public function test_cancelOrderRowsBuilder_cancelCardOrderRowsBuilder_returns_LowerTransaction()
     $orderId = "123456";
     $mockedNumberedOrderRow = new \Svea\NumberedOrderRow();
     $cancelOrderRowsObject = $this->cancelOrderRowsObject->setOrderId($orderId)->addNumberedOrderRow($mockedNumberedOrderRow)->setRowToCancel(1);
     $request = $cancelOrderRowsObject->cancelCardOrderRows();
     $this->assertInstanceOf("Svea\\HostedService\\LowerTransaction", $request);
Exemplo n.º 2
 protected function formatObject($message)
     // was request accepted?
     // if successful, set deliverOrderResult, using the same attributes as for DeliverOrderEU?
     if ($this->accepted == 1) {
         // populate GetOrdersResponse select attributes from the raw GetOrders response
         $order = $message->Orders->Order;
         $this->changedDate = $order->ChangedDate;
         $this->clientId = $order->ClientId;
         $this->clientOrderId = $order->ClientOrderId;
         $this->createdDate = $order->CreatedDate;
         $this->creditReportStatusAccepted = $order->CreditReportStatus->Accepted === "true" ? true : false;
         $this->creditReportStatusCreationDate = $order->CreditReportStatus->CreationDate;
         $this->currency = $order->Currency;
         //individual customer?
         if ($order->Customer->CustomerType === "Individual") {
             //stdClass Object
             //    [ChangedDate] =>
             //    [ClientId] => 79021
             //    [ClientOrderId] => 449
             //    [CreatedDate] => 2014-05-19T16:04:54.787
             //    [CreditReportStatus] => stdClass Object
             //        (
             //            [Accepted] => true
             //            [CreationDate] => 2014-05-19T16:04:54.893
             //        )
             //    [Currency] => SEK
             //    [Customer] => stdClass Object
             //        (
             //            [CoAddress] => c/o Eriksson, Erik
             //            [CompanyIdentity] =>
             //            [CountryCode] => SE
             //            [CustomerType] => Individual
             //            [Email] =>
             //            [FullName] => Persson, Tess T
             //            [HouseNumber] =>
             //            [IndividualIdentity] => stdClass Object
             //                (
             //                    [BirthDate] =>
             //                    [FirstName] =>
             //                    [Initials] =>
             //                    [LastName] =>
             //                )
             //            [Locality] => Stan
             //            [NationalIdNumber] => 194605092222
             //            [PhoneNumber] =>
             //            [PublicKey] =>
             //            [Street] => Testgatan 1
             //            [ZipCode] => 99999
             //        )
             //    [CustomerId] => 1000117
             //    [CustomerReference] =>
             //    [DeliveryAddress] =>
             //    [IsPossibleToAdminister] => false
             //    [IsPossibleToCancel] => true
             //    [Notes] =>
             //    [OrderDeliveryStatus] => Created
             //    [OrderRows] => stdClass Object
             //        (
             //            [NumberedOrderRow] => Array
             //                (
             //                    [0] => stdClass Object
             //                        (
             //                            [ArticleNumber] =>
             //                            [Description] => Dyr produkt 25%
             //                            [DiscountPercent] => 0.00
             //                            [NumberOfUnits] => 2.00
             //                            [PriceIncludingVat] => false
             //                            [PricePerUnit] => 2000.00
             //                            [Unit] =>
             //                            [VatPercent] => 25.00
             //                            [CreditInvoiceId] =>
             //                            [InvoiceId] =>
             //                            [RowNumber] => 1
             //                            [Status] => NotDelivered
             //                        )
             //                    [1] => stdClass Object
             //                        (
             //                            [ArticleNumber] =>
             //                            [Description] => Testprodukt 1kr 25%
             //                            [DiscountPercent] => 0.00
             //                            [NumberOfUnits] => 1.00
             //                            [PriceIncludingVat] => false
             //                            [PricePerUnit] => 1.00
             //                            [Unit] =>
             //                            [VatPercent] => 25.00
             //                            [CreditInvoiceId] =>
             //                            [InvoiceId] =>
             //                            [RowNumber] => 2
             //                            [Status] => NotDelivered
             //                        )
             //                    [2] => stdClass Object
             //                        (
             //                            [ArticleNumber] =>
             //                            [Description] => Fastpris (Fast fraktpris)
             //                            [DiscountPercent] => 0.00
             //                            [NumberOfUnits] => 1.00
             //                            [PriceIncludingVat] => false
             //                            [PricePerUnit] => 4.00
             //                            [Unit] =>
             //                            [VatPercent] => 25.00
             //                            [CreditInvoiceId] =>
             //                            [InvoiceId] =>
             //                            [RowNumber] => 3
             //                            [Status] => NotDelivered
             //                        )
             //                    [3] => stdClass Object
             //                        (
             //                            [ArticleNumber] =>
             //                            [Description] => Svea Fakturaavgift:: 20.00kr (SE)
             //                            [DiscountPercent] => 0.00
             //                            [NumberOfUnits] => 1.00
             //                            [PriceIncludingVat] => false
             //                            [PricePerUnit] => 20.00
             //                            [Unit] =>
             //                            [VatPercent] => 0.00
             //                            [CreditInvoiceId] =>
             //                            [InvoiceId] =>
             //                            [RowNumber] => 4
             //                            [Status] => NotDelivered
             //                        )
             //                )
             //        )
             //    [OrderStatus] => Active
             //    [OrderType] => Invoice
             //    [PaymentPlanDetails] =>
             //    [PendingReasons] =>
             //    [SveaOrderId] => 348629
             //    [SveaWillBuy] => true
             $this->customer = new \Svea\IndividualCustomer();
             if (isset($order->Customer->IndividualIdentity->BirthDate)) {
                 // setBirthDate is picky about the argument format
             $this->customer->setName($order->Customer->IndividualIdentity->FirstName, $order->Customer->IndividualIdentity->LastName);
             // sets firstName, lastName if present
             // sets compounded fullName if present
             // sets compounded streetAddress if present, as well as street
             $this->customer->setStreetAddress($order->Customer->Street, $order->Customer->HouseNumber);
             // sets Individual street, houseNumber if present
         if ($order->Customer->CustomerType === "Company") {
             //stdClass Object
             //    [ChangedDate] =>
             //    [ClientId] => 79021
             //    [ClientOrderId] =>
             //    [CreatedDate] => 2014-12-29T16:41:58.897
             //    [CreditReportStatus] => stdClass Object
             //        (
             //            [Accepted] => true
             //            [CreationDate] => 2014-12-29T16:41:58.96
             //        )
             //    [Currency] => SEK
             //    [Customer] => stdClass Object
             //        (
             //            [CoAddress] => c/o Eriksson, Erik
             //            [CompanyIdentity] => stdClass Object
             //                (
             //                    [CompanyIdentification] =>
             //                    [CompanyVatNumber] =>
             //                )
             //            [CountryCode] => SE
             //            [CustomerType] => Company
             //            [Email] =>
             //            [FullName] => Persson, Tess T
             //            [HouseNumber] =>
             //            [IndividualIdentity] =>
             //            [Locality] => Stan
             //            [NationalIdNumber] => 164608142222
             //            [PhoneNumber] =>
             //            [PublicKey] =>
             //            [Street] => Testgatan 1
             //            [ZipCode] => 99999
             //        )
             //    [CustomerId] => 1000119
             //    [CustomerReference] =>
             //    [DeliveryAddress] =>
             //    [IsPossibleToAdminister] => false
             //    [IsPossibleToCancel] => true
             //    [Notes] =>
             //    [OrderDeliveryStatus] => Created
             //    [OrderRows] => stdClass Object
             //        (
             //            [NumberedOrderRow] => Array
             //                (
             //                    [0] => stdClass Object
             //                        (
             //                            [ArticleNumber] => 1
             //                            [Description] => Product: Specification
             //                            [DiscountPercent] => 0.00
             //                            [NumberOfUnits] => 2.00
             //                            [PriceIncludingVat] => false
             //                            [PricePerUnit] => 100.00
             //                            [Unit] => st
             //                            [VatPercent] => 25.00
             //                            [CreditInvoiceId] =>
             //                            [InvoiceId] =>
             //                            [RowNumber] => 1
             //                            [Status] => NotDelivered
             //                        )
             //                    [1] => stdClass Object
             //                        (
             //                            [ArticleNumber] => 1
             //                            [Description] => Product: Specification
             //                            [DiscountPercent] => 0.00
             //                            [NumberOfUnits] => 2.00
             //                            [PriceIncludingVat] => false
             //                            [PricePerUnit] => 1000.00
             //                            [Unit] => st
             //                            [VatPercent] => 25.00
             //                            [CreditInvoiceId] =>
             //                            [InvoiceId] =>
             //                            [RowNumber] => 2
             //                            [Status] => NotDelivered
             //                        )
             //                )
             //        )
             //    [OrderStatus] => Active
             //    [OrderType] => Invoice
             //    [PaymentPlanDetails] =>
             //    [PendingReasons] =>
             //    [SveaOrderId] => 499329
             //    [SveaWillBuy] => true
             $this->customer = new \Svea\CompanyCustomer();
             // sets compounded streetAddress if present, as well as street
             $this->customer->setStreetAddress($order->Customer->Street, $order->Customer->HouseNumber);
         $this->customerId = $order->CustomerId;
         $this->customerReference = $order->CustomerReference;
         //$this->deliveryAddress = $order->DeliveryAddress; // not supported
         $this->isPossibleToAdminister = $order->IsPossibleToAdminister === "true" ? true : false;
         $this->isPossibleToCancel = $order->IsPossibleToCancel === 'true' ? true : false;
         $this->notes = $order->Notes;
         $this->orderDeliveryStatus = $order->OrderDeliveryStatus;
         // a single order row is returned as type stdClass
         if (is_a($order->OrderRows->NumberedOrderRow, "stdClass")) {
             $row = $order->OrderRows->NumberedOrderRow;
             $newrow = new \Svea\NumberedOrderRow();
             // webpay orderrow
             $newrow->setDescription($row->Description)->setQuantity($row->NumberOfUnits)->setArticleNumber($row->ArticleNumber)->setUnit($row->Unit)->setVatPercent((int) $row->VatPercent)->setDiscountPercent($row->DiscountPercent);
             if ($row->PriceIncludingVat === 'true') {
             } else {
             $newrow->creditInvoiceId = $row->CreditInvoiceId;
             $newrow->invoiceId = $row->InvoiceId;
             $newrow->rowNumber = $row->RowNumber;
             $newrow->status = $row->Status;
             $this->numberedOrderRows[] = $newrow;
         } elseif (is_array($order->OrderRows->NumberedOrderRow)) {
             // for each numbered orderrow, add it to the numberedOrderRow array
             foreach ($order->OrderRows->NumberedOrderRow as $row) {
                 //GetOrders NumberedOrderRow:
                 // [ArticleNumber]
                 // [Description]
                 // [DiscountPercent]
                 // [NumberOfUnits]
                 // [PricePerUnit]
                 // [Unit]
                 // [VatPercent]
                 // [CreditInvoiceId]
                 // [InvoiceId]
                 // [RowNumber]
                 // [Status]
                 $newrow = new \Svea\NumberedOrderRow();
                 // webpay orderrow
                 //WebPayItem OrderRow:
                 // $articleNumber   *
                 // $quantity        *
                 // $unit            *
                 // $amountExVat     * depends on bool priceincludingvat
                 // $amountIncVat    * depends on bool priceincludingvat
                 // $vatPercent      *
                 // $name            not used
                 // $description     *
                 // $discountPercent *
                 // $vatDiscount     not used
                 $newrow->setDescription($row->Description)->setQuantity($row->NumberOfUnits)->setArticleNumber($row->ArticleNumber)->setUnit($row->Unit)->setVatPercent((int) $row->VatPercent)->setDiscountPercent($row->DiscountPercent);
                 if ($row->PriceIncludingVat === 'true') {
                 } else {
                 $newrow->creditInvoiceId = $row->CreditInvoiceId;
                 $newrow->invoiceId = $row->InvoiceId;
                 $newrow->rowNumber = $row->RowNumber;
                 $newrow->status = $row->Status;
                 $this->numberedOrderRows[] = $newrow;
         $this->orderStatus = $order->OrderStatus;
         $this->orderType = $order->OrderType;
         if (is_a($order->PaymentPlanDetails, "stdClass") && property_exists($order->PaymentPlanDetails, "ContractLengthMonths")) {
             $this->paymentPlanDetailsContractLengthMonths = $order->PaymentPlanDetails->ContractLengthMonths;
         if (is_a($order->PaymentPlanDetails, "stdClass") && property_exists($order->PaymentPlanDetails, "ContractNumber")) {
             $this->paymentPlanDetailsContractNumber = $order->PaymentPlanDetails->ContractNumber;
         $this->pendingReasons = $order->PendingReasons;
         if (is_a($order->PendingReasons, "stdClass") && property_exists($order->PendingReasons, "PendingType")) {
             $this->pendingReasonsPendingType = $order->PendingReasons->PendingType;
         if (is_a($order->PendingReasons, "stdClass") && property_exists($order->PendingReasons, "CreatedDate")) {
             $this->PendingReasonsCreatedDate = $order->PendingReasons->CreatedDate;
         $this->orderId = $order->SveaOrderId;
         $this->sveaWillBuy = $order->SveaWillBuy === 'true' ? true : false;