public function onPreRender($param) { parent::onPreRender($param); $paths = explode('.', $this->getClassPath()); if (count($paths) > 1) { $classFile = 'class-' . array_pop($paths) . '.html'; $this->setNavigateUrl(self::BASE_URL . '/' . $classFile); if ($this->getText() === '') { $this->setText('API Manual'); } } }
/** * Sets the target window or frame to display the Web page content linked to when the THyperLink component is clicked. * @param string the target window, valid values include '_blank', '_parent', '_self', '_top' and empty string. */ public function setTarget($value) { parent::setTarget($value); if ($this->getActiveControl()->canUpdateClientSide()) { $this->getPage()->getCallbackClient()->setAttribute($this, 'target', $value); } }
public function render($writer) { if ($this->getVisible()) { $writer->writeLine("<table><tr><td>"); $hplnk = new THyperLink(); if ($this->getNavigateUrl() !== '') { $hplnk->setNavigateUrl($this->getURl()); } else { $hplnk->setNavigateUrl($this->getFirstSubLnk()); } $hplnk->setText($this->getText()); if ($this->isInPage()) { $hplnk->setCssClass($this->getActCss()); } else { $hplnk->setCssClass($this->getIActCss()); } $hplnk->render($writer); if (!$this->getColapse() || $this->isInPage()) { $writer->writeLine("<table>"); foreach ($this->getControls() as $item) { if ($item instanceof AxListMenuItem || $item instanceof AxListMenuColl) { $item->render($writer); } } $writer->writeLine("</table>"); $writer->writeLine("</td></tr></table>"); } } }
/** * Initializes the specified cell to its initial values. * This method overrides the parent implementation. * It creates a hyperlink within the cell. * @param TTableCell the cell to be initialized. * @param integer the index to the Columns property that the cell resides in. * @param string the type of cell (Header,Footer,Item,AlternatingItem,EditItem,SelectedItem) */ public function initializeCell($cell, $columnIndex, $itemType) { if ($itemType === TListItemType::Item || $itemType === TListItemType::AlternatingItem || $itemType === TListItemType::SelectedItem || $itemType === TListItemType::EditItem) { $link = new THyperLink(); if (($url = $this->getImageUrl()) !== '') { $link->setImageUrl($url); if (($width = $this->getImageWidth()) !== '') { $link->setImageWidth($width); } if (($height = $this->getImageHeight()) !== '') { $link->setImageHeight($height); } } $link->setText($this->getText()); $link->setNavigateUrl($this->getNavigateUrl()); $link->setTarget($this->getTarget()); if ($this->getDataTextField() !== '' || $this->getDataNavigateUrlField() !== '') { $link->attachEventHandler('OnDataBinding', array($this, 'dataBindColumn')); } $cell->getControls()->add($link); $cell->registerObject('HyperLink', $link); } else { parent::initializeCell($cell, $columnIndex, $itemType); } }
private function processChildren($writer) { if ($this->getNodeType() == PFTreeList::NODE_TYPE_INTERNAL_LINK) { $title = new InternalHyperLink(); $title->setToPage($this->getToPage()); $title->setGetVariables($this->getGetVariables()); $title->setAnchor($this->getAnchor()); $title->Attributes->OnClick = "toggleSub('" . $this->getID() . "')"; } elseif ($this->getNodeType() == PFTreeList::NODE_TYPE_INTERNAL_ACTIVE_LINK) { $title = new InternalHyperLink(); $title->setToPage($this->getToPage()); $title->setGetVariables($this->getGetVariables()); $title->setAnchor($this->getAnchor()); $title->Attributes->OnClick = "toggleSub('" . $this->getID() . "')"; } elseif ($this->getNodeType() == PFTreeList::NODE_TYPE_LINK) { $title = new THyperLink(); $title->setNavigateUrl($this->getToPage()); $title->Attributes->OnClick = "toggleSub('" . $this->getID() . "')"; } else { $title = new TLabel(); } $title->setCssClass($this->getTitleClass()); $title->setText($this->getTitle()); $i = 0; foreach ($this->subTree as $c) { if (!$c instanceof TWebControl) { continue; } $i++; break; } if ($i == 0) { $class = "leaf"; $fct = ""; } else { $class = $this->getDeploy() ? "node" : "nodeDeployed"; $fct = $this->getCanDeploy() ? "onClick='toggleSub(\"" . $this->getID() . "\")'" : ""; } $writer->write("<li class='{$class}' {$fct} id='" . $this->getID() . PFTreeList::SUB_ID_LI . "'>"); $title->render($writer); $writer->write("</li>"); $cssclass = $this->getCssClass() ? " class='" . $this->getCssClass() . "'" : ""; $style = $this->getDeploy() ? "block" : "none"; if ($i > 0) { $writer->write("<li style='list-style: none outside; padding-left:0px; margin-left:0px; min-height: 0px;' id='" . $this->getID() . PFTreeList::SUB_ID_UL . "'><ul {$cssclass} style='display: {$style}'>\n"); } $order = 0; foreach ($this->subTree as $c) { if (!$c instanceof TWebControl) { continue; } if ($c instanceof PFTreeList) { $c->Parent = $this; $c->setOrder($order++); $c->setCssClass($this->getCssClass()); $c->render($writer); } else { $cssclass = $this->getCssClass() ? " class='" . $this->getCssClass() . "'" : ""; $writer->write("<ul {$cssclass}><li class='leaf'>"); $c->getPage()->addParsedObject($c); $c->render($writer); $writer->write("</li></ul>\n"); } } if ($i > 0) { $writer->write("</ul></li>\n"); } }