); $validator_obj->isTrue('file', FALSE, TTi18n::getText('Please upload file again')); $validator[0] = $validator_obj->getErrorsArray(); return $this->returnHandler(FALSE, 'IMPORT_FILE', TTi18n::getText('INVALID DATA'), $validator, $validator_stats); }
public function getTemplateSchema($name = NULL) { $template_schema = array(array('page' => 1, 'template_page' => 1), array('function' => 'drawPiecemeal', 'value' => '_____________________________', 'coordinates' => array(array('x' => 47, 'y' => 245, 'h' => 5, 'w' => 60, 'halign' => 'L'), array('x' => 147, 'y' => 245, 'h' => 5, 'w' => 60, 'halign' => 'L'), array('x' => 147, 'y' => 255, 'h' => 5, 'w' => 60, 'halign' => 'C')), 'font' => array('size' => 10, 'type' => '')), array('function' => 'drawSegments', 'value' => array(TTi18n::gettext('Employee Signature:'), TTi18n::gettext('Supervisor Signature:'), TTi18n::gettext('(print name)')), 'coordinates' => array(array('x' => 7, 'y' => 245, 'h' => 5, 'w' => 40, 'halign' => 'L'), array('x' => 107, 'y' => 245, 'h' => 5, 'w' => 40, 'halign' => 'R'), array('x' => 140, 'y' => 260, 'h' => 5, 'w' => 60, 'halign' => 'C')), 'font' => array('size' => 10, 'type' => '')), 'full_name' => array('function' => 'drawPiecemeal', 'coordinates' => array(array('x' => 20, 'y' => 28, 'h' => 5, 'w' => 100, 'halign' => 'L'), array('x' => 40, 'y' => 250, 'h' => 5, 'w' => 60, 'halign' => 'C')), 'font' => array('size' => 10, 'type' => '')), 'amount_words_cents' => array('function' => array('filterAmountWordsCents', 'drawNormal'), 'coordinates' => array('x' => 20, 'y' => 36, 'h' => 5, 'w' => 100, 'halign' => 'J'), 'font' => array('size' => 10, 'type' => '')), 'date' => array('function' => array('filterDate', 'drawNormal'), 'coordinates' => array('x' => 100, 'y' => 18, 'h' => 5, 'w' => 38, 'halign' => 'L'), 'font' => array('size' => 10, 'type' => '')), 'amount_padded' => array('function' => array('filterAmountPadded', 'drawNormal'), 'coordinates' => array('x' => 136, 'y' => 27, 'h' => 5, 'w' => 24, 'halign' => 'L'), 'font' => array('size' => 10, 'type' => '')), 'stub_left_column' => array('function' => 'drawPiecemeal', 'coordinates' => array(array('x' => 15, 'y' => 105, 'h' => 95, 'w' => 96, 'halign' => 'L'), array('x' => 15, 'y' => 200, 'h' => 45, 'w' => 96, 'halign' => 'L')), 'font' => array('size' => 10, 'type' => ''), 'multicell' => TRUE), 'stub_right_column' => array('function' => 'drawPiecemeal', 'coordinates' => array(array('x' => 111, 'y' => 105, 'h' => 95, 'w' => 96, 'halign' => 'R'), array('x' => 111, 'y' => 200, 'h' => 45, 'w' => 96, 'halign' => 'R')), 'font' => array('size' => 10, 'type' => ''), 'multicell' => TRUE)); if (isset($template_schema[$name])) { return $name; } else { return $template_schema; } }
public function getTemplateSchema($name = NULL) { $template_schema = array(array('page' => 1, 'template_page' => 1, 'value' => TTi18n::gettext('Date:') . ' ', 'coordinates' => array('x' => 172, 'y' => 28, 'h' => 10, 'w' => 10, 'halign' => 'C'), 'font' => array('size' => 10, 'type' => '')), 'full_name' => array('coordinates' => array('x' => 25, 'y' => 41, 'h' => 5, 'w' => 100, 'halign' => 'L'), 'font' => array('size' => 10, 'type' => '')), 'amount_words' => array('function' => array('filterAmountWords', 'drawNormal'), 'coordinates' => array('x' => 25, 'y' => 49, 'h' => 10, 'w' => 100, 'halign' => 'L'), 'font' => array('size' => 10, 'type' => '')), 'amount_cents' => array('function' => array('filterAmountCents', 'drawNormal'), 'coordinates' => array('x' => 125, 'y' => 49, 'h' => 10, 'w' => 15, 'halign' => 'L'), 'font' => array('size' => 10, 'type' => '')), 'date' => array('function' => array('filterDate', 'drawNormal'), 'coordinates' => array('x' => 182, 'y' => 28, 'h' => 10, 'w' => 25, 'halign' => 'C'), 'font' => array('size' => 10, 'type' => '')), 'amount_padded' => array('function' => array('filterAmountPadded', 'drawNormal'), 'coordinates' => array('x' => 172, 'y' => 41, 'h' => 10, 'w' => 35, 'halign' => 'C'), 'font' => array('size' => 10, 'type' => '')), 'stub_left_column' => array('function' => 'drawPiecemeal', 'coordinates' => array(array('x' => 15, 'y' => 105, 'h' => 100, 'w' => 96, 'halign' => 'L'), array('x' => 15, 'y' => 205, 'h' => 100, 'w' => 96, 'halign' => 'L')), 'font' => array('size' => 10, 'type' => ''), 'multicell' => TRUE), 'stub_right_column' => array('function' => 'drawPiecemeal', 'coordinates' => array(array('x' => 111, 'y' => 105, 'h' => 100, 'w' => 96, 'halign' => 'R'), array('x' => 111, 'y' => 205, 'h' => 100, 'w' => 96, 'halign' => 'R')), 'font' => array('size' => 10, 'type' => ''), 'multicell' => TRUE)); if (isset($template_schema[$name])) { return $name; } else { return $template_schema; } }
function getOptions($name) { $retval = NULL; switch ($name) { case 'type': $retval = array('government' => TTi18n::gettext('Government (Multiple Employees/Page)'), 'employee' => TTi18n::gettext('Employee (One Employee/Page)')); break; } return $retval; }
function setRoundInterValPolicy($id) { $id = trim($id); $riplf = TTnew('RoundIntervalPolicyListFactory'); if ($id == 0 or $this->Validator->isResultSetWithRows('round_inteval_policy', $riplf->getByID($id), TTi18n::gettext('Selected Interval Rounding Policy is invalid'))) { $this->data['round_interval_policy_id'] = $id; return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
function setDepartment($id) { $id = trim($id); $dlf = new DepartmentListFactory(); if ($this->Validator->isResultSetWithRows('department', $dlf->getByID($id), TTi18n::gettext('Selected Department is invalid'))) { $this->data['department_id'] = $id; return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
function setPremiumPolicy($id) { $id = trim($id); $pplf = new PremiumPolicyListFactory(); if ($id == 0 or $this->Validator->isResultSetWithRows('premium_policy', $pplf->getByID($id), TTi18n::gettext('Selected Premium Policy is invalid'))) { $this->data['premium_policy_id'] = $id; return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
function setBranch($id) { $id = trim($id); $blf = new BranchListFactory(); if ($this->Validator->isResultSetWithRows('branch', $blf->getByID($id), TTi18n::gettext('Selected Branch is invalid'))) { $this->data['branch_id'] = $id; return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
function setBranch($id) { $id = trim($id); $blf = TTnew('BranchListFactory'); if ($id != 0 or $this->Validator->isResultSetWithRows('company', $blf->getByID($id), TTi18n::gettext('Company is invalid'))) { $this->data['branch_id'] = $id; return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
function setUser($id) { $id = trim($id); $ulf = TTnew('UserListFactory'); if ($this->Validator->isResultSetWithRows('user', $ulf->getByID($id), TTi18n::gettext('User is invalid'))) { $this->data['user_id'] = $id; return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
function setAccrualPolicy($id) { $id = trim($id); $aplf = TTnew('AccrualPolicyListFactory'); if ($id == 0 or $this->Validator->isResultSetWithRows('over_time_policy', $aplf->getByID($id), TTi18n::gettext('Selected Accrual Policy is invalid'))) { $this->data['accrual_policy_id'] = $id; return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
function setGroup($id) { $id = trim($id); $uglf = new UserGroupListFactory(); if ($id == 0 or $this->Validator->isResultSetWithRows('group', $uglf->getByID($id), TTi18n::gettext('Selected Group is invalid'))) { $this->data['group_id'] = $id; return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
function setIncludeUser($id) { $id = trim($id); $ulf = new UserListFactory(); if ($this->Validator->isResultSetWithRows('include_user', $ulf->getByID($id), TTi18n::gettext('Selected User is invalid'))) { $this->data['user_id'] = $id; return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
function setOverTimePolicy($id) { $id = trim($id); $otplf = new OverTimePolicyListFactory(); if ($id == 0 or $this->Validator->isResultSetWithRows('over_time_policy', $otplf->getByID($id), TTi18n::gettext('Selected Overtime Policy is invalid'))) { $this->data['over_time_policy_id'] = $id; return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
function setRecurringHoliday($id) { $id = trim($id); $rhlf = new RecurringHolidayListFactory(); if ($id != 0 and $this->Validator->isResultSetWithRows('recurring_holiday', $rhlf->getByID($id), TTi18n::gettext('Selected Recurring Holiday is invalid'))) { $this->data['recurring_holiday_id'] = $id; return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
function setUser($id) { $id = trim($id); $ulf = new UserListFactory(); if ($id != 0 and $this->Validator->isResultSetWithRows('user', $ulf->getByID($id), TTi18n::gettext('Selected Employee is invalid')) and $this->Validator->isTrue('user', $this->isUniqueUser($id), TTi18n::gettext('Selected Employee is already assigned to another Permission Group'))) { $this->data['user_id'] = $id; return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
function setCompanyDeduction($id) { $id = trim($id); Debug::Text('ID: ' . $id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $cdlf = new CompanyDeductionListFactory(); if ($this->Validator->isResultSetWithRows('company_deduction', $cdlf->getByID($id), TTi18n::gettext('Deduction is invalid'))) { $this->data['company_deduction_id'] = $id; return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
function notAuthenticatedInvokeService($serviceName, $methodName, $arguments, $extras = NULL) { Debug::text('Service: ' . $serviceName . ' Method: ' . $methodName, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); //Allow core.APIEnvironment calls in this state, otherwise Flex can't set the proper URLs. if (in_array($serviceName, array('APIAuthentication', 'core.APIEnvironment'))) { return $this->invokeService($serviceName, $methodName, $arguments); } else { $obj = new APIAuthentication(); return $obj->returnHandler(FALSE, 'NOT_AUTHENTICATED', TTi18n::getText('Session timed out, please login again.')); } }
function getOptions($name) { $retval = NULL; switch ($name) { case 'status': $retval = array('-1010-O' => TTi18n::getText('Original'), '-1020-A' => TTi18n::getText('Amended'), '-1030-C' => TTi18n::getText('Cancel')); break; case 'type': $retval = array('government' => TTi18n::gettext('Government (Multiple Employees/Page)'), 'employee' => TTi18n::gettext('Employee (One Employee/Page)')); break; } return $retval; }
function TimeSheetFormatArrayByDate($input_arr, $type_arr, $calendar_array, $name_key, $id_key = NULL) { //Debug::text('Group Array While Loop: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__,10); //Debug::Arr($input_arr, 'Input Array: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__,10); //Debug::Arr($type_arr, 'Type Array: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__,10); $x = 0; $stop = FALSE; $max_no_punch_count = count($calendar_array); while ($stop == FALSE) { if (isset($type_arr[$x])) { $type_id = $type_arr[$x]; } else { $type_id = NULL; } //Debug::text('===========================================================', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__,10); //Debug::text('While Loop: '. $x .' Max No Punch Count: '. $max_no_punch_count .' Type ID: '. $type_id .' ... ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__,10); $no_punch_count = 0; foreach ($calendar_array as $cal_arr) { //Debug::text('Calendar Day: '. $cal_arr['day_of_month'] .' Epoch: '.$cal_arr['epoch'] , __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__,10); if (isset($input_arr[$cal_arr['epoch']][$type_id])) { //Debug::text('Found Punch for Day: '. $cal_arr['day_of_month'] , __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__,10); $total_arr = $input_arr[$cal_arr['epoch']][$type_id]; unset($input_arr[$cal_arr['epoch']][$type_id]); if ($total_arr[$name_key] == '') { $total_rows[$x]['name'] = TTi18n::gettext('N/A'); } else { $total_rows[$x]['name'] = $total_arr[$name_key]; } $total_rows[$x]['type_and_policy_id'] = $type_id; if ($id_key != '') { $total_rows[$x]['id'] = $total_arr[$id_key]; } } else { //Debug::text('NO Punch found for Day: '. $cal_arr['day_of_month'] .' No Punch Count: '. $no_punch_count, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__,10); $total_arr = NULL; $no_punch_count++; } $total_rows[$x]['data'][$cal_arr['epoch']] = $total_arr; } //Debug::text('No Punch Count: '. $no_punch_count .' Max: '. $max_no_punch_count, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__,10); if ($x == 100 or $no_punch_count == $max_no_punch_count) { //Debug::text('Stopping Loop at: '. $x, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__,10); //Clear last row, as its blank; array_pop($total_rows); $stop = TRUE; } $x++; } //var_dump($total_rows); return $total_rows; }
function createPresets($data) { if (!$this->getPermissionObject()->Check('pay_period_schedule', 'enabled') or !($this->getPermissionObject()->Check('pay_period_schedule', 'edit') or $this->getPermissionObject()->Check('pay_period_schedule', 'edit_own') or $this->getPermissionObject()->Check('pay_period_schedule', 'edit_child') or $this->getPermissionObject()->Check('pay_period_schedule', 'add'))) { return $this->getPermissionObject()->PermissionDenied(); } if (is_array($data)) { $this->getProgressBarObject()->start($this->getAMFMessageID(), count($data) + 1, NULL, TTi18n::getText('Creating policies...')); $this->getMainClassObject()->setCompany($this->getCurrentCompanyObject()->getId()); $this->getMainClassObject()->setUser($this->getCurrentUserObject()->getId()); $this->getMainClassObject()->createPresets(); $already_processed_country = array(); $i = 1; foreach ($data as $location) { if (isset($location['country']) and isset($location['province'])) { if ($location['province'] == '00') { $location['province'] = NULL; } if (!in_array($location['country'], $already_processed_country)) { $this->getMainClassObject()->createPresets($location['country']); } $this->getMainClassObject()->createPresets($location['country'], $location['province']); Debug::text('Creating presets for Country: ' . $location['country'] . ' Province: ' . $location['province'], __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 9); $already_processed_country[] = $location['country']; } $this->getProgressBarObject()->set($this->getAMFMessageID(), $i); $i++; } $this->getProgressBarObject()->set($this->getAMFMessageID(), $i++, TTi18n::getText('Creating Permissions...')); $this->getMainClassObject()->Permissions(); $this->getMainClassObject()->UserDefaults(); //Assign the current user to the only existing pay period schedule. $ppslf = TTnew('PayPeriodScheduleListFactory'); $ppslf->getByCompanyId($this->getCurrentCompanyObject()->getId()); if ($ppslf->getRecordCount() == 1) { $pps_obj = $ppslf->getCurrent(); $pps_obj->setUser($this->getCurrentUserObject()->getId()); Debug::text('Assigning current user to pay period schedule: ' . $pps_obj->getID(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 9); if ($pps_obj->isValid()) { $pps_obj->Save(); } } $this->getCurrentCompanyObject()->setSetupComplete(TRUE); if ($this->getCurrentCompanyObject()->isValid()) { $this->getCurrentCompanyObject()->Save(); } $this->getProgressBarObject()->stop($this->getAMFMessageID()); } return TRUE; }
function _getFactoryOptions($name, $parent = NULL) { $retval = NULL; switch ($name) { case 'columns': $bf = TTNew('DepartmentFactory'); $retval = $bf->getOptions('columns'); break; case 'import_options': $retval = array('-1010-fuzzy_match' => TTi18n::getText('Enable smart matching.')); break; case 'parse_hint': $retval = array(); break; } return $retval; }
/** * Smarty plugin * @package Smarty * @subpackage plugins */ function smarty_function_htmlReportGroup($params, &$smarty) { require_once $smarty->_get_plugin_filepath('function', 'html_options'); $filter_data = $params['filter_data']; if (isset($params['total'])) { $total = $params['total']; } else { $total = 2; } $retval .= '<tr onClick="showHelpEntry(\'group_by\')"> <td colspan="2" class="cellLeftEditTableHeader"> ' . TTi18n::gettext('Group By:') . ' </td> <td class="cellRightEditTable"> <select id="columns" name="filter_data[primary_group_by]"> ' . smarty_function_html_options(array('options' => $filter_data['group_by_options'], 'selected' => $filter_data['primary_group_by']), $smarty) . ' </select>'; if ($total >= 2) { $retval .= ' <b>' . TTi18n::gettext('then:') . '</b> <select id="columns" name="filter_data[secondary_group_by]"> ' . smarty_function_html_options(array('options' => $filter_data['group_by_options'], 'selected' => $filter_data['secondary_group_by']), $smarty) . ' </select>'; } if ($total >= 3) { $retval .= ' <br> <select id="columns" name="filter_data[tertiary_group_by]"> ' . smarty_function_html_options(array('options' => $filter_data['group_by_options'], 'selected' => $filter_data['tertiary_group_by']), $smarty) . ' </select>'; } if ($total >= 4) { $retval .= ' <b>' . TTi18n::gettext('then:') . '</b> <select id="columns" name="filter_data[quaternary_group_by]"> ' . smarty_function_html_options(array('options' => $filter_data['group_by_options'], 'selected' => $filter_data['quaternary_group_by']), $smarty) . ' </select>'; } $retval .= ' </td> </tr> '; return $retval; }