function __construct() { // extracting notification options for this script // if you want other cronjob script use filename like // notify_%notification_interval%.php where %notification_interval% // is an interval name (we have 4 parameters for this field in DB now: // off, hourly, daily, weekly // name is case sensitive! $filename = explode(DS, __FILE__); $filename = end($filename); $filename = explode('.', $filename); $filename = $filename[0]; $notification_interval = substr($filename, 7); $this->initConnection(); //get the list of users with hourly notifications $users = $this->dbGetCol('SELECT FROM users INNER JOIN preference ON = preference.user_id WHERE preference.preference="notification_interval" AND preference.value="' . $notification_interval . '"'); foreach ($users as $user_id) { $stream = new Stream(); $stream->getUserNotifications($user_id, $notification_interval); $message = ''; $message = $this->messageFromStream($user_id, $stream); if ($message) { $message = '<div style="width:450px; border:1px solid #000;"><div style="padding:5px;color:white; background-color:#345270">SlideWiki news stream for the latest week:</div><div style="padding:5px;">' . $message . '</div></div>'; $this->sendEmailTo($user_id, $message); } } }
function activities() { $stream = new Stream(); $stream->getMainPageStream(50); $this->set('stream', $stream); $this->set('page_title', 'Latest activities - SlideWiki'); $this->set('page_keywords', 'SlideWiki, activities, presentations'); }
/** * Set up a new Stream in pool * * @param Stream $stream * @throws Exception */ public function setStream(Stream $stream) { /** @var $stream Stream */ if (!$stream->isResource()) { throw new Exception("Is not a valid cURL Handle resource", Exception::INVALID_CURL); } curl_multi_add_handle($this->curl, $stream->getResource()); $this->streams[$stream->getResource(true)] = $stream; }
public function testExpectStepsToNextToken() { $token1 = new Token(Token::IDENTIFIER, 'foo'); $token2 = new Token(Token::IDENTIFIER, 'bar'); $this->mockTokenizer->expects($this->exactly(3))->method('nextToken')->will($this->onConsecutiveCalls($token1, $token2, new Token(Token::EOF))); $stream = new Stream($this->mockTokenizer); $this->assertSame($token1, $stream->expect(Token::IDENTIFIER, 'foo')); $this->assertSame($token2, $stream->expect(Token::IDENTIFIER, 'bar')); }
public function get_contents() { $data = 'Test'; $f = new Stream(); $f->open(STREAM_MODE_WRITE); $f->write($data); $f->close(); $this->assertEquals($data, FileUtil::getContents($f)); }
function SaveSize() { $size = new Stream(); $size->SetByteOrder($this->byteOrder); $size->AddInt32($this->size); $i = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) { $c = ord($size->stream[$i]); $this->stream[$i] = chr($c); } }
public static function readCheckType(Stream $reader, $expectedType) { if ($reader instanceof IntReader) { $type = $reader->readInt(); } else { $type = self::readIntEndian($reader); } if ($type != $expectedType) { throw new IOException("Expected chunk of type 0x" . dechex($expectedType) . ", read 0x" . dechex($type) . "."); } }
function activities() { $feed_type = $_GET['output']; if (!isset($feed_type)) { $feed_type = "RSS1.0"; } //define channel $rss = new UniversalFeedCreator(); $rss->useCached(); $title = "SlideWiki -- Latest activities"; $description = "list of latest activities on SlideWiki"; $link = ""; $syndicationURL = ""; $rss->title = $title; $rss->description = $description; $rss->link = $link; $rss->syndicationURL = $syndicationURL; $stream = new Stream(); $stream->getMainPageStream(20); //channel items/entries foreach ($stream->activities as $i => $s) { switch ($s->type) { case 'created_deck': $s->type = 'created deck'; break; case 'translated_deck_from': $s->type = 'translated deck'; break; case 'commented_deck_revision': $s->type = 'commented deck'; break; case 'followed_deck': $s->type = 'started following deck'; break; case 'translated_deck': $s->type = 'translated deck'; break; case 'created_deck_revision': $s->type = 'created deck revision'; break; } $item = new FeedItem(); $item->title = 'Activity ' . ($i + 1); $item->link = "" . $s->object->id; $item->description = '<a href="' . $s->subject->id . '">' . $s->subject->username . '</a> ' . $s->type . ' <a href="' . $s->object->id . '_' . $s->object->slug_title . '">' . $s->object->title . '</a>'; $item->source = ""; $item->date = $s->timestamp; $item->author = ''; $rss->addItem($item); } //Valid parameters are RSS0.91, RSS1.0, RSS2.0, PIE0.1 (deprecated), // MBOX, OPML, ATOM, ATOM1.0, ATOM0.3, HTML, JS $rss->outputFeed($feed_type); }
public function executeAddWallpost(sfWebRequest $request) { $message = $request->getPostParameter('message'); $source_id = $this->getUser()->getAttribute('viewing_profile_id'); $actor_id = $this->getUser()->getAttribute('id'); $stream = new Stream(); $stream->message = $message; $stream->actor_id = $actor_id; $stream->source_id = $source_id; $stream->save(); $this->redirect('profile/index?uid=' . $source_id); }
public function index() { $CRs = new CR($this->db); $Actus = new Actu($this->db); $Streams = new Stream($this->db); $this->f3->set('actus', $Actus->all(10)); $this->f3->set('streams', $Streams->find(NULL, array('order' => 'twitch_username ASC'))); $this->f3->set('crs', $CRs->all(10)); $this->f3->set('site_title', 'Un torrent d\'informations —'); $this->f3->set('page_head', 'Le premier site d\'information des tartuffes :o'); $this->f3->set('view', 'home.htm'); }
public function view() { $CR = new CR($this->db); $myCr = $CR->byUserName($this->f3->get('')); $this->f3->set('list_cr', $myCr); $Stream = new Stream($this->db); $this->f3->set('list_stream', $myStream = $Stream->byUserName($this->f3->get(''))); if (!count($myCr) && !count($myStream)) { $this->f3->error(404); //$this->f3->reroute('@home'); } $this->f3->set('site_title', 'Les CRs, Streams, Actus de ' . $this->f3->get('') . ' |'); $this->f3->set('view', 'profil/view.htm'); }
public static function get_session() { if (!self::$session) { // Generate the session ID. This is slightly wasteful. $data = array(); $data['type'] = 'stream'; // This shouldn't be done here but at backend endpoint side if (isset($_REQUEST['client'])) { $data['agent'] = $_REQUEST['client']; } // Copy session geolocation // Same thing, should be done elsewhere $sid = session_id(); if ($sid) { $location = Session::get_geolocation($sid); if (isset($location['latitude'])) { $data['geo_latitude'] = $location['latitude']; } if (isset($location['longitude'])) { $data['geo_longitude'] = $location['longitude']; } if (isset($location['name'])) { $data['geo_name'] = $location['name']; } } self::$session = Session::create($data); } return self::$session; }
function server_loop() { while (true) { $read_fds = $this->fds; $write = $exp = null; if (stream_select($read_fds, $write, $exp, null)) { foreach ($read_fds as $socket) { $socket_id = (int) $socket; if ($socket_id == $this->server_socket_id) { if ($client_socket_id = parent::accept()) { $this->fds[$client_socket_id] = $this->client_sock[$client_socket_id]; $this->protocol->onConnect($this, $client_socket_id, 0); } } else { $data = Stream::read($socket, $this->buffer_size); if ($data !== false) { $this->protocol->onReceive($this, $socket_id, 0, $data); } else { $this->close($socket_id); } } } } } }
public function testFromPath() { file_put_contents($path = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'whatever'), 'foo'); $stream = Stream::fromPath($path); $this->assertInstanceOf(Stream::class, $stream); $this->assertSame('foo', (string) $stream); }
/** * Updates a particular model. * If update is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'view' page. * @param integer $id the ID of the model to be updated */ public function actionUpdate($id) { $model = $this->loadModel($id); $author = $model->author; $stream = new Stream(); if (isset($_POST['Playlists'])) { $playlists = $_POST['Playlists']; if (isset($_POST['Stream']['url']) && $playlists['type'] == 2) { //2 - stream $exitstStream = Stream::model()->findByAttributes(array('playlist_id' => $id)); if (!empty($exitstStream)) { $stream = $exitstStream; } $stream->attributes = array('playlist_id' => $id, 'url' => $_POST['Stream']['url']); $stream->save(); $playlists['files'] = ''; } else { $stream->deleteAll("`playlist_id` = :playlist_id", array('playlist_id' => $id)); } $model->attributes = $playlists; if ($author) { $model->author = $author; } if ($model->save()) { $this->redirect(array('view', 'id' => $model->id)); } } if (count($model->stream) > 0) { $stream = $model->stream[0]; } $this->render('update', array('model' => $model, 'stream' => $stream)); }
/** * Get stream of the uploaded file * @return \Exedra\Http\Stream */ public function getStream() { if (!$this->stream) { $this->stream = Stream::createFromPath($this->path); } return $this->stream; }
/** * * @param string $hostname * @param int $port */ public function __construct($hostname, $port = null) { if ($port === null) { $port = -1; } $resource = fsockopen($hostname, $port); parent::__construct($resource); }
function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->moudleId = -1; $this->id = -1; $this->isResult = -1; $this->headerIsReaded = false; }
public function __construct($streamData) { parent::__construct($streamData); $unpackFormat = ['vprocessorArchitecture', 'vprocessorLevel', 'vprocessorRevision', 'CnumberOfProcessors', 'CproductType', 'VmajorVersion', 'VminorVersion', 'VbuildNumber', 'VplatformId', 'VCSDVersionRVA', 'vsuiteMask', 'vreserved', 'V3vendorId', 'VversionInformation', 'VfeatureInformation', 'VamdExtendedCPUFeatures']; foreach (unpack(implode('/', $unpackFormat), $streamData) as $variable => $value) { $this->{$variable} = $value; } }
function eof() { if (strlen($this->current_content) > 0) { return false; } else { return parent::eof(); } }
/** * * @param string $filename * @param string $mode */ public function __construct($filename, $mode = null) { if ($mode === null) { $mode = 'a+b'; } $resource = fopen($filename, $mode); parent::__construct($resource); }
private function streamFromData($data) { $stream = new Stream(); $stream->setService('azubu'); $stream->setViewers($data->view_count); $stream->setPreviewImage($data->url_thumbnail); $stream->setBroadcasterLanguage($data->language); $stream->setLanguage($data->language); $stream->setStatus($data->title); $stream->setName($data->user->username); $stream->setLink($data->url_channel); /* $this->quality = $object->video_height; $this->setAverageFps( $object->average_fps ); */ return $stream; }
/** * @param int $length * @return string */ public function read($length) { $content = parent::read($length); if ($content && !$this->reachedEof) { $this->cache .= $content; } if ($this->eof()) { $this->reachedEof = true; } return $content; }
private function streamFromData($data) { $stream = new Stream(); $stream->setService('mlg'); if (isset($data->viewers)) { $stream->setViewers($data->viewers); } $stream->setPreviewImage($data->image_16_9); $stream->setStatus($data->subtitle); $stream->setName($data->name); $stream->setLink($data->url); return $stream; }
private function streamFromData($data) { $stream = new Stream(); $stream->setService('hitbox'); // set quality $quality = json_decode($data->media_profiles); if ($quality !== null) { $quality = end($quality); $stream->setQuality($quality->height); } $stream->setViewers($data->media_views); $stream->setPreviewImage('' . $data->media_thumbnail_large); $stream->setStatus($data->media_status); $stream->setName($data->media_name); $stream->setLink($data->channel->channel_link); return $stream; }
function server_loop() { while ($this->client_sock[0] = stream_socket_accept($this->server_sock, -1)) { stream_set_blocking($this->client_sock[0], 1); if (feof($this->client_sock[0])) { $this->close(0); } //堵塞Server必须读完全部数据 $data = Stream::read($this->client_sock[0], $this->buffer_size); $this->protocol->onReceive($this, 0, 0, $data); } }
function update_preferences($pref_id = 0) { /* Get current keys */ $sql = "SELECT `id`,`name`,`type` FROM `preference`"; /* If it isn't the System Account's preferences */ if ($pref_id != '-1') { $sql .= " WHERE `catagory` != 'system'"; } $db_results = Dba::read($sql); $results = array(); // Collect the current possible keys while ($r = Dba::fetch_assoc($db_results)) { $results[] = array('id' => $r['id'], 'name' => $r['name'], 'type' => $r['type']); } // end collecting keys /* Foreach through possible keys and assign them */ foreach ($results as $data) { /* Get the Value from POST/GET var called $data */ $name = $data['name']; $apply_to_all = 'check_' . $data['name']; $new_level = 'level_' . $data['name']; $id = $data['id']; $value = scrub_in($_REQUEST[$name]); /* Some preferences require some extra checks to be performed */ switch ($name) { case 'transcode_bitrate': $value = Stream::validate_bitrate($value); break; default: break; } if (preg_match('/_pass$/', $name)) { if ($value == '******') { unset($_REQUEST[$name]); } else { if (preg_match('/md5_pass$/', $name)) { $value = md5($value); } } } /* Run the update for this preference only if it's set */ if (isset($_REQUEST[$name])) { Preference::update($id, $pref_id, $value, $_REQUEST[$apply_to_all]); } if (Access::check('interface', '100') && $_REQUEST[$new_level]) { Preference::update_level($id, $_REQUEST[$new_level]); } } // end foreach preferences // Now that we've done that we need to invalidate the cached preverences Preference::clear_from_session(); }
/** * * @param string $data Initial data * @param int $memSize Memory limit * @param string $mode Open mode */ public function __construct($data = null, $memSize = null, $mode = 'w+') { $memSize = \intval($memSize); $file = 'php://'; if ($memSize > 0) { $file .= "temp/maxmemory:{$memSize}"; } else { $file .= 'memory'; } $stream = Stream::open($file, $mode, false); parent::__construct($stream); $this->write($data); }
protected function conn_open($url) { $oldconn = $this->conn; if (!parent::conn_open($url)) { return false; } if ($this->conn !== $oldconn) { // Start SFTP subsystem on the new connection if (($this->sftp = ssh2_sftp($this->conn)) === false) { return false; } } return true; }
/** * Returns * * @return io.Stream */ protected function archiveBytesAsStream($version = -1) { static $bytes = array(1 => "CCA", 2 => "CCA"); $s = new Stream(); $s->open(STREAM_WRITE); $s->write($bytes[$version < 0 ? $this->version() : $version]); $s->write(str_repeat("", 248)); // Reserved bytes $s->close(); return $s; }