Exemplo n.º 1
  * Gets a file and returns an HTTP response with the contents of the request file for download
  * @param SugarBean $bean The SugarBean to get the file for
  * @param string $field The field name to get the file for
  * @param boolean $forceDownload force to download the file if true.
 public function getFile(SugarBean $bean, $field, $forceDownload = false)
     if ($this->validateBeanAndField($bean, $field, 'file') || $this->validateBeanAndField($bean, $field, 'image')) {
         $def = $bean->field_defs[$field];
         if ($def['type'] == 'image') {
             $info = $this->getImageInfo($bean, $field);
         } elseif ($def['type'] == 'file') {
             $info = $this->getFileInfo($bean, $field);
             require_once 'include/SugarFields/SugarFieldHandler.php';
             $sfh = new SugarFieldHandler();
             /* @var $sf SugarFieldFile */
             $sf = $sfh->getSugarField($def['type']);
             //If the requested file is not a supported image type, we should force a download.
             if (!$forceDownload && !in_array($info['content-type'], $sf::$imageFileMimeTypes)) {
                 $forceDownload = true;
         if ($info) {
             $this->outputFile($forceDownload, $info);
         } else {
             // @TODO Localize this exception message
             throw new Exception('File information could not be retrieved for this record');
 private function process_reports()
     require_once 'include/SugarFields/SugarFieldHandler.php';
     $sfh = new SugarFieldHandler();
     $sf = $sfh->getSugarField('Teamset', true);
     $teams = $sf->getTeamsFromRequest($this->name);
     $full_form_values = array();
     if (!empty($teams)) {
         if (isset($_REQUEST["primary_{$this->name}_collection"])) {
             $this->ss->assign('hasPrimaryTeam', true);
             $primary = $_REQUEST["primary_{$this->name}_collection"];
             $key = "id_{$this->name}_collection_{$primary}";
             //Get the $_REQUEST index key
             $primary = $_REQUEST[$key];
             $primaryTeam = array('id' => $primary, 'name' => $teams[$primary]);
             $full_form_values['primary'] = $primaryTeam;
             //Unset the primary team
         } else {
             //Here we technically don't have a primary team chosen, but we need to allocate
             //a primary team to display as the first team in the widget
             foreach ($teams as $team_id => $team_name) {
                 $full_form_values['primary'] = array('id' => $team_id, 'name' => $team_name);
                 $this->showPrimaryChecked = false;
         foreach ($teams as $team_id => $team_name) {
             $full_form_values['secondaries'][] = array('id' => $team_id, 'name' => $team_name);
         $this->bean->{$this->value_name} = array_merge($this->bean->{$this->value_name}, $full_form_values);
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Checks the SugarField defintion for an available santization method.
  * @param  $value  string
  * @param  $vardef array
  * @param  $focus  object bean of the module we're importing into
  * @return string sanitized and validated value on success, bool false on failure
 public function __call($name, $params)
     static $sfh;
     if (!isset($sfh)) {
         require_once 'include/SugarFields/SugarFieldHandler.php';
         $sfh = new SugarFieldHandler();
     $value = $params[0];
     $vardef = $params[1];
     if (isset($params[2])) {
         $focus = $params[2];
     } else {
         $focus = null;
     if ($name == 'relate' && !empty($params[3])) {
         $this->addRelatedBean = true;
     } else {
         $this->addRelatedBean = false;
     $field = $sfh->getSugarField(ucfirst($name));
     if ($field instanceof SugarFieldBase) {
         $value = $field->importSanitize($value, $vardef, $focus, $this);
     return $value;
function smarty_function_sugarvar_teamset($params, &$smarty)
    require_once 'include/SugarFields/SugarFieldHandler.php';
    $sfh = new SugarFieldHandler();
    $sugarField = $sfh->getSugarField('Teamset');
    return $sugarField->render($params, $smarty);
function populateFromPost($prefix, &$focus, $skipRetrieve = false)
    global $current_user;
    if (!empty($_REQUEST[$prefix . 'record']) && !$skipRetrieve) {
        $focus->retrieve($_REQUEST[$prefix . 'record']);
    if (!empty($_POST['assigned_user_id']) && $focus->assigned_user_id != $_POST['assigned_user_id'] && $_POST['assigned_user_id'] != $current_user->id) {
        $GLOBALS['check_notify'] = true;
    require_once 'include/SugarFields/SugarFieldHandler.php';
    $sfh = new SugarFieldHandler();
    foreach ($focus->field_defs as $field => $def) {
        $type = !empty($def['custom_type']) ? $def['custom_type'] : $def['type'];
        $sf = $sfh->getSugarField(ucfirst($type), true);
        if ($sf != null) {
            $sf->save($focus, $_POST, $field, $def);
        if (isset($_POST[$prefix . $field])) {
            if (is_array($_POST[$prefix . $field]) && !empty($focus->field_defs[$field]['isMultiSelect'])) {
                if (empty($_POST[$prefix . $field][0])) {
                    unset($_POST[$prefix . $field][0]);
                if (!empty($_POST[$prefix . $field][0])) {
                    $_POST[$prefix . $field] = implode('^,^', $_POST[$prefix . $field]);
                } else {
            $focus->{$field} = $_POST[$prefix . $field];
             * overrides the passed value for booleans.
             * this will be fully deprecated when the change to binary booleans is complete.
            if (isset($focus->field_defs[$prefix . $field]) && $focus->field_defs[$prefix . $field]['type'] == 'bool' && isset($focus->field_defs[$prefix . $field]['options'])) {
                $opts = explode("|", $focus->field_defs[$prefix . $field]['options']);
                $bool = $_POST[$prefix . $field];
                if (is_int($bool) || ($bool === "0" || $bool === "1" || $bool === "2")) {
                    // 1=on, 2=off
                    $selection = $_POST[$prefix . $field] == "0" ? 1 : 0;
                } elseif (is_bool($_POST[$prefix . $field])) {
                    // true=on, false=off
                    $selection = $_POST[$prefix . $field] ? 0 : 1;
                $focus->{$field} = $opts[$selection];
        } else {
            if (!empty($focus->field_defs[$field]['isMultiSelect']) && !isset($_POST[$prefix . $field]) && isset($_POST[$prefix . $field . '_multiselect'])) {
                $focus->{$field} = '';
    foreach ($focus->additional_column_fields as $field) {
        if (isset($_POST[$prefix . $field])) {
            $value = $_POST[$prefix . $field];
            $focus->{$field} = $value;
    return $focus;
function smarty_function_sugar_teamset_list($params, &$smarty)
    if (!isset($params['row']) && !isset($params['col'])) {
        $smarty->trigger_error("sugar_phone: missing parameters, cannot continue");
        return '';
    require_once 'include/SugarFields/SugarFieldHandler.php';
    $sfh = new SugarFieldHandler();
    return $sfh->displaySmarty($params['row'], $params['vardef'], 'ListView', array('col' => $params['col']));
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Cleans field def default values before returning them as a member of the
  * metadata response payload
  * Bug 56505
  * Cleans default value of fields to strip out metacharacters used by the app.
  * Used initially for cleaning default multienum values.
  * @param  array $fielddefs
  * @return array
 public function normalizeFieldDefs(array $defs)
     foreach ($defs['fields'] as $name => $def) {
         if (isset($def['type'])) {
             $type = !empty($def['custom_type']) ? $def['custom_type'] : $def['type'];
             $field = $this->sfh->getSugarField($type);
             $defs['fields'][$name] = $field->getNormalizedDefs($def, $defs);
     return $defs['fields'];
Exemplo n.º 8
  * Method that returns a JSON representation of the bean.
  * @return string
 public function toJson()
     $sfh = new SugarFieldHandler();
     $data = array();
     require_once 'include/api/RestService.php';
     $service = new RestService();
     foreach ($this->field_defs as $fieldName => $properties) {
         $type = !empty($properties['custom_type']) ? $properties['custom_type'] : $properties['type'];
         $field = $sfh->getSugarField($type);
         if ($field != null && isset($this->{$fieldName})) {
             $field->apiFormatField($data, $this, array(), $fieldName, $properties, array(), $service);
     return json_encode($data);
Exemplo n.º 9
  * @dataProvider _providerEmailTemplateFormat
 public function testEmailTemplateFormat($unformattedValue, $expectedValue)
     require_once 'include/SugarFields/SugarFieldHandler.php';
     $sfr = SugarFieldHandler::getSugarField('encrypt');
     $formattedValue = $sfr->getEmailTemplateValue($unformattedValue, array(), array('notify_user' => $GLOBALS['current_user']));
     $this->assertEquals($expectedValue, $formattedValue);
Exemplo n.º 10
  * Override of parent apiSave to force the custom save to be run from API
  * @param SugarBean $bean
  * @param array     $params
  * @param string    $field
  * @param array     $properties
 public function apiSave(SugarBean $bean, array $params, $field, $properties)
     // Mapped fields needs to have something to map from.
     if (empty($properties['mapFunction']) || empty($properties['parentField'])) {
     // First make sure the parent field exists on this bean
     if (isset($bean->field_defs[$properties['parentField']])) {
         require_once 'include/SugarFields/SugarFieldHandler.php';
         $sfh = new SugarFieldHandler();
         $sf = $sfh->getSugarField($bean->field_defs[$properties['parentField']]['type']);
         if (method_exists($sf, $properties['mapFunction'])) {
             $bean->{$field} = $sf->{$properties['mapFunction']}($bean->{$properties['parentField']});
Exemplo n.º 11
function smarty_function_sugar_field($params, &$smarty)
    if (!isset($params['vardef']) || !isset($params['displayType']) || !isset($params['parentFieldArray'])) {
        if (!isset($params['vardef'])) {
            $smarty->trigger_error("sugar_field: missing 'vardef' parameter");
        if (!isset($params['displayType'])) {
            $smarty->trigger_error("sugar_field: missing 'displayType' parameter");
        if (!isset($params['parentFieldArray'])) {
            $smarty->trigger_error("sugar_field: missing 'parentFieldArray' parameter");
    static $sfh;
    if (!isset($sfh)) {
        $sfh = new SugarFieldHandler();
    if (!isset($params['displayParams'])) {
        $displayParams = array();
    } else {
        $displayParams = $params['displayParams'];
    if (isset($params['labelSpan'])) {
        $displayParams['labelSpan'] = $params['labelSpan'];
    } else {
        $displayParams['labelSpan'] = null;
    if (isset($params['fieldSpan'])) {
        $displayParams['fieldSpan'] = $params['fieldSpan'];
    } else {
        $displayParams['fieldSpan'] = null;
    if (isset($params['typeOverride'])) {
        // override the type in the vardef?
        $params['vardef']['type'] = $params['typeOverride'];
    if (isset($params['formName'])) {
        $displayParams['formName'] = $params['formName'];
    if (isset($params['field'])) {
        $params['vardef']['name'] = $params['field'];
    if (isset($params['call_back_function'])) {
        $displayParams['call_back_function'] = $params['call_back_function'];
    if (isset($params['skipClearButton'])) {
        $displayParams['skipClearButton'] = $params['skipClearButton'];
    if (isset($params['idName'])) {
        $displayParams['idName'] = $params['idName'];
    if (isset($params['accesskey'])) {
        $displayParams['accesskey'] = $params['accesskey'];
    $_contents = $sfh->displaySmarty($params['parentFieldArray'], $params['vardef'], $params['displayType'], $displayParams, $params['tabindex']);
    return $_contents;
Exemplo n.º 12
  * @dataProvider _providerEmailTemplateFormat
 public function testEmailTemplateFormat($unformattedValue, $expectedValue, $dateFormat, $timeFormat)
     $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['default_date_format'] = $dateFormat;
     $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['default_time_format'] = $timeFormat;
     $this->user->setPreference('datef', $dateFormat);
     $this->user->setPreference('timef', $timeFormat);
     require_once 'include/SugarFields/SugarFieldHandler.php';
     $sfr = SugarFieldHandler::getSugarField('datetimecombo');
     $formattedValue = $sfr->getEmailTemplateValue($unformattedValue, array(), array('notify_user' => $this->user));
     $this->assertEquals($expectedValue, $formattedValue);
Exemplo n.º 13
 public function setUp()
     $enumField = SugarFieldHandler::getSugarField('enum');
     $parentFieldArray = array('ACCEPT_STATUS_NAME' => 'Accepted');
     $vardef = array('name' => 'accept_status_name', 'type' => 'enum', 'source' => 'non-db', 'vname' => 'LBL_LIST_ACCEPT_STATUS', 'options' => 'dom_meeting_accept_status', 'massupdate' => false, 'studio' => array('listview' => false, 'searchview' => false));
     $displayParams = array('vname' => 'LBL_LIST_ACCEPT_STATUS', 'width' => '11%', 'sortable' => false, 'linked_field' => 'users', 'linked_field_set' => 'users', 'name' => 'accept_status_name', 'module' => 'Users');
     $col = 1;
     $this->_listViewSmartyOutput1 = trim($enumField->getListViewSmarty($parentFieldArray, $vardef, $displayParams, $col));
     $vardef['name'] = 'just_another_name';
     $parentFieldArray['JUST_ANOTHER_NAME'] = 'None';
     $this->_listViewSmartyOutput2 = trim($enumField->getListViewSmarty($parentFieldArray, $vardef, $displayParams, $col));
Exemplo n.º 14
  * @ticket 36744
 public function testFormatEnumField()
     $langpack = new SugarTestLangPackCreator();
     $langpack->setAppListString('case_priority_dom', array('P1' => 'High', 'P2' => 'Medium', 'P3' => 'Low'));
     $GLOBALS['app_list_strings'] = return_app_list_strings_language($GLOBALS['current_language']);
     $fieldDef = array('name' => 'priority', 'vname' => 'LBL_PRIORITY', 'type' => 'enum', 'options' => 'case_priority_dom', 'len' => 25, 'audited' => true, 'comment' => 'The priority of the case');
     $field_value = "P2";
     require_once 'include/SugarFields/SugarFieldHandler.php';
     $sfr = SugarFieldHandler::getSugarField('enum');
     $this->assertEquals(trim($sfr->formatField($field_value, $fieldDef)), 'Medium');
Exemplo n.º 15
  * Save the Individual Worksheet
  * @return ForecastWorksheet
  * @throws SugarApiException
 public function save()
     require_once 'include/SugarFields/SugarFieldHandler.php';
     /* @var $seed ForecastWorksheet */
     $seed = BeanFactory::getBean("ForecastWorksheets");
     $sfh = new SugarFieldHandler();
     foreach ($seed->field_defs as $properties) {
         $fieldName = $properties['name'];
         if (!isset($this->args[$fieldName])) {
         if (!$seed->ACLFieldAccess($fieldName, 'save')) {
             // No write access to this field, but they tried to edit it
             global $app_strings;
             throw new SugarApiException(string_format($app_strings['SUGAR_API_EXCEPTION_NOT_AUTHORIZED'], array($fieldName, $this->args['module'])));
         $type = !empty($properties['custom_type']) ? $properties['custom_type'] : $properties['type'];
         $field = $sfh->getSugarField($type);
         if (!is_null($field)) {
             $field->save($seed, $this->args, $fieldName, $properties);
     // Check if this is the first commit, then save has_commits true to the config table
     $admin = BeanFactory::getBean('Administration');
     $settings = $admin->getConfigForModule('Forecasts');
     if (!isset($settings['has_commits']) || !$settings['has_commits']) {
         $admin->saveSetting('Forecasts', 'has_commits', true, 'base');
     // we need to set the parent_type and parent_id so it finds it when we try and retrieve the old records
     $seed->parent_type = $this->getArg('parent_type');
     $seed->parent_id = $this->getArg('parent_id');
     // we have the id, just retrieve the record again
     $seed = BeanFactory::getBean("ForecastWorksheets", $this->getArg('record'));
     return $seed;
Exemplo n.º 16
 * Populating bean from $_POST
 * @param string $prefix of name of fields
 * @param SugarBean $focus bean
 * @param bool $skipRetrieve do not retrieve data of bean
 * @param bool $checkACL do not update fields if they are forbidden for current user
 * @return SugarBean
function populateFromPost($prefix, &$focus, $skipRetrieve = false, $checkACL = false)
    global $current_user;
    if (!empty($_REQUEST[$prefix . 'record']) && !$skipRetrieve) {
        $focus->retrieve($_REQUEST[$prefix . 'record']);
    if (!empty($_POST['assigned_user_id']) && $focus->assigned_user_id != $_POST['assigned_user_id'] && $_POST['assigned_user_id'] != $current_user->id) {
        $GLOBALS['check_notify'] = true;
    require_once 'include/SugarFields/SugarFieldHandler.php';
    $sfh = new SugarFieldHandler();
    $isOwner = $focus->isOwner($current_user->id);
    $relatedFields = array();
    foreach ($focus->field_defs as $field => $def) {
        if (empty($def['type']) || $def['type'] != 'relate') {
        if (empty($def['source']) || $def['source'] != 'non-db') {
        if (empty($def['id_name']) || $def['id_name'] == $field) {
        $relatedFields[$def['id_name']] = $field;
    foreach ($focus->field_defs as $field => $def) {
        if ($field == 'id' && !empty($focus->id)) {
            // Don't try and overwrite the ID
        $type = !empty($def['custom_type']) ? $def['custom_type'] : $def['type'];
        $sf = $sfh->getSugarField($type);
        if ($sf != null) {
            $sf->save($focus, $_POST, $field, $def, $prefix);
        } else {
            $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("Field '{$field}' does not have a SugarField handler");
                if(isset($_POST[$prefix.$field])) {
        			if(is_array($_POST[$prefix.$field]) && !empty($focus->field_defs[$field]['isMultiSelect'])) {
        				if($_POST[$prefix.$field][0] === '' && !empty($_POST[$prefix.$field][1]) ) {
        				$_POST[$prefix.$field] = encodeMultienumValue($_POST[$prefix.$field]);	
        			$focus->$field = $_POST[$prefix.$field];
        			 * overrides the passed value for booleans.
        			 * this will be fully deprecated when the change to binary booleans is complete.
        			if(isset($focus->field_defs[$prefix.$field]) && $focus->field_defs[$prefix.$field]['type'] == 'bool' && isset($focus->field_defs[$prefix.$field]['options'])) {
        				$opts = explode("|", $focus->field_defs[$prefix.$field]['options']);
        				$bool = $_POST[$prefix.$field];
        				if(is_int($bool) || ($bool === "0" || $bool === "1" || $bool === "2")) {
        					// 1=on, 2=off
        					$selection = ($_POST[$prefix.$field] == "0") ? 1 : 0;
        				} elseif(is_bool($_POST[$prefix.$field])) {
        					// true=on, false=off
        					$selection = ($_POST[$prefix.$field]) ? 0 : 1;
        				$focus->$field = $opts[$selection];
        		} else if(!empty($focus->field_defs[$field]['isMultiSelect']) && !isset($_POST[$prefix.$field]) && isset($_POST[$prefix.$field . '_multiselect'])) {
        			$focus->$field = '';
    foreach ($focus->additional_column_fields as $field) {
        if (isset($_POST[$prefix . $field])) {
            $value = $_POST[$prefix . $field];
            $focus->{$field} = $value;
    return $focus;
Exemplo n.º 17
function bpminbox_get_display_text($temp_module, $field, $field_value, $adv_type = null, $ext1 = null, $context = null)
    global $app_list_strings, $current_user;
    if ($temp_module->field_defs[$field]['type'] == "relate") {
        //echo $field;
        //bug 23502, assigned user should be displayed as username here. But I don't know if created user, modified user or even other module should display names instead of ids.
        if ($temp_module->field_defs[$field]['name'] == 'assigned_user_id' && !empty($field_value) && !empty($context['for_action_display'])) {
            if ($adv_type != 'exist_user') {
                return bpminbox_get_username_by_id($field_value);
            } else {
                $target_type = "assigned_user_name";
        } else {
            if (!empty($temp_module->field_defs[$field]['dbType'])) {
                $target_type = $temp_module->field_defs[$field]['dbType'];
            } else {
                return $field_value;
    } elseif (!empty($temp_module->field_defs[$field]['calculated']) && !empty($context['for_action_display'])) {
        //Cannot set the value of calculated fields.
        return false;
    } else {
        $target_type = $temp_module->field_defs[$field]['type'];
    //Land of the "one offs"
    //This is for meetings and calls, the reminder time
    if ($temp_module->field_defs[$field]['name'] == "reminder_time") {
        $target_type = "enum";
        $temp_module->field_defs[$field]['options'] = "reminder_time_options";
    if ($target_type == "assigned_user_name") {
        if ($adv_type == null) {
            $user_array = get_user_array(true, "Active", $field_value, true);
            if (!isset($user_array[$field_value])) {
                return false;
            return $user_array[$field_value];
        if ($adv_type == "exist_user") {
            if ($ext1 == "Manager") {
                return "Manager of the " . $app_list_strings['wflow_adv_user_type_dom'][$field_value];
            } else {
                return $app_list_strings['wflow_adv_user_type_dom'][$field_value];
    if ($adv_type == "datetime") {
        if (empty($field_value)) {
            $field_value = 0;
        return $app_list_strings['tselect_type_dom'][$field_value] . " from " . $app_list_strings['wflow_action_datetime_type_dom'][$ext1];
    if ($adv_type == "exist_team") {
        return $app_list_strings['wflow_adv_team_type_dom'][$field_value];
    if ($adv_type == "value_calc") {
        return "existing value" . $app_list_strings['query_calc_oper_dom'][$ext1] . " by " . $field_value;
    if ($adv_type == "enum_step") {
        return $app_list_strings['wflow_adv_enum_type_dom'][$ext1] . " " . $field_value . " step(s)";
    if ($target_type === 'bool') {
        $field_value = (bool) $field_value;
    require_once 'include/SugarFields/SugarFieldHandler.php';
    $sugarField = SugarFieldHandler::getSugarField($target_type);
    //$GLOBALS['log']->debug("Field: $field is of type $target_type, before: $field_value");
    $field_value = $sugarField->getEmailTemplateValue($field_value, $temp_module->field_defs[$field], $context);
    //$GLOBALS['log']->debug("after: $field_value");
    return $field_value;
Exemplo n.º 18
  * @return void
  * @param unknown $data
  * @param unknown $xTemplateSection
  * @param unknown $html_varName
  * @desc INTERNAL FUNCTION handles the rows
 function process_dynamic_listview_rows($data, $parent_data, $xtemplateSection, $html_varName, $subpanel_def)
     global $odd_bg;
     global $even_bg;
     global $hilite_bg;
     global $click_bg;
     $this->xTemplate->assign("BG_HILITE", $hilite_bg);
     $this->xTemplate->assign('CHECKALL', "<img src='" . SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getImageURL('blank.gif') . "' width=\"1\" height=\"1\" alt=\"\" />");
     //$this->xTemplate->assign("BG_CLICK", $click_bg);
     $oddRow = true;
     $count = 0;
     $offset = $this->getOffset($html_varName);
     //$totaltime = 0;
     $processed_ids = array();
     $fill_additional_fields = array();
     //Either retrieve the is_fill_in_additional_fields property from the lone
     //subpanel or visit each subpanel's subpanels to retreive the is_fill_in_addition_fields
     $subpanel_list = array();
     if ($subpanel_def->isCollection()) {
         $subpanel_list = $subpanel_def->sub_subpanels;
     } else {
         $subpanel_list[] = $subpanel_def;
     foreach ($subpanel_list as $this_subpanel) {
         if ($this_subpanel->is_fill_in_additional_fields()) {
             $fill_additional_fields[] = $this_subpanel->bean_name;
             $fill_additional_fields[$this_subpanel->bean_name] = true;
     if (empty($data)) {
         $this->xTemplate->assign("ROW_COLOR", 'oddListRow');
         $thepanel = $subpanel_def;
         if ($subpanel_def->isCollection()) {
             $thepanel = $subpanel_def->get_header_panel_def();
         $this->xTemplate->assign("COL_COUNT", count($thepanel->get_list_fields()));
         $this->xTemplate->parse($xtemplateSection . ".nodata");
     while (list($aVal, $aItem) = each($data)) {
         // TODO: expensive and needs to be removed and done better elsewhere
         if (!empty($fill_additional_fields[$aItem->object_name]) || $aItem->object_name == 'Case' && !empty($fill_additional_fields['aCase'])) {
         //rrs bug: 25343
         if (isset($parent_data[$aItem->id])) {
             $aItem->parent_name = $parent_data[$aItem->id]['parent_name'];
             if (!empty($parent_data[$aItem->id]['parent_name_owner'])) {
                 $aItem->parent_name_owner = $parent_data[$aItem->id]['parent_name_owner'];
                 $aItem->parent_name_mod = $parent_data[$aItem->id]['parent_name_mod'];
         $fields = $aItem->get_list_view_data();
         if (isset($processed_ids[$aItem->id])) {
         } else {
             $processed_ids[$aItem->id] = 1;
         $fields['OFFSET'] = $offset + $count + 1;
         if ($this->shouldProcess) {
             if ($aItem->ACLAccess('EditView')) {
                 $this->xTemplate->assign('PREROW', "<input type='checkbox' class='checkbox' name='mass[]' value='" . $fields['ID'] . "' />");
             } else {
                 $this->xTemplate->assign('PREROW', '');
             if ($aItem->ACLAccess('DetailView')) {
                 $this->xTemplate->assign('TAG_NAME', 'a');
             } else {
                 $this->xTemplate->assign('TAG_NAME', 'span');
             $this->xTemplate->assign('CHECKALL', "<input type='checkbox' class='checkbox' name='massall' id='massall' value='' onclick='sListView.check_all(document.MassUpdate, \"mass[]\", this.checked);' />");
         if ($oddRow) {
             $ROW_COLOR = 'oddListRow';
             $BG_COLOR = $odd_bg;
         } else {
             $ROW_COLOR = 'evenListRow';
             $BG_COLOR = $even_bg;
         $oddRow = !$oddRow;
         $this->xTemplate->assign("ROW_COLOR", $ROW_COLOR);
         $this->xTemplate->assign("BG_COLOR", $BG_COLOR);
         $layout_manager = $this->getLayoutManager();
         $layout_manager->setAttribute('context', 'List');
         $layout_manager->setAttribute('image_path', $this->local_image_path);
         $layout_manager->setAttribute('module_name', $subpanel_def->_instance_properties['module']);
         if (!empty($this->child_focus)) {
             $layout_manager->setAttribute('related_module_name', $this->child_focus->module_dir);
         //AG$subpanel_data = $this->list_field_defs;
         //$bla = array_pop($subpanel_data);
         //select which sub-panel to display here, the decision will be made based on the type of
         //the sub-panel and panel in the bean being processed.
         if ($subpanel_def->isCollection()) {
             $thepanel = $subpanel_def->sub_subpanels[$aItem->panel_name];
         } else {
             $thepanel = $subpanel_def;
         //get data source name
         $linked_field = $thepanel->get_data_source_name();
         $linked_field_set = $thepanel->get_data_source_name(true);
         foreach ($thepanel->get_list_fields() as $field_name => $list_field) {
             //add linked field attribute to the array.
             $list_field['linked_field'] = $linked_field;
             $list_field['linked_field_set'] = $linked_field_set;
             $usage = empty($list_field['usage']) ? '' : $list_field['usage'];
             if ($usage != 'query_only') {
                 $list_field['name'] = $field_name;
                 $module_field = $field_name . '_mod';
                 $owner_field = $field_name . '_owner';
                 if (!empty($aItem->{$module_field})) {
                     $list_field['owner_id'] = $aItem->{$owner_field};
                     $list_field['owner_module'] = $aItem->{$module_field};
                 } else {
                     $list_field['owner_id'] = false;
                     $list_field['owner_module'] = false;
                 if (isset($list_field['alias'])) {
                     $list_field['name'] = $list_field['alias'];
                 } else {
                     $list_field['name'] = $field_name;
                 $list_field['fields'] = $fields;
                 $list_field['module'] = $aItem->module_dir;
                 $list_field['start_link_wrapper'] = $this->start_link_wrapper;
                 $list_field['end_link_wrapper'] = $this->end_link_wrapper;
                 $list_field['subpanel_id'] = $this->subpanel_id;
                 $list_field['DetailView'] = $aItem->ACLAccess('DetailView');
                 $list_field['ListView'] = $aItem->ACLAccess('ListView');
                 $list_field['EditView'] = $aItem->ACLAccess('EditView');
                 $list_field['Delete'] = $aItem->ACLAccess('Delete');
                 if (isset($aItem->field_defs[strtolower($list_field['name'])])) {
                     require_once 'include/SugarFields/SugarFieldHandler.php';
                     // We need to see if a sugar field exists for this field type first,
                     // if it doesn't, toss it at the old sugarWidgets. This is for
                     // backwards compatibilty and will be removed in a future release
                     $vardef = $aItem->field_defs[strtolower($list_field['name'])];
                     if (isset($vardef['type'])) {
                         $fieldType = isset($vardef['custom_type']) ? $vardef['custom_type'] : $vardef['type'];
                         $tmpField = SugarFieldHandler::getSugarField($fieldType, true);
                     } else {
                         $tmpField = NULL;
                     if ($tmpField != NULL) {
                         $widget_contents = SugarFieldHandler::displaySmarty($list_field['fields'], $vardef, 'ListView', $list_field);
                     } else {
                         // No SugarField for this particular type
                         // Use the old, icky, SugarWidget for now
                         $widget_contents = $layout_manager->widgetDisplay($list_field);
                     if (isset($list_field['widget_class']) && $list_field['widget_class'] == 'SubPanelDetailViewLink') {
                         // We need to call into the old SugarWidgets for the time being, so it can generate a proper link with all the various corner-cases handled
                         // So we'll populate the field data with the pre-rendered display for the field
                         $list_field['fields'][$field_name] = $widget_contents;
                         if ('full_name' == $field_name) {
                             //bug #32465
                             $list_field['fields'][strtoupper($field_name)] = $widget_contents;
                         $widget_contents = $layout_manager->widgetDisplay($list_field);
                     } else {
                         if (isset($list_field['widget_class']) && $list_field['widget_class'] == 'SubPanelEmailLink') {
                             $widget_contents = $layout_manager->widgetDisplay($list_field);
                 } else {
                     // This handles the edit and remove buttons
                     $widget_contents = $layout_manager->widgetDisplay($list_field);
                 static $count;
                 if (!isset($count)) {
                     $count = 0;
                 } else {
                 $this->xTemplate->assign('CELL_COUNT', $count);
                 if (empty($widget_contents)) {
                     $widget_contents = '&nbsp;';
                 $this->xTemplate->assign('CELL', $widget_contents);
                 $this->xTemplate->parse($xtemplateSection . ".row.cell");
         $aItem->custom_fields->populateAllXTPL($this->xTemplate, 'detail', $html_varName, $fields);
         $this->xTemplate->parse($xtemplateSection . ".row");
Exemplo n.º 19
  * Do some processing before saving the bean to the database.
 public function pre_save()
     if (!empty($_POST['assigned_user_id']) && $_POST['assigned_user_id'] != $this->bean->assigned_user_id && $_POST['assigned_user_id'] != $GLOBALS['current_user']->id && empty($GLOBALS['sugar_config']['exclude_notifications'][$this->bean->module_dir])) {
         $this->bean->notify_on_save = true;
     $GLOBALS['log']->debug("SugarController:: performing pre_save.");
     require_once 'include/SugarFields/SugarFieldHandler.php';
     $sfh = new SugarFieldHandler();
     foreach ($this->bean->field_defs as $field => $properties) {
         $type = !empty($properties['custom_type']) ? $properties['custom_type'] : $properties['type'];
         $sf = $sfh->getSugarField(ucfirst($type), true);
         if (isset($_POST[$field])) {
             if (is_array($_POST[$field]) && !empty($properties['isMultiSelect'])) {
                 if (empty($_POST[$field][0])) {
                 $_POST[$field] = encodeMultienumValue($_POST[$field]);
             $this->bean->{$field} = $_POST[$field];
         } else {
             if (!empty($properties['isMultiSelect']) && !isset($_POST[$field]) && isset($_POST[$field . '_multiselect'])) {
                 $this->bean->{$field} = '';
         if ($sf != null) {
             $sf->save($this->bean, $_POST, $field, $properties);
     foreach ($this->bean->relationship_fields as $field => $link) {
         if (!empty($_POST[$field])) {
             $this->bean->{$field} = $_POST[$field];
     if (!$this->bean->ACLAccess('save')) {
Exemplo n.º 20
 * Returns an input control for this fieldname given
 * @param  string $module
 * @param  string $fieldname
 * @param  string $vardef
 * @param  string $value
 * @return string html for input element for this control
function getControl($module, $fieldname, $vardef = null, $value = '')
    global $current_language, $app_strings, $dictionary, $app_list_strings;
    // use the mod_strings for this module
    $mod_strings = return_module_language($current_language, $module);
    // set the filename for this control
    $file = create_cache_directory('modules/Import/') . $module . $fieldname . '.tpl';
    if (!is_file($file) || !empty($GLOBALS['sugar_config']['developerMode']) || !empty($_SESSION['developerMode'])) {
        if (!isset($vardef)) {
            $focus = loadBean($module);
            $vardef = $focus->getFieldDefinition($fieldname);
        // if this is the id relation field, then don't have a pop-up selector.
        if ($vardef['type'] == 'relate' && $vardef['id_name'] == $vardef['name']) {
            $vardef['type'] = 'varchar';
        // create the dropdowns for the parent type fields
        if ($vardef['type'] == 'parent_type') {
            $vardef['type'] = 'enum';
        // remove the special text entry field function 'getEmailAddressWidget'
        if (isset($vardef['function']) && ($vardef['function'] == 'getEmailAddressWidget' || $vardef['function']['name'] == 'getEmailAddressWidget')) {
        // load SugarFieldHandler to render the field tpl file
        static $sfh;
        if (!isset($sfh)) {
            require_once 'include/SugarFields/SugarFieldHandler.php';
            $sfh = new SugarFieldHandler();
        $displayParams = array();
        $displayParams['formName'] = 'importstep3';
        $contents = $sfh->displaySmarty('fields', $vardef, 'ImportView', $displayParams);
        // Remove all the copyright comments
        $contents = preg_replace('/\\{\\*[^\\}]*?\\*\\}/', '', $contents);
        // hack to disable one of the js calls in this control
        if (isset($vardef['function']) && ($vardef['function'] == 'getCurrencyDropDown' || $vardef['function']['name'] == 'getCurrencyDropDown')) {
            $contents .= "{literal}<script>function CurrencyConvertAll() { return; }</script>{/literal}";
        // Save it to the cache file
        if ($fh = @sugar_fopen($file, 'w')) {
            fputs($fh, $contents);
    // Now render the template we received
    $ss = new Sugar_Smarty();
    // Create Smarty variables for the Calendar picker widget
    global $timedate;
    $time_format = $timedate->get_user_time_format();
    $date_format = $timedate->get_cal_date_format();
    $ss->assign('USER_DATEFORMAT', $timedate->get_user_date_format());
    $ss->assign('TIME_FORMAT', $time_format);
    $time_separator = ":";
    $match = array();
    if (preg_match('/\\d+([^\\d])\\d+([^\\d]*)/s', $time_format, $match)) {
        $time_separator = $match[1];
    $t23 = strpos($time_format, '23') !== false ? '%H' : '%I';
    if (!isset($match[2]) || $match[2] == '') {
        $ss->assign('CALENDAR_FORMAT', $date_format . ' ' . $t23 . $time_separator . "%M");
    } else {
        $pm = $match[2] == "pm" ? "%P" : "%p";
        $ss->assign('CALENDAR_FORMAT', $date_format . ' ' . $t23 . $time_separator . "%M" . $pm);
    // populate the fieldlist from the vardefs
    $fieldlist = array();
    if (!isset($focus) || !$focus instanceof SugarBean) {
        $focus = loadBean($module);
    // create the dropdowns for the parent type fields
    if ($vardef['type'] == 'parent_type') {
        $focus->field_defs[$vardef['name']]['options'] = $focus->field_defs[$vardef['group']]['options'];
    $vardefFields = $focus->getFieldDefinitions();
    foreach ($vardefFields as $name => $properties) {
        $fieldlist[$name] = $properties;
        // fill in enums
        if (isset($fieldlist[$name]['options']) && is_string($fieldlist[$name]['options']) && isset($app_list_strings[$fieldlist[$name]['options']])) {
            $fieldlist[$name]['options'] = $app_list_strings[$fieldlist[$name]['options']];
        } elseif (isset($fieldlist[$name]['options']) && is_string($fieldlist[$name]['options']) && isset($mod_strings[$fieldlist[$name]['options']])) {
            $fieldlist[$name]['options'] = $mod_strings[$fieldlist[$name]['options']];
        // Bug 22730: make sure all enums have the ability to select blank as the default value.
        if (!isset($fieldlist[$name]['options'][''])) {
            $fieldlist[$name]['options'][''] = '';
    // fill in function return values
    if (!in_array($fieldname, array('email1', 'email2'))) {
        if (!empty($fieldlist[$fieldname]['function']['returns']) && $fieldlist[$fieldname]['function']['returns'] == 'html') {
            $function = $fieldlist[$fieldname]['function']['name'];
            // include various functions required in the various vardefs
            if (isset($fieldlist[$fieldname]['function']['include']) && is_file($fieldlist[$fieldname]['function']['include'])) {
                require_once $fieldlist[$fieldname]['function']['include'];
            $value = $function($focus, $fieldname, $value, 'EditView');
            // Bug 22730 - add a hack for the currency type dropdown, since it's built by a function.
            if (preg_match('/getCurrency.*DropDown/s', $function)) {
                $value = str_ireplace('</select>', '<option value="">' . $app_strings['LBL_NONE'] . '</option></select>', $value);
        } elseif ($fieldname == 'assigned_user_name' && empty($value)) {
            $fieldlist['assigned_user_id']['value'] = $GLOBALS['current_user']->id;
            $value = get_assigned_user_name($GLOBALS['current_user']->id);
        } elseif ($fieldname == 'team_name' && empty($value)) {
            $value = json_encode(array());
    $fieldlist[$fieldname]['value'] = $value;
    $ss->assign("fields", $fieldlist);
    $ss->assign("form_name", 'importstep3');
    $ss->assign("bean", $focus);
    // add in any additional strings
    $ss->assign("MOD", $mod_strings);
    $ss->assign("APP", $app_strings);
    return $ss->fetch($file);
Exemplo n.º 21
  * @return void
  * @param unknown $data
  * @param unknown $xTemplateSection
  * @param unknown $html_varName
  * @desc INTERNAL FUNCTION handles the rows
 function process_dynamic_listview_rows($data, $parent_data, $xtemplateSection, $html_varName, $subpanel_def)
     global $subpanel_item_count;
     global $odd_bg;
     global $even_bg;
     global $hilite_bg;
     global $click_bg;
     $this->xTemplate->assign("BG_HILITE", $hilite_bg);
     $this->xTemplate->assign('CHECKALL', SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getImage('blank', '', 1, 1, ".gif", ''));
     //$this->xTemplate->assign("BG_CLICK", $click_bg);
     $subpanel_item_count = 0;
     $oddRow = true;
     $count = 0;
     $offset = $this->getOffset($html_varName);
     //$totaltime = 0;
     $processed_ids = array();
     $fill_additional_fields = array();
     //Either retrieve the is_fill_in_additional_fields property from the lone
     //subpanel or visit each subpanel's subpanels to retrieve the is_fill_in_addition_fields
     $subpanel_list = array();
     if ($subpanel_def->isCollection()) {
         $subpanel_list = $subpanel_def->sub_subpanels;
     } else {
         $subpanel_list[] = $subpanel_def;
     foreach ($subpanel_list as $this_subpanel) {
         if ($this_subpanel->is_fill_in_additional_fields()) {
             $fill_additional_fields[] = $this_subpanel->bean_name;
             $fill_additional_fields[$this_subpanel->bean_name] = true;
     if (empty($data)) {
         $this->xTemplate->assign("ROW_COLOR", 'oddListRow');
         $thepanel = $subpanel_def;
         if ($subpanel_def->isCollection()) {
             $thepanel = $subpanel_def->get_header_panel_def();
         $this->xTemplate->assign("COL_COUNT", count($thepanel->get_list_fields()));
         $this->xTemplate->parse($xtemplateSection . ".nodata");
     while (list($aVal, $aItem) = each($data)) {
         // TODO: expensive and needs to be removed and done better elsewhere
         if (!empty($fill_additional_fields[$aItem->object_name]) || $aItem->object_name == 'Case' && !empty($fill_additional_fields['aCase'])) {
         //rrs bug: 25343
         if (isset($parent_data[$aItem->id])) {
             $aItem->parent_name = $parent_data[$aItem->id]['parent_name'];
             if (!empty($parent_data[$aItem->id]['parent_name_owner'])) {
                 $aItem->parent_name_owner = $parent_data[$aItem->id]['parent_name_owner'];
                 $aItem->parent_name_mod = $parent_data[$aItem->id]['parent_name_mod'];
         $fields = $aItem->get_list_view_data();
         if (isset($processed_ids[$aItem->id])) {
         } else {
             $processed_ids[$aItem->id] = 1;
         $fields['OFFSET'] = $offset + $count + 1;
         if ($this->shouldProcess) {
             if ($aItem->ACLAccess('EditView')) {
                 $this->xTemplate->assign('PREROW', "<input type='checkbox' class='checkbox' name='mass[]' value='" . $fields['ID'] . "' />");
             } else {
                 $this->xTemplate->assign('PREROW', '');
             if ($aItem->ACLAccess('DetailView')) {
                 $this->xTemplate->assign('TAG_NAME', 'a');
             } else {
                 $this->xTemplate->assign('TAG_NAME', 'span');
             $this->xTemplate->assign('CHECKALL', "<input type='checkbox'  title='" . $GLOBALS['app_strings']['LBL_SELECT_ALL_TITLE'] . "' class='checkbox' name='massall' id='massall' value='' onclick='sListView.check_all(document.MassUpdate, \"mass[]\", this.checked);' />");
         if ($oddRow) {
             $ROW_COLOR = 'oddListRow';
             $BG_COLOR = $odd_bg;
         } else {
             $ROW_COLOR = 'evenListRow';
             $BG_COLOR = $even_bg;
         $oddRow = !$oddRow;
         $button_contents = array();
         $this->xTemplate->assign("ROW_COLOR", $ROW_COLOR);
         $this->xTemplate->assign("BG_COLOR", $BG_COLOR);
         $layout_manager = $this->getLayoutManager();
         $layout_manager->setAttribute('context', 'List');
         $layout_manager->setAttribute('image_path', $this->local_image_path);
         $layout_manager->setAttribute('module_name', $subpanel_def->_instance_properties['module']);
         if (!empty($this->child_focus)) {
             $layout_manager->setAttribute('related_module_name', $this->child_focus->module_dir);
         //AG$subpanel_data = $this->list_field_defs;
         //$bla = array_pop($subpanel_data);
         //select which sub-panel to display here, the decision will be made based on the type of
         //the sub-panel and panel in the bean being processed.
         if ($subpanel_def->isCollection()) {
             $thepanel = $subpanel_def->sub_subpanels[$aItem->panel_name];
         } else {
             $thepanel = $subpanel_def;
         //get data source name
         $linked_field = $thepanel->get_data_source_name();
         $linked_field_set = $thepanel->get_data_source_name(true);
         static $count;
         if (!isset($count)) {
             $count = 0;
         $field_acl['DetailView'] = $aItem->ACLAccess('DetailView');
         $field_acl['ListView'] = $aItem->ACLAccess('ListView');
         $field_acl['EditView'] = $aItem->ACLAccess('EditView');
         $field_acl['Delete'] = $aItem->ACLAccess('Delete');
         foreach ($thepanel->get_list_fields() as $field_name => $list_field) {
             //add linked field attribute to the array.
             $list_field['linked_field'] = $linked_field;
             $list_field['linked_field_set'] = $linked_field_set;
             $usage = empty($list_field['usage']) ? '' : $list_field['usage'];
             if ($usage != 'query_only') {
                 $list_field['name'] = $field_name;
                 $module_field = $field_name . '_mod';
                 $owner_field = $field_name . '_owner';
                 if (!empty($aItem->{$module_field})) {
                     $list_field['owner_id'] = $aItem->{$owner_field};
                     $list_field['owner_module'] = $aItem->{$module_field};
                 } else {
                     $list_field['owner_id'] = false;
                     $list_field['owner_module'] = false;
                 if (isset($list_field['alias'])) {
                     $list_field['name'] = $list_field['alias'];
                 } else {
                     $list_field['name'] = $field_name;
                 $list_field['fields'] = $fields;
                 $list_field['module'] = $aItem->module_dir;
                 $list_field['start_link_wrapper'] = $this->start_link_wrapper;
                 $list_field['end_link_wrapper'] = $this->end_link_wrapper;
                 $list_field['subpanel_id'] = $this->subpanel_id;
                 $list_field += $field_acl;
                 if (isset($aItem->field_defs[strtolower($list_field['name'])])) {
                     require_once 'include/SugarFields/SugarFieldHandler.php';
                     // We need to see if a sugar field exists for this field type first,
                     // if it doesn't, toss it at the old sugarWidgets. This is for
                     // backwards compatibility and will be removed in a future release
                     $vardef = $aItem->field_defs[strtolower($list_field['name'])];
                     if (isset($vardef['type'])) {
                         $fieldType = isset($vardef['custom_type']) ? $vardef['custom_type'] : $vardef['type'];
                         $tmpField = SugarFieldHandler::getSugarField($fieldType, true);
                     } else {
                         $tmpField = NULL;
                     if ($tmpField != NULL) {
                         $widget_contents = SugarFieldHandler::displaySmarty($list_field['fields'], $vardef, 'ListView', $list_field);
                     } else {
                         // No SugarField for this particular type
                         // Use the old, icky, SugarWidget for now
                         $widget_contents = $layout_manager->widgetDisplay($list_field);
                     if (isset($list_field['widget_class']) && $list_field['widget_class'] == 'SubPanelDetailViewLink') {
                         // We need to call into the old SugarWidgets for the time being, so it can generate a proper link with all the various corner-cases handled
                         // So we'll populate the field data with the pre-rendered display for the field
                         $list_field['fields'][$field_name] = $widget_contents;
                         if ('full_name' == $field_name) {
                             //bug #32465
                             $list_field['fields'][strtoupper($field_name)] = $widget_contents;
                         //vardef source is non db, assign the field name to varname for processing of column.
                         if (!empty($vardef['source']) && $vardef['source'] == 'non-db') {
                             $list_field['varname'] = $field_name;
                         $widget_contents = $layout_manager->widgetDisplay($list_field);
                     } else {
                         if (isset($list_field['widget_class']) && $list_field['widget_class'] == 'SubPanelEmailLink') {
                             $widget_contents = $layout_manager->widgetDisplay($list_field);
                     $this->xTemplate->assign('CELL_COUNT', $count);
                     $this->xTemplate->assign('CLASS', "");
                     if (empty($widget_contents)) {
                         $widget_contents = '&nbsp;';
                     $this->xTemplate->assign('CELL', $widget_contents);
                     $this->xTemplate->parse($xtemplateSection . ".row.cell");
                 } else {
                     // This handles the edit and remove buttons and icon widget
                     if (isset($list_field['widget_class']) && $list_field['widget_class'] == "SubPanelIcon") {
                         $widget_contents = $layout_manager->widgetDisplay($list_field);
                         $this->xTemplate->assign('CELL_COUNT', $count);
                         $this->xTemplate->assign('CLASS', "");
                         if (empty($widget_contents)) {
                             $widget_contents = '&nbsp;';
                         $this->xTemplate->assign('CELL', $widget_contents);
                         $this->xTemplate->parse($xtemplateSection . ".row.cell");
                     } elseif (preg_match("/button/i", $list_field['name'])) {
                         if ($layout_manager->widgetDisplay($list_field) != "") {
                             $button_contents[] = $layout_manager->widgetDisplay($list_field);
                     } else {
                         $this->xTemplate->assign('CLASS', "");
                         $widget_contents = $layout_manager->widgetDisplay($list_field);
                         $this->xTemplate->assign('CELL_COUNT', $count);
                         if (empty($widget_contents)) {
                             $widget_contents = '&nbsp;';
                         $this->xTemplate->assign('CELL', $widget_contents);
                         $this->xTemplate->parse($xtemplateSection . ".row.cell");
         // Make sure we have at least one button before rendering a column for
         // the action buttons in a list view. Relevant bugs: #51647 and #51640.
         if (isset($button_contents[0])) {
             // this is for inline buttons on listviews
             // bug#51275: smarty widget to help provide the action menu functionality as it is currently sprinkled throughout the app with html
             require_once 'include/Smarty/plugins/function.sugar_action_menu.php';
             $tempid = create_guid();
             $button_contents[0] = "<div style='display: inline' id='{$tempid}'>" . $button_contents[0] . "</div>";
             $action_button = smarty_function_sugar_action_menu(array('id' => $tempid, 'buttons' => $button_contents, 'class' => 'clickMenu subpanel records fancymenu button', 'flat' => false), $this->xTemplate);
             $this->xTemplate->assign('CLASS', "inlineButtons");
             $this->xTemplate->assign('CELL_COUNT', ++$count);
             //Bug#51275 for beta3 pre_script is not required any more
             $this->xTemplate->assign('CELL', $action_button);
             $this->xTemplate->parse($xtemplateSection . ".row.cell");
         $aItem->custom_fields->populateAllXTPL($this->xTemplate, 'detail', $html_varName, $fields);
         $this->xTemplate->parse($xtemplateSection . ".row");
Exemplo n.º 22
    function process_page()
        global $theme;
        global $focus;
        global $mod_strings;
        global $app_strings;
        global $app_list_strings;
        global $currentModule;
        global $odd_bg;
        global $even_bg;
        global $audit;
        global $current_language;
        $audit_list = Audit::get_audit_list();
        $xtpl = new XTemplate('modules/Audit/Popup_picker.html');
        $xtpl->assign('MOD', $mod_strings);
        $xtpl->assign('APP', $app_strings);
        //output header
        echo "<table width='100%' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'><tr><td>";
        $mod_strings = return_module_language($current_language, $focus->module_dir);
        $printImageURL = SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getImageURL('print.gif');
        $titleExtra = <<<EOHTML
<a href="javascript:void window.open('index.php?{$GLOBALS['request_string']}','printwin','menubar=1,status=0,resizable=1,scrollbars=1,toolbar=0,location=1')" class='utilsLink'>
<!--not_in_theme!--><img src="{$printImageURL}" alt="{$GLOBALS['app_strings']['LNK_PRINT']}"></a>
<a href="javascript:void window.open('index.php?{$GLOBALS['request_string']}','printwin','menubar=1,status=0,resizable=1,scrollbars=1,toolbar=0,location=1')" class='utilsLink'>
        $params = array();
        $params[] = translate('LBL_MODULE_NAME', $focus->module_dir);
        $params[] = $focus->get_summary_text();
        $params[] = translate('LBL_CHANGE_LOG', 'Audit');
        echo str_replace('</div>', "<span class='utils'>{$titleExtra}</span></div>", getClassicModuleTitle($focus->module_dir, $params, false));
        $oddRow = true;
        $audited_fields = $focus->getAuditEnabledFieldDefinitions();
        $fields = '';
        $field_count = count($audited_fields);
        $start_tag = "<table><tr><td >";
        $end_tag = "</td></tr></table>";
        if ($field_count > 0) {
            $index = 0;
            foreach ($audited_fields as $key => $value) {
                $vname = '';
                if (isset($value['vname'])) {
                    $vname = $value['vname'];
                } else {
                    if (isset($value['label'])) {
                        $vname = $value['label'];
                $fields .= str_replace(':', '', translate($vname, $focus->module_dir));
                if ($index < $field_count) {
                    $fields .= ", ";
            echo $start_tag . translate('LBL_AUDITED_FIELDS', 'Audit') . $fields . $end_tag;
        } else {
            echo $start_tag . translate('LBL_AUDITED_FIELDS', 'Audit') . $end_tag;
        foreach ($audit_list as $audit) {
            if (empty($audit['before_value_string']) && empty($audit['after_value_string'])) {
                $before_value = $audit['before_value_text'];
                $after_value = $audit['after_value_text'];
            } else {
                $before_value = $audit['before_value_string'];
                $after_value = $audit['after_value_string'];
            // Let's run the audit data through the sugar field system
            if (isset($audit['data_type'])) {
                require_once 'include/SugarFields/SugarFieldHandler.php';
                $vardef = array('name' => 'audit_field', 'type' => $audit['data_type']);
                $field = SugarFieldHandler::getSugarField($audit['data_type']);
                $before_value = $field->getChangeLogSmarty(array($vardef['name'] => $before_value), $vardef, array(), $vardef['name']);
                $after_value = $field->getChangeLogSmarty(array($vardef['name'] => $after_value), $vardef, array(), $vardef['name']);
            $activity_fields = array('ID' => $audit['id'], 'NAME' => $audit['field_name'], 'BEFORE_VALUE' => $before_value, 'AFTER_VALUE' => $after_value, 'CREATED_BY' => $audit['created_by'], 'DATE_CREATED' => $audit['date_created']);
            $xtpl->assign("ACTIVITY", $activity_fields);
            if ($oddRow) {
                //todo move to themes
                $xtpl->assign("ROW_COLOR", 'oddListRow');
                $xtpl->assign("BG_COLOR", $odd_bg);
            } else {
                //todo move to themes
                $xtpl->assign("ROW_COLOR", 'evenListRow');
                $xtpl->assign("BG_COLOR", $even_bg);
            $oddRow = !$oddRow;
            // Put the rows in.
        //end foreach
Exemplo n.º 23
 public function setUp()
     $this->intField = SugarFieldHandler::getSugarField('int');
Exemplo n.º 24
  * Return list of fields from view def field set and populate $displayParams with display parameters
  * of link and collection fields
  * @param array $fieldSet The field set
  * @param array $fieldDefs Bean field definitions
  * @param array $displayParams Associative array of field names and their display params
  * @return array
  * @access protected Should be used only by SugarFieldBase and subclasses
 public function getFieldNames(array $fieldSet, array $fieldDefs, &$displayParams)
     $fields = array();
     foreach ($fieldSet as $field) {
         if (is_string($field)) {
             // direct field name
             $field = array('name' => $field);
         if (is_array($field)) {
             $type = 'base';
             if (isset($field['name'])) {
                 $fields[] = $field['name'];
                 if (isset($fieldDefs[$field['name']]['type'])) {
                     $type = $fieldDefs[$field['name']]['type'];
             $sf = SugarFieldHandler::getSugarField($type);
             $sf->processLayoutField($this, $field, $fieldDefs, $fields, $displayParams);
     return $fields;
Exemplo n.º 25
 * get_teams_hidden_inputs
 * This is a helper function to construct a String of the hidden input parameters representing the
 * teams that were sent to the form base code
 * @param $module String value of module
 * @return String HTML format of teams sent to the form base code
function get_teams_hidden_inputs($module = '')
    $_REQUEST = array_merge($_REQUEST, $_POST);
    if (!empty($module)) {
        foreach ($_REQUEST as $name => $value) {
            if (preg_match("/^{$module}(.*?team_name.*?\$)/", $name, $matches)) {
                $_REQUEST[$matches[1]] = $value;
    require_once 'include/SugarFields/SugarFieldHandler.php';
    $sfh = new SugarFieldHandler();
    $sf = $sfh->getSugarField('Teamset', true);
    $teams = $sf->getTeamsFromRequest('team_name');
    $input = '';
    if (!empty($teams)) {
        $count = 0;
        foreach ($teams as $id => $name) {
            $input .= "<input type='hidden' name='id_team_name_collection_{$count}' value='" . urlencode($id) . "'>\n";
            $input .= "<input type='hidden' name='team_name_collection_{$count}' value='" . urlencode($name) . "'>\n";
        if (isset($_REQUEST['primary_team_name_collection'])) {
            $input .= "<input type='hidden' name='primary_team_name_collection' value='" . $_REQUEST['primary_team_name_collection'] . "'>\n";
    return $input;
Exemplo n.º 26
  * generateSearchWhere
  * This function serves as the central piece of SearchForm2.php
  * It is responsible for creating the WHERE clause for a given search operation
  * @param bool $add_custom_fields boolean indicating whether or not custom fields should be added
  * @param string $module Module to search against
  * @return string the SQL WHERE clause based on the arguments supplied in SearchForm2 instance
 public function generateSearchWhere($add_custom_fields = false, $module = '')
     global $timedate;
     $db = $this->seed->db;
     $this->searchColumns = array();
     $values = $this->searchFields;
     $where_clauses = array();
     $like_char = '%';
     $table_name = $this->seed->object_name;
     //rrs check for team_id
     foreach ($this->searchFields as $field => $parms) {
         $GLOBALS['log']->debug('SearchForm2.generateSearchWhere, field: ' . $field);
         $GLOBALS['log']->debug('SearchForm2.generateSearchWhere, parms: ' . print_r($parms, TRUE));
         $customField = false;
         // Jenny - Bug 7462: We need a type check here to avoid database errors
         // when searching for numeric fields. This is a temporary fix until we have
         // a generic search form validation mechanism.
         $type = !empty($this->seed->field_name_map[$field]['type']) ? $this->seed->field_name_map[$field]['type'] : '';
         $GLOBALS['log']->debug('SearchForm2.generateSearchWhere, type: ' . $type);
         //If range search is enabled for the field, we first check if this is the starting range
         if (!empty($parms['enable_range_search']) && empty($type)) {
             if (preg_match('/^start_range_(.*?)$/', $field, $match)) {
                 $real_field = $match[1];
                 $start_field = 'start_range_' . $real_field;
                 $end_field = 'end_range_' . $real_field;
                 if (isset($this->searchFields[$start_field]['value']) && isset($this->searchFields[$end_field]['value'])) {
                     $this->searchFields[$real_field]['value'] = $this->searchFields[$start_field]['value'] . '<>' . $this->searchFields[$end_field]['value'];
                     $this->searchFields[$real_field]['operator'] = 'between';
                     $parms['value'] = $this->searchFields[$real_field]['value'];
                     $parms['operator'] = 'between';
                     $field_type = isset($this->seed->field_name_map[$real_field]['type']) ? $this->seed->field_name_map[$real_field]['type'] : '';
                     if ($field_type == 'datetimecombo' || $field_type == 'datetime') {
                         $type = $field_type;
                     $field = $real_field;
                 } else {
                     //if both start and end ranges have not been defined, skip this filter.
             } else {
                 if (preg_match('/^range_(.*?)$/', $field, $match) && isset($this->searchFields[$field]['value'])) {
                     $real_field = $match[1];
                     //Special case for datetime and datetimecombo fields.  By setting the type here we allow an actual between search
                     if (in_array($parms['operator'], array('=', 'between', "not_equal", 'less_than', 'greater_than', 'less_than_equals', 'greater_than_equals'))) {
                         $field_type = isset($this->seed->field_name_map[$real_field]['type']) ? $this->seed->field_name_map[$real_field]['type'] : '';
                         if (strtolower($field_type) == 'readonly' && isset($this->seed->field_name_map[$real_field]['dbType'])) {
                             $field_type = $this->seed->field_name_map[$real_field]['dbType'];
                         if ($field_type == 'datetimecombo' || $field_type == 'datetime' || $field_type == 'int') {
                             $type = $field_type;
                     $this->searchFields[$real_field]['value'] = $this->searchFields[$field]['value'];
                     $this->searchFields[$real_field]['operator'] = $this->searchFields[$field]['operator'];
                     $params['value'] = $this->searchFields[$field]['value'];
                     $params['operator'] = $this->searchFields[$field]['operator'];
                     $field = $real_field;
                 } else {
                     //Skip this range search field, it is the end field THIS IS NEEDED or the end range date will break the query
         //Test to mark whether or not the field is a custom field
         if (!empty($this->seed->field_name_map[$field]['source']) && ($this->seed->field_name_map[$field]['source'] == 'custom_fields' || $this->seed->field_name_map[$field]['source'] == 'non-db' && (!empty($this->seed->field_name_map[$field]['custom_module']) || isset($this->seed->field_name_map[$field]['ext2'])))) {
             $customField = true;
         if ($type == 'int' && isset($parms['value']) && !empty($parms['value'])) {
             require_once 'include/SugarFields/SugarFieldHandler.php';
             $intField = SugarFieldHandler::getSugarField('int');
             $newVal = $intField->getSearchWhereValue($parms['value']);
             $parms['value'] = $newVal;
         } elseif ($type == 'html' && $customField) {
         if (isset($parms['value']) && $parms['value'] != "") {
             $operator = $db->isNumericType($type) ? '=' : 'like';
             if (!empty($parms['operator'])) {
                 $operator = strtolower($parms['operator']);
             if (is_array($parms['value'])) {
                 $field_value = '';
                 // always construct the where clause for multiselects using the 'like' form to handle combinations of multiple $vals and multiple $parms
                 if (!empty($this->seed->field_name_map[$field]['isMultiSelect']) && $this->seed->field_name_map[$field]['isMultiSelect']) {
                     // construct the query for multenums
                     // use the 'like' query as both custom and OOB multienums are implemented with types that cannot be used with an 'in'
                     $operator = 'custom_enum';
                     $table_name = $this->seed->table_name;
                     if ($customField) {
                         $table_name .= "_cstm";
                     $db_field = $table_name . "." . $field;
                     foreach ($parms['value'] as $val) {
                         if ($val != ' ' and $val != '') {
                             $qVal = $db->quote($val);
                             if (!empty($field_value)) {
                                 $field_value .= ' or ';
                             $field_value .= "{$db_field} like '%^{$qVal}^%'";
                         } else {
                             $field_value .= '(' . $db_field . ' IS NULL or ' . $db_field . "='^^' or " . $db_field . "='')";
                 } else {
                     $operator = $operator != 'subquery' ? 'in' : $operator;
                     $GLOBALS['log']->debug('SearchForm2.generateSearchWhere, value_count: ' . count($parms['value']));
                     $GLOBALS['log']->debug('SearchForm2.generateSearchWhere, value-0: ' . $parms['value'][0]);
                     if (count($parms['value']) == 1 && empty($parms['value'][0])) {
                     foreach ($parms['value'] as $val) {
                         if ($val != ' ' and $val != '') {
                             if (!empty($field_value)) {
                                 $field_value .= ',';
                             $field_value .= $db->quoteType($type, $val);
                         } else {
                             if ($operator == 'in') {
                                 $operator = 'isnull';
             } else {
                 $field_value = $parms['value'];
             //set db_fields array.
             if (!isset($parms['db_field'])) {
                 $parms['db_field'] = array($field);
             //This if-else block handles the shortcut checkbox selections for "My Items" and "Closed Only"
             if (!empty($parms['my_items'])) {
                 if ($parms['value'] == false) {
                 } else {
                     //my items is checked.
                     global $current_user;
                     $field_value = $db->quote($current_user->id);
                     $operator = '=';
             } else {
                 if (!empty($parms['closed_values']) && is_array($parms['closed_values'])) {
                     if ($parms['value'] == false) {
                     } else {
                         $field_value = '';
                         foreach ($parms['closed_values'] as $closed_value) {
                             $field_value .= "," . $db->quoted($closed_value);
                         $field_value = substr($field_value, 1);
             $where = '';
             $itr = 0;
             if ($field_value != '' || $operator == 'isnull') {
                 $this->searchColumns[strtoupper($field)] = $field;
                 foreach ($parms['db_field'] as $db_field) {
                     if (strstr($db_field, '.') === false) {
                         //Try to get the table for relate fields from link defs
                         if ($type == 'relate' && !empty($this->seed->field_name_map[$field]['link']) && !empty($this->seed->field_name_map[$field]['rname'])) {
                             $link = $this->seed->field_name_map[$field]['link'];
                             $relname = $link['relationship'];
                             if ($this->seed->load_relationship($link)) {
                                 //Martin fix #27494
                                 $db_field = $this->seed->field_name_map[$field]['name'];
                             } else {
                                 //Best Guess for table name
                                 $db_field = strtolower($link['module']) . '.' . $db_field;
                         } else {
                             if ($type == 'parent') {
                                 if (!empty($this->searchFields['parent_type'])) {
                                     $parentType = $this->searchFields['parent_type'];
                                     $rel_module = $parentType['value'];
                                     global $beanFiles, $beanList;
                                     if (!empty($beanFiles[$beanList[$rel_module]])) {
                                         require_once $beanFiles[$beanList[$rel_module]];
                                         $rel_seed = new $beanList[$rel_module]();
                                         $db_field = 'parent_' . $rel_module . '_' . $rel_seed->table_name . '.name';
                             } else {
                                 if ($type == 'relate' && $customField && !empty($this->seed->field_name_map[$field]['module'])) {
                                     $db_field = !empty($this->seed->field_name_map[$field]['name']) ? $this->seed->field_name_map[$field]['name'] : 'name';
                                 } else {
                                     if (!$customField) {
                                         if (!empty($this->seed->field_name_map[$field]['db_concat_fields'])) {
                                             $db_field = $db->concat($this->seed->table_name, $this->seed->field_name_map[$db_field]['db_concat_fields']);
                                         } else {
                                             $db_field = $this->seed->table_name . "." . $db_field;
                                     } else {
                                         if (!empty($this->seed->field_name_map[$field]['db_concat_fields'])) {
                                             $db_field = $db->concat($this->seed->table_name . "_cstm.", $this->seed->field_name_map[$db_field]['db_concat_fields']);
                                         } else {
                                             $db_field = $this->seed->table_name . "_cstm." . $db_field;
                     if ($type == 'date') {
                         // The regular expression check is to circumvent special case YYYY-MM
                         $operator = '=';
                         if (preg_match('/^\\d{4}.\\d{1,2}$/', $field_value) != 0) {
                             // preg_match returns number of matches
                             $db_field = $this->seed->db->convert($db_field, "date_format", array("%Y-%m"));
                         } else {
                             $field_value = $timedate->to_db_date($field_value, false);
                             $db_field = $this->seed->db->convert($db_field, "date_format", array("%Y-%m-%d"));
                     if ($type == 'datetime' || $type == 'datetimecombo') {
                         try {
                             if ($operator == '=' || $operator == 'between') {
                                 // FG - bug45287 - If User asked for a range, takes edges from it.
                                 $placeholderPos = strpos($field_value, "<>");
                                 if ($placeholderPos !== FALSE && $placeholderPos > 0) {
                                     $datesLimit = explode("<>", $field_value);
                                     $dateStart = $timedate->getDayStartEndGMT($datesLimit[0]);
                                     $dateEnd = $timedate->getDayStartEndGMT($datesLimit[1]);
                                     $dates = $dateStart;
                                     $dates['end'] = $dateEnd['end'];
                                     $dates['enddate'] = $dateEnd['enddate'];
                                     $dates['endtime'] = $dateEnd['endtime'];
                                 } else {
                                     $dates = $timedate->getDayStartEndGMT($field_value);
                                 // FG - bug45287 - Note "start" and "end" are the correct interval at GMT timezone
                                 $field_value = array($dates["start"], $dates["end"]);
                                 $operator = 'between';
                             } else {
                                 if ($operator == 'not_equal') {
                                     $dates = $timedate->getDayStartEndGMT($field_value);
                                     $field_value = array($dates["start"], $dates["end"]);
                                     $operator = 'date_not_equal';
                                 } else {
                                     if ($operator == 'greater_than') {
                                         $dates = $timedate->getDayStartEndGMT($field_value);
                                         $field_value = $dates["end"];
                                     } else {
                                         if ($operator == 'less_than') {
                                             $dates = $timedate->getDayStartEndGMT($field_value);
                                             $field_value = $dates["start"];
                                         } else {
                                             if ($operator == 'greater_than_equals') {
                                                 $dates = $timedate->getDayStartEndGMT($field_value);
                                                 $field_value = $dates["start"];
                                             } else {
                                                 if ($operator == 'less_than_equals') {
                                                     $dates = $timedate->getDayStartEndGMT($field_value);
                                                     $field_value = $dates["end"];
                         } catch (Exception $timeException) {
                             //In the event that a date value is given that cannot be correctly processed by getDayStartEndGMT method,
                             //just skip searching on this field and continue.  This may occur if user switches locale date formats
                             //in another browser screen, but re-runs a search with the previous format on another screen
                     if ($type == 'decimal' || $type == 'float' || $type == 'currency' || !empty($parms['enable_range_search']) && empty($parms['is_date_field'])) {
                         require_once 'modules/Currencies/Currency.php';
                         //we need to handle formatting either a single value or 2 values in case the 'between' search option is set
                         //start by splitting the string if the between operator exists
                         $fieldARR = explode('<>', $field_value);
                         //set the first pass through boolean
                         $values = array();
                         foreach ($fieldARR as $fv) {
                             //reset the field value, it will be rebuild in the foreach loop below
                             $tmpfield_value = unformat_number($fv);
                             if ($type == 'currency' && stripos($field, '_usdollar') !== FALSE) {
                                 // It's a US Dollar field, we need to do some conversions from the user's local currency
                                 $currency_id = $GLOBALS['current_user']->getPreference('currency');
                                 if (empty($currency_id)) {
                                     $currency_id = -99;
                                 if ($currency_id != -99) {
                                     $currency = new Currency();
                                     $tmpfield_value = $currency->convertToDollar($tmpfield_value);
                             $values[] = $tmpfield_value;
                         $field_value = join('<>', $values);
                         if (!empty($parms['enable_range_search']) && $parms['operator'] == '=' && $type != 'int') {
                             // Databases can't really search for floating point numbers, because they can't be accurately described in binary,
                             // So we have to fuzz out the math a little bit
                             $field_value = array($field_value - 0.01, $field_value + 0.01);
                             $operator = 'between';
                     if ($db->supports("case_sensitive") && isset($parms['query_type']) && $parms['query_type'] == 'case_insensitive') {
                         $db_field = 'upper(' . $db_field . ")";
                         $field_value = strtoupper($field_value);
                     if (!empty($where)) {
                         $where .= " OR ";
                     //Here we make a last attempt to determine the field type if possible
                     if (empty($type) && isset($parms['db_field']) && isset($parms['db_field'][0]) && isset($this->seed->field_defs[$parms['db_field'][0]]['type'])) {
                         $type = $this->seed->field_defs[$parms['db_field'][0]]['type'];
                     switch (strtolower($operator)) {
                         case 'subquery':
                             $in = 'IN';
                             if (isset($parms['subquery_in_clause'])) {
                                 if (!is_array($parms['subquery_in_clause'])) {
                                     $in = $parms['subquery_in_clause'];
                                 } elseif (isset($parms['subquery_in_clause'][$field_value])) {
                                     $in = $parms['subquery_in_clause'][$field_value];
                             $sq = $parms['subquery'];
                             if (is_array($sq)) {
                                 $and_or = ' AND ';
                                 if (isset($sq['OR'])) {
                                     $and_or = ' OR ';
                                 $first = true;
                                 foreach ($sq as $q) {
                                     if (empty($q) || strlen($q) < 2) {
                                     if (!$first) {
                                         $where .= $and_or;
                                     $where .= " {$db_field} {$in} ({$q} " . $this->seed->db->quoted($field_value . '%') . ") ";
                                     $first = false;
                             } elseif (!empty($parms['query_type']) && $parms['query_type'] == 'format') {
                                 $stringFormatParams = array(0 => $field_value, 1 => $GLOBALS['current_user']->id);
                                 $where .= "{$db_field} {$in} (" . string_format($parms['subquery'], $stringFormatParams) . ")";
                             } else {
                                 //Bug#37087: Re-write our sub-query to it is executed first and contents stored in a derived table to avoid mysql executing the query
                                 //outside in. Additional details: http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=9021
                                 $selectCol = ' * ';
                                 //use the select column in the subquery if it exists
                                 if (!empty($parms['subquery'])) {
                                     $selectCol = $this->getSelectCol($parms['subquery']);
                                 $where .= "{$db_field} {$in} (select {$selectCol} from ({$parms['subquery']} " . $this->seed->db->quoted($field_value . '%') . ") {$field}_derived)";
                         case 'like':
                             if ($type == 'bool' && $field_value == 0) {
                                 // Bug 43452 - FG - Added parenthesis surrounding the OR (without them the WHERE clause would be broken)
                                 $where .= "( " . $db_field . " = '0' OR " . $db_field . " IS NULL )";
                             } else {
                                 // check to see if this is coming from unified search or not
                                 $UnifiedSearch = !empty($parms['force_unifiedsearch']);
                                 if (isset($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] == 'UnifiedSearch') {
                                     $UnifiedSearch = true;
                                 // If it is a unified search and if the search contains more then 1 word (contains space)
                                 // and if it's the last element from db_field (so we do the concat only once, not for every db_field element)
                                 // we concat the db_field array() (both original, and in reverse order) and search for the whole string in it
                                 if ($UnifiedSearch && strpos($field_value, ' ') !== false && strpos($db_field, $parms['db_field'][count($parms['db_field']) - 1]) !== false) {
                                     // Get the table name used for concat
                                     $concat_table = explode('.', $db_field);
                                     $concat_table = $concat_table[0];
                                     // Get the fields for concatenating
                                     $concat_fields = $parms['db_field'];
                                     // If db_fields (e.g. contacts.first_name) contain table name, need to remove it
                                     for ($i = 0; $i < count($concat_fields); $i++) {
                                         if (strpos($concat_fields[$i], $concat_table) !== false) {
                                             $concat_fields[$i] = substr($concat_fields[$i], strlen($concat_table) + 1);
                                     // Concat the fields and search for the value
                                     $where .= $this->seed->db->concat($concat_table, $concat_fields) . " LIKE " . $this->seed->db->quoted($field_value . $like_char);
                                     $where .= ' OR ' . $this->seed->db->concat($concat_table, array_reverse($concat_fields)) . " LIKE " . $this->seed->db->quoted($field_value . $like_char);
                                 } else {
                                     //Check if this is a first_name, last_name search
                                     if (isset($this->seed->field_name_map) && isset($this->seed->field_name_map[$db_field])) {
                                         $vardefEntry = $this->seed->field_name_map[$db_field];
                                         if (!empty($vardefEntry['db_concat_fields']) && in_array('first_name', $vardefEntry['db_concat_fields']) && in_array('last_name', $vardefEntry['db_concat_fields'])) {
                                             if (!empty($GLOBALS['app_list_strings']['salutation_dom']) && is_array($GLOBALS['app_list_strings']['salutation_dom'])) {
                                                 foreach ($GLOBALS['app_list_strings']['salutation_dom'] as $salutation) {
                                                     if (!empty($salutation) && strpos($field_value, $salutation) === 0) {
                                                         $field_value = trim(substr($field_value, strlen($salutation)));
                                     //field is not last name or this is not from global unified search, so do normal where clause
                                     $where .= $db_field . " like " . $this->seed->db->quoted(sql_like_string($field_value, $like_char));
                         case 'not in':
                             $where .= $db_field . ' not in (' . $field_value . ')';
                         case 'in':
                             $where .= $db_field . ' in (' . $field_value . ')';
                         case '=':
                             if ($type == 'bool' && $field_value == 0) {
                                 $where .= "({$db_field} = 0 OR {$db_field} IS NULL)";
                             } else {
                                 $where .= $db_field . " = " . $db->quoteType($type, $field_value);
                             // tyoung bug 15971 - need to add these special cases into the $where query
                         // tyoung bug 15971 - need to add these special cases into the $where query
                         case 'custom_enum':
                             $where .= $field_value;
                         case 'between':
                             if (!is_array($field_value)) {
                                 $field_value = explode('<>', $field_value);
                             $field_value[0] = $db->quoteType($type, $field_value[0]);
                             $field_value[1] = $db->quoteType($type, $field_value[1]);
                             $where .= "({$db_field} >= {$field_value[0]} AND {$db_field} <= {$field_value[1]})";
                         case 'date_not_equal':
                             if (!is_array($field_value)) {
                                 $field_value = explode('<>', $field_value);
                             $field_value[0] = $db->quoteType($type, $field_value[0]);
                             $field_value[1] = $db->quoteType($type, $field_value[1]);
                             $where .= "({$db_field} IS NULL OR {$db_field} < {$field_value[0]} OR {$db_field} > {$field_value[1]})";
                         case 'innerjoin':
                             $this->seed->listview_inner_join[] = $parms['innerjoin'] . " '" . $parms['value'] . "%')";
                         case 'not_equal':
                             $field_value = $db->quoteType($type, $field_value);
                             $where .= "({$db_field} IS NULL OR {$db_field} != {$field_value})";
                         case 'greater_than':
                             $field_value = $db->quoteType($type, $field_value);
                             $where .= "{$db_field} > {$field_value}";
                         case 'greater_than_equals':
                             $field_value = $db->quoteType($type, $field_value);
                             $where .= "{$db_field} >= {$field_value}";
                         case 'less_than':
                             $field_value = $db->quoteType($type, $field_value);
                             $where .= "{$db_field} < {$field_value}";
                         case 'less_than_equals':
                             $field_value = $db->quoteType($type, $field_value);
                             $where .= "{$db_field} <= {$field_value}";
                         case 'next_7_days':
                         case 'last_7_days':
                         case 'last_month':
                         case 'this_month':
                         case 'next_month':
                         case 'last_30_days':
                         case 'next_30_days':
                         case 'this_year':
                         case 'last_year':
                         case 'next_year':
                             if (!empty($field) && !empty($this->seed->field_name_map[$field]['type'])) {
                                 $where .= $this->parseDateExpression(strtolower($operator), $db_field, $this->seed->field_name_map[$field]['type']);
                             } else {
                                 $where .= $this->parseDateExpression(strtolower($operator), $db_field);
                         case 'isnull':
                             $where .= "({$db_field} IS NULL OR {$db_field} = '')";
                             if ($field_value != '') {
                                 $where .= ' OR ' . $db_field . " in (" . $field_value . ')';
             if (!empty($where)) {
                 if ($itr > 1) {
                     array_push($where_clauses, '( ' . $where . ' )');
                 } else {
                     array_push($where_clauses, $where);
     $GLOBALS['log']->debug('SearchForm2.generateSearchWhere, where_clauses: ' . print_r($where_clauses, TRUE));
     return $where_clauses;
Exemplo n.º 27
// Bug 43241 - Changed $focus->id to $focus->user_name to make sure that a system generated password is made when converting employee to user
if (empty($focus->user_name)) {
    $newUser = true;
    clear_register_value('user_array', $focus->object_name);
} else {
    $newUser = false;
if (!$current_user->is_admin && !$GLOBALS['current_user']->isAdminForModule('Users')) {
    if ($current_user->id != $focus->id || !empty($_POST['is_admin']) || !empty($_POST['UserType']) && $_POST['UserType'] == 'Administrator') {
        $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("SECURITY:Non-Admin " . $current_user->id . " attempted to change settings for user:"******"Location: index.php?module=Users&action=Logout");
// Populate the custom fields
$sfh = new SugarFieldHandler();
foreach ($focus->field_defs as $fieldName => $field) {
    if (isset($field['source']) && $field['source'] == 'custom_fields') {
        $type = !empty($field['custom_type']) ? $field['custom_type'] : $field['type'];
        $sf = $sfh->getSugarField($type);
        if ($sf != null) {
            $sf->save($focus, $_POST, $fieldName, $field, '');
        } else {
            $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("Field '{$fieldName}' does not have a SugarField handler");
$portal = array("user_name", "last_name", "status", "portal_only");
$group = array("user_name", "last_name", "status", "is_group");
if (isset($_POST['portal_only']) && ($_POST['portal_only'] == '1' || $focus->portal_only)) {
    foreach ($portal as $field) {
    function process_editview()
        if (isset($this->bean->{$this->value_name}['secondaries'])) {
            $this->numFields = count($this->bean->{$this->value_name}['secondaries']) + 1;
        if (!isset($this->displayParams['readOnly'])) {
            $this->displayParams['readOnly'] = '';
        } else {
            $this->displayParams['readOnly'] = $this->displayParams['readOnly'] == false ? '' : 'READONLY';
        // If there is extra field to show.
        if (isset($this->displayParams['collection_field_list'])) {
            require_once 'include/SugarFields/SugarFieldHandler.php';
            $sfh = new SugarFieldHandler();
            vardefmanager::loadVardef($this->related_module, $GLOBALS['beanList'][$this->related_module]);
            foreach ($this->displayParams['collection_field_list'] as $k => $v) {
                $javascript = '';
                $collection_field_vardef = $GLOBALS['dictionary'][$GLOBALS['beanList'][$this->related_module]]['fields'][$v['name']];
                // For each extra field the params which are not displayParams will be consider as params to override the vardefs values.
                foreach ($v as $k_override => $v_override) {
                    if ($k_override != 'displayParams') {
                        $collection_field_vardef[$k_override] = $v_override;
                // If relate field : enable quick search by creating the sqs_object array.
                if ($collection_field_vardef['type'] == 'relate') {
                    require_once 'include/TemplateHandler/TemplateHandler.php';
                    $tph = new TemplateHandler();
                    $javascript = $tph->createQuickSearchCode(array($collection_field_vardef['name'] => $collection_field_vardef), array($v), $this->form_name);
                    $javascript = str_replace('<script language="javascript">' . "if(typeof sqs_objects == 'undefined'){var sqs_objects = new Array;}sqs_objects['{$collection_field_vardef['name']}']=", "", $javascript);
                    $javascript = substr($javascript, 0, -10);
                    //remove ";</script>"
                    $javascriptPHP = $this->json->decode($javascript);
                    foreach ($javascriptPHP['populate_list'] as $kk => $vv) {
                        $javascriptPHP['populate_list'][$kk] .= "_" . $this->vardef['name'] . "_collection_extra_0";
                    foreach ($javascriptPHP['required_list'] as $kk => $vv) {
                        $javascriptPHP['required_list'][$kk] .= "_" . $this->vardef['name'] . "_collection_extra_0";
                    foreach ($javascriptPHP['field_list'] as $kk => $vv) {
                        if ($vv == 'id') {
                    $javascript = $this->json->encode($javascriptPHP);
                    $javascript = "<script language='javascript'>if(typeof sqs_objects == 'undefined'){var sqs_objects = new Array;}sqs_objects['{$collection_field_vardef['name']}_" . $this->vardef['name'] . "_collection_extra_0']=" . $javascript . ';</script>';
                $collection_field_vardef['name'] .= "_" . $this->vardef['name'] . "_collection_extra_0";
                if (isset($collection_field_vardef['id_name'])) {
                    $collection_field_vardef['id_name'] .= "_" . $this->vardef['name'] . "_collection_extra_0";
                if (isset($this->displayParams['allow_update']) && ($this->displayParams['allow_update'] === false || $this->displayParams['allow_update'] === 'false')) {
                    $this->displayParams['allow_update'] = 'false';
                    $v['displayParams']['field']['disabled'] = '';
                } else {
                    $this->displayParams['allow_update'] = 'true';
                    if (!isset($v['displayParams'])) {
                        $v['displayParams'] = array();
                $viewtype = 'EditView';
                $name = $collection_field_vardef['name'];
                // Rearranging the array with name as key instaead of number. This is required for displaySmarty() to assign the good variable.
                $this->displayParams['collection_field_list'][$name]['vardefName'] = $this->displayParams['collection_field_list'][$k]['name'];
                $this->displayParams['collection_field_list'][$name]['name'] = $name;
                if ($collection_field_vardef['type'] == 'relate') {
                    $this->displayParams['collection_field_list'][$name]['id_name'] = $collection_field_vardef['id_name'];
                    $this->displayParams['collection_field_list'][$name]['module'] = $collection_field_vardef['module'];
                $this->displayParams['collection_field_list'][$name]['label'] = "{sugar_translate label='{$collection_field_vardef['vname']}' module='{$this->related_module}'}";
                //translate($collection_field_vardef['vname'], $this->related_module);
                $this->displayParams['collection_field_list'][$name]['field'] = $sfh->displaySmarty('displayParams.collection_field_list', $collection_field_vardef, $viewtype, $v['displayParams'], 1);
                $this->displayParams['collection_field_list'][$name]['field'] .= '{literal}' . $javascript;
                // Handle update_field array ONCHANGE
                $this->displayParams['collection_field_list'][$name]['field'] .= <<<FRA
                <script language='javascript'>
                    var oldonchange = '';
                    if(typeof(document.getElementById('{$collection_field_vardef['name']}').attributes.onchange) != 'undefined')
                $this->displayParams['collection_field_list'][$name]['field'] .= "eval(\"document.getElementById('{$collection_field_vardef['name']}').onchange = function onchange(event){collection['{$this->vardef['name']}'].update_fields.{$collection_field_vardef['name']}=true;";
                if ($collection_field_vardef['type'] == 'relate') {
                    // If relate add the ID field to the array
                    $this->displayParams['collection_field_list'][$name]['field'] .= "collection['{$this->vardef['name']}'].update_fields.{$collection_field_vardef['id_name']}=true;";
                $this->displayParams['collection_field_list'][$name]['field'] .= "document.getElementById('update_fields_{$this->vardef['name']}_collection').value = YAHOO.lang.JSON.stringify(collection['{$this->vardef['name']}'].update_fields);\" + oldonchange + \"};\");</script>{/literal}";
                //we need to get rid of the old value;
        if (!isset($this->displayParams['class'])) {
            $this->displayParams['class'] = '';
        if (isset($this->displayParams['allow_new']) && ($this->displayParams['allow_new'] === false || $this->displayParams['allow_new'] === 'false')) {
            $this->displayParams['allow_new'] = 'false';
            $this->displayParams['class'] = str_replace('sqsNoAutofill', '', $this->displayParams['class']);
        } else {
            $this->displayParams['allow_new'] = 'true';
            $this->displayParams['class'] .= ' sqsNoAutofill';
        if (isset($this->displayParams['new_on_update']) && ($this->displayParams['new_on_update'] !== false || $this->displayParams['new_on_update'] !== 'false' || $this->displayParams['new_on_update'] !== 'FALSE' || $this->displayParams['new_on_update'] !== '0')) {
            $this->displayParams['new_on_update'] = 'true';
        } else {
            $this->displayParams['new_on_update'] = 'false';
Exemplo n.º 29
function getModuleField($module, $fieldname, $aow_field, $view = 'EditView', $value = '', $alt_type = '')
    global $current_language, $app_strings, $app_list_strings, $current_user, $beanFiles, $beanList;
    // use the mod_strings for this module
    $mod_strings = return_module_language($current_language, $module);
    // set the filename for this control
    $file = create_cache_directory('modules/AOW_WorkFlow/') . $module . $view . $alt_type . $fieldname . '.tpl';
    if (!is_file($file) || inDeveloperMode() || !empty($_SESSION['developerMode'])) {
        if (!isset($vardef)) {
            require_once $beanFiles[$beanList[$module]];
            $focus = new $beanList[$module]();
            $vardef = $focus->getFieldDefinition($fieldname);
        $displayParams = array();
        //$displayParams['formName'] = 'EditView';
        // if this is the id relation field, then don't have a pop-up selector.
        if ($vardef['type'] == 'relate' && $vardef['id_name'] == $vardef['name']) {
            $vardef['type'] = 'varchar';
        if (isset($vardef['precision'])) {
        //$vardef['precision'] = $locale->getPrecedentPreference('default_currency_significant_digits', $current_user);
        //TODO Fix datetimecomebo
        //temp work around
        if ($vardef['type'] == 'datetimecombo') {
            $vardef['type'] = 'datetime';
        // trim down textbox display
        if ($vardef['type'] == 'text') {
            $vardef['rows'] = 2;
            $vardef['cols'] = 32;
        // create the dropdowns for the parent type fields
        if ($vardef['type'] == 'parent_type') {
            $vardef['type'] = 'enum';
        if ($vardef['type'] == 'link') {
            $vardef['type'] = 'relate';
            $vardef['rname'] = 'name';
            $vardef['id_name'] = $vardef['name'] . '_id';
            if ((!isset($vardef['module']) || $vardef['module'] == '') && $focus->load_relationship($vardef['name'])) {
                $vardef['module'] = $focus->{$vardef}['name']->getRelatedModuleName();
        //check for $alt_type
        if ($alt_type != '') {
            $vardef['type'] = $alt_type;
        // remove the special text entry field function 'getEmailAddressWidget'
        if (isset($vardef['function']) && ($vardef['function'] == 'getEmailAddressWidget' || $vardef['function']['name'] == 'getEmailAddressWidget')) {
        if (isset($vardef['name']) && ($vardef['name'] == 'date_entered' || $vardef['name'] == 'date_modified')) {
            $vardef['name'] = 'aow_temp_date';
        // load SugarFieldHandler to render the field tpl file
        static $sfh;
        if (!isset($sfh)) {
            require_once 'include/SugarFields/SugarFieldHandler.php';
            $sfh = new SugarFieldHandler();
        $contents = $sfh->displaySmarty('fields', $vardef, $view, $displayParams);
        // Remove all the copyright comments
        $contents = preg_replace('/\\{\\*[^\\}]*?\\*\\}/', '', $contents);
        if ($view == 'EditView' && ($vardef['type'] == 'relate' || $vardef['type'] == 'parent')) {
            $contents = str_replace('"' . $vardef['id_name'] . '"', '{/literal}"{$fields.' . $vardef['name'] . '.id_name}"{literal}', $contents);
            $contents = str_replace('"' . $vardef['name'] . '"', '{/literal}"{$fields.' . $vardef['name'] . '.name}"{literal}', $contents);
        // hack to disable one of the js calls in this control
        if (isset($vardef['function']) && ($vardef['function'] == 'getCurrencyDropDown' || $vardef['function']['name'] == 'getCurrencyDropDown')) {
            $contents .= "{literal}<script>function CurrencyConvertAll() { return; }</script>{/literal}";
        // Save it to the cache file
        if ($fh = @sugar_fopen($file, 'w')) {
            fputs($fh, $contents);
    // Now render the template we received
    $ss = new Sugar_Smarty();
    // Create Smarty variables for the Calendar picker widget
    global $timedate;
    $time_format = $timedate->get_user_time_format();
    $date_format = $timedate->get_cal_date_format();
    $ss->assign('USER_DATEFORMAT', $timedate->get_user_date_format());
    $ss->assign('TIME_FORMAT', $time_format);
    $time_separator = ":";
    $match = array();
    if (preg_match('/\\d+([^\\d])\\d+([^\\d]*)/s', $time_format, $match)) {
        $time_separator = $match[1];
    $t23 = strpos($time_format, '23') !== false ? '%H' : '%I';
    if (!isset($match[2]) || $match[2] == '') {
        $ss->assign('CALENDAR_FORMAT', $date_format . ' ' . $t23 . $time_separator . "%M");
    } else {
        $pm = $match[2] == "pm" ? "%P" : "%p";
        $ss->assign('CALENDAR_FORMAT', $date_format . ' ' . $t23 . $time_separator . "%M" . $pm);
    $ss->assign('CALENDAR_FDOW', $current_user->get_first_day_of_week());
    // populate the fieldlist from the vardefs
    $fieldlist = array();
    if (!isset($focus) || !$focus instanceof SugarBean) {
        require_once $beanFiles[$beanList[$module]];
    $focus = new $beanList[$module]();
    // create the dropdowns for the parent type fields
    if (isset($vardef['type']) && $vardef['type'] == 'parent_type') {
        $focus->field_defs[$vardef['name']]['options'] = $focus->field_defs[$vardef['group']]['options'];
    $vardefFields = $focus->getFieldDefinitions();
    foreach ($vardefFields as $name => $properties) {
        $fieldlist[$name] = $properties;
        // fill in enums
        if (isset($fieldlist[$name]['options']) && is_string($fieldlist[$name]['options']) && isset($app_list_strings[$fieldlist[$name]['options']])) {
            $fieldlist[$name]['options'] = $app_list_strings[$fieldlist[$name]['options']];
        } elseif (isset($fieldlist[$name]['options']) && is_string($fieldlist[$name]['options']) && isset($mod_strings[$fieldlist[$name]['options']])) {
            $fieldlist[$name]['options'] = $mod_strings[$fieldlist[$name]['options']];
        // Bug 22730: make sure all enums have the ability to select blank as the default value.
        if (!isset($fieldlist[$name]['options'][''])) {
            $fieldlist[$name]['options'][''] = '';
    // fill in function return values
    if (!in_array($fieldname, array('email1', 'email2'))) {
        if (!empty($fieldlist[$fieldname]['function']['returns']) && $fieldlist[$fieldname]['function']['returns'] == 'html') {
            $function = $fieldlist[$fieldname]['function']['name'];
            // include various functions required in the various vardefs
            if (isset($fieldlist[$fieldname]['function']['include']) && is_file($fieldlist[$fieldname]['function']['include'])) {
                require_once $fieldlist[$fieldname]['function']['include'];
            $_REQUEST[$fieldname] = $value;
            $value = $function($focus, $fieldname, $value, $view);
            $value = str_ireplace($fieldname, $aow_field, $value);
    if ($fieldlist[$fieldname]['type'] == 'link') {
        $fieldlist[$fieldname]['id_name'] = $fieldlist[$fieldname]['name'] . '_id';
        if ((!isset($fieldlist[$fieldname]['module']) || $fieldlist[$fieldname]['module'] == '') && $focus->load_relationship($fieldlist[$fieldname]['name'])) {
            $fieldlist[$fieldname]['module'] = $focus->{$fieldlist}[$fieldname]['name']->getRelatedModuleName();
    if (isset($fieldlist[$fieldname]['name']) && ($fieldlist[$fieldname]['name'] == 'date_entered' || $fieldlist[$fieldname]['name'] == 'date_modified')) {
        $fieldlist[$fieldname]['name'] = 'aow_temp_date';
        $fieldlist['aow_temp_date'] = $fieldlist[$fieldname];
        $fieldname = 'aow_temp_date';
    if (isset($fieldlist[$fieldname]['id_name']) && $fieldlist[$fieldname]['id_name'] != '' && $fieldlist[$fieldname]['id_name'] != $fieldlist[$fieldname]['name']) {
        $rel_value = $value;
        if (isset($fieldlist[$fieldname]['module']) && $fieldlist[$fieldname]['module'] == 'Users') {
            $rel_value = get_assigned_user_name($value);
        } else {
            if (isset($fieldlist[$fieldname]['module'])) {
                require_once $beanFiles[$beanList[$fieldlist[$fieldname]['module']]];
                $rel_focus = new $beanList[$fieldlist[$fieldname]['module']]();
                if (isset($fieldlist[$fieldname]['rname']) && $fieldlist[$fieldname]['rname'] != '') {
                    $rel_value = $rel_focus->{$fieldlist}[$fieldname]['rname'];
                } else {
                    $rel_value = $rel_focus->name;
        $fieldlist[$fieldlist[$fieldname]['id_name']]['value'] = $value;
        $fieldlist[$fieldname]['value'] = $rel_value;
        $fieldlist[$fieldname]['id_name'] = $aow_field;
        $fieldlist[$fieldlist[$fieldname]['id_name']]['name'] = $aow_field;
        $fieldlist[$fieldname]['name'] = $aow_field . '_display';
    } else {
        if (isset($fieldlist[$fieldname]['type']) && ($fieldlist[$fieldname]['type'] == 'datetimecombo' || $fieldlist[$fieldname]['type'] == 'datetime' || $fieldlist[$fieldname]['type'] == 'date')) {
            $fieldlist[$fieldname]['value'] = $timedate->to_display_date($value);
            //$fieldlist[$fieldname]['value'] = $timedate->to_display_date_time($value, true, true);
            //$fieldlist[$fieldname]['value'] = $value;
            $fieldlist[$fieldname]['name'] = $aow_field;
        } else {
            $fieldlist[$fieldname]['value'] = $value;
            $fieldlist[$fieldname]['name'] = $aow_field;
    $ss->assign("fields", $fieldlist);
    $ss->assign("form_name", $view);
    $ss->assign("bean", $focus);
    // add in any additional strings
    $ss->assign("MOD", $mod_strings);
    $ss->assign("APP", $app_strings);
    //$return = str_replace($fieldname,$ss->fetch($file));
    return $ss->fetch($file);
Exemplo n.º 30
  * getValueFromRequest
  * This is a helper method to extract a value from the request
  * Array.  We do some special processing for fields that start
  * with 'date_' by checking to see if they also include time
  * and meridiem values
  * @param request The request Array
  * @param name The field name to extract value for
  * @return String value for given name
 function getValueFromRequest($request, $name)
     //Special processing for date values (combine to one field)
     if (preg_match('/^date_(.*)$/s', $name, $matches)) {
         $d = $request[$name];
         if (isset($request['time_' . $matches[1]])) {
             $d .= ' ' . $request['time_' . $matches[1]];
             if (isset($request[$matches[1] . '_meridiem'])) {
                 $d .= $request[$matches[1] . '_meridiem'];
         } else {
             if (isset($request['time_hour_' . $matches[1]]) && isset($request['time_minute_' . $matches[1]])) {
                 $d .= sprintf(' %s:%s', $request['time_hour_' . $matches[1]], $request['time_minute_' . $matches[1]]);
             if (isset($request['meridiem'])) {
                 $d .= $request['meridiem'];
         return $d;
     if (empty($request[$name]) || !isset($this->fieldDefs[$name])) {
         return $request[$name];
     //if it's a bean field - unformat it
     require_once 'include/SugarFields/SugarFieldHandler.php';
     $sfh = new SugarFieldHandler();
     $type = !empty($this->fieldDefs[$name]['custom_type']) ? $this->fieldDefs[$name]['custom_type'] : $this->fieldDefs[$name]['type'];
     $sf = $sfh->getSugarField($type);
     return $sf ? $sf->unformatField($request[$name], $this->fieldDefs[$name]) : $request[$name];