function __construct(\Swoole $swoole) { $this->swoole = $swoole; $this->model = $swoole->model; $this->config = $swoole->config; $this->template_dir = \Swoole::$app_path . '/templates/'; if (!defined('TPL_PATH')) { define('TPL_PATH', $this->template_dir); } if ($this->if_filter) { Filter::request(); } $swoole->__init(); }
static function __callStatic($func, $params) { $id = $params[0]; if (empty(self::$pool[$id])) { $objectType = substr($func, 3); $config = \Swoole::getInstance()->config[strtolower($objectType)][$id]; if (empty($objectType) or empty($config['type'])) { throw new \Exception("config error.{$objectType}/{$id} not found"); } $class = '\\Swoole\\' . $objectType . '\\' . $config['type']; self::$pool[$id] = new $class($config); } return self::$pool[$id]; }
/** * 开启会话 * @param $readonly */ function session($readonly = false) { Swoole::getInstance()->session->start($readonly); }
function __construct(\Swoole $swoole, $db_key = 'master') { $this->db = $swoole->db($db_key); $this->dbs = new \Swoole\SelectDB($swoole->db); $this->swoole = $swoole; }
function handlerServer(Swoole\Request $request) { $response = new Swoole\Response(); $request->setGlobal(); //处理静态请求 if (!empty($this->server->config['apps']['do_static']) and $this->server->doStaticRequest($request, $response)) { return $response; } $php = Swoole::getInstance(); //将对象赋值到控制器 $php->request = $request; $php->response = $response; try { ob_start(); /*---------------------处理MVC----------------------*/ $response->body = $php->runMVC(); $response->body .= ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); } catch (\Exception $e) { if ($request->finish != 1) { $this->server->httpError(404, $response, $e->getMessage()); } } //重定向 if (isset($response->head['Location'])) { $response->setHttpStatus(301); } return $response; }
define('DEBUG', 'on'); define('WEBPATH', __DIR__); if (!empty($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) { define("WEBROOT", 'http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']); } define("TABLE_PREFIX", 'st'); define("SITENAME", 'Swoole_PHP开发社区'); //define("TPL_DIR",WEBPATH.'/site/'.SITENAME.'/templates'); //模板目录 //上传文件的位置 define('UPLOAD_DIR', '/static/uploads'); //Login登录用户配置 define('LOGIN_TABLE', 'user_login'); require __DIR__ . '/libs/lib_config.php'; require __DIR__ . '/admin/func.php'; if (get_cfg_var('') == 'dev') { require __DIR__ . '/apps/dev_config.php'; Swoole::$php->config->setPath(APPSPATH . '/configs/dev/'); } //Swoole\Config::$debug = true; Swoole::$php->addHook(Swoole::HOOK_INIT, function () { $php = Swoole::getInstance(); //动态配置系统 $php->tpl->assign('_site_', '/site/' . SITENAME); $php->tpl->assign('_static_', $php->config['site']['static']); }); Swoole::$php->tpl->compile_dir = WEBPATH . "/cache/"; Swoole::$php->tpl->cache_dir = WEBPATH . "/cache/"; //指定国际编码的方式 mb_internal_encoding('utf-8'); //$php->gzip();
/** * 初始化环境 * @return unknown_type */ private function __init() { #记录运行时间和内存占用情况 $this->env['runtime']['start'] = microtime(true); $this->env['runtime']['mem'] = memory_get_usage(); #捕获错误信息 if (DEBUG == 'on') { set_error_handler('swoole_error_handler'); } #初始化App环境 //为了兼容老的APPSPATH预定义常量方式 if (defined('APPSPATH')) { self::$app_root = str_replace(WEBPATH, '', APPSPATH); } elseif (empty(self::$app_root)) { self::$app_root = "/apps"; } self::$app_path = WEBPATH . self::$app_root; $this->env['app_root'] = self::$app_root; }
function admin_add() { $this->_check_cms(); $model = createModel($this->app); $php = Swoole::getInstance(); if ($_POST) { $this->proc_upfiles(); if (isset($_POST['cid'])) { $cid = (int) $_POST['cid']; $cate = getCategory($cid); $_POST['cname'] = $cate['name']; $_POST['fid'] = $cate['fid']; $fcate = getCategory($cate['fid']); $_POST['fname'] = $fcate['name']; } elseif (isset($_POST['fid'])) { $fid = (int) $_POST['fid']; $_POST['fid'] = $fid; $fcate = getCategory($fid); $_POST['fname'] = $fcate['name']; } $_POST['uptime'] = time(); //将远程图片本地化 Swoole_content::image_local($_POST['content']); if (!empty($_POST['id'])) { //如果得到id,说明提交的是修改的操作 $id = (int) $_POST['id']; unset($_POST['id']); $model->set($id, $_POST); Swoole_js::js_back('修改成功', -2); if ($php->config->cms['html_static']) { if (!empty($_POST['pagename'])) { $this->updatePage($_POST['pagename']); } else { $this->updateDetail($id); } } } else { //如果没得到id,说明提交的是添加操作 //if(!isset($_POST['cid']) and isset($_GET['fid'])) $_POST['cid'] = $_GET['fid']; $_POST['uid'] = $_SESSION['admin_user_id']; $_POST['uname'] = $_SESSION['admin_user']['realname']; $id = $model->put($_POST); Swoole_js::js_back('添加成功'); if ($php->config->cms['html_static']) { if (!empty($_POST['pagename'])) { $this->updatePage($_POST['pagename']); } else { $this->updateDetail($id); } } } } else { //Error::dbd(); if (empty($_GET['fid']) and empty($_GET['cid'])) { $cates = getCategorys($this->app); $this->swoole->tpl->assign('cates', $cates); } $this->swoole->plugin->load('fckeditor'); if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $id = $_GET['id']; $det = $model->get($id)->get(); $editor = editor("content", $det['content'], 480); $this->swoole->tpl->assign('det', $det); $this->swoole->tpl->assign('cates', false); } else { $editor = editor("content", '', 480); } $this->swoole->tpl->assign('editor', $editor); $this->swoole->tpl->display('admin_' . strtolower($this->app) . '_detail.html'); } }
/** * 开启会话 */ function session($readonly = false) { $php = Swoole::getInstance(); if (!defined('SWOOLE_SERVER')) { session_start(); return true; } else { $php->session->start($readonly); } }
static function getInstance() { if (!self::$php) { self::$php = new Swoole(); } return self::$php; }
function __destruct() { $this->swoole->__clean(); }
function __construct($db_key = 'master') { $this->config = \Swoole::getInstance()->config['db'][$db_key]; //不能使用长连接,避免进程内占用大量连接 $this->config['persistent'] = false; }
<?php define('DEBUG', 'on'); require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'; Swoole\Loader::vendor_init(); $pkg = array("client_ip" => "", "user_id" => 350749960, "level" => 1, "time" => 1398345164, "txt" => "ErrorLog Test. File=/home/htf/workspace/duowan/mostats/tests/send_log.php|num=0"); Swoole::$app_path = __DIR__ . '/../server/'; table('module_log')->put($pkg);
<?php define('DEBUG', 'on'); define('WEBPATH', __DIR__); define('WEBROOT', 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); require __DIR__ . '/../../framework/libs/lib_config.php'; require __DIR__ . '/apps/include/functions.php'; if (get_cfg_var('') == 'local' or get_cfg_var('') == 'dev') { Swoole::$php->config->setPath(__DIR__ . '/apps/configs/dev/'); } Swoole::getInstance()->runMVC();