     * Retrieve all of the material relevant to a given law.
    function get_law()
         * We're going to need access to the database connection throughout this class.
        global $db;
         * If neither a section number nor a law ID has been passed to this function, then there's
         * nothing to do.
        if (!isset($this->section_number) && !isset($this->law_id)) {
            return FALSE;
         * If we haven't specified which fields that we want, then assume that we want all of them.
        if (!isset($this->config) || !is_object($this->config)) {
            $this->config = new StdClass();
            $this->config->get_all = TRUE;
         * Define the level of detail that we want from this method. By default, we return
         * everything that we have for this law.
        if (!isset($this->config) || $this->config->get_all == TRUE) {
            $this->config->get_text = TRUE;
            $this->config->get_structure = TRUE;
            $this->config->get_amendment_attempts = TRUE;
            $this->config->get_court_decisions = TRUE;
            $this->config->get_metadata = TRUE;
            $this->config->get_references = TRUE;
            $this->config->get_related_laws = TRUE;
            $this->config->get_tags = TRUE;
            $this->config->render_html = TRUE;
         * Assemble the query that we'll use to get this law.
        $sql = 'SELECT id AS section_id, structure_id, section AS section_number, catch_line,
				history, text AS full_text, order_by
				FROM laws';
        $sql_args = array();
         * If we're requesting a specific law by ID.
        if (isset($this->law_id)) {
             * If it's just a single law ID, then just request the one.
            if (!is_array($this->law_id)) {
                $sql .= ' WHERE id = :id';
                $sql_args[':id'] = $this->law_id;
            } elseif (is_array($this->law_id)) {
                $sql .= ' WHERE (';
                 * Step through the list.
                $law_count = count($this->law_id);
                for ($i = 0; $i < $law_count; $i++) {
                    $sql .= " id = :id{$i}";
                    $sql_args[":id{$i}"] = $this->law_id[$i];
                    if ($i < $law_count - 1) {
                        $sql .= ' OR';
                $sql .= ')';
        } else {
            $sql .= ' WHERE section = :section_number
					AND edition_id = :edition_id';
            $sql_args[':section_number'] = $this->section_number;
            if (isset($this->edition_id)) {
                $sql_args[':edition_id'] = $this->edition_id;
            } else {
                $sql_args[':edition_id'] = EDITION_ID;
        $statement = $db->prepare($sql);
        $result = $statement->execute($sql_args);
        if ($result === FALSE || $statement->rowCount() == 0) {
            return FALSE;
         * Return the result as an object.
        $tmp = $statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
         * Bring this law into the object scope.
        foreach ($tmp as $key => $value) {
            $this->{$key} = $value;
         * Clean up the typography in the full text.
        $this->full_text = wptexturize($this->full_text);
         * Now get the text for this law, subsection by subsection.
        if ($this->config->get_text === TRUE) {
             * When invoking this method in a loop, $this->text can pile up on itself. If the text
             * property is already set, clear it out.
            if (isset($this->text)) {
            $sql = 'SELECT id, text, type,
							ORDER BY sequence ASC
							SEPARATOR "|")
						FROM text_sections
						WHERE text_id=text.id
						GROUP BY text_id) AS prefixes
					FROM text
					WHERE law_id = :law_id
					ORDER BY text.sequence ASC';
            $sql_args = array(':law_id' => $this->section_id);
            $statement = $db->prepare($sql);
            $result = $statement->execute($sql_args);
             * If the query fails, or if no results are found, return false -- we can't make a
             * match.
            if ($result === FALSE || $statement->rowCount() == 0) {
                return FALSE;
             * Iterate through all of the sections of text to save to our object.
            $i = 0;
            while ($tmp = $statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
                $tmp->prefixes = explode('|', $tmp->prefixes);
                $tmp->prefix = end($tmp->prefixes);
                $tmp->entire_prefix = implode('', $tmp->prefixes);
                $tmp->prefix_anchor = str_replace(' ', '_', $tmp->entire_prefix);
                $tmp->level = count($tmp->prefixes);
                 * Pretty it up, converting all straight quotes into directional quotes, double
                 * dashes into em dashes, etc.
                if ($tmp->type != 'table') {
                    $tmp->text = wptexturize($tmp->text);
                 * Append this section.
                if (!isset($this->text)) {
                    $this->text = new StdClass();
                $this->text->{$i} = $tmp;
         * Determine this law's structural position.
        if ($this->config->get_structure = TRUE) {
             * Create a new instance of the Structure class.
            $struct = new Structure();
             * Our structure ID provides a starting point to identify this law's ancestry.
            $struct->id = $this->structure_id;
             * Save the law's ancestry.
            $this->ancestry = $struct->id_ancestry();
             * Short of a parser error, there’s no reason why a law should not have an ancestry. In
             * case of this unlikely possibility, just erase the false element.
            if ($this->ancestry === FALSE) {
             * Get the listing of all other sections in the structural unit that contains this
             * section.
            $this->structure_contents = $struct->list_laws();
             * Figure out what the next and prior sections are (we may have 0-1 of either). Iterate
             * through all of the contents of the chapter. (It's possible that there are no next or
             * prior sections, such as in a single-item structural unit.)
            if ($this->structure_contents !== FALSE) {
                $tmp = count((array) $this->structure_contents);
                for ($i = 0; $i < $tmp; $i++) {
                     * When we get to our current section, that's when we get to work.
                    if ($this->structure_contents->{$i}->id == $this->section_id) {
                        $j = $i - 1;
                        $k = $i + 1;
                        if (isset($this->structure_contents->{$j})) {
                            $this->previous_section = $this->structure_contents->{$j};
                        if (isset($this->structure_contents->{$k})) {
                            $this->next_section = $this->structure_contents->{$k};
         * Gather all metadata stored about this law.
        if ($this->config->get_metadata == TRUE) {
            $this->metadata = Law::get_metadata();
         * Gather any tags applied to this law.
        if ($this->config->get_tags == TRUE) {
            $sql = 'SELECT text
					FROM tags
					WHERE law_id = ' . $db->quote($this->section_id);
            $result = $db->query($sql);
            if ($result !== TRUE && $result->rowCount() > 0) {
                $this->tags = new stdClass();
                $i = 0;
                while ($tag = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
                    $this->tags->{$i} = $tag->text;
         * Create a new instance of the State() class.
        $state = new State();
        $state->section_id = $this->section_id;
        $state->section_number = $this->section_number;
         * Get the amendment attempts for this law and include those (if there are any). But
         * only if we have specifically requested this data. That's because, on most installations,
         * this will be making a call to a third-party service (e.g., Open States), and such a call
         * is expensive.
        if ($this->config->get_amendment_attempts == TRUE) {
            if (method_exists($state, 'get_amendment_attempts')) {
                if ($state->get_amendment_attempts() !== FALSE) {
                    $this->amendment_attempts = $state->bills;
         * Get the court decisions that affect this law and include those (if there are any). But
         * only if we have specifically requested this data. That's because, on most installations,
         * this will be making a call to a third-party service and such a call is expensive.
        if ($this->config->get_court_decisions == TRUE) {
             * If we already have this data cached as metadata.
            if (isset($this->metadata->court_decisions)) {
                $this->court_decisions = $this->metadata->court_decisions;
            } else {
                if (method_exists($state, 'get_court_decisions')) {
                    if ($state->get_court_decisions() !== FALSE) {
                        $this->court_decisions = $state->decisions;
         * Get the URL for this law on its official state web page.
        if (method_exists($state, 'official_url')) {
            $this->official_url = $state->official_url();
         * Translate the history of this law into plain English.
        if (method_exists($state, 'translate_history')) {
            if (isset($this->metadata->history)) {
                $state->history = $this->metadata->history;
                $this->history_text = $state->translate_history();
         * Generate citations for this law.
        if (method_exists($state, 'citations')) {
            $state->section_number = $this->section_number;
            $this->citation = $state->citation;
         * Get the references to this law among other laws and include those (if there are any).
        if ($this->config->get_references == TRUE) {
            $this->references = Law::get_references();
         * Gather all laws that are textually similar to this law.
        if ($this->config->get_related_laws == TRUE) {
            //$this->metadata = Law::get_related();
         * Pretty up the text for the catch line.
        $this->catch_line = wptexturize($this->catch_line);
         * Provide the URL for this section.
        $sql = 'SELECT url, token
				FROM permalinks
				WHERE relational_id = :id
				AND object_type = :object_type';
        $statement = $db->prepare($sql);
        $sql_args = array(':id' => $this->section_id, ':object_type' => 'law');
        $result = $statement->execute($sql_args);
        if ($result !== FALSE && $statement->rowCount() > 0) {
            $permalink = $statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
            $this->url = $permalink->url;
            $this->token = $permalink->token;
         * List the URLs for the textual formats in which this section is available.
        if (!isset($this->formats)) {
            $this->formats = new StdClass();
        $this->formats->txt = substr($this->url, 0, -1) . '.txt';
        $this->formats->json = substr($this->url, 0, -1) . '.json';
        $this->formats->json = substr($this->url, 0, -1) . '.xml';
         * Create metadata in the Dublin Core format.
        $this->dublin_core = new stdClass();
        $this->dublin_core->Title = $this->catch_line;
        $this->dublin_core->Type = 'Text';
        $this->dublin_core->Format = 'text/html';
        $this->dublin_core->Identifier = SECTION_SYMBOL . ' ' . $this->section_number;
        $this->dublin_core->Relation = LAWS_NAME;
         * If the request specifies that rendered HTML should be returned, then generate that.
        if (isset($this->config->render_html) && $this->config->render_html === TRUE) {
            $this->html = Law::render();
         * Provide a plain text version of this law.
        $this->plain_text = Law::render_plain_text();
         * Provide a plain text document header.
        $this->plain_text = str_repeat(' ', round((81 - strlen(LAWS_NAME)) / 2)) . strtoupper(LAWS_NAME) . "\n\n" . wordwrap(strtoupper($this->catch_line) . ' (' . SECTION_SYMBOL . ' ' . $this->section_number . ')', 80, "\n", TRUE) . "\n\n" . $this->plain_text;
        if (!empty($this->history)) {
            $this->plain_text .= "\n" . wordwrap('HISTORY: ' . $this->history, 80, "\n", TRUE);
        $law = $this;
        return $law;
  * Recurse through structural information
  * A helper method for structural_stats_generate(); not intended to be called on its own.
 function structural_stats_recurse()
      * Retrieve basic stats about the children of this structural unit.
     $struct = new Structure();
     $struct->id = $this->structure_id;
     $child_structures = $struct->list_children();
     $child_laws = $struct->list_laws();
      * Append the structure's ID to the structural ancestry.
     $this->ancestry[] = $this->structure_id;
      * Store the tallies.
     $this->stats->{$this->structure_id} = new stdClass();
     if ($child_structures !== FALSE) {
         $this->stats->{$this->structure_id}->child_structures = count((array) $child_structures);
     if ($child_laws !== FALSE) {
         $this->stats->{$this->structure_id}->child_laws = count((array) $child_laws);
     $this->stats->{$this->structure_id}->depth = $this->depth;
     $this->stats->{$this->structure_id}->ancestry = $this->ancestry;
      * If this structural unit has child structural units of its own, recurse into those.
     if (isset($this->stats->{$this->structure_id}->child_structures) && $this->stats->{$this->structure_id}->child_structures > 0) {
         foreach ($child_structures as $child_structure) {
             $this->structure_id = $child_structure->id;
      * Having just finished a recursion, we can remove the last member of the ancestry array
      * and eliminate one level of the depth tracking.
     $this->ancestry = array_slice($this->ancestry, 0, -1);
Exemplo n.º 3
			<dd class="' . $row_class . '"><a href="' . $child->url . '"
				data-identifier="' . $child->token . '"
				data-api-url="' . $api_url . '"
				>' . $child->name . '</a></dd>';
    $body .= '</dl>';
 * Reset counter
$counter = 0;
 * Get a listing of all laws that are children of this portion of the structure.
$laws = $struct->list_laws();
 * If we have successfully gotten a list of laws, display them.
if ($laws !== FALSE) {
    $body .= ' It’s comprised of the following ' . count((array) $laws) . ' sections.</p>';
    $body .= '<dl class="title-list laws">';
    foreach ($laws as $law) {
         * The remainder of the count divided by the number of classes
         * yields the proper index for the row class.
        $class_index = $counter % count($row_classes);
        $row_class = $row_classes[$class_index];
        $body .= '
				<dt class="' . $row_class . '"><a href="' . $law->url . '">' . SECTION_SYMBOL . '&nbsp;' . $law->section_number . '</a></dt>
 function handle($args)
      * If the request is for the structural units sorted by a specific criteria.
     if (isset($_GET['sort'])) {
          * Explicitly reassign the external value to an internal one, for safety's sake.
         if ($_GET['sort'] == 'views') {
             $order_by = filter_var($_GET['sort'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
      * Create a new instance of the class that handles information about individual laws.
     $struct = new Structure();
      * Get the structure based on our identifier.
     if ($args['relational_id']) {
         $struct->structure_id = $args['relational_id'];
     } else {
         $struct->structure_id = '';
     $response = $struct->structure;
      * If this structural element does not exist.
     if ($response === FALSE) {
      * List all child structural units.
     $struct->order_by = $order_by;
     $response->children = $struct->list_children();
      * List all laws.
     $response->laws = $struct->list_laws();
      * If the request contains a specific list of fields to be returned.
     if (isset($_GET['fields'])) {
          * Turn that list into an array.
         $returned_fields = explode(',', urldecode($_GET['fields']));
         foreach ($returned_fields as &$field) {
             $field = trim($field);
          * It's essential to unset $field at the conclusion of the prior loop.
          * Step through our response fields and eliminate those that aren't in the requested list.
         foreach ($response as $field => &$value) {
             if (in_array($field, $returned_fields) === false) {
     $this->render($response, 'OK');