Exemplo n.º 1
  * Fetch all the streams which are related to, or from, a given stream.
  * @method related
  * @static
  * @param {string} $asUserId
  *  The user who is fetching
  * @param {string} $publisherId
  *  The publisher of the stream
  * @param {string|array|Db_Range} $streamName
  *  The name of the stream which is presumably related to/from other streams
  * @param {mixed} $isCategory=true
  *  If false, returns the categories that this stream is related to.
  *  If true, returns all the streams this related to this category.
  *  If a string, returns all the streams related to this category with names prefixed by this string.
  * @param {array} $options=array()
  * @param {boolean} [$options.orderBy=false] Defaults to false, which means order by decreasing weight. True means order by increasing weight.
  * @param {integer} [$options.limit] number of records to fetch
  * @param {integer} [$options.offset] offset to start from
  * @param {double} [$options.min] the minimum orderBy value (inclusive) to filter by, if any
  * @param {double} [$options.max] the maximum orderBy value (inclusive) to filter by, if any
  * @param {string|array|Db_Range} [$options.type] if specified, this filters the type of the relation. Can be useful for implementing custom indexes using relations and varying the value of "type".
  * @param {string} [$options.prefix] if specified, this filters by the prefix of the related streams
  * @param {array} [$options.where] you can also specify any extra conditions here
  * @param {array} [$options.extra] An array of any extra info to pass to Streams::fetch when fetching streams
  * @param {array} [$options.relationsOnly] If true, returns only the relations to/from stream, doesn't fetch the other data. Useful if publisher id of relation objects is not the same as provided by publisherId.
  * @param {array} [$options.streamsOnly] If true, returns only the streams related to/from stream, doesn't return the other data.
  * @param {array} [$options.streamFields] If specified, fetches only the fields listed here for any streams.
  * @param {array} [$options.skipFields] Optional array of field names. If specified, skips these fields when fetching streams
  * @param {array} [$options.includeTemplates] Defaults to false. Pass true here to include template streams (whose name ends in a slash) among the related streams.
  * @return {array}
  *  Returns array($relations, $relatedStreams, $stream).
  *  However, if $streamName wasn't a string or ended in "/"
  *  then these third parameter is an array of streams.
 static function related($asUserId, $publisherId, $streamName, $isCategory = true, $options = array())
     if (is_string($streamName) and substr($streamName, -1) === '/') {
         $streamName = new Db_Range($streamName, false, false, true);
     $returnMultiple = !is_string($streamName);
     if (is_array($isCategory)) {
         $options = $isCategory;
         $isCategory = true;
     // Check access to stream
     $rows = Streams::fetch($asUserId, $publisherId, $streamName);
     $streams = array();
     foreach ($rows as $n => $row) {
         if (!$row) {
         if (!$row->testReadLevel('see')) {
             throw new Users_Exception_NotAuthorized();
         $streams[$n] = $row;
     if (!$streams) {
         if (!empty($options['relationsOnly']) || !empty($options['streamsOnly'])) {
             return array();
         return array(array(), array(), $returnMultiple ? array() : null);
     $stream = reset($streams);
     if ($isCategory) {
         $query = Streams_RelatedTo::select('*')->where(array('toPublisherId' => $publisherId, 'toStreamName' => $streamName));
     } else {
         $query = Streams_RelatedFrom::select('*')->where(array('fromPublisherId' => $publisherId, 'fromStreamName' => $streamName));
     if ($isCategory) {
         if (empty($options['orderBy'])) {
             $query = $query->orderBy('weight', false);
         } else {
             if ($options['orderBy'] === true) {
                 $query = $query->orderBy('weight', true);
     if (isset($options['prefix'])) {
         if (substr($options['prefix'], -1) !== '/') {
             throw new Q_Exception("prefix has to end in a slash", 'prefix');
         $other_field = $isCategory ? 'fromStreamName' : 'toStreamName';
         $query = $query->where(array($other_field => new Db_Range($options['prefix'], true, false, true)));
     $offset = !empty($options['offset']) ? $options['offset'] : 0;
     $max_limit = Q_Config::expect('Streams', 'db', 'limits', 'stream');
     $limit = !empty($options['limit']) ? $options['limit'] : $max_limit;
     if ($limit > $max_limit) {
         throw new Q_Exception("Streams::related limit is too large, must be <= {$max_limit}");
     $min = isset($options['min']) ? $options['min'] : null;
     $max = isset($options['max']) ? $options['max'] : null;
     if (isset($min) or isset($max)) {
         $range = new Db_Range($min, true, true, $max);
         $query = $query->where(array('weight' => $range));
     if (isset($limit)) {
         $query = $query->limit($limit, $offset);
     if (isset($options['type'])) {
         $query = $query->where(array('type' => $options['type']));
     if (isset($options['where'])) {
         $query = $query->where($options['where']);
     $FT = $isCategory ? 'from' : 'to';
     if (empty($options['includeTemplates'])) {
         $col = $FT . 'StreamName';
         $query = $query->where(new Db_Expression("SUBSTRING({$col}, -1, 1) != '/'"));
     $relations = $query->fetchDbRows(null, '', $FT . 'StreamName');
     if (empty($options['includeTemplates'])) {
         foreach ($relations as $k => $v) {
             if (substr($k, -1) === '/') {
     if (!empty($options['relationsOnly'])) {
         return $relations;
     if (empty($relations)) {
         return empty($options['streamsOnly']) ? array($relations, array(), $returnMultiple ? $streams : $stream) : array();
     $fields = '*';
     if (isset($options['skipFields'])) {
         $skip_fields = is_array($options['skipFields']) ? $options['skipFields'] : explode(',', $options['skipFields']);
         $fields = implode(',', array_diff(Streams_Stream::fieldNames(), $skip_fields));
     } else {
         if (isset($options['streamFields'])) {
             $fields = is_string($options['streamFields']) ? $options['streamFields'] : implode(',', $options['streamFields']);
     $extra = isset($options['extra']) ? $options['extra'] : null;
     $names = array();
     $FTP = $FT . 'PublisherId';
     foreach ($relations as $name => $r) {
         if ($r->{$FTP} === $publisherId) {
             $names[] = $name;
     $relatedStreams = Streams::fetch($asUserId, $publisherId, $names, $fields, $extra);
     foreach ($relatedStreams as $name => $s) {
         if (!$s) {
         $s->weight = isset($relations[$name]->weight) ? $relations[$name]->weight : null;
     if (!empty($options['streamsOnly'])) {
         return $relatedStreams;
     return array($relations, $relatedStreams, $returnMultiple ? $streams : $stream);
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Get current relation of shipment stream to Shipping/shipments category stream
  * @method getShipmentRelation
  * @static
  * @param object $stream shipment stream object
  * @param boolean $returnTitle flag which define what to return, if true - return relation title from config, else - return value from DB
  * @return string
 static function getShipmentRelation($stream, $returnTitle = false)
     $env = self::getVars();
     $type = Streams_RelatedTo::select(array("type"))->where(array('toPublisherId' => $env->communityId, 'toStreamName' => $env->shipmentsStreamName, 'fromPublisherId' => $stream->publisherId, 'fromStreamName' => $stream->name))->execute()->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)[0]["type"];
     if (!$returnTitle) {
         return $type;
     $states = Q_Config::expect('Shipping', 'states');
     foreach ($states as $state) {
         if ($state["type"] == $type) {
             return $state["title"];