  * Execute Queue Commissions
  * @return bool
 public function execute()
      * Limit is command line argument
     $limit = !empty($this->args[0]) ? $this->args[0] : null;
      * Get Commissions
     $commissions = $this->RoyaltiesEarned->listRetailCommissions(RoyaltiesEarned::STATUS_UNPAID, $limit, true);
     $this->out('=> Retrieved: ' . count($commissions) . ' commissions.');
      * Queued Commissions
     $queued = [];
      * Send commissions into commission_queue
     foreach ($commissions as $commission) {
         if (empty($commission['id']) || empty($commission['presenter_id'])) {
         $sqs = new Sqs(Sqs::queueUrl('commission_queue'));
         $sqs->sendJSON(['id' => $commission['id'], 'name' => 'RoyaltiesEarned', 'delay_seconds' => $this->delay_seconds, 'payload' => $commission, 'timeout' => 30.0, 'created' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s")], $this->delay_seconds);
         $queued[] = $commission['id'];
         $this->RoyaltiesEarned->id = $commission['id'];
         $this->RoyaltiesEarned->saveField("royalty_status_id", RoyaltiesEarned::STATUS_QUEUED);
         $this->out('=> Queued commission RoyaltiesEarned id: ' . $commission['id']);
     $this->out('=> Queued: ' . count($queued) . ' commissions.');
     return true;
  * Queue For Snap
  * @param OrderShipment $Model
  * @param null $delay
  * @param null $priority
  * @param null $id
  * @param array $payload
  * @return bool
 public function queueForSnap(OrderShipment $Model, $delay = null, $priority = null, $id = null, $payload = [])
     if (empty($id)) {
         $id = $Model->id;
     if ($delay != null) {
         $this->delay_seconds = $delay;
     if (Sqs::useQueue()) {
         $sqs = new Sqs(Sqs::queueUrl('snap_queue'));
         $sqs->sendJSON(['id' => $id, 'name' => 'Shipment', 'delay_seconds' => $this->delay_seconds, 'payload' => $payload, 'timeout' => 30.0, 'created' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s")], $this->delay_seconds, $priority);
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Execute close shipment
  * @return bool
  * @throws CloseShipmentException
 public function execute()
     $shipment_id = $this->message_id;
     $stage = $this->message_data['payload']->stage;
     $snap_shipment_id = $this->message_data['payload']->snap_shipment_id;
     $snap_instance = $this->message_data['payload']->snap_instance;
     $date_created = $this->message_data['payload']->date_created;
     if (empty($date_created) || empty($snap_instance) || empty($stage)) {
         $this->out('=> Error: Message from sqs is malformed.');
         return false;
     $order_shipment = $this->getDbShipment($shipment_id);
     if (!$order_shipment) {
         $this->out("=> Error: No Order shipment record found.", 1, Shell::VERBOSE);
         return false;
     // lookup the order and store the tracking number
     $snap_shipment = $this->getShipment("shipments/{$snap_shipment_id}", $snap_instance);
     if (!$snap_shipment) {
         return true;
     $order_id = $snap_shipment->CustomerRef;
     $this->Order->id = $order_id;
     $this->out("=> Processing Shipment Stage: {$stage}");
      * Handle shipment stages
     switch ($stage) {
         case SnapConfig::SNAP_CANCELLED:
         case SnapConfig::SNAP_SHIPPED:
             $this->closeShipment($shipment_id, $snap_shipment, $date_created);
              * Send message for Net Suite Item fulfillment
             if (Sqs::useQueue()) {
                 $sqs = new Sqs(Sqs::queueUrl('ns_item_fulfillment_queue'));
                 $sqs->sendJSON(['id' => $shipment_id, 'name' => 'Shipment', 'delay_seconds' => 1, 'timeout' => 30.0, 'created' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s")]);
             throw new CloseShipmentException("Stage {$stage} not found for closing shipment {$shipment_id}");
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Sends an email to the queue to make sure email sends don't hold up http requests on the site.
  * @param $emailData
  * @param $templateName
  * @param $to
  * @param $subjectBlockName
  * @param $tag
  * @param $locale
  * @param null $emailOptions
  * @return bool|\Guzzle\Service\Resource\Model|string
  * @throws Exception
 public static function queueEmail($emailData, $templateName, $to, $subjectBlockName, $tag, $locale, $emailOptions = null)
     $to = trim($to);
     if (Sqs::useQueue()) {
         $data = ['to' => $to, 'locale' => $locale, 'template' => $templateName, 'tag' => $tag, 'subject' => $subjectBlockName, 'email_data' => $emailData, 'email_options' => $emailOptions];
         if (!defined('EMAIL_QUEUE_DB') || !defined('EMAIL_QUEUE_SQS')) {
             CakeLog::error("Email Queue Table name or SQS Url not found.");
             return false;
         $ddb = new Ddb(EMAIL_QUEUE_DB);
         $sqs = new Sqs(EMAIL_QUEUE_SQS);
         // save to DDB
         $details_id = $ddb->guid();
         $result = $ddb->saveData($details_id, $data);
         // send to SQS
         return $result;
     } else {
         $result = YouniqueEmail::sendEmail($emailData, $templateName, $to, $subjectBlockName, $tag, $locale, false, $emailOptions);
         return $result;
  * Queue an order in purchase queue
  * @param Order $Model
  * @param $id
  * @param null $priority
  * @return bool
 public function queueOrder(Order $Model, $id, $priority = null)
     if (empty($id)) {
         $id = $Model->id;
      * Queue Order in SQS for post purchase modifications
     if (Sqs::useQueue()) {
         $sqs = new Sqs(Sqs::queueUrl('order_events'));
         $sqs->sendJSON(['id' => $id, 'name' => 'Order', 'delay_seconds' => $this->delay_seconds, 'timeout' => 30.0, 'created' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s")], $this->delay_seconds, $priority);
     } else {
          * Process queue tasks manually (For Local DEVELOPMENT)
         $this->OrderShipmentMethod = ClassRegistry::init('OrderShipmentMethod');
     return true;
  * Submits the selected orders to the Amazon Queue
 public function fboEnqueueOrders()
     if (!self::AppSession(CHECK, 'fboOptions')) {
         $this->appException('fbo', 'API options not found.');
     } else {
         if (!self::AppSession(CHECK, 'fboSelected')) {
             $this->appException('fbo', 'Selected orders not found.');
         } else {
             // array to track queued order_id's for audit log
             $ids = array();
             // define the return array
             $queued = array('orders' => [], 'sqs_results' => [], 'items_used' => 0);
             // check our ability to use the sqs queue
             if (!Sqs::useQueue()) {
                 return $this->appException('fbo', 'Unable to use SQS Queue.');
             // attempt to create the sqs object
             try {
                 $sqs = new Sqs(Sqs::queueUrl('back_order_allocation_queue'));
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 return $this->appException('fbo', 'Unable to create SQS object: ' . $e->getMessage());
             // default sqs queue values
             $delay = 1;
             $priority = 1;
             //1=High 10=Low
             // send each order into the queue
             $orders = self::AppSession(READ, 'fboSelected');
             $options = self::AppSession(READ, 'fboOptions');
             foreach ($orders as $key => $order) {
                 $order_id = (int) $order['Order']['id'];
                 $order_item_id = (int) $order['OrderItem']['id'];
                 $item_quantity = (int) $order['OrderItem']['quantity'];
                 $message_data = ['id' => $order_item_id, 'name' => 'OrderItem', 'delay_seconds' => $delay, 'payload' => new stdClass(), 'timeout' => 30.0, 'created' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s")];
                 if (!empty($options['bo_class']) && $options['bo_class'] == 'true') {
                     $message_data['payload']->shipment_class = 'BO';
                 try {
                      * According to the documentation found at:
                      *      http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSSimpleQueueService/latest/APIReference/API_SendMessage.html#API_SendMessage_Examples
                      * it's possible that the reponse could contain Errors, although the documentation at:
                      *      http://docs.aws.amazon.com/aws-sdk-php/v2/api/class-Aws.Sqs.SqsClient.html#_sendMessage
                      * seems to indicate that sendMessage(), which is used by sendJSON, does not have an error response.
                     $response = $sqs->sendJSON($message_data, $delay, $priority);
                     $ResponseMetadata = $response->get('ResponseMetadata');
                     $result = ['MessageId' => $response->get('MessageId'), 'MD5OfMessageAttributes' => $response->get('MD5OfMessageAttributes'), 'MD5OfMessageBody' => $response->get('MD5OfMessageBody'), 'RequestId' => $ResponseMetadata['RequestId']];
                     // Add the sqs response to the order
                     $order['SqsResult'] = $result;
                     // add this updated $order to the return array
                     array_push($queued['orders'], $order);
                     // update the items_used value in the return array
                     $queued['items_used'] += $item_quantity;
                     // push the order_id to the $ids array for use in the audit log
                     array_push($ids, $order_id);
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     $result = ['Error' => $e->getMessage()];
                 // Add the sqs response to the sqs_results array
                 $sqsResult = ['OrderId' => $order_id, 'OrderItemId' => $order_item_id, 'ItemQuantity' => $item_quantity];
                 array_push($queued['sqs_results'], array_merge($sqsResult, $result));
             // create the audit log entry
             try {
                 $this->AdminUserAudit->save(array('admin_user_id' => $options['audit']['admin_user_id'], 'reference_name' => 'order_items.item_id', 'reference_id' => $options['item_id'], 'old_value' => json_encode(array('request' => array('sku' => $options['item_sku'], 'wh' => $options['warehouse_id'], 'qty' => $options['fulfill_qty'], 'dates' => $options['lib_params']['date']))), 'new_value' => json_encode(array('result' => array('num_orders_queued' => count($queued['orders']), 'num_items_used' => $queued['items_used'], 'orders' => $ids))), 'notes' => 'Backorders send to fulfilment queue'));
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 CakeLog::error("Error: Cannot create AdminUserAudit record - " . $e->getMessage() . "\nFile: " . $e->getFile() . "\nLine: " . $e->getLine());
             // Delete the session vars
             // Create the response
             $this->appRespond(true, $queued);
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Failure sqs url
  * Failure queue full path url
  * @return string
 protected function failureSqsUrl()
     return Sqs::queueUrl($this->sqs_fail_name);
  * Execute Process Snap Notifications
  * @return bool
  * @throws SnapConfigError
  * @throws SnapNotificationsException
 public function execute()
      * Initialize arguments
     $mod_value = $this->args[0];
     $snap_instance = $this->args[1];
     $max_notifications = !empty($this->args[2]) ? $this->args[2] : 100;
     if (empty($snap_instance)) {
         throw new SnapNotificationsException('You must provide a Snap instance.');
     $this->out("Processing Snap Notifications:", 1, Shell::VERBOSE);
     $this->out("Mod value:      {$mod_value}", 1, Shell::VERBOSE);
     $this->out("Snap instance:  {$snap_instance}", 1, Shell::VERBOSE);
     $this->out("Qty:            {$max_notifications} ", 1, Shell::VERBOSE);
     $notification_endpoint = 'snapoutbound?$top=' . $max_notifications;
     if (is_numeric($mod_value)) {
         $notification_endpoint .= '&$filter=endswith(XDoc,\'' . $mod_value . '\')';
     $notifications = $this->getNotifications($notification_endpoint, $snap_instance);
     if (!$notifications) {
         $this->out('No notifications to process.');
         return true;
     $total_records = count($notifications);
     $this->out("Notifications:  {$total_records}", 1, Shell::VERBOSE);
     $stage = null;
     $count = 0;
     foreach ($notifications as $notification) {
         $left = $total_records - $count;
         $this->out('Left: ' . $left);
         $shipment_id = NULL;
         $clear_notification_endpoint = "snapoutbound" . "/" . $notification->XDoc;
         $snap_shipment_id = '';
         $shipment_id = '';
         $transfer_order = false;
         $shipment = explode(' ', $notification->Key);
         foreach ($shipment as $value) {
             $parts = explode('=', $value);
             foreach ($parts as $part) {
                 if ($part == "Shipment") {
                      * Check for transfer order
                     if (strpos($parts[1], 'TO') !== false) {
                         $transfer_order = true;
                     $snap_shipment_id = str_replace("\"", "", $parts[1]);
                     $shipment_id = (int) str_replace("\"", "", $parts[1]);
                 } elseif ($part == "Stage") {
                     $stage = (int) str_replace("\"", "", $parts[1]);
          * Skip transfer orders
         if ($transfer_order == true) {
          * Skip on no shipment id
         if (!$shipment_id || !is_numeric($shipment_id)) {
             $this->out("Not a valid shipment ID", 1, Shell::VERBOSE);
         $this->out("Sending notification to queue for shipment id: {$shipment_id}", 1, Shell::VERBOSE);
         $message_data = ['id' => $shipment_id, 'name' => 'Shipment', 'delay_seconds' => $this->delay_seconds, 'payload' => ['stage' => $stage, 'snap_shipment_id' => $snap_shipment_id, 'snap_instance' => $snap_instance, 'date_created' => $notification->DateCreated], 'timeout' => 30.0, 'created' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s")];
         if (Sqs::useQueue()) {
             $sqs = new Sqs(Sqs::queueUrl('snap_notifications_queue'));
             $sqs->sendJSON($message_data, $this->delay_seconds);
         $this->out("Clearing notification for: " . $notification->XDoc, 1, Shell::VERBOSE);
         if (!$this->clearNotification($clear_notification_endpoint, $snap_instance, $notification)) {
         $this->out("Total notifications left: " . $left, 1, Shell::VERBOSE);
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 9
  * Send Tracking Email from net suite DataFlow 5
  * @see DataFlowFiveTask
  * @param $shipment_id
  * @return bool|\Guzzle\Service\Resource\Model
 public function sendCustomerTrackingEmail($shipment_id)
     $this->OrderShipment = ClassRegistry::init('OrderShipment');
     $record = $this->OrderShipment->find('first', ['contain' => ['OrderShipment', 'Order'], 'conditions' => ['OrderShipment.id' => $shipment_id]]);
     if ($record['OrderShipment']['tracking_number'] && $record['OrderShipment']['carrier']) {
         $tracking_url = $this->OrderShipment->getTrackingLink($record['OrderShipment']['tracking_number'], $record['OrderShipment']['carrier']);
     } else {
         $tracking_url = '';
     //to try to avoid sending too many emails, check the order status.
     if ($record['Order']['order_status_id'] == Order::STATUS_SHIPPED) {
         return false;
     $charm_order = false;
     if ((string) $record['Order']['order_type_id'] == '8') {
         $charm_order = true;
     $customer_name = $record['OrderShipment']['first_name'] . " " . $record['OrderShipment']['last_name'];
     if (!$charm_order) {
         $email_data = ["name" => $customer_name, "order_id" => $record['OrderShipment']['order_id'], "tracking_number" => $record['OrderShipment']['tracking_number'], "tracking_url" => $tracking_url, "country_id" => $record['OrderShipment']['country_id']];
         $customers_user_id = $record['Order']['user_id'];
         $this->User = ClassRegistry::init('User');
         $userLocale = $this->User->userLocale($customers_user_id);
         $locale = $userLocale['User']['locale'] ? $userLocale['User']['locale'] : "en_US";
         $data = ['to' => $record['OrderShipment']['email_address'], 'locale' => $locale, 'template' => 'en_us_tracking_numbers', 'tag' => 'purchase-page', 'subject' => 'email order tracking', 'email_data' => $email_data];
         if (!defined('EMAIL_QUEUE_DB') || !defined('EMAIL_QUEUE_SQS')) {
             CakeLog::error("Email Queue Table name or SQS Url not found.");
             return false;
         $ddb = new Ddb(EMAIL_QUEUE_DB);
         $sqs = new Sqs(EMAIL_QUEUE_SQS);
         // save to DDB
         $details_id = $ddb->guid();
         $result = $ddb->saveData($details_id, $data);
         // send to SQS
         return $result;
     return false;
Exemplo n.º 10
  * $args[0] = shipment_id  //30108475
 public function test_snap_send()
     $id = $this->args[0];
     $this->out("Creating test Snap SQS message Shipment_id# {$id}");
     $delay = 1;
     $priority = 1;
     //1=High 10=Low
     if ($this->args[1] == '_fail_sqs') {
         $sqs = new Sqs(Sqs::queueUrl('snap_queue_fail'));
     } else {
         $sqs = new Sqs(Sqs::queueUrl('snap_queue'));
     $sqs->sendJSON(['id' => $id, 'name' => 'Shipment', 'delay_seconds' => $delay, 'payload' => ['hostname' => trim(gethostname())], 'timeout' => 30.0, 'created' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s")], $delay, $priority);
     $this->out("Sent SQS Message id: {$id}");
  * @param Order $Model
  * @param null $id
  * @param null $delay
  * @return bool
 public function queueForNetSuite(Order $Model, $id = null, $delay = null)
     if (empty($id)) {
         $id = $Model->id;
     if ($delay != null) {
         $this->delay_seconds = $delay;
     if (Sqs::useQueue() && !$Model->noQueueFlagged($id)) {
          * Queue For NetSuite
         if ($Model->isExpedited()) {
             $sqs_queue = 'ns_expedited_order';
             $delay = $this->expedited_delay;
         } else {
             $sqs_queue = 'ns_export_orders_queue';
             $delay = $this->delay_seconds;
         $sqs = new Sqs(Sqs::queueUrl($sqs_queue));
         $sqs->sendJSON(['id' => $id, 'name' => 'Order', 'delay_seconds' => $delay, 'timeout' => 30.0, 'created' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s")], $delay);
     return true;